Treatment of chronic obstructive bronchitis in adults

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Obstructive bronchitis in adults

Obstructive bronchitis in adults - diffuse bronchial damage caused by prolonged irritation and inflammation, with which is narrowing of the bronchi, accompanied by difficulty in getting out of the accumulating mucus, sputum. With bronchospasm, which are inherent in this disease, there is difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, wheezing, not associated with the defeat of other systems and organs. Progressive inflammatory process leads to impaired ventilation of the lungs.

The causes of bronchial obstruction

Factors affecting the development of obstructive bronchitis:

Medical factors:
  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system and violation of nasal breathing, foci of infection in the upper respiratory tract - bronchitis, pneumonia
  • Recurrent viral infections and nasopharyngeal diseasesObstructive bronchitis
  • Tumors of the trachea and bronchi
  • Hyperreactivity of the respiratory tract
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Propensity to allergic reactions
  • Injuries and burns
  • Poisoning
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Socio-economic factors:
  • Smoking, second-hand smoke (see video from what do cigarettes)
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Unfavorable living conditions
  • Elderly age
Environmental factors:
  • Long-term effects on the bronchial mucosa of physical stimuli in the external environment are allergens, such as pollen of some plants, house dust, animal hair, etc.
  • The presence of chemical stimuli in the air at work or at home - inorganic and organic dust, acid fumes, ozone, chlorine, ammonia, silicon, cadmium, sulfur dioxide, etc. (cm. influence of household chemicals on health).

Types of obstructive bronchitis

Acute obstructive bronchitis- An acute form of bronchial obstruction for adults is not typical, as most often acute obstructive bronchitis occurs in children under 4 years old. However, in adults primary obstructive bronchitis is observed - due to the addition of several risk factors described above, an inflammatory process develops. On the background of acute respiratory viral infection, influenza, pneumonia, with inadequate treatment and other provoking factors, the onset of obstruction may begin. In acute obstructive bronchitis, the main symptoms in patients are as follows:

  • First observed catarrh of the upper respiratory tract
  • Severe dry cough, with hard-to-recover sputum
  • Coughing attacks especially worse at night
  • Difficulty breathing, with exhaled breath
  • The temperature is subfebrile, no higher than 37.5 - this distinguishes acute obstructive bronchitis from simple acute bronchitis, which is usually a high temperature.

Acute bronchial obstruction is curable, but if it acquires a chronic form, it can become a progressive, irreversible disease.

Chronic obstructive bronchitisis a progressive obstruction of the bronchi in response to various stimuli. Violation of bronchial patency is conditionally divided into: reversible and irreversible. Symptoms with which patients usually consult a doctor:

  • Strong cough, with a discharge in the morning of sparse phlegm mucus
  • Shortness of breath, first appears only with physical exertion
  • Wheezing, shortness of breath
  • Sputum can become purulent in the period of addition of other infections and viruses and is regarded as a relapse of obstructive bronchitis.

Over time, with an irreversible chronic process, the disease progresses, and the intervals between relapses become shorter. In chronic course,

How to treat obstructive bronchitis

Treatment of obstructive bronchitis should be with the active participation of the patient in the treatment process. If possible, it is necessary to eliminate the negative factors provoking the progression of the disease - this is primarily a refusal to smoke, the desire to lead a maximally healthy lifestyle, if the main reason for the development of bronchial obstruction is industrial hazards, a change in work is desirable.

Bronchodilating therapy.It consists of three groups of medicines:

  • Anticholinergic drugs. The most effective and known of them Ipratropium bromide in metered aerosols is Atrovent. The effect of inhalation drugs is slow for about an hour and lasts 4-8 hours. Daily dosage 2-4 inhalations 3-4 times.
  • Beta is a 2-agonist. These medications are recommended to be used 3-4 times a day. If the patient does not have a clear manifestation of the symptoms of the disease, then they can be used only as a prophylaxis immediately before physical exertion. The most famous drugs: Berotek, salbutamol.
  • Methylxanthines. Widespread use of prolonged theophylline, they are used 1 -2 times a day. The most famous of these drugs is Teopek. A solution of euphyllin is administered only in hospitals according to indications. Caution is necessary when treating methylxanthines in patients with heart failure.

Mukoregulatory drugs.To improve sputum discharge, in cases of violation of its secretion, use Acetylcysteine, Ambroxol or Lazolvan (see. list of all expectorants for cough).

Antibacterial therapy.In cases of bacterial infection, in the presence of purulent sputum and signs of general intoxication, antibiotics are prescribed for bronchitis of a wide spectrum of action for 7-14 days. In inhalations, antibiotics are not used. If the patient has chronic obstructive bronchitis, antibiotic treatment prophylactically, in order to avoid exacerbations, do not.

Corticosteroids. Their use is limited, and systemic corticosteroids are prescribed only with severe respiratory failure. Perhaps the use of inhaled hormones, because the side effects in this application are significantly reduced.

Therapeutic breathing exercises.The training of the respiratory muscles is indicated to all patients with chronic obstructive bronchitis. This gymnastics exercises in Strelnikova, and breathing Buteyko, and the use of Frolov's breathing apparatus.

Indications for inpatient treatment

  • Exacerbation of chronic obstructive bronchitis, which does not stop with outpatient treatment (persistent cough with purulent sputum, shortness of breath, signs of respiratory failure increase)
  • Respiratory failure, which developed sharply.
  • Attachment of pneumonia.
  • Signs of heart failure with the development of the pulmonary heart.
  • Need for bronchoscopy.

Advantages of nebulizers for the administration of medicines for COPD

Medicinal products for the treatment of obstructive bronchitis should be used in the form of inhalations. Most often in the home for this purpose use nebulizers. Their advantages are as follows.

  • The drug is sprayed in the form of fine particles in the composition of the aerosol, due to which the depth of penetration of the substance in the respiratory tract increases.
  • Ease of use in children and the elderly (do not coordinate inhalation with inhalation, which is difficult to teach a small child or elderly).
  • The nebulizer allows you to inject high doses of the drug and can be used to stop attacks of suffocation.

Treatment of bronchitis in adults

If this disease is treated lightly, it can develop into more serious pathologies. In non-neglected cases, the treatment of bronchitis in adults can be performed both in the hospital and at home. There is no single recipe that is suitable for everyone. To answer the question, how to cure bronchitis, it is necessary to understand what kind of illness it is. Physicians define it as an inflammation of the bronchial mucosa caused by infection or external factors.

Symptoms of bronchitis

For all types of bronchitis in the first stages are common symptoms. The main ones are: severe cough, sweating, chest pain, general weakness of shortness of breath, body aches, elevated body temperature. Symptoms of bronchitis can disturb a patient both during the day and at night. Often this leads to sleep disturbance, a disorder of the nervous system. Depending on the causes of the onset, several major types of bronchitis are distinguished:

  • acute;
  • chronic;
  • the smoker's bronchitis;
  • obstructive;
  • allergic.


The girl has a pershit in her throat

This type of bronchitis develops against the background of influenza, ARVI or sore throat. It is difficult to recognize such a "transition" independently. The symptoms of these diseases are similar (they can occur simultaneously):

  • cough - paroxysmal, deep, accompanied by sputum, sometimes "barking";
  • hoarseness;
  • sore throat;
  • weakness;
  • elevated temperature (can last for several days);
  • headache;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • coryza;
  • a spasm in the chest.

With a mild course of acute bronchitis, some symptoms may be absent. The duration of treatment directly depends on timely diagnosis, proper therapy. The recovery period for bronchitis in adults is 10-20 days. If the treatment does not help, and the disease does not recede, consult a doctor, he will prescribe the necessary procedures and suitable pills for bronchitis for adults. The main difference between the acute form of pathology and other types of disease is that it is contagious.


A distinctive sign of chronic bronchitis is the periodicity and duration. Periods of exacerbation often occur in the cold season. It is more difficult to get rid of such bronchitis than from an acute form, as it is characterized by residual phenomena, even after the course of treatment. Over the years, the disease can progress, take more severe forms. Identify this type of bronchitis can be on the characteristic symptoms.

A man has chronic bronchitis

Doctors diagnose the chronic form of the disease, if cough is present for more than three months a year, for two consecutive years. Chronic bronchitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Shortness of breath even with a little physical exertion. This is explained by the deformation and blockage of the bronchi that occurs with chronic bronchitis.
  • Increased fatigue.
  • Cough. With this form of the disease, it is persistent, uninterrupted, with a slight separation of sputum, recurrent. It is very difficult to stop the seizures.
  • Bronchospasm.
  • The color of sputum can be from yellow to brown, depending on the stage of the disease.


What is the smoker's bronchitis is well known to people who have this bad habit. It occurs due to the ingress of combustion products and harmful substances into the lungs. This form of the disease is characterized by a continuous cough with sputum discharge. Attacks of morning protracted cough begin immediately after awakening, repeated throughout the day. Bronchitis smoker begins as a one-sided, but eventually flows into a two-sided. If treatment is not performed, the disease progresses, leading to the development of pneumonia and chronic cough.


Cough with obstructive bronchitis

For any bronchitis, the main symptom is a cough. In obstructive form, seizures occur in the morning, after going to the cold, at the beginning of physical activity after rest. Often cough accompanied by spasms of bronchi. With this form of the disease, there is a shortness of breath after physical activity. At first, shortness of breath appears only after severe stress, but over time it occurs during daily activities or at rest. The main causes of obstructive bronchitis in adults:

  • Professional. The causative agent is harmful substances contained in the environment (for example, in hazardous industries). Getting into the body, they become the main cause of obstructive bronchitis.
  • Genetic. Determined by the method of taking tests and passing the survey.


In contrast to chronic or acute bronchitis, it is not infectious, so the use of antiviral drugs to treat the allergic form of the disease does not make sense. This type of pathology arises because of the acute sensitivity of the organism to any substance. Diagnosis of allergic bronchitis in adults will help list the symptoms:

  • Increase in temperature during exacerbation of bronchitis.
  • There is a relationship between external stimuli (the use of certain foods, finding near animals, taking medications) and coughing attacks.
  • The manifestation of uncharacteristic symptoms for bronchitis, for example, rashes on the skin.
  • Cough with bronchitis of allergic form - continuous, paroxysmal in the daytime.
  • The wheeze, whistling as you exhale.

Diagnosis of the disease

Bronchoscopy for the diagnosis of bronchitis

To make an accurate diagnosis, the patient should consult a doctor - lung specialist. Only a specialist is able to prescribe the correct treatment for bronchitis in each individual case. It is not recommended to diagnose independently and engage in self-medication. For accurate diagnosis of pathology, adults are assigned such examinations and tests:

  • bronchoscopy;
  • listening to the patient with a phonendoscope;
  • sputum analysis;
  • fluorography;
  • computed tomography of the lungs (only with chronic bronchitis);
  • general blood analysis.

How to treat bronchitis in adults

If you do not know what means of treatment of bronchitis in adults are effective, self-medication should not be engaged. Lack of necessary care can lead to the fact that the disease will remain untreated. Treatment of bronchitis is not limited only to drug therapy. The complex approach successfully used physiotherapy: UHF treatment, inductothermal interblade area and halotherapy. The standard standard for the treatment of bronchitis includes 4 stages:

  1. Refusal from smoking, proper nutrition.
  2. The use of bronchodilators (salbutamol, erespal), the mechanism of their action is to stimulate the receptors, which leads to an expansion of the bronchi.
  3. The use of expectorant and mucolytic drugs that help to withdraw phlegm.
  4. The use of antibiotics (Augmentin, Biseptol) and antiviral drugs (Cycloferon).


Bronchodilator of bronchitis - Erespal

Preparations of this group contribute to the removal of bronchospasm. According to the type of action, these funds from bronchitis are divided into three types: adrenomimetics, cholinolytics and combination preparations. They should be considered in more detail:

  1. Adrenomimetics. Relax muscles in the walls of the bronchi, removing the spasm. An example of such a drug is Salbutamol, which is used for asthmatic and chronic bronchitis. It is contraindicated in children under 2 years of age, pregnant. Produced in different forms of the drug, there is a choice - take it inside or stab intramuscularly.
  2. Cholinolytics. They have a pronounced bronchodilating ability. A bright representative of such drugs is Erespal. It is an anti-inflammatory, bronchodilator. Children under 14 years of age are prescribed as a syrup. Contraindicated with intolerance to one of the components of the drug.
  3. Combined preparations. Combine the actions of cholinolytics and adrenomimetics. Example - Berodual (International nonproprietary name - Ipratropium bromide + Fenoterol). The actions of the components of the drug strengthen each other, which leads to a high effectiveness of treatment. The drug facilitates the condition with a dry or productive cough, it starts to act after 10-15 minutes.


Expectorant from bronchitis - Mukaltin

The action of expectorants is aimed at excretion of sputum. This is a prerequisite for the treatment of bronchitis in adults. If the body can not independently get rid of a large amount of sputum, it stagnates, and the pathogenic bacteria begin to multiply actively in this environment. More often than other means doctors prescribe to adults such expectorants:

  • Mukaltin. It liquefies viscous sputum, facilitating its release from the bronchi.
  • Means based on the herb thermopsis - Termopsol and Kodelak Broncho.
  • Syrup Herbion, Stoptussin phyto, Bronchicum, Pertusin, Gelomirtol - are based on medicinal herbs.
  • ATSTS (acetylcysteine). Effective means of direct action. It has a direct effect on sputum. When you receive an erroneous dose, you may cause diarrhea, vomiting, and heartburn.


Antibiotic for the treatment of bronchitis - Amoxiclav

If the bronchitis is bacterial in nature, then antibiotic treatment is prescribed. With a viral infection, they are useless. To select effective antibiotics for bronchitis, it is necessary to conduct a sputum examination. It will show what bacteria caused the disease. The list of antibiotics is now very wide, they should be selected by a doctor. Here are the main groups of such medicines:

  • Aminopenicillins - Amoxiclav, Amoxicillin, Augmentin. The effect of these drugs is aimed at suppressing harmful microorganisms, but they do not cause harm to the patient's body.
  • Macrolides - Macropen, Sumamed, Azithromycin, Clacid. Directly block the multiplication of bacteria.
  • Fluoroquinolones - Moxifloxacin, Ofloxacin. Antibiotics of wide action. They are used to treat bronchitis, chlamydial infections, etc.
  • Cephalosporins - Cefazolin, Suprax, Ceftriaxone. Effects on microorganisms resistant to penicillin.
  • Flemoxin solute. Analog of Amoxicillin. Quickly absorbed into the blood. The form of release - tablets.


Treatment of bronchitis in adults with the help of inhalations is carried out using the following groups of drugs:

  • antiseptic agents,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • vasoconstrictor,
  • hormonal,
  • mucolytics;
  • expectorating,
  • immunomodulators,
  • antibiotics,
  • bronchodilators.
Inhalation for the treatment of bronchitis

The advantage of this method is the rapid absorption of the drug. Preparations with bronchitis have a very wide range of actions, the best option is to choose only a doctor. For inhalation, such devices are used:

  1. Steam inhalers. Effective in bronchitis are inhalations with essential oils and medicinal herbs.
  2. Thermal Inhalers. Are one of the most affordable devices for conducting procedures at home. With such inhalations, alkaline solutions and phytopreparations are used.
  3. The nebulizer. One of the most effective devices. With its help, treatment is performed at any stage of bronchitis. The device turns medicines into tiny particles that easily reach the focus of the disease.

The range of drugs for inhalation with the use of nebulizer is very wide. In the treatment scheme is often used Pulmicort or Ventolin (prevents and eliminates bronchospasm). The latter is contraindicated in pregnancy, children under 2 years of age and with individual intolerance to the components of the medication. Some medications for treating bronchitis, such as Ambroxol, in addition to tablets and ampoules for intramuscular injections are also available as a solution for inhalation.


Ointment from bronchitis - Dr. Mom

Treatment of bronchitis in adults is carried out with topical preparations. To do this, ointments based on animal fats are used. They are applied by rubbing on the skin in the area of ​​the bronchi. The positive effect of the treatment is achieved by carrying out a gentle massage while applying the product. The ingredients have a warming effect, making the cough wet and lightening it. Ointments for the treatment of bronchitis can be purchased or prepared independently at home. Before using any of them it is necessary to conduct an allergy test.

Ready-made ointments are more convenient to use and more effective in the treatment of bronchitis, they contain much more useful substances. One of these drugs - Dr. IOM, which has a minimum of contraindications, is allowed for adults and children. Another popular treatment for bronchitis is bearish fat. It is applied either inside or outside. For the impact through the skin, balms Dr. Thyss, eucalyptus, "Star", Bom-Benge ointment and Bormentol, badger fat can be used.

Treatment with folk remedies

In the treatment of bronchitis in adults can be successfully used as pharmacy drugs, and cooked according to the recipes of traditional medicine. These drugs and procedures are less effective, and the course of admission lasts much longer. Here are the folk remedies that have proven effective in the treatment of bronchitis in adults:

  • Aloe with honey. It is administered orally for half an hour before meals. A mixture is made of aloe, honey, melted lard and chocolate, taken in equal proportions.
  • Propolis. An alcohol tincture of this remedy is made and added to tea and herbal infusions of 15 drops. It has antibacterial properties.
  • Milk with soda. Successfully applied for chronic form of the disease and bronchitis of the smoker.
  • Potato inhalation. Proceed according to the scheme: boil potatoes in a uniform, remove from a plate, bending over a hot pan, inhale the steam for 10 minutes. To keep the potatoes cool, cover your head with a large towel.
Folk remedy for bronchitis - cranberry syrup
  • Syrup of cranberries on vodka. Rub the berries (100 g), squeezing the juice, mix them with sugar (50 g). After bringing to a boil the syrup cool, and add a glass of vodka (200 ml). To withdraw phlegm, take 2-day before meals.
  • Bathhouse. Part in it only after consulting a doctor.
  • Warming. These procedures are carried out with a mixture of honey, mustard powder and flour (homemade mustard) or castor oil and turpentine. The mixture is superimposed on the chest area and on the back and left for the whole night. As a warming agent, papillary patches are also used.
  • Compresses. For compresses used honey-oil, potato-soda mixture. Honey compress is superimposed on the back, insulated with cotton wool and left on the patient's body until the morning.

Treatment of pregnant women

Medications prescribed for the treatment of bronchitis in adults (eg, Biseptol, Levomycetin) are strictly contraindicated in pregnant women. A complete lack of therapy can lead to fetal hypoxia, a threat of abortion, bleeding and other negative consequences. An x-ray examination, prescribed for diagnosis of the disease, is strictly contraindicated.

The girl treats bronchitis during pregnancy

If you suspect a bronchitis, you should see a doctor. After the examination, he will prescribe the necessary treatment, which may include:

  • Abundant drink. Milk, herbal tea, tea.
  • Anti-inflammatory herbal decoctions for sore throats.
  • Means that facilitate a dry cough - breastfeeding, lime tea, milk with honey.
  • Performance of exercises of respiratory gymnastics and physiotherapy exercises.
  • If a woman lives in an area with poor ecology, it will be useful to visit a sanatorium.
  • Physiotherapy (appointed only by a doctor).

If the cough does not pass in a month

Long-term treatment of bronchitis in adults at home often leads to the emergence of dangerous complications. If the cough does not go away after a month, contact the clinic. Refusal of treatment or hope for knowledge of pharmacist pharmacist, in adults and elderly people may become the cause of bronchodraheitis, purulent infection, tracheobronchitis, tracheitis and long rehabilitation.

If you followed all the doctor's prescriptions, took a medicine for bronchitis, but there was no improvement, the therapist should send you to the hospital with the transfer of the protocol of treatment. In the hospital, additional tests will be performed, you will be prescribed medication (antibiotics for adults, antiviral drugs) and procedures (dropper, physiotherapy procedures).

Video advice on the treatment of bronchial cough

Treatment of bronchitis is carried out by different methods. Remember that cough treatment is only part of complex therapy. Having looked at the videos below, you will find out which signs are the first to indicate the presence of bronchitis, what is the folk remedy for this disease. In the final video, the famous pediatrician Komarovsky will explain by examples how one can not treat bronchitis (mentioning homeopathy).

First signs

Folk methods

Komarovsky about how you can not treat bronchitis

Bronchitis is obstructive in adults: treatment with traditional and folk remedies

Nowadays people are exposed to a large number of unfavorable factors. This is bad ecology, gassed air, smoking, viral infections. All these phenomena can become the culprits of such an extremely unpleasant disease as obstructive bronchitis in adults. Treatment of pathology should be started as soon as possible. Otherwise, serious complications can develop.

bronchitis obstructive in adults treatment

Characteristics of the disease

Initially, one should understand what constitutes an obstructive bronchitis in adults. What it is? This is a serious enough pathology. It is characterized by a progressive narrowing of the airways. This state, unfortunately, is practically irreversible. The disease is associated with various diseases occurring in the small airways. In addition, it is characterized by emphysema - a process that destroys the parenchyma of the lungs.

Such phenomena provoke harmful substances, dust, tobacco smoke, which the patient faces daily. As a result, an inflammatory reaction begins to develop in such a person.

Sometimes the disease occurs in a chronic form (COPD). This is an extremely serious and difficult condition. After all, COPD is an incurable chronic disease. Taking medications, using traditional recipes help to slow down the development of pathology and significantly improve the patient's condition.

However, do not underestimate the znacharian prescriptions. Means of traditional medicine in the treatment of this disease play a very important role. There are cases when patients recovered using herbs, infusions and decoctions as medicines.

Causes of the disease

What leads to the development of an illness such as obstructive bronchitis in adults? Symptoms and treatment, as well as factors that provoke pathology, certainly deserve special attention, but also about the causes development of the disease should not be forgotten, because, as you know, any disease is easier to prevent than treat.

obstructive bronchitis in adults with symptoms and treatment

For pathology, narrowing of the respiratory tract is characteristic. As a result, sputum has no way out. This condition often leads to the development of an inflammatory process in the lungs.

The culprits of the disease are:

  1. Frequent colds.
  2. Chronic forms of nasopharyngeal diseases.
  3. Bad ecology.
  4. Smoking.
  5. Harmful conditions in the workplace. A person with air inhales particles of substances that contribute to the development of the disease.
  6. Heredity. If someone has obstructive bronchitis in the family, the pathology can develop in relatives. When the first symptoms of an illness should immediately consult a doctor.

Characteristic symptoms

Medics say that at an early stage, you can suspect obstructive bronchitis in adults. Symptoms and treatment of pathology is best discussed with your doctor. After all, independently diagnose, and even more so choose therapy, can be very dangerous.

The manifestation of symptoms of the disease depends on the cause that caused the disease.

If as a result of a viral infection an acute form of the disease develops, then the patient usually experiences the following clinical picture:

  1. Cough. First dry, sputum production begins with time. In acute bronchitis, the duration of cough is from one to two weeks. If it does not disappear for a long time, then, most likely, bronchitis has become chronic.
  2. Very high temperature (reaches 39 degrees).

When acute bronchitis occurs as a result of a bacterial infection, it can be mistaken for an ordinary cold. After all, the symptoms are very reminiscent of such ailments: low temperature, wet cough, general state of weakness.

obstructive bronchitis in adults with symptoms and treatment with folk remedies

Acute obstructive bronchitis can be cured in a week. Of course, if in time it is diagnosed and to conduct the correct therapy.

If there is chronic obstructive bronchitis in adults, the symptoms of the pathology are as follows:

  • constant cough, worse in the morning;
  • body temperature is mostly normal;
  • developing dyspnea, which is treatable only at an early stage.

Diagnosis of the disease

It is very important to diagnose bronchitis (obstructive) in adults in a timely manner. Treatment and diagnosis are carried out by a doctor-pulmonologist.

To determine the exact pathology, the following studies are used:

  • immunological tests;
  • general tests of urine and blood;
  • bronchoscopy;
  • listening to the phonendoscope of the lungs;
  • sputum examination and airway flushes;
  • tomography of the lungs;
  • X-ray.
obstructive bronchitis in adults treatment reviews

Treatment: general recommendations

How to be in that case, if the diagnosis of "obstructive bronchitis" in adults is confirmed? How to treat a pathology?

The patient needs to protect himself as much as possible from the negative impact of the environment and other circumstances that can worsen his health.

To do this, you need to do the following:

  1. Take medicines and traditional medicine on a regular basis.
  2. Refuse to smoke, including passive.
  3. Try not to be in places with polluted or polluted air.
  4. Apply preventive actions to protect against infections. Try to avoid crowded places, take drugs to strengthen immunity.
  5. Often to ventilate rooms, make walks.
  6. Do respiratory gymnastics.
  7. Adhere to the right diet. Eating foods rich in protein, potassium, vitamin C, calcium. Pay attention: dairy products that contribute to the formation of sputum are contraindicated.
  8. Drink plenty of fluids (still).
  9. Try not to salt food.
obstructive bronchitis in adults what it is

Medication Therapy

If obstructive bronchitis is diagnosed in adults, treatment is prescribed exclusively by a doctor (however, as in any other case and for any other disease). And only after a comprehensive examination of the patient.

Usually the following medicines are prescribed:

  1. For the dilution of sputum and the expansion of the alveoli, drugs Terbutalin and Salbutamol are used.
  2. For better separation of sputum and cough relief, the drugs "Ambroxol", "ATSTS", "Bromhexin" are recommended.
  3. Antibiotics (tablets or injections): "Erythromycin", "Amoxicilin", "Azithromycin".
  4. Hormonal drugs are rarely prescribed. They are recommended only if other medications do not help. Most often, "Prednisolone" is prescribed.

Treatment with gymnastics, massage and inhalations

These methods are very effective in such a disease as obstructive bronchitis. In adults, treatment (and in children, in principle, too) includes massage, inhalation, respiratory gymnastics, which helps to restore the body more quickly.

obstructive bronchitis in adults

Doctors recommend:

  1. Do steam inhalations. They make them with soda-alkaline and folk remedies.
  2. The method of respiratory gymnastics is recommended after exacerbation of the disease.
  3. Excellent results are provided by one more event. This is sound gymnastics. It operates as follows. When the various sounds are spoken, vibration of the ligaments begins. It passes into the respiratory tract. As a result, the bronchial tubes relax. The rules for conducting sound gymnastics are prescribed by a doctor for each patient individually.
  4. Chest massage - helps to reduce the muscles of the bronchi. This stimulates sputum evacuation and facilitates breathing.

Recipes of traditional medicine

Quite often they include in the therapy znakhar recipes. They are quite effective in combating such a disease as obstructive bronchitis in adults. Symptoms and treatment with folk remedies must be discussed with the doctor. There are many recipes for alleviating the condition of a patient with obstructive bronchitis.

Here are some of them:

  1. It facilitates breathing a special collection of oregano (200 g), leaves of mother-and-stepmother (200 g) and lime-colored (150 g). To fall asleep in a thermos 3 tbsp. l. herbal mixture, add 1 liter of boiling water and leave overnight. In the morning, extract the infusion and during the day drink small portions.
  2. All patients with obstructive bronchitis experience difficulty breathing and chest pain when coughing. To improve the condition of the patient, folk medicine offers such an infusion. Pour 100 grams of flaxseed seeds with half a liter of vegetable oil. Put in a dark and warm place. After two weeks, the infusion is ready, it must be filtered and taken four times a day on a tablespoon, with egg yolk.
  3. Oil infusion of bay leaf helps to facilitate breathing. In addition, it improves blood supply to the bronchi. Finely chop fresh leaves of laurel (100 g) and pour vegetable oil (preferably olive) in an amount of 50 g. Infuse for 10 days, then drain. Ready to infuse the infusion overnight into the chest area.
obstructive bronchitis in adults how to treat

Patient's opinion

So, now you know what should be with such pathology as obstructive bronchitis in adults, treatment. The patients' testimonies testify that the medicinal preparations selected by the doctor bring considerable relief.

People's means are also quite popular. Many patients make inhalations. Improvement of the state after such procedures, according to patients, comes quickly enough.

Treatment of obstructive bronchitis in adults

Treatment of obstructive bronchitis in adults takes place with constant interruptions - all life.

Obstruction, which has passed into the stage of a chronic process, leads to the appearance of irreversible changes, prone to progression. Complete recovery of chronic obstructive bronchitis is almost impossible. Therefore, the main task in this situation is the removal of the main symptoms and the relief of the patient's condition.

All this suggests that the appeal to specialists should be as prompt as possible, immediately after the appearance of the slightest suspicion of an inflammatory process in the bronchi.

Factors of recovery

The treatment of any disease requires a responsible approach to the process, both from the medical staff and the patient himself. Bronchoconstruction is very difficult to treat. Success and speed of recovery depend on:

  • degree of severity of the disease;
  • the vastness of the pathological process;
  • involvement in obstruction of other organs, except bronchi;
  • the age of the patient;
  • the presence of aggravating factors (smoking).

Smokers who have a long record of their bad habits, almost all, suffer from chronic bronchitis with more or less severe obstruction. Hence the obvious conclusion - the sooner you quit smoking, the faster relief will come and in the bronchi, finally, enlightenment will begin.

Stop the progressing current

The main thing is the treatment of obstructive bronchitis in adults. It is necessary as soon as possible to exert influence on the pathological process, in order to limit its spread to other organs. For this, first of all, it is necessary to give up smoking, if such a habit is available.

Nicotine has not only a detrimental effect on the body, in particular, on damaged bronchi, but also inhibits, and often reduces, all the curative effects of the drugs used.

The main treatment of obstructive adult bronchitis

In acute obstructive bronchitis should combine different methods of treatment aimed at achieving therapeutic treatment based on medicines:

  • expanding the bronchi, the so-called adrenoreceptors, for example, salbutamol;
  • stimulating the work of bronchi - tiotropium bromide;
  • have a strong secretory effect on the production and excretion of sputum - expectorants and mucolytics;
  • preventing the development of complications - taking mucolytics in combination with antibiotics.

Antibiotics for the treatment of obstructive bronchitis

Are indicated in severe forms. It is most expedient to use antibiotics, which have proven themselves in the fight against complex inflammatory processes, including with obstructive phenomena - amoxicillin, erythromycin. These medicines belong to different groups of antibiotics and are only representatives of each group.

Correct and Wrong antibiotics

What kind of drug from these groups to give preference, it will be clear after the results of blood tests and sputum on the sensitivity to antibiotics. Therefore, one should not show excessive zeal and prescribe medication independently.

Premature reception of incorrect, ineffective antibiotics in this case, can lead to "lubrication" of the picture of the disease, which in turn significantly increases the chance of complications.

With obstructive bronchitis, drink thyme

In anticipation of the results of a full survey or removal of their own unrest. You can safely give preference to preparations based on it or to prepare decoctions of grass. Thyme is a unique herb that best suits the situation, thanks to its sedative and expectorant properties. In addition, do not forget about the bactericidal property of thyme.

Treatment of obstructive bronchitis in adults will be more productive, the more attention the patient will be able to pay to compliance all the rules for taking medicines, saturating your diet with vitamins and avoiding bad habits.

Obstructive bronchitis - treatment with drugs and folk remedies. How to treat obstructive bronchitis in children, video

The human respiratory system is a unique mechanism that saturates the body with oxygen and protects against infection, toxins, and viruses. If the failure occurs, the inflammatory process begins, known as the bronchial obstruction syndrome. What is acute or chronic obstructive bronchitis as a disease and how to effectively get rid of it? Full information about this you will find in a short review.

What is obstructive bronchitis?

Inflammatory process in the bronchi in humans

The inflammatory process in the bronchi, which causes damage to the patency of the respiratory tract, is called bronchitis. According to ICD 10, a progressive disease leads to a violation of the ventilation of the lungs, affects the internal organs. There is an inconvenient respiratory process, wheezing, shortness of breath. There are two forms of bronchitis with obstruction:

  • Acute, typical for children, appears after viral infections (influenza, SARS, pneumonia).
  • Chronic, manifested after any stimulus (disease, allergic reaction).


Bronchial obstruction in the acute form develops against the background of a respiratory viral disease. The patient has a fever, signs of fever, weakness. The main symptom of bronchitis with the name obstructive is a dry, intrusive cough, which then passes into a moist form. Severe cases of the disease due to congestion of pulmonary secretion, edema of the mucosa are characterized by:

  • shortness of breath;
  • wheezing;
  • whistling sounds.

Signs of obstructive bronchitis in chronic form do not appear for a long time. Exacerbations occur against the background of hypothermia, the effects of diseases. Symptomatics of bronchitis, which is called obstructive, occurs as a result of complications, depends on the level of damage to the organs of the respiratory system:

  • strong, suffocating cough;
  • scant sputum becomes purulent;
  • shortness of breath with whistling.
The man has an attack of severe cough


There are many factors that will cause bronchitis with obstruction:

  • inflammatory processes of the nasopharynx;
  • allergy;
  • poisoning;
  • burns, injuries to respiratory organs;
  • genetic predisposition (antitrypin deficiency);
  • age (risk groups include children and the elderly);
  • tumors of the bronchi, trachea;
  • recurrent viral infections.

There are other points: an incorrect way of life (in smokers and abusing alcohol) affects all the functions of the body, and poor environmental conditions and work in harmful production can encourage the development of respiratory diseases. In addition, the presence of chemical stimuli easily affects the appearance of symptoms of bronchitis: if the time does not eliminate the allergen, then asthmatic bronchitis will develop into bronchial obstruction.

How to treat obstructive bronchitis in adults and children

The main task in the treatment of bronchitis, which is indicated as obstructive, is the localization of the underlying disease, as well as the relief of the effects of respiratory patency. For this, all irritants are excluded, the influence of which adversely affects the patient's condition. In acute bronchitis with osteoporosis in children up to one year, it is recommended to release respiratory organs from secretions and accumulated mucus by applying a vibrating massage.

People's means

Medicinal plant of Aloe

Experienced doctors prescribe a comprehensive therapy, which includes folk medicine as an additional tool. Remember: with such a serious illness as bronchitis, you can not rely solely on herbs. It is forbidden to engage in self-medication: all drugs are prescribed only by a doctor. Natural remedies help liquefaction and excretion of sputum.

Aloe juice has surprising properties, it is used for serious diseases (including bronchitis) as an additional remedy:

  • 500 g of fresh plant leaves to grind in a blender or meat grinder;
  • Add honey and Cahors (in equal proportions) to the resulting mass;
  • to stir thoroughly;
  • insist 14 days;
  • Take 18 g before meals (no more than three times).

With bronchitis to stop the attack suffocating cough recommend warm milk with the addition of 10 drops of propolis, and turnip juice with honey will help liquefy sputum in case of illness, so take it several times a day, a teaspoonful. An auxiliary tool for chronic bronchitis is the collection of medicinal herbs, which is infused for 60 minutes:

  • motherwort;
  • eucalyptus;
  • mother and stepmother;
  • nettle.

Thyme is known for its mukalizing properties, so the use of traditional medicine as an additional remedy for bronchitis and pulmonary diseases is common. Broth stems of plants three times a day take two tablespoons before eating:

  • 15 grams of raw material pour a glass of hot liquid;
  • put the container on the steam bath (not less than 15 minutes);
  • when the product cools down, strain through gauze.


Syndrome of bronchial obstruction with bacterial infection and purulent sputum is treated only with potent antibiotics. The task of the therapist (pediatrician in the case of a newborn) will be to eliminate the focus of the disease. The course lasts for 5-7-10-14 days. The type of medicines, their dosage is prescribed by the doctor individually, so do not trust the advertising or advice of friends. In addition, bronchitis with obstruction prescribes drugs with bifidobacteria to restore the microflora of the stomach.

Features of treatment of obstructive bronchitis

Ointment Erythromycin
  • If a person has a strong immune system, the recovery process will take an average of 14 days.
  • In elderly people, due to age-related changes, the duration of rehabilitation procedures increases.
  • Careful attention requires the flow of bronchitis in infants or preschool children: the rapid development of inflammatory processes occurs during the first hours, so pediatrics provides for the continuation of therapeutic measures up to three weeks.

On how quickly the doctor will identify the cause of obstruction in the course of bronchitis, the timing and features of treatment depend. To identify the source of the disease, differential diagnosis is needed: this is how the symptomatology of bronchitis is recognized. At elevated temperature, the weakened organism of the patient is sent to the clinic, where he will be under round-the-clock supervision of medical personnel.


How to cure the acute form of bronchial obstruction syndrome? Do not engage in self-medication, especially for children. If the immunity of an adult is adapted to fight infection, then the baby requires immediate medical attention. Treatment is carried out with drugs that have expectorant properties ("Ambrobene").

In acute bronchitis with characteristic obstruction, the cause that caused the disease is first eliminated. This is the main stage of therapy, so they give him maximum attention. If a microbial infection is found, then a course of antibiotics is prescribed ("Erythromycin", "Spiramycin", "Amoxiclav"). When severe respiratory failure is recommended the use of corticosteroids ("Symbicort", "Advair").


Schematic representation of COPD and emphysema

When the bronchitis has passed into the chronic form, it means that the condition becomes aggravated against the background of the appearance of the stimulus. The treatment regimen is indicated by the therapist after a series of studies (to exclude concomitant diseases):

  • To restore the patency of the respiratory tract, bronchodilators are prescribed (Berodual, Salbutamol);
  • means used to dilute mucus and sputum in the bronchi ("Lazolvan", "Bromgeksin", herbal preparations, homeopathy);
  • if there are purulent discharge, then antibiotics are used;
  • strengthen immunity with courses of vitamin therapy.


To avoid relapses of bronchitis obstructive, it is necessary to exclude all irritants - smoking, alcohol abuse, allergens. Timely diagnosis and cure of nasopharyngeal diseases will save further problems. Prophylaxis of the chronic form of bronchial obstruction is carried out in sanatorium-medical institutions. To get rid of obstructive acute or chronic bronchitis, doctors recommend respiratory gymnastics.

Video: treatment of obstructive bronchitis in children from Dr. Komarovsky

All inflammatory processes with obstructive (often acute) bronchitis in the child's body occur rapidly: if in the morning there is lethargy, then in a couple of hours the temperature will start to rise, so we must immediately prescribe a therapy. With timely medical assistance, the transition of the acute form of the disease into a chronic one is excluded. The information on how quickly and easily get rid of bronchitis with obstruction will tell the pediatrician Komarovsky.

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