Charging for back and spine with hernia and other diseases


  • 1How do I do gymnastics with a lumbar spinal hernia?
    • 1.1Causes of pathology development
    • 1.2Gymnastics - optimal treatment
    • 1.3Rules for performing gymnastics
    • 1.4Basic exercises for the treatment of hernia
  • 2Exercises for the spine with hernias
    • 2.1Why you need to strengthen your back
    • 2.2Treatment of hernia with massage and LUTS
    • 2.3Charging
    • 2.4Gymnastics
  • 3Therapeutic gymnastics with a hernia of the lumbar spine
    • 3.1Features of the intervertebral hernia
    • 3.2Action of exercise therapy
    • 3.3Exercise rules for hernia
    • 3.4When you can not do it
    • 3.5What exercises are effective in hernia
    • 3.6An approximate set of therapeutic exercises
    • 3.7Classes by method C. M Bubnovsky
  • 4What is better to do with a hernia of the waist
    • 4.1Charge - the only non-drug from hernia
    • 4.2Criteria for choosing the best method
    • 4.3Direct Exercises
  • 5We are treated at a hernia of a lumbar department of a backbone: gymnastics and exercises
    • 5.1Treatment Options
    • 5.2Gymnastics
    • 5.3Types of exercises
    • 5.4Contraindications
    • 5.5Safety precautions
    • 5.6"Treatment of a hernia without surgery"
  • instagram viewer
  • 6Charge with a hernia of the spine
    • 6.1Precautions for Exercise
    • 6.2Complex of exercise therapy in vertebral hernia
  • 7Benefits of therapeutic gymnastics (LFK) with a hernia of the lumbar spine
    • 7.1The main rules of exercise therapy
    • 7.2Charge for different periods of the disease
    • 7.3Acute period: features of exercise therapy
    • 7.4Recovery period - the time of medical gymnastics
    • 7.5Permanent training - a guarantee of a long remission
    • 7.6Contra-indications and general advice

How do I do gymnastics with a lumbar spinal hernia?

Charging with a hernia of the lumbar spine is the main method of treating this disease. It includes a set of exercises designed to cure not only the hernia of the lumbar region, but also the thoracic or cervical.

Causes of pathology development

To understand the seriousness of the problem, it is necessary to know under what conditions a gradual destruction of intervertebral discs, which darkens a person's life with severe pain and inability to normal move.

First, the hernia of the spine develops as a result of an incorrect and constant load on the back. It is created by carrying heavy loads or simply by incorrect posture while working.

Secondly, an insufficient level of fluid in the body causes the drying of the intervertebral discs, which provide amortization of the spine.

Thirdly, the ligaments and tissues of the spine are affected by a sedentary, sedentary lifestyle. The absence of any movement leads to hardening of the soft tissues of the ligaments by weakening the blood supply to them.

Fourth, malnutrition deprives the spine and intervertebral disks of human calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium and other essential trace elements.

This leads to the formation of pores in the bones of the spine and the weakening of their structure.

Gymnastics - optimal treatment

There are many forms and types of the disease, for example, with a hernia of the thoracic spine in the patient at the same time, there is a hernia of the lumbar and cervical divisions.

In addition, the hernia of the spine occurs at different ages, it happens in both men and women. All these subtleties presuppose a different treatment up to surgical operations.


But gymnastics or physiotherapy exercises are prescribed absolutely to all patients with a hernia of the spinal column.


Charging for the back strengthens the muscles of the corset, they support the entire spine from the sacrum to the neck. Carry out charging in the order and pace that the attending physician indicates to avoid injury during exercise.

Rules for performing gymnastics

Charging for the spine with a hernia requires compliance with certain rules. This is a kind of safety technology, in order not to damage the spine even more:

  1. When performing exercises, there should be no pain. If they appeared, it means that this exercise does not work, or it is not done correctly.
  2. At the beginning of the course of gymnastics treatment, the complex of exercises should not include spikes and movements that twist the spine.
  3. Charging with an intervertebral hernia does not involve jumping or sudden movements.
  4. Gymnastics for the spine is held 3-4 times a day. For ease of implementation, you can do different exercises at different times.
  5. Do not overload the patient with a backache, for example, with a hernia of the cervical spine you need to do exercises for the entire spine as a whole.
  6. Increase the load on the spine during the exercise should be gradual. T. e. The number of repetitions and the amplitude of movements increases every 2-3 days.
  7. You can not adjust the vertebral hernia for 1-2 sessions, this will only exacerbate the problem. In gymnastics for the spine, the main thing is a gradual, smooth movement to cure.

Basic exercises for the treatment of hernia

Despite the fact that for each individual case of intervertebral hernias there is a set of exercises prescribed by the doctor, there are a number of universal movements. They are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the spine and improving the circulation around them. The vertebrae become stronger and the intervertebral disks are more elastic:

  1. The first exercise is performed lying on the floor. Legs are bent at the knees, feet are on the floor, hands on the stomach. One should alternately strain and relax the abdominal muscles, without moving or bending at the same time. The exercise is repeated 10-15 times. Such approaches should be done from 3 to 6, increasing their number of times a week.
  2. The next exercise is also performed in the supine position: the legs are straightened, the heels on the floor, hands are stretched along the body. It is necessary to strain the muscles of the abdomen to lift the torso over the floor by 5-10 cm (between the shoulder blades and the floor). Exercise is slow: each lift should go from 3 to 5 seconds, it should be lowered slowly. Exercise is repeated 10-15 times, for 3-6 approaches. The load, namely the number of repetitions, increases with time.
  3. Exercise is performed lying on the floor, legs bent at the knees, feet on the floor. Bending forward, it is necessary to rest with the left hand in the knee of the right leg, then create a counter tension of the leg and arms, knee to push his hand, and try to push his knee away. Hold the effort for 2-5 seconds, then the hand and knee change, and then in the same sequence. Perform the exercise should be 10-15 times for 5-6 repetitions.
  4. The starting position of this exercise is squatting. Leaning forward, you have to rest your hands on the floor, but the buttocks should not come off the heels. Stretching forward, you can feel how the lower back bends to the floor. After the maximum stretching, it is necessary to remain in this position for 5-10 seconds, then return to the starting position. You should repeat this exercise 10-15 times for 3-6 approaches.
  5. For the treatment of the hernia of the cervical spine, the head turns to the right and left until the chin is above the collarbone. Such turns should be done 15-20 times in each direction. Exercise is done or standing, or sitting on a chair with a straight back.
  6. This exercise is also intended for the cervical region: the head alternately tilts back and forth, the back is straight and does not move. When tilting forward, you should try to touch your chin to your chest, and when you tilt it back, the chin should be pulled upwards. The incline should be 15-20 times to the chest and back.

All these exercises for the back and spine are indicated for different types of hernias. Their effectiveness depends on the regularity and diligence of performance, in addition, it is an excellent morning exercise for the whole organism.

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Exercises for the spine with hernias

Exercises for the spine with hernias are developed taking into account the structure of the spinal column and the specificity of the disease in order to solve the problem of complications as much as possible. Between the segments of the vertebrae is a disc consisting of a fibrous ring and a polypous nucleus, which in turn acts as a shock absorber.

If a trauma occurs, the core extrudes beyond the ring. Then the jamming of the nerve endings of the spinal cord or the squeezing of the vessels begins. To avoid such consequences, it is necessary to perform an exercise on stretching the spine and strengthening the muscles of the back.

Why you need to strengthen your back

To the intervertebral hernia can cause even minor bruises of the vertebra. More often with such problems athletes face. Before starting the workout, during the warm-up they spend most of their time on back exercises.

Two approaches are considered for the treatment of the disease, radical and conservative. If everything is clear with the first one - surgical intervention, then in the second approach there are a lot of sparing options.

The first, but not the most important place in the conservative method of treatment is given to the medication. Basically, they are used in advanced stages of the disease or during acute exacerbation. One of the most important roles in the intervertebral hernia is given to gymnastics, massage, massage, and gymnastics.

  • We advise you to read:Whether it is possible to go in for sports with a hernia of a backbone.

Most people underestimate these methods of treatment. Considering that this is a waste of time, not bringing results. In fact, this opinion is erroneous. Very often injuries and inflammations occur because of weak muscles.

For example, with a weakening of the neck muscles, the most part of the load is on the spine, which, as a result, provokes changes in the neck sections.

What can indicate a frequent headache, pain in the neck and shoulders, the presence of a feeling of stiffness.

Treatment of hernia with massage and LUTS

Normal charging with a herniated spine, good prevention, to avoid exacerbating the situation. By charging the back for just a couple of minutes a day, you strengthen the muscles, thereby reducing the load from the spinal column.

Therapeutic whole body massage will help relieve tension from all muscle groups. Quite often, this procedure is carried out according to the doctor's prescription.

Having an idea of ​​your problems, you will be prescribed a massage for a certain department of the spine.

If you decide to find a specialist yourself, then be sure to inform him of the spinal disease so that he can give due attention to problem areas.

It is necessary to know that during a period of exacerbation of the disease, massage is contraindicated. It is necessary first to undergo a course of drug treatment, and after a cupping of the pain syndrome you can safely proceed with the massage.

Applying to a doctor with painful symptoms in the back, you may face the appointment of a course of therapeutic physical education.

Many underestimate the benefits of this method of treatment, although LPC with a spinal hernia plays a big role.

To achieve a good result, the complex of exercises performed is selected by a specialist individually for each patient.


Also, therapeutic exercises with the intervertebral hernia can not be left without attention. It should be noted that gymnastics for the spine with a hernia is different from charging and LPT.


Physical training with a hernia of the spine is more focused on strengthening the muscles, and gymnastics for their relaxation.

To achieve the best result, it is useful to conduct these lessons in the complex.


Charging with an intervertebral hernia may contain the following exercises:

  1. Stand on all fours, straighten your back and stretch out your arms. Slowly you need to walk around the room, watching the straight back.
  2. Alternately lie on the right and left side, performing twisting movements of the trunk. Chest forward, pelvis back. For convenience, under the waist, you can put a roller.
  3. Lying on your back, hands along the trunk, we pull your toes to yourself, pressing your chin to your chest.
  4. We lay down on the stomach, hands stretch forward, the face is raised above the floor. Alternately raise the left arm and right leg, then the right arm and the left leg.
  5. Lying on his stomach, pulling his heels to the buttocks, we grab our hands by the shin. Lock the position for 20 seconds. Let go of your legs, stretch out, relax.
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Any exercise for the spine performed with a hernia, should not cause pain.

Charging for the spine or gymnastics with a hernia is carried out for 10-15 minutes a day. The number of approaches is calculated from the amount of exercises performed. If there are many exercises, then the number of approaches is reduced.

If their minimum, then the number of approaches increases. All exercises for the spine carried out with hernias of the spine, contribute to strengthening the muscular corset, which allows you to remove the load from the spinal column.

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Therapeutic gymnastics with a hernia of the spine in turn is aimed at relaxing the muscles, which makes it possible to reduce the pain in the area of ​​the injured area.

With the diagnosis of a hernia of the spine, gymnastics is recommended.

  • Stand up straight, straight back. After rounding the spine, stretch your fingers to the feet. It must be ensured that the shape of the back is always round. This exercise develops the flexibility and mobility of the spine.
  • Standing on your feet you need to rest your hands just above your knees. The angle of the back should be equal to 45 degrees. Without changing the position of the back, you need to raise and lower your head up, down. This lesson will help develop neck flexibility and relieve tension in the shoulders.
  • Sitting on the floor, your legs are bent at an angle of 45 degrees, grab your hands by the shins of your legs. Sliding your feet on the floor, try to straighten your legs. With the help of this exercise, the lateral muscles of the back relax and relieve tension from the shoulder girdle.

Gymnastic exercises with a hernia of the spine should be carried out without much effort, without delivering pain.

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Therapeutic gymnastics with a hernia of the lumbar spine

Back and joint health »Miscellaneous

Conservative therapy for various diseases of the spine only removes symptoms. The main therapeutic factor in such cases is the movement.

It is the dosed physical load that allows to restore the mobility of the spine and the functions of all its segments.

Therefore, exercise therapy with a hernia of the lumbar spine has become the main and very effective method of treatment.

Features of the intervertebral hernia

The vertebrae are joined together by means of disks consisting of an elastic tissue. This structure provides a softening of shaking when walking and jumping.

In the area of ​​the lumbosacral section, the discs have the largest thickness - about a centimeter.

This is necessary because here the spine experiences the greatest burden.

Elasticity of disks depends on the presence of a sufficient amount of liquid in them. It decreases with age or with certain diseases.

Because of this, the disk dries, the fibrous ring is cracked, and the core goes beyond it.

If this occurs inside the spinal canal, the nerve roots are compressed, which causes painful sensations.

But the pain with hernia arises and with its other forms. In addition, the disease is characterized by increased muscle tone, swelling, worsening of blood circulation. Develops a violation of sensitivity, weakness in the extremities. Therefore, the main method of treating hernia is therapeutic gymnastics.

Action of exercise therapy

The result of the treatment of a hernia depends entirely on the patient's efforts. Drug therapy removes only pain, sometimes muscle spasms.

But with a hernia it is very important to stretch the spine to release the affected disc. This can be achieved with the help of special exercises.

Therefore, exercise therapy is the most common treatment for this disease.

If the exercise is performed correctly, the following actions are performed:

  • normalize posture;
  • strengthen the muscular corset;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • increase the amount of movement in the lumbar region.

When training under the supervision of a specialist, the functions of the spine are restored

Exercise rules for hernia

This disease is dangerous because in any abrupt or unnatural movement, there may be an infringement of the nerve roots or rupture of the fibrous ring of the disc, which will lead to unfortunate consequences. Therefore, exercise therapy should be used only under the guidance of a specialist and subject to certain rules:

  • classes should be regular, daily;
  • Excludes jumps, sudden movements and heavy loads;
  • you must not tolerate extreme fatigue after exercising;
  • repeat each exercise 10-15 times;
  • the pace of the movements must be slow, smooth;
  • the load increases gradually;
  • bends from standing, twisting, lifting weights;
  • when performing exercises you need to monitor the sensations in the spine: you can not tolerate pain, the appearance of numbness or tingling.

When you can not do it

LFK is prescribed only during the period of remission of the disease. You can do it after consulting a doctor, because gymnastics is not always beneficial. Sometimes it is contraindicated:

  • with severe pain in the lumbar region;
  • with serious diseases of the cardiovascular system or other internal organs;
  • with infectious and inflammatory diseases, increased body temperature;
  • with malignant neoplasms.

Stretching of the spine is very effective in hernia lumbar region

What exercises are effective in hernia

Therapeutic physical education is appointed from the moment when the pains passed.

You need to start the exercises with breathing exercises and load on the hands, shoulders, with the turns of the head, the rotation of the feet. First, classes are spent lying on the back.

They should last no longer than 10 minutes. It is better to repeat them several times during the day.

When the aggravation subsides and the remission of the disease occurs, the occupations become more complicated. The load should be gradually increased, preferably under the supervision of a specialist. When a favorable condition is recommended, these types of physical activity with a hernia:

  • morning exercises, consisting of exercises for stretching the muscles;
  • therapeutic gymnastics, including special exercises to strengthen the muscles;
  • a horizontal bar for stretching the spine is very effective;
  • yoga - special static postures aimed at strengthening and stretching certain muscles;
  • swimming in the pool is very useful for relaxing and relieving muscle spasms;
  • Special systems: the method of Dikul, Bubnovsky, bodyflex, pilates.

The first time to do it is necessary in the cabinet LFK under the guidance of a specialist

An approximate set of therapeutic exercises

With intervertebral hernia, the load should be dosed. It is necessary to be engaged first under the supervision of a specialist. Most often in the pharmacy room, patients are offered the most effective complex, which can be adjusted depending on individual characteristics.

Read the article:Gymnastics for the lumbosacral department

  1. The lesson begins with breathing exercises. Lying on your back, you need to strain your abdominal muscles with inspiration and hold your breath. On an exhalation to relax. Under the small of the back should be a small pillow.
  2. The starting position is the same. Hands bent at the elbows, legs slightly dilute. Perform rotation with hands and feet.
  3. Stay in the same position, but slightly bend your knees, and stretch your arms in front of you, raise your upper body, reaching for your knees. Hold for 10-15 seconds, slowly lie down.
  4. The starting position is lying on the back with bent legs, hands along the body. Straighten the right leg and pull it aside. At the same time, take your left hand. Slowly return to the starting position. Then repeat the same in the other direction.
  5. Stay in the same position. On inhalation, raise the pelvis upwards, stay a little longer, relax with an exhalation.
  6. Lie on your stomach, under it and ankle joints, put a pillow. Raising himself slightly on elbows, turning his head backwards into one, then to the other side. Perform the exercise very slowly.
  7. Lying on his stomach, simultaneously stretch his right arm forward and up, and his left leg back and slightly up. Try to make the spine stretch.
  8. Staying in the same position, raise the upper body. Hands perform movements as when swimming breaststroke.
  9. Sit on your heels, put your hands on the floor in front of you. Moving them forward, bend the spine in the lower back, leaning forward.
  10. Become on all fours. Raise the right arm and left leg, stretching the spine.
  11. Sit on a stool, hands in the lumbar region. Straining the muscles of the press, bend forward and back and into the sides.

Classes by method C. M Bubnovsky

This famous physician for many years studied the effect of curative physical education on diseases of the back. He is sure that a properly organized physical load can help with any problem. In the center of Dr. S. M.

Bubnovsky many people have got rid of the problems connected with a hernia of a lumbar department. The system is based on an individual approach to each patient and on the use of special, specially designed simulators.

Especially useful is a horizontal bar for stretching the spine.

LFK with a hernia of the spine well helps the patient to restore working capacity and return to normal life.

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What is better to do with a hernia of the waist

Regardless of which spine disease almost every patient is assigned to perform special physical exercises, and in the case if it is a hernia of the lumbar region - then this is mainly therapeutic gymnastics.

As a cause of the appearance of malfunctions in the functioning of all joints, and even more so of the spine, there is weak blood circulation, abnormal mode and excessive load.

However, mainly the vertebral hernia appears along with a sedentary lifestyle, which is so alien to current workers.

Muscles weaken and lose the ability to perform the required tasks, and, consequently, the spine is not supported, and thus, it has a fairly large load.

Charge - the only non-drug from hernia

Often patients who have an intervertebral hernia are given a massage and various kinds of medications, and in some cases, surgical operation, however, due to the fact that the muscles are weakened, then each patient will in any case be assigned specialized exercises.

With the help of charging you can alleviate the condition with a hernia

As mentioned above, a predominantly fundamental problem is associated with weak vertebral weakening of the muscular corset, which is the cause of the hernia. Charge is required to strengthen the muscles of the vertebral column and bring them to normal.

Before starting gymnastics, many patients wonder: "Which technique is better and more effective with vertebral hernia? "It is worth remembering that each patient needs an exclusively individual an approach.


Gymnastics will be formed in such a way as to affect the required area of ​​the muscle corset, while at the same time providing the most effective.


An important aspect is that the complex does not cause painful and uncomfortable sensations in the lumbar region, otherwise it is possible to cause real damage to the already damaged spine.

Criteria for choosing the best method

Classes begin only after the subsidence of the disease, that is, when there will be no painful sensations. However, an important aspect is observance of certain rules, so that physical exercises do not carry a harm to the spine. Such rules are presented:

  1. When choosing exercises for the treatment of lumbar hernia, you need to carefully monitor your health and prevent the appearance of pain. The intervertebral disc can bend in any direction. It is necessary to perform only those exercises that are not accompanied by uncomfortable sensations - they will bring real benefits in the treatment of a hernia of the spine. In the event that there is discomfort, but has a small severity, then the exercise should be as accurate as possible. Exceptions fall only those procedures that have the property of causing severe pain in the back. If after some time the exercise does not bring the same pain, then you are doing everything right.
  2. Do not immediately take on arms exercises that involve "twisting" the body.
  3. It is worth protecting the vertebral department from impact, that is, you do not need to jump or perform sudden shocks.
  4. Charging involves a fairly frequent implementation - several times a day, but do not divide it into several parts.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to apply excessive force to problem vertebral sites.
  6. The first exercises in the treatment of lumbar hernia should be performed with minimal amplitude and load, their increase should be gradual.
  7. You do not need to strive to recover in one day, having set all the disks and vertebrae at a time. Restoration of the spine should be gentle and smooth, gently increasing blood circulation in the required places. Set of exercises for hernia
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Direct Exercises

A set of exercises for patients who have an intervertebral hernia is given below. This charge is considered standard, but it involves the use only of those who suffer for a long time from this disease.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that in almost every case of lumbar disease, an individual approach is being developed.

You can consult a specialist who will recommend or supplement this program for the treatment of the vertebral department.

The aim of the complex is not only to strengthen and develop the spine, but also to train the spinal muscles.

The first exercise is performed lying on the back, hands are stretched along the body, with the legs to be half bent at the knees.

The abdominal muscles tense to a solid state. Control of strained muscles is possible if you put both hands on your stomach. At the same time, breathing is not delayed.

Exercise - 10-15 times.

The second exercise assumes the initial position of the first, only the legs in this case are stretched. The body rises slightly so that the legs stay on the floor all the time.

The position is stored for approximately 10 seconds, and then slowly lowered, that is, it returns to its original position. Exercise - 10-15 times with a break of 10 seconds.


The third exercise also needs to be done lying on the back. The legs are slightly bent, and the right arm is stretched forward and lies on the knee of the left leg.


After this, the left leg needs to be bent, giving resistance with the right hand. This exercise should be done with some effort 10 seconds, then return to the starting position.

Exercise - 5-10 times for each hand with a break of 15 seconds with complete relaxation of the whole body.

In addition, to defeat the intervertebral hernia, you can use a couple of "non-standard" exercises:

  1. Still not changing the position, that is, it is necessary to lie on the back with elongated limbs, straight arms are planted behind the head on a slow inspiration, with the maximum stretched socks on themselves. In the process of performing, the loins should not come off the floor. Relaxation occurs on exhalation, while the hands are left behind the head with the palm upward. Repeat this exercise - 3 times.
  2. You need to sit on your heels with your buttocks, and your arms stretch out before you so that your hands are leaning against the floor. The meaning of the exercise is to stretch the arms to the maximum distance, while they should not break away from the floor, but the buttocks are located on the heels. Thus, you can feel how the spine is stretched.

Thanks to such exercises, after a while you can feel that the intervertebral hernia and its symptoms began to disappear, leaving behind the ease in the body.

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We are treated at a hernia of a lumbar department of a backbone: gymnastics and exercises

page »LFK, yoga and massages» We are treated at a hernia of a lumbar department of a backbone: gymnastics and exercises

The spine consists of vertebrae and intervertebral discs between them. Intervertebral discs, in turn, consist of a strong fibrous membrane and a pulp that provides elasticity. Loads, sharp or permanent, cause the intervertebral disc to wear out.

First the cartilage goes beyond its boundaries, changes shape. This is called protrusion. Already at this stage of hernia development, pain and neurological symptoms are possible.

But, when the protruding fibrous membrane breaks, the pulp comes out, a hernial protrusion is formed.

At the same time as a result of the exit of the cartilaginous tissue, the nerve root is almost always clamped.

The main symptoms are:

  • sharp pain during movement;
  • complications of mobility due to pain;
  • violations of the pelvic organs;
  • pain, giving in the stomach, legs.

Most often, hernial structures occur precisely in the lumbar spine. After all, this area experiences the greatest loads, keeps the weight of the human body when walking and sitting.

Treatment Options

When conservative treatment for a long time did not bring results, doctors prescribe a surgical operation. It is also necessary if the released cartilaginous tissue is directed towards the spinal canal, and there is a risk of injury to the spinal cord.

In the rest of the time, the main method of treating the intervertebral hernia of the lumbar region is therapeutic gymnastics.

This is the only way smoothly, without strong effects on the body, to change the position of the cartilaginous tissue and vertebrae.

Massages are also used as an aid.


LFK with hernial protrusions of the lumbar spine has the following tasks:

  1. Improve blood circulation in the affected area. The hernia develops more often already against the background of degenerative-dystrophic processes. And their reason is a lack of nutrients. Filling the affected area with blood, we help the body cope with the problem, restore the affected tissue. In addition, it is a good way to fight chronic inflammation.
  2. Strengthen the muscular skeleton of the lumbar region. Another source of a hernia in the lumbar region is the weakness of the musculature, which ceases to support the vertebrae. Because of this, the cartilaginous tissue that appears in the form of a hernia is permanently injured. Exercises will help restore the strength of the lumbar muscles and release the intervertebral discs.
  3. Stretch the spine. Engaging in stretching the spine, we simultaneously solve both short-term and long-term tasks. First, we are freed from pain. And secondly, we increase the space between the vertebrae, getting rid of the infringement of the cartilaginous tissue.
  4. And, finally, lose weight. This is also an important task with hernial protrusions, because all the body burden is on the cartilage. The load of extra pounds becomes constant, presses on the hernia of the lumbar region sometimes even in a dream.

Types of exercises

Dr. Bubnovsky offers the following exercises for hernia lumbar:

  1. Laying on his back, stretching his arms along the body. Exhaling, we do support on the shoulder girdle and feet. Tries to raise the pelvic area to the maximum high. We hold at the top for a few seconds. Then we sink in.
  2. Put our hands on the back of the head, we touch the chin to the body. At the same time, the legs are bent at the knee joints, and the elbows are looked upwards. Trying to pull your elbows to the side of your legs.
  3. We rise to a position on all fours. We bend in the lower back to the maximum in such a way that the head goes up. Hold for a couple of seconds in this position, and then change it to the opposite - head down, loin up. The spine should look like a crescent in both positions.
  4. We sit down on the floor, fasten the palms on the back of the head, lower limbs straighten in front of him. Trying to swaddle from the buttock to the buttocks, as if "walking" by the pelvic region.
  5. Again we lay down on the back, doing the exercise "bike".

With the help of a special simulator - Evminov's boards, you can effectively stretch the lumbar spine.

The first lessons should be conducted under the supervision of a qualified instructor in exercise therapy. He can correctly choose the slope of the board, which provides the required load.

You need to start the exercises in a posture lying on your back, having closed the lower limbs together.

The initial complex on the board of Evminov with a hernia of the lumbar region:

  1. We rotate the feet moving together in one direction, then the other. Fifteen repetitions will suffice.
  2. We pull the toe on ourselves, at the same time pulling the chin in this direction. Ten repetitions.

The remaining exercises on the board of Evminov are performed for five repetitions:

  1. We bend one leg in the knee joint. We keep the foot on the surface, sliding it while moving. We repeat the other foot. Then we connect the lower limbs and perform the movement synchronously.
  2. We pull the leg to ourselves, bending it in the knee joint. We lead the knee to the side. We return to the starting position. Then we repeat with the other leg and with both feet, alternately.
  3. Connecting your legs and bending your knees, raise the pelvic area above the board.
  4. We perform the exercise "bicycle".

In addition, with a hernia of the lumbar spine is very useful swimming in the pool. All tasks of exercise therapy in water will be performed, and the affected area will remain minimally loaded.

In addition to the usual swimming, you can try water therapy. These exercises include the slopes and turns of the body, pulling the knees to the level of the belt.

LFK in the pool is usually performed in the original standing position.


Even charging with a lumbar hernia is not always an option. There are conditions under which it is contraindicated. The most important of them is an acute attack of pain or exacerbation of the inflammatory process. At this time it is better to secure yourself the maximum peace.

In addition, it is unacceptable to practice lumbar exercises in the following cases:

  • general malaise;
  • fever, fever and sweating;
  • serious diseases of internal organs;
  • oncological diseases, especially with metastasis.

Safety precautions

With the intervertebral hernia of the lower back, it is important to observe the following rules:

  • avoid sudden movements and strong pain;
  • with great care to perform new exercises for you;
  • listen to your own body, differentiate pain from discomfort and fatigue;
  • Do not deal immediately with the twisting of the lumbar spine, pre-prepare the spine and musculature;
  • Do not make jumps, do not allow the slightest risk of lumbar impacts;
  • to observe the regularity of exercises, to resort to them at least twice a week;
  • it is advisable not to do a set of exercises at once, it is better to divide it into several and perform within a day;
  • moving to the individual exercises of the complex, you need to dose the load, slowly increasing it with each repetition;
  • tell all the unpleasant sensations during the performance of the complex to the doctor or instructor.

Sometimes it is possible to resort to exercises even with acute pain. But first you need to lie down peacefully, slightly bending your legs in the knee joint and placing a roller under them.

After this situation becomes somewhat easier, go to the exercises to relieve the aggravation.

Of course, in this case it is desirable to observe even greater caution than usual.

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"Treatment of a hernia without surgery"

This video tells you about what exercises to include in the complex to get rid of the hernia without surgical intervention. = cpuaQUcDwJk

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Charge with a hernia of the spine

LFK is one of the mandatory elements of non-drug therapy for vertebral hernia. Physical exercises strengthen the muscles of the back, during exercise, blood circulation improves, pain is removed and ligaments are developed.

Charging with a herniated spine is a safe and effective way to improve well-being. But we must remember that the hernia of the spine is a serious disease, and you can start the exercises only after consulting a doctor.

Precautions for Exercise

You can also do exercises in order to relieve pain. Of course, not during the attack.

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First you need to lie on your back, putting a pillow under your knees or a folded blanket - so that your feet do not touch the floor.

Under the waist, put a thin roller - from a towel or something as compact. Exercises can be started only when severe pain decreases, becomes tolerable.

Performing exercise therapy in hernia of the lumbar spine should observe certain safety measures:

  • listen to your own feelings, do not exert excessive effort;
  • to twisting movements it is possible to pass only after a few sessions, when the spine and muscles will be prepared for such a load;
  • You can not jump, perform movements associated with jerks or bumps in the back;
  • Charge should be done regularly, at least twice a day, more often;
  • it is better to divide the exercise complex into several series and perform from short series of 2-3 exercises during the day;
  • It is impossible to carry out the movements connected with considerable loadings of lumbar department;
  • beginning to do the exercises, do them carefully at first, gradually increasing effort and amplitude;
  • Do not wait for immediate results and do not seek to recover in one day.

With a hernia of the lumbar spine, the disc may protrude in any direction, so you can not tell in advance which exercises will work best. You have to try, carefully listening to your own feelings.

If severe pain arises during the exercise, stop immediately. This exercise can not yet be performed. After a few lessons, he should go back and compare the sensations.

If it got better, then the situation really stabilizes.

A situation is possible in which the exercise does not cause pain, but discomfort. In this case, you can and should continue, just being careful.


Remember, with a hernia of the lumbar spine, the goal of performing exercise therapy is not an instant improvement in the situation.


The task is to prepare weakened muscles, stretch the spine and improve blood circulation in the affected area.

Complex of exercise therapy in vertebral hernia

LFK in vertebral hernia involves not only the performance of exercises. This is a complex that includes several elements that are executed in a certain sequence.

  1. Stretching.
  2. Warm up.
  3. Exercise.
  4. Massage.

Extensions are movements aimed at stretching the spine. With vertebral hernia, this is a necessary element of exercise therapy. Exercises are performed on an inclined board. You need to choose a smooth and sufficient width to lie on it.

To the end of the board on the width of the straps are fastened, for which you need to hold while doing the exercises. The shell is installed obliquely, the upper edge is raised to a height of one meter to one and a half meters.

To do this, you can use a window sill, table or other fairly stable furniture.

On the board lie down, passing the straps under the armpits. It is necessary to relax all muscles as much as possible and stay in this position for a while, allowing the weight of the trunk to stretch the spine. Exercise is performed on the back, on the stomach and even on the side. Stretching should not cause pain.

The movement is also carried out in the position tilt forward, lying on a stool. In this case, the shoulders and pelvis are on weight, and the inflection point is located near the waist. The body weight is not completely on the back, it is distributed between the waist, knees and elbows.

Another exercise for stretching, preparing and warming the muscles of the lumbar spine, preparing them for the complex exercise, is performed from a position lying on the floor. It is necessary to straighten and slowly pull on the toe of the feet, while trying to touch the nose of the chest.

Physical exercise in the lesion of the lumbar spine is designed to strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the spine. You should lie on your back, bend your knees, rest your elbows and heels on the floor. In this position, lift the pelvis and lock it for a few seconds. Repeat 5 times

Lie on your stomach, fold your hands over one another and place them under your chin. Raise your arms, head and chest at the same time, while the stomach, pelvis and legs should remain tightly pressed to the floor.

Quit for 5 seconds, then relax. Repeat the movement 4 times. A more complex version of this exercise is with arms stretched along the trunk.

It is necessary to raise your head and shoulders, while stretching your arms to your feet.

After performing the charging, the massage session will be very useful. But remember, with a vertebral hernia, massage can only be done by a specialist, otherwise the most unpleasant consequences are possible.

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Benefits of therapeutic gymnastics (LFK) with a hernia of the lumbar spine

The modern way of life leaves its imprint on the health of the population - the number of diseases associated with musculoskeletal system, in addition, these pathologies are significantly "younger" in recent times - now they are found in people in age to 30 years. Office work, hypodynamia can disrupt the harmonious work of the body. One of the widespread problems is the prominence of intervertebral discs. Consider an effective method of treatment - LFK with a hernia of the lumbar spine.

The main rules of exercise therapy

It is understandable that the patient, when finding such pathologies of the back, seeks to remove the symptom - pain, because such discomfort disrupts the habitual schedule of life.

But often the problem is ignored and launched - the removal of the sign of the disease does not eradicate its cause.


With the long absence of therapy, it is likely that the pathology will progress to the extent that only surgical intervention remains the only option.


What should I do if there is no resources or time for expensive and long-term rehabilitation? For this, there is a therapeutic gymnastics with a hernia of the lumbar spine - this is a very effective method despite the duration of therapy and the requirement for systematic charging.

How does exercise work with hernia:

  1. Improves blood flow in the problem area.
  2. Reduces the intensity of pain.
  3. Removes muscle spasm.
  4. Has a restorative effect on the muscular corset.
  5. Oppresses the focus of inflammation.

To resort to gymnastics with a lumbar hernia it is possible only after a full examination by a specialist - it is he will assign an exercise course appropriate for pathology and supplement it with ancillary physiotherapy procedures or medicines.

In order for physical education in hernia of the lumbar spine to benefit, rather than exacerbate the health situation, it is necessary to adhere to such therapy rules:

  1. Do not perform exercises that cause severe pain.
  2. Gradually increase the load (intensity, duration and difficulty of training).
  3. Avoid sharp, jerky movements. Exclude jogging, jumping.
  4. Complex to execute parts, alternate their execution. It is also recommended to do several approaches per day.
  5. Observe periodicity, systematic (the result will not be noticeable so quickly).
  6. Do not exercise until exhaustion. Pleasant fatigue after training is an acceptable feeling.
  7. If physical education causes a deterioration in health (discomfort, loss of sensitivity, numbness, a sense of "goosebumps" in the skin), then the classes should be stopped and consulted by the doctor.
  8. Before the start of the training, massage with warming ointment is shown.

Correctly chosen and carefully executed complex of physical loads will give a noticeable result not earlier than after 14 days of systematic studies. Applying physical education with a hernia of the lumbar spine on an ongoing basis can forget about the pain forever.

Charge for different periods of the disease

Properly selected workload is the basis for successful treatment. An important point: what is shown in the recovery period can be strictly forbidden during the acute stage - that's why you need to start training under the supervision of doctors.

There are 3 modes of training, they are prescribed depending on the period of the pathology:

  1. Gentle - typical decompression of the spine with light exercises for the limbs. It is used for exacerbation.
  2. Treatment and training - a stage that allows you to prepare weakened muscles for full exercise.
  3. Training - a full load, providing increased muscle and flexibility of the back.

The system of exercises aimed at treating a hernia can be selected individually with the help of a specialist. It is recommended to use one of the acceptable, proven techniques:

  1. According to Bubnovsky (using special simulators).
  2. Yoga.
  3. The Dikul system.

Training is selected individually and performed on an increasing basis - from the easiest (exacerbation) to full-fledged (remission).

Acute period: features of exercise therapy

At this time, many prefer bed rest to any movements and consider this to be the only correct one tactics, but this is not true - there are easy exercises aimed at relaxing the muscles, lifting inflammation.

Unloading postures on an acute stage - the beginning of any training, is in them it is necessary not less than 10 minutes 3-4 times a day:

  • in the position on the abdomen, place a pillow in the waist zone (to make the back level);
  • lie on his back, put the knees bent at the knees on the stand.

After unloading the poses, we must proceed to the following elements of the complex:

  • breathing exercises: deep breaths;
  • movements of the feet (circular, up-down);
  • Hands - along the body, palms up - slowly squeeze into a fist;
  • gradually bend the limb in the knee (if the procedure is painful - the exercise is temporarily eliminated);
  • cross your arms on the chest, periodically change their places.

If soreness is gone, then you can add light elements to the positions on all fours, circular turns of the head, hands.

Recovery period - the time of medical gymnastics

After 2-3 weeks the pain goes away and you can slowly add a load to the muscles and vertebrae. The main rule of training during this period is muscle tension no more than 7 seconds, free rhythm of breathing.

Allowable charging with a hernia lumbar:

  • lying prone to raise one, two hands, head;
  • in a position resting on his palms, gradually crouch;
  • on the side: take turns alternately;
  • on all fours: exhaling, arched spine arched, inhaling - to bend back and toss his head back;
  • from the position of the emphasis on the knees and hands to move to squatting on the heels.

To perform the workout, you will need a flat, solid surface. Duration to add gradually, the chosen complex is better executed in parts for several approaches.

Permanent training - a guarantee of a long remission

At the stage when the pain goes away and you can continue to carry out usual daily workloads, many patients stop doing gymnastics with the intervertebral hernia and make a big mistake - because it is the systematic nature of the load allows you to keep your back muscles in good condition, provides flexibility the spine.

Remission in vertebral hernia means the preparedness of the muscles and the readiness of the body for more serious exercises.

Classical gymnastics with a hernia of the spine:

  1. On the back: inhaling, stretch the stomach, hold your breath. Exhalation - relax.
  2. In the same pose, but with knees bent at the knees: hands stretch out in front of him, stretch his shoulders, straining, touch the knees. To die for 10 seconds, being guided by own feelings, then slowly to lay down in an initial pose and will relax.
  3. Sitting on the heels, place the palms on the floor in front of him. Without changing the position of the heels, bend the back in the lower back and move as far as possible forward the brush.
  4. Sitting on a chair with a flat back to place the palms on his knees. Without sudden movements carry out the slopes to the sides, forward and back, straining the muscles of the abdomen and waist.
  5. Become straight, legs - shoulder width apart. Fists are located on the vertebrae in the lumbar region one below the other. Slowly breathing in the air, press his fists against the spine and move them down. Exhaling - move to the starting position.

This complex is often used in the clinics of polyclinics. Each exercise is repeated 10-15 times (gradually increase the amount).

Contra-indications and general advice

Therapeutic gymnastics, like any therapeutic measure, has a number of contraindications:

  • early postoperative period (gymnastics after removal of protrusion is shown only on the recommendation of the doctor);
  • oncological formations;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • hyperthermia (high temperature);
  • period of exacerbation (a sparing program is permissible);
  • pre-infarction state.

To achieve a positive effect and to fix the result for a long time you can only systematically perform charging. In addition, you need to adjust your life and leisure, in order to avoid exacerbations:

  • avoid overheating or supercooling of the waist;
  • sleep on an orthopedic mattress;
  • avoid sharp and heavy loads on the spine;
  • lifting objects, correctly distribute the load on the body (do not lift bending over);
  • avoid movements that cause pain.

Systematic exercises and daily care will help to forget about back pain and lead a normal lifestyle, not restrained by pain and discomfort.

The benefits of therapeutic gymnastics (LFK) with a hernia of the lumbar spine Link to the main publication

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