Swimming with osteochondrosis: how to swim right?


  • 1Swimming with osteochondrosis
    • 1.1The benefits of swimming
    • 1.2Neck Treatment by Swimming
    • 1.3How to swim correctly
    • 1.4Exercises in the pool
    • 1.5Contraindications-Exceptions
  • 2Is it possible to swim with exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis?
    • 2.1The use of swimming to eliminate the symptoms of an illness
    • 2.2When a patient is not recommended for water exercises
    • 2.3What you need to know before starting water procedures?
    • 2.4Medical swimming with osteochondrosis
  • 3Swimming with osteochondrosis: tips, recommendations, contraindications
    • 3.1The use of swimming for osteochondrosis
    • 3.2Contraindications for health problems
    • 3.3How to swim properly with osteochondrosis
    • 3.4The basic complex of exercises
  • 4Swimming with osteochondrosis: the best exercises
    • 4.1What is the use of swimming in osteochondrosis?
    • 4.2Are there any contraindications for swimming with osteochondrosis?
    • 4.3General recommendations for swimming with osteochondrosis
    • 4.4The method of swimming for osteochondrosis
  • instagram viewer
  • 5Swimming with osteochondrosis (pool): how to swim?
    • 5.1Can I swim with osteochondrosis?
    • 5.2Is swimming good for osteochondrosis, and why?
    • 5.3Are there any contraindications?
    • 5.4How to swim with osteochondrosis of different departments?
    • 5.5Swimming styles
    • 5.6Exercises in the pool for osteochondrosis
  • 6Swimming and exercises in the pool for the spine
    • 6.1Training and strengthening of body body muscles
    • 6.2How correctly to train in the pool?

Swimming with osteochondrosis

Medical swimming with osteochondrosis helps to stretch the spine, to release the intervertebral disc from pressure. Relax muscles that experience spasms.

Improves blood circulation in the affected area, and with cervical osteochondrosis - the neurological symptoms go away.

Swimming from all types of LPC in case of osteochondrosis is also preferable because it smoothly loads the back, does not allow to make sharp, traumatic movements.

The benefits of swimming

Osteochondrosis is a pathology of the spine, which develops as a consequence of degenerative processes of intervertebral discs. The cartilage tissues of the disks are deformed, becoming more flat.

As a result, the distance between the vertebrae decreases, sometimes the nerves are clamped. Begins to work worse on the spine as a whole, which makes him aware of the pain syndrome, impaired mobility.

Sometimes complications begin in the form of disruption of the internal organs.

The pool with osteochondrosis can bring many useful effects, among which:

  • Relaxation. Muscle tissues experience spasm and tension. Patient with osteochondrosis is difficult to move. Swimming helps to achieve relaxation, relieve muscle strain. In this case, the muscles are trained, they become stronger, which means that they support the spine better. Vertebrae are less frequent and less likely to exert pressure on the cartilaginous tissue. Therefore, swimming with osteochondrosis is also the best prophylaxis of protrusions, hernias;
  • Normalization of metabolism in tissues. Improves blood circulation, metabolic processes in tissues. Intervertebral discs start to feed normally, and the process of their regeneration begins;
  • Swimming helps painlessly and smoothly sprain the spine. The distance between the vertebrae increases, the pressure from the intervertebral discs is relieved in case of osteochondrosis. Deformed nerve tissues are released, pain disappears, the work of internal organs stabilizes;
  • Going to the pool is a good way to strengthen immunity;
  • Exercises for back in water help to lose excess weight. This is an important point in the treatment of osteochondrosis, because we reduce the load on cartilage, do not allow further development of degenerative-dystrophic processes;
  • The pool helps to form an elevated emotional background, necessary to combat pain and limited mobility in osteochondrosis.

Neck Treatment by Swimming

Swimming with osteochondrosis of the cervical region is necessary in our time, when people lead an inactive way of life, constantly sit at the computer, keep in a sitting position an incorrect posture.

Stiffness of the cervical movements, headaches, high blood pressure, darkness in the eyes, precocious condition - all these are symptoms of cervical pathology, which will help to cope with water.


  1. Cervical muscles achieve relaxation, their spasm disappears, blood begins to flow normally into the brain region;
  2. Regular training with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine will help to strengthen the neck muscles, which will be the best preventive measure against complications;
  3. Begin to fully work the lungs, which helps to increase immunity, gives the patient the strength to live and fight the disease.

We advise you to read: running with osteochondrosis.

Often it happens that the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis cause the patient to be afraid of physical activity, including LUTS and swimming.

This is an unjustified fear, because in the pool the danger of neck injury is greatly reduced.

In any case, the instructor and the doctor will help overcome these prejudices against these useful procedures.

How to swim correctly

Swim with osteochondrosis neurologists recommend only in swimming pools.

In natural reservoirs, a current can be observed that will increase the tension of the spine and only aggravate the situation.

In a pond, it can be too cold, which is unacceptable in the pathological processes of the back, since an inflammatory process can develop.

In addition, patients must adhere to the following principles:

  • Initially, it is preferable to swim in water at a temperature of about 30 degrees, and then lower it, up to 23;
  • Before the start of the session, you need to warm up the mice and ligaments. Suitable self-massage of the affected area, simple warm-up exercises;
  • Depending on the affected area of ​​the spine, a style of swimming is selected. If cervical intervertebral disks are deformed, it is better to practice on the back in order to minimize the load from the neck and not cause new spasms, which are dangerous for the blood circulation of the brain. Swimming with osteochondrosis of the lumbar region will be optimal in the style of the breaststroke - so it will be possible to relieve the load from the waist, maximally bend this back section;
  • You must not allow sharp movements. In order not to accidentally move your head sharply because of the liquid that has got into the eyes or ears, you need to use glasses and a swimming headdress;
  • Swim should be at least twice, preferably three times a week, the session should last about an hour;
  • If the patient has osteochondrosis, and he does not know how to swim, or his muscles are weakened, as in the case of the elderly, a swimming plate can be used;
  • Ask the instructor for ЛФК what exercises in the water to perform. Load should go on increasing, but always be sparing so as not to aggravate the position of the disks;
  • When swimming, you need to watch your breathing. The breath should be full and smooth, and the exhalation should be sharp. So the lungs work better and have a positive effect on the mobility of the spine. The pressure on the nerves decreases.

Of course, it is preferable to conduct water procedures under the supervision of an instructor for LPC. He will monitor the condition, tell you how to swim, whether you can do certain exercises, and which ones are best temporarily or in principle excluded.

Exercises in the pool

After a little workout to improve the healing effect will help the following exercises:

  1. Vis on the crossbar. This helps to smoothly stretch the spine, release intervertebral discs. The easiest way to make this movement is to hang a little on the side;
  2. Smooth flies aside the lower and upper limbs. You can also tilt and rotate the case in different directions;
  3. To remove the load will help such movement - we put our feet on the side, with the pelvic area touching the edge. We hang on our back for several minutes, keeping our hands on the back of the head, trying to relax as much as possible;
  4. If the pool has a shallow bottom area, you can walk on it, run on the spot, perform light squats.


All these complexes are usually very useful, but there are also contraindications:

  • The acute period of the pathological process. If the patient is constantly suffering pain, it is almost impossible to move, and any LPC-complexes are considered forbidden. Wait for the period of remission;
  • The patient caught a cold. Postpone lfk until the moment of recovery;
  • There are problems in the work of the cardiovascular, respiratory system;
  • Dermatological problems are an absolute contraindication;
  • There is a tendency to convulsions or epileptic seizures are observed.

A source: https://pozvonochnik.guru/osteohondroz/plavanie-pri-osteohondroze.html

Is it possible to swim with exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis?

To the pool with osteochondrosis of the cervical department of the patient is allowed only after the statement of the exact diagnosis and check with the attending physician. How correctly to swim at an osteochondrosis, it is necessary to learn or find out from the expert.

It is necessary to know that this method of treating the disease is used in combination with other methods of combating the described pathology and has not only positive aspects, but also contraindications.

Therefore, the independent use of the pool for cervical osteochondrosis is strictly prohibited.

The use of swimming to eliminate the symptoms of an illness

If the sick person starts doing on land the exercises necessary for treatment, then because of the weight of the body, he will quickly get tired.

Exercises in the pool for osteochondrosis are performed much easier, since part of the person's weight is compensated by the buoyant force of Archimedes.

In this case, it is possible to perform limb movements at full amplitude, which can not be achieved on land.

When the complex of gymnastic exercises is properly selected by a specialist, the patient when swimming and performing gymnastic movements in the water relaxes the muscles structure of the back, his spine stretches about 5-15 cm, and the movements seem to him relaxed and smooth, as quickly eliminated by pain Effect.

The direction to the pool with osteochondrosis can be obtained by patients with diagnosed cervical, thoracic or lumbar osteochondrosis. Such training allows you to get the following results:

  1. The patient is strengthening the muscular structure of the neck and back.
  2. The displaced vertebrae occupy the desired position, and the distance between them increases. This removes the pain.
  3. The pinched nerve endings are released, the nerve connection between the brain and other organs via the spinal column is restored.
  4. In the patient's body, blood flow is normalized, the cardiovascular system is stimulated.
  5. Sharply improve the parameters of the patient's motor system.
  6. There is an intensification of metabolic processes, an increase in tone and an improvement in the emotional state of a person.

Is it possible for every patient with symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis to go to the pool?

When a patient is not recommended for water exercises

If a person is diagnosed with osteochondrosis, then he should consult a doctor. A complete examination of the patient's body should be carried out, as swimming and water gymnastics are forbidden to people with the following diseases:

  • presence of various skin infectious lesions;
  • severe cardiovascular and vascular pathology;
  • exacerbation of infectious diseases;
  • diathesis, sinking wound;
  • presence of convulsive syndrome and diseases associated with this phenomenon;
  • trauma or illness, in which the treatment requires the fixation of a limb.
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If a patient has at least one of these contraindications, doctors instead of the pool appoint other procedures.

What you need to know before starting water procedures?

You can not treat in open reservoirs, as hypothermia can develop, aggravating the course of osteochondrosis. Therefore, it is best to go to indoor swimming pools in which there is water heating. For treatment it is necessary that the temperature of the liquid in the reservoir is within + 27... + 30 ° С.

Even better, if there are saunas in the water complex together with the pool. There it will be possible to relax the muscular system after performing a set of exercises.

For therapeutic purposes, water complexes should be selected, where there are specialists in physiotherapy and gymnastics, who will be able to check the correctness of the exercise.

Do it regularly. Training can last about an hour, and ¾ of the time is allocated to the exercises themselves, and the rest goes to the warm-up.

After the end of training, the patient should lie on a hard couch for at least ½ hour.

For therapeutic purposes, this training should be conducted under the guidance of a specialist 2-3 times within 7 days.

Workout should start in the air, making simple movements, and then continue it in the water with mahami and active movements of hands and feet. If a person is difficult to move his hands, then he can hold on to the side of the pool, doing leg warm-up.

Do not sit in water until freezing. If the patient feels cold, he must go under a warm shower.

You need to learn how to breathe properly, taking a deep breath and exhaling. If a person does not swim well, it is better to use an inflatable pillow or a life buoy, but not an air vest.

Medical swimming with osteochondrosis

Patients with different types of pathology of the spine should know that simply splashing in the water will not bring relief. It is necessary to swim, making certain movements that will help get rid of the symptoms of the disease.

Treatment of osteochondrosis with aqueous methods implies the choice of one or another style of swimming in certain types of osteochondrosis.

If a person is diagnosed with a thoracic type of disease, then doctors recommend him to swim on his back.

In the event that there is a cervical osteochondrosis or lesion of the lumbar region, then you can use both training on the back, and breaststroke.

Medical swimming will bring the greatest effect only if the patient constantly keeps the moment of sliding on the water in the position between the pushing of the legs and the strokes with the hands. But not all people can immediately get this type of movement.

For treatment, you can use a light technique, for example, the patient is forced to swim from 30 to 100 m, and he works only with his feet, and in his hands has an inflatable pillow.

You can swim the same distance, but holding the inflatable pillow in your legs, and only work with your hands. If the patient is able, then he must swim without a delay of breath with a breaststroke from 30 to 100 m.

After each exercise, the patient should be allowed to rest. You can perform in the water and various exercises that help relieve tension in the muscles of the back and neck. For example, the patient plunges into the water on the chest, and then begins walking in place, gradually moving into the movement along the bottom of the reservoir.

You can stand in the water, pull to the chest alternately right and left knees, while spreading their hands in a vertical plane. Good imitation of the style of breaststroke, when the patient clings to the side of the pool with his hands, and kicks the legs while lying on the water.

You can bend forward, putting your hands on your waist, standing in the water knee-deep. In this case, the elbows must be retracted. If it is difficult for a patient to perform all of the above movements, he can simply do sit-ups in the water, holding on to the side of the pool, or bulge his belly forward, knee-deep in the water.

A source: https://OrtoCure.ru/pozvonochnik/osteohondroz/plavanie-v-bassejne.html

Swimming with osteochondrosis: tips, recommendations, contraindications


Very often osteochondrosis of various parts of the spinal column is found in young people, and in some cases even in children. The main reasons for the appearance of the disease - the use of harmful foods and lack of mobility, which requires a ridge.

If you do not take any action, because of osteochondrosis, disability can be limited and even develop. With timely access to a doctor, you can not only relieve the pain, but also stop the development of the disease.

Treatment in the first place is performed medically, and during the recovery a good effect is given by medical and physical training. Swimming with cervical osteochondrosis plays an important role, it will help supplement other methods of fighting the disease.

The use of swimming for osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is a chronic pathology of the spine that occurs with degenerative processes in the discs that are located between the vertebrae. Because of this, the vertebrae approach each other, squeezing the roots of the nerves and changing the work of the ridge.

Swimming with osteochondrosis has a positive effect on the spine. Proper exercise will help:

  • Speed ​​up the exchange processes. Improvement of blood circulation and circulation of blood in cells allows disks and tissues to receive a sufficient amount of minerals and nutrients. Therefore, visiting the pool with osteochondrosis helps to restore the body.
  • Relax. Osteochondrosis leads to muscle spasms and their tension, resulting in decreased mobility. Thanks to water procedures, the spinal cord relaxes, muscle spasms are eliminated, and the tissues themselves are strengthened. This allows you to reduce the displacement of the vertebrae. Therefore, going to the pool for osteochondrosis is not only possible, but also very useful. Thanks to water procedures, the formation of intervertebral hernias is prevented.
  • Strengthen immunity. This avoids the appearance of other diseases.
  • Improve the performance of the heart and respiratory system. As a result, a positive attitude is created in the disease.
  • Pull out the spine. It is achieved due to the spreading of the flattened intervertebral discs. As a result, the distance between the vertebrae increases, and the pinched nerves are released. This almost immediately removes the pain.
  • Reduce weight. This reduces the burden on the ridge, reduces pain syndromes and prevents negative processes in the intervertebral discs.

The pool with osteochondrosis benefits from damage to various zones of the ridge: cervical, thoracic and lumbar. Water treatments will be especially useful if they are performed along with the intake of chondoprotectors and vitamins.

With cervical osteochondrosis, swimming brings the following benefits:

  1. The neck relaxes, spasms are eliminated, the supply of the brain with oxygen improves.
  2. Exercise of the respiratory system. This reduces fatigue and increases immunity.
  3. Formation around the neck of healthy muscles, which reduces the risks of subsequent changes in the discs.

Contraindications for health problems

Swimming in the pool for osteochondrosis is prohibited in the following cases:

  • Exacerbation of the disease, the patient is difficult to move and constant pain.
  • Problems with the work of the respiratory and cardiovascular system.
  • The patient has seizures or epileptic seizures.
  • Disease of the common cold.
  • Dermatological problems.

There are simple rules for swimming with osteochondrosis of the thoracic and other parts. If they are violated, the disease can worsen.

  1. From the very first lessons, the water temperature should be above + 27 ° C, in the future the minimum can be reduced to + 23 ° C.
  2. The style of swimming is chosen taking into account the problem zone of the ridge. With cervical osteochondrosis it is better to swim on the back, due to this water will positively affect the deformed vertebrae. If other areas are affected, you can swim with a breaststroke. This will almost completely immerse in the water limbs and ridge.
  3. Try to visit the pool at least twice a week. Well, if the session lasts from 40 to 50 minutes.
  4. When you first visit the load should be minimal. It is good to agree on how to swim with cervical osteochondrosis, with a doctor.
  5. A few minutes to spend on warming up, only after that you go into the pool with osteochondrosis. This will ensure the flow of blood to the ridge and prepare it for training.
  6. In the pool, do not make sudden movements. Water procedures should be taken in a cap and glasses. Due to this, ears and eyes will be protected from water ingress. Because of them, sudden movements can be provoked.
  7. If the patient does not have a swim, he can perform exercises with rings and pillows. Therefore, a person can not sink.
  8. Properly breathe. Take inspiration deep and unhurried. Exhales, on the contrary, should be rapid. This will ensure good ventilation of the lungs and change the mobility of the vertebrae. As a result, the pressure on the nerve endings is reduced.

How to swim properly with osteochondrosis

Swimming with osteochondrosis of the cervical department will bring the desired effect only if the procedures are correctly performed. If you just splash, it will not give practically no effect.

To achieve the greatest effect, it is necessary to "slip" over the water surface longer, stay between the push of the legs and the strokes with the hand. One of the methods by which you can perform swimming in osteochondrosis of the lumbar region is as follows:

  1. Take an inflatable pillow, swim from 30 to 100 meters, making movements solely with your feet.
  2. Take a breather.
  3. Repeat the exercise with the air bag in your hand.
  4. Take a breather.
  5. Do not hold your breath, swim twenty or thirty meters with a breaststroke.
  6. Take a breather.

Follow these rules when swimming with osteochondrosis:

  • Subcooling can cause an exacerbation of the disease. Therefore, do not use open water for therapeutic purposes. This is due to the fact that there are currents in them that increase the load during movement. Not the best solution will be the use of outdoor pools due to the low water temperature in them.
  • Classes should be done regularly. It's good that they last for a fixed time. For example, 10-15 minutes warm-up, 45 minutes - water procedures.
  • Discard the use of an air vest. If you do not know how to swim, the best equipment will be an inflatable pillow or a circle.
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The basic complex of exercises

Swimming with osteochondrosis brings tangible benefits. Many doctors recommend additionally to practice aqua aerobics for osteochondrosis. This will help achieve the desired success in treatment.

When hernia or osteochondrosis of the spine is recommended to perform in the pool such exercises (you must first warm up):

  1. Smooth waving around the sides with your hands and feet. The body can be rotated and tilted.
  2. Vis on the crossbar. Exercise sprains the spine and releases the vertebral discs. For this you can hang for a while on the side.
  3. In pools with a shallow bottom, you can walk around it for a while, run on the spot, do a bit of squatting.
  4. Put on the edge of the foot, the pelvis area, touch the edge. It is necessary to hang on the back for several minutes, with the pelvic area touching the edge. After that, hang on your back for a few minutes, keep your hands on the back of your neck. Exercise is performed in a relaxed state.

Regular exercises in the pool and gymnastics for the back with osteochondrosis will help to stop degenerative changes in the spinal column and get rid of pain. The secret of success in consistency and obedience to the recommendations of doctors. Take care of your health! You can not buy it for money!

Swimming for osteochondrosis: benefits, rules, contra-indications Link to main publication

A source: https://stop-osteohondroz.ru/poleznye-sovety/plavanie-pri-osteohondroze

Swimming with osteochondrosis: the best exercises

Swimming with osteochondrosis is considered one of the most effective methods of treating the disease.

This sport is one of the most useful, and doctors recommend it for many ailments in order to alleviate the general condition, and to improve the whole organism.

Patients for whom the treatment of osteochondrosis and swimming are inextricably related concepts, lead an active and fulfilling life, without suffering from pains in the back and neck.

What is the use of swimming in osteochondrosis?

Osteochondrosis is a pathological process that affects the cartilaginous tissue of the intervertebral discs, gradually affecting the body of the vertebrae, spinal nerve fibers, ligaments and muscles.

Treatment of the disease always involves a whole range of measures, which includes medication, physiotherapy. However, the most effective direction in the treatment of osteochondrosis doctors recognize exercise therapy (LFK).

Optimal selection of physical exercises can stop the pathological process. Specialists on exercise therapy recommend that patients with osteochondrosis must include swimming in the wellness complex.

This is due to the fact that in water the body weight is practically not felt, and physical exercises are performed much easier than on land.

In addition, the high density of water does not allow you to make sudden movements, and all exercises are performed smoothly.

Swimming with osteochondrosis provides:

  • restoration of the normal position of displaced vertebrae;
  • release of jammed nerves;
  • strengthening the muscles of the back and neck;
  • increased space between the vertebrae.

In addition, swimming will certainly benefit the whole body:

  • the circulatory processes are normalized;
  • metabolic processes are activated;
  • improve the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • immunity will be strengthened;
  • the vital energy will be restored;
  • mood will rise, and overall well-being will improve.

When osteochondrosis, swimming in conjunction with other therapeutic measures allows you to make treatment of the disease as effective as possible.

Are there any contraindications for swimming with osteochondrosis?

It is not recommended to engage in this type of physical activity in such diseases and conditions as:

  • dermatological infections;
  • epilepsy and other diseases accompanied by convulsions;
  • acute infections;
  • diathesis, wet wounds;
  • severe diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • trauma and pathology, in which limb fixation is mandatory.

General recommendations for swimming with osteochondrosis

In order for swimming to serve the purpose of improving the body, it is necessary to take into account a few simple recommendations.

  1. The inclusion of swimming in the complex of exercise therapy for osteochondrosis must necessarily be agreed with the doctor.
  2. Do best in the indoor pool. This is due to the fact that water in open reservoirs is often quite cold, the optimum temperature for training with osteochondrosis is 27-30 ° C. In addition, in most reservoirs, there is almost always a current that creates an excessive load on the spine, which can only exacerbate the situation.
  3. Ideally, swimming with osteochondrosis should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist in exercise therapy, which will monitor the correctness of movements and breathing. If this is not possible, then at least the first training should be conducted with an experienced instructor.
  4. Those who do not know how to swim, swimming in the pool can be carried out with an inflatable pillow or a circle, but from The use of a lifejacket should be discarded, since swimming with it will not bring the desired effect.
  5. Swimming sessions should be regular, it is recommended to visit the pool 2-3 times a week. Only in this case they will bring the result.
  6. During the training you need to monitor your own state of health, if you have any uncomfortable or painful sensations, you must stop exercising.

The method of swimming for osteochondrosis

The technique of swimming with osteochondrosis follows certain rules:

  1. Before you go to the pool, you need to spend on land for 15-20 minutes warm-up to warm up the joints and muscles. Then, having already entered the water, it is necessary, holding on to the sides, to make several flaps with hands and feet.
  2. To swim at an osteochondrosis it is recommended breasts, it is better on a back (especially at chest and cervical osteochondrosis).
  3. During training, it is important to monitor breathing: it is necessary to take a calm deep breath and a sharp exhalation.
  4. When osteochondrosis is often recommended to swim so: first clamp the inflatable pillow in your hands and swim about 30-100 meters, working with your feet, then a little rest and, wrapped around the pillow with your feet, swim the same distance, working with your hands, relax again and swim another 20-30 meters with a breaststroke, after resting repeat all cycle.
  5. The optimal duration of training in the pool is 40-50 minutes.
  6. After training, it is advisable to lie down for about half an hour on a hard couch.

Swimming with osteochondrosis is an excellent way to improve the general condition, slow the pathological process and take care of the overall health of the body. Nevertheless, in order for the lessons to be of benefit, it is necessary to consult a doctor and follow the recommendations of the physicians.

A source: http://proosteohondroz.ru/uprazhneniya/plavanie-pri-osteoxondroze.html

Swimming with osteochondrosis (pool): how to swim?

One of the most effective and pleasant ways of treating osteochondrosis of the spine can safely be called swimming. With its help, you can cure osteochondrosis of the cervical, thoracic and, respectively, lumbar spine.

In severe cases, when normal swimming does not help, therapeutic exercise in the pool is prescribed. Physical exercises that are part of this sports complex are extremely simple and do not require physical training, so they are assigned to all age groups of patients.

Can I swim with osteochondrosis?

Many patients wonder. Can I go to the pool with osteochondrosis? Well, respectively, can you swim without harm to the spine? Responsibly we assure, that in most cases to be engaged in swimming at an osteochondrosis it is not simply possible, but also it is necessary.

But why should this be done? The thing is that osteochondrosis is a slow, chronic degenerative-dystrophic disease of the spinal column, which once and for all can not be cured.

Swimming with brass at osteochondrosis

The disease can be introduced into remission, stop its progression and remove its manifestations (symptoms). But it will not be long after the treatment, and the disease will begin its "victorious march" anew. Simply put, remission should be constantly maintained.

And in this regard it is extremely useful to visit the pool. If you swim on an ongoing basis, the muscular back corset will be as hardy as possible, and therefore able to perform one of its main roles - the compensatory mechanism.

This compensatory mechanism prevents the progression of osteochondrosis, reducing the load from the spine and slowing its destruction (age). Simply put, if it's right to swim - it's a huge benefit and, of course, is allowed for osteochondrosis.

Is swimming good for osteochondrosis, and why?

Swimming for most patients with spinal osteochondrosis is of great benefit in containing and treating this disease.

And those people who do not suffer from chondroses can be protected by constant swimming from such and similar diseases.

Protection is not absolute, but serious.

But why are exercises in the pool so useful in vertebral chondroses? First, they strengthen the muscular corset, not only the back, but also the peritoneum.

The spinal muscular corset reduces the load from the spinal column, distributing it to oneself (in some people, the back muscles take 35% of the entire load on the spine).

Technique of swimming with crawl for osteochondrosis

It is obvious that reducing the load on the spinal column is equivalent to reducing the probability of his injuries and reducing the destructive processes in it. Namely, these two factors are a favorable ground for the development and progression of chondroses.

Secondly, any physical activity, and even more so with constant swimming, enhances the regenerative and immune mechanisms of the body.

Moreover, the blood supply to tissues increases, which is extremely important for osteochondrosis, given that these diseases disrupt the supply of nutrients to bone tissue.

Are there any contraindications?

Despite the apparent harmlessness of swimming, some groups of people are contraindicated. And there are both relative contraindications (they can be violated under certain conditions), and absolute (in no case can not be violated).

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To assess the importance of contraindication can only your doctor, therefore, visit it without fail before the start of classes. There are also temporary contraindications and constants.

For example, a skin rash may be attributed to a temporary rash, since after a cure the patient can go to class. To permanent include diseases such as heart disease, which can not be fixed.

Visualization of the muscles involved in swimming

The full list of contraindications to swimming in osteochondrosis:

  • presence of skin infections;
  • infectious pathologies in acute period (manifestation) or exacerbation;
  • severe cardiovascular diseases (both chronic and acute);
  • presence in the anamnesis of epileptic seizures;
  • presence of mopping wounds of any localization, any forms of diathesis;
  • convulsive syndrome or the presence of convulsions while bathing in an anamnesis;
  • previous injuries and pathologies requiring temporary or permanent fixation of the limbs.

How to swim with osteochondrosis of different departments?

As in almost any other case, in the case of swimming, "take it with a nag" will not work. That is, you can not come and begin to engage in any kind of swimming elements, hoping for a final positive result.

But how to swim with osteochondrosis so that it is useful?

Collective water gymnastics with osteochondrosis

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with certain rules of water training in the treatment of spinal chondroses:

  1. During classes, even the simplest ones, keep a steady breathing. If to speak quite simply, then breathing during the voyage is necessary according to the following scheme: "a deep breath, then a sharp exhalation."
  2. Avoid air vests, as they significantly restrict mobility and prevent even basic swimming elements from performing. Do not know how to swim or are we talking about children? Then use an inflatable wheel or water cushion.
  3. Immediately before classes in the pool, you must always do warm-up. And the warm-up should be carried out in two stages - first on land (enough for a five-minute gymnastics), then in the water (again, five minutes is enough).
  4. Classes should be regular, as in the presence of periods of downtime, you lose all the useful properties that are useful to help fight osteochondrosis. We studied for a year, and then rested a month? Alas, for this month you have lost almost all the results achieved for the year.

Swimming styles

For the treatment of osteochondrosisthoracic departmentThe spine needs to swim solely on the back.

For beginners, classical swimming on the back with a "log" is quite suitable, when in fact I work only with my hands.

But this is exactly what is needed, since the muscles and bones of the cervicothoracic region are involved in the work of the hands.

With osteochondrosiscervical departmentThe spine also fits the style with a "log". Nevertheless, this style is not a panacea and it is not advisable to apply it in all localizations of the disease. Where it is more effective at a cervical localization of a chondrosis to swim a breaststroke.

Technique of swimming with a standard breaststroke with osteochondrosis

With lumbar localizationosteochondrosis of the spine is suitable for almost all styles of swimming, except for those that assume rotational and axial loads on the spinal column. With these styles should be delayed, at least until the moment you enter the disease into the stage of remission.

To maximize the effectiveness of "water treatment" you need to swim smoothly, like sliding on water. To do this, you need to linger for a couple of seconds in one position between the strokes of your hand and the simultaneous jerking of your legs.

Exercises in the pool for osteochondrosis

Just swimming is very useful thing for osteochondrosis of the spine, but the therapeutic effect can be substantially increased due to the constant sessions of aquatic gymnastics. All exercises from water gymnastics are so simple that they can be performed by patients of all age groups.

The most effective exercises from water gymnastics for osteochondrosis are:

  1. Go down into the water until your chest, then standing in one place imitate walking. A couple of minutes so after a couple of minutes really like the pool.
  2. When in the water, turn first right, and then left knee (they need to be pulled to the chest). At the same time during the rise of the knees you need to raise your arms to the sides.
  3. Grasp the sides of the pool with both hands, then move with your feet, which you do when swimming with a breaststroke. During the exercise, you need to lie on your chest.
  4. Standing on the collarbone in the water, push the stomach forward. It is necessary to stand in the water, so that it squeezes the stomach and complicates the exercise - the only way you can train the muscles of the peritoneum.
  5. Holding both hands over the edge of the pool, do squats. And it is desirable to do them slowly, strengthening the load on the femoral muscles and lower parts of the dorsal muscles.

A source: http://osankino.ru/osteohondroz/plavanie-pri-osteohondroze-basseyn.html

Swimming and exercises in the pool for the spine

Often I meet questions about how to properly swim in osteochondrosis, what style, what exercises to do in the water and whether they should be done at all and so on. At once I will say that any swimming is useful and effective for the spine. It does not even matter whether you are swimming with a breaststroke or a crochet, on your back or on your stomach.

The very water environment is an excellent condition for unloading the spine. It is not necessary to subtilize and choose which style of swimming is more effective. When you walk every day, you do not think how to walk properly. Although there is such a factor as the vertical load on the spine.

And in the pool is a pleasure - the water in the water reduces the load on the spine and internal organs tens of times and it does not matter how you swim. In any case, whether you swim on your stomach, back, breaststroke, "frog "doggy" or somehow, the following four effects will still work.

Unloading the spine

As I said, unloading occurs dozens of times due to the horizontal position and the reduction in body weight (load on the spine) in the water.

The muscle tension of the back is removed so well, the blood circulation of the spine and surrounding tissues improves, the intervertebral openings increase and the risk of nerve impairment decreases.

Increased oxygen intake in the body

During swimming, the respiratory system is active, increasing the volume of the lungs and the flow of oxygen into the blood.

Due to the work of the muscles of the whole body, all capillaries are opened, and oxygen is actively supplied to all cells and tissues.

This is an important condition for the normal operation of each system, including both nervous and musculoskeletal.

Psycho-emotional unloading

During swimming and being in the water environment, the nervous system and the psyche relax very effectively. Any stress and chronic fatigue is well removed. You are distracted from all domestic issues and problems, are distracted by swimming and are concentrating on your body.

When you are relaxed, your body relaxes.

What is especially important for the muscles of the spine, which every day experience colossal loads (unless you, of course, follow all my recommendations and take breaks each hour when working at a computer, doing gymnastics every day, periodically go to massage, do self-massage - then you are good fellows and do not get such an overload like everyone else rest).

Well, digress... Let's continue ...

Training and strengthening of body body muscles

Here it is necessary in more detail - the most important and interesting. Therefore, the headline is larger ...

Training and strengthening of body body muscles

Of course, during the voyage all muscles of the back, press, legs, hands and so on are actively working. The tonus of the muscular corset is actively restored and the muscles-stabilizers of the spine are strengthened.

But it will be provided, if you swim ACTIVE - with good speed, duration and at a constant pace. This is then the training of the muscles of the back.

And if you swim in your pleasure, that is slowly, with frequent breaks, looking around, then this will also be good and useful, BUT it will already be more simple unloading of the spine without training muscles.

In these two versions, the following is obtained:

If you swim actively, then you unload the spine and train the muscles of the back. If you just swim (almost passively), then you unload the spine and... point.

Who swims actively, well done. Who swims almost passively, too good fellows, but then you need to add exercises to strengthen the back muscles right in the pool.

And I specially specially for you have written down a ready complex of exercises which you will use at the further visit of pool. Capture the video:

How correctly to train in the pool?

As you noticed on the video, first of all you need a warm-up on land to prepare the body for immersion in water. We perform simple joint exercises from the periphery to the center (as usual).

Then, as a warm-up, you must first swim for 3-5 minutes (preferably without rest) to warm up all the muscles and increase blood circulation. Only then start performing a set of exercises.

In the end, always swim on your back to rest a little and also relieve the spine. After, if you want, you can safely stay in the pool and then swim for your own pleasure.

If you are an active swimmer, these exercises will also be useful to you. I wish you a pleasant voyage and good health!

A source: http://osteo-hondroz.net/plavanie-i-uprazhneniya-v-bassejjne-dlya-pozvonochnika.html