Mineral Cough

Treatment of cough with mineral water "Borjomi"

BorjomiIn the treatment of many diseases, in addition to medicines, natural remedies are widely used, including mineral waters. For example, Borjomi is often used for cough, especially when it is considered necessary to moisten the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.This water is one of the most popular, which is due to its useful compounds. To achieve a high therapeutic effect with a dry cough, the mineral water is mixed with milk. It is known that milk warms the body well, and also feeds it with useful substances, contributing to the strengthening of weakened immunity.

Features of the preparation and use of the medicinal product

Borjomi and milkMineral water "Borjomi" thanks to its alkaline composition well moisturizes and soothes mucous, eliminating irritations in the throat. Using a mineral water with milk from a cough, you can reduce the intensity of coughing attacks and improve the process of sputum discharge, facilitating the patient's condition. To small children to give such medicinal product it is possible only after consultation of the doctor.
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To prepare an effective medicine, it is important to adhere to the right proportions. There are several simple methods that allow you to overcome this sign of colds:

  1. Take milk and mineral water in the same proportions - one glass, heat to a temperature of 40 degrees and mix. Drink the prepared preparation three times before eating.
  2. Use the same amount of ingredients, but release the gas from the water. Such treatment, above all, is indicated for young children. To get water without gas, it is necessary to pour it into a glass or a cup and stir with a spoon for several minutes.Then mix with warmed milk, to improve the taste and improve the medicinal properties, you can add a spoonful of honey.
  3. If the patient besides the cough is also worried about the pain in the throat, add a little butter to the milk with Borjomi.

Unfortunately, having found out in oneself or your child a cough, it is not always possible for Borjomi to be in the nearest store, in such cases it can be replaced by any alkaline mineral water. And sometimes even a mineral water is replaced with ordinary soda, adding half a teaspoon to a glass of warm milk.

Milk, butter, soda

Borjomi can be replaced with soda. For a glass of warm milk, you need to add soda and butter to taste. Drink with a cough for the night.

There are also some unpleasant moments when using milk with Borjomi from coughing - there is an upset of the digestive system, so To apply such a medicine is only possible to those people who know the reaction of their organism to such products, especially when combined. Treatment with this folk remedy can be effective only at the initial stage of development of diseases of the respiratory system, which are accompanied by a cough. Very often, experts recommend using inhalations using Borjomi or other alkaline mineral water.


The mineral oil was prescribed for the child from coughing.. this is what helps ?!



Alkaline drink promotes expectoration and facilitates softening of sputum. But. Read the instructions carefully to the medicines. Very carefully. To some people write definitely "forbidden" or "undesirable" combination with alkaline drink. In particular, these are the antibiotics of the fluoroquinolones group.


alkaline - yes, together with medicines, if the cough is dry, then you can still inhale with it


You can mix mineral water with warm milk-it helps with coughing.

~ IRA ~

Without gases a mineral water, and not that that at us in shops, probably. Most likely in pharmacies?


Probably inhaling and not drinking.

Nikolai Konarev

The daughter gives the grandson a mixture of "Borjomi" with milk warm.


Mineral + milk, my daughter helped.

light corner ...)))

Itself was surprised ....)))) Half a glass of milk to boil and dilute with mineral water... Really cough stops! ...))))))))


Such as essentuki and Borjomi and not only from a cough helps. Very useful thing.


mineral water, in reasonable side-altars, is useful in principle. The main thing is that it was real.

Maria Sviridhenkova

yes, a good remedy if the baby is not breast-feeding only


Not just mineral water, but mineral water half-and-half with hot milk.
There is such a folk remedy.
Nifiga does not help, but no harm either.

After that, I'm used to drinking mineral water with milk - in the heat of a good thirst quenches.


Our pediatrician also constantly coughs appoint) Borzhomi 1 tbsp. l + hot milk 1 tbsp. l
Helps or not I will not say, because in addition to this, even pills, syrups drink.
Something definitely helps)

White Corn Song

I hear it for the first time. Knitted pads of dog hair on the chest and legs. To soften the mucous milk of honey and a little butter, only the freshest without odors. Well appointed medicine

Tell me the recipe for cough with Borjomi



• A strong cough is well treated with ordinary milk. Drink hot milk with alkaline mineral water (1/2 cup of milk and 1/2 cup of Borjomi) or honey (1 teaspoon of honey for a glass of hot milk). And kids are best to add figs to warm milk. See also the recipes from a strong cough.

Marina Olekhnovich

Warm milk with Borjomi.

Marusya Mohnatkina



LEMON to pass through a meat grinder, mix with honey and drink for 1 hour. l. 4-5 times a day;
MIX IN EQUAL PARTS Rye, oats, barley, add a little chicory and peeled bitter almonds. Pour hot melted milk and drink instead of coffee.
Steamed fig fruits are used in folk medicine as a remedy for coughing, for throat rinses with laryngitis, pharyngitis, angina, pulmonary tuberculosis.
To small children it is recommended to drink broth of a fig in milk.
Milk and mineral water: drink hot milk with alkaline mineral water (half a glass of milk and half a glass of Borjomi) or with honey (ch. a spoonful of honey to a glass of milk).


Maybe you can use my recommendations
The inflammatory processes in the lungs include bronchitis and pneumonia, tracheitis. To get rid of inflammatory processes it is necessary, first of all, to stimulate immunity both antimicrobial and antiviral. The more pronounced inflammation processes, the more intense the massage (rubbing of hands, feet, tapping the head up to 5-8-10 times a day). At a high temperature, pay special attention to rubbing the legs, hands up to 5-8 times a day.
Local effect in the projection of the lungs from the front: intensively rub the chest with the palm 2-3-5 times a day, tap on the sternum in the projection of the trachea and lungs. Coughing so immediately and knock for 1-2 minutes, massage the point of bronchitis (third-fourth intercostal space to the right of the sternum by 1-2 centimeters). Local impact in the projection of the lungs from the back: a back massage in the projection of the lungs (grinding, kneading, vibrations in the form of tapping with the ribs of the palms). Independently, a back massage, you can do about the door jamb. Vibrations are performed by a rolling pin with a rubber extruder ring on it. In a painful, hysterical, painful cough, carry out an intensive action on the point of bronchitis, tapping the sternum with the fist and projection of the lungs in front and behind, tapping the blade with the scapula.
It is important, during the massage of the chest, to identify painful areas in the projection of the lungs and to act on them day in and day out until painfulness disappears in them. Recovery comes in two to three days.

We get rid of the pain in the throat, once and for all.
Pain in the pharynx, larynx appear during inflammatory processes (pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis). To get rid of these phenomena, it is required to stimulate the immune system, that is, rub the palm with the base - the wrist and the forearm, the outer the region, up to the elbow inclusive, and the legs - the rise of the foot and the shin, from all sides, up to the knee inclusive, three to eight times a day. Legs can rub your foot on the leg. Local effect: tear the skin over the larynx and rub the crease between the toes especially painful places. Find on the surface of the cartilage of the larynx painful points and press them with the fingernail of the index finger. Also, the nail of the index finger to press and hold for 3-5 seconds the soreness and on the front surface of the cervical spine. Especially effective is the pressure on those places, when exposed to which arrows of pain (painful irradiation), the point of which just reaches your glands or inflamed mucous. That is, it reaches exactly the pain that bothers you. Try to press on this pain, to cause the arrow and to hold this arrow of pain within 3-5 seconds, change the place of touch and again press and hold. That's how to handle all parts of the neck and especially painful places. With the right massage, you can get rid of the pain in the throat for two to three hours, in some cases even for 10-20 minutes. The sore throat either does not develop or ends within three hours. Success to all.

Whether a warm beer or a warm mineral water helps cough


Darkdesire Dark

Will not help. The most simple recipe, repeatedly checked: 1 tablespoon of sugar to pour out on a dry frying pan and melt to the state of caramel. Pour into a greased saucer, cool. Break off a piece and suck. The cough reflex removes instantly.
A warm mineral water and pvo are good as choleretic and with constipation. Do not confuse.

Olya Izumrudnaya

vodka with pepper !!!

Vitaly Valygin

no, they will not help


a warm mineral water Yes, removes heat at a temperature, but beer???? [link is blocked by the decision of the project administration] .ru

Sid Crosby

Beer - no! Mineralka - yes, a warmed mineral water plus milk, plus a piece of butter.. . Softens the throat

Nadezhda Chernysheva


Ilya P ****

Beer I think vryatli, and even drink it warm, you can not even make it, but you can make a mineral water.. or the truth of vodka :)

Erast Petrovich Fandorin

no, since any alcohol reduces immunity


It will help warm vodka with butter seasoned with Chilean pepper, through a tube.

igor litvinenko

"BROMGEXIN" Berlin Hemi

Marina Skorykh

for the bronchi is very useful milk with honey and butter, it also softens the throat and cough

Nastya Litunovskaya


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