How to identify microinsult in women - the first signs, symptoms and treatment

Microinsult is a disease that is getting younger every year. It is increasingly found in people who are not yet 30 years old. Most carry it on their feet, not paying attention to the characteristic symptoms and signs.

This weakens the body and increases the risk of a recurrence of the attack in the future. Let's look at what a microinsult is, how it manifests itself in women( in both young and old age), what are the symptoms and the first signs of the disease, and what are the treatment and first aid in this situation.

Contents of

  • 1
    • 1 Difference
    • 2 Distinguishing features of female and male
    • 3 Early unobtrusive indicators of
    • 4 Notable signs of
    • 5 Disturbances that should be sent to the physician
    • 6 What will happen if I ignore
    • 7 First aid treatment
    • 8 Therapy
    • 9 Consequences of

Difference from stroke

Stroke occursdamage to the vessels of the brain, which can cause:

instagram viewer
  • paralysis;
  • loss of sight;
  • speech impairment.

One third of people end their lives with a fatal outcome after suffering a stroke. It is impossible to restore the brain completely after this disease.

When a micro stroke is affected only a part of small vessels. A distinctive feature - a short duration.

It lasts from a few minutes to a day , after which the brain regains its functions completely or partially. Many people do not even know that they have experienced a microinsult.

The main cause of the disease is spasms of cerebral vessels .As a result, some of the vessels cease to function normally.

With the timely application of medical care, the operation of the cerebral vessels can be restored and avoid complications in the future.

However, assistance should be provided no later than 3-6 hours after the onset of the first symptoms.

Provoke an attack can:

  • excess weight;
  • consumption of spicy and fatty foods;
  • alcohol and smoking;
  • severe physical activity;
  • heart surgery;
  • drastic changes in climatic conditions;
  • atherosclerosis.

People who suffer from diabetes, apnea and have malignant tumors, are most susceptible to micro strokes. In addition, a frequent cause of the disease is a constant increase in blood pressure.

The risk group includes women who use birth control pills.

How to distinguish a microstroke from a stroke you will learn from this video:

Distinctive features of female and male

A micro-insult can occur equally in men and women. Bad habits, stressful situations and wrong lifestyle are the main reasons for this, although the hereditary factor also plays an important role. In women aged 18 to 40 years, the disease occurs less frequently than in men of the same age .After 60 years - he is most vulnerable to women.

The severity of symptoms is most developed in women. They are severely suffering this disease and need a long recovery.

At a young age, symptoms manifest themselves in part, which makes diagnosis difficult. Men who encountered a micro-stroke at a young age, often wrote off it for general malaise and fatigue.

Early low-visibility indicators

Initially, a microstroke causes a severe headache, which can not be removed with analgesics. It has a pronounced character and can occur several times a day. A woman feels dizzy and can be nauseated .The person is in a depleted state, which is characterized by:

  • fatigue;
  • drowsiness;
  • a breakdown.

Very often there is high blood pressure. In this case, there is a pressing pain in the head area .

Heart pain may occur. Breathing is rapid.

In general, the first signs are similar to severe fatigue, which is accompanied by a headache and increased blood pressure.

Notable signs of the disease

In the future, the condition of a woman is significantly deteriorating. What are the symptoms of a woman's micro stroke?

The first is a violation of the coordination of the movement of .As a result of the defeat of even small vessels, the function of the vestibular apparatus is disrupted, which leads to a shaky gait or frequent falls.

This symptom should in no case be ignored, as it indicates obvious problems with the vessels of the brain.

There is slight weakness in the arms and legs of .The body becomes "heavy" and it is difficult for a person to perform any actions. This may be accompanied by increased sweating or chills.

Loud sounds and bright light annoy people. There is a feeling of anxiety, drowsiness and a general decline in strength.

Alarming signals that should be directed to the doctor

As a result of the progression of the disease, the following symptoms are observed, which in no case can not be ignored:

  • numbness of the limbs;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • speech problems;
  • inability to control facial expressions;
  • memory loss;
  • incorrect perception of the surrounding world;
  • difficulties when considering an object;
  • nausea and vomiting.

Symptoms appear at a time, and most often this occurs at the time of greatest increase in blood pressure.

Individual signs of the disease may not be, but if a person has encountered at least three symptoms, then it is necessary to call for emergency help.

What will happen when Ignore

The outcome depends on the degree of vascular disease, concomitant diseases and the age of the person. With a slight lesion of the vessels, restoration of the brain functions occurs relatively quickly. This explains why most young people suffer a microstroke on their feet and do not seek medical help.

In more mature age and in the presence of other diseases of the heart and blood vessels complications are possible:

  • problems with memory and attention;
  • aggressiveness and irritability;
  • long-term depression;
  • vision impairment;
  • frequent headaches.
The most dangerous thing is that after 3 days, a stroke or ischemic brain attack may occur, and the consequences of these pathologies are much more dangerous - they can cause death.

First Aid Assistance

Do not self-medicate and call an ambulance. Before the arrival of doctors it is necessary to lie on a flat surface and put your head on your side. In the room it is desirable to open windows to ensure the normal supply of oxygen.

Clothes need to be undone. You can put a wet towel on the patient's head. A person should be in complete peace and should not be moved independently. To panic in this situation is impossible - this will only negatively affect the patient's condition.

Do you know how to measure blood pressure correctly? Read about this on our website.

For this it is necessary to always have a tonometer at hand. How to choose a device for measuring blood pressure we will tell here.

And what kind of wrist blood pressure monitor is better, you will learn separately.


Tactics of treatment and anti-stroke therapy depend on the degree of vascular damage and individual characteristics of the human body. Treatment will be aimed at restoring blood vessels and preventing the formation of blood clots. To assess the degree of vascular damage, an MRI study is performed, which can detect even the smallest changes. The treatment regimen includes:

  • medications;
  • elimination of the cause that caused the disease;
  • massage;
  • exercise therapy;
  • is the right way of life.

In the first hours after a micro stroke, the doctor prescribes to the patient vasodilators and angioprotectors , which improve the metabolic processes in the vessels.

The use of antiplatelet agents is shown to reduce the risk of blood clots. With nootropics, mental activity and memory improve.

Consequences of

The timely provision of medical care helps to avoid the negative consequences of a micro-stroke. If a person does not seek help, in the future he has an increased risk of recurrence of the attack.

Ischemic brain attack or stroke may develop, and these pathologies can lead to death. In some cases, the consequence is a problem with mental abilities, speech impairment and memory dips.

It is very important to recognize the first signs of a micro-stroke and call an ambulance. Self-medication and taking medications at home without preliminary examination can only negatively affect the overall health of a person.

You will find out what to do after a micro-stroke by watching this video:

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