Sputum white with cough

Cough with foamy phlegm

Cough with phlegm is one of the most common symptoms that is typical for many diseases. It can be accompanied by other visible signs, such as snot, temperature 37, some people note that the reflex act sore throat and there are unpleasant sensations when eating. These concomitant symptoms are characteristic of colds. However, there are other ailments that cause a cough with abundant phlegm. It should be noted that the color and consistency of mucus can vary significantly depending on the disease.

Cough with white sputum

It should be noted that initially the mucus secreted by the bronchi and lungs is colorless. It changes its color under the influence of various impurities. Sputum becomes white in the event that it contains the following extraneous compounds:

  • Kurshman's spiral. They visually resemble whitish corkscrew formations. Such a sputum is inherent in a cough that is allergic or infectious-allergic. The reflex act can begin after a meal, if the irritant is any food or preservative.
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  • Fungal pathogen in the respiratory system. Here we are talking about atypical pneumonia, which requires specific treatment. Characteristic color foamy sputum gives the presence of white lumps: the more of them, the more saturated the color of discharge. Initially, the mucus has a thick consistency, which liquefies after taking mucolytic drugs.
It turns out that with a cough, sputum white can occur only with a limited number of diseases. It should be noted that these secretions are sometimes confused with the mucus of the pearl color, which appears with cancer in the respiratory tract.

Cough with foamy phlegm

A lot of mucus in a reflex act can stand out for some serious health problems. The most significant of these are the following ailments:

  • A painful cough with a lot of sputum, which literally fills the entire oral cavity, is the hallmark of emptying the lung abscess. Initially, purulent mucus with an unpleasant odor disappears. The place she occupied is filled, and foamy secretions are observed.
  • Old changes in the body. Lungs can no longer cope with the natural function of their purification. Because of this, frothy sputum accumulates in the lower part of the respiratory tract. Because of this, there is a frequent cough that intensifies at night. If a person practically does not get out of bed, then the frequency of the reflex action does not depend on the time of day.
  • Cardiac ischemia. In this case there is a protracted cough with phlegm, often nocturnal. Foam secretions are abundant enough. The reflex act, as a rule, begins when the person assumes a horizontal position.
  • Illnesses, which are accompanied by a significant release of toxins. This category includes indispositions related to overdose of certain drugs, including narcotic substances, radiation damage to the respiratory tract, etc.
  • Diseases that are accompanied by a decrease in the level of protein in the blood. Discharges, as a rule, have a liquid consistency
  • Pleuritis and pneumothorax.
  • Uncontrolled intravenous administration of solutions. The reason for the appearance of the reflex act is an increase in the hydrostatic pressure of the blood, and, as a consequence, the production of pulmonary edema.

Is a person who has a cough with foamy expectoration is contagious? Here everything depends on what exactly is the cause of its appearance. If it is a question of senile changes in the body or diseases of the cardiovascular system, then such a person will not be able to infect others. However, if it is a question of other ailments, then you need to be careful.

Cough with gray phlegm

Reflex act, in which the discharge has a characteristic gray color, appears for the following reasons:

  • If a person has bad habits, in particular, addiction to cigarettes and hookah. In this case, a sudden, prolonged paroxysmal cough is observed.
  • Nervous breakdown, hysterics, depressive state. Children's doctors note that the children on this background reflex action begins suddenly. It can be accompanied by a temperature increase of more than 37 degrees.
  • Work on harmful production or residence in a village with an unfavorable ecological situation. Allocations in the reflex act not only have a gray color, but also a viscous consistency.

A productive cough is always accompanied by a sputum discharge. Visual analysis of its color and consistency allows the doctor to put the primary diagnosis, which in most cases is confirmed by specific analyzes.


Sputum during bronchitis (acute and chronic): color of sputum when coughing

With bronchitis, sputum appears very often. Often such a symptom occurs with chronic, acute or eosinfal bronchitis, which has an infectious nature.

To determine where the cough came from, you need to seek medical help, take the analysis and conduct the necessary treatment. By taking medication prescribed by the doctor, unpleasant manifestations of the disease will slowly disappear, and sputum production will cease.


With acute or chronic bronchitis, a cough with abundant sputum is noted. There are three main symptoms of the disease:

  1. cough;
  2. heat;
  3. sputum production.
Sputum is a secreted liquid, the color of which may be yellow, white, transparent or green. Such secretions mean that the body has inflammation. Green or yellow indicates that there is pus in the liquid.

Elevated temperature in acute and chronic bronchitis is a confirmation of the fact that the body has an inflammatory process. Although this disease rarely occurs fever, but if it is, then you should immediately take the analysis in a medical institution, because, most likely, the patient develops some serious pathology.

When acute bronchitis, which has an infectious nature, there is always a cough accompanied by sputum discharge. The general condition is similar to a flu, thus the patient quickly gets tired, and its state of health promptly worsens.

Gradually, the dry cough becomes moist and the color of the discharge becomes white.

Why is sputum secreted?

The nature of sputum is determined by the severity of the course of the disease. For example, if its course is not complicated, then the phlegm has a mucous character, and its color is transparent or white. Such secretions accompany cough in small amounts.

As a rule, with chronic bronchitis, sputum departs in the morning in the process of coughing. During the day, sputum practically does not depart, and if it is, it disappears in the evening. At night, the volume of secreted fluid increases, with a strong cough.

In acute forms of inflammation of the catarrhal type of bronchi, the character of the sputum is jelly-like. If you analyze it, you can find a lot of epithelial cells and a few neutrophilic granulocytes.

The level of damage to the bronchi is determined by the nature of the secreted liquid:

  • If there are large ciliate cells, then this indicates that the bronchi or trachea are damaged.
  • If small particles of epithelium are visible, which slowly expand, then the analysis confirms a violation in the terminal, respiratory bronchioles.
  • When middle epithelial cells are detected, bronchial lesions of medium severity are detected.
  • When a small epithelium is found, minimal damage to the bronchi is diagnosed.

With purulent, acute or chronic obstructive bronchitis, pus is seen in the discharge, and the manifestations of the eosinophilic form of the disease are slightly different. So, sputum has a viscous consistency with purulent impurities.

If you conduct a microscopic analysis of mucus, then it can detect fibrin, Kurshman spiral and a little red blood cells. In addition, many leukocytes and some epithelial cells are detected.

Even in the secretions there are fibrous films that combine into dense plates. This phenomenon indicates multiple co-morbidities, such as diphtheria or pneumococcal infection.

Sputum color

If there are problems with the respiratory organs, then the amount of mucus secreted per day can reach 1500 ml. The color and consistency of sputum determine its name:

  1. mucous;
  2. serous;
  3. bloody;
  4. vitreous.

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The causes of discharge are not always in the presence of bronchitis. It happens that they indicate the occurrence of diseases such as tuberculosis, heart attack, abscess or lung cancer.

In such a situation, incorrect self-treatment leads to a fatal outcome. Therefore, it is extremely important to contact the doctor who will perform the analysis, determine the color and nature of the sputum, and then prescribe adequate treatment.

The color of the excretions allows you to establish an accurate diagnosis:

  • clear and dense sputum in the bronchi indicates asthma;
  • the color of rust speaks of croupous pneumonia;
  • foamy, with blood impurities - pulmonary edema;
  • yellow color indicates an abscess of the lungs;
  • mucus with blood fibers speaks of bronchogenic types of diseases or lung cancer;
  • green-yellow abscesses are observed in pneumonia;
  • Scarlet phlegm indicates a heart attack.

It is worth noting that white sputum during bronchitis departs only occasionally. Often it has a yellow or greenish-brown hue.

Sputum examination

The analysis of sputum is a charming condition for the diagnosis of bronchitis. Especially productive cough already testifies to the course of the pathogenic process.

At the initial stage of the examination, the doctor determines the appearance of the secretions. For example, when slime smells unpleasant, with purulent impurities, then, most likely, the patient develops an abscess. And if the cough does not pass, its intensity increases on the contrary, and the volume of sputum increases, this indicates a rapid progression of the disease.

The analysis of discharges is carried out after their collection, and the method of microscopy is applied during the examination. In this case, a bacterial culture is performed, with the help of which the presence of a pathogenic microflora is determined.

When analyzing sputum, various factors are considered. Thus, a study of blood indicates that there are more than 25 neutrophils in the field of vision, then there is an infectious lesion. If there is asthma and bronchospasm, then during the study, the presence of Kuršman spirals is determined.

Alveolar macrophages indicate that mucus came from the lower respiratory tract. With bronchial asthma, allergies in the liquid find crystals of Charcot-Leiden.

The flat epithelium says that saliva has got into the secretion. A high content of leukocytes (more than 50%) indicates allergies, asthma and lung damage with worms.

In the abscess, provoked by inflammation, there are elastic fibers in the sputum, which are the consequence of the destruction of the tissues of the respiratory organs.

If there is bronchitis and other lung diseases, then when you cough, sputum is always given out. Its shade is different, which indicates the progress of various pathogenic processes. But to accurately establish, and then eliminate the cause of this condition, you need to conduct a thorough diagnosis. How to deal with sputum in bronchitis in the video in this article will tell a specialist.


Green sputum when coughing

Colds, ARVI and bronchitis are often accompanied by a phlegm, it can be transparent, white or green, with different impurities and an unpleasant smell, often it is the change in color or consistency that helps to establish the correct diagnosis when a child coughs or adult.

In the bronchi and lungs of a healthy person, a small amount (10-100 ml) is produced daily special fluid - bronchial secretion, is necessary for the normal functioning of organs respiration. This liquid is transparent, without specific taste or odor and provides protection and purification of the mucous membrane and ciliated epithelium. In young children, it can cause a physiological cough. Such a cough is not accompanied by signs of a cold or SARS and often occurs in the morning.

If airborne pathogens get into the respiratory tract and the inflammation develops, the amount of secretion increases, and it becomes a pathological liquid - sputum.

What is sputum?

Sputum is an abnormal discharge of the upper respiratory tract, it appears when inflammatory or infectious diseases and, depending on the type of disease, can be colorless, green or yellow, with different impurities and an unpleasant smell.

When the disease of the upper or lower respiratory tract in a child or an adult, in the bronchi and lungs accumulates an inflammatory secret that contains microorganisms, particles of the mucous membrane, saliva and secretions from the nose. All this fluid interferes with the normal process of breathing, reduces the flow of oxygen into the blood and prevents recovery. Treatment of diseases accompanied by cough with phlegm, is aimed at dilution of the pathological secret and its evacuation from the bronchi and lungs.

Sputum occurs with the following diseases:

  • bronchitis;
  • viral diseases;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • tuberculosis;
  • abscess of the lung;
  • lung cancer.

By changing the color and consistency of sputum, one can judge the development of pathological processes in the lungs. Transparent and neobylaya sputum in viral diseases, gradually becomes thick, white or yellowish color - this indicates the spread of bacterial infection in the lower respiratory tract, and green color and an unpleasant smell - about stagnation in the lungs and about further progression inflammation. Blood veins can be the first signs of decomposition of tissues in tuberculosis or lung cancer, and they can also arise due to constant straining during coughing.

What does the color of sputum indicate?

  1. Colorless, in minimal quantity - it is a physiological bronchial secret, cough and other signs of inflammation should be absent.
  2. Transparent "vitreous" thick - a symptom of bronchial asthma, it is necessary to pay special attention to its appearance, especially if it arose in a child.
  3. Transparent or yellow liquid, sputum in large quantities is characteristic of viral diseases.
  4. Dense white-yellow or yellow color indicates bacterial infection and pus, often occurs with pneumonia in a child or adult. Treatment of the disease requires the use of antibiotics and a sick child must be shown to the doctor.
  5. Green, viscous with an unpleasant smell - a sign of a stagnant process in the lungs.
  6. The appearance of bloody veins and threads in a cough secretive may be a sign of a tuberculosis or oncology process.
  7. Sputum red or with a lot of blood occurs when lung disintegration or pulmonary hemorrhage, requires immediate medical intervention.


Treatment of cough with phlegm depends on the cause of its appearance and should be conducted only under the supervision of a doctor. When viral infections are symptomatic enough treatment and good care, the appearance of sputum yellow or green color - this is a dangerous sign, especially in a child, hence, in the respiratory organs developed purulent process. Here, treatment should begin in antibiotic therapy and other potent drugs. In bronchitis treatment is carried out with expectorants and mucolytic drugs, and specific pulmonary Diseases such as tuberculosis, lung cancer or pulmonary hemorrhage must be treated in a special hospital.


The causes of the appearance of yellow sputum

If you have yellow sputum, then this is a good reason to see a doctor. Consider when there are such discharges, under what circumstances and diseases.

The doctor should be consulted if, in addition to sputum of unusual color, there is fever, shortness of breath, chills, pain when inhaled.

Cough with yellow phlegm

Causes of pathology

If you get yellow sputum when you cough, it indicates such diseases as sinusitis, pneumonia or bronchitis. Yellow color in the phlegm indicates the presence of pus.

In addition, yellow discharge occurs in people who smoke for a long time. Often, yellow sputum during bronchitis indicates the presence of bactericidal infection in the bronchi. In this case, an urgent examination by a doctor and the appointment of antibiotics are required.

What do these symptoms indicate?

Yellow sputum can not talk about a particular disease, there must be other signs. But the presence of yellow sputum when coughing can indicate that in some area of ​​the bronchi or lungs there is a bactericidal infection that causes an inflammatory process. It can occur with a cold, but it can also be a harbinger of serious illnesses, such as bronchitis or pneumonia.

The yellowish shade is not always associated with severe inflammation, sometimes this color may indicate an allergic flow in the body or irritation of the bronchi with tobacco smoke.In infectious diseases, along with yellow sputum, expectorates green.

If you notice in yourself and other symptoms (general weakness, fever, severe cough, stagnation in the lungs, shortness of breath), then do not wait, but go to the doctor. Before determining the diagnosis, you can still take the following measures:

  1. Start drinking twice as much fluid as your daily dose. Most likely, the color of sputum is determined by its viscosity. The liquid will dilute the viscosity and enhance the process of its separation.
  2. Try to clear your throat. Do not take drugs that suppress cough. Cough in this case acts as a conductor of phlegm, only it can push it out.

Tips for yellow sputum:

  1. Seek medical attention.
  2. To identify the disease, the liquid can be submitted for analysis. In the morning on an empty stomach a sample of sputum is taken and placed in a sterile container. Before you cough, you need to rinse your mouth with an antiseptic, and then boiled water.
  3. It's possible that you are a smoker, then the reason is clear. If the yellow sputum appears due to bronchitis, then you need to pay attention to other symptoms.
  4. Often for rapid withdrawal of cough appoint mucolytics and expectorants. And if there is a bactericidal infection, antibiotics are prescribed. Treatment depends on many factors, therefore it is carried out individually. You should only consult a doctor. At the child treatment also is defined by the doctor depending on age.

What is sputum?

Sputum is a moist, mucous discharge that forms in the bronchi. A healthy person does not have such excreta. When analyzing sputum, its consistence, color and odor are highlighted, this allows to accurately diagnose the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment. For example, the yellow or green color of sputum indicates the presence of infection in the respiratory tract, foamy white sputum containing mucus, informs about pulmonary edema, red indicates cancer lungs.

The sputum contains:

  • saliva;
  • immune cells;
  • microorganisms;
  • dust particles;
  • cell decay products;
  • plasma and blood cells.

All these components can be contained to a greater or lesser extent, they can determine the nature of the disease. Sputum can be liquid, viscous and thick. Thick can contain pus, it breaks down into 2-3 layers, or it can not disintegrate completely.

Sputum yellow is odorless. If there is an unpleasant smell, it can talk about a serious illness.

Analysis of yellow sputum

To accurately establish the diagnosis of the disease, the sputum analysis is carried out by the method of microscopic and macroscopic examination. In the morning time, the material is taken on an empty stomach, the spittle in the sputum should be as small as possible, for this purpose it is necessary to rinse the mouth with a solution of furacilin or another antiseptic, and then boiled water. The liquid should be placed in a sterile jar.

An effective analysis is considered bronchoscopy, it is performed in a stationary setting with the help of a special bronchial fibroscope. In this case, sputum is not mixed with saliva, food remnants and gives reliable results.

As already mentioned, the presence of yellowish sputum may be evidence of sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia or beginning asthma.

Treatment of the disease

In any disease associated with yellow sputum, treatment is carried out according to the standard scheme. Prescription expectorant drugs that promote phlegm to the exit, mucolytics contribute to its liquefaction. Since the characteristic color indicates the presence of bacteria in the body, antibiotics are also used.

Mucolytics are used for asthma, bronchitis and cystic fibrosis. Expectorant drugs excrete the secret of the bronchi and contribute to cough reflex. Bronchocardial drugs by expanding the bronchi facilitate easy sputum discharge.

Since various viruses and bacteria cause the disease, it is necessary to fight them too, therefore antibiotics of a narrow and wide spectrum of action are prescribed. In addition to the symptomatic treatment of cough, one should also work on the focus of inflammation.

In addition to drug therapy, a generous drink is recommended.

This contributes to the dilution of phlegm. Humidify the air indoors, rest more often, avoid cold air and sharp odors. If the withdrawal of sputum is accompanied by coughing attacks, then it is necessary to lie down straight, so the bronchi will expand and the person will breathe easier.

To subsequently avoid the development of diseases of the pulmonary system, it is necessary to perform a series of breathing exercises that will help to prevent some diseases in the future. Usually the complex of breathing exercises helps to make the attending physician.

In the event that it was found that yellow sputum appears due to exposure to an allergen, the treatment here is somewhat different. Antiallergic drugs are added to the complex of treatment.

Folk methods include taking food to relieve cough and general condition. It is recommended to eat ground lemon with honey, oat porridge, mashed potatoes, rubbed radish with vegetable oil and sour cream.

To calm the cough and contribute to the excretion of excreta, you can drink at night a glass of warm milk with butter and honey, drink in During the day, warm compotes and fruit drinks, it is desirable to brew rose hips, only drink it with a tube, so as not to damage the dental enamel. Such drinks can be given to children over three years, as well as teas with the addition of lemon. These drinks are taken in the mornings and evenings.

In a child, the disease proceeds in the same way as in adults, but when using drugs, the age-related dosage is taken into account.


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