Morning cough

Cough in the morning: causes, symptoms, treatment

In the morning, it is quite often disturbed by a strong debilitating cough, it can be a symptom of various diseases of respiratory organs, lungs. Most such cough appears in smokers, especially when a person smokes often. If the respiratory tract is nicotine, resin, a destructive process begins in the epithelium of the bronchi. Microbes multiply rapidly. What causes a morning cough? How to get rid of it?

Causes of morning cough

As a rule, at night there is an accumulation of a large amount of sputum, so there is a strong cough. Also a symptom can be caused by a pulmonary cyst, tuberculosis, chronic diseases of respiratory organs. When a person coughs, his body is actively cleansed of viruses and bacteria.

If a child falls ill with whooping cough or has exacerbated chronic bronchitis, in the morning he begins to cough badly. An unpleasant symptom worries when the thymus gland is enlarged. In this case, urgent medical consultation is needed.

The main causes of morning cough include:

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  • Viral or bacterial infection.
  • Severe heart disease.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Smoking. Most often, an unpleasant symptom worries former smokers who for a long time can not abandon the bad habit. In this case, to alleviate the symptoms, it is necessary to take mucolytic, expectorant drugs for about a week. The doctor appointed Mukaltin, ACTS, Lazolvan, Bromheksin.
  • Laryngotracheitis. Morning cough in this situation is exhausting, because there is an inflammatory process in the larynx. To relieve the condition, you need to take 100 cabbage juice mixed with two tablespoons of honey. The drug will relieve the hoarseness of the voice, facilitate the departure of phlegm. If you can not get rid of morning cough, take Tusuprex. Do this only in the morning, because the drug leads to increased sputum discharge. In the evening, drink tea with raspberries, linden. Dry cough can be cured with the help of a decoction with the root of the althaea, thyme.
  • Bronchial asthma,which is accompanied by a dry cough, in addition to the fact that sputum does not go away, severe dyspnea may be disturbing. Help ease the symptoms of honey. You can make yourself a drink with apple cider vinegar and honey. It is recommended to use a salad with honey and carrots. These funds will help get rid of morning coughing attacks.
  • Pneumonia,which ischaracterized by a dry morning cough. With her, as a rule, in the morning there is a dry cough.
  • Heart diseasesquite often cause a cough in the morning. Most often the symptom occurs with heart failure, when the blood stagnates in the lungs.
  • Lungs' cancercharacterized by a painful cough. To ease the condition, you can brew a mixture of warm milk and boiled onions. You need to grind the onion, boil it in a glass of milk. Insist for 6 hours.

Methods of treatment of morning cough

You should understand that the course of therapy will depend on the underlying cause of this unpleasant symptom. Symptoms can be alleviated with the help of such methods of treatment:

  • Refuse salty, spicy and fatty.
  • Include in the menu oatmeal with butter, as well as puree with milk, radish with vegetable oil.
  • Drink as much as possible of mors, tea, water, juice.
  • Do chest massage with a warming ointment, if you have a normal clean skin.
  • In the afternoon, inhale, use Ambroxol, Lazolvan for them. No less useful are inhalations with soda.
  • Quit smoking completely.

At the hospital, you need to undergo an x-ray of the respiratory organs. In addition, take the sputum analysis. Perhaps you need a bronchoscopy. Do not forget about strengthening the body, take immunomodulating medications. If there is a need to be treated with antibiotics, with their help you dilute and bring out phlegm. Excellent helps herbal decoction, physiotherapy procedures.

Physiological morning cough in a child

Many moms immediately begin to panic when their child coughed in the morning. Not worth it! If the child only coughed once, this is quite normal. Thus, the child's body is freed from the slime accumulated overnight.

Physiological cough is absolutely safe for the child, because it is short-lived and does not threaten the baby. Special treatment in this case is not required, as a rule, the cough passes by itself. If an unpleasant symptom occurs periodically, you need to follow the child, perhaps he has ARVI, a cold or another infectious disease.

When morning coughing, the child is recommended to pay attention to such symptoms:

  • Body temperature.
  • Type of cough - with phlegm or too dry.
  • Duration of cough.
  • Other signs are sore throat, runny nose.

A wet morning cough in a child can be a symptom of clearing the bronchi from accumulated mucus. In children, such a cough occurs with an allergic reaction, a runny nose, a viral infection, bronchitis. It is very important that the mucus does not linger on the bronchi, cough it out, because everything will end in severe consequences. If you notice a turbid mucus, most likely, you have inflammation. Rusty mucus in a child speaks of an allergic reaction, and a green one about sinusitis.

The morning dry barking cough can be one of the symptoms of laryngitis, whooping cough, measles, flu. In this situation, you urgently need to call a child therapist at home.

So, many morning cough is a common occurrence, it is not at all dangerous. So a person is released from accumulated sputum for the night. It is necessary to worry if the cough begins to often disturb, especially if it is accompanied by high fever, sputum with blood. Cough with dyspnea and worsening of general condition is no less dangerous. If you have such a morning cough, immediately go to the doctor. You will be assigned a full examination to determine the cause of the troubling and unpleasant symptom.

Cough in the morning

A regular, debilitating cough in the morning can be a manifestation of many respiratory and lung diseases. The most common causes of cough in the morning:
  • smoking;
  • getting allergens in the bronchi;
  • severe heart disease;
  • viral infections or bacterial infections.

Each disease should be considered in more detail, since cough can be of a different nature and it should be treated differently.

Smoking, and as a consequence, chronic bronchitis

Even after giving up a bad habit, ex-smokers may suffer a cough in the morning for a few more years. To ease the manifestation of the symptom, it is recommended to take expectorant and mucolytic agents within a week - Bromhexin, ACS, Lazolvan, Mukaltin. Longer-term use of these drugs is undesirable due to the possibility of their manifestation of toxic properties.


When the larynx is inflamed, the cough in the mornings has a sharp, exhausting character. Sputum is scant, departs badly and, to dilute it, it will be appropriate to use effective home remedies. One of them - cabbage juice, mixed with liquid honey. Such a drug will not only facilitate the departure of mucus, but also will remove the hoarseness of the voice.

If laryngotracheitis does not respond well to treatment, cough does not allow the patient to fall asleep or constantly wakes him up. This indication for the use of antitussives - Tusupreksa, Libexin. It is worth not to take expectorants at bedtime, they increase sputum discharge at night, and, therefore, provoke a cough.

Instead of medicines in the evening, it is recommended to drink lime or raspberry tea. A good cure for dry cough is decoctions from the root of the althaea, the herb of thyme.

Bronchial asthma

This disease manifests itself as a suffocating cough in the morning, unproductive. Symptom is accompanied by shortness of breath. If this situation is repeated constantly, you can try to enter in the diet dishes containing honey (a drink of apple cider vinegar and honey, a salad of carrots and honey). This will help prevent morning bouts.


Dry cough in the morning can be a sign of pneumonia. In the process of treatment, the symptom becomes productive, and then disappears.

Heart Disease

With heart failure in the lungs, blood stagnation occurs, the vessels are filled with fluid, and the organ tissue reacts with a morning cough without spitting out. Treatment of the symptom is to treat heart disease.

Lungs' cancer

Tumor processes are accompanied by a painful cough. To help the patient, you need to prepare him a mixture of warm milk and boiled onions, give this medicine every three hours. Preparation of the preparation: two onions, grind, boil in 200 ml of milk, let it brew for 5 hours and strain.

General recommendations for the treatment of morning cough

  1. Try to get rid of the cause of the symptom.
  2. Include the following dishes in the menu:
    • mashed potatoes with milk;
    • radish salad with vegetable oil;
    • oat porridge with butter.
  3. Exclude from the diet:
    • spicy and salty foods;
    • dishes with lots of sugar.
  4. Drink plenty of fluids: water, fruit drinks, teas and juices.
  5. If possible, carry out chest massage, if there are no abscesses on the skin, then the procedure can be done using warming ointments.
  6. Purchase an inhaler and do at least once a day with inhalation Ambroxol, Lazolvanom or simply with a solution of soda.

Expressed relief is the creation of favorable conditions in the working and living quarters. Regularly clean and use humidifiers.

Causes of morning cough

Cough very often acts as a symptom of various types of ailments. At the same time, it can be just a manifestation of the natural function of the body - cleansing the respiratory tract from harmful compounds and suspensions. Cough in the morning, it is a reflex act, which can appear due to the impact of various causes. The effectiveness of the fight against this disease depends entirely on whether it was possible to establish the type of stimulus correctly, because of the influence of which a reflex act appeared.

Why there is a morning cough

It should be noted that a large number of people are tormented in the morning. Among them there are both adults and children. In certain people, the reflex act appears not only after sleep, but also before it. Others note that the attack begins only in the morning. There is a category of people who have this symptom after eating. It can be accompanied by a runny nose and nasal congestion, nausea. So different morning cough is because different reasons for its appearance. Of the most significant can be identified:
  • Effects on the body of bad habits, such as smoking cigarettes, hookah, addiction to alcoholic beverages. In this case, every morning begins with a strong reflex act.
  • Allergic attack - asthma. People with this disease have a protracted morning cough with phlegm. The reason for his appearance is sputum, which accumulates overnight in the respiratory tract.
  • A natural function of the body, such as cleansing the respiratory tract from harmful substances. Because of her, there is a slight wet or dry cough in the morning.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system. In that case, the reflex act is observed not only in the morning, but also in the evening before going to bed. When a person lies down, the mucus begins to affect the cough receptors, which is the reason for the appearance of involuntary action. At the time when a person sleeps, it again begins to accumulate in the airways, which is the basis for the appearance of a reflex action.
  • Neoplasms in the lungs (oncology), tuberculosis are ailments accompanied by a morning cough with phlegm, in which impurities of blood are present. In severe forms of the disease, the discharge may resemble the appearance of a thick kissel.
  • Work on harmful industries. Unfortunately, despite the fact that the company provides employees with personal protective equipment, many of them do not always use them. Most often, the reason for refusal from respirators is the inconvenience of performing certain manipulations.
Regardless of the cause of the cough in the morning, it is necessary to provide quality treatment for the disease. Even a small reflex act, which does not cause significant inconvenience to a person, is a clear indication that inflammatory processes are occurring in the body. If treatment of the disease does not start on time, it will go to a chronic stage. In this case, in the future, getting rid of the disease will be much more difficult.

If you are worried about coughing in the morning

Causes of cough development can include colds, bacterial and viral infections of respiratory ways, and getting foreign body, trauma, allergens, strong emotions, smoking and decompensation of the heart activities.

Most often, a cough in the morning worries smokers. In chronic bronchitis, you must stop smoking, take expectorants and antibiotics to eliminate cough. Do not allow the formation of secondary tuberculosis. A positive effect is the use of figs with warm milk or a banana in the morning for breakfast.

With prolonged smoking experience, chronic bronchitis develops, in the treatment of which and even with complete abandonment of the bad habit for several years, a morning cough may be disturbing. In this case, the doctor appoints Mukaltin, bronmgexin, broncholitin, ATSTS, they all perfectly dilute sputum, cleanse the lungs and improve health. But taking them for more than a week is not worth it because of the toxicity of the drugs.

Tired patient, dry cough in the morning appears with laryngotracheitis. Sputum is separated with great difficulty, therefore during treatment it is necessary, first of all, to adjust the outflow of phlegm in order to alleviate the state of health and soften the cough. The cabbage juice with the addition of honey facilitates coughing and reduces the hoarseness of the voice.

With sore throat, dry nausea cough, which prevents sleep, you can first resort to its suppression with drugs such as libexin, glaucin or tusuprex. And later with ARVI, expectorants can be used morning and afternoon. At night, it is better to avoid taking such medications so as not to provoke a cough at night. Before going to bed it is better to put mustard, make rubbing, drink hot tea with linden.

It is very useful to use herbs in the treatment of dry cough to get not only the effect of expectoration, but also to remove inflammation in the throat. To do this, it is good to use thyme grass, althea root, anise fruits, which act rather gently, do not have a side effect, so they are shown even to small children.

A sharp dry cough in the morning causes shortness of breath and suffocation in patients with bronchial asthma. It is very difficult for them to breathe, sputum is difficult to leave, therefore, first of all, one must strive to dilute sputum and promote its evacuation from the bronchi. Such patients are useful to use a salad of carrots with honey, grated lemon or apple cider vinegar with honey for the prevention of seizures, drink carrot juice.

In case of pneumonia, dry cough may also be disturbing. Treatment of the underlying disease quickly leads to recovery. In severe heart disease, a dry, stagnant cough in the mornings worries, which does not bring relief even after sputum discharge.

Razirayuschy and painful cough in the morning is observed in patients with lung cancer. A small relief is provided by a 1 tbsp. l warm milk with boiled onions every three hours. To do this, two finely chopped bulbs must be boiled in a glass of milk, insist four hours and strain.

All the patients are helpful in nutrition include mashed potatoes with hot milk, oatmeal porridge with butter, a salad of black radish with sour cream or vegetable oil. This helps to remove bronchospasm. Grape juice with honey removes inflammation in the bronchi and calms cough in the morning. But acute and sweet food should be avoided.

When treating a cough, it is important to take a lot of fluids, drink juices, fruit drinks, tea, cocoa, to increase the viscosity of phlegm. Carry out inhalations, often change the position of the body to prevent the phlegm from stagnating. Gorchichniki and foot baths as a distraction therapy greatly facilitate the patient's condition. Humidification of the air in the room, ventilation and chest massage give an influx of fresh air and help recovery.

Cough up to vomiting - possible causes

Cough and vomiting can manifest as two different symptoms of a single disease. In some cases, they are closely interrelated. This is a cough that causes vomiting. In order to find out exactly what caused the occurrence of these symptoms, you should consult your doctor. Especially if a cough with vomiting or before vomiting in an adult does not go away for several days, and the general condition is only worsening.

Cough, vomiting, runny nose and diarrhea - possible causes

Most often, coughing, vomiting, runny nose and diarrhea occur with rotavirus. This infectious disease occurs as a result of the entry into the body of pathogens. Cough, vomiting and diarrhea with intestinal flu are often accompanied by fever. It can be small or climb up to forty degrees. The temperature with rotavirus varies depending on how weak the body is and how much it is affected by the infection. The reflex act, vomiting and diarrhea in this case can last about three to four days. This is considered the norm. However, with severe vomiting and diarrhea, it is advisable to consult a doctor, as these symptoms can cause dehydration. In adults with rotavirus, this condition is rare. Much more often intestinal flu leads to dehydration of children up to a year.

Rotavirus treatment is complex. The patients are prescribed antiviral and antidiarrhoeic agents, as well as expectorants.

It is worth noting that in addition to the above symptoms in this disease can also be observed dizziness, weakness and pain in the abdominal region.

Severe coughing before vomiting with bronchial asthma

If vomiting occurs after a cough, and urges to it occur even during it, then it may be a question of the development of bronchial asthma. It can develop gradually or makes itself felt already with a strong attack. Symptoms of this disease are difficult to confuse with something else. It's about dyspnoea and weakness, a feeling of squeezing in the chest area, as well as of attacks of suffocation, especially at night. With asthma, the patient experiences a panic fear of being suffocated. That's why there is a coughing attack before vomiting.

Suffocation in asthma occurs because the diseased bronchi fail to cope with the volume of air entering them, which entails narrowing of the glottis. A very severe attack with asthma, accompanied by nausea and suffocation, leads to the fact that the patient has pain in the abdomen and larynx a few days after exacerbation.

Treatment of this disease is done with the help of strong hormonal drugs. The patient is prescribed a special inhaler, which is able to stop attacks of suffocation and cough as much as vomiting.

It hurts in the chest and coughs up vomiting, what should I do?

Pain in the chest, lack of air and dry cough with seizures before the emetic reflex may indicate the presence of heart problems. Often, while the patient from the oral cavity is allocated pinkish mucus. This may indicate problems with the coronary artery. Coughing up a vomiting reflex with mucus and secretion of tears from the eyes with pain in the chest area is very dangerous. Do not guess what caused it. Immediately call an ambulance.

Before her arrival, the patient should be relieved. It is important to organize an influx of fresh air into the room. This for a while will help to cope with the attack. The patient should be planted so that his torso is slightly tilted forward. If there is a tonometer at home, he needs to measure the pressure and give nitroglycerin.

Morning cough paroxysmal before vomiting

Coughing up to vomiting, arising in the morning most often develops in heavy smokers. It can indicate the presence in the body of neglected chronic bronchitis. The attack in this case does not stop until the patient has gone away accumulated mucus in the bronchial tubes. This condition is treated with total refusal of smoking and taking expectorants and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Similar symptoms, persecuting the patient constantly, can also testify to the development of tuberculosis. Most often morning attacks are accompanied by its initial stage. At the last stages, changes in the lung tissues reach a scale that, when attacked from the pharynx, a small amount of mucus of a yellow shade with blood impurities is released.

These symptoms are particularly dangerous in that they can accompany a contagious disease. The open form of tuberculosis is a terrible illness, transmitted by contact-household and airborne droplets. He is treated more often permanently, the patient is isolated for a while, and the room in which he lived, is disinfected.

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