Transverse flat feet: symptoms and treatment


  • 1Transverse flat feet: symptoms and treatment, photo
    • 1.1Transverse Platypodia: Causes
    • 1.2Symptoms of flat-footed transverse type
    • 1.3Diagnosis and treatment of flat-footed transverse type
  • 2Transverse Platypodia
    • 2.1Characteristics of the disease
    • 2.2Why there is a transverse platypodia
    • 2.3Symptoms of transverse flatfoot
    • 2.4How to diagnose a disease
    • 2.5Features of the treatment of transverse flatfoot
    • 2.6Basic rules for deforming the foot
    • 2.7Consequences of transverse flatfoot
    • 2.8Prevention of foot deformation
  • 3Transverse flatfoot are the main causes
    • 3.1Causes and mechanism of transverse flatfoot development
    • 3.2Diagnosis of transverse flatfoot
  • 4Transverse flat feet symptoms and treatment
    • 4.1Symptoms of transverse flatfoot
    • 4.2Treatment of transverse flatfoot
    • 4.3Folk methods of treating transverse flatfoot
  • 5Transverse Platypodia - changes in the shape of the foot
    • 5.1Causes
    • 5.2Symptoms
    • 5.3Diagnostics
    • 5.4Degrees
    • 5.5Treatment

Transverse flat feet: symptoms and treatment, photo

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The human foot includes in its structure ligaments and tendons, small bones and joints.

All this set of leaving parts are inextricably linked by the performance of a single function for the person - the support and the ability to walk, move.

Wrong choice of shoes, extra load from the weight of a fat person, various injuries violate the balance the joints of the foot, from which the position of small bones is disrupted, the anatomical vaults become flatter feet.

Flattening is an acquired illness that disrupts the mechanics of walking. In the structure of the foot there is a transverse and longitudinal arches. Flat feet lead to changes in the spine, changes the load on the hips and knees.

With flat feet of the transverse type, a more flat arch of the foot becomes, a so-called "lump" next to the thumb - the main symptom of transverse flatfoot, whose treatment can be seen in the photo "before" and "after".

Flattening of the transverse type expands the foot, leads to the growth of bones and cartilaginous joints.

Most of all, the load lies on the arch of the foot, and when the bones that support the arch are flattened, the support "bone" is pulled out. The risk group for this disease includes women and men 35-55 years old, with excessive completeness.

The treatment plan for the symptoms of transverse flatfoot is made from the photo, which makes a special device from below the standing person.

Transverse Platypodia: Causes

Some factors, which are called among the main ones in determining the planar foot of the transverse type, can be found in any medical manual, where a lot of photos of the disease are placed, treatment of symptoms of transverse flatfoot adults.

Among the main reasons always sound:

  • hereditary dispositions. Flat feet are a congenital pathology that arises from the genetically transmitted weakness of the muscles supporting the arched bones of the arch of the foot. With a rational diet, calculated physical loads, the purchase of good shoes, flat feet of this kind does not cause trouble;
  • an imbalance in the formation of muscle and ligament systems in the foot structure. On a healthy leg, the fingers are practically parallel. At the slightest imbalance in the muscular and ligamentous apparatus, the fingers are arranged fan-like - a sure sign of transverse flatfoot;
  • excess body weight. The arch of the foot in a complex of small bones, muscles, ligaments, is calculated for a certain load. When the weight exceeds physiological standards, the foot slowly but steadily becomes more flat. This happens in workers with "standing" and physical exertion. In this case, the acquired flat foot is a professional pathology;
  • trauma of the foot - frequent causes of flat feet in the representatives of the stronger sex. Dislocation of the ankle joint, cracks on the calcaneus bone disrupt the function of the foot and provoke flatfoot progression;
  • the widespread factor of flat-footed formation of the acquired species is wearing high-heeled shoes, shoes on inconvenient shoes.

Symptoms of flat-footed transverse type

Periodic development of corns on the front of the foot is a clear sign that flat feet begin. They should pay due attention, observe their condition to find other signs of the disease:

  1. discomfort in the movements;
  2. on the feet - pain and burning;
  3. heaviness in the soles of the feet after long movements or, conversely, after a static load.

If the flat foot is progressing, it is shown by other signs:

  • total weight in the soles of the feet at any time of the day, independent of the load;
  • edema on the soles of the feet, fingers, ankles;
  • the development of hard calluses - "corns
  • The impossibility of wearing shoes because of the widened leg.

The corns are formed on the spot where the foot receives the greatest load, upon their appearance it is possible to analyze its motor activity and adjust the degree of loading.

When an operation is required in terms of treating symptoms of transverse flatfoot, it can be seen in the photo - to a person prevents walking and moving "bone because of the pain in which he can not wear almost any footwear.

Diagnosis and treatment of flat-footed transverse type

Flattening of this or that type is diagnosed by an orthopedic physician or traumatologist on examination, which is carried out on a glass stand with illumination, the ability to make a footprint and their Photo.

Such a simple device reveals the type of disorder and the level of development of the disease.

After the examination, the doctor prescribes a method of therapy appropriate to the type of pathology or decides the need for surgical intervention.

Traditional methods of treatment require:

  1. reduce the load on the foot;
  2. wear orthopedic shoes;
  3. wear orthopedic insoles and helium inserts;
  4. lose weight;
  5. Exercise therapy;
  6. drug treatment;
  7. physiotherapy;
  8. massage.

All procedures are used only for the doctor's prescription. At home, you can add foot baths and compresses with cooling effect with mint and menthol.

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Transverse Platypodia

Various deformations of the foot, which lead to flattening of its arches, are the most common orthopedic disease. According to statistics, every second person suffers from flat feet in varying degrees.

Many believe that only children are affected by this pathology. But the transverse platypodia is an acquired condition and appears mainly after 35 years.

Especially often it occurs in women, which is associated with the weakness of the musculoskeletal apparatus and the peculiarity of their lifestyle.

This disease is widespread, and the code for the ICD-10 is M21.4. This deformity of the foot is also called valgus, and in the people it is known as "lump" or "bone" on the leg. It gives a lot of suffering and inconvenience, so patients try to get rid of pathology by any means.

This is often used by unscrupulous producers, promising a wonderful disappearance of the "bone". But the fact is that the treatment of transverse flatfoot is possible only at 1 degree. And all the "miraculous" remedies can only slow down the deformation or relieve the pain.

Characteristics of the disease

Normally, the foot has two arches - transverse and longitudinal. They are needed to redistribute the load while walking and keep balance. These are natural shock absorbers that protect joints and spine from bumps and shocks.

The mechanism of development of this pathology is that when the ligaments that hold metatarsal bones in the correct position are loosened, they separate from each other.

This is especially noticeable on the position of the first finger, which deviates strongly from the outside. This leads to a redistribution of the load on the toes and flattening of the transverse arch of the foot.

The leg becomes shorter and wider, the patient experiences problems with the choice of shoes, as well as pain when walking.

In adults, such a deformity is almost impossible to correct, therefore the disease is considered incurable. With the help of various methods, one can only alleviate the condition of the patient and slow down the deformation.

There are three stages of development of transverse flatfoot. With a deformation of 1 degree, the thumb does not deviate by more than 20 degrees, the "bone" is still small, inflammation and pain are almost nonexistent.

2 degree is characterized by a deviation of up to 35 degrees, while a cone grows, which strongly hinders and hurts.

At 3 degrees of transverse flatfoot, the thumb goes into the rest, its slope is more than 35 degrees, there is a strong deformation of the remaining fingers, coarsening of the skin on the foot, the restriction mobility.

Usually, the transverse-valgus flatfoot is known to people as a "bone".

Such a bump on the joint of the big toe is formed due to the fact that 1 metatarsal bone is directed outward, and the finger itself is tilted inwards.

The joint is in contact with the shoes, a bone-cartilaginous outgrowth is formed - exostosis, which often inflames.

The disease is characterized by a flattening of the transverse arch of the foot

Why there is a transverse platypodia

According to statistics, in 8 out of 10 cases, transverse flatfoot develops in women. The main reason for this is the weakness of the muscles and ligaments due to a hereditary predisposition or a sedentary lifestyle.

Therefore, the loads experienced by the female legs lead to deformation of the foot. This is a standing job, overweight, and also uncomfortable shoes or high heels.

It is the latter factor that most often causes the appearance of a "bone" on the thumb.

After all, valgus deformation, also called a "transversely spreading foot arises because of the increased strain on the front of the foot due to high heels.

In men and children, this deformation is much less common, mainly because of injuries or illnesses.

These can be abnormalities in the endocrine system, rickets, poliomyelitis, running sports associated with running or jumping.

In this case, a combined flatfoot develops, characterized by a flattening of the longitudinal and transverse arch of the foot.

To begin to treat a transverse flatfoot is better until the appearance of external symptoms of deformation

Symptoms of transverse flatfoot

Conservative treatment of this disease is effective only at the initial stage, when the "bone" is not yet very bulging.

Therefore it is very important to consult an orthopedist immediately, as the first symptoms appeared. It can be fast coming fatigue of the leg muscles, slight malaise.

The doctor uses special methods of research, and when the diagnosis is confirmed, he will prescribe treatment.

When the deformity of the foot began, it can be corrected only with the help of an operation. But even in this case the forecast is not always favorable. Therefore it is necessary to know what are the first signs of valgus deformation of the foot:

Another advise to read:How to treat a flat foot in a child

  • pain in the foot after the load or at the end of the day;
  • rapidly increasing fatigue;
  • cramps of the calf muscles;
  • edema in the region of feet and ankles;
  • The front part of the foot increases in size, becomes wider;
  • Instead of a transverse arch under the fingers a roller is formed, the skin is compacted.

If treatment is not started on time, other problems are added to the foot problems. Absence of shock absorption during walking causes an increased strain on the joints of the lower extremities and the spine. Therefore, in the 2nd and 3rd stages of transverse flatfoot, the patient may have such symptoms:

  1. frequent back pain;
  2. destruction of knee and hip joints;
  3. strong deformation of the toes: the thumb is deflected, and the middle ones become hammer-shaped because of the increased load;
  4. on the sole are formed calluses, napottyshi.

Orthopedic physician will conduct diagnostics that will help to prescribe the right treatment

How to diagnose a disease

To determine exactly what foot problems are due to transverse flatfoot, you need to consult an orthopedic doctor.

After the conversation and examination of the patient, he will appoint special methods of examination. First of all, this is an x-ray, which will help to exclude other pathologies of the bone apparatus of the foot.

To clarify the condition of tissues, computer or magnetic resonance imaging is assigned.

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The simplest ways to determine if there is a flatfoot is a planography and a sub-metric test. It is best to do them with a doctor, but you can do it yourself.

Plantography is the study of the footprint. You can make it on plain paper, having previously spread the sole with a fat cream or coloring substance.

Then stand straight on the sheet with both feet.

The sub-metric Frinland test is the calculation of a sub-metric index. To do this, you need to measure the height of the foot, multiply it by 100 and divide by the length of the foot. If the result is below 28, you should see a doctor.

Features of the treatment of transverse flatfoot

Unlike the deformation of the longitudinal arch, transverse flatfoot cure is much more difficult. Moreover, the treatment is effective only at the initial stage of the disease.

Since the flattening of the arch of the foot occurs due to loosening of the ligaments and deformation of the position of the bones, only gymnastics or massage can help out of conservative methods.

In addition, the effective use of special insoles for transverse flat feet. They stop deformation and prevent complications.

Good special interdigital inserts, which fix the fingers in the desired position.

In severe cases, the doctor also recommends wearing special orthopedic shoes, which is selected individually.

Special orthopedic devices will help to fix the fingers in the correct position

The rest of the treatment is aimed at relieving pain and inflammation. These are physiotherapy procedures, folk methods or external medicines. If joint arthrosis has developed, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

With flat feet of 2 and 3 degrees, the patient usually experiences serious discomfort when walking, severe pain in the legs and disruption in the work of the whole organism. Therefore, in these cases only surgical treatment can help.

Basic rules for deforming the foot

If a person is diagnosed with a "transverse flatfoot he should try to limit the load on the foot. It is advisable to avoid prolonged standing, and also not gain weight. Shoes should be comfortable, the heel is not more than 4 cm.

Good special insoles help with transverse flat feet. They slow down the deformation and facilitate the patient's condition.

Such insoles or orthopedic inserts must be used constantly. In addition, it is very important to follow all the doctor's recommendations.

After all, the treatment of this disease depends, first of all, on the efforts of the patient himself.

When transverse flatfoot, you must wear orthopedic shoes or use special inserts and insole

Consequences of transverse flatfoot

At the initial stages of valgus deformation of the foot, patients experience difficulties in choosing shoes, as well as aesthetic discomfort. Reviews of women with a bulging "bone" say that it is already impossible to wear beautiful open shoes, it is embarrassing to take off for a walk, in the pool or on the beach.

Later, if the disease is not treated, deformation causes more serious problems. This development of bursitis or arthrosis on the joint of the first toe.

An inflamed "bone" prevents not only putting on any shoes, but even walking. This often leads to limited mobility and reduced efficiency.

The deformation of the toes increases.

Constant loading on previously almost not participating in walking 2-4 heads metatarsal bones leads to their thickening, known as hammerlike deformation.

The frequent traumatization of muscles and tendons due to subluxations of joints in an unnatural position, causes the development of contractures. Fingers eventually cease to move.

Other organs and systems of the patient also suffer.

There may appear such diseases as arthrosis of knee or hip joints, curvature of posture, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, displacement or herniation of intervertebral discs. Varicose veins, heel spur, or disruption of the heart and blood vessels often develop.

Particularly strongly affects the state of health bilateral transverse flatfoot.

Absence of shock absorption during walking causes permanent concussion of the brain. This causes malfunctions in his work, frequent headaches.

The patient experiences constant stress, which leads to irritability and neuroses.

To avoid the development of deformation of the foot, you need to give up high heels

Prevention of foot deformation

Cure platypodia in adults is completely impossible. All therapeutic methods are aimed at relieving pain and slowing down the deformation. Therefore, the main way to avoid suffering is prevention:

  • from childhood it is necessary to form the right walk;
  • to strengthen muscles and ligaments, doing sports;
  • Avoid increased static or similar dynamic loads, such as frequent jumps;
  • try not to gain weight;
  • wear only comfortable shoes, avoid narrowing socks and high heels;
  • in the summer, walk barefoot on grass or sand more often.

The transverse flatfoot is a serious pathology. Despite the fact that many patients do not even consult a doctor and do not cure such a deformity, but it leads to many serious consequences.

Therefore, flat feet is a contraindication for military service. This suggests that a person with this disease does not have such endurance and capacity for work as a healthy one.

Therefore, it is very important to protect your feet from deformation, and when the first signs of flat feet appear, begin treatment.

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Transverse flatfoot are the main causes

Transverse Platypodia- a widespread pathology, in which there is a transverse spreading of the foot and a deviation of the first finger outside. The main cause of transverse flatfoot is the failure of the ligamentous apparatus of the foot.

Along with the external deformation, it is manifested by pain in the feet, pain and burning in the muscles of the feet and lower legs after physical exertion. The diagnosis is made on the basis of radiography.

Symptomatic conservative therapy is performed, with severe deformation, corrective operations are performed.

Transverse platypodia - a pathological condition, in which the forefoot stops flattening, and I finger deviates to the outside. Pathology is widespread, women suffer about 20 times more often than men.

It is usually found in middle-aged and elderly women, less common in men (usually elderly people), in some cases found in children and adolescents.

In traumatology and orthopedics, there is often a combination of transverse and longitudinal flat feet - combined flat feet.

Usually accompanied by a more or less pronounced pain syndrome, severity in the feet and rapid fatigue when walking.

Over time, there is stiffness of metatarsophalangeal joints, progressive deformations in the region of the first and second fingers.

The reason for going to the doctor, along with the pains, often becomes a pronounced cosmetic defect and problems in the selection of comfortable shoes. Treatment of transverse flat feet is performed by traumatologists and orthopedists.

Causes and mechanism of transverse flatfoot development

A transverse flatfoot is a polyethological disease that occurs under the influence of various factors, including include uncomfortable narrow shoes, high heels, long stay on legs, excess weight, previous trauma to the foot and and so forth. However, the main cause of the formation of transverse flatfoot is the congenital weakness of the ligamentous apparatus of the feet. Currently, this pathology is considered as an irreversible deformation, which can not be corrected by conservative methods, since there are medicines or orthopedic adaptations that can affect the restoration of the tone and strength of connective tissue formations feet.

Normally, metatarsal bones are held in anatomically correct position, due to the interosseous fascia and plantar aponeurosis. With the weakness of these connective tissue structures in 30% of cases, all the bones of the metatarsal are diverging in a fan-like manner.

In 27% of cases, I deviate from the metatarsal bone in the medial aspect, and the remaining metatarsal bones retain their normal position. In 5-6% of cases the diameter of the foot increases due to the deviation of V and IV metatarsal bones.

In other cases, combinations of these options are observed.

The deviation of metatarsal bones is not the only pathological change that occurs with transverse flatfoot. I metatarsal bone often turns around its axis and rises.

There is a redistribution of the load: I metatarsophalangeal joint becomes weak, and the external parts of the foot constantly suffer from overload.

Due to the change in normal relationships between the elements of the foot and the traction of the muscles, the toe of the foot "leaves" outside. I metatarsophalangeal joint is deformed.

On the inner surface of the foot, a "bone" is formed, which can be an exostosis (bone-cartilaginous growth), and a combination of exostosis with protruding curved I metatarsophalangeal joint.

Because of the excessive pressure of the shoe on the metatarsal bone in the joint area, bursitis occurs, accompanied by local edema and reddening of the skin. Arthrosis of the metatarsophalangeal joint arises, which causes an increase in the pain syndrome.

The amount of movement in the joint is reduced.

Twisted I finger "goes" on the 2nd finger. Over time, hammer-shaped deformation II is often formed, more rarely - II-III fingers, on the plantar surface are formed napotypes.

Plyusnefalangovye joints "go" into a state of subluxation.

All of the above causes intense pain, creates severe discomfort when worn usual, and sometimes - and orthopedic footwear, leads to the forced restriction of mobility and ability to work.

Patients with transverse flatfoot complain of aching, pulling, stitching or burning pain in the feet, mainly in the area of ​​I-II metatarsophalangeal joints.

The pains intensify after a prolonged stay on the legs, can be accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the feet and a burning sensation in the muscles. By the evening, there may be swelling of the feet and the area of ​​the ankles.

Patients report severe difficulties in walking on high heels, as well as problems in choosing shoes - the foot becomes too wide and does not fit into standard shoes.

Visually, the valgus deformity of the first finger (Hallux valgus) is determined. The forefoot is dilated. In advanced cases, a hammer-shaped curvature of the II-III fingers is revealed.

The skin in the region of the I metatarsophalangeal joint is thickened, hyperemic. On the internal and plantar surface in the forefoot of the foot are visible on the ground and calloused. The volume of movements in metatarsophalangeal joints is limited.

With palpation, pain is possible.

Diagnosis of transverse flatfoot

The diagnosis of transverse flatfoot is set based on external examination data and the results of the radiograph of the foot.

To obtain a complete picture of the disease, usually X-rays of I, II and III plus-nefalangeal joints are prescribed.

In the process of describing the images, the radiologist assesses the severity of the valgus deformation of the 1st finger, taking into account the angle between the first finger and the metatarsal II and the angle between the I and II metatarsal bones. There are three degrees of deformation:

  1. 1 degree- the angle between the 1st finger and the II metatarsal bone does not exceed 25 degrees, the angle between the I and II metatarsal bones does not exceed 12 degrees.
  2. 2 degree- the angle between the first finger and the II metatarsal bone does not exceed 35 degrees, the angle between the I and II metatarsal bones does not exceed 18 degrees.
  3. 3 degree- the angle between the first finger and the II metatarsal bone exceeds 35 degrees, the angle between the I and II metatarsal bones exceeds 18 degrees.

In addition, when studying the radiographs pay attention to the presence of arthrosis, which is evidenced by deformation of the joint site, narrowing of the joint gap, osteosclerosis of the subchondral zone and marginal proliferation.

If necessary, for a detailed study of the dense structures, the patient's feet are directed to the CT of the bone, to assess the state of the soft tissue - on the MRI.

In the presence of concomitant pathology from the nervous or venous system, appoint a phlebologist and neurologist.

The tactics of treatment are determined depending on the severity of the pathology, the intensity of the pain syndrome and the patient's cosmetic needs.

It is worth noting that modern medicine does not know the non-surgical ways to eliminate deformation I metatarsophalangeal joint, and all proposals to "remove a bone without surgery" are just advertising tricks.

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Conservative therapy of transverse flatfoot is aimed at reducing pain and slowing the progression of the disease.

In the early stages, patients are advised to wear interdigital ridges and individual orthopedic insoles.

In severe strains, orthopedic footwear is manufactured according to individual measures in accordance with the recommendations of an orthopedic physician.

In addition, a massage, foot baths, a special set of exercises to strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the foot, and also physiotherapeutic procedures: magnetotherapy, UHF, electrophoresis with trimecaine or novocaine, phonophoresis with hydrocortisone, inductothermia, paraffin and ozocerite. For pain and signs of inflammation, recommend NSAIDs of local and general action.

Operations are performed with severe deformities of the foot and intense pain syndrome. The cause for surgical intervention in young women is often a cosmetic defect with moderately pronounced valgus deformation of the 1st finger.

Depending on the features of the pathology, surgical interventions on soft tissues, on the bones, as well as combined interventions on soft tissues and bones are used.

Treatment is carried out after the necessary examination, in a planned manner, in conditions of orthopedic or traumatology department.

When performing operations on soft tissues, the cuts or movements of the tendons are performed to restore the uniformity of the traction of the muscles that divert and lead the finger.

Among the palliative interventions that eliminate external deformation, but do not affect the vicious position I metatarsal bone include excision of the hypodermic bag and exostosis in the region of I metatarsophalangeal the joint.

Such operations can reduce the cosmetic defect and facilitate the use of standard footwear, but over time their effect often disappears due to further progression of deformation.

In order to eliminate the deviation of I metatarsal bone to the inside, at present Scarf osteotomy or chevron osteotomy - operations in which an orthopedist removes a bone fragment and restores its anatomically correct position.

After surgery for 6 weeks, use special orthoses. In the future, the patient is recommended not to overload the foot, wear comfortable wide shoes, do self-massage and perform special exercises to strengthen the muscles of the foot.

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Transverse flat feet symptoms and treatment

Flattening is a predominantly acquired disease of the musculoskeletal system, accompanied by a violation of the mechanics of walking, a change in the shape of the foot, in which the transverse and longitudinal arches.

Flattening promotes pathological changes occurring in the spine, knee and hip joints and other organs.

Among several species distinguish transverse flatfoot, accompanied by a flattening of the transverse arch a characteristic feature of which is the formation of the so-called "cone" in the region of the large finger.

The disease occurs mainly in women in the age range from 30 to 50 years. The appearance of flat feet directly depends on the excess excess weight, under the influence of which the foot becomes a little shorter and thicker.

Depending on the reasons, this type of flatfoot may be congenital and acquired.

Congenital flat feet mainly develop due to genetically caused disorders of the skeletal structure of the foot or the inconsistency of fixative ligaments and aponeuroses.

It should be noted that the foot is finally formed by the age of 6, and many diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system in children are potentially dangerous in terms of flatfoot development.

However, the acquired flattening of the transverse arch is most often observed in adults in the age range from 35 to 50 years. The main reasons leading to this are:

  • excessive load on the foot - constant long walking, wearing weights;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • obesity;
  • osteoporosis - a decrease in the density and structure of bone tissue;
  • diabetes;
  • inflammatory diseases affecting the musculoskeletal system (rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, gout);
  • trauma of the foot (fractures of bones, ruptures of fascia, tendons, muscles);
  • age-related degenerative changes in the musculoskeletal apparatus;
  • paralyzes of the lower extremities in the defeat of the brain or spinal cord (strokes, craniocerebral spinal cord injuries);
  • pregnancy.

And the most common reason is incorrectly picked up shoes - flat sole or too high heel. In the first case, with a load on the foot, her bones diverge, all the arches of the foot fall.

Apparently, this is connected with the fact that in many cases there is a transversely longitudinal flatfoot, when a decrease in the transverse arch of the foot is preceded by a decrease in the longitudinal arches.

At too high a heel (more than 4 cm) the pressure on the anterior parts of the metatarsal bones grows, which diverges to the sides.

With the excessive height of the heel, the fact is connected with the fact that among the people suffering from transverse flatfoot 75-80% are women.

Symptoms of transverse flatfoot

As the pathological condition progresses, there is growing discomfort, then transformed into pain and burning.

At the beginning of flatfoot development, a person often does not pay attention to such alarm signals as heaviness in the foot after a long standing, walking or physical activity.

Pain occurs, as a rule, at the junction of the first and second fingers.

Progressive flat feet entail other symptoms:

  1. heaviness in the legs, not associated with the time of day and physical activity;
  2. swelling of the fingers, feet, ankles and / or tibia of varying severity: possibly small an increase in the limb, which, with progress as it progresses, smooths the relief of the ankle the joint;
  3. burning pain of calf muscles, feeling of "stone
  4. the formation of dry, hard corns (they are still called "natoptysha" in the people) in the places of greatest stress - on the heels, the external surface of the foot, fingers and their pads;
  5. because of the increasing width of the foot, many shoes become so narrow that it is difficult to fasten or even wear; In the process of wearing there is a strong discomfort and pain.

The most characteristic symptom in transverse flatfoot is the development of valgus deformation of the first toe, called in medicine, as bursitis. This pathological condition develops due to constant mechanical irritation.

The process of development of valgus deformation in transverse flatfoot

Course of the disease Symptoms
1 st stage The finger does not move, but the skin on the side joint noticeably thickens, reddens and swells.
2 stage There is a deviation of the thumb to the side, the metatarsophalangeal joint continues to change: it has a firm and edematous formation - a "bone".
3 stage The second finger, pressing and squeezing the first, also begins to deviate to the side. Over time, the second finger rises and "wrapped" (lies down) for the first. If the disease does not stop in time, then the third and sometimes the fourth finger is involved in the pathological process.
4 th stage Violation of walking. The patient is forced to put his foot in such a way that as little as possible of the burden was on the "bone" and painful fingers (the foot is put on his side). Given the present transverse flatfoot, a person begins to walk like a "duckling swinging from one leg to the other.

The diagnosis of transverse flatfoot is set based on external examination data and the results of the radiograph of the foot.

To obtain a complete picture of the disease, usually X-rays of I, II and III plus-nefalangeal joints are prescribed.

In the process of describing the images, the radiologist assesses the severity of the valgus deformation of the 1st finger, taking into account the angle between the first finger and the metatarsal II and the angle between the I and II metatarsal bones. There are three degrees of deformation:

  • 1 degree- the angle between the 1st finger and the II metatarsal bone does not exceed 25 degrees, the angle between the I and II metatarsal bones does not exceed 12 degrees.
  • 2 degree- the angle between the first finger and the II metatarsal bone does not exceed 35 degrees, the angle between the I and II metatarsal bones does not exceed 18 degrees.
  • 3 degree- the angle between the first finger and the II metatarsal bone exceeds 35 degrees, the angle between the I and II metatarsal bones exceeds 18 degrees.

In addition, when studying the radiographs pay attention to the presence of arthrosis, which is evidenced by deformation of the joint site, narrowing of the joint gap, osteosclerosis of the subchondral zone and marginal proliferation.

If necessary, for a detailed study of the dense structures, the patient's feet are directed to the CT of the bone, to assess the state of the soft tissue - on the MRI.

In the presence of concomitant pathology from the nervous or venous system, appoint a phlebologist and neurologist.

Treatment of transverse flatfoot

Treatment of transverse flatfoot in adults should be complex.

Conservative methods include:

  1. Reducing the load on the foot,up to its immobilization in especially severe cases;
  2. Wearing individually selected orthopedic shoes. In difficult cases, this can be a special footwear, fixing not only the foot, but also the shin. Orthopedic insoles and helium inserts are used at the initial stage of flatfoot. All of them should be appointed by a doctor and selected individually;
  3. Measures to reduce weight, if it was determined to be excessive;
  4. General strengthening exercises for the treatment of transverse flat feet, included in the curative physical training course;
  5. Medications (analgesics) are prescribed with progressive flat feet and the presence of arthrosis or bursitis;
  6. Physiotherapy and massage, aimed at relieving pain, relaxing the muscles of the foot;
  7. To relieve tension, prevent cramps, reduce pain, also used refreshing foot baths, cool compresses, ointments based on mint and menthol.

If conservative methods of treatment do not show results, irreversible changes occur in the foot, the patient suffers severe pain, then surgical intervention is prescribed.

As a result of surgery, deformities of the anterior part of the foot are treated surgically.

A number of modern techniques allow to do this without the subsequent application of gypsum - thus, the rehabilitation period is reduced.

Operative treatmentetransverse flatfoot has a significant drawback - the need for a complete cessation of loads on the foot during preparation and rehabilitation, but at the same time, the issue is solved crucially - the flat foot does not progress and does not cause regular anxiety, as in the case of the conservative treatment.

Folk methods of treating transverse flatfoot

Let's consider the basic directions of traditional medicine in struggle against an illness:

  • The simplest and most widely available method of combating the disease is performing therapeutic exercises. Physical training will help to strengthen muscles and establish blood circulation in the lower limbs. At the heart of all exercises - flexion, rotation and extension of the feet, squats and lifting to the toe, rolling large and small items on the floor. It is also useful to walk on uneven surfaces - pebbles, scattered croup or special orthopedic rugs;
  • Therapeutic foot baths, with the addition of sea salt, decoctions of oak bark, sage, peppermint. Frequently, the temperature changes of the baths are used, alternating hot and cold water;
  • Daily massage of affected feet will reduce pain and relieve fatigue of the lower limbs;
  • Use of medical compresses based on: - leaves of bitter wormwood; - fresh river fish; - finely chopped parsley; - propolis. The compress is applied before going to sleep on a cartilaginous outgrowth, wrapped with a warm cloth and left overnight.
  • In the fight against the build-up, iodine is also used - it is applied daily to the lump in the form of an iodine net during the month. The procedure will help reduce pain and stop the deformation of the first toe
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To prevent the development of any type of flatfoot prevention should be observed from an early age:

  1. From childhood to form the right gait: do not dilute strongly to the sides of the socks during travel, as this increases the load on the ligament apparatus and the inner edge of the foot;
  2. Wear comfortable shoes with a heel height of not more than 5 cm;
  3. Persons with a predisposition to flatfoot choose a place of work not associated with prolonged static loads on their legs;
  4. Take advantage of the free time to let your feet rest. After a rest, it is useful to walk for a few minutes on the outside and inside of the feet;
  5. Use insoles - arch supports;
  6. In summer, walk barefoot on uneven surfaces more often. At home from time to time to walk on the toes, heels, the outer and inner surfaces of the feet;
  7. Follow the warning of gaining excess weight.

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Transverse Platypodia - changes in the shape of the foot

Changes in the shape of the foot, which may be flattening and reducing the relief of the sole surface, are called flat feet.

This ailment has negative consequences not only for the foot, but for the whole musculoskeletal system as a whole. The severe degree of flat feet is even a medical contraindication to military service.

This disease has a variety. Doctors distinguish such forms of flat feet:

  • transverse,
  • longitudinal,
  • transversely-longitudinal.

Transverse Platypodiaappears due to flattening of the transverse arch of the foot. The disease is not often independent, usually this variety of flat feet develops against the background of the already existing longitudinal flattening that appeared in childhood.

In the medical literature, transverse flatfoot often occurs under the name of a transversely-spreading foot with a deviation to the outside of 1 finger.

Predisposing factors of disease occurrence are:

  • professional activity associated with a long stay in a standing position,
  • excess weight,
  • reduction of muscle elasticity and strength with prolonged management of a sedentary lifestyle or due to aging.

In the emergence of the disease an important role is played by the condition of a special tendon, plantar aponeurosis, with its deficiency associated with the immediate occurrence of the disease.


The transverse flattening of the foot can be both congenital and acquired.

The cause of congenital flat feet is genetically caused disorders in the structure of the skeleton of the foot or the pathology of the tendons and fixing ligaments.

The most common is the congenital weakness of the arched arch muscles, this disease is also known as the "aristocratic foot".

To exclude the progression of the disease and related health problems can be leading a healthy lifestyle. It is necessary to eat rationally, give orgagna sufficient, but not excessive, physical activity and choose high-quality footwear.

Congenital pathologies in the ligamentous and muscular apparatus of the foot lead to the fact that the phalanges of the fingers acquire a fan arrangement, although normally should be located in parallel. With age, they "creep" in the sides, resulting in the development of a transverse flatfoot.

In addition, the final formation of the foot is completed only by six years, therefore, any childhood injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system are potentially dangerous from the point of view of development flatfoot.

The roots of acquired transverse flat feet should be sought in the patient's lifestyle. The main reasons are:

  1. Excess weight.Bone, muscular and ligamentous apparatus of the arch of the foot are designed for functioning only with normal weight. In the event that the mass of the body exceeds the limits of the norm, the load placed on the foot increases, resulting in a flattening.
  2. Violation of the regime of work and rest, excessive load on the footby virtue of the type of activity. High loads disrupt the balance of the foot. Occupations in which a person spends almost the entire working day on his feet are included in the zone of increased risk of flatfoot. First of all, they are teachers, lecturers, factory workers and other specialists, occupations are considered "standing".
  3. Trauma of the foot.They can cause pathological abnormalities in the foot and cause a progressive flat foot. Doctors call injuries the most common cause of flat feet in men.
  4. Walking in non-physiological shoes.Long wearing of high-heeled shoes, uncomfortable shoes with an unsuitable shoe and other violations Foot hygiene is one of the most common causes of flat feet in a mature age.

In the event that the shoes are non-physiological, instead of harmoniously distributing the load along the entire support, the weight of the whole body is transferred to the front of the foot. Constant pressure on the bone with time causes them to deform.

Doctors say that shoes with heels and a hereditary transmission along the female line of predisposition to the disease led to the fact that for two men suffering from this ailment there are 8 women.

Indirectly provoke a transverse flatfoot can:

  • paralysis of the legs;
  • muscular weakness of the lower limbs;
  • hereditary factors;
  • rickets.


The signs of transverse flattening of the foot are most often:

  1. burning sensation in the foot,
  2. soreness,
  3. feeling of extreme fatigue in the legs by the end of the day.

If the disease progresses and reaches the 3rd degree, intense pain can occur in the knee and hip joints even if the movement is not associated with the support of a diseased leg.

Symptomatic increases with flattening of the transverse arch and widening of the forefoot.

Against this background, with flatfoot progression to the 2 nd and 3 rd degree, the valgus deviation of the thumb arises. It is easy to diagnose visually - a kind of cone grows in the region of the metatarsophalangeal articulation of the thumb.

In this case, the test load is redistributed between the remaining fingers. The load becomes excessive, the biomechanics of the foot work undergoes enormous changes, as a result of which the fingers become hammer-shaped.

Especially negatively the disease affects in childhood, because the calcium content in the bones of children is small, they consist mainly of cartilaginous tissue. And in the case of excessively strong pressure on the front of the legs and fingers, the deformation process of the bones starts very quickly.

In this case, children do not have varus or valgus deformities of one finger, the remaining symptoms are similar to those of flat feet in adults ..

A characteristic clinical picture of flattening of the transverse arch:

  • swelling in the ankles;
  • increased tiredness of the legs by evening;
  • when walking severe pain syndrome;
  • discomfort when wearing narrow shoes;
  • difficulty in walking.
  • increased length and width of the foot.


Diagnosis and treatment of flat feet is performed by an orthopedic trauma specialist. Diagnosis is carried out using a number of conservative and instrumental methods.

The doctor collects an anamnesis, performs gait analysis and visual examination of the feet (from the second stage of the disease, its presence can be determined visually) and appoints additional studies.

In particular, in the diagnosis of flatfoot use data:

  1. Plantography. This method is used to obtain imprints of the plantar surface.
  2. Podometriya (Friedland method). With its help, the percentage of the height of the foot to its length is determined.
  3. Radiographs. With its help, the degree of transverse flat foot is determined. In the analysis, the angle of the lateral deviation of the first finger is taken into account. In order to determine the degrees of flatfoot, the results of the X-ray patterns of both feet, made with a load in the straight and lateral projections, are necessary.

It is the data of radiography that are the main ones in the establishment of the final diagnosis.


The disease develops on increasing. Doctors distinguish three degrees of transverse flatfoot development.

  1. For the first degree, the deviation of the angle of the thumb is 20 or more degrees. Thus there are such signs:
  • reddening and thickening of the skin 2nd-4th fingers,
  • tired legs after a long standing and walking,
  • pain in the thumb.
  1. The second degree is characterized by a transverse flatfoot of medium severity, characterized by a deviation of the first finger by 20-40 degrees. Symptoms are as follows:
  • with loads on the leg, there is a lot of pain and burning sensation, covering the entire foot as a whole, not just the fingers,
  • coarsening of the skin,
  • the appearance of corns.
  1. The third, last, degree is clearly expressed transverse flattening, the thumb is rejected by more than 35-40 degrees. Symptoms are specific, pronounced:
  • intolerable pain at the slightest load,
  • a pronounced flattening of the anterior part of the foot,
  • increase in the size of corns,
  • modification of the thumb,

The clinical picture can be accompanied by bursitis and modification of the shape of the legs.


To appoint an effective treatment the doctor will be able only after the establishment of all aspects of the disease - the stage, the cause, the general condition of the patient.

At the initial stage conservative methods of treatment can be used, in neglected cases surgery is necessary.

In most cases, conservative treatment is used, including methods and manipulations aimed at reducing pain syndrome and stopping the progression of pathology.

Conservative treatment consists mainly of:

  1. Reducing the load on the footy, in even more severe cases, even immobilization is possible.
  2. Individual selection of a physician orthopedic shoes.At the first signs of the disease the doctor can prescribe helium inserts and special orthopedic insoles. In severe cases, a special footwear is selected, which correctly fixes not only the foot itself, but also the shin. Special devices can be chosen that normalize the biomechanics of the feet.
  3. Activities designed to reduce weight,if it exceeds the limits of the norm. In the presence of obesity, weight loss is one of the most effective "medicines" in the fight against flatfoot.
  4. Selection of optimal restorative exercises, effective in the treatment of transverse flatfoot.
  5. Appointment of medications that stop painand, if necessary, anti-inflammatory therapy.
  6. Selection of optimal physiotherapy techniques and the appointment of a massage. These activities help to remove pain and relax the muscles of the foot. Also, in order to relieve tension in the feet, to prevent seizures and reduce pain apply cool compresses, special ointments and foot baths, which include mint, menthol, medicinal chamomile, lavender, linden, thyme, lemon balm and other medicinal herbs.

In those cases when the disease develops against the background of the inflammatory process, analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

The need for surgical intervention in the treatment of transverse flat feet is identified by the doctor. Deformities of the forefoot are treated exclusively surgically.

Usually, the operation is performed if the flat foot is accompanied by an intense pain syndrome, and conservative methods do not give a result.

The main advantage of surgical treatment is its effectiveness - the disease will not exactly progress.

The main disadvantage of surgical treatment is the need to stop absolutely any burden on the foot during the preparation for surgery and rehabilitation.

At the same time, modern methods allow not to the detriment of the effectiveness of the operation, as much as possible to shorten the time necessary for training and rehabilitation

Preventing the appearance of transverse flatfoot in most cases is possible and is not difficult. The main measures to prevent transverse flatfoot are:

  • high-quality physiological footwear without high heels
  • maintaining a normal weight
  • observance of a healthy mode of work and rest,
  • frequent changes in body positions for occupations associated with prolonged standing.

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