Which doctor treats genyantritis

I need help from a doctor! How to treat sinusitis?


sasha of bazhenov

at the genyantritis chronic. I know 2 ways - a puncture (very bad) and suction of pus (the easiest)

Maxim Vydysh



Tell me how it is. Do not say that you did not drink an antibiotic, but lay out the rest. She treated you from ARVI, and you have maxillary sinusitis. I will say that with ultrasound it helps ultrasound.

Lena Myronova

If the genyantritis is not started, then it is treated with dry heat (a bag of sand or salt is applied). if, as in your case, started, then you can not heat (dangerous, pus can break into the brain). it is necessary to go to the hospital and pump out pus.


go to lorU and let him prescribe to you to prick the antibiotic Nafazol! and drink tablets Sinupred! they dilute the mucus and all goes faster! yet... not in every pharmacy, but there is a drug for washing the nose Dolphin! in general THING! I myself with the genyantritis once suffered ...


run to any doctor, just faster! you do not know that a genyantritis or a frontal infection can provoke meningitis? ?

instagram viewer

run, take an X-ray and be treated according to the directions of the doctor. health to you.


go to the doctor. Do not say anything, drink, do not drink pills, what's the difference?
The main thing is to be treated! Maybe it all hurts from the tooth?
At a genyantritis does not swell up, in my opinion.
But if it is a sinusitis, which is unknown (it is necessary to do X-rays), then it is necessary to be treated comprehensively. And antibiotics, which the doctor will appoint. And rinse the salty water with warm water. I treated my son according to the system of yogis. You put water in one nostril and spit out a mouthful. and so long you do, the maxillary sinuses are washed away. He helped, and other children, it was an infectious sinusitis, made a piercing.
Get well, good luck!


This is only the initial stage (yellow liquid snot). Very soon it will pass to the next runny nose.
But through time 5 such yellow nozzles they at you already will be not yellow, but bordovo-black with a smell of burnt rubber. This is a real chronic sinusitis when one has to worry.
I went through this.
Salt does not need to be applied, the black radish gruel rubbed on the palate should be applied, it relieves pain and relieves sinuses.
As the pain is removed, go to a hot bath, steam room. Breathe hot, dry steam several times and longer.
After that, you should forget about sinusitis.

Galya Ivanova

This is called-treated folk methods! Go now to another doctor-he's called an ENT and prescribes you an adequate treatment, but now be smarter- do not self-medicate and do not choose what drugs to drink and which ones do not! The only thing I can advise before going to a specialist is a complex drop: 1 bottle of naphthyzine, into it add 1 ampoule of dioxidine and 1 ampoule of hydrocortisone- drip nose with this mixture 3-4 times a day and about 5. You can add tablets of cinabsin 1 tab 2 times a day-5 days. And in occasion of an antibiotic-only to LORu. On an extreme case-tsiprolet 500 on 1 tabl-2 times a day-7-10 days. But it is better to LORA!!! With a genyantritis, jokes are bad, it can be complicated by the frontitis, and then by meningitis-as a result either a fool or death. Take a picture, maybe your sinusitis is just puncturing! Do not engage in self-medication and folk medicine, until good will not do it! (you already, probably, have understood it)! Good luck and get well soon!

alexander degtyarev

you urgently need to take a picture to the ENT doctor and start the correct treatment without self-medication. and then everything can end with frothite or that much worse meningitis

anna neshataeva

Sinupret + antibiotic

Farruxjamol Choriyev

Tell me please I do not know ENT doctor in Which department should I go
traumatologist or therapist

What is dangerous sinusitis and how to treat it?



Sinusitis - an inflammatory disease, which can lead to an incurable cold, rotten tooth, curvature of the nasal septum, allergic rhinitis, infections and congenital anomalies of the cavity nose. In a word, only someone who does not get sick from sinusitis or, at least, is treated in a timely manner.
Sinusitis is also called sinusitis, it is an inflammation of the maxillary sinuses of the nose. The maxillary cavities are small caverns that connect with the nasal cavity. According to one of the reasons already described, the infection penetrates into the maxillary sinus, settles on the mucous membrane (or penetrates the blood) and causes inflammation. Outwardly everything resembles a common cold, which does not last long. Only a doctor can determine that this is a genyantritis. Symptoms though resemble the flu, but there are differences. During sinusitis, the mucous membrane of the nose swells so that it closes the lumen leading to the nasal cavity, it becomes difficult to breathe, rise pressure and temperature, the head starts to hurt, the appetite deteriorates, the patient feels weak, at this time you should be alerted by the pain around the eyes and nose. Finally, the main symptom of sinusitis is manifested - the mucus from the nose turns into a thick pus. If the genyantritis is not treated, then the mucosa can become inflamed and the bone, however, timely treatment of sinusitis can prevent it. How to treat sinusitis? Antihistamines and antibiotics help in the initial stages, you can wash your nose with an antiseptic solution. But you can not run sinusitis, it never passes by itself, and if you start treatment, acute sinusitis becomes chronic. When the genyantritis is started, the drugs no longer help, then the doctor makes a sinus puncture and pushes out the pus. The procedure is unpleasant, but effective. However, modern methods reduce unpleasant sensations to a minimum and do without punctures - this is laser therapy. The doctor rinses the maxillary cavities of the pus, and then processes them with a laser that removes inflammation. After the first procedure, it becomes much easier to breathe, after the seventh procedure, the sinusitis passes completely.
What should I do to prevent maxillary sinusitis? First of all, in a timely manner, treat the teeth, pus from the teeth can get into the bloodstream and cause not only sinusitis, but also many other unpleasant diseases. Be engaged in physical education and eat healthy food. Your immunity is a reliable response to maxillary sinusitis.
Go urgently to the doctor !!!

Marina SPb

treat a doctor after diagnosis


It depends on the nature of the sinusitis. If it is purulent, the consequences can be disappointing. URGENTLY go to a good otolaryngologist (LOR). most likely, it is necessary to do punctures.


It is dangerous for neoplasms in the brain, but they are formed after a time (years). So you can make the usual puncture under anesthesia. )))


Danger that pus can spread and infection of blood. Therefore, warming is dangerous. Homeopaths treat it. And in the usual polyclinic antibiotics will be offered, and in the extreme case, a puncture.


Sinusitis - inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, arises as a complication in acute colds, flu, measles, scarlet fever and other infectious diseases.
The adnexal sinuses are a formation in the form of small caverns that have a communication with the nasal cavity. Another name for this formation is the maxillary sinus, or the sinus sinus (Novolat. sinus Highmori [source?]).
The main cause of sinusitis is infection - bacteria or viruses penetrate into the maxillary sinus through the nasal cavity or through the blood and cause an inflammatory process.
[edit] Complications
The most dangerous thing that chronic purulent maxillary sinusitis can give is meningitis (inflammation of the meninges). In addition, there is a danger of diseases such as myocarditis, kidney damage, and also sinusitis can serve as a source of generalized infection.
[edit] Diagnosis of genyantritis
The diagnosis is based on clinical data and the results of radiography or computed tomography of the paranasal sinuses, based on anamnesis.
[edit] Treatment of sinusitis
The basis of the genyantritis is edema of the mucous membrane, which blocks the sinus between the maxillary sinus and the nasal cavity. Therefore, the main treatment should be aimed at combating the swelling of the nasal mucosa - you need to ensure a good outflow from the sinus.
In the treatment of sinusitis, conservative (medicamentous) and surgical methods are used.
At the heart of medical treatment of sinusitis, local procedures must necessarily lie - the use of drops, sprays, inhalers, capable of eliminating the swelling of the mucous membrane.
Vasoconstrictive drugs include: Tizin, Nazivin, Sanorin, Nazole, Galazolin, and Conanos. When sinusitis should adhere to certain rules for pouring into the nose of medicinal fluids. The patient should lie on his side, after which to drip vasoconstrictive drops in the half of the nose, on which the patient lies - the drops should get on the side wall of the nose. In this position should be at least 5 minutes. Then, turn to the other side and repeat the procedure with the other half of the nose. Only after using these drops can be instilled by others - having antibacterial, anti-inflammatory or analgesic effect.
The treatment also uses antibacterial drugs (preferably cephalosporin), antihistamines (Claritin, Telfast, etc.). The nose is washed with antiseptic solutions (eg, furacilin). Of physiotherapy procedures are used such as UFO of the nasal cavity, UHF on the paranasal sinuses, etc.
Homeopathic preparations effectively promote the ongoing complex treatment, strengthening the protective properties of the body and changing the reaction of the body to the desired side for healing. According to statements not confirmed by rigorous scientific research, in the arsenal of homeopaths there are means that reduce inflammatory phenomena, accelerating suppuration and rejection of necrotic masses, altering the nature of secretion, stimulating immune system. Puncture (puncture) is done in order to pump out pus from the sinus, rinse the sinus, and then introduce antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. This procedure is accompanied by unpleasant sensations, but its effectiveness is very high. Now, after a puncture in the sinus, special tubes are installed - catheters, through which it is possible to do a sinus lavage daily. When this method is used, the patient recovers very quickly. But to all there is evidence, and in the initial stage of sinusitis is not always required to perform a puncture, you can do with the washing of the nose.
To treat a genyantritis it is necessary under the control of the doctor-otolaryngologist (ENT-doctor).


ne nado delatj nikakix prokolow. poloskajnos morskoj solju nikakogo gajmorita ne budet


is dangerous for possible complications. For example - meningitis ...

Olga Bezuglova

Effective (VERY) treatment of sinusitis: sessions of the mask Piokal ( http://piokal.ru/index.ph? ategoryID = 79) + Richitol bury in the nose ( http://piokal.ru/index.ph? ategoryID = 84). My friend in this way cured the genyantritis, which suffered 15 years, several times she was punctured. But everything came back. After treatment by the described method (for a month she completely stopped headaches and snuffled her nose), more than three years have passed - no recurrence.

Mila Krokova

Genyantritis should be treated, otherwise it can go to chronic. I was helped by the drug Cinnabsin. Took 2 weeks and completely cured. A runny nose passed and breathing was relieved.


Puncturing 100% does not help. You can cure without drugs. Just every day, 3 times a day, wash your nose with a weak saline solution (200 grams is enough) with the addition of one drop of iodine - do it for a month and see the result. When it becomes better to take a cotton swab and spread it on honey (that is, e. not the honey that is sold in the store, but the one that is soaked on propolis and you squeeze it) gently and thinly spread on the walls of the nose (better to spread more deeply, but normally). For the procedure with honey, the nasal cavity should be at least clean, it is desirable to apply honey warm, it also helps to relax the walls of the nose when they swell and close the passage. That's all :).

How and what can I treat sinusitis?

Sinusitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the paranasal sinuses. Than to treat a genyantritis, it is better to consult to the expert as this is a serious disease.

In most cases, it is triggered by a relapse of a deep cold or a cold, provided there is insufficient treatment.

Causes of sinusitis

Specialists identify the following causes of the disease:

  1. Infection that enters the body through the blood or at the time of breathing.
  2. Weak immunity.
  3. Catarrhal diseases (acute respiratory disease, rhinitis).
  4. Injury of nasal sinuses.
  5. Wagons in a room where a person is for a long time.
  6. Inhalation of chemical fumes when working in hazardous production.
  7. Undercooling of various kinds, chills.
  8. Congenital anomaly of the nasopharyngeal organs.
  9. The appearance of polyps and adenoids.
  10. Allergies and certain types of severe diseases.

The constant use of drops prescribed for the treatment of rhinitis can cause the accumulation of mucus in the sinuses, which in turn leads to the development of sinusitis.
Distinguish acute and chronic form of sinusitis. According to the type of infection, rhinogenic, hematogenous and odontogenic types of disease are isolated.

The following symptoms of sinusitis are noted:
  • pain in the nasal sinuses;
  • headache;
  • absence of smell;
  • changes in voice;
  • change in body temperature;
  • general weakness and fatigue;
  • a toothache may appear;
  • hard breath;
  • the appearance of coughing and stuffiness of the nose;
  • copious discharge from the nasal sinuses.

Diagnosis of the disease

When the first signs of sinusitis and a prolonged runny nose, it is recommended to immediately seek professional medical help from an otolaryngologist.

Only a competent specialist can correctly conduct a survey, diagnose and prescribe a course of treatment.

To confirm the preliminary diagnosis, the attending physician must prescribe an X-ray examination. At this stage, the structure of the bones of the skull, the shape of the sinuses, the presence or absence of purulent formations is revealed. Computer and magnetic resonance imaging will help to accurately determine the focus of inflammation.

With insufficient treatment of sinusitis, serious complications can occur in the form of a chronic form of the disease, impaired vision, meningitis, sepsis.

Than to treat a genyantritis to get rid of inflammatory process and zalozhennosti a nose? On the Internet, you can find many different means, but you should start treatment only after consulting a doctor.

Cure sinusitis can only be medicated, but methods of traditional medicine can significantly accelerate the effect of drugs.

Drug treatment of genyantritis

Edema of the nasal mucosa blocks the mouth, located between the maxillary sinus and the nasal cavity, so drugs are aimed at removing puffiness and releasing the outlet sinuses. To this end, use vasoconstrictive drops and sprays: Otilin, Vonas, Nazivin. They allow you to quickly get rid of the mucosal edema, which positively affects the purification of the sinus. It is recommended to use such medicamentous treatment of genyantritis not more than 5 days. Abuse of it can cause atrophy of the nasal mucosa.

With the development of a painful condition against the background of allergic reactions, the attending physician can prescribe the following drugs for sinusitis: Suprastin, Diazolinum, Dimedrolum, etc. For complex treatment, a medicine is prescribed for sinusitis, which helps reduce the inflammatory process in the sinuses of the nose, containing beclomethasone, Beclforte or Baconase.

The most effective remedy for sinusitis is antibiotics, thanks to which it is possible to overcome the infection and stop the spread of microbes.

The choice of an antibiotic depends on what the disease was provoked.
When prescribing antibiotics, it is important to consider the individual tolerability of the incoming components.

Patients are also prescribed a course of treatment with Amoxicillin, Cefaclor, Co-trimoxazole. Drugs can be administered in the form of tablets or as injections. In some cases, they are applied topically, injecting the solution into the nasal cavity.

Effective medicine to eliminate purulent clumps and mucus - Ats. In addition, for washing the nose, antiseptic solutions of furacillin and chlorophyllite are prescribed.

Sinuphorte is also effective as a drug for the treatment of sinusitis. The cyclamen extract, which enters into its composition, increases the immunity and promotes natural cleansing of the nasal sinuses. Use of the drug is not addictive.

Surgical intervention

Puncture of the maxillary sinus is carried out in the case of acute purulent sinusitis and for diagnostic purposes, with discrepancies between patient complaints and research results.

Once purulent clusters are completely eliminated, physiotherapy procedures are indicated, such as:

  • laser therapy;
  • effect on the mucosa of the nasal cavity by ultraviolet;
  • vibro-acoustic method;
  • treatment with ultrasound.

Effective hardware method of treatment of sinusitis, for example, the laser "Milt". This device allows you to significantly shorten the treatment period, improve immunity, protect against infections, helps reduce the inflammatory process.

The device "Rinobim" influences cells using monochromatic light waves. With it, you can remove the swelling and improve the patient's condition. It is recommended to perform the procedure in a relaxed state. The session should be held several times a day for 10 minutes.

"Fairy UTL - 01 ELAT" reminds a heating pad designed for warming up the nasal sinus and throat area. With the help of the procedure, it is possible to strengthen metabolic processes, restore blood circulation, which leads to a rapid recovery. The peculiarity of the device lies in the fact that when it acts, the viruses can not spread. The device helps to reduce the course of treatment. Patients do not experience side effects.


"Vitafon" influences by vibroacoustics, which contributes to lymphatic and microcapillary blood flow. This method can be used only as an auxiliary treatment.

These devices can be purchased at pharmacies or ordered on the Internet.

Hardware treatment of sinusitis allows treatment at home.

Treatment of sinusitis using traditional medicine

The source of valuable minerals and substances is sea salt. It has an antiseptic effect, so its use in the early stages of the disease is a very effective method.
However, a number of rules should be observed:
  1. Do not abuse salt solution, since a large amount of it can cause a burn.
  2. It is necessary to thoroughly dissolve the salt in water.
  3. It is recommended to wash only with warm water.

To prepare the solution, dissolve 1 hour. l. salt in, l of water for adults and in 1 liter of water for children.

Honey and propolis can be used as a remedy for sinusitis, they reduce swelling of the sinuses, relieve redness and inflammation. It is recommended to chew propolis several times a day for 30 minutes. For instillation in the nose diluted with vegetable oil: 20% tincture of propolis.

As a medicine for sinusitis, as well as for colds and ARVI, Kalanchoe is used. Squeezed juice is buried in the nose 3 times a day. You can add honey in the absence of allergies.

Prophylaxis of sinusitis

To avoid sinusitis, follow the following rules:

  1. Do not freeze during the cold season.
  2. Take vitamins.
  3. Do sports and temper the body.
  4. With catarrhal diseases, take appropriate measures for timely treatment.

These simple procedures and recommendations will protect not only from the common cold and sinusitis, but also from the flu virus.


What is the danger of sinusitis and how to treat it?

The established forms of sinusitis last for years, causing inflammation. For their treatment the doctor can insist on the operation, during which a special hole will be made for the outflow of pus. Perform it between a patient with maxillary sinus and maxillary region.

What is sinusitis and how it manifests itself?

Sinusitis is an inflammatory process that affects the maxillary (maxillary) sinus. It occurs in acute or chronic form, hitting one or at once two maxillary sinuses. They are located on both sides of the nose slightly below the eyes.

The reasons for the development of sinusitis, there may be many:

• frequent colds and acute respiratory infections;

• curvature of the nasal septum;

• adenoids in the nose (in children);

• defeat by bacteria;

• Weakened immunity;

• congenital anomalies in the development of anatomical structures of the nasal cavity. Some people have caries or gingivitis caused by sinusitis. Remember that problem teeth create a breeding ground for bacteria.

How to distinguish sinusitis from a common cold? The main symptoms of the disease are:

• a prolonged runny nose, not amenable to treatment and accompanied by headaches;

• unpleasant sensations in the nose and near-nasal region;

• general malaise;

• nasal congestion;

• increase in body temperature to high marks.

Patients suffer from constant lacrimation on the affected side, complain of photophobia and deterioration of smell, swelling of the lower eyelid and cheeks.

Dangerous consequences of sinusitis

Slugs clogged with paranasal sinuses cause breathing disorders and insomnia. The absence of normal sleep, in turn, leads to increased pressure. The syndrome of nocturnal sleep apnea is a short-term stopping of breathing in a dream.

But the most dangerous genyantritis in terms of the possible development of meningitis, affecting the membranes of the brain. Serious damage in the absence of timely treatment of sinusitis can also the heart muscle and organs of the urinary system.

Why are people not in a hurry with treatment? The lack of adequate therapy is explained by the similarity of the signs of sinusitis with colds. Meanwhile, exudate - mucus secreted by the body - accumulates in the maxillary sinuses and becomes an excellent medium for the activity of new viruses.

Weakened immunity becomes incapable of fighting disease-causing bacteria. They are rapidly multiplying, producing poisonous products of their activities. As the toxins are absorbed, the first signs of the disease begin to appear in the blood.

How to treat sinusitis?

Treatment of acute sinusitis begins with the appointment of modern antibiotics - Macropen and Sietrolide. From drugs of the old generation with the disease cope Cephalexin, Ampicillinum, Amoxicillin. The choice in favor of this or that remedy is performed by the doctor taking into account the patient's allergic reactions to medications.

If the genyantritis was caused by an allergy, antiallergic drugs are prescribed - Suprastin, Tsetrin, Claritin, and others. Breathing is facilitated by vasoconstrictors, but with the frequency of their use the patient should be helped to determine the doctor. With a complicated course of chronic sinusitis, polyps may appear in the nose. They can only be removed surgically.

Treatment by the method of "Cuckoo" (sinus-evacuation) is carried out with mild forms of sinusitis with a soft catheter. It is filled with furacilin solution and injected into the nasal cavity when the patient lies on his back and says "ku-ku". Sucking, inserted in a healthy nostril, pumps out the solution and accumulated exudate.

The puncture of the maxillary sinus is carried out under the influence of anesthesia. The puncture of the bone septum between the nasal passage and the maxillary sinus is performed by a special sterile needle after treatment with the lidocaine cavity.

Cure sinusitis will help and physiotherapy - as an addition to the main purposes. Several sessions of UHF or sollyks allow you to quickly achieve positive dynamics.


Odontogenic sinusitis, causes, symptoms, treatment

Sinusitis is a disease characterized by severe inflammation of the maxillary sinus of the nose. The adnexal sinuses have the appearance of formations of small caverns that connect with the nasal cavity. In the structure there are two maxillary sinuses, this is left and right and they are called maxillary sinuses. Pain in the head, stuffy nose and rather shortness of breath are the main signs of odontogenic sinusitis. During such a disease, only the area in the upper jaw becomes inflamed.

In this disease in the inflammatory process, those sinuses that are above the teeth and under the eyes are involved. The treatment of odontogenic sinusitis has become the point of intersection of dentistry and otolaryngology.

Odontogenic maxillary sinusitis

The main cause of this disease is the caries of the teeth of the upper jaw. And the source of infection may be a gangrenous tooth, but there is a possibility for the development of a latent focus of infection, flowing in the upper jaw, and especially in the gum, which is activated after a decrease in immune reactivity organism. Moreover, the septic focus can hide even under the sealed material of the treated tooth. In some cases, the filling material can penetrate into the maxillary sinus immediately through the dental canals when the dentist works poorly. And in this case, the sealed material in the sinus cavity becomes a foreign body, which causes inflammation.

Causes of the disease

There are several reasons that contribute to the onset of odontogenic sinusitis and one of them is aching teeth. After caries of the upper teeth is able to go into serious inflammation of the sinus mucosa. And this happens during mechanical impact on already aching teeth. And if the tooth canals are damaged, during the cleaning of the teeth, the existing infection enters these channels, and from them it moves into the sinus through a straight path. In addition, the cause of such a sinusitis may be inaccurate work of the dentist, which often happens after the extraction of teeth with infection. The last cause of sinusitis can be anatomical features in the structure of the upper jaw. And in this case, the roots of the upper teeth directly germinate in the sinus. Therefore, in any inflammatory process, the infection gets immediately to the mucosa.

Symptoms of odontogenic sinusitis

Usually, when you see a doctor, all patients complain of symptoms such as purulent discharge from the nose, nasal congestion, pain during touching to the eye area, bad breath from the mouth and nose, constant pain in the upper jaw and in the teeth. It should be noted that odontogenic sinusitis does not take a chronic form, than it differs from purulent sinusitis. In this case, only one sinus is affected. For example, which side will be infected with the infection, depends on exactly where the diseased tooth is located.

Quite often the disease passes asymptomatically, and its first signs can appear only after half a year. This disease affects only adults, but the usual ways to cure the disease can not. But in children, the roots of the teeth are not yet developed, so they are not a threat to the maxillary sinuses. If a person has an unpleasant odor from the nose, then it becomes the result of fluid stagnation in the sinus of the nose. And with a prolonged course of the disease, decomposition of bones is possible. In this situation, fetid smell is felt by people around the mouth of the patient.

Treatment of odontogenic sinusitis

This form of sinusitis is treated only in a clinic. But the most important thing in this case is to remove the underlying cause of the disease. And if the disease is associated with diseased teeth, the doctor prescribes the sanitation of the oral cavity. At the initial stage of development of odontogenic sinusitis, its treatment is performed by vasoconstrictive drugs. And appointed drops in the nose provide a good outflow of fluid from the sinus of the nose, as a result the patient begins to breathe freely. The doctor selects vasoconstrictive and anti-inflammatory drugs.

If odontogenic sinusitis is not treated for a long time, then in this case a puncture is prescribed, that is, the doctor makes a puncture of a small hole from the sinus already in the nasal passage. This procedure is carried out with a large needle and under the influence of local anesthesia, as a result, it provides a sharp outflow of pus directly from the sinus of the nose. And after punctures, a course of antibiotic therapy is prescribed, and the maxillary sinus is washed with antibiotics through a punctured opening. This procedure allows you to remove inflammation and eliminate the infection. And in particularly difficult situations, surgical intervention may be required. And under general anesthesia, the doctor removes the pathogenic mucosa, cleans the infected sinus and performs antibiotic treatment. As for the rehabilitation period, physiotherapy is mandatory at this time, this is heating, as well as inhalation, which are carried out only after excision of pus from the sinuses and after removal inflammation.

Prophylaxis of sinusitis

You should always follow the rules of personal hygiene, this is regular cleaning of teeth, treatment of sick teeth, as well as regular visits to the dentist, which will prevent the development of infection.


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