What to drink when you cough with phlegm

Severe cough with phlegm

When there is a strong cough with phlegm, the first thing to keep in mind: the cough itself, and the significant, unintended norm, the volume of secretions with it is the response of the body to the presence of a foci of infection or irritation of the mucosa in the respiratory ways.

Causes of severe cough with phlegm

The most common causes of severe cough with sputum, that is, with pathologically increased education and secretion of mucous secretions, are diseases such as acute respiratory disease, acute bronchitis, pneumonia, exudative pleurisy and pleural empyema, bronchiectatic disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (collective name for chronic bronchitis and emphysema, usually caused by smoking).

For the chronic form of bronchitis due to increased mucus formation in the bronchi, their inflammation and pathological changes in bronchial tissues and lungs characterized by a strong cough with phlegm and with blood, which appears due to damage to blood vessels located in the mucous membranes. When the disease worsens, sputum may have purulent inclusions in its composition. However, doctors warn: the presence of blood in the sputum may indicate such pathologies as bronchiectasis or pulmonary tuberculosis. And in the case of a purulent foci (abscess) in the lungs during its breakthrough and the ingress of pus into the bronchi, the sputum, which goes away when coughing, will have a characteristic putrefactive smell and a greenish color.

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In addition to shortness of breath, wheezing and attacks of weakening respiratory function of the bronchi, a strong cough with sputum discharge (often at night) accompanies bronchial asthma associated with airway response to allergens.

With edema of the lungs, there is also an intense productive cough. And with a pulmonary etiology of this state after coughing, it becomes easier for a person. And when the swelling of the lung tissue is caused by left-sided heart failure with stagnation of blood in a small circulatory system, cough does not bring relief, and in severe cases, sputum is colored in pink Colour.

Also, a strong cough with sputum is one of the symptoms of cystic fibrosis - an incurable genetically determined disease that affects mucus-releasing organs. An indication of the respiratory form of this disease is an intense paroxysmal cough with mucopurulent sputum.

Strong cough with sputum

Sputum is a secretion that forms in the trachea and in the bronchi. They are produced by special glands of tracheobronchial walls together with goblet cellular structures. Such discharges are also characteristic of healthy people, but in a much smaller number. A healthy secret has bactericidal abilities and serves as a natural prophylaxis for many respiratory diseases. Normally, mucus helps to remove from the respiratory tract toxic products, exfoliated epithelial cells and dust particles trapped in the respiratory system during inspiration. The mucous secret is removed outwardly towards the larynx with the help of ciliated epithelium and exhaled airflow. The function of the cilia can depend on the temperature indexes, on the acidity of the medium, and on the mucus yield on the density and secretion properties.

A strong cough with hard-to-recover sputum is typical for bronchial asthma (with sputum without impurities, vitreous), for obstructive bronchitis or cystic fibrosis (phlegm-mucous sputum character). The most severe excretion of sputum is observed with pulmonary cystic fibrosis.

A strong cough of sputum with blood in small amounts can mean that a small blood vessel in the airway burst during an attack. However, such a symptom may be a sign of a stagnant phenomenon in the lungs, an infectious inflammation such as pneumonia or tuberculosis, the presence of a neoplasm in the lungs. If the patient does not make serious complaints, and blood in the sputum is not a constant symptom, then, as a rule, there is no cause for concern. However, the repetition of secretions with blood, as well as the addition of other signs of disease can speak of a serious pathology. What should alert:

  • increased body temperature;
  • persistent prolonged cough that does not respond to conventional treatment;
  • regular appearance of impurities in mucous secretions;
  • increased sweating;
  • appearance in the lungs of various wheezing, whistles, bubbling sounds.

If these symptoms appear, you should immediately contact the appropriate medical specialist - therapist or pulmonologist.

Who to contact?


Diagnosis of severe cough with phlegm

The wording "symptoms of a strong cough with phlegm" from a medical point of view is not entirely correct, since the cough itself - slight or strong, dry or with phlegm - is a symptom. Developing symptoms of a strong cough with phlegm combined with other symptoms and taking into account the nature of the cough phlegm enable doctors to establish a diagnosis.

So, with bronchitis and pneumonia, phlegm first mucous, and then mucopurulent (with croupous pneumonia - color rust); at a bronchial asthma the thick mucous expectoration, as a rule, not having certain colors. If the consistency of the cough secretion is liquid and foam is formed, then it is most likely due to the swelling of the lung tissue. About a sputum with a blood already it was spoken above.

Diagnosis of severe cough with phlegm - determining the cause of its occurrence - includes mandatory general and biochemical blood test, as well as the study of blood serum for tuberculosis, antigens, eosinophils, mycoplasma. Sputum examination on the microflora should be carried out without fail.

The diagnostic standard is the use of the fluoroscopic method of examination of the thoracic organs cells in patients with complaints of severe cough with sputum, as well as removal electrocardiograms. Spirometry is indispensable for determining the functional level of the respiratory system, and with the aim of examination of bronchial conditions using the method of bronchography - fluoroscopy of the bronchi with contrast medium. If necessary, endoscopic examination of the bronchi (bronchoscopy), ultrasound and computed tomography of the bronchi and lungs.

Treatment of severe cough with phlegm

In practice, the treatment of a strong spit with sputum means symptomatic therapy aimed at reducing the viscosity of sputum and removing it from the respiratory tract. For this, medicines with an expectorant effect are used.

Acetylcysteine ​​(Acestin, ACTS, Fluimutsil, Tussikom, Mukobene, Mukoneks, etc.) - adults and children after 14 years, 3 times a day. Effervescent tablets ATSTS - 1-2 pieces twice a day. Tussikom (20% solution) is designed for inhalation - 2-5 ml per procedure, which is recommended for a quarter of an hour up to four times a day.

Bromhexin chloride (Bromhexine, Bisolvon, Mugotsil, Mukovin, Solvin, etc.) in tablets of 8 mg - adults and children over 14 years 1-2 tablets three times a day; children 6-14 years - one tablet three times a day, 3-6 years - 4 mg three times a day day. There is a solution for inhalations, which should be done twice a day: adults - 4 ml, children 10 years and older - 2 ml, 6-10 years - 1 ml, 2-6 years - 10 drops, under 2 years - 5 drops per one procedure.

Mucolytic preparation Ambroxol hydrochloride (Ambroxol, Ambrohexal, Lazolvan, Bronhopron, Mukozan, Mukovent, etc.) - adults and children over 12 years, one tablet 2-3 times a day, after eating; in the form of syrup - 10 ml 3 times a day. Children 6-12 years of age, the dose is reduced by half, 2-5 years - the fourth part of the adult dose twice a day. Pregnant drugs based on ambroxol hydrochloride should not be used in the first trimester. This remedy can cause dry mouth, heartburn, pain in the stomach, nausea. It should also be taken into account that all preparations containing this active substance increase the absorption of antibacterial agents of bronchial mucosa.

Muciltin tablets are prescribed on, 5 g 2-3 times a day (before meals); Tablets Terpinhydrate - po, 5 g three times a day. Potassium iodide (1-3% solution of potassium iodide) for the expectoration of sputum, doctors recommend taking two tablespoons 3-4 times a day. This drug is contraindicated for pulmonary tuberculosis.

In chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and bronchial asthma, a strong cough with sputum is treated with using inhalations with drugs of the group of blockers of m-holinoretseptorov, which expand the bronchi and reduce the production mucus. For example, Atrovent (an aerosol with an active ingredient ipratropium bromide) is prescribed 3-4 inhalations per day.

In cystic fibrosis, bronchial drainage, inhalation with corticosteroids, taking medications, for example, Pulmozyme in the form of daily inhalations (using a nebulizer) - by, mg once a day for days.

A strong cough with sputum discharge can also be treated with traditional breast pills with such medicinal plants as licorice root, althea root, oregano grass and coltsfoot, plantain large (leaves), black elderberry (flowers): a tablespoon dry collection per glass boiling water. Insist for 1 hours and take 3-4 tablespoons after meals several times a day. Coughing up sputum is also promoted by steam inhalations with a decoction of leaves of eucalyptus, sage, peppermint (50 grams per cup of boiling water) or with eucalyptus oil (4-5 drops per 200 ml of water).

Patients with chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease need functional treatment in sanatorium conditions with the use of aerotherapy and barotherapy, respiratory gymnastics, postural drainage of respiratory organs, massage of the thoracic cells, etc.

Herbs from strong cough with phlegm

Expectorant medications for reflex action can be a collection of medicinal herbs and extracts from them. Such medicines increase and activate the release of mucous secretions from the trachea and bronchi. The medicinal group of preparations based on herbs is quite extensive, because expectorant abilities are possessed by many herbs. Medicines based on licorice, thyme, thyme, althea, pine kidney, mother-and-stepmother, elecampane, thermopsis, oregano, anise, sundew, plantain, ledum, violet, etc. are known.

Plants and extracts from them are used in the composition of various chest charges and mixtures, as well as potions, tablets, syrups.

  1. Dr. Mom can be presented with tablets, lozenges or syrup based on elecampane, aloe, basil, pepper, ginger root, turmeric, licorice, nightshade. It is a combined anti-inflammatory and expectorant drug, bronchodilator, secretolytics. Pastilles and tablets are used from 14 years, and syrup is used for children from three years of age. Small children drink this syrup with pleasure, since it comes with various attractive fruit and berry flavors.
  2. Mukaltin is nothing more than an extract from an althea plant. This drug has long been known for its anti-inflammatory and expectorant action, in addition, mukaltin enhances the peristaltic movements of bronchioles and stimulates the secretory activity of the bronchi. In addition to the althaea, tablets contain baking soda, which liquefies mucus and increases the amount of secretions.
  3. Thermopsis - is part of the long-known "Tablets from a cough". These tablets are devoid of any additional harmful substances, since they contain only thermopsis and baking soda - the leading expectorant of traditional medicine.
  4. Other expectorants on a plant basis - they can include more expensive foreign drugs. These are such medicines as bronchicum, eucabal, gedelix. Such medicines are prepared on the basis of the above mentioned herbs and have a similar composition with similar domestic preparations.

Herbs when coughing help not only improve the condition of the patient, but also support its immunity. So the body will be easier to cope with the disease. The main thing is to remember that a strong cough with sputum should be treated as quickly as possible, without waiting for self-healing. If everything is done correctly, that is, to conduct competent and timely treatment, then recovery will come soon and without negative consequences.

Prophylaxis and prognosis of severe cough with phlegm

Prevention of severe cough with phlegm is the prevention of any diseases of the upper respiratory tract, and in the case of their occurrence - adequate treatment, so that the usual, at first glance, cold does not go to bronchitis or pneumonia.

Without observing the rules of personal hygiene, without proper care for residential and industrial premises, because the infection and air polluted by harmful substances enter the body during its inhalation.

In order not to develop chronic bronchitis or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, it is first of all necessary to give up smoking. It is also necessary to observe all the precautions provided for work in harmful production conditions: when increased dust content of coal, cement, asbestos, flour dust, as well as gas contamination with ammonia, chlorine and other It is necessary to undergo fluorography once a year - for the timely detection of changes in the lungs associated with tuberculosis.

However trite it may seem, but a healthy lifestyle - a sufficient amount of vitamins in food (in winter - the use of vitamin complexes), physical culture, outdoor recreation, rejection of bad habits - the most accessible to each preventive measures of diseases accompanied by a strong cough with sputum discharge.

The prognosis of a strong cough with phlegm - with the timely and correct treatment of acute bronchitis or pneumonia - is absolutely positive. What can not be said about the protracted infectious diseases of the respiratory system, which pour out into the chronicle.

According to medical statistics, in Ukraine, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is present in almost 5% of adults and contributes to the disability of the population. And according to WHO, from 1979 to 2009 the lethality due to this disease on a global scale has increased by more than 160%.

If you or your relatives have a strong cough with phlegm within a month or more, please consult a pulmonologist or a therapist.


Causes and treatment of green sputum when coughing

Coughing is a symptom that can point to a variety of different pathologies. To determine the causes of this symptom, you should determine the type of cough and the accompanying symptoms. Sputum or its absence is very important in diagnosis. Dry and wet cough indicate different diseases, therefore, their treatment should be carried out in different ways. When a patient has a cough with phlegm, it is very important to pay attention to her color and understand what causes caused the formation of such symptoms. The link describes why there is yellow sputum when coughing. About green sputum will be written in this article.

Causes of pathology

Very often people do not attach much importance to such manifestation of a disease as green sputum. But, in fact, this is a very important reason for seeking help. In this case, the green discharge during coughing can be accompanied by a rise in temperature or without a rise in temperature, which indicates an easy course of the disease

Without temperature

If the sputum produced during coughing has a green color, this may indicate the presence of a lung abscess or the initial stage of gangrene. Green mucus is a symptom that indicates swelling. Most often this occurs with genyantritis, inflammation of the bronchi.This color of sputum suggests the presence of an infection in the body, which began to multiply.As a rule, this occurs with tracheobronchitis. And the disease begins to manifest itself with a common cold. The discharge of green mucus occurs from the nose. She descends the walls of the nasopharynx and departs during a cough. As a rule, green sputum has an unpleasant odor.

If you have been tortured with coughing attacks with a discharge of thick sputum green, and you do not have a fever, the following diseases can cause this pathology:

  • bronchiectatic disease;
  • sinusitis (here you can learn about the signs of sinusitis and how to treat it);
  • inflammation of the bronchi;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • tracheitis (here it is described what antibiotics are taken with tracheitis and laryngitis);
  • asthma; Frequent smoking.

In small patients, the withdrawal of green sputum without temperature can provoke:

  • helminthic invasions;
  • reaction of the body to chemical products;
  • lack of humidity in the ambient air;
  • psychological factors;
  • presence of foreign matter in the lung;
  • whooping cough;
  • pathology of the digestive system.

The video describes the causes of green sputum when coughing:

With temperature

There are a number of pathological processes, which are characterized by the accumulation of large amounts of mucus in the respiratory tract. If the withdrawal of sputum is accompanied by a rise in temperature, then we can talk about the presence of the following pathologies:

  • abscess of the lungs;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • lungs' cancer;
  • inflammation of the bronchi;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • pneumonia;
  • a heart attack.

If you have a green sputum with a cough, then immediately go to the clinic for an appointment. No matter if you have a fever or not, this symptom already indicates a certain pathology.

Therapeutic events

To achieve the maximum result during treatment and a speedy recovery, the following tips should be adhered to:

  1. Therapy should begin only after the preliminary cause of the cough has been determined.
  2. Determine the type of cough: dry or wet (read what to do if the cough does not go away for a long time).
  3. All medicines and their dosage should be assigned individually.Here it is worth taking into account the main diagnosis, concomitant diseases, symptoms, individual characteristics.Also, you should pay attention to the properties of the drugs used to avoid side effects.
Read how to take ammonia anise drops from a cough.

Find out what to do if the cough does not pass.

Feedback on the effect of radish with honey from cough: http://prolor.ru/g/bolezni-g/kashel/redka-s-medom-recept.html.

Treatment in adults

The success of treatment is to reduce the amount of sputum. This factor indicates a positive trend. Also, the positive effect of therapy will be observed when green sputum gradually acquires a light color. About recovery is said and liquefaction of sputum. All these symptoms indicate an improvement in the condition if the patient has been prescribed the following treatment:

  1. To remove nasal congestion, several times a day, rinse it with sea water. For these purposes it is worthwhile to use chemist's water, which is purified in a special way. Effective are the following drugs Humer, Aquamaris and Aqualor.
  2. It is not necessary to curb cough, as this will only slow down the process of recovery. To improve expectoration, traditional medicine will come to the rescue. The most effective is a preparation prepared on the basis of carrot seeds and sunflower seeds. They should go to a glass container, add water and alcohol in the same ratio. After that, tightly close the dishes, wait 3 days until the agent is infused. Take on the dining room bed in between meals 3 times a day.
  3. Improve the removal of green mucus will help compresses. It is best to use a pack of cooked potatoes or with a composition made from flour, mustard powder, aloe juice, alcohol and interior fat. These substances help to ease the overall health of the patient and quickly remove the green mucus.

The video describes the treatment of green sputum when coughing:

Therapy for children

Cough therapy with the removal of green mucus in young patients is made taking into account the cause of the underlying ailment. If there is a viral infection, the doctor will prescribe symptomatic treatment. Do this on time, otherwise the bacterial infection may join the virus. If the nature of the disease is known, then therapy should include the use of antibiotics. The choice of medicament should be carried out only by the attending physician. Here is described the treatment of cough with phlegm in the baby.

If the cause of cough with green sputum is bronchitis, then children are prescribed expectorant and mucolytic drugs. Their action is aimed at dilution of sputum, as a result of which it is possible to easily derive a pathological secret. It is not recommended to use antitussives, since they will not produce phlegm, but, on the contrary, will keep it in the airways.

When a cough with green sputum appeared on the background of tuberculosis, cancer, edema and pneumonia, the treatment should take place in a hospital. It is very important to diagnose the disease in time, and for the treatment to be effective, it is necessary to undergo regular check-ups.

Cough with green sputum is a very important symptom of the disease. Such a pathology can occur with or without temperature. Bacteria and harmful microorganisms can provoke an ailment. It is very important to determine the cause of the disease in time, so that all unpleasant symptoms leave the body, and a speedy recovery occurred. Perhaps you will also be useful information about the causes of cough in the morning.


What can be a strong cough with sputum

A strong cough with phlegm is always unpleasant, constant attempts to clear throat, secretion of a badly smelling liquid irritate the patient and surrounding, a similar condition occurs in different diseases, but in order for the treatment to be effective, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause disease.

Cough with phlegm is a syndrome of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, in which purulent or serous discharge accumulates in the bronchi and lungs.

Causes of cough with phlegm

1. The most common cause is viral diseases in the resolution stage, cough is not too strong, there is little sputum, it is clear and liquid, in case of bacterial infection, sputum becomes more abundant, thick, yellow or greenish in color, with an admixture pus. If after an acute respiratory viral or cold the cough has increased in the child, and there is abundant sputum, then you should carefully monitor its condition: increase body temperature, severe deterioration of the condition, frequent, severe cough suggest the spread of inflammation in the lower parts of the bronchi and lungs.

2. Sinusitis and sinusitis - inflammatory diseases of the nasal sinuses are often accompanied by a strong moist cough due to the flow of fluid in the respiratory tract. In this case, the patient has a cough without raising the body temperature, increasing in the morning hours. In such a situation, you need to treat the underlying disease, and not a symptom.

3. Bronchitis is a strong moist cough with hard-to-separate sputum, the main symptom of progressive inflammation bronchus, as the disease develops, cough becomes more severe, and sputum is released in more quantity.

4. An excruciating frequent cough with hardly-detachable sputum in a child occurs with such an infectious disease as whooping cough, This disease is characterized by very strong, painful attempts to clear the throat, possibly the occurrence of vomiting, loss of consciousness and dyspnea. If the child has an increase in body temperature, wheezing and frequent coughing attacks, it is necessary to urgently consult a pediatrician, since it is necessary to treat whooping cough in the hospital.

5. Pneumonia - frequent and severe cough, accompanied by the release of a large amount of purulent sputum, occurs with pneumonia, in In this case, a child or an adult has a sharp increase in body temperature to 39-40, weakness, chest pain and general worsening state.

6. Chronic diseases - a constant cough with phlegm, without raising the body temperature, may be a symptom of such chronic lung diseases, such as: tuberculosis, bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis, oncological processes in lungs.

7. Allergic diseases - constant irritation of the mucous membranes with allergies can trigger the appearance of a moist cough that intensifies in the morning hours with a scant separation of a transparent "glass" phlegm.


To treat a moist cough you need to start by determining the cause of its appearance. Most often it occurs due to a viral or bacterial infection, in this case, the main purpose of treatment is the removal of microorganisms from the respiratory tract, their purification and regeneration.

1. Mucolytic and expectorant drugs - dilute sputum and promote its excretion from the bronchi and lungs. In the treatment of a child most often used: Bromhexin, Ambro (Ambroxol, Ambrobene), licorice syrup, ACC, Lazolvan and other expectorant sprays or syrups.

2. It is necessary to drink a few liters of alkaline liquid per day, this will help to avoid dehydration and facilitate the excretion of phlegm.

3. Very useful physiotherapy procedures - especially when treating a child of the first years of life, consult your doctor about the possibility of prescribing physiotherapy or spend it at home - for this use warming ointments and compresses on the chest, mustard or just dry heat on the neck and breasts.

4. Folk methods - "grandmother's recipes" can be used as an additional treatment or mild forms of the disease, but, in any case, it is necessary to consult with your doctor doctor.

  • lemon with honey - mix 100 grams of honey and 1 mashed lemon, use 1 teaspoon before eating,
  • sage infusion - a full tablespoon of dry leaves pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist, dilute with the same amount of warm water or milk and drink during the day. Infusion is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating mothers,
  • juice of black radish with honey - mix 100 g of honey with the juice of 1 black radish, the dose for an adult patient - on a half-spoonful of the composition 2-3 times a day.

Treatment for a wet cough should be done under the supervision of a doctor, since only a qualified specialist can determine the cause of the disease precisely.


Tip 1: How to get rid of cough with phlegm

Coughing is a protective reaction of the body, which is necessary for cleansing the respiratory tract. There are many causes of cough, and the main one is a cold. Cough is divided into productive (cough, which allows expectoration of accumulated infectious mucus) and unproductive (dry, superficial).

You will need

  1. For the treatment of cough with sputum, prepare the following components:
  2. - ivan-da-marya;
  3. - oregano;
  4. - Aloe;
  5. - honey;
  6. - gum resin;
  7. - juice of nettle dioecious;
  8. - Mullein flowers;
  9. - root of the althea;
  10. - the root of elecampane;
  11. - liquorice root.


  1. For sputum expectoration it is useful to drink the next infusion. Take the grass of ivan-da-marya and oregano, chop, mix. Take 2 tablespoons for 250 grams of boiling water, insist half an hour and take 200 grams three times a day.
  2. Promotes the immediate withdrawal of phlegm from the decoction of aloe. Take a large leaf of aloe, pour a glass of boiling water and simmer for 2 hours on low heat, cool and mix with 300 grams of honey. Take a tablespoon three times a day, an hour after eating.
  3. Heals cough well withphlegmgum resin. Roll in balls with sugar resin gum and take 5-6 pieces at night.
  4. Helps fromcoughingfromphlegmNettle juice. Healers recommend drinking a tablespoon of nettle juice dioecious three times a day before meals.
  5. Highly effective is the next breastfeed. Take in equal amounts the flowers of the mullein, the root of the althaea, licorice, elecampane, chopped in a coffee grinder, mix. Take two teaspoons of the mixture, pour 2 cups of boiling water and simmer for 10 minutes. Insist one hour and take it? glass in a warm form every three hours.


Yellow sputum when coughing is a dangerous symptom

Cough is a symptom of a certain disease that requires immediate treatment. But, as practice shows, not always people turn in time for help to a specialist, as a result of which a large amount of mucus accumulates in the bronchi. If it is for a long time, it acquires a yellow tinge. This symptom indicates that the body is in full swing inflammatory process, which can move to other organs.

What is

By changing the color and consistency of sputum, one can judge the formation of pathological processes in the lungs. If there is clear and neobylaya sputum, then this is a clear sign of a viral disease.When it thickens and the presence of a yellow shade, it is necessary to clarify the data on the presence of bacterial infection in the lower respiratory tract.With a green shade and an unpleasant odor, stagnation of the lungs and progression of the inflammatory process are most often diagnosed. The presence of bloody veins is the first symptom of tissue decomposition in lung cancer or tuberculosis.

Without temperature

When the sputum is yellow during the cough, this is a clear sign of bronchitis (here the symptoms of purulent bronchitis are described), sinusitis (here the symptoms of purulent sinusitis are described). When a cough rarely visits the patient, but sputum is released, it is urgent to go to the clinic. Emergency help is needed when there is an impurity of blood and pus in the phlegm. After yellowness in sputum indicates the presence of pus.

Also, a cough with yellow sputum can occur in people who have a passion for smoking. The nature and shade of sputum indicates the cause of the formation of bronchitis. A yellow shade indicates that an infection has accumulated in the bronchi. Therapy of such patients should take place in a hospital at home. The scheme of treatment is determined by the doctor after the diagnosis. On the link you can read how to cure the smoker's cough.

In summary, the following diseases should be identified, during which yellow sputum is released without temperature:

  • bronchitis;
  • viral diseases;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • abscess of the lung;
  • lung cancer.

With temperature

If, in addition to yellow sputum, the patient still has a temperature rise, then this is a clear symptom of diseases such as pneumonia, tuberculosis. The temperature can also rise with the diseases mentioned above. If the indicators are not significant (up to 38 degrees), then panic early. When for a long time the temperature is above 38 degrees, and yellow sputum leaves, this is the reason for going to the doctor.

To accurately determine the nature of the inflammatory process, it is necessary to conduct a laboratory study. For these purposes, the patient surrenders his sputum, and the specialist studies it by microscopic and macroscopic methods.To conduct this analysis, you need to collect phlegm in the morning, but do not eat anything before that.Otherwise, you will not get the exact result. To ensure a minimum content of saliva, the patient must rinse the mouth with an antiseptic solution and boiled water. After this, collect the mucus in a special tank. If mucus is released in a small volume during the analysis, the patient is prescribed irritating inhalation. Here you can read more about inhalations with wet cough in children.

Get the most accurate information and the nature of yellow mucus can be with the help of bronchoscopy. It is carried out in a hospital setting. Thanks to this, it is possible to thoroughly examine the bronchi and trachea using special equipment. During this manipulation, mucus is obtained without the impurities of the bacteria of the mouth and saliva. For special cases it is necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis.

Learn how to distinguish allergic rhinitis from colds.

Here you can read what to do if watery eyes and a runny nose.

What to do if the Pershit is in the throat, folk remedies: http://prolor.ru/g/bolezni-g/pershenie/v-gorle-lechenie-narodnymi-sredstvami.html.

Therapeutic events

Treatment for cough with yellow sputum requires immediate treatment. The treatment regimen is made individually, taking into account the diagnostic results. As a rule, necessarily therapy presupposes expectorants that allow to clear lungs.

In the video - tells about the yellow sputum when coughing:

Mucolytics are used to dissolve mucus. Antibiotics are to be combated with a bacterial infection.
Thanks to mucolytics, which does not increase the amount of sputum, it is possible to dilute it and cleanse the lungs. Presented medications are prescribed for the treatment of bronchial asthma, bronchial inflammation, cystic fibrosis and other ailments of an inflammatory nature.

Expectorant medications help to excrete sputum from the upper respiratory tract, and also activate a cough reflex. To such preparations it is possible to carry:

  • Trypsin,
  • Theropsis
  • Sodium benzonate.

But do not self-treat these medicines. They are appointed by the doctor taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

To expand the bronchial tubes and mucus is easy to use it is necessary to use medications that increase the patency of the bronchi.

Eliminate the inflammatory process of the respiratory tract, one of the manifestations of which is yellow mucus, use antibiotics with a narrowly directed effect. Also in the process you can use medicines of a broad spectrum of antibacterial action.

One symptomatic therapy will not be enough, so it is absolutely necessary to carry out therapeutic measures aimed at treating the underlying ailment.

To facilitate the process of cleaning the lungs, you need to apply as much fluid as possible, moisten the air in the house, using a special device, to rest more.Such measures will improve the removal of yellow sputum and clear lungs and bronchi. If you began to worry about a fit of cough, then take a direct position. Thus, the lungs will be enlarged, and sputum will be better separated.

The video tells what it means if a dense yellow green sputum is released during coughing and the means of combating the disease are described:

To protect your body from the development of a disease that contributes to the formation of yellow sputum, you need protect your lungs from getting a different infection, you need to clean them with a special gymnastics. The complex of exercises should be compiled by your attending physician when he conducts an examination and examines the information obtained during the diagnosis. Perform the composed breathing exercises every day for 15-20 minutes.

Sputum yellow color may indicate a certain allergic reaction. In this case, the patient must take antihistamines and drugs to stabilize the membranes of mast cells. When swelling of the lungs, it is necessary to take diuretics and medications that reduce the foaminess of the sputum.

Yellow mucus is a very dangerous symptom, which indicates that the disease begins to progress. If you do not take medical measures in time, then it can end as a dangerous disease, like lung cancer. If you find the very first symptom of the disease you need to go to the clinic and undergo the necessary diagnostics. Perhaps, it will also be useful for you to know what medicines are taken with chronic bronchitis, how quickly to get rid of the common cold with folk remedies.


Than to treat a sputum?



Bromhexine helped me. in that year, she suffered from weeks 3. And these tablets have drunk and for 3 day have descended or gone


Go to the doctor! How can I be treated while sitting at the Internet !!!

Evgeny Kaleev

I also suffer from this, I do not know if it helps or not, but my mother gives me a decoction of mother-and-stepmother

Alexey Krylov

How correctly to cure cough?
The appearance of a cough almost always indicates a defeat of the airways. If the cough is accompanied by a sharp increase in body temperature (that is, for several hours / days), sickness, runny nose, pharyngitis, it is most likely that the underlying disease is one of the types of ARI (i.e., colds). Cough, which is almost the only symptom of the disease, or a cough present for a long time and not responding to treatment should always be alarming. In the case of such a cough, you need to see a doctor. So what should you do with a cold cough?

The appearance of a mild cough against the background of a cold is quite normal. In most cases, such a cough does not require any treatment and passes on its own simultaneously with the disappearance of the disease. In other cases, for example, with bronchitis, cough can be strong and persistent, with the release of viscous sputum. In such a situation, sputum liquefaction treatment may be necessary and very effective. How to treat a cough?

First: try to drink as much liquid as possible - copious drink restores the body's water balance, disturbed by the disease, and in many ways contributes to the liquefaction of sputum. When coughing, sore throat, pharyngitis is especially useful to drink alkaline mineral water (for example, Borjomi), the chemical composition of which also facilitates the recovery of sputum and acceleration of recovery. It is recommended to enrich the food with light, but high-calorie food, as well as vegetables and fruits.

The second: for colds and coughs it is useful to conduct a course of inhalations. Inhalations are shown to older children and adults, to children of early age (up to 3-4 years) inhalation is better not to conduct - this can cause them to suffocate. To prepare inhalation, take a tablespoon of leaves of mother-and-stepmother, chamomile, sage, thyme and pour them with boiling water in any voluminous vessel. In the infusion add a teaspoon of baking soda and a few drops of menthol or eucalyptus oil. Such inhalation can be carried out several times a day.

Third: with persistent cough with viscous sputum (most likely it is tracheitis or bronchitis), it is recommended to take medications for expectoration of expectoration: expectorants and mucolytic agents. The list of these drugs we have already considered in the article on the treatment of cough in children (see. "How to treat cough in children?").
Many of these drugs are also available in adult forms or can be used in adults at a certain dosage. We recommend to pay attention to herbal medicines, as well as such mucolytics as Ambroxol (Lozolvan), Bromhexine, ACTS (acetylcysteine).
Mucolytics drugs are taken in case there is sputum, but it is viscous and therefore excreted with difficulty.
Expectorants should be taken when a small amount of sputum is produced during cough (scant sputum) - these agents stimulate secretion sputum with bronchial glands at the same time, making it more fluid, and also strengthen the cough reflex - it helps to clear the airways for colds or bronchitis.
Antitussives can be prescribed only by the attending physician. These drugs can cause serious adverse reactions. The modern and safest drug from this group is the Kodelak phyto, which has a complex effect: makes the cough more rare, but more productive and therefore less painful and more effective. Kodelak phyto is used mainly with a strong dry cough, which sometimes occurs against the background of influenza or other ARI. This drug is suitable for treating both children and adults. Reception of this drug is stopped when sputum appears (usually on day 2-3 of the common cold).
Expectorant and mucolytic cough remedies can not be taken simultaneously with antitussive drugs for coughing - this can lead to blockage of bronchial tubes with phlegm.
Before you start any of these medications, we recommend that you read the contents of the instructions for using the medication carefully. If, in spite of the treatment undertaken, cough

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