Trench collar for newborns


  • 1Shanza collar for newborns
    • 1.1Indications
    • 1.2How to choose a cervical collar for a newborn?
    • 1.3How to choose the right size
    • 1.4How to properly remove the size for the collar?
    • 1.5How correctly to put a collar on the child?
    • 1.6How to wear a collar for newborns?
    • 1.7Periods when the collar needs to be removed:
    • 1.8How to care for the collar of Shantz?
    • 1.9Reviews about the device
  • 2Shank's collar for newborns: отзывы:
    • 2.1What is the collar of Shantz
    • 2.2Indications for wearing
    • 2.3Shanz's collar for newborns: dimensions
    • 2.4The rules of putting the collar of Shantz on a newborn
    • 2.5Terms of wearing
    • 2.6Rules of care for the collar
  • 3Shanza's collar for newborns - salvation for the baby
    • 3.1Indications for the use of the collar of Shantz for newborns
    • 3.2Why wear a cervical orthopedic bandage
    • 3.3Types of collars
    • 3.4How to choose a tire for babies: tips on the size
    • 3.5How to put on with the curved + video
    • 3.6How much time it takes to wear it
    • 3.7Care of the product
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.8Possible complications
    • 3.9Reviews of moms about the effectiveness of a fixator for the neck of a baby
  • 4Shanza collar for newborns
  • 5Why do I need a Shantz collar for newborns?
    • 5.1What is it needed for?
    • 5.2Indications for use
    • 5.3Contraindications
    • 5.4Varieties
    • 5.5How to wear it correctly?
    • 5.6"Treatment of neck injuries in newborns"
  • 6How to choose a newborn orthopedic collar Shants: dimensions and instructions for use
    • 6.1Appearance of the collar of Shantz
    • 6.2Operating principle
    • 6.3At what diseases is appointed or nominated?
    • 6.4A range of orthopedic tires for the neck
    • 6.5Soft fixation
    • 6.6Medium fixation
    • 6.7Strong or full fixation
    • 6.8Selection of the size of the tire for babies
    • 6.9Rules for putting on a collar
    • 6.10Proper care of the product

Shanza collar for newborns

The appearance of the baby is a mystery, which the expectant mother is trembling with trepidation. Modern medicine, long before the birth of an infant, determines how it will enter this life: through normal births or through surgical intervention (Caesarean section).

The main thing in this situation is not to despair, soberly assess the danger and take the necessary measures.

Injury of the cervical spine during the passage of the birth canal is not just an orthopedic pathology, it is a danger of disturbance of the blood supply to the brain and the disturbance of nerve impulses coming from him.

Plus in this situation is the plasticity of all the systems of the newborn (including bone and articular), so timely treatment is able to completely rid the child of the consequences birth trauma.

The collar of Shantz for newborn physicians is calledbus. From the point of view of the functionality of the product, this is correct, because its main goal is to eliminate the orthopedic defect of the cervical spine.

Visually, the product is perceived exactly as a collar, hence its alternative name.

The composition of the tire is simple:

  • The base is in the form of foam rubber, the structure of which allows to provide the form and rigidity of the collar;
  • Velcro fastener for optimal tire fixation;
  • fabric covering of the collar, protecting the neck of the newborn from rubbing.


The indication for using the Schantz tire in babies are:

  1. orthopedic neck defects;
  2. disturbances in the work of the nervous system.

In the first case we are talking about:

  • curved;
  • short neck syndrome;
  • damage to the cervical vertebrae during childbirth.

The second group of reasons includes:

  • a syndrome of oppression of the central nervous system (or, on the contrary, hyperexcitability);
  • a syndrome of impellent frustration.

How to choose a cervical collar for a newborn?

The place of purchase of the product is orthopedic salons (depending on the locality they can be referred to as shops or centers).

If the doctor has appointed the child a collar of Shants, then it is necessary to purchase this orthopedic product, rather than analogues. We have already given information about the composition of the Schantz tire, so from the models offered to you, cut off the analogues immediately:

  • devices with an inflatable mechanism;
  • clamps made of metal or plastic material.

The collar to be purchased should ideally fit the child's parameters.

For this purpose you can:

  • make an individual order for the production of the Schantz tire;
  • Buy a finished product by measuring the doctor who determined the size of the collar for the newborn.

How to choose the right size

The most obvious effect of the Shanz bus is when:

  • elimination of pain in the neck in the crumbs,
  • normalization of the movement of blood flow through the vessels of the neck,
  • improvement of the child's well-being.

Incorrectly matched tire size not only deprives the product of its functionality, this circumstance can aggravate the infant's disease and cause a number of side effects:

  • vomiting,
  • dizziness and weakness,
  • fainting,
  • pain in the neck.

Having proved the importance of the exact definition of the size of the product, we emphasize that the size of the collar of Shants is determined by the doctor.

The only thing that mom can do is to double-check the doctor so that she will not be bothered by doubts afterwards. We'll tell you how it's done below.

How to properly remove the size for the collar?

  • The child is placed on his back on a flat surface so that the spine of the newborn is even.
  • The exact size of the collar is the distance from the chin of the baby to the middle of the collarbone.
  • Depending on the growth of the baby and the length of his neck, the result can be, or 5 centimeters.
  • The length of the collar for children under 1 month is from 28 to 32 cm, for older babies - 33 cm.

How correctly to put a collar on the child?

We will point out three basic principles that will help to properly fix the product on the child's neck:

  1. the Velcro fastener locks the collar strictly behind the neck, at its center;
  2. in the tire there is a notch, this is the place for the chin of the newborn (thus, the lower part of the collar rests on the bones of the clavicle, the upper one - supports the chin);
  3. Do not allow the tire to be over-tightened(this slows down the blood flow and contributes to suffocation), or weakened (in this case the product loses its therapeutic meaning).

Optimal fixation of the tire assumes that between her and the neck of the baby can fit the finger of the mother.

Be that as it may, the first fitting of the tire should be carried out in the presence of the doctor, since even the simple tips given earlier can be understood differently by moms.

For someone, the gap between the tire and the neck of the newborn is such that the finger easily "flies" there, someone seems to think that the finger in the gap should fit in with some effort.

The task of the mother is to remember the correct position of the tire and then accurately reproduce the correct fixation of the collar, in which the baby does not feel discomfort.

How to wear a collar for newborns?

Let's make some digression. Since childhood, we know a common horror story about certain women who, following the customs of their people, wore metal rings for lengthening the neck.

And when someone violated the laws of the tribe, the rings were removed from the unfortunate neck, and the head of the culprit could not rest on the neck, devoid of muscles.

Some "well-wishers" like to remind this horror story to mothers, whose kids are recommended to wear the collar of Shantz.

Few people believe in these horror stories, realizing that the doctor better know how to help the child. And indeed, the muscles of the newborn's neck, even with prolonged wearing of the Shantz tire, will not atrophy, and he will learn to keep the head no later than his peers.

There are hypochondriac mothers, which can not be easily assured by simple assurances.

It is for them that we report that even now there is a tribe on the territory of Thailand Padaunga, whose women are called giraffes because of the excessively long necks, elongated by metal spirals.

Due to some circumstances they are forced to remove these spirals, and... nothing terrible happens. In a year - three necks of women-giraffes take the usual form, and they are no different from ordinary people.

Depending on the reason why the newborn is assigned the collar of Shantz,The wearing time of an orthopedic product can range from a few minutes a day to a constant wearing within a month.

Correctly to establish this time in each case can only the doctor.

Periods when the collar needs to be removed:

  • for the period of water procedures;
  • for the duration of the massage.

How to care for the collar of Shantz?

The tender skin of the newborn requires special attention, so care for the collar of Shants is a solution to the hygiene problem.

Maintaining the product in its purity is the care of it. To avoid deformation of the tire, the product is erased:

  • manually,
  • in cool water.

Dry the collar should be natural.

Reviews about the device

All reviews about using the collar of Shantz can be divided into 3 groups (the number of responses in each group is approximately the same):

  1. the device causes inconvenience to the child;
  2. Shantz's tire helped to completely get rid of orthopedic pathology without causing discomfort to a newborn;
  3. He managed to heal the baby only thanks to complex treatment: the use of a tire and massage.

Concluding the article, let's sum up the main results:

  • You only need to buy a tire in well-proven orthopedic salons;
  • The device has an effective therapeutic effect only under the condition of a correctly established size andwith correct fixing of the product;
  • to achieve the most effective assistance from the use of a tire, you should strictly follow the recommendations of the orthopedist (neurologist) for the time of its use;
  • using the collar of Shants for the treatment of newborns,It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the product(a dirty product can cause diaper rash, sweating, in advanced cases, it is possible to get the infection inside, which will aggravate the underlying disease);
  • the Shanza tire itself for newborns is not a panacea, so for the best result wearing an orthopedic product should be combined with a therapeutic massage.

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Shank's collar for newborns: отзывы:

Physiological birth is a process that is not subject to prediction at all. Often the result of unsuccessful labor is various disorders in the body of the newborn. No child is immune from complications during childbirth.

Even with a sufficiently high level of modern medicine, this is the case. The most numerous type of injury during childbirth is damage to the cervical vertebra. It entails the pain and discomfort of the baby.

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In this case, urgent measures should be taken to eliminate complications and disabilities. In the event of such damage, the doctor will prescribe wearing a lock bar. It is called the "Shantz collar for newborns."

Reviews of moms of small patients are mostly positive, because the purpose of this collar is to correct the resulting or inherited defect.

What is the collar of Shantz

Shantz's collar for newborns is a kind of fixation device that relieves the load from the cervical vertebrae of a newborn. Due to this support, the basic functions of the spine are restored more quickly.

Parents of small patients who are assigned such a fixator are worried about a different matter.

How to make the right choice of a child's orthopedic collar? How to wear it? Does he inconvenience the baby? How to choose the right size? So, about everything in order.

The collar of Shantz is a circle made of foam rubber material, with Velcro on its ends, helping to regulate the diameter of the collar. This lock has another name - the bus.

It performs an important therapeutic function: leads to the normal position of the vertebrae of the cervical spine.

This is necessary, because only in the right condition, sufficient blood circulation is created, this allows the infant to feel comfortable and, accordingly, contributes to its healthy development.

Indications for wearing

The decision to prescribe wearing such an orthopedic device is taken only by the doctor, if there are certain indications. It normalizes the muscles.

However, as a drawback, there can be an addiction that will lead to muscle atrophy. In the normal state, the baby should hold the head by the time he is 2 months old.

But if the collar is not properly worn, the muscles can not cope with the function assigned to them.


Indications for the wearing of the collar of Shantz for newborns are injuries during childbirth, which are associated with damage to the cervical spine.


This pathology leads to a violation of blood circulation, which causes different motor disorders, a syndrome of central nervous system depression, hyperexcitability.

In more severe cases, deformation of the face occurs, and everything can end with disability.

Diagnosing the injury and using the collar provide relief from unhealthy consequences.

Orthopedic collar of Shantz for newborns provides restriction of movements of the cervical vertebral department.

Thus, conditions are created for restoring the functions of the cervical vertebrae and normalizing the cerebral circulation.

Shanz's collar for newborns: dimensions

The orthopedic device for a newborn is necessarily selected for a certain size, because a short one will cause discomforting state when turning on its side, but too long - can not perform in the required volume therapeutic destination.

Kids are born on this light with different anthropometric data, therefore, they have different neck lengths. The pediatric orthopedist consultant will carry out a qualified measurement of the length of the baby neck and select the appropriate tire size.

The height of the children's collar of Shantz varies within 3-5 cm.

The rules of putting the collar of Shantz on a newborn

When wearing a bandage on the cervix of a newborn, the maximum care must be taken. It must be taken into account that the most prominent place of orthopedic adaptation should be under the chin itself.

Visually, it seems that the collar lifts the chin and slightly extends the neck. The next step is to wrap the Shantz collar for the newborns (see the photo below) around the neck and fix it on the back surface with velcro tape.

It should also be remembered that between the neck surface and the collar should accommodate the index finger.


To verify the correctness of the tire overlap, it is recommended to orientate on the toothed edge of the Velcro, which should be at the bottom, and the even edge, respectively, at the top. In another case, the Velcro will damage the delicate skin of the baby.


NB: You need to know clearly how to properly put a shawl collar on a newborn, otherwise this device will not provide the necessary therapeutic conditions.

Terms of wearing

Often, the shantz collar for newborns is used in the first day of life, and the timing of its use is determined by the doctor purely individually.

Basically, this period lasts 30 days, but sometimes the doctor ascribes a longer use of it.

Children with the presence of torticollis or subluxation of the vertebrae are assigned a constant wearing of the collar, its removal permissible only for the time of bathing or washing (in this version, it is even recommended to have a second collar for replacement). In other cases, it is necessary to put on the device a newborn immediately after a massage session or treatment-corrective physical culture.

There is a misconception that a baby, who is assigned a constant wearing of a device, often creates a delay in the ability to hold his head.

Correctly matched collar Shantsa for newborns does not harm the baby.

Some lag may be due to the delay in the development of the central nervous system baby, but not wearing a corrective device.

Rules of care for the collar

Applying the collar of Shantz for newborns, you must constantly monitor its purity. The tire is washed by hand in cold water.

After washing and rinsing, the device is dried in a straightened version.

Do not wash in automatic machines, conduct drying automatically and close to heat sources so that the tire does not lose shape. The skin under the collar should be dry and clean.

The article presented information for mothers on how to use the collar of Shantz for newborns.

Reviews of the carried wearing of the corrective device indicate that its effectiveness is high enough and helps to cope with the consequences of birth injuries.

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Shanza's collar for newborns - salvation for the baby

Childbirth, both light and complicated, is a tremendous burden on the child's body. It happens that the baby is born with injuries. The most frequent of them is the defeat of the cervical spine.

The causes of injuries can be features of the structure of the pelvis of the mother, weight and size of the fetus, prematurity, prolonged or very fast delivery, as well as abnormal behavior of the parturient at the time of the birth of the head.

In this case, the neonatologist appoints the newborn to the collar of Shantz (the device was named after its inventor, Alfred Shantz).

This orthopedic collar, also referred to as a tire, externally resembles a collar, - a soft, wave-like shape, a circle, elastic-elastic.

It is based on medical foam rubber or porous-synthetic material, on which a non-removable cotton cover is put on. The collar is covered from above with a cloth that can be washed.

Indications for the use of the collar of Shantz for newborns

Shanz's collar effectively eliminates torticollis

When injuring the cervical spine, many problems arise with the health of the baby. The child is sluggish, weak, reflexes are almost absent.

Often trembling limbs and chin. The kid makes a shrill scream, throws back his head - it hurts.

An orthopedic product is prescribed if the doctor observes:

  • short neck syndrome;
  • torticollis;
  • hyperexcitability;
  • neurological disorders due to trauma of the cervical spine;
  • motor disorders;
  • oppressed CNS.

Wearing a collar without testimony has a negative effect on the work of the muscular corset of the child: receiving support, the muscles relax, atrophy.

Why wear a cervical orthopedic bandage

When a neonatologist appoints a newborn to wear a tire, the young mother often has doubts: she is afraid that the child will be scared or uncomfortable that the collar will hurt him.

Probably, excessive anxiety is explained by the condition of a woman who has just given birth. In fact, the collar of Shantz has a number of positive effects on the body of the newborn.

As a result of wearing the bus, the following occurs:

  1. The vertebrae of the cervical region become normal.
  2. Improves blood circulation of the brain.
  3. The baby is correctly developed.
  4. The neuromuscular system is normalized. The injured muscles relax and recover.
  5. Thanks to the warming effect, the pain decreases.
  6. The tire has micromassage properties.
  7. A healthy sleep is provided, so the child can sleep without removing the collar.

Types of collars

Shantz's collar is worn by children between the ages of 1 day and 1 year. Dysfunctions, on the basis of which the doctor prescribes wearing a tire, also differ. It is quite expected that a universal type of tire does not exist. There are three varieties of the Shantz collar:

  • rigid fixation;
  • medium stiffness;
  • soft.

Most often, doctors recommend using the third kind, since it delivers the least amount of discomfort and allows the child's muscular system to develop due to a mild fixation.

How to choose a tire for babies: tips on the size

Correctly selected collar will create a minimum of discomfort for the baby

The collar of Shantz is acquired taking into account the age, weight and dimensions of the baby.

Although the collar has a postscript "for the newborn it is used up to 6 months of age, and in some cases - up to a year.

Obviously, the above indicators in children are different. The main thing is that the collar should be small in size.

The required collar size is determined based on the distance between the chin and collarbone.

You should trust this doctor, do not try to pick up the size of the device yourself.

Too short a tire will slide around the neck, too long - to press on the chin. Neither in the first nor in the second case, the functions of the collar will not be realized.

Approximate sizes of a collar for children are presented in the table:

How to put on with the curved + video

It is advisable that the doctor wears the tire for the first time. He will also instruct his parents on how to properly wear a tire. Under the chin of the baby there must be a dimple of the collar.

The tire is fastened behind the Velcro: it is important that the fit is non-coarse - 1 To make sure that the collar is fastened correctly, place a finger between the tire and the neck: it must freely pass into this gap.

The tire should completely cover the neck, cheeks and chin should be located above it.

How much time it takes to wear it

How long does it take to wear the product? In case of congenital injuries, the collar of Schantz is worn immediately, the period of wearing is usually 1 month.

The doctor will recommend the optimal amount of time during which to wear the collar daily - it can range from a few minutes to 24 hours.


His decision depends on the severity of the injury, age and other individual characteristics of the small patient.


At the end of the month, it is recommended that you visit an orthopedist, neurologist and pediatrician who will decide whether to continue using the collar.

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Care of the product

The collar is inevitably contaminated, especially in children older than 6 months. The creators provided a removable cover, which is washed manually in cold water.

It is dried in a straightened form to keep the shape.

It is not recommended to expose the cover to machine drying, and also to dry near sources of heat - this can cause deformation.

Possible complications

Incorrectly matched collar, deviations from the rules of its application will only cause harm. Do not make mistakes when using tires, they can lead to serious consequences:

  1. If you violate the rules of wearing a collar or use it for other purposes, muscle tissue can atrophy. For example, a two-month-old child is usually able to hold his head, but because of improper application of the collar, the muscles weaken, and the child lags behind in physical development.
  2. With treatment, you can not delay to avoid irreversible effects on the facial muscles of the baby. They can be distorted and become asymmetrical, which will affect the appearance of the child. It is necessary to get a collar on the same day when the doctor prescribed treatment.
  3. A tight fit of the collar prevents normal breathing, destabilizes the blood circulation, causes irritation, sweating. Adjust the fit with Velcro.
  4. Use self-made collars is strictly prohibited. They can injure the fragile vertebrae of the child, moreover - will damage the spinal cord.

Subject to the recommendations of the doctor, problems with the cervical department of the baby will very quickly disappear without a trace

Reviews of moms about the effectiveness of a fixator for the neck of a baby

Here are the responses of the parents, whose children were recommended to wear the Shantz tire:

The collar of Shantz is able to return the baby health while observing the rules of its use. The purpose of wearing a tire is the prerogative of the doctor alone.

After studying the state of the child, he decides what type and size of the collar to wear, for how long.

He will also familiarize the mother with the features of care of the device, tell you how to take care of the skin on the neck of the child.

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Shanza collar for newborns

Despite the fact that most births end without complications, sometimes, however, there are some problems.

Damage to the cervical spine in newborns is a fairly frequent pathology.

With such birth trauma, the neonatologist usually appoints wearing the collar of Shantz for newborns.

Shantz's collar is a soft bandage that fixes the cervical spine.

It limits the bending and rotation of this part of the body, thereby unloading the cervical spine and creating conditions for restoring its normal functioning.

"Tire" or bandage around the neck for newborns, also called the collar of Shantz, normalizes muscle tone and improves blood circulation of the head and neck, which contributes to a quick recovery.

Indications for the use of the collar of Shantz

Wearing an orthopedic collar for newborns is prescribed only by a doctor. To a healthy child, such a collar is contraindicated, because it facilitates the loading of muscles, and this can lead to their atrophy.

The collar is shown in the following cases:

  • neurological symptoms due to craniocerebral trauma;
  • syndrome of CNS depression;
  • hyperexcitability;
  • a syndrome of impellent frustration;
  • adjusting torticollis;
  • short neck syndrome.

The pathology of the cervical vertebrae can lead to a disruption of the blood supply to the brain, which leads to a disruption in the development of the central nervous system.

The first signs of a circulatory disturbance are a weak muscle tone and restless sleep.

Therefore, the collar of Shantz not only eliminates the pathology of the cervical vertebra, but also prevents the violation of blood circulation.

How to choose the size of the collar?

Shanza's collar for newborns should be properly sized, because babies at birth differ in weight and, therefore, in length of the neck. A short bandage will be lost, and a long one will not provide a therapeutic effect.

It is better to buy a collar of Shants for newborns in a special orthopedic store. In order to determine the size, it is necessary to measure the length of the neck from the angle of the lower jaw to the middle of the clavicle. The height of the collar for newborns ranges from, cm to, cm.

How to properly wear a collar?

If possible, it is better that the collar is worn by the doctor, but if there is no such option, the following rules will help you to cope with this procedure on your own.

  • The collar is dressed so that the chin is placed in a special notch of the upper edge;
  • the front collar is fastened with velcro;
  • Between the collar and the neck of the child, your finger should pass freely.

How much to wear a trench collar to a newborn?

The term of wearing the collar is determined by the doctor. Usually it is put on the child immediately after birth for 1 month, but each individual case is treated separately.

One child needs to wear a collar constantly, taking off only during bathing, while others take several minutes a day.

The doctor can prescribe to wear a collar after a massage session, then the wearing efficiency is enhanced.


It is wrong to think that the baby who was prescribed wearing a collar will hold his head later than his peers. The collar should not cause crying or discomfort in the child.


Correctly put on, it has a warming effect and limits painful movements. The collar is absolutely not harmful for the baby, and its wearing should not cause inconvenience to the child.

It should also be noted that the newborn requires special care and hygiene rules, so you need to carefully to ensure that under the collar the baby's skin is always clean and dry, which is especially important in hot weather of the year.

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Why do I need a Shantz collar for newborns?

Bandage Shantsa for infants is a kind of fixative. He relieves some of the burden from the cervical region and allows him to recover quickly with various injuries, birth injuries and so on.

It is worth noting that it is always necessary to consult a doctor, since only a specialist can tell whether to carry this device or not.

Especially it is necessary to choose the right size, otherwise there will be no sense from using it.

Often, parents themselves can not wear a collar, because this requires experience and practice, so they turn to the doctor. It is worth saying that this is the best option, since the specialist knows what and how to do so as not to harm a small patient.

What is it needed for?

At childbirth the baby can get injured. As already mentioned, the neck suffers most often. Therefore wearing a bandage helps with various dysfunctions. It relieves some strain from the spine, from the neck, helps improve blood circulation in the brain.

The bandage is prescribed for the following injuries, injuries and pathologies:

  • With the curve.
  • To achieve the effect of dry heat.
  • With a slight stretching of the neck.
  • With micromassage effect.

Indications for use

Typically, the doctor appoints a bandage right after the birth of the baby, if there are any pathologies or abnormalities.

Wearing the device is assigned in the following cases:

  1. With complications of the central nervous system.
  2. With motor disorders.
  3. With torticollis.
  4. With hyperexcitability.

The device is chosen only by a doctor, because you need to take into account the age of the baby, its weight and size.

Often the device is made to order, so it's easier to take into account all the necessary factors.

If the collar is chosen incorrectly, then it is not something that will not do any good, but it will also significantly harm the baby. Therefore, one should not independently treat children, this matter must be entrusted to specialists.


The wearing of the collar, if necessary, rather positively affects the cervical spine, blood circulation in the brain. But nevertheless there are some contraindications to his wearing:

  • Skin diseases. It should be specially noted that under the collar the baby should not have any damage, the skin should be clean and dry, otherwise there may be dermatological problems. Therefore, in the presence of such problems, it is not recommended to wear a structure.
  • Instability of the cervical spine. There is such a pathology in the case of rapid delivery, when the cord is wrapped around the child with too long births. Wearing a bandage is prohibited in this case.


The bandage can be of several kinds, depending on what kind of purpose is pursued when carrying this device.

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Let's consider each in more detail:

  1. Inflatable. It is made of a dense and flexible material. It is assigned in order to stretch the spinal column, to increase the distance between the joints.
  2. Inflatable soft collar. Assigned to fix the spine in the required position.
  3. Hard. It is prescribed for fractures or neck injuries.
  4. Collar-tire. It is used to reduce muscle tension, relieve pain, improve blood circulation in the brain.

Inflatable Collar-tire

Children are most often treated with a soft bandage in case of pathology and trauma, as the toddlers have too tender joints that are easy to damage.

How to wear it correctly?

As a rule, the collar for children is assigned immediately at birth. But how much to wear it determines only the doctor, depending on the severity of the injury. Sometimes it is enough for a child to wear only ten minutes a day, and sometimes it is impossible to take pictures even during the day, besides the moment of bathing.

The best option is when the doctor puts on the baby's collar alone. But if the situation develops in such a way that there is no possibility for a specialist to consult, then one should cope on his own. The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Attach the tire to the child's neck in such a way that the convexity of the device is exactly under the chin.
  2. Wrap the tire with your neck and secure it from the back with a special Velcro.
  3. The bandage should not tighten the neck, squeeze the spine. But even barely tighten, too, is not necessary, so there will be no use in wearing this device. In order to understand - whether the collar is properly fastened or not, an index finger should be placed between the bandage and the neck. In this case, the collar is fastened correctly.

How to wear and the duration of the course is prescribed only by a doctor. Otherwise, you can damage the cervical region, which will lead to a lot of complications and troubles.

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"Treatment of neck injuries in newborns"

From this video you will learn how to cure cervical injuries in infants.

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How to choose a newborn orthopedic collar Shants: dimensions and instructions for use

The process of birth does not always go smoothly even among those who did not face major problems during pregnancy.

The child in the birth canal experiences considerable difficulties, which sometimes results in injuries to the fragile body of the newborn. Among others, those that affect the cervical region of the baby, for example, torticollis, are in the lead.

The little man is not only hurt - he can remain disabled if there is no proper medical intervention.

Children with birth traumas and pathologies of the spine (congenital and acquired) are sent to the orthopedist, who appoints the collar of Shants for the newborn for treatment.

One of the most common childbirth injuries is torticollis

Appearance of the collar of Shantz

The orthopedic device mentioned above is a bandage, that is, a means for fixing a part of the body in a certain position.

In this case, the neck should be fixed, so the collar of Shantz looks like a tire or collar, only more or less soft, because the main filler is foam rubber or polyurethane foam that keeps the shape thanks to the inside frame wire. Outside, the frame together with the filler is lined with cotton cloth. Velcro tapes located at the ends of the circle are used to adjust the volume. The product is shown in the photo below.

Operating principle

  • the damaged vertebrae assume the correct position and are fixed in it;
  • the load on the vertebrae falls, because it is transmitted to the tire;
  • blood flow unchecked the brain, supplying it with oxygen and nutrients.

By the way, not only children are prescribed an orthopedic collar - adults also wear Shantz's bus with a spinal cord injury neck region, but for a newborn this is a vital adaptation, because it depends on the further development child.

The duration of wearing a collar can vary widely - some children wear it for up to a year.

In appearance, the Shantz tire resembles a tight collar with a soft fill, overlapping the neck area

At what diseases is appointed or nominated?

  • with crooked - both congenital and traumatic;
  • with birth injuries of the cervical region;
  • with short neck syndrome in infants;
  • with neurological disorders: increased excitability or inhibition of the nervous system.

The size of the bandage should be selected individually for each, depending on the weight, age and length of the body, with an error in the choice that will do more harm than help to heal.

A collar is usually sold in specialized orthopedic shops, and the selection is carried out by competent consultants.

A range of orthopedic tires for the neck

The main criterion for distinguishing between collars is the degree of fixation of the cervical spine, in other words, its stiffness or softness.

Shantz collars with the same rigidity are produced by various firms, domestic and foreign, which affects not so much the quality as the cost of the product. = D65-C5H9Tkg

Soft fixation

Usually collars of soft fixation are used for a small cervical correction or even its prevention in premature babies immediately after birth.

Models OB 001, OB 002 are made of modern synthetic materials that do not cause allergies. They warm and soothe the baby. The price is from 250 rubles.

Medium fixation

In some cases, you need to hold the baby's neck more rigidly. Firm "Trivers" releases collars Shantsa of moderate fixation. The filler in them is polyurethane foam, the lining is cotton fabric.

The volume changes with the Velcro fastener. The height of the product for a night sleep, cm, the price - from 105 rubles. There are models TV-001 and TV-002, which differ in height (5 and 8 cm) and are designed for permanent wearing.

In addition, you can find a bandage F-300 with a filler made of foam rubber, consisting of polyamide, latex, cotton and polyester. Sheathing of cotton fabric, fixator - contact tape "Velcro". This bandage costs from 128 rubles, its height is 4 cm.

The most expensive collar of moderate fixation is imported from Germany. This tire Orlett BN-6-53, for the manufacture of which was used a special bioinert polyurethane cold forming. Outside, it is trimmed with viscose and polyester knitwear. The cost of 350 rubles.

German bandage of moderate fixation Orlett is considered one of the best for babies with torticollis

Strong or full fixation

Such tires are called "orthoses". Indication for their use is a transferred operation, trauma with a strong displacement of the vertebrae, as well as moving the patient with cervical injury in transport. They do not need to be removed even during X-ray examination and MRI.

Selection of the size of the tire for babies

To find out what height the collar should be, you need to measure the distance between the clavicle and the angle of the lower jaw. In newborns, this parameter ranges from 3 to 5 cm.

If the height of the bandage is less than the height of the neck, then there will be no fixation, because the tire will not stay in place, constantly sliding to the side.

If the baby's neck is shorter than the height of the bandage, the child will be uncomfortable, and the tire will not be able to fix the neck. The one and the other option, nothing but harm will not bring.

The size of the tire should coincide with the measurements of the neck of the infant, namely, the height from the clavicle to the lower corner of the jaw

Rules for putting on a collar

From how Shantz's collar will be worn depends not only on its effectiveness, but also on the safety for the child's health, so the first time you need to show donning and give instructions is a doctor. For certainty, you can also watch a video demonstrating the process, or use the description below:

  • Attach the collar to the neck of the child: the convex part will be under the chin;
  • the cut from the top on the collar should also be located under the chin;
  • the clasp, respectively, is behind;
  • fastening the collar, leave 1 cm free space between the neck and the tire.

How much time it takes to keep a child in an orthopedic collar is determined by the doctor.

We can only say that someone is appointed for 10 minutes a day, other children wear it around the clock. The term is also determined by the doctor.

We advise putting on a bandage after physical exercises or a massage session - this will increase its effectiveness.


Keep the collar and skin of the baby clean, because skin irritation becomes the basis for removing the bandage, and this affects the treatment and increases its timing. It resumes only after complete healing of the skin.


In most cases, doctors appoint wearing a collar of Shantz within one month of birth. If a round-the-clock wearing is prescribed, then it should be removed only during bathing. When the course of treatment ends, do not stop wearing immediately.

A few more days for 2-4 hours, put the child in the collar.

Proper care of the product

Cleanliness of the tire can be ensured by regular washing.

Only there is one condition: wash by hand! Do not use washing machines and dryers - they will break the shape of the wire frame.

Do not accelerate the drying of the close location of the collar to the source of heat. Dry the product in a straightened form.

Those parents who think: why you need this collar, if you do massage and electrophoresis, it is worth knowing that neglect of medical advice does not always go well.

Without a collar, a child with a trauma or pathology may have more torticollis, the brain's blood supply may be disturbed.

You and the newborn, of course, will not be easy, but it is a struggle for future health and the proper development of your child! = 7ZLWb0AKWXU

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