Fluid in the lungs with pneumonia

Why is liquid in the lungs dangerous?


Dimka Miller

This seems to be a pleurisy.... I'm not exactly going to say ....

Severus Snape

Usually confuse two different states: fluid in the lungs and the pleural cavity. Fluid in the lungs is pulmonary edema, a very serious condition that occurs with heart failure, hypertensive crisis, pneumonia, etc. The liquid from the blood is impregnated into the alveoli, like a sponge. Pulmonary edema is usually determined by symptoms. The classic picture: myocardial infarction, the patient wheezes and generates a large amount of foamy sputum. X-rays will only confirm this. And the ECG shows damage to the myocardium, the heart can not cope with its pump function.
But most often under the liquid in the lungs, there is the accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavities - non-inflammatory (in renal, hepatic and cardiac diseases) or inflammatory (with tuberculosis, pneumonia, cancer and more than a hundred other diseases in which the pleural lesion is possible).

instagram viewer

The accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity is only an effect, a symptom, and the cause of it, the very illness can be very difficult to find. Pulmonary edema and fluid in the pleural cavity are marked heart failure. If a woman is operated on for breast cancer and fluid is found in the pleural cavity, first of all you need to think about the metastatic pleural lesion. If pneumonia is visible on the x-ray, and after three days it becomes difficult for a person to breathe and tapping-listening shows a picture of possible accumulation of fluid - this is an inflammatory process. Inflammation is traditionally treated with antibiotics, tuberculosis - tuberculostatics. Cardiac will never pass if cardiotonic therapy is not established (cardiac, diuretic drugs).
If you work on the cause, the fluid will dissolve itself and the person lives quietly on. If in pneumonia, under the action of antibiotics, it dissolves poorly or too much, pleural puncture and forced pumping of fluids to help the body cope with a large amount of inflammatory fluid. The natural way it should be absorbed into the pleura through the blood, but this is hard work for the body, and if its remove, absorption through the blood will no longer have such a value for the body, and it will quickly cope.


in short you need to go to hospital


The more it occupies more space in the lungs, and the less there is space, the less you can absorb oxygen, ie the area that sucks up oxygen will be less. Threatens with a breathing space.

Tatyana Dyachkova

First - a diagnosis, then - treatment

Natalia V.

can endanger the patient's life ...

Fluid in the lungs

fluid in the lungs

A rather dangerous problem that can result in death is fluid formed in the lungs. Accumulation of water can be associated with many inflammatory diseases, as well as with the consequences of cardiac pathologies.

Causes of fluid in the lungs

So, let's figure out why the liquid accumulates in the lungs and what this problem can be associated with. Here's what happens: the walls of the vessels lose their integrity, their permeability increases. As a result, pulmonary alveoli are not filled with air, but with fluid, which leads to shortness of breath, shortness of breath and other problems.

The formation and accumulation of fluid in the lungs can be caused by the following factors:

  • inflammatory lung diseases (tuberculosis, pneumonia, etc.);
  • trauma of the chest;
  • brain disease or trauma;
  • arrhythmia;
  • inhalation of toxins;
  • renal and heart failure.

Very often, fluid in the lungs can appear with pneumonia. At the same time, the person pale, and his limbs become cold. In this case, the patient should immediately be hospitalized, since without medical intervention a fatal outcome is possible.

In oncology, fluid in the lungs is also an integral part of late manifestations of the disease, as the walls of the vessels under the influence of cancer tumors are rapidly destroyed. The cause of tumor formation can be smoking or inhaling toxic substances.

Symptoms of fluid in the lungs

These or other signs may appear, depending on the amount of liquid collected. The main manifestations of the disease include:

  • dyspnea;
  • intermittent cough with mucus;
  • blue skin due to oxygen starvation;
  • pain in the thoracic cough;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • a weak but very rapid pulse.

A doctor can determine the amount of fluid using ultrasound and, based on this, designate measures to eliminate the problem.

Treatment for the appearance of fluid in the lungs

Treatment is appointed by the doctor, based on the amount of accumulated fluid, as well as after identifying the cause of the disease. After all, if the infection is provoking, then antibiotics should be taken, and if there are problems with heart failure, diuretics and cardiac drugs.

If the problem is insignificant, the patient can undergo treatment at home, but with acute manifestations of the disease, hospitalization will be required.

In very neglected cases, it is necessary to pump out fluid from the lungs and carry out their forced ventilation.

Often doctors prescribe inhalation with alcohol vapors.

To reduce and eliminate venous stasis in the lungs, nitroglycerin is used. It helps reduce the load on the heart and does not increase the amount of oxygen in the myocardium.

With a small accumulation of fluid in the lungs, the consequences can be minor, and the body is able to cope with this problem on its own. A large number can lead to a violation of the elasticity of the walls of the lungs, and, consequently, to disturb and worsen gas exchange, which causes oxygen starvation. In the future, such fasting can lead to frustration

fluid in the lungs treatmentnervous system and even fatal. In this regard, it is recommended to carry out preventive measures that will help reduce the risk of fluid formation:
  1. With heart disease, you should regularly undergo examinations and not ignore the treatment and prescriptions of doctors.
  2. When working with toxic substances, respirators should be used.
  3. Allergy sufferers should always have antihistamines with them.
  4. In inflammatory lung diseases should be carried out quality and complete treatment.
  5. You should get rid of the addiction - smoking.


There was a liquid in the lungs, where did it come from and how is it treated?


Irina Fedoschuk

Lung edema is a condition when
which is the content of fluid in the pulmonary
interstitium exceeds the normal level.
Appearance of pulmonary edema is promoted first of all:

diseases of the cardiovascular system: atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis, postinfarction cardiosclerosis, hypertension of any etiology, acute myocardial infarction;

heart and aortic lesions: aortic valve failure, aortic aneurysm; rheumatic nature: acute rheumatic cardiomatral, aortic heart disease, less frequent subacute and septic endocarditis;

and in childhood and adolescence - congenital anomalies of the heart and blood vessels: coarctation of the aorta, non-healing of the botulian duct, defect interatrial or interventricular septum, pulmonary veins with left atrium, aortic-culminate shunts.

Lung edema is one of the leading complications of mitral stenosis, along with cardiovascular insufficiency and rhythm disturbances. Lung edema can be observed

with acute and chronic pulmonary heart;

against the background of nonspecific lung diseases: chronic bronchitis, obstructive emphysema, diffuse pneumosclerosis;

with all sorts of specific inflammatory processes or lesions of lung tissue: tvs, tumors, actinomycosis;

extremely difficult course takes croupous pneumonia, complicated by pulmonary edema, especially in old age;

the appearance of pulmonary edema can be facilitated by infectious diseases associated with severe intoxication, - measles, scarlet fever, typhoid fever, influenza, non-influenza acute respiratory infections in adults and children;

in childhood - any disease that causes violation of the patency of the airways (acute laryngitis, whooping cough, diphtheria, a sharp increase in the tonsils, adenoids) - can cause swelling of the lungs. Especially dangerous in this respect is the obstruction of the airways with a purulent secret, with the disorder of pulmonary ventilation and acute hypoxia. A similar effect has

mechanical asphyxia of various origins - drowning in fresh and especially sea water, hanging, closing the entrance to the larynx with a foreign body, Aspiration of gastric contents during anesthesia, convulsive seizure, with coma, inadvertent gastric lavage.

The defeat of the kidneys of various etiologies is accompanied by pulmonary edema - acute renal failure, acute glomerulonephritis, chronic nephritis.

Edema of the lungs develops due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and spleen. The onset of pulmonary edema with uremia, acute yellow atrophy of the liver, intestinal obstruction, is explained by intoxication with endogenous substances. With intoxication, edema of the lungs is associated with extensive burns, ACHE poisoning, FOS.

The most common cause of pulmonary edema of non-cardial origin is professional poisoning with chemicals. In the manufacture of plastics, poisoning can occur under the influence of fluorine-containing polymers. The effect of industrial poisons takes up considerable space. Poisoning by irritating gases (oxides of nitrogen, carbon, chlorine, methane, phosgene, freon), dichloroethane, ammonia, cyanide, acetic, butyric, mineral acids. Lung edema also occurs with acetylene welding, damage to copper sulfate, cadmium vapor.

The cause of edema in the home may be acute intoxication with alcohol, especially in children, nicotine, heroin.

Excrete iatrogenic edema of the lungs, i.e., caused by drug overdose with one-step administration or prolonged uncontrolled treatment of patients. For example: for acute poisoning with barbiturates, injection anesthesia of sodium thiopental, long-term use of butadinone, etc.

Lung edema can be a consequence of an allergic reaction, occurs in anesthesia practice. Forming of pulmonary edema
treatment is a complex inpatient. Too many different drugs in different doses should be taken.


stagnation in the small circle of blood circulation. There are many causes, some of them are diseases of the heart and lungs.

this is a pulmonary edema (I do not intimidate, it can take months), although you may mean banal pneumonia or some pleurisy.

the question is not correct.

Vova is a nightmare

in the pleural cavity? can be pleurisy, cancer, tuberculosis ...


Disease of respiratory, hematopoietic systems, etc. Ordinary food products, energy-necessary, individually (list, mode of reception).

Victoria Saposebe

will turn to the doctor - phthisiatrician. I do not want to scare, but it is possible, pulmonary tuberculosis


Did the fluid appear in the lungs or in the pleural cavities?


With this do not joke ...))) Go to the doctor on time, recover. ) Success and health to you.)

Elena Ivanova

my acquaintance was given a disability and he periodically lies in the hospital

Where does the liquid in the lung come from?

Where does the liquid in the lung come from?

The human respiratory system is highly susceptible to external influences. When there are some diseases in it, such a pathology as the presence of fluid in the lungs can arise.

Fluid in the lungs is a sign of many diseases.

Common causes of fluid in the lungs

Most often, fluid in the lungs appears as a result of inflammation. It can occur after a person has contracted pneumonia or pleurisy. In addition, this pathology occurs with tuberculosis. This is the main symptom of this serious disease.

Fluid in the lungs may appear due to increased permeability of the walls of blood vessels. In this case, there is also a strong puffiness of this organ.

Fluids in the lungs may occur if the integrity of blood vessels is compromised. This is usually due to mechanical stress. As a result, in addition to the main symptom, inflammation and exudate formation occur.

A common causal is the improper functioning of the lymphatic system of this organ. This phenomenon occurs when resection. It is accompanied by a bad outflow of fluid from the lungs and the appearance of a strong edema in them.

Rare causes of fluid in the lungs

This pathology in some cases can arise because of cancer. Usually it manifests itself when a malignant tumor has struck a lot of cells. Fluid in the lungs can appear as a result of a serious injury of this organ, with severe poisoning by drugs or chemicals.

In some cases, this pathology occurs after an unsuccessful operation on the brain. Still it is possible to allocate the following reasons of occurrence of a liquid in lungs: a heart disease, a heart attack, an arrhythmia, a stagnation of a blood.

Symptoms of fluid in the lungs

With an increase in the volume of fluid in the lungs, the person first of all has a violent shortness of breath. It appears due to the fact that the rate of oxygen supply to the blood vessels is sharply reduced. As a result, we have to breathe much more often. Along with this, there may be attacks of cardiac asthma, coughing and wheezing. Later, sputum, pain in the chest area and blanching of the skin appear.

It is important when there is fluid in the lungs as soon as possible to see a doctor for immediate treatment. In the course of it, respiratory support, inhalation, drug therapy and other measures aimed at recovery of the patient will be provided.


Signs of bacterial pneumonia in an adult

  • Bacterial pneumonia
  • Viral pneumonia
Signs of pneumonia caused by bacteria in an adult

The disease of pneumonia or pneumonia is usually caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi or other organisms.

This inflammation causes fluid to flow into the infected part of the lungs, affecting one or both of the lungs.

Inflow of blood to the infected part of the lung (or lungs) decreases, which means that the oxygen level in the blood can decrease.

This decline is likely to occur in the elderly or malnourished people. During illness, the body tries to maintain blood flow to vital organs and reduce blood flow to other parts of the body, such as the gastrointestinal tract.

Causes of pneumonia in adults:

  1. Bacterial pneumonia: this type of pneumonia usually begins after a flu, cold, or upper respiratory tract infection. Decreased immunity allows bacteria to multiply in the lungs, causing disease. There are many different bacteria that can cause inflammation of the lung tissue. The most common pathogen is pneumococcus. Microorganisms can spread when an infected person coughs or sneezes or touches objects with unwashed hands. Bacterial pneumonia can be a more serious disease than viral pneumonia.
  2. Viral pneumonia. A variety of different viruses can cause viral pneumonia. Among them: influenza, chicken pox and respiratory syncytial virus. Viruses can be transmitted between people through coughing, sneezing or touching something that has been in contact with the liquid of the infected person.
  3. Fungal pneumonia. It is most often caused by fungi from the environment.
  4. Pneumonia of mycoplasma. Mycoplasma organisms invisible to the eye easily spread, especially in places of large concentrations of people (such as offices or schools). This type of pneumonia, as a rule, quickly passes.
  5. Pneumocystis pneumonia. Caused by a yeast-like fungus, which is usually found in the lungs, without creating problems for the "master", but can grow and lead to pneumonia in people whose immune system is weak (for example, because of AIDS, organ transplant, cancer, or chemotherapy).
  6. Aspiration pneumonia. Occurs when the contents of the oral cavity and the nasopharynx are inhaled into the respiratory tract.
  7. Legionnaires' disease. It is caused by a bacterium legionella, which lives in water. Disease Legionnaires can spread through contaminated plumbing, shower or air conditioning.

Signs of pneumonia in an adult with bacterial pneumonia

Doctors often divide bacterial pneumonia into a typical and atypical, based on the signs and symptoms of the disease.

A typical pneumonia occurs very quickly.

  • Typical pneumonia usually leads to severe fever and chills.
  • At the patient at cough sputum of yellow or brown color is allocated.
  • There can be a pain in the chest, which, as a rule, increases with deep breathing or coughing. The chest can hurt when it is touched or pressed. Chest pain can be a sign of other serious illnesses, so do not try to diagnose inflammation of your lungs yourself.
  • A typical pneumonia can cause dyspnea, especially if a person has any chronic lung disease, such as asthma or emphysema.
  • Elderly people may suffer from confusion or mental impairment during pneumonia or other infections.

Atypical pneumonia begins gradually.

  • Sometimes another illness begins several days or weeks before pneumonia.
  • Fever is usually weak, and chills are less likely than in the case of typical pneumonia.
  • The patient can complain to the doctor about a headache, body aches, and joint pain.
  • Cough can be dry or with it a small amount of sputum is released.v
  • Chest pain is often absent.
  • There may be abdominal pain.
  • There is a feeling of fatigue or weakness.

Bacterial pneumonia, like the virus, is contagious.

When to seek medical help?

  • If the patient has a fever and cough with yellow, green or brown sputum, he should visit a doctor.

When to call an ambulance for pneumonia?

  • If the patient has shortness of breath. This sign of lung inflammation in an adult as a breathlessness is not just a feeling that a person can not take a full breath. Shortness of breath means that the patient can not dial into the lungs enough air to meet the needs of the body. This is a potentially serious symptom and he always requires a visit to the emergency room.
  • If the temperature rises above 39 ° C or falls below 35 ° C.
  • If the pulse is equal to or greater than 125 beats per minute at rest.
  • If the respiratory rate is more than 30 breaths per minute at rest.
  • If a systolic blood pressure drop below 90 mm Hg occurred, resulting in dizziness, blockage, or fainting.
  • If there is pain in the chest or confusion.

Risk factors for the development of pneumonia:

  • a chronic health problem, such as diabetes;
  • smoking;
  • alcoholism or drug addiction;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • a weak immune system, for example, due to the use of steroids or the use of drugs to suppress immunity (people with transplanted organs take such drugs);
  • sick or damaged lungs due to asthma or emphysema;
  • very young or very old age (over 65 years);
  • life in a nursing home;
  • problems with vomiting reflex (frequent suffocation or difficulty swallowing);
  • a surgery to remove the spleen.

Complications that may occur from pneumonia include:

  • Bacteremia: the infection penetrates into the bloodstream and can spread to various organs.
  • Pleurisy and empyema: with pleurisy occurs an inflammation of the membrane, which covers the lungs (pleura). The empyema occurs when the fluid in the lungs that causes inflammation becomes infected.
  • Lung abscess: cavities (or one cavity) filled with pus may appear in the infected area of ​​the lungs.
  • Acute respiratory distress syndrome: when the lungs are severely damaged due to pneumonia, respiratory arrest may occur.

The first signs of viral pneumonia in adults: how to recognize viral inflammation

Viral pneumonia usually occurs in young children and the elderly. This is because the body of a young or elderly person is harder to fight the virus than an adult human body with a strong immune system.

In healthy adults, pneumonia usually proceeds easily. In contrast, elderly people and those with weakened immunity often develop severe viral pneumonia. Patients aged 65 years and over are at risk of dying from viral pneumonia, as well as from influenza not complicated by pneumonia.

How to recognize pneumonia in viral infection in adultsViral pneumonia is most often caused by one of several viruses:
  • Adenovirus.
  • Flu.
  • Paragrippus. Parainfluenza virus is the second most important cause of lower respiratory tract disease in children and pneumonia and bronchitis in children under 6 months of age.
  • Respiratory syncytial virus. This is the most common cause of lower respiratory infection in infants and children, and the second most common viral cause of pneumonia in adults. The first is influenza viruses.

Swine influenza (H1N1) was associated with an outbreak of pneumonia in 2009. The first reports came from Mexico, where there was a very high mortality from this disease. Many cases were also recorded in the US Nevertheless, early detection and treatment helped to significantly reduce the death rate from viral pneumonia.

Serious viral pneumonia is most likely to occur in:

  • Premature babies.
  • Children with heart and lung diseases.
  • People infected with HIV.
  • People undergoing cancer chemotherapy, or taking drugs that weaken the immune system.
  • People who underwent organ transplantation.

The first signs of pneumonia in adults with viral infection

Symptoms and signs of viral pneumonia often develop slowly and at first appear harmless, whereas in bacterial The pneumonia is developing very quickly and the patients are turning to the doctor for several days.

The most common signs are:

  • Subfebrile temperature (less than 38.8 ° C).
  • Cough with a little mucus.
  • Fatigue.
  • Muscle pain.
  • Headache.
  • Blue nails (due to lack of oxygen in the blood).
  • Nausea and vomiting.

During a physical examination, the following signs of pneumonia can be observed in a patient:

  • Tachypnea (rapid breathing).
  • Tachycardia or bradycardia.
  • The wheezing in the lungs.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Breast or intercostal retraction (internal muscle movements between the ribs).
  • Decreased breathing sounds.
  • Pleurisy.
  • Cyanosis (blue skin).
  • Rashes on the skin.
  • Acute respiratory distress (a dangerous violation of pulmonary function, respiratory failure).

When to seek medical help?

You should see your doctor if any of the following symptoms appear:

  • Persistent cough.
  • Dyspnoea in motion, or at rest.
  • Severe chest pain.
  • Severe weakness.
  • Coughing with blood.
  • Vomiting is so strong or frequent that dehydration has occurred.
  • Impossibility to eat and drink fluids.

How to recognize pneumonia in adults

Signs of pneumonia in an adultPhysical examination is necessary for the diagnosis of pneumonia. It can also help to determine how serious the disease is, and what can be its cause.

The doctor will listen to the heart, lungs and chest of the patient through a stethoscope.

It will also consider vital signs such as body temperature, heart rate, blood pressure and respiratory rate.

Information collected during a physical examination can help a doctor determine if pneumonia is mild or severe.

  • A chest X-ray may be necessary to confirm the diagnosis of "pneumonia". Many people with mild pneumonia symptoms are prescribed effective treatment without radiography. Nevertheless, patients with moderate and severe pneumonia often receive a chest x-ray to determine the extent of the disease and identify complications of the disease, such as pus in the lungs.
  • Laboratory tests are sometimes required to diagnose pneumonia. Laboratory tests can help a doctor find out what caused pneumonia and how the patient's body tolerates the disease.
  • The most common laboratory tests include: measuring the number and type of white blood cells in the blood, and the use of a sputum sample to help identify possible pathogens of infection. People with difficulty breathing can undergo pulse oximetry (a test that allows you to assess the oxygen saturation and heart rate).

The patient should inform the doctor about any illnesses that he has, including a violation of the vomiting reflex, about the use of alcohol or intravenous drugs, smoking and the recent stay in the hospital. You also need to tell the doctor about a recent episode of a viral infection or flu-like symptoms.

What should I do with the first signs of pneumonia in adults?

  • Do not smoke and do not allow others to smoke near the patient. Nicotine and other chemicals in cigarettes and cigars can lead to lung damage. Talk with your doctor before using electronic cigarettes and other drugs to help stop smoking.
  • Have more rest.
  • Use a household air humidifier. The patient is able to clear more sputum, if breathing with moist air.
  • Drink fluids to help prevent dehydration when vomiting. In addition, the liquid helps to thinning the mucus, so it leaves the body more easily.
  • Deep breathing and coughing. Deep breathing helps open the airways to the lungs. Cough helps to "drive out" mucus from the lungs. You need to take a deep breath and hold your breath for as long as you can. Then exhale the air and cough hard. Do 10 deep breaths in a row every hour from the moment you wake up.


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