Nasal bleeding in children and adults: causes, treatment, first aid

Nasal bleeding in adults or children occurs when vascular integrity is impaired( usually the anterior sections - by author ) in the nasal mucosa.

Bleeding from the nose of in humans can be caused by many factors and their combination: nose trauma( nose picking, impact, compression of the nose wings), fragile vessel walls, clotting disorders, overfatigue, atrophic processes of the nasal mucosa, overheating and heat stroke,high blood pressure, diseases of internal organs and their systems, including oncology. Code of nasal bleeding according to ICD-10: R04.0.

Let's talk about how to stop blood, if it comes from the nose, how to provide first aid for nosebleeds at home.


Reasons: why the blood comes from the nose

Part of the reasons we have already outlined above and just not count, but in most cases, if the nose blood from a child or an adult has gone, do not necessarily panic, in cases of frequent nosebleeds, of course, you need to contact a doctor-therapist or pediatrician to determine the true cause of the disease. One thing is clear why the blood flows from the nose: because the vessel burst in it.

Treatment of nasal bleeding

How to stop blood from the nose in a child and an adult

Nasal bleeding can sometimes be very severe, and while a person can lose a lot of blood.

It should not be forgotten that blood is poured out of the nose not only outside but also swallowed. Therefore, should never be used to lay a patient with epistaxis. If the patient lies - of course, the blood from the nasal passages will not flow, it will simply be swallowed. If the patient swallows blood, then there may be bloody vomiting, which causes horror not only in the patient, but sometimes in the medical staff.

Nasal haemorrhages in frequency stand in the first place among all types of bleeding. There are a lot of reasons for them, both local( stroke, foreign body, tumors, coughing, sneezing) and general( flu, infectious diseases, blood clotting disorders, bleeding in hypertension and atherosclerosis, malaria, scarlet fever, heart defects, emphysemaetc.).Sometimes nasal bleeding occurs with stagnant phenomena, often accompanying pregnancy, with intoxication, vitamin deficiency, exhaustion. Often they begin with changes in atmospheric pressure( pilots, climbers, divers), long stay in the sun.

Any nasal bleeding is difficult to predict: often it starts without a visible cause, sometimes in a dream, sometimes they are preceded by headaches, tinnitus, dizziness. Usually bleeds one nostril, but there are cases of bilateral nasal bleeding. Patients often swallow blood, and if swallowed a large number of it can begin bloody vomiting, which is very frightening not only sick, but sometimes doctors.

In 95% of cases, the anterior part of the nasal septum( 1-1.5 cm from the entrance to the nose) is the site of the most bleeding disorders, the richest in the blood vessels. This area is called the bleeding nasal septum.

Bleeding from the nose may stop on its own, and may last a day or more. With a large loss of blood, patients complain of noise and ringing in the ears, weakness, dizziness, nausea, thirst, a drop in the pulse. Sometimes it comes to fainting.

How to stop nasal bleeding: what to do?

People with nosebleeds often get lost and do not know what to do. The actions of the caregiver in this case should be clear and fast, in such an sequence:

  1. , make the patient bleed well from the bleeding nostril;
  2. put him on a chair with his head tilted back;
  3. on the bridge of the nose and nose area, put a bubble with ice( or ice wrapped in cheesecloth) or cold compress;
  4. with force, press the bleeding wing( or both wings) of the nose to the nasal septum with the thumb. If the patient is able to do it himself - make him do it;
  5. press the wing of the nose to the nasal septum for at least five minutes;
  6. if in the house there is any remedy for the common cold or, in extreme cases, hydrogen peroxide, moisten the cotton wool or gauze swab with one of these medicines and enter it before pressing the wing of the nose into the bleeding nostril.

Usually, after the above events, nosebleeds stop in 90% of cases.

Traditional medicine for nasal bleeding recommends the use of ointments from plants that have hemostatic effect. The dried plant( or parts thereof) is pulverized and mixed in a ratio of 1: 4 with pork smal, Vaseline or sunflower oil.

An example is an ointment from the roots of the aira .1 teaspoon of ground roots mixed with 50 ml of lanolin or Vaseline. Lubricate the nasal mucosa 2-3 times a day.

For the preparation of the ointment, you can take 2-3 ml of any tincture of hemostatic plants and 50 g of Vaseline, thoroughly mixed. Obtain the ointment used to lubricate the nasal mucosa.

If all the measures taken have not brought success, we urgently need to see an ENT doctor.

First emergency aid for nasal bleeding

Here we will look at how to stop nasal bleeding in an adult and a child. Stop bleeding from the nose with medication.

With nasal bleeding, the treatment aims:

  1. to stop existing bleeding and
  2. to prevent repeated bleeding.

The most frequent source of bleeding is the anterior section of the nasal septum, so the easiest way is to introduce into this area a dry or wetted 3% hydrogen peroxide, Naphthyzine, Sanorin, Ephedrine wadding or gauze swab.

Then the wing of the nose tightly presses against the nasal septum for 5-7 minutes. A bubble with ice is applied to the bridge of the nose and nose.

If the measures taken are not successful, resort to a tight front tamponade .

With repeated nasal bleeding, you need to find a place of bleeding and prizhech it lyapisom, chromic acid or galvanokauterom. Before cauterization, the area is lubricated with 1 or 3% solution of Dicaine.

If, despite all efforts, bleeding does not stop - the rear tamponade is recommended.

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What to do with frequent nasal bleeding?

Question : I have had frequent nasal bleeding for 5 years with changing weather, during menstruation. Oblast doctors are not able to diagnose. Has handed over the analysis on hormones renin-171.6мкМед / ml, кортизол-330нмол / л, эстрадтол-200пмол / л.The endocrinologist looked at the tests, said that everything was fine.

Answer AL Myasnikova: Correctly said, I think that here it is necessary to look not hormones. Here I would like to first see a common blood test, because frequent bleeding may indicate a violation of the function of platelets and their number. These are white blood cells, which, sticking together, just stop the blood.

In fact, experience shows that there is almost no violation of clotting. This is a consequence of an increase in blood pressure, or simply the dryness of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, the nasal cavity, which makes it very easy to injure small vesicles and bleeding, so the first is a general blood test to make sure that everything is in order with the platelets. The second - it is necessary to address to ENT-doctor who will appoint or nominate local treatment.

Source: NGNogov. Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.

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