Inflammation of the jaw joint: symptoms treatment


  • 1Symptoms and treatment of inflammation of the jaw joint
    • 1.1Symptoms of acute course
    • 1.2Treatment of acute inflammation
    • 1.3Symptoms of chronic course
    • 1.4Treatment of chronic inflammation
  • 2Inflammation of the jaw joint: causes and treatment
    • 2.1Anatomy of the temporomandibular joint
    • 2.2Inflammation of the jaw joint. Symptoms
    • 2.3Symptoms of inflammation
    • 2.4Infectious inflammation. Ways of infection
    • 2.5Post-traumatic and rheumatoid inflammation
    • 2.6Inflammation of the joint as a consequence of an incorrect occlusion
    • 2.7Complications of inflammation of VPN
    • 2.8How to cope with the pain?
    • 2.9Inflammation of the jaw joint. Treatment
  • 3Signs of inflammation of the jaw joint and its treatment
    • 3.1Causes
    • 3.2Symptoms of the disease
    • 3.3Signs of chronic pathology
    • 3.4Principles of therapy
    • 3.5Use of medicines
    • 3.6Surgery and physiotherapy
  • 4Inflammation of the temporomandibular joint: treatment of the mandibular and maxillary joints, signs (pain)
    • 4.1The causes of inflammation of the temporomandibular joint
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.2How the infection gets into the facial joint
    • 4.3Contact arthritis and its symptoms
    • 4.4Causes of hematogenous arthritis
    • 4.5Symptoms of arthritis of the TMJ
    • 4.6Complications of facial arthritis
    • 4.7Establishing diagnosis
    • 4.8Treatment of jaw arthritis
  • 5Inflammation of the jaw: treatment and symptoms | How to treat inflammation of the jaw joint
    • 5.1Symptoms of inflammation of the jaw
    • 5.2How to treat inflammation of the jaw joint by traditional methods?
    • 5.3Causes of inflammatory diseases of the jaw
  • 6Symptoms of inflammation of the maxillofacial joint and ways to treat arthritis of the TMJ
    • 6.1Symptoms of inflammation of the maxillary joint
    • 6.2Causes of arthritis of the TMJ
    • 6.3Types of the disease
    • 6.4To what doctor to address?
    • 6.5Methods of treatment
    • 6.6Drug and surgical treatment
    • 6.7Treatment with folk remedies
    • 6.8Prevention of re-inflammation of the joint

Symptoms and treatment of inflammation of the jaw joint

In practice, the inflammation of the jaw joint can rarely be found, and so few doctors who have a positive experience in the therapy of this disease. As a cause for inflammation of the jaw joint, infection or trauma can serve.

Thus, there are two types of inflammation of the temporomandibular joint:

  1. Infectious. It is subdivided in its turn into a specific and non-specific one.
  2. Traumatic.

They can be both acute and chronic. In addition, the cause of inflammation can also be rheumatic processes: rheumatoid arthritis, gout and systemic lupus erythematosus.

In any case, the inflammation of the joints of the jaw is treated only in a complex manner. The general treatment regimen includes:

  1. Therapy among specialists of various profiles, in particular, physicians of exercise therapy and physiotherapy.
  2. Use of anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs.
  3. Application of vasodilators.
  4. Use of a surgical procedure in case of ineffective treatment.
  5. Parallel use of folk remedies.

Symptoms of acute course

The appearance of an acute course of inflammation of the temporomandibular joint with a traumatic etiology characterized by various mechanical injuries - it could be a stroke, bruise or too strong opening the mouth.

In addition, patients can complain of the symptoms of pain in the maxillofacial joint, which occur when opening the mouth.

In addition, the jaw movement in the vertical planes can cause the chin to move to the sore side.

In the area of ​​the facial joint begins to swell, and when palpation there is a sharp pain syndrome.

In the event that there were no fractures in the structures of the bone condyle of the condylar process under mechanical influence, then there will be no abnormalities on the radiography.

And only if the ligamentous apparatus has ruptured, which caused bleeding in the region of the joints, the radiograph can show abnormal expansion of the cleft.

Mostly, acute inflammation of the temporomandibular joint with an infectious origin develops along with diseases of the common cold, flu, tonsillitis and others.


The disease has symptoms of a sharp characteristic of painful sensations, which are intensified when the jaw moves. The emerging symptoms begin to radiate to different areas of the facial area.


Painful symptoms go in the direction of the Ushovisochny, the small occipital, the large ear nerve, and also along the course of the ear branch of the vagus nerve, which is connected to the nerves of the tongue.

In addition, you can observe a limited motorial jaw ability - the mouth opens at a maximum of 5 mm.

When examined, obvious swelling in the soft tissues in the area, which is located in front of the ear tragus.

At palpation there are painful symptoms, and the hyperemia of the skin is obvious.

It is worth noting that the acute course of inflammation of the facial joint may have a phase of abscess formation. In this case, the following symptoms are observed:

  1. The infiltrate accumulates in the site of the joint.
  2. The skin is hyperemic and there is hyperesthesia.
  3. The external auditory meatus narrows.
  4. Pawns ears.
  5. The temperature rises.
  6. The ESR increases.
  7. Positively reacts to C-reactive protein.
  8. Appearances are dizzy.

The pains increase in the case of pressing the chin up and forward. On the roentgenogram, the enlargement of the joint gap is evident.

It is worth noting that inflammation can affect the facial joint from two sides, and when examining the patient, often associated diseases - heart disease, rheumatic heart disease and others.

Exact diagnosis of the acute course of inflammation of the jaw joint is complicated, since there is a similarity clinics with neuralgia, pericoronitis and other diseases, the symptoms of which are accompanied by a pronounced type arthropathy.

Treatment of acute inflammation

With any type of etiology, the primary importance is given to ensure the peace of the patient's joint. For this, a sling dressing is used, under which there is a gasket. The bandage is applied for several days. Nutrition of the patient at this time should be a liquid state.

As a goal of therapy of inflammation of the jaw joint, removal of the pain syndrome and resorption of the blood collection is performed, which is poured into the affected area.

The treatment includes:

  1. Analgesic drugs on, 5 g to 3 times a day.
  2. Local method of hypothermia for 3 days.
  3. The appointment of UHF every day for 15 minutes for 6 days.
  4. Electrophoresis of potassium iodide alternately with novocaine.

We also recommend the use of paraffinotherapy, compresses with ronidase, mud therapy, ozoceritherapy. In the event that the pain symptoms continue, then 2-3 sessions of Bernard's diadynamic currents are prescribed.

The struggle with inflammation of the temporomandibular joint should be mainly carried out with the help of conservative techniques under the constant supervision of a specialist. Treatment also involves the use of steroid and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antibacterial agents.

Especially carefully it is necessary to enter preparations - one-stage injection of more than 1 ml of solution is prohibited in the affected area.


If you neglect such a rule, it will lead to pathological stretches of the joint bag.


The task of the dentist is to sanitize the oral cavity, as well as the choice of prostheses, which ensure a normal bite height.

Especially dangerous is purulent inflammation - urgent surgical intervention is required.

Undoubtedly, the intervention to open and drain the focus of the inflammatory process is carried out in a hospital.

Only after the operation, conservative treatment is carried out, including compresses, UHF, electrophoresis, simple dry heat and diathermy.

The most complete and timely treatment is the key to preventing ankylosis. If the treatment of the acute course of inflammation of the temporomandibular joint is neglected, the disease is transformed into a chronic form.

Symptoms of chronic course

Chronic inflammation of the maxillofacial joint will be accompanied by pronounced signs:

  1. Aching pain syndrome.
  2. Crunch and stiffness.
  3. Bound movement in the morning, and after a resting state.

Pain syndrome can be permanent, spontaneous, or worse if an attempt is made to resume the movement of the lower jaw.

The opening of the mouth will be accompanied by a crunch and chin shift towards the inflammation. At a palpation there are sharp pains, and here the integument will not necessarily have visible changes.


On the roentgenogram, you can determine the apparent narrowing of the slit due to the destructive process in the cover cartilage.


Chronic inflammation will occur with a satisfactory patient. The temperature will not rise, the blood composition remains without any changes, but only the ESR can increase to 25-35 mm / h. At an exacerbation the disease sharply passes in the form of an acute current.

Treatment of chronic inflammation

Treatment of inflammation in chronic form is prescribed by rheumatologists. Inflammation caused by trauma also has the property of acquiring a chronic course. Treatment is based on the following:

  1. Ultrasonic therapy.
  2. Paraffinotherapy.
  3. Myogymnia.
  4. Ozokeritotherapy.
  5. Massage for masticatory muscles.
  6. Electrophoresis of medical bile venom of bees and preparations containing iodine.

Complex treatment is accompanied by a thorough examination of the nasopharynx and oral cavity. If necessary, prosthetic teeth.

In the event that the inflammation of the jaw joint is accompanied by an irreversible effect, then in the case adequate treatment can completely restore its functionality, and get rid of pathological changes.

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Inflammation of the jaw joint: causes and treatment

Any inflammation brings us a lot of suffering, and in case of problems with the jaw joint, a person can not eat at all.

How to cope with pain in the facial joint? What, in principle, is inflammation of the jaw joint? Symptoms, treatment and the reasons for this medical problem we will discuss.

Anatomy of the temporomandibular joint

The temporomandibular joint (VPN) is a joint that connects the lower jaw to the temporal bone located just in front of the ear on each side of the head.

The joint consists of the following parts:

  • the head of the lower jaw;
  • condyle - the head of the lower jaw, entering the capsule;
  • articular capsule;
  • an articular disc that consists of cartilaginous tissue.
  • intracapsular and extra-capsular ligaments.

There are two joints, and they work simultaneously. The human jaw can move forward, make lateral movements and move up and down. This structure allows us to chew food and talk.

Inflammation of the jaw joint. Symptoms

If any inflammation occurs in one joint, the entire system is disrupted. Therefore, inflammation of the jaw joint requires medical examination and proper treatment.

Inflammation can be acute and chronic. Acute inflammation of the jaw joint arises usually after trauma, loss of the condyle from the capsule or dislocation of the jaw.

Chronic inflammation develops slowly, most often as a result of defects (incorrect bite) or poor performance of the dentist. The pain in this case is not strong, aching.

Sometimes a person does not suspect the reasons for this pain. It happens that the inflammation is transmitted from the inner ear to the joint.

After all, the ear canal, its shell and jaw joint are in close proximity. Thus, osteomyelitis or meningitis can cause inflammation. It happens that provokes this state of lupus erythematosus (autoimmune disease) or rheumatoid arthritis. There are many options.

Symptoms of inflammation

The first symptoms of this condition should not be ignored. A person will lose normal working capacity when he has a temporomandibular joint.

Inflammation, the symptoms of which we cite, in medicine is called "arthritis of the temporomandibular joint." If the inflammation is not treated, it leads to degenerative changes.


This condition of the joint will already be called arthrosis. Then time and money for treatment will have to spend more.


With acute and chronic arthritis, the symptoms vary. Symptoms of acute inflammation:

  • redness and swelling in the joint region;
  • hyperemia of tissues nearby;
  • sometimes a noise in the ears and a crunch;
  • gnashing of the jaw at night;
  • difficulties with opening the mouth;
  • sharp pain when moving, giving in the ears and the back of the head;
  • dizziness;
  • elevated temperature.
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If the inflammation is chronic, the symptoms are different:

  • aching pain;
  • sensation of jaw stiffness, especially if the pose for sleep is selected face down;
  • pain increases when the jaw is pressed;
  • possibly hearing loss.

Usually inflammation of a chronic nature is not accompanied by reddening of surrounding tissues or inability to open the mouth. However, it is still desirable to eat at this time sparing liquid food and treat inflammation. After a long inflammation without the necessary treatment will lead to deformation of the face.

Infectious inflammation. Ways of infection

Inflammation of the jaw joint can also begin due to an infectious disease. Such diseases as tonsillitis, common influenza, can lead to inflammation of even the joints.

Also provocateurs can become:

  • a stick of tuberculosis;
  • syphilis virus;
  • gonorrhea;
  • mastoiditis (inflammation of the mastoid process of one of the bones of the skull);
  • fungus actinomycetes;
  • purulent osteomyelitis.

In this case, along with the diagnosis of "inflammation of the temporomandibular joint" (the symptoms are often eloquent), there will be no delay, with the definition of the type of infection, too.

The therapist will determine the infection after he collects an anamnesis (medical history) and looks at the tests, and may ask for an X-ray.

How can infection get into the jaw joint?

Switching and provoking an inflammation of the jaw joint infection can take several ways:

  • through the blood;
  • lymph;
  • directly through open cuts.

You need to treat the underlying disease. Since the structure of the joint itself is not damaged in this case, together with the cure for the infection, this problem will pass.

Post-traumatic and rheumatoid inflammation

Those people who suffer from arthritis joints in the knees and elbows, sometimes suffer from rheumatism of the jaw joint. Then you only need to go to a rheumatologist.

Arthritis after the transferred jaw trauma will pass, when the consequences of the trauma will pass. Inflammation provokes blood clots that fall into the joint cavity. The doctor must clean the entire joint.

During acute pain, the jaw must be tightly bandaged and the patient should not be told or chewed. Eat at this time will only have liquid yogurt and blended soup on blender.

Inflammation of the joint as a consequence of an incorrect occlusion

At the beginning of the article it is mentioned that an incorrect bite can lead to inflammation. Why does this happen? In the human body, symmetry is one of the main laws. The height of the teeth should be the same, and they should be closely interlaced. Otherwise, the load on the joints will be uneven.

In those cases when the bite is formed incorrectly: the lower jaw is too sagging or bulging, the jaw joint begins to ache from the load over the years and can become inflamed.

The same situation occurs when several teeth on one side are not enough and the load on chewing passes to the other side.

To cope with such pain, you need to contact an orthodontist, who is engaged in the correction of such problems with the teeth. But it is necessary to exclude other causes of inflammation before treatment.

To check if there are any improvements or not, it's enough to put a special mouthpiece in your mouth and walk with it for a few days. The pain will decrease or even disappear if the cause is really a problem with the teeth.

Complications of inflammation of VPN

An unhealed disease of an infectious nature is one of the most dangerous causes of inflammation of the facial joint.

What will happen if the joint is not treated? First, the pain will periodically come. The articular cartilage consists of a connective tissue.

And if in the area of ​​the joint begins suppuration, this cartilage quickly collapses.

There comes a purulent temporal phlegmon. Then, if the patient does not come to the surgeon to remove the pus, it can be transmitted to other nearby tissues.


The acute nature of the disease without pus can also significantly spoil the life of someone who is afraid of treatment. In the joint begins the process of adhesion, and over time it ceases to be mobile.


This process is called fibrotic ankylosis. If this happens on one side, then the whole face is deformed.

The next stage of the disorder is bone ankylosis, when the joint tissue finally ossifies.

How to cope with the pain?

Sometimes pain due to arthritis of the facial joint is unbearable. People can not eat for weeks or even yawn.

And while the main treatment lasts, one must somehow cope with the pain that irradiates far from the site of inflammation. For this, conventional drugs, such as Ibuprofen, are suitable.

Any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory tablets available in the home medicine chest will be suitable.

During severe pain, the joint should be immobilized - apply a special bandage. It is advisable to apply a hot and dry compress to the temple. In the frying pan it is sufficient to heat the salt and put it in a bag of simple cloth. Some people prefer to use ointments.

But it happens that pills for anesthesia are not enough. Then the doctor has the right to prescribe injections.

Such injections block the pain completely after 15 minutes. Assign in injections "Tramadol" or "Trimeperidine." These drugs belong to the class of narcotics, and their doctor applies only in exceptional cases, when the pain is unbearable, for example after a jaw injury.

There is another medicine called Nalbuphine. The drug is not so strong, it does not apply to narcotic drugs, but it has not been sufficiently studied.

Inflammation of the jaw joint. Treatment

How to determine the inflammation of the jaw joint? Which doctor will help you find a solution to the problem? First you need to consult a therapist who will conduct an initial examination, and then he will send to a specialist who can help in practice.

If the patient has problems with bite, you need to contact the dentist, otitis should treat the ENT. You may need the help of a gnatologist or neuromuscular dentist. And if the pain began after the injury, then you need to go to the jaw surgeon.

A source: http://.ru/article/309451/vospalenie-chelyustnogo-sustava-prichinyi-i-lechenie

Signs of inflammation of the jaw joint and its treatment

Inflammation of the jaw joint is a serious problem requiring immediate medical attention. The disease is becoming more common and affects both women and men.


Inflammation of the jaw joint develops for a variety of reasons. The main ones are mechanical trauma, penetration into the capsule of pathogenic microorganisms and systemic diseases.

Mechanical causes of the disease - a traumatic injury to the integrity of the joint, accompanied by rupture of the capsule, ligaments, a crack in the bone and hemorrhage into the cavity.

This condition is accompanied by an increased release of biologically active components - serotonin and histamine, which are responsible for the inflammatory process. The blood vessels expand, and the liquid penetrates into the intercellular space, provoking the development of edema.


In the future, the tissues are squeezed, which leads to a decrease in the volume of movements in the joint.


Important causes of the inflammatory process in the articulation are serious systemic diseases. These include:

  • rheumatoid or reactive arthritis;
  • gout;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus.

As a result of their progression, a malfunction in the functioning of the immune system occurs, which leads to the fact that the body is not capable of independently resisting the action of pathogenic agents.

Most often, the inflammation of the maxillofacial joint develops as a result of penetration into the cavity of the capsule of pathogenic bacteria.

They can get into articulations in several ways - contact, direct, with blood or lymph:

  1. The contact variant is realized due to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms from nearby foci of infection, such as purulent otitis, parotitis, abscess, poliomyelitis, furuncle, phlegmon, etc. Especially if they are located in the immediate vicinity of the temporomandibular joint.
  2. The direct way is to get a specific or nonspecific microflora into the cavity articulation due to a traumatic joint injury, accompanied by a breach of integrity skin.
  3. Hematogenous pathway. The spread of infection can occur from a chronic outbreak caused by bacteria, fungi, parasites or viruses. More often the pathogenic flora penetrates into the joint from nearby places - the ear, throat, nose, etc. The main diseases leading to the defeat of the lower jaw are measles, diphtheria, scarlet fever, tuberculosis, gonorrhea, syphilis, etc.

Symptoms of the disease

The signs of an inflammation of the temporal jaw joint are very often masked for other pathologies. This leads to late treatment of the patient for medical care.

Inflammation of the temporomandibular joint is acute and chronic. The main symptoms of acute inflammation:

  1. A sharp dagger-like pain, which tends to intensify during movements (turn of the head, conversation, eating, etc.). The patient is unable to open his mouth wide, as all sensations increase significantly. When involved in the pathological process of the trigeminal nerve, pain is transferred to other parts of the head that it innervates.
  2. Symptoms of inflammation of the jaw joint include the occurrence of edema of the tissues in the articulation area. The skin above it becomes red as a result of the release of a large number of inflammatory mediators, which indicates the progression of the disease.
  3. Local temperature increase above the joint. It is caused by the expansion of blood vessels, as a result of which blood actively enters the pathological focus.
  4. Feeling of bursting. It develops due to edema of the tissues and the appearance of intra-articular effusion.
  5. Hearing impairment. Appears as a complication of pathology, when the inflammatory process spreads to the external auditory canal. In the case of the infectious nature of the disease, bacteria can penetrate into the middle and inner ear, which threatens the development of serious complications.
  6. Raise body temperature to subfebrile. Occurs most often with a purulent lesion of the jaw joint. In addition to temperature, patients complain of chills, muscle aches, intense weakness, severe fatigue.

Signs of chronic pathology

Chronic TMJ is characterized by a less pronounced clinical manifestation. There are all the signs, as in the acute course of the disease:

  1. The pain becomes aching or drawing, mainly occurs when the affected joint is loaded.
  2. As a result of edema, the stiffness of movements develops, a person can not fully chew or speak, involuntarily tries to spare a sore spot.
  3. There is a morning stiffness, which takes place during the day.
  4. The joint gap narrows, as a result of which, with any movement, there is a crunch accompanied by pain.
  5. Occasionally there are common signs of inflammation - a slight subfebrile condition for a long time, weakness and severe fatigue.

Principles of therapy

To treat the inflammation of the joint of the jaw is complex. In no case can self-medication be done, since the therapeutic regimen is developed taking into account the etiology of the disease and the severity of clinical manifestations.

First of all, you need to ensure complete peace of the jaw.

For this, it is necessary to apply a bandage bandage for several days, and a special plate must be placed between the teeth.

During this period a person can eat only liquid and high-calorie food through a tube, since it is strictly forbidden to chew it.

Use of medicines

To relieve pain and inflammation, use drugs from a group of nonspecific anti-inflammatory drugs that have a complex effect.

Depending on the severity of clinical symptoms, they are prescribed externally or inward. The most common combination is the simultaneous use of dosage forms to enhance efficacy.

Nonspecific anti-inflammatory drugs include Nimesulide, Diclofenac, Celecoxib, Indomethacin, Nimesil, and others.

In the absence of a positive result from NSAIDs, it is shown that hormonal agents are included in the treatment regimen. They have a stronger analgesic effect. These are Prednisolone, Methylprednisolone and other drugs.

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If the cause of the inflammatory process was caused by pathogenic microorganisms, the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics is mandatory.

These can be tetracyclines or penicillins. If a specific flora is detected, appropriate therapy is prescribed, for example, anti-tuberculosis drugs.

Sometimes it is necessary to use antifungal agents.

To cure the inflammation of the jaw joint caused by systemic pathologies, the use of cytostatics and systemic monoclonal antibodies is required. Without them, it will not be possible to cope with the disease.

With posttraumatic development of the temporomandibular inflammation of the lower jaw joint, the elimination of pain comes to the fore. To do this, use NSAIDs, non-narcotic and even narcotic analgesics.

Surgery and physiotherapy

In some cases, surgery is shown to restore the integrity of the joint capsule. This will prevent the progression of the disease and the involvement of new structures in the pathological process.

Postoperative treatment includes the active use of methods of physiotherapy:

  • UHF;
  • electrophoresis;
  • phonophoresis with hydrocortisone;
  • diadynamic therapy, etc.

With their help, you can restore blood circulation in the affected area, activate metabolic processes, relieve pain and inflammation, improve the penetration of medicines deep into the epidermis.

Only a doctor can evaluate the correctness of the prescribed therapy and the presence of positive dynamics. This will make it possible to quickly improve the patient's well-being and his recovery.

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Inflammation of the temporomandibular joint: treatment of the mandibular and maxillary joints, signs (pain)

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a three-fold, movable junction of the lower jaw and temporal bone. The TMJ consists of a cartilaginous disk and is surrounded by a capsule that produces a special articular fluid.

Thanks to this fluid, the facial joint smoothly moves, thus providing a person with articulation and chewing function. Among the existing pathologies of the maxillary joint, arthrosis and arthritis most often occur. Arthritis is manifested by inflammation of the structures of the joint and surrounding tissues.

Osteoarthritis is a dystrophic symptom of a TMJ change.

The causes of inflammation of the temporomandibular joint

Inflammation of the jaw joint usually develops due to the penetration of infection into it.

But often the disease is not contagious, that is, it develops without the involvement of microorganisms.

Aseptic inflammation can result from chronic joint overload or closed trauma.

Overload of the joint can be caused by improper prosthetics of missing teeth, or when there are no teeth on one side of the jaw (the other side is doubled).

How the infection gets into the facial joint

Ways of getting the infection in the joint can be different:

  1. Hematogenous with blood from distant tissues and organs;
  2. contact from nearby tissues;
  3. from outside with open wounds;
  4. lymphogenous with a current of lymph.

Contact arthritis and its symptoms

This type of arthritis of the facial joint is most common. The cause of inflammation of the TMJ in the first place can be:

  • angina (inflammation of the tonsils);
  • carbuncles and boils in the temporal region;
  • phlegmon and abscesses of soft tissues of the facial area;
  • mastoiditis and otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear);
  • parotid inflammation (parotitis);
  • sialadenitis (inflammation of the salivary glands),
  • difficulty teething of wisdom tooth (acute pericoronaritis);
  • osteomyelitis of the temporal bone or lower jaw.

But often the cause of inflammation of the TMJ are both diseases of the ear and throat.

Causes of hematogenous arthritis

If we are talking about the hematogenous path of development of jaw arthritis, the causative agents of infectious inflammation can be:

  1. Rubella, influenza, measles.
  2. Specific diseases (leprosy, tuberculosis, syphilis).
  3. Autoimmune diseases (lupus, rheumatoid arthritis).
  4. Sepsis.
  5. Fungal pathology.

Symptoms of arthritis of the TMJ

The inflammatory process of the jaw joint is characterized by the appearance of pulsating painful sensations, which are greatly enhanced by opening the mouth and any attempts to move the jaw.

With pressure on the joint and on the chin, the pain becomes more intense. The area around the TMJ can swell. If the surrounding soft tissues are involved, there may be congestion and swelling of the skin in the ear region. It is impossible to take the skin into the fold on this site.

The ability to fully open the mouth is severely restricted. The patient can not open it more than 1 centimeter. The development of an acute inflammatory process is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • high body temperature;
  • dizziness;
  • chills and others;
  • symptoms of general intoxication.

As a result of severe swelling, the external auditory canal becomes narrower, the patient seems to have an ear embedded.

Such symptoms can manifest only on one side, for example, in jaw arthritis caused by osteomyelitis of the lower jaw.

Complications of facial arthritis

To the complications of arthritis of the jaw joint include the phlegmon of the temporal region, sepsis and meningitis. If this situation arises, pus can break out of the joint cavity and spread beyond its limits.

First purulent fluid accumulates in soft tissues, but later it is carried by vessels to other parts of the head, in particular, into the hard shell of the brain. If the patient has low immunity, this fact contributes to the development of complications. Therefore, in AIDS patients, such problems occur very often.

Important! Treatment of acute jaw arthritis should be started immediately otherwise the disease can go to a chronic stage with the development of internal adhesions.


First, fibrotic ankylosis develops, and then bone ankylosis is formed, which occurs against the background of the deposition of calcium salts.


Bone ankylosis is dangerous with complete immobility of the joint.

Establishing diagnosis

To exclude a fracture of the lower jaw with jaw arthritis of traumatic origin, the patient should undergo an X-ray examination. The inflammatory process can not be detected in this way.

In the picture, you can only notice a slight increase in the joint space, which developed due to swelling.

With ankylosis, the joint gap, on the contrary, narrows and in the picture it can not be detected at all. In general, the diagnosis and use of clinical symptoms and test results.

These activities provide an opportunity to appoint the patient adequate treatment.

Treatment of jaw arthritis

Treatment of arthritis of the jaw joint is completely dependent on the causes that led to the disease. For example, for arthritis of an infectious origin, treatment is based on the use of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs of the non-steroidal series.

If the effect of conservative therapy is minimal and there is a risk of getting pus in the surrounding tissues, the doctor prescribes surgical treatment, which consists in draining the joint.

In case of traumatic arthritis, the joint should be provided with maximum rest. A patchy bandage is applied to the patient, and a plate is placed on the side of the lesion between the teeth, which disconnects the bite. Thanks to this device, the patient can take liquid food through the tube.

After the disappearance of the edema for joint development, therapeutic physical training is recommended. In the case of rheumatoid arthritis of the jaw joint, treatment is prescribed by a rheumatologist. When the acute form of arthritis becomes chronic, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed:

  1. UHF.
  2. electrophoresis with proteolytic enzymes (ronidase, lidase).
  3. Paraffinotherapy.

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Inflammation of the jaw: treatment and symptoms | How to treat inflammation of the jaw joint

Inflammation of the jaw is not often found in medical practice, although this disease can cause serious complications.

Inflammation of the jaw can be localized or simply accompany some other disease.

In any case, abouttreatment of inflammation of the jawit is important to know the widest range of specialists and patients.

Symptoms of inflammation of the jaw

The disease is called osteomyelitis, tk. in any case, this is a lesion of bone tissue and bone marrow. Inflammation of the jaw joint suggests a violation of joint mobility, pain in the muscles of the face, often the patient feels a click of the jaw.

These are the very first and common symptoms of the disease, which can not be closed, since if the symptoms of inflammation are diagnosed in time, prolonged treatment may not be necessary.

Most often, the symptoms of the inflammation of the jaw cause functional overload of the jaw, or the pathology of the teeth.

Symptoms of inflammation of the jaw of various forms

It is also customary to isolate acute osteomyelitis, subacute and chronic.



Acute inflammation of the jaw - is felt in a specific place. Most often the tooth hurts, there is a feeling of "tapping" on it. The organism responds to infection quite sharply: the temperature rises, sleep deteriorates, the patient is troubled by headache and weakness.



Symptoms of inflammation subacute form of the disease - a kind of continuation of acute osteomyelitis. Few people notice this kind of inflammation of the jaw at once, tk. the pain disappears. Inflammation of the jaw does not go away, just a breakthrough of pus occurs and the pain is not felt so much.


Chronic inflammation of the jaw - arises because of the long existence of previous types of inflammation. The patient has a full sense of recovery, but if you do not start treating inflammation in time, you can get serious damage to the body.

How to treat inflammation of the jaw joint by traditional methods?

Treatment of the inflammation of the jaw is not a one-day process. Even if the inflammation is detected in time, it is necessary to be treated systematically and systematically.

It is important not only to determine the root cause of inflammation, but also to choose the right treatment for the patient, taking into account the features of the disease and the infection that got into the body.

Treatment of the inflammation of the jaw involves the removal of a sick tooth.

Along with this, antibiotics are appointed to remove the infection, as well as prescription medications for symptomatic pain relief.

In neglected forms, there is a need for surgical intervention to remove inflamed and damaged bone tissue.

Treatment of the inflammation of the jaw is done in a complex. Not in every case there is a need for surgical intervention. Nevertheless, the appointment of antibiotics is almost inevitable, because

quite often the root cause of inflammation is infection. Also, the patient is offered a number of physiotherapeutic procedures that involve UHF and galvanization for joint unloading.

It should be noted for the prevention of inflammation the need for vitamins and medications that contribute to improving the structure of cartilaginous tissue.

If there are local pains in the jaw joints, the doctor may prescribe painkillers.

Causes of inflammatory diseases of the jaw

The jaw joint is a strong junction of the lower and upper jaw. Inflammation of the jaw can be caused by a number of reasons, however, serious inflammation is almost always due to the presence of an infection, which is important in time to diagnose and cure.

There are a number of reasons why this problem may arise:


As already mentioned reboot of the jaw (solid food, etc.);


Dental problems (caries, periodontitis);


Injuries (fractures, injuries, etc.);


Purulent otitis media of the middle ear;



If we talk about infections, we can not help saying that the inflammation of the jaw joint can be caused not only general infectious diseases, but also childhood diseases, which can subsequently give similar complications. With the spread of infection in the jaw, there is a possibility of death of the cartilage - if the time does not resort to treatment.

Inflammation of the jaw joint depending on the source of the disease

Depending on the infection that contributed to the development of inflammation, the following types of osteomyelitis are distinguished:



Odontogenic inflammation of the jaw is a complication of neglected caries. Through the damaged tooth, the infection enters the bone tissue, and there is a risk that the lymph nodes can be damaged. Most often inflammation is preceded by streptococci, staphylococci and anaerobic bacteria.



Hematogenous inflammation of the jaw joint - the root cause is infection through the blood.

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In the affected area of ​​the body of the bone, in the inflammatory process, the infection quickly penetrates into the blood and causes inflammation of the jaw.

This is most relevant during the weakening of immunity and the transfer of viral diseases.


Traumatic inflammation of the jaw - this kind of disease originates from physical damage to the jaw. With fractures or wounds, the probability of infection in the blood and bone tissue in particular increases.

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Symptoms of inflammation of the maxillofacial joint and ways to treat arthritis of the TMJ

Arthritis of the maxillofacial joint is a rare disease, therefore its diagnosis is considerably complicated.

Having suffered an injury or without cause, experiencing pain in the area of ​​the mandibular division, a person does not associate this feeling with joint damage, therefore postpones the visit to a specialist as much as he can.

As a result, the arthritis of the temporomandibular joint passes into a chronic form, which is difficult to treat. In order not to miss the alarming symptoms of arthritis, it is important to know what to look for if your mouth hurts when moving.

Symptoms of inflammation of the maxillary joint

The peculiarity of arthritis of the jaw is that it can develop gradually, accompanied by increasing pain symptoms, and can start suddenly with a sharp pain - it depends mainly on the individual characteristics of the body rights.

At the initial stage of the ailment the patient may feel a slight pain near the ears during the movement of the lower jaw - when chewing or yawning.

There is a sensation of binding the lower jaw after a dream or a prolonged state of rest, it may seem that she does not obey.

Without treatment, health deteriorates rapidly, pain can occur with the slightest movement of the mouth, at which time the maxillary joints can click.


If the arthritis of the jaw develops as a result of trauma, the pain will be acute. In this case, a swelling is formed around the joint, it can be seen with the naked eye as a tumor near the ear from the damaged side. When the mouth is opened, the face may shift noticeably sideways.


In infectious form, severe pain when moving by the mouth gives to the back of the head, shoots in the temple or spreads over the entire head. Sometimes the sensation is not attributed to the fact that the inflammation of the jaw joint began, and it is believed that this is a common headache.

The most severe form is a purulent inflammation of the jaw, when pus accumulates inside the joint. It is important to pay attention to the following symptoms of maxillofacial arthritis:

  • reddening of the skin in the temporomandibular region;
  • stuffiness and noise in the ears;
  • a feeling of partial deafness due to a decrease in the size of the auditory meatus in the maxillofacial zone;
  • an increase in ESR in the blood test;
  • symptoms of arthritis of the TMJ are similar to the presence of an inflammatory process - headache, fever, chills, nausea, vomiting;
  • dizziness.

Inflammation of the jaw joint is important to recognize at an early stage and begin timely treatment, otherwise the disease will outgrow in a chronic form, which requires long-term therapy, and no one has the right to guarantee a positive Exodus.

Such a course of the disease is accompanied by pronounced painful sensations while moving by the mouth, constantly there is a click and a crunch in the damaged joint.

Externally, the maxillary divisions may look healthy, but with palpation a painful feeling appears.

Causes of arthritis of the TMJ

Arthritis of the TMJ is a disease of the elderly, but this does not mean that young people are insured against it.

Elderly people are more likely to develop inflammation of the joints, especially if in the past there was an ailment.

Arthritis of the temporomandibular joint can be divided into two groups, depending on what was the root cause of the disease:

  • traumatic;
  • infectious.

Infectious arthritis of the TMJ is divided into a specific and non-specific one. These species can be acute, and can develop into a chronic one. To the causes of inflammation of the lower jaw can be attributed to the presence of the patient of one of the three major diseases:

  • "Royal" disease - gout;
  • rheumatism of the maxillofacial joints in the past and rheumatism of the joints of the whole body;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus.

Types of the disease

It is very important to identify the root cause of inflammation of the jaw, because it will depend on this, which specialist should be consulted, and what treatment will be prescribed for maxillofacial arthritis.

Incorrectly diagnosed will lead to the fact that the therapy will be ineffective, and the disease at this time will pass into a neglected form.

Types of arthritis of the jaw joint are divided according to the reasons that led to the onset of the inflammatory process:

  1. Traumatic arthritis of the TMJ usually affects people at a young age, as it is caused by a blow to the jaw or arises from the wide opening of the mouth. This variety is characterized by swelling and severe soreness on the affected side.
  2. Infectious arthritis of the jaw joint is often a consequence of viral diseases: otitis media, influenza. He is dangerous because he can develop into parotitis, mastoiditis, etc. Pain pushes back or shoots in the temples, sometimes it is so strong that the patient is unable to open the mouth, the damaged area swells. The variety of infectious arthritis of the maxillary joint is specific and nonspecific. Specific jaw arthritis is rarely diagnosed, because it is a complication of not the most common diseases, mainly sexually transmitted diseases - syphilis, gonorrhea.
  3. Disease of rheumatoid arthritis of the TMJ occurs in those who already have rheumatoid lesions of the joints of the body.
  4. Purulent TMJ is accompanied by a severe headache and other typical symptoms of inflammation.
  5. Dystrophic arthritis of the TMJ - another rare type of inflammation, arises from the fact that a person chews food only on one side, resulting in inflammation of the joint on the opposite. Only an experienced specialist can make such a diagnosis after a thorough examination.

To what doctor to address?

Depending on the cause, which gave rise to the development of the inflammation of the jaws, various specialists are engaged in diagnosis and treatment: a therapist, a traumatologist, a surgeon, a dentist, a rheumatologist. As diagnostic tools, the X-ray method and CT of the temporal-maxillary department are mainly used.

The main sign of the acute stage of inflammation is the widening of the jaw joint, and in the chronic form, its size is estimated in millimeters.

To establish an accurate diagnosis, the doctor is obliged to assign blood tests to the patient (with special attention to the index of ESR and rheumatoid factor), and also a combination of signs of the presence in the body of the inflammatory process (an increase in the size of the lymph nodes, the appearance of rheumatoid nodules, joints).

Methods of treatment

Medical experience shows that the first help in inflammation of the jaw joint, regardless of the cause that caused the TMJ disease, is to ensure the rest of the patient site.

The specialist applies a capillary bandage, between the teeth, sets a plate to fix the occlusion. For the period of wearing a bandage, the patient is shown only liquid food, which can be consumed through a straw.

Therapy is appointed based on the causes of the pathology of the TMJ and includes three main stages:

  • withdrawal of pain syndrome;
  • getting rid of the symptoms of jaw arthritis;
  • restoration of the normal work of the temporomandibular division.

Drug and surgical treatment

In order to begin treatment of arthritis of the maxillofacial joint, the doctor prescribes pain medications or a novocaine blockade, depending on the intensity of the symptom.

You can not prescribe yourself analgesics, they are selected individually for the patient based on anamnesis.

Preference is given to non-steroidal drugs with anti-inflammatory action, and blockade is used only when the remaining funds are ineffective in controlling the pain.

Antibiotics are prescribed in the event that purulent or infectious jaw arthritis is diagnosed, and preliminary research on the sensitivity of pathogens to the action of a particular antibiotic, and then assigned a means of narrow orientation. This is necessary so that the probability of side effects is minimized.

They proved their effectiveness in the fight against the inflammation of the jaw ointments and gels with the content of snake or bee venom.

Compressed hot compresses are applied to the inflamed area, they have a good analgesic effect, they simultaneously treat the affected composition and improve its mobility.

It is impossible to apply warming compresses without diagnostics, since if it turns out that there is a case of a specific arthritis of the TMJ, an infectious or purulent disease, heat will be a favorable environment for the multiplication of bacteria, which will lead to an early development ailment.


Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis of the TMJ is carried out with the help of anti-inflammatory drugs. Often hormone therapy is prescribed.


The surgeon conducting the treatment can prescribe an additional examination at the dentist in order to correct the bite defect that led to the development of the pathology.

After removal of the first pain syndrome, a set of physical exercises will be appointed, aimed at restoring normal functioning after arthritis of the lower jaw.

Treatment with folk remedies

Among the traditional medicine there are many ways to treat inflammation of the facial joint. Basically, they are aimed at relieving pain and inflammation, many of them are in no way inferior to chemotherapy drugs, therefore they are appointed by the doctors together with the main treatment:

  • Sore place can be ground with fir oil, then apply a compress with a bag of preheated sea salt.
  • A mixture of chicken yolks, spoons of turpentine and the same amount of vinegar helps to relieve arthritis. The resulting mixture can rub the damaged area several times a day.
  • Decoction of medicinal herbs - fennel, dandelion, mint, root of the buckthorn, can be taken orally once a day in the morning. For 1 spoonful of each of these herbs, pour 500 ml of water, and then boil for about 15 minutes. Use the broth to be chilled.

The main thing that should be remembered in the treatment of maxillofacial inflammation: you can not engage in self-medication, to diagnose independently and to use the means of traditional medicine on oneself, giving up appointments doctor. Prepared home ointments, decoctions and rubbings are only ancillary measures that, without basic therapy, can not completely cure the patient.

Prevention of re-inflammation of the joint

Prevention is always better than prolonged treatment of inflammation of the jaw joint, therefore, to prevent the development of arthritis, as well as to avoid relapse, the following measures should be taken:

  • distribute the load on the incisors and lateral teeth: the front serve to bite the food, and the rear for chewing;
  • chew on the right and left jaws simultaneously, so as not to overload one side of the teeth;
  • not to ignore the violation of bite, otherwise because of the excessive strain on the joints of the development of the disease can not be avoided;
  • if in the past inflammation of the joint was observed, it is better to exclude from the diet completely solid food - crackers, hard meat, nuts.

We read in detail: why can the jaw click at the opening of the mouth?

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