Therapeutic diet for intestinal colitis with diarrhea

  • The main products that can be consumed
  • Diet and therapeutic nutrition for chronic bowel colitis
  • Stages of a diet for colitis
  • Sample menu for a day
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To date, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are common. The reasons for which the disease of colitis occurs can be different.

These can be:

  • infections - bacterial dysentery, salmonellosis, amoebiasis;
  • parasites - worms, bovine tapeworm, etc.;
  • poisoning with heavy metals - lead, mercury, arsenic;
  • some diseases - kidney failure;
  • spicy fried food.

In addition, there are predisposing factors that lead to disruption of the colon: atherosclerosis, radiation, alcohol, drugs, food allergies.

Diseases of the digestive tract( cholecystitis, hepatitis, etc.) give rise to secondary( symptomatic) colitis.

By type of origin distinguish:

  • ulcerative( the etiology is not clear, perhaps, genetic disorders);
  • infectious - causes a pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic microflora( dysentery, streptococcus, staphylococcus);
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  • ischemic - the abdominal aorta( atherosclerosis) is affected;
  • toxic - poisoning with poisonous or medicinal substances;
  • radiation - radiation sickness.

Symptoms of the disease are described in the table.

Acute form Chronic form
Painful sensation in lower abdomen Pain without clear localization
Diarrhea or constipation Meteorism
Temperature Weight loss
Severe sudden onset of Symptom, weakness

The main products that can be consumed

An important component of treatmentcolitis - diet. In the diet, you need a gentle protein diet and limiting fatty foods. It is also necessary to reduce the daily amount of table salt to 8 g. It is recommended to cook steamed, eat boiled or baked dishes. Portions make small, eat more often - every 3 hours.

Steam cooking - ideal for a sick person

In colitis of the intestines with diarrhea, the diet should consist of dry white bread and biscuit biscuits. The first dishes - wiped, on a broth from fat-free meat( from a turkey, a rabbit, a chicken or veal).For lunch, you can serve lean fish: hake, cod, pike perch. Pate from the liver, cooked by yourself.

Kashi - mashed, except for wheat. From vegetables - various purees. Omelet or soft-boiled egg( quail).Cottage cheese can only be fresh, which is prepared independently and in small quantities. Sweets - marshmallows and marmalade from natural products without dyes. Drinks - compotes and kissels from blueberries and black currants, broth of wild rose. It is necessary to limit the butter and completely abandon the spices.

Fruits - peaches, pears, baked apples. Apple, the pear can be eaten raw, but pre-clean( the skin irritates the mucous membrane) and remove the seed box. It is not recommended to eat berries containing small seeds( raspberries, blackberries), tomatoes. Limit the consumption of sweets. Acute phase - astringent drinks are allowed( black tea, natural cocoa, coffee).Concentrated juice causes irritation of the intestine.

The diet for acute colitis of the intestine begins with the unloading of the body and at the first stage provides only drinking. Then gradually introduced nutrition, which does not irritate the intestinal mucosa - grated dishes, steamed and baked, but without crust. Meals are fractional, in small portions.

Diet and therapeutic nutrition for chronic intestinal colitis

With spastic( light exacerbation) - the diet restores secretory and motor function of the intestine, reduces fermentation. It is necessary to reduce the number of spicy dishes, milk, spices and snacks.

Dietitian is a specialist who will help to draw up an individual menu of

. In case of diarrhea, it is necessary to reduce fermentation processes, to reduce the calorific value to 2 thousand kcal. Patients with ulcerative colitis sit on a diet of 1 month to several. The remission phase involves the use of cooked, steamed or baked dishes. Allowed to eat soups, drinks that contain sugar. Products that cause exacerbations, are individual for each person. Add a new product carefully. Diet for each patient is selected by a doctor.

In case of constipation, it is necessary to increase the volume of vegetable oils, fermented milk products, vegetables, rye bread, dried fruits.

Stages of a diet for colitis

The correction of nutrition is as follows:

  1. The first day is a cleansing enema and abstinence from eating. Drink six or more glasses of water or weak tea( 1.5 liters).
  2. The second - we add the cleared rubbed apple of sweet sorts.
  3. The third - liquid porridge( semolina, rice, oatmeal) and a small amount of butter.
  4. Fourth - boiled vegetables, scraped soups without onions and bay leaves. The fifth is meat puree.

Sample menu for the day

The first breakfast - a fish steak cutlet, mashed potatoes or porridge without milk, sweet tea, marshmallow or marmalade.

The second breakfast - curd or curd souffle, cooked at home( without salt).

Lunch - vegetable grated soup, chicken cutlet for a couple, broth of wild rose.

Snack - wheat rusks, cocoa without milk.

Dinner - Boiled soft boiled egg or scrambled omelet, buckwheat wipe, raw apple or pear jelly.

The second dinner - biscuits, blueberry jelly.

The menu is selected individually for each patient by a qualified technician.

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