For inhalation of cough preparations

Types of inhalations for cough and the peculiarities of their conduct

The occurrence of respiratory diseases occurs very often, both in children and adults. As an effective method of controlling the disease at the initial stage of its course, various inhalations are used for coughing.

Medical practice shows that with the help of inhalations the body recovers faster, and complications in the form of a prolonged cough are very unlikely. In order for the procedures to bring real benefits, you need to know how to implement them correctly.

Benefits of breathing steam when coughing

When inhaled warmed and humidified air occurs warming and moistening the walls of the bronchi

With inhalation, the bronchi are heated by inhalation of vapors. Inhalations are an excellent cough remedy for the treatment of bronchitis, bronchial asthma and pneumonia. The main advantage of this procedure is that when using medicines, they do not enter the blood, but only affect the person's airways.

There are different ways of carrying out the procedure - from the simplest ones using a teapot and ordinary water, to complex, requiring the presence of a specialist and the availability of special instruments. But, more interesting are the methods of inhalation with cough, which can be done at home. In addition, this treatment has the following advantages:

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  • the opportunity to conduct therapeutic therapy with the first symptoms of coughing, not allowing him to penetrate a more complex form;
  • the opportunity to provide the patient with warmth and sleep right after the procedure, after all, after visiting the clinic, this becomes impossible;
  • home environment favorably affects the child, so most often he will calmly treat the procedure.

Inhalation during coughing at home can take place both in an old and tested way, and with the help of special modern devices - inhalers.

Using the first method, the vapor is inhaled over the container, or through a paper tube that is worn on the kettle.

Inhalations help to cough through these actions:

  1. Steam allows drugs to penetrate deeply into the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, removing the inflammatory process.
  2. Steam significantly enhances the effect of drugs, so that immediately after the procedure, the spasms are removed from the smooth muscles of the respiratory tract. Also, the correct implementation of the treatment procedure helps to dilute and separate sputum.
  3. No drug can penetrate so deeply, reaching as much into the lower parts of the lungs, as with the formation of steam.

Which drug to choose?

Depending on the type of cough and the severity of its course, various medicines, herbs, aroma oils and other medicinal substances may be added to water or saline solution. When treating a cough by affecting the respiratory tract of steam, both traditional and traditional medicine can be used.


The choice of a medicinal preparation in the treatment of cough should be carried out depending on its type. So, with a dry cough it is useful to use salbutamol, berodual, berotek and atroven. Their effect on the respiratory tract allows you to moisturize the irritated dry throat, relieve inflammation from it, and also helps to separate sputum.

With a wet cough, when the main purpose of inhalation is separation and excretion of sputum, it is advisable to use solutions such as lazolvanum, pulmozim, flumimil. Cough that occurs on the background of the course of bacterial bronchitis, should be treated with inhalations using flumutil, dioxidin, furatsilina, gentamicin.

To eliminate the cough, it is necessary to follow this sequence in carrying out inhalations:

  • to carry out the procedure with the use of bronchodilators;
  • After 20 minutes you can breathe a couple of drugs that dilute sputum;
  • After half an hour, an inhalation with an antiseptic medicine should be performed;
  • immediately after septic tanks, the use of anti-inflammatory drugs is allowed.

Traditional medicine for inhalation

With a dry cough, when the patient can not clear his throat, inhalation is recommended based on non-carbonated mineral water. Sea water also benefits, facilitating the formation and separation of phlegm. It is also useful to add baking soda or grape juice to hot water.

You can cook a decoction of oak leaves, eucalyptus, chamomile, calendula, sage or mint. Inhalation on the basis of these herbs helps with a strong cough. The standard proportion is a tablespoon of dried herbs for 250 ml of water. You can also do inhalations based on essential oils: citrus, fir, juniper, sea buckthorn, eucalyptus, mint and other types. Antibacterial effects are provided by inhalation with the addition of fresh garlic juice or onions. In addition, such popular cough suppressants used for inhalation are considered effective:
  1. In warm water, dissolve the natural honey in the ratio pour into the inhaler and breathe first with the mouth, and then with the nose.It is very important to use warm water, the temperature of which does not exceed 38 degrees, because the useful properties of this product are lost due to high temperatures.
  2. You can breathe over steamed potatoes, which is useful only with a dry cough. You need to cook unpeeled potatoes, since it is in this form that it has medicinal properties.After the inhalation from the used potatoes, you can make cakes and put on the chest, so you can speed up the recovery process.
  3. With a wet cough, it is useful to breathe a couple of brine with the addition of fir or eucalyptus oil.
  4. Spruces spruce and pine buds have a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect. They are applied in the form of a decoction.

With a tendency to allergic reactions it is advisable not to experiment with the use of herbal decoctions, since such treatment can only complicate the inflammatory process in the airways.

Inhalation with cough is a powerful tool in the fight against respiratory diseases, however, only with a proper procedure.

Which medications are suitable for nebulizer inhalers from cough?

Nebulizer is a modern inhaler for the treatment of respiratory diseases. If you choose the right medicine for this device, you can get rid of cough and cold in a few days without using strong medications.

Cough medicine for the nebulizer

For the treatment of cough with a nebulizer use a variety of solutions that are best and easiest to buy at the pharmacy. They often include several components that cope with the problem in a comprehensive manner. You can prepare yourself a medicine for inhalation yourself. This requires a physiological solution and a medicinal preparation heated to 20 ° C.

The most harmless cough remedy for use in a nebulizer is the mineral water "Borjomi" or "Narzan". Alkaline environment promotes liquefaction and excretion of purulent secretions. This is perhaps the only solution that can be treated independently. The use of medicines should be agreed with the doctor, tk. self-medication can have unpleasant consequences. The right concentration of the solution and the appropriateness of using a particular medicine should be determined by the doctor.

If the cough is dry, the doctor can prescribe inhalation with bronchodilator drugs, such as Berodual, Pulmicort, Atrovent. With a damp cough, solutions from Lazolvan, ACTS, Fluimucil, Acetylcysteine, Pulmozim, which have mucolytic activity, are of great help. With a very strong cough, Lidocaine will help. For the removal of inflammation, as a rule, simultaneously with bronchodilators and mucolytics appoint "Gentomycin "Dioxydin "Tevomycin" or other antibiotics.

Sometimes, to combat coughing, the doctor prescribes drugs of combined action, for example, "Fenoterol or prescribes inhalations based on drugs of different effects. In this case it is necessary to observe the following order: first to inhale the bronchodilator, then after 10-15 minutes - mucolytics, and only after the sputum discharge - anti-inflammatory drug. Those who often get sick, the doctor can prescribe prophylactic inhalations based on interferon, which has an immunomodulatory effect.

What substances can not be used in a nebulizer?

Practically any drug and saline solution can create a solution for use in a nebulizer. The main thing is to follow the rules described in the instruction manual of this device and use only substances that can be used in a certain model.

In many models it is not recommended to use solutions containing oil. Leave the inhaler out of action can also decoctions and infusions of herbs. It is best not to use solutions based on distilled water for inhalation, because There are cases when she caused bronchospasm.

Than to fill the inhaler from a cough

The use of an inhaler in the treatment of cough reduces the period of the disease. During the procedure, the drug is sprayed onto dispersed particles that enter deep into the respiratory organs. This enhances the therapeutic effect and speeds up the action of the drug.

Solutions for inhalers for coughing

For inhalations with cough, the following medicinal solutions are recommended:

- bronchodilators ("Berotek "Salgim "Berodual"),

- mucolytic agents (Ambroghexal, Lazolvan, Fluimutsil).

To remove inflammation, the inhaler is filled with solutions of "Pulmicort "Kromohexal". Allowed to combine medicinal solutions with an interval of ten minutes, but not mixing them. The drug should be diluted only with saline solution, the temperature of the solution should be at least 20 ° C.

If the cough is caused by acute laryngotracheitis, accompanied by stenosis of the larynx or a sharp attack of bronchial obstruction, the inhaler is used as an "ambulance". Medicinal preparations can be used from the time of the appearance of the first symptoms of obstruction or stenosis. The drugs are diluted with sodium chloride. To relieve an attack of cough with bronhoobstruktsii, lagingaspazme and at home, and in a hospital use "Berodual a single dose for children under 6 years should not be more than 10 drops, daily - no more than 30 drops. For children of six to twelve years, a single dose is 10-20 drops, daily - 30-60 drops. The required dose of the drug is diluted in the volume of saline for one inhalation. To remove the attack of bronchial obstruction, stenosis of the larynx is applied "Pulmicort". It can be used in children from six months in the initial daily dose, 5-05 mg. The necessary dose of the drug is diluted in two to four milliliters of saline. Procedures should be carried out twice a day.

Expectorants for inhalation

In the presence of unproductive cough with difficultly separated sputum, inhalations with expectorants are effective. For the treatment of cough with bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, appoint "Lazolvan" ("Ambroxol"). On sale there are special solutions of these preparations, intended for inhalations. A single dose for children under two years is 1 ml plus the necessary volume of saline, inhalations are done twice a day. For children from two to six years, a single dose of the drug is 1 ml, the procedures are performed three times per day, for children from six years, the single dose is 2 ml, the procedures are done two to four times in day. The course of treatment should last five to ten days.

To dilute sputum and facilitate the use of inhalation with "ACTS "Fluimutsilom "Acetylcysteine" (in children of two years). Assign a 10% solution of 2-3 ml per procedure, which are performed twice a day, the course of treatment should be 5-10 days. When dry coughing can help inhalation solution of sodium chloride, soda solution. To remove the attack of a dry obsessive cough prescribed inhalation with a solution of lidocaine. They are conducted only under medical supervision.

Features of using nebulizer in the treatment of cough

The effectiveness of such a procedure as inhalation in the treatment of colds and influenza is undeniable. Modern special devices - inhalers or nebulizers, greatly facilitated the implementation of such a procedure. Inhalation with a cough nebulizer can be done independently at home, both for adults and for children.

A fairly quick healing effect is due to the mechanism of the nebulizer. It consists in the following: the medicine is added to the nebulizer, mixing with saline solution, it turns into an aerosol, which is then inhaled through the upper respiratory tract. The process of inhalation depends on the type of nebulizer: if it is equipped with a tube, the medicine is inhaled through the mouth, if there is a mask, then through the nose.

Sometimes, as a prophylaxis of cold and flu, the nebulizer works in the room, releasing the aerosol into the air. The main advantage of a nebulizer with a cough is the ability to deliver the medicine directly to the focus of inflammation, thereby accelerating its therapeutic effect.

Types of devices

Traditionally, nebulizers are divided into two types:

  • compression;
  • ultrasound.

In compression devices, the conversion of the drug into an aerosol occurs due to air flows. They produce small particles of aerosol that are able to penetrate deep into the respiratory tract. The advantage of compression nebulizers in the universality of the use of a variety of drugs. There are also disadvantages: compression nebulizers are large and noisy during operation.

In apparatuses of ultrasonic type, an aerosol is formed due to the action of ultrasonic vibration on the liquid. Sufficiently fine aerosol particles are also formed in it. The disadvantage of ultrasound devices is the limited use of certain drugs: hormones and antibiotics, which are destroyed by ultrasound. Unlike compression nebulizers, ultrasonic devices have small dimensions and work absolutely silently.

How to use the device when coughing?

Most often, the nebulizer is used with a dry cough or with a cold. When inhaling during the treatment of cough apply various medications, which primarily depends on the type of cough.

It is important to note immediately that the use of any medicine should be agreed with the attending physician.

Despite treatment at home, you still use the medicine, and when you inhale the vapor, its speed of advance to the focus of inflammation higher, since the drug passes the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys and is not absorbed into the blood, but immediately enters the respiratory ways. So, and the possible side effect when applying the "wrong" drug will manifest faster and stronger.
When self-preparing a solution for inhalation nebulizer with cough, it is important to know that You can not use a variety of herbal decoctions, syrups or oils - all this can lead the device out of the building.

The drug against cough, dry or wet, which the doctor prescribed, must be diluted with saline solution. The correct ratio is indicated in the instructions of all medications, and also depends on the disease.

Treatment for wet cough

Such drugs as Lazolvan, Ambrobene, Pulmozim dilute sputum, due to which it is better coughing up

When wet coughing is required, the process of liquefaction and excretion of sputum from the bronchi is relieved, so mucolytic and expectorant drugs are used:

  • fluimucil- antibiotic, which has mucolytic effect, dilutes viscous sputum, increases its volume and facilitates separation;
  • laziness- a popular mucolytic that helps in liquefaction and excretion of phlegm, is very often used in the treatment of cough in children, including the smallest children under 2 years old;
  • ambriform- mucolytic, which has a bronchosecretolitic and expectorant effect;
  • pulmosim- a mucolytic agent that facilitates breathing when coughing.

In addition to medications, it is useful to inhale a nebulizer from a cough using slightly alkaline mineral waters - "Borjomi "Narzan "Essentuki which moisturize the mucous membranes respiratory tract.

Treatment of dry cough

Inhalations with a nebulizer with a dry cough soften the upper respiratory tract, in the first place - the throat, which inevitably suffers with severe coughing attacks. Usually in the treatment of dry cough apply drugs that dilate the bronchi - bronchodilators:
  • Berodual- The drug, which is considered the most effective of bronchodilators, and also has no side effects, is suitable for children from 6 years of age.
  • Berotek- effectively fights with attacks of suffocation with dry cough, as well as attacks of bronchial asthma.
  • Salbutamol- a means, greatly expanding the bronchi, is mainly prescribed for bronchitis.

With a dry cough usually there is a strong inflammatory process due to the fact that bacteria and microbes do not leave the body due to lack of sputum and destroy the cells. Therefore, in the absence of sputum, it is important to adhere to cough treatment with a nebulizer, by inhaling lidocaine, which has an anesthetic effect.

To soften the process of inflammation will help inhalation with a dry cough nebulizer on the basis of saline. The temperature of the aerosol should be low, so as not to irritate the damaged throat.

Inhalation nebulizer in inflammatory processes

Any kind of cough is always accompanied by inflammatory processes. In the fight against them apply special drugs:

  • rotocan- with inflammation of the upper and middle respiratory tract;
  • calendula- alcoholic infusion, used for acute inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract;
  • propolis- tincture, used for pain and respiratory tract trauma.

When several drugs are prescribed simultaneously, there is a strict sequence of their application. First of all, bronchodilators are used, after about 20-30 minutes it is allowed to do inhalation on the basis of mucolytics, and after another 30 minutes - antiseptics. Anti-inflammatory drugs are used last without interruption after the previous procedure.

Thus, the treatment of cough and other symptoms of colds, ARVI, bronchitis, asthma was facilitated with the advent of modern inhalers - nebulizers. Inhalation through a nebulizer with a cough allows for effective treatment of adults and children in a comfortable home environment.

Inhalation with bronchitis, laryngitis - steam inhalations, nebulizer

In the treatment of bronchitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheobronchitis, bronchial asthma, acute, chronic, obstructive bronchitis in adults and children in the composition of complex therapy is very effective to use various inhalations of drugs, special solutions, medicinal herbs.

It is especially convenient to carry out inhalations with bronchitis using an ultrasonic inhaler - a nebulizer, a compressor inhaler, which in pharmacy networks have a wide choice.

The peculiarity of their use is that not all of them can use oily and herbal solutions, but only purified special pharmacy medicinal solutions or mineral water.

So, there are 2 ways of carrying out inhalations:

  • With the help of special devices - inhalers, nebulizers (ultrasonic type, compressor, combined)
  • Steam inhalations - with the help of a container and hot medicinal solution or with a kettle with a paper funnel, put on a teapot spout.

The main task of inhalation therapy in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system:

  • liquefaction of the larynx, pharynx, nose
  • airway mucosa
  • when using drugs - bronchodilator effect, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, decongestant
  • improvement of blood supply and microcirculation of the mucosa - this helps in the early regeneration of tissues

Important! In the presence of inflammatory processes of purulent nature - angina, sinusitis, sinusitis, apply hot steam Inhalation is not possible, because in purulent processes, warming promotes faster growth of pathogenic microorganisms. Steam inhalations can be used only with prolonged runny nose, pharyngitis (without purulent foci), laryngitis.

Steam inhalation with bronchitis, laryngitis - pro and contra

There comes a cold, rainy weather, and most of the young children and weakened adults - catch a cold and catch a viral infection. As a result - a runny nose, sore throat, bronchitis, laryngitis and other respiratory diseases.

Steam inhalations are the oldest and most popular form of inhalation, but it should be used only on recommendations doctor, because in all cases the positive effect of their use will exceed the adverse consequences, because the:

  • With inflammation of the respiratory tract, the vessels are dilated, that is, the outflow of blood is slowed, and the influx is increased, which is manifested by nasal congestion, swelling of the larynx, pharynx. Hot steam with inhalation moisturizes and warms the mucous membrane, which of course contributes to the liquefaction of mucus and its better separation, but, as a rule, not for long. As after heating, the vessels expand, which increases the swelling, loosening the mucosa.
  • The heating and looseness of the inflamed tissues and mucous membrane in turn can provoke the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria and their penetration into the deeper parts of the respiratory system.

There are some rules - common for any inhalation, these are:

  • Begin inhalation only after half an hour after physical exertion.
  • The procedure should last at least 5-10 minutes, but not more.
  • Do not inhale immediately after meals, preferably 1-2 hours after eating, it is natural to talk neither during inhalation, nor after it for half an hour. Also, immediately after the procedure, you can not drink or eat.
  • With laryngitis, inhalation should be done through the mouth, and exhaled through the nose.
  • Breathe should be as calm, free, not deep.
  • Do not use inhalation with laryngitis, bronchitis over boiling medicinal solution.
  • If you are prescribed several medicines for inhalation, the following rules should be observed:
    1. First, bronchodilators
    2. After 15 minutes, expectorants
    3. When the sputum is gone - antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Steam inhalation with herbs, garlic, onions

It should be very careful when carrying out steam inhalations from medicinal herbs, essential oils, especially in children, since it is possible to develop allergic reactions, bronchospasm. People prone to allergies (pollinosis) and individual sensitivity to other irritants, apply herbs and essential oils for inhalations is not advisable, and even dangerous.

In conventional ultrasonic and compression inhalers, decoctions of herbs can not be used, however, in an inhaler, the Dolphin F1000 it is allowed to use them with the proviso that the broth will be pre-filtered well and use a sprayer Rapid Flay 2 »RF2.

  • For steam inhalation with medicinal herbs, such as: chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, calendula, raspberry leaves, Ledum marsh, peppermint, leaves of mother-and-stepmother, leaves of eucalyptus, juniper, oregano, pine buds, you first have to make a decoction, give him half an hour, then add to the infusion of boiling water and pour the solution into a small capacity. Breathe should be covered with a large towel.
  • You can use a teapot for steam inhalation, the water in which does not reach the beginning of the neck, but breathe directly over the neck of the kettle, putting on it a paper cone for inhaling medicinal vapors. Breathe should be exactly as usual, without taking too deep breaths.
  • You can also add a little chopped garlic or onions to the inhalation solution. They contain many phytoncides, natural antiseptics, these are natural medicinal antimicrobial agents.
  • Effective inhalation with saline solutions - 3 tbsp. tablespoons sea salt / liter of water. And also 1 hour. spoon of baking soda on a glass of boiling water.
  • In the absence of allergies, essential oils can be used - pine oil, Altai and Himalayan cedar oil, eucalyptus oil, tea tree oil, juniper oil, thuya oil, but only 3-5 drops should be added glass of water.

Dry inhalation of sea salt

If in the stupa finely grind sea salt, heat it in a frying pan, then pour hot powder into a small container - you can also breathe over such salt powder, periodically mixing it. This dry salt inhalation is very effective for bronchitis and any cough.

Inhalation with a dry cough or cough with a viscous, difficult to separate sputum
  • The collection includes: 15 grams of elderberry flowers, mullein flowers scepeter-like. Pour the floor with a liter of boiling water, insist an hour, filter.
  • In the composition: 1 gram of thermopsis grass, 20 grams of primrose leaves, poured a glass of boiling water, insist hour, filter.
  • In the composition: 10 grams of leaves of mother-and-stepmother, plantain, ledum, also filled with a glass of boiling water, insisted for an hour, filtered.
  • In the composition: 25 grams of chamomile, the kidneys of pine, the floor is filled with a liter of boiling water, it is insisted for one hour, filtered.
  • In the composition: 10 grams of chamomile, licorice, sage, eucalyptus leaf, string, calendula, pour the mixture with a glass of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 2 hours.

Inhalation with nebulizer for bronchitis

How to do inhalation with bronchitis? It is best to use nebulizers that create aerosols from medicines without raising the temperature of the solution. There are different models of such devices that differ in particle size in an aerosol cloud:

  • Srednodispersny aerosol - it is used for inhalation in bronchitis, bronchial asthma, for the treatment of pneumonia. Particle size 2-4 microns, they are able to penetrate deeply into the lower respiratory tract, without lingering in the upper ones.
  • Large-dispersed aerosol - used for tracheitis, laryngitis, for the treatment of common cold and pharyngitis. The particle size is 5-20 microns, so they do not penetrate into the deep parts of the respiratory system, but concentrate on the mucous upper tracts - trachea, nose, pharynx.

To date, ready-made dosage forms have proved to be well suited for inhalations with laryngitis or bronchitis alone at home under the recommendation of a doctor, if there is a home inhaler. Such means include:

  • Inhalation by Lazalvan(Ambroxol) and Ambrobene

Lazolvan - a very effective tool, which includes hydrochloride Ambroxol, he Helps liquefy sputum, making it less viscous, which helps the bronchial mucosa rather from it get rid.

They are used for acute and chronic bronchitis for inhalations, for children over 6 years and for adults 3 ml for each inhalation 2 r / day, for children 2-6 years, 2 ml of solution, for children under 2 years, 1 ml.

To create an inhalation solution, the drug is diluted with saline 1/1, such inhalations can not be done more than 5 days, and also combine with taking antitussive drugs - Libexin, Codeine, Sinekod - instruction, Broncholitin and others. The use of Ambroxol is more effective than Ambrobene, and both drugs improve the absorption of antibiotics.

  • Inhalation with mineral water

Weakly alkaline waters such as Borjomi, Narzan moisturize the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract from the oropharynx to the smallest bronchi, dilute the bronchial secretion and soften the catarrhal phenomena, so they are well used for inhalations in bronchitis and children, and adults. To make 1 inhalation, you do not need 4 ml mineral water, you can do the procedure 4 times a day.

  • Inhalation ACS Injection and Fluimucil

It is used when the sputum is removed from the lower respiratory tract, to facilitate the departure of the mucous secretion in the upper respiratory tract. Dosages for babies 2-6 years 1-2 ml. 1-2 r / day, children 6-12 years - 2 ml., Over 12 years and adults 3 ml of ATSTS solution for 1 inhalation, also 2 times a day. Dilute the drug should be 1/1 with saline, do not inhale for more than 10 days.

  • Chlorophyllitis inhalations

To make inhalation with this drug, use its 1% solution, and dilute 1/10 with saline solution. It is an extract of eucalyptus, which has unique antiseptic properties. For inhalation take 3 ml. diluted solution, make inhalation 3 r / day.

  • Rhotokan Inhalations

This anti-inflammatory drug, based on extracts of chamomile, calendula and yarrow, It is used as an inhalation for laryngitis, bronchitis, acute diseases of upper and middle respiratory tract. To make inhalation, you should dilute the medicine 1/40 (1 ml. solution and 40 ml. saline solution), then 3 times a day, inhalation 4 ml. of the resulting mixture.

  • Inhalation Tonsilgon H and extract of calendula

Tonsilgon is also a homeopathic drug, it can also be used for inhalation with laryngitis. The extract of calendula can be added to steam inhalation or through a nebulizer, diluting 1/40 with saline.

Inhalation with nebulizer for obstructive bronchitis

Inhalations with such bronchitis can not be carried out with medicinal plants and other plant components, as well as essential oils, since most often obstructive bronchitis is allergic and excessive allergization will only aggravate the bronchial condition, increase swelling and spasm. Therefore, inhalations with mineral water, soda, salt inhalations and with special bronchodilator drugs, the dosage, the multiplicity of procedures should indicate the treating doctor.

  • Inhalation by Berodualbronchodilator. Berodual for inhalations, for today is the most popular and very effective means with minimal he warns of suffocation in bronchial obstruction during an infectious disease or asthmatic of an attack.
  • Inhalation by Berotek. This drug is used to eliminate bouts of bronchial asthma, as well as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The time between inhalations should not be less than four hours.
  • Salbutamol- Analogues Salgim, Nebula, Ventolin exists in the form of pocket inhalers, and also in the form of a solution for a home inhaler. It is used for relief of asthma attacks in emergency cases in children and adults, but it is much inferior to Berotek in effectiveness.
  • Atrovent -this drug is less effective than salbutamol and Berotek, but it is the most safe, therefore inhalation with it can be given to children in case of obstructive bronchitis, but only on the recommendation of a doctor. The effect of the action becomes maximum after an hour and lasts 6 hours.

After inhalation, a person should sit quietly for a while, it is better to lie down, and also there should not be any sharp changes in air temperatures, drafts, open windows, and definitely can not go out immediately after procedures.

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