Coriander: useful properties and contraindications to seasoning

Coriander is a favorite seasoning that can be added to various dishes, used as a cosmetic and medical product. When using a plant in folk medicine, it is important to strictly adhere to the exact dosages and monitor your condition to prevent the development of an allergic reaction. How useful is coriander?

  • Nutritional value and caloric value
  • Contraindications and harm
  • Use in traditional medicine
  • For improving bowel and stomach function
  • As a cholagogue
  • For clarifying the face and removing freckles
  • For treating stomach ulcers
  • For relieving stress and improving immunity
  • Why is coriander useful?

    Coriander in its composition has a large number of useful substances, which allows it to be used to treat many diseases and unpleasant symptoms. Among the main characteristics of the plant are called:

    • elimination of increased gas formation;
    • removal of spasms, including in the muscles of the back and legs;
    • allows you to avoid constipation while taking antibiotics;
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    • makes the digestive system work, which helps to digest food more quickly;
    • provokes the removal of toxins from the body;
    • due to improved intestinal and stomach peristalsis, the process of losing weight is faster;
    • eliminates inflammation;
    • accelerates the healing of wounds and cuts;
    • kills pathogenic bacteria;
    • treats prostatitis and frequent urination in men;
    • excretes phlegm from the bronchi and lungs;
    • kills pathogenic allergens, gently removing them from the body.

    You can use coriander in the form of butter, infusions and seasonings to the main and second courses.

    Nutritional value and calorie content

    Coriander is not only very useful, but also a non-caloric product that can be used in unlimited quantities. In 100 g of a green plant and seeds there are only 23 calories, which is very beneficial for those who adhere to proper nutrition and diet.

    In addition, coriander contains such unique substances as carotene and rutin. Also, the plant contains vitamins B, P and K. Coriander is very useful for women's health, due to the large content of potassium and vitamin E.

    The plant is shown to people with low iron content in the blood. With complex therapy, the normal level of the substance is achieved much faster than when taking medications only.

    People suffering from gastritis and ulcers, it is also important to eat coriander for food. It contains a significant amount of selenium and copper.

    Contraindications and harm

    Despite the large amount of vitamins and minerals, coriander has several important contraindications that can not be violated:

    • pregnancy and lactation period, the use of coriander and essential oil from it strongly affects the fetus and female health that can cause miscarriage andserious pathologies in the child;
    • presence of cardiovascular diseases;
    • increased blood clotting;
    • problems with veins;
    • renal failure.

    If you ignore the above contraindications, there is almost 100% chance of a serious exacerbation of the disease and hospitalization. When using coriander and essential oil in large doses, people with heart disease may be fatal.

    Application in folk medicine

    To improve the functioning of the intestines and stomach

    To prepare the medicine, it is necessary to take 10 g of seeds and pour them with 250 ml of hot water. Put the container in a dark place and let it plant for 24 hours.

    After this, discard the resulting drug into a separate non-metallic container and take it after eating, dividing the tincture into three identical doses. The course of therapy with coriander in this case last at least 10 and not more than 14 days. After the treatment, make sure to take a break for two months.

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    As a cholagogue,

    Take 10 g of coriander and pour 500 ml of boiling water. After one hour, carefully strain the infusion liquid so that not a single seed remains in it.

    Divide the infusion into five identical doxes and take it through the same amount of time. Repeat the procedure should be five days in a row, after which you need to take a break for one month.

    To lighten the face and remove freckles

    Take 25 g of coriander seeds and pour one liter of water. Boil the spices and cook it over low heat for five minutes, then drain the liquid into a separate bowl.

    After the usual cleansing ritual for your face, wash off the decoction obtained, and then wipe freckles with a cotton swab dipped in coriander. Take care that the solution does not get into your eyes and mouth, as it will be quite concentrated.

    For the treatment of stomach ulcers

    For the preparation of a medicinal product, we also need dried sea buckthorn and the root of elecampane. They are mixed with coriander seeds in equal proportions and converted into a powder.

    Take it by half teaspoon before main meal three times a day for one week. It is strictly necessary to drink a mixture of 200 ml of water.

    Recipe for stress relieving and enhancing immunity

    Take two tablespoons of the plant and brew them with 200 ml of boiling water. Slightly mix seeds so that they can absorb water as much as possible. Put a glass of coriander into the room where you are, until the liquid completely cools.

    Seeds will release useful essential oil particles into the air, increasing the body's immunity and killing pathogens, which is especially important in the period of exacerbation of respiratory diseases.

    If you are afraid to use the plant as a remedy, just add it to the main and second dishes. Even such a small use of coriander will improve the overall health and improve immunity.

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