Blood from the nose: how to stop at home in children and adults

There is blood from the nose in children and adults for various reasons. The main thing that it is necessary to understand in the mechanism of the development of nasal bleeding is a large accumulation of vessels in the nasal mucosa easily traumatized from external influences or internal. For example, often the increased fragility of the vessels of the nose plus high blood pressure is combined, and here you are, for example, nosebleeds, which is not always easy and quick to stop at home!


Why does blood come from the nose?

The causes of epistaxis are different: dangerous and simple, easily remediable. Anyway, it is better for an adult person to go to the doctor-therapist and be examined, and even more so, to the pediatrician when the problem is revealed in the child

. Blood can go from the nose because it comes:

  1. overheating of the body;
  2. vitamin deficiency;
  3. decreased blood clotting;
  4. weak blood vessels;
  5. trauma to the nose;
  6. inflammation in the nasal passage;
  7. increased pressure;
  8. pathology of the cardiovascular system;
  9. available serious diseases of leukemia or anemia;
  10. reduced level of platelet production in the body;
  11. taking medications;
  12. presence of neoplasm in nasal passage.

Nasal bleeding: what to do?

First, determine the severity of the situation. Try to find answers to the following questions:

  1. Does this child or adult have a single episode of nasal bleeding or a frequent phenomenon?
  2. After which there was a bleeding: sneezing, pampering with clamping each other's wings of the nose, a blow to the face in the nose, falling or "for no reason".
  3. Observe the intensity of the flow of blood from the nostrils, because it often happens that the blood itself is slightly stuck, stops.

Small bleeding can be stopped independently at home.

When the blood flows strongly and this phenomenon is accompanied by additional symptoms and signs:

  • fainting condition,
  • darkening in the eyes,
  • headache,
  • with arterial and venous pressure increase( systolic and diastolic),
  • with severe weakness,
  • anxiety,
  • with hysterical manifestations...

Or, a person has a chronic disease of blood, heart and blood vessels, urgently needs to call an ambulance and be able to provide first-aid first-aid at home!

Nasal bleeding may be preceded by

Sometimes, before the blood begins to flow from the nose, the head may be aching, dizziness and discomfort in the nasal cavity may be felt, tinnitus, flashing of the "flies" before the eyes.

It is especially important to determine the signs preceding a nosebleed in a small child, with high blood pressure and during pregnancy.

How to stop the blood from the nose correctly in children, a small child

  1. Seat the child so that his blood from the nose can flow out without obstacles.
  2. On the bridge of the nose or forehead, attach the ice( a plastic bottle, a hot water bottle with frozen water, a piece of frozen meat) to the child. Or at least something cold from the refrigerator, if there is nothing in the freezer.
  3. At this time, the feet should be kept warm.
  4. Wing the wing of the bleeding nostril to the nasal septum for 15 seconds or more.

In uncomplicated cases this will help, the blood will stop.

If the blood goes badly, insert a tampon in the nostril of , moistened with a small amount of hydrogen peroxide ( salt water may just come up).

An alternative method of how to stop the nose from bleeding is to use vasoconstrictive nasal drops: Naphthysin , Xylen .

In order to prevent frequent nasal bleeding in children:

  1. regularly examine a child from a pediatrician;
  2. take walks in the fresh air;
  3. strengthen vessels by hardening procedures, swimming, preventive physical training;
  4. periodically in the children's room moisten the air;
  5. food should be regular, a food ration valuable, rich in vitamins, amino acids, microelements, vegetable fiber;
  6. observe the regime of the day, work and rest, watch for the usefulness of night sleep;
  7. should not be a habit of picking in the nose!

How does blood from the nose stop during pregnancy?

  1. Sit on a chair so that the blood flows freely from the nasal cavity.
  2. Next, grip both nostrils for fifteen to twenty seconds.
  3. If it does not help, insert a tampon moistened with hydrogen peroxide or salt water( one teaspoon for 200 ml of water - cool water!).
  4. Option 1: The ice is applied to the bridge of the nose.
  5. Option 2: Press on the upper lip in the middle( pressing it against the central nasal septum) and hold it finger for twenty seconds.

Nasal bleeding should stop. If not, call an ambulance at home.

How to stop blood from the nose at high pressure

We said that nosebleeds sometimes appear against the background of high blood pressure.

In order to stop blood from the nose with hypertension( crisis flow) or a sudden increase in pressure:

  1. . Sit on a chair or lie down on a bed( head up with pillows!).
  2. Put in the nose a damp, wooly turunda, dipping into hydrogen peroxide or salt water.
  3. Calmly sit or lie for five to ten minutes.
  4. In case of failure - call an ambulance.

What can not be done when blood comes from the nose

  1. Do not allow blood to enter the respiratory tract. Therefore, lying on the bed, raise the headboard with a high pillow or a few thinner cushions.
  2. Do not throw your head back. From this, the blood does not stop, because it needs to be spit out!
  3. Do not lie horizontally, and even more so with raised legs - the blood flows to the head and this can provoke a bleeding complication or a new attack.
  4. You can not worry, worry, you need to keep calm, determination, immobility of mind and body. Bleeding from the nose stop!
  5. You can not drink a lot of strong tea and coffee, avoid drinking alcohol during this period. They provoke an increase in pressure and fragility of the vessels.
  6. During the stoppage of blood, a crust of gore is formed in the nose, it stops the bleeding as a stopper, so it is impossible: to pick at the nose, blow your nose.

When you need a doctor

You need to consult a doctor when:

  1. in the nose wound as a result of injury, nasal cavity is damaged;
  2. lasting bleeding for more than 15 minutes, which can not be stopped;
  3. frequent nasal bleeding without obvious causes( daily, every other day, once a week).

Stopping nasal bleeding in folk ways at home

The above are the standard recommendations of official medicine.

Let's consider folk - non-traditional methods of treatment.

Try to drip your nose with freshly squeezed lemon juice .A few drops in each nostril. Option: dipped in a lemon juice cotton swab and insert into the nose for a few minutes.

Fresh nettle juice soaked cotton wool and inserted into the nose.

You can successfully stop the blood from the nose on the system Su-Jock : tie the thumb of the hand at the middle of the nail with an elastic band or a string, hold it for ten minutes. The blood will stop reflexively.

Increased dryness of the air provokes dryness of the nasal mucosa, fragility of the vessels and, consequently, nosebleeds. When in the autumn heating systems are started in houses, the air becomes drier than in the warm season. Solve this problem in the following ways:

  1. Correctly matched air humidifier,
  2. placement of wet towels on batteries,
  3. spraying room with spray gun,
  4. frequent airing or houseplants.

When the nasal mucosa dries up, crusts form, so you can periodically drip two or three drops of oil of sea-buckthorn or rose hips into each nostril.

When bleeding is associated with increased fragility of the vessels, consult a doctor( especially during pregnancy!).Strengthen the vessels of the nose routines and ascorbic acid .

When low blood clotting is recommended, drink tea from herbs :

  1. chicken throat,
  2. nettle,
  3. fruit and seabuckthorn leaves,
  4. plantain,
  5. yarrow,

5-10% solution of calcium chloride will reduce the permeability of the vessel walls. Take it after eating, two to three times a day, one teaspoonful.

Blood poorly coagulates if there is a shortage of vitamin K .Therefore, use more lettuce, bananas, avocado, spinach, all kinds of cabbage, soy, wheat bran, meat, butter, eggs, olive oil, all dairy products.

Tips of traditional healers and Wangs to eliminate nasal bleeding

  1. Take the usual bulb of medium size, cut it in half and cut one half into the bridge of the nose, the second - to the surface of the neck from behind, where it goes to the head. Hold this for 5-10-15 minutes.
  2. With frequent nasal bleeding, the method is effective: take a woolen thread and hang a small metal key on it. Such " medallion " is put on the neck backwards so that the key fits on the back between the 's blades. This method in folk medicine helps to suppress severe bleeding.
  3. Receiving a piece of aloe leaf .With strong and frequent nasal bleeding recommend a breakfast before breakfast a piece of 2 cm of aloe vera leaf. If it tastes too much, pour it into honey.

Once again: the first aid algorithm for nosebleeds

  1. The victim is seated on a sofa, in an armchair, on a chair with a backrest - on any seat with a support for the back.
  2. The patient's head is slightly lowered, so the flowing blood does not enter the nasopharynx and does not enter the respiratory tract. Then there will be no sneezing and coughing, which aggravates the increase in blood pressure and increase.
  3. Close the source of bleeding by clamping the bleeding nostrils for 5-10-15 minutes! To do this, you can 1) press the wing of the nose to the nasal septum, or 2) tampon a piece of cotton wool nostril( moisten the cotton wool in a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide or saline - 1 teaspoon per 1 cup of cool nostrils).Option 3) to drip vasoconstrictive drops - Galazolin, Naphthysine, Xylometazoline, Xylen.
  4. On the nose and the back of the neck we put something cold or frozen that can be found at home. A towel, soaked in cold water and wrung out, can be used.

This algorithm of action is suitable to stop the blood in a child and an adult, a teenager and an elderly person, for hypertension with high blood pressure, during pregnancy for a woman.

Top three errors

  1. Head tilting.
  2. Stacking on the back without a pillow under the back of the head.
  3. Force the patient to bleed.

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Well, dear readers, we have discussed in detail how to stop blood from the nose at home in a child and an adult.

Good luck and success to you! Do not be sick!

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