Treatment of pharyngitis in adults with drugs

Pharyngitis is an inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane in the throat, which usually develops against the background of colds and infectious diseases. If the treatment of this disease is not started in time, it can go on into a chronic form and lead to many serious consequences. Therapy is usually required complex, it is important to get rid of the symptoms of the disease and eliminate the causative agent of the inflammatory process. Treatment of pharyngitis in adults with drugs is an important part of the whole complex of therapy.

  • Preparations for the treatment of pharyngitis
  • Than to treat a disease
  • Antibiotics
  • Anti-inflammatory analgesics
  • Homeopathy
  • The order of drugs for inhalation
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Preparations for the treatment of pharyngitis

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All drugs used in this disease can be divided into several groups. Usually, the following drugs are used depending on the main causes and symptoms of pharyngitis:

  1. Antibiotics. Antibacterial agents are usually required for bacterial lesions. Depending on the extent of the bacterial spread and the activity of the infection, antibiotics may be needed in the form of topical sprays or complex treatment tablets.
  2. Anti-inflammatory drugs. Usually they are supplemented by a powerful analgesic effect, help to remove the pain and perspiration in the throat that occur with pharyngitis. It is worth remembering that such drugs never eliminate the cause of the disease, they only help to cope with the symptoms.
  3. Homeopathic preparations. This group of funds is usually used as an auxiliary treatment, homeopathy is used to maintain the defenses of the body, helps to cope with the infectious lesion that caused pharyngitis. It is worth remembering that the effectiveness of these drugs is not recognized officially, so you should not rely solely on them.

With viral pharyngitis, agents can be used that help suppress the activity of the virus. However, for this it is necessary to first pass the examination in order to establish the exact cause of the disease. It is worth noting that even if the inflammation has a viral nature, antiviral drugs are not always necessary, in this case it is usually more important to strengthen immunity.

With some forms of inflammation, dry cough occurs, it is provoked by purulent discharge on the mucosa in the pharynx. To improve the flow of excreta and get rid of coughing attacks use antitussive drugs. For example, with granulosis pharyngitis, cough preparations are especially necessary.

Most drugs for pharyngitis are sold without a prescription, with the exception of some types of antibiotics. However, this does not mean that one should strive for independent treatment. For the therapy to be most effective, it is necessary to accurately determine the pathogen of the inflammatory process.

Also, in addition to taking medications, you should not forget about other aspects of treatment. To the effect of medicines was the most pronounced, it is necessary to comply with bed rest with an acute form of the disease. You need to drink enough fluids, ordinary clean water, warm tea.

You should go on a diet without irritating the mucous products. They include too hot or cold dishes, dishes with a lot of spices, too salty or acidic foods.

Important!Before starting treatment, you should always consult your doctor.

Than to treat a disease

To make it easier to navigate among drugs and find the most suitable means, it is worthwhile to list the most popular and effective drugs against pharyngitis and other diseases of the nasopharynx.


Tablets with a systemic effect in this disease are rarely required, usually using local drugs. They include: Bioparox, IRS-19, Imudon. It should be noted that these drugs do not relieve the symptoms of the disease, they help to eliminate the cause exclusively. Therefore, the effect of their application becomes noticeable not immediately.

For the same purpose, rinse with Miramistin. This solution has an antiseptic effect that helps to destroy bacterial damage. Rinse should be as often as possible, especially at the very beginning of treatment.

Anti-inflammatory analgesics

Usually, topical preparations are used, which are available in the form of sprays and tablets, lozenges for resorption. They do not fight the cause of the disease, but help to remove pain and choking in the throat. In this category, there are many inexpensive, but effective drugs, usually use the following tools:

  1. Pastilles and tablets: Grammidine, Strepsils, Pharyngosept and their analogues.
  2. Sprays: Yoks, Geksoral, Tantum Verde and their analogues.

Most of these drugs are quite safe, but do not use them more often than indicated in the instructions. If the inflammatory process in the throat is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, one should turn to anti-inflammatory analgesic drugs in the form of tablets, for example, Nurafen and other means based on ibuprofen of a broad spectrum of action.


Homeopathy is used as a concomitant therapy, do not fully rely on these drugs. With pharyngitis and other inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx, the following means are usually used:

  • Rumex;
  • Causticum;
  • Ehinatseya Angustophalia and others.

In fact, there are many names for homeopathic preparations, but not all of them are effective enough. To select a medicine follows with mind, it is necessary to familiarize with the description of several different means before making a choice.

Important!To strengthen immunity in this disease, you can also use vitamin-mineral complexes and home medicines based on herbs.

The order of drugs for inhalation

Inhalations are especially important with pharyngitis, which is accompanied by a cough and the formation of purulent discharge on the mucosa. Inhalations help to facilitate breathing, improve sputum discharge and kill pathogens. Especially advised inhalation to facilitate breathing after fifty.

The procedures should be carried out with the help of special drugs - nebulizers. The following tools are usually used:

  1. Mineral water or saline. The most common and useful with pharyngitis funds, it is advised to use Narzan or Borjomi. Inhalations with these substances will help to eliminate dryness and perspiration.
  2. Furacillin. The ready solution is sold in pharmacies in ampoules, half of furacillin and half of saline solution are taken for one procedure. This drug has a pronounced antibacterial effect.
  3. Lazolvan or Ambrobene in the form of solutions for inhalation. These funds are needed when a cough occurs on the background of pharyngitis. They will help improve the output of sputum and secretions on the mucosa in the throat.

It is advised to do a few inhalations a day, alternate different means. You can do this in the sequence shown. Inhalations will also help to strengthen the effect of other drugs that are used against pharyngitis.