Abstinence syndrome with alcoholism: effective treatment

Addiction to alcohol occurs with the constant use of alcoholic beverages and is considered a disease that is characterized by three stages. An abstinence syndrome with alcoholism is a combination of different symptoms and degrees of severity, which manifests itself as a violation of the physical and mental plan at stages 2 and 3 of chronic alcoholism. It occurs when the intake of the next dose of alcohol in the body stops or when its dosage is reduced.

  • The concept of abstinence
  • Clinical manifestations
  • Effects
  • Alcohol delirium with abstinence syndrome
  • Treatment
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The concept of abstinence

In contrast to the standard hangover symptoms that pass for a day, the withdrawal syndrome with alcoholism lasts for 5 days and disappears when taking alcohol. To leave independently from such condition the alcoholic can not, it will require medical aid.

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The cause of the syndrome is the intoxication of blood by the decomposition products of ethanol, which are able to accumulate in the liver and intestines and poison the body.

In a healthy person with rare consumption of alcoholic beverages, enzymes are developed - neutralizers of toxic substances. In chronic alcoholics, the organs that produce enzymes are damaged and can not neutralize a large number of toxic substances that are absorbed through the blood and spread through all organs. There is a chronic defeat of the body.

Answering the question what it is, the abstinence syndrome can be characterized as a condition after a long drinking-bout, with the loss of a person's ability to work, the appearance of auditory and visual hallucinations, the manifestation of aggression, psychosis.

With mental dependence, a person thinks that without alcohol, he will not be comfortable, so he drinks to improve his psycho-emotional state. Physical dependence induces a person to increase the dose of alcohol, and the constant need for it.

Clinical manifestations

Symptoms of withdrawal depend on the duration of chronic alcohol poisoning (months, years) and the degree of CNS damage.

The main symptoms include unbearable headache (increased intracranial pressure, there is a spasm of blood vessels), tremor (trembling) of the hands and whole body, nausea and vomiting, refusal to eat, cramps, tachycardia. Also, the signs of the disease are different types of arrhythmias, dyspnea, salivation, involuntary urination or, conversely, urinary retention.

Alcoholism is a chronic disease with three stages of severity of development. In the 1st stage a person can not give up alcohol, a hangover here lasts for several hours.

How long does alcohol withdrawal last? In the 2nd stage, the syndrome, with pronounced hangover symptoms, lasts from 2 to 5 days. At stage 3 is characterized by persistent drinking, abstinence is characterized by complications that can result in death.

The patient blushes with sclera of the eyes, skin of the face, upper body; there are swelling, dilated pupils, AD, dizziness; there is sweating, pain of the right hypochondrium and the stomach area with exacerbation of chronic diseases; coordination of movements is disrupted. Later, convulsions, cold sweat can join, the alcoholic is unable to walk himself, cardiovascular insufficiency occurs, blue parts of the body (the lips, the tip of the nose) become blue.

With chronic alcohol abuse in a state of abstinence, patients are characterized by neurological and mental signs. There is psychomotor agitation or, on the contrary, weakness and fatigue, increased irritability.

Thinking is broken, attention and concentration are dissipated, sleep is short or goes into insomnia, there is inadequate perception of the surrounding world, there is asthenia. The patient is disturbed by nightmares, hallucinations, phobias, aggression, there is an alcoholic delirium, psychoses.

In terms of severity, alcohol withdrawal symptoms are:

  1. Easy degree - a person is broken and unable to concentrate on simple things, inattentive, a symptom of "running eyes" is observed.
  2. The average degree is characterized by insomnia, tachycardia, shortness of breath, refusal to eat, a possible hallucinogenic condition.
  3. Severe degree attaches all the symptoms of the average plus the patient has increased sweating, seizures, the inability to retain eye contact.

Important!After long drinking-bouts, with the presence of auditory and visual hallucinations, drug therapy, in the interests of the patient, is conducted in a hospital under the guise of sedative (sedative) drugs!


The consequences of the abstinence syndrome for the body are characterized by disorders in the work of organs and systems - the heart, liver, kidneys, cerebral vessels, pancreas, intestines, getting domestic trauma (during seizures).

Characteristic of such complications:

  • alcohol delirium;
  • hepatic or renal insufficiency, jaundice, toxicosis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, liver cirrhosis;
  • cardiomyopathy, muscular dystrophy;
  • aspiration pneumonia;
  • bleeding internal organs (stomach, intestines, hemorrhoids);
  • relapse of somatic diseases;
  • edema of the brain and death.

Warnings about the occurrence of complications are possible only in the hospital.

Alcohol delirium with abstinence syndrome

Abstinence syndrome by the 4th day of manifestation of symptoms is often characterized by psychosis. Alcohol delirium (white fever) is a very dangerous condition that can result in death. Delirium is characterized by hallucinations, excitement, insomnia.

How does the white fever appear? There are deceptions of auditory and visual perception, voices in the head, delirium. The patient is lost in time, sees strangers, animals, strange events, his thoughts are distorted, memory is broken, depressive moods arise. Alcoholic depression is characterized by pronounced anxiety, panic, thoughts of suicide. The behavior of alcoholics in delirium is individual.

Clinical signs of delirium are headache, broken speech, convulsions, vomiting, red upper half of the trunk, high blood pressure, hyperthermia, tachycardia, tremor of hands, sweat with an unpleasant odor.

In outpatient settings (at home) to a patient in this state, close people can help before the arrival of doctors with such activities:

  • try to put the patient in bed (even sometimes tied) to avoid injury to him and others around him;
  • to give a sedative (Valeriana, Motherwort) or any sleeping pills (if any);
  • Put a cold towel or ice on the head of the patient, drink plenty of any liquid (or water), and if it does, pour a cold shower;
  • call a doctor and stay with the person before the medical visit.

Upon the arrival of the ambulance brigade, the patient is provided with the necessary therapy in the form of withdrawal of symptoms of intoxication, and is sent for treatment to a narcology clinic or specialized department of a psychiatric dispensary.

On the way to the hospital, the alcoholic excitation is stopped by the intravenous injection of sodium oxybutyrate, Sibazone; inject 5% solution of Glucose and Vitamin C, Sodium Hydrocarbonate, Reopoliglyukin, Panangin.

If necessary, normalize the process of breathing, eliminate hemodynamic disorders, contribute to the disappearance of hyperthermia, and prevent prophylaxis of cerebral edema (Furosemide, Lasix).


In the hospital, the patient is assigned a laboratory express blood test for alcohol. Then do all the necessary research. They take measures to prevent or eliminate various complications, administer vitamins, administer concomitant diseases and use drugs for the treatment of alcoholism, which require mandatory medical supervision by a specialist.

Clinical recommendations and therapy of withdrawal symptoms with alcoholism are under the control of an expert in narcology. The specialist observes the patient and determines the progress of the improvement. How long does the recovery last? Inpatient the patient can stay up to 3 weeks.

How to remove this condition is known only by a doctor, he also determines the dosage of medications. The narcologist, according to the examination, anamnesis, the given analyzes and an assessment of the general condition of the patient, will select the necessary treatment, and take into account the presence of somatic diseases.

The abstinence syndrome begins with the restoration of the functions of the nervous system, which in each case is individual. The treatment of such patients is complex and requires for them, in addition to medical and psychological assistance.

Therapy of abstinence consists in the abolition of the intake of alcoholic, drip-introducing solutions that remove toxins from the blood. Treat with an allergic medical history.

  1. They use sedative, hypnotic, vasodilating drugs in the form of tranquilizers - Grandaxin, Medichronal, Diazepam, Tazepam, Phenazepam. Grandaxin (Tofizopam) eliminates the disorders of the autonomic nervous system. Medohronal is an excellent sedative, removes insomnia, reduces psychoemotional stress and a pronounced vegetative disorder. Diazepam has a pronounced anticonvulsant effect.
  2. Introduce means of dehydration, saline and diuretics, glucocorticoids, sometimes, antibiotics, liver enzymes, as well as cardiovascular drugs.
  3. Beta-adrenoblockers (Propranolol), calcium antagonists (Nifedipine), magnesium preparations (Magnesia sulfate), anticonvulsants (carbamazepine sodium valproate) are used.
  4. Propoxane is used on electrophoresis with Electroson. Several such treatment sessions facilitate the patient's condition twice as fast.
  5. Assign oxygen phytotherapy with a base of egg and herb protein (dog rose, St. John's wort, chamomile, etc.), which for a couple of hours removes psycho-emotional and physical discomfort, normalizes blood pressure and heart function.
  6. Give vitamins, especially the B group.

Modern medicine has a huge selection of drugs that suppress the patient's general agonizing condition, gradually eliminating cravings for alcoholic beverages.

Traditional medicine also has a huge arsenal of combating abstinence. At home make natural juices from grapefruit, beets, carrots, apples, make grass. Give honey, dishes from cabbage, boiled oat jelly or broth, porridge.

The alcoholic should have a desire to be cured, then the result of the struggle with abstinence will be noticeable in a short time.