Chlamydial pneumonia

Chlamydial pneumonia: symptoms and treatment

Chlamydia are parasitic bacteria. There are several types: Chlamydia muridarum, Chlamydia pecorum, Chlamydia trachomatis, Chlamydia sui, hlamydia psittaci, Chlamydophila, Chlamydia pneumoniae. Chlamydial pneumonia, the symptoms and treatment of which we now consider, is an inflammation of the lungs, the causative agents of which are microbes-chlamydia.

The causative agents of chlamydial pneumonia can cause in addition to pneumonia also rhinitis, acute bronchitis, bronchial asthma, atherosclerosis. Chlamydia develop over a period of 48-72 hours. In adults, this disease occurs rarely, more often in children and adolescents (about 10%). Deaths are approximately 9%. The source of infection of the disease are both healthy and sick people. Can be transmitted by airborne (with sneezing, coughing, runny nose, conversation) and contact method. You can get infected by aspirating. Can manifest as acute or slow. Mostly begins with a rise in fever and a headache. One or two weeks the incubation period lasts.

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Chlamydial pneumonia: symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of Chlamydia pneumonia:

1. a runny nose as a symptom of chlamydial pneumonia;

2. temperature increase;

3. lethargy, loss of strength, irritability;

4. dyspnea;

5. chills as a symptom of chlamydial pneumonia;

6. headache;

7. intoxication, nausea, vomiting as symptoms of chlamydial pneumonia;

8. feelings of perspiration in the throat;

9. red throat;

10. a strong dry cough with time passing into the wet with the discharge of purulent or bloody sputum;

11. wheezing in the chest as symptoms of chlamydial pneumonia.

Chlamydial pneumonia: treatment of the disease

Chlamydia pneumonia is often confused with a common cold, which further aggravates the treatment and often causes complications. Coryza and cough mostly appear on the first day of the disease. From the nasopharynx appear mucopurulent discharge. At the slightest symptoms of chlamydial pneumonia, we advise you to consult the doctor immediately. Determine this disease using the X-ray method (in the picture you can see small-focal pneumonia), immunological (the definition of antigens pathogen with antibodies), cytological (laboratory analysis of smears) and microbiological studies (determination of pure culture pathogen).

In the treatment of chlamydial pneumonia, antibiotics from the genus tetracyclines (doxycycline), macrolides (azithromycin, erythromycin) and fluoroquinolones (lefofloxacin) are used. Pregnant women and children are prescribed only macrolides, and the nursery children are treated with erythromycin. The course of taking antibiotics lasts from 10 to 21 days. At treatment do not forget about a bed mode, plentiful drink, respiratory gymnastics.

Pneumonia caused by chlamydia

What is pneumonia, caused by chlamydia? If chlamydia enters the body of an adult, the genitourinary system suffers from it in the first place. Chlamydial conjunctivitis is most common in young children or adolescents.The initial symptoms are manifested in the form of a cold, which is accompanied by a cough.The disease begins to progress with time, but adults do not notice that chlamydia develops bronchitis in a child. The consequence of the disease is pneumonia. This disease can affect children from six months (up to adolescence). Adults get sick when they have a weak immune system.

The cause of the disease

In total, there are three types of disease, each of which is characterized by hematogenous spread. Through the respiratory tract a person becomes infected from a sick person. Few suspect that the parasites belonging to the Australian or Long-tailed are considered vectors of the disease, as well as macaws. Sometimes the disease affects pigeons, turkeys and ducks. Every year a large number of people suffer from the disease. The disease most often affects smokers men. The disease is revealed in children and young people. In rare cases, it occurs in the elderly.

In women, during pregnancy sick, most often unhealthy children are born. Many newborns have symptoms of conjunctivitis, then this ailment passes into nasopharyngitis. For some babies, whose mother is sick with chlamydia, the development of pneumonia is typical at 8 weeks. Children who have symptoms of chlamydial nasopharyngitis suffer from pneumonia.

Transmission of the disease

Among the viruses and bacteria there is a hybrid, which is an intracellular parasite. It's chlamydia. After entering the human body, it affects the cell membrane and its space.

The causative agent is fed by the resources of the cell and its energy. Over the years, chlamydia pneumonia live by human cells. Antibacterial drugs can not destroy them, as the parasites develop resistance.

Respiratory infections are characterized by a protracted course. In addition to adults, chlamydial pneumonia often occurs in newborn infants, and it is different in the pathogen. If the woman had a clamidiosis before pregnancy, there is a possibility that the baby, who is under 6 months old, will get an ailment.

The disease comes through the amniotic fluid that is infected with the infection. The mucous membranes of a baby inside the womb are exposed to a fluid containing pathogens. The child may be prone to the disease during labor, while passing through the birth canal.

When a newborn is infected with chlamydia, conjunctivitis and acute respiratory disease eventually develop. Pneumonia is considered a fairly common ailment having complications of infantile chlamydia.

The main symptoms of the disease

This infection is practically not accompanied by any symptoms. In most cases, there is a development of severe pneumonia or bronchitis, which is typical for children with an existing infection, young people and adolescents. If older people become ill with this type of ailment, there are often serious complications. The incubation period is about 3-4 weeks. The disease is characterized by gradual development. First organs such as the nose and mouth are affected, and the sensation occurs, as if a person fell ill with rhinitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis and sinusitis. After 1-4 weeks, the patient develops pneumonia. Chlamydial infection differs from mycoplasma by such indicators as:
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • the paranasal sinuses become inflamed and become painful;
  • there is a headache that does not go away.

The first few days after the disease occur with fever, but it can last up to one or more weeks until the disease goes into the advanced stage. After pneumonia has reached a high level, the body temperature normalizes. For patients with such ailment, as pneumonia chlamydial, is characterized by the presence of cough: dry or in some cases with phlegm in a small amount. Cough manifests itself within a few weeks, in some cases - up to several months. Antibiotics do not affect this symptom. In the lungs, in the majority of cases, wet and dry rales are heard. The presence of a single subsegmental non-homogeneous infiltrate occupying the lower lobes of organs was detected in pictures of patients.

The defeat of extensive foci is observed in rare cases, but the presence of a distress syndrome, which is accompanied by an acute respiratory appearance, has been revealed. In 20-25% of cases, accompanied by a pleural effusion. For 3 or more months, the presence of a residual phenomenon is available on radiographs. Pneumonia is accompanied by otitis, endocarditis, encephalitis, nodosa erythema, as well as exacerbation or bronchial asthma. At the 3rd week of the life of the child, the symptoms of pneumonia are characterized by such ailment as the syndrome of afebrile pneumonia.

This disease develops gradually: first appears tachypnea, and then - cough. The baby's appetite disappears, he begins to be capricious, the surrounding factors irritate him. In rare cases, there is an increase in body temperature (however, it remains subfebrile). Sometimes there is a cough. It is mostly jerky and dry, but every cough push is accompanied by a short sigh. During listening to the lungs, scattered, sonorous and wet rales are noted, having a finely bubbly character.

The presence of dry wheezing is mostly not detected. Many children who are ill with this disease, suffer from conjunctivitis and changes that occur in the middle ear. During the radiographs in the lungs, the transparency of the pulmonary fields is usually seen, the presence of infiltrates in bilateral bilateral interstitial view. A general blood test is characterized by the accompaniment of eosinophilia.


Treatment of the disease

For the treatment of pneumonia, which is caused by pathogens such as chlamydia, it is recommended to use antibiotics, developed by modern technology. The best medicines are the medicines of the last generation. Treatment with agents such as tetracyclines, fluoroquinolones, and macrolides is performed depending on the age of the patient. Experts recommend using powerful symptomatic therapy and restorative means. If an ailment is found in young children, inpatient treatment is necessary.

In many cases, after the disease with Chlamydia infection, there are lethal outcomes observed in young children. This is due to hidden and unmanifested symptoms, it is difficult to detect the presence of hlomidia.

With careful treatment of infants and older children it is possible to get rid of the disease forever.


Pneumonia chlamydia is a dangerous ailment for a person, so treatment should be taken seriously. Be healthy!

Pneumonia caused by chlamydia

It is now established that 3 types of chlamydia play a role in the development of pneumonia.

  1. Chlamydia pneumoniae causes pneumonia, bronchitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, otitis.
  2. Chlamydia trachomatis is the causative agent of urogenital chlamydiosis and trachoma, causes pneumonia in newborns, and in adults it is extremely rare. Female genitalia are the reservoir and source of urogenital chlamydial infection. It is localized in the cervix in 5-13% of pregnant women, can be transmitted to a newborn and cause it trachoma and pneumonia (usually at the age of 6 months). Ch. trachomatis causes the development of urethritis (in men and women), cervicitis and other pelvic inflammatory diseases, that with prolonged persistence of the pathogen leads to the formation of cicatricial changes in the fallopian tubes and infertility. LI, L2, L3-serotypes of Ch. trachomatis cause the same venereal lymphogranuloma.
  3. Chlamydia psittaci is the causative agent of ornithosis (psittacosis).

In accordance with the life cycle, two forms of the existence of chlamydia within the cells are distinguished:

  • Elementary corpuscle (about 300 nm in size) is an infectious, pathogenic form capable of penetrating into the cell, formed 20-30 hours after the penetration of clavidia into the cell. When the cell wall breaks, newly formed infectious elementary particles are released;
  • reticular (mesh) bodies - non-infectious form; in this case, chlamydia are metabolically active, capable of division, but at the same time are non-pathogenic. Reticular bodies come from elementary bodies.
Code for ICD-10 J16.0 Pneumonia caused by chlamydia

Pneumonia caused by Chlamydia pneumoniae

Infections caused by Chl. pneumoniae, are widespread. At the age of 20, specific antibodies to Chl. pneumoniae are found in half of the examined, with an increase in age - in 80% of men and 70% of women. Chl.pneumoniae causes the development of acute or chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, pharyngitis, sinuititis, inflammation of the middle ear. In addition, the role of Chl is now discussed. pneumoniae in the etiology of bronchial asthma, atherosclerosis, acute endo- and myocarditis, sarkovidosis, arthritis.

Chl infection. pneumoniae is transmitted from person to person by airborne droplets.

Clinical Features

Most often, young people are ill (5-35 years old). In this age group Chl. pneumoniae as the cause of pneumonia ranked second after Mycoplasma pneumoniae.

Clinical picture of pneumonia caused by Chl. pneumoniae, is similar to the clinic of mycoplasmal pneumonia. The disease begins with a dry cough, at first it is stubborn, unproductive, then - with the separation of sputum. The body temperature rises, it is usually subfebrile, although it can be high, but it is not accompanied by chills. Disturbing headache, muscle pain, general weakness, but intoxication is not clearly expressed, the general condition is mild. Characteristic is the presence of pharyngitis. With auscultation of the lungs dry scattered rales are heard, and rarer - small bubbling rales in a certain area of ​​the lungs (mainly in the lower parts).

In 10-15% of patients, the disease is severe, with a marked intoxication syndrome, an increase in the liver, spleen.

Radiologic examination reveals mainly interstitial changes, perivascular, peribronchial infiltration, enhancement of pulmonary pattern. However, it is possible to have focal and infiltrative darkening. Quite often, clear radiographic changes may be absent.

A general analysis of peripheral blood reveals leukopenia and increased ESR.

Diagnostic criteria

When making a diagnosis it is necessary to consider the following main points:

  • young age of patients (5-35 years), first of all adolescents and young adults are ill;
  • persistent prolonged cough;
  • presence of a pharyngitis and bronchitis clinic;
  • X-ray examination of the lungs reveals mainly interstitial changes, an X-ray negative variant is possible;
  • revealing Chl. pneumoniae in sputum with the use of immunofluorescent method and polymerase chain reaction; positive sputum culture results on the environment with chicken embryos;
  • the growth of antibody titres to legionella in the blood of a patient in paired sera (10-12 days from the first study).

Pneumonia caused by Chlamydia psittaci (psittacosis, ornithosis)

Chlamydia psittaci is found in parrots, domestic birds (ducks, turkeys), pigeons, canaries, some sea birds (in some species of gulls).

Infection is transmitted mainly by aerosol (inhalation of dust from feathers or excrement of infected birds). The causative agent of psittacosis can persist for a month in a dry bird litter. In rare cases, infection occurs through droplets of a patient's saliva when coughing. It is reported about the possibility of sexual transmission.

If the source of infection are parrots, talk about psittacosis, if other birds - the disease is called ornithosis.

Clinical Features

The incubation period of the disease is 1-3 weeks. Then the clinical picture of the disease develops. In most patients, it begins acutely. The body temperature rises rapidly (up to 39 ° C and above), chills are observed, severe intoxication develops (severe headache, pronounced general weakness, myalgia, appetite disappears, repeated vomiting). From 3-4 days there is a dry cough, later mucopurulent sputum is separated, sometimes with an admixture of blood. Disturbing pain in the chest, worse with breathing and coughing.

With percussion of the lungs, dullness of percussion sound is detected (not always), with auscultation - hard breathing, finely bubbling, often dry rales. These physical signs are most often detected in the lower lobe on the right.

Almost half of the patients have an increase in the liver and spleen.

Perhaps a serious course of the disease with the defeat of the nervous system (inhibition, meningeal syndrome, sometimes nonsense).

Priroentgenological examination of the lungs mainly determines the interstitial lesion (strengthening and deformation of the pulmonary pattern) and the expansion of the roots of the lungs. Against this background, small foci of inflammatory infiltration can also be detected.

In the general analysis of peripheral blood, leukopenia is detected (in most patients), less often - the number of leukocytes normal or increased (leukocytosis shows a shift of the leukocyte formula to the left), there is an increase ESR.

A rise in body temperature, clinical manifestations of the disease and radiological changes can last about 4-6 weeks.

Diagnostic criteria

When making a diagnosis, the following basic points should be taken into account:

  • instructions in the anamnesis for domestic or professional contact with birds (the disease often occurs in workers of poultry farms, pigeon breeders, poultry farmers, etc.);
  • acute onset of the disease with a marked syndrome of intoxication, fever, cough with the subsequent development of pneumonia;
  • absence of symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection (rhinitis, tracheitis);
  • predominantly interstitial changes in the lungs during X-ray examination;
  • leukopenia in combination with an increase in ESR;
  • the determination in the blood of a patient of antibodies to Chlamydia psittaci by the complement fixation reaction. Diagnostic value have a titer: 6 2 and higher, or an increase in antibody titers 4 times or more in the study of paired sera.

Where does it hurt?

Pain in the chest Pain in the chest in children

What's bothering you?

Shortness of breath Coughing Body temperature High fever in a child Crying in the lungs

What it is necessary to survey?


How to inspect?

X-ray of the lungs Examination of the respiratory (lung) organs Computed tomography of the chest Study of bronchi and trachea

What tests are needed?

Sputum analysis General blood test Express diagnosis of urogenital chlamydiosis Chlamydia: detection of Chlamydia trachomatis

Who to contact?


Treatment of pneumonia caused by chlamydia

In the development of pneumonia, three types of chlamydia play a role:

  • Chl. psittaci - causative agent of ornithosis;
  • Chl. trachomatis - causative agent of urogenital chlamydosis and trachoma that causes pneumonia in newborns;
  • Chl. pneumoniae is a causative agent of pneumonia with 2 subspecies: TW-183 and AR-39.

With pneumonia caused by chlamydia, new macrolides (azithromycin, roxithromycin, clarithromycin) and fluoroquinolones are highly effective. Alternative drugs are tetracyclines.

  • Pneumonia - Treatment regimen and nutrition
  • Antibacterial drugs for the treatment of pneumonia
  • Pathogenetic treatment of pneumonia
  • Symptomatic treatment of pneumonia
  • Fighting complications of acute pneumonia
  • Physiotherapy, exercise therapy, respiratory gymnastics with pneumonia
  • Sanatorium treatment and rehabilitation for pneumonia

In addition to treatment

Physiotherapy for pneumonia What to do with pneumonia? Antibiotics for pneumonia Than to treat? Tavanik

How to treat chlamydial pneumonia

Chlamydial pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs caused by chlamydia - a parasitic bacteria that masks the disease for an ordinary cold, which greatly complicates its diagnosis. With proper and timely treatment, this disease does not lead to serious complications, so it is not worthwhile to delay visiting a doctor.


  1. Chlamydial pneumonia develops within 48-72 hours and most often affects children and adolescents. This disease is transmitted by contact and airborne droplets, manifested as a slow and acute, and the death rate from it is about 9%. Usually chlamydial pneumonia begins with a headache and a high fever, while its incubation period lasts from one to two weeks. At the same time, a runny nose, chills, lethargy, irritability, loss of strength, nausea and vomiting are noted. In addition, the patient has reddening of the throat, wheezing in the chest, and also a dry, violent cough alternating with a wet cough, with the release of bloody or purulent sputum.
  2. The clinical picture of this disease is difficult to determine with maximum accuracy due to its inadequate study and asymptomatic / low-symptom flow, reminiscent of mycoplasmal pneumonia. The pronounced hyperemia of the pharynx and the pain during swallowing are not very common, in addition, approximately third of patients with chlamydial pneumonia, there is an osseous voice and an unproductive paroxysmal cough.
  3. It is rather difficult to diagnose chlamydial pneumonia - pulmonary fluography most often reveals small-focal infiltration processes, and a blood test for elevated white blood cell count and leukocyte count usually does not show a way out norms. The most reliable way to diagnose chlamydial pneumonia today is the laboratory isolation of chlamydia.
  4. This type of diagnostics is today considered to be the most sensitive and specific method allowing to detect chlamydial pneumonia and prescribe treatment in the form of immunomodulatory therapy and antibiotics. This disease is treated with antibacterial drugs from a number of fluoroquinols ("Levofloxacin"), macrolides ("Erythromycin "Azithromycin") and tetracyclines ("Doxycycline"). In this case, infants are assigned only erythromycin preparations, and pregnant women - macrolides. Simultaneously with the course of antibiotic therapy, lasting for 10 to 21 days, patients should comply with bed rest, drink a lot and regularly do respiratory gymnastics.

Chlamydia pneumonia

Chlamydia pneumoniaIs an intracellular parasite, which is something between the virus and the bacterium, capable of provoking diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

How is chlamydia pneumonia transmitted?

It is worth saying that such chlamydia can be in the human body for years and gradually develop immunity to various antibacterial drugs. Most people believe that such a disease is most often transmitted sexually, but, in fact, this species can enter the human body by airborne or by domestic route. That's why you should be extremely cautious when dealing with infected people.

Symptoms of Chlamydia pneumonia

Most often, the incubation period of the disease can last from one week to a month. After this, the following symptoms may appear:

  • sinusitis;
  • coryza;
  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • short-term temperature increase;
  • the appearance of a dry cough;
  • constant fatigue;
  • headache.

In order to determine atypical pneumonia, caused by chlamydia, you need to undergo a proper examination. The patient takes a smear from the pharynx, collects sputum, and also makes a blood test for chlamydia pneumonia.

Once the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor must prescribe the proper treatment without which complications may appear. For example, otitis or tonsillitis may develop, and the worst is encephalitis or endocarditis.

Treatment of chlamydia pneumonia

So, what can be treated with chlamydia pneumonia? In this disease, the drugs of the broad-spectrum spectrum are most often prescribed. The most commonly prescribed antibiotics for the following group:

  • tetracyclines;
  • macrolides;
  • fluoroquinolones.

Macrolides do not give bacteria development, they block their reproduction and cell growth, and tetracyclines - have a bacteriostatic effect. The drugs of the macrolide group include the following:

  • Azithromycin;
  • Roxithromycin;
  • Clarithromycin.

Applied in the treatment of this disease and Doxycycline, which must take at least 10-14 days. Also use drugs that strengthen the body's immunity in general.

As preventive measures it is necessary:

  1. Avoid contact with patients and possible disease vectors.
  2. Wash your hands often.
  3. Do not use public utensils, for example, utensils and personal hygiene products.
  4. Strengthen the body's immunity.

What is chlamydia pneumonia? Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of SARS

Chlamydia pneumonia is a small intracellular parasite, which after penetration into the body often provokes certain diseases of the respiratory system. It is worth noting that such an infection often becomes the cause of SARS. That's why many are interested in questions about how infection occurs and what are the main symptoms of pneumonia.

Chlamydia pneumonia: transmission routes of infection

As mentioned above, chlamydia are small parasitic organisms, which represent something between the virus and the bacterium. In fact, such a microbe can live for years in the cells of human tissues, gradually developing immunity to most antibacterial drugs.

It is interesting that such an infection is most often associated with venereal diseases. But chlamydia pneumonia is a special strain of bacteria that affects the respiratory system. By the way, children and adolescents under the age of 15 are more likely to have similar diseases. As for the adult population, a severe atypical form of pneumonia is possible only with a strong weakening of the immune system.

If we talk about the ways of transmission, it is worth noting that pathogenic microorganisms stand out together with the saliva and mucus of the sick person. Thus, chlamydia pneumonia is transmitted through the air during contact with the infected. It is also possible to infect the child's body during intrauterine development or childbirth.

Chlamydia pneumonia: symptoms of atypical inflammation

Atypical pneumonia is a very dangerous disease. After all, with usual inflammation, there is a fever, a strong cough and chest pain. But with the chlamydial form of the disease, the clinical picture is smeared, which makes the diagnosis more difficult.

Typically, the incubation period lasts from 1 to 4 weeks. Only after this, the first symptoms of the disease appear. This is a runny nose, sinusitis, sometimes laryngitis or pharyngitis. At this stage, a brief increase in body temperature is possible.

Only after a few weeks there is a dry obsessive cough, in which only a small amount of viscous sputum is released. And since there is no fever, many patients do not even go to the doctor. Symptoms can also include permanent fatigue and headaches.

Chlamydia pneumonia: treatment and diagnosis of inflammation

Certainly, for the beginning the doctor should put the exact diagnosis, and it is possible only after careful diagnostics. In any case, only a specialist knows what chlamydia pneumonia is. Symptoms, treatment is determined only by him. To identify the causative agent, sputum sampling, a pharyngeal swab and a blood test for antibodies are performed.

As mentioned above, these microorganisms can be insensitive to most antibacterial drugs, so treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics is not always effective. It is to determine the sensitivity to these or other drugs that laboratory testing and research is conducted culture of the pathogen - during testing, specialists usually can determine the appropriate medicament. Therapy includes the use of expectorants, as well as specific antibiotics and macrolides, in particular preparations "Erythromycin" Spiramycin "and" Azithromycin ".

In the absence of qualified medical care, chlamydia pneumonia can provoke a number of dangerous complications, beginning with otitis and tonsillitis and ending with the development of bronchial asthma, encephalitis and endocarditis.

Pneumonia: the cause of all chlamydia

Inflammation of the lungs, or pneumonia, is a dangerous condition that poses a serious threat to human health. Having mainly bacterial origin, this disease affects the alveoli, small bronchi and bronchioles, forming foci of the respiratory part of the lungs.

Chlamydial pneumonia, as the name suggests, is caused by chlamydia. It is well known that the causative agents of this form of pneumonia can be three kinds of bacteria: Chlamydia trachomatis, Chlamydophila psittaci and Chlamydophila pneumoniae. The latter is the cause of the development of "atypical" pneumonia. The development of bacteria in the patient's body occurs within 48-72 hours. Chlamydial pneumonia is predominantly a childhood disease, although it occurs in adults. Death due to the development of the disease occurs in 9% of cases. There are several ways to transmit chlamydial pneumonia:

  • airborne (with coughing, sneezing, runny nose, talking with a person with these symptoms);
  • contact;
  • Aspiration (ingress of foreign substances into the respiratory tract).

As with most diseases, acute and chronic forms of pneumonia are isolated.

Symptoms of Chlamydia pneumonia

The incubation period of the disease is 1-2 weeks. K, caused by chlamydia, include:

  • heat;
  • chills;
  • coryza;
  • dyspnea;
  • headache;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • a feeling of perspiration in the throat;
  • reddened throat;
  • attacks of dry cough, with time passing into wet;
  • wheezing in the chest;
  • general weakness;
  • irritability.

Symptoms of chlamydial pneumonia are similar in many respects to the common cold. Therefore, often the patient has improper treatment, which can lead to complications. The first day of the disease chlamydial pneumonia is characterized by a runny nose, cough and mucopurulent discharge from the nasopharynx. If any of these symptoms are detected, it is strongly recommended that you consult a doctor for a correct and timely diagnosis.

Diagnosis of chlamydial pneumonia

Diagnostic measures aimed at detecting chlamydial pneumonia include:

  • Radiography (allows to see small-focal pneumonia);
  • Immunological study (in which antigens are determined by bacteria using antibodies);
  • cytological examination (analysis of smears in laboratory conditions);
  • microbiological examination (in which the pure culture of the pathogen is determined).

Treatment of chlamydial pneumonia

Taking into account the peculiarities of bacterial pathogen development, an effective method of treatment as part of drug therapy is the use of antimicrobial agents. Their choice is due to the ability of the substances that make up these drugs to penetrate and accumulate in the affected cells, as well as block the intracellular protein synthesis. The group of such drugs include macrolides, fluoroquinolones and tetracyclines. Of this number, the most effective and safe are macrolides (azithromycin, erythromycin, clarithromycin, spiromycin and josamycin). Help in the chlamydia-induced fluoroquinolones, namely the representatives of the group: moxifloxacin (avelox) and levofloxacin (tavanic). Both agents are distinguished by the ability to suppress pathogenic flora, which causes the development of pneumonia.

In the treatment of chlamydial pneumonia, tetracyclines also proved effective, although these drugs have contraindications: pregnancy and liver failure. The group of these drugs include doxycycline and monocycline.

Antimicrobial therapy for chlamydial pneumonia should be continued for 2-3 weeks, not less. If this requirement is not fulfilled, then a relapse of the disease is possible, because it will simply remain untreated. With a mild course of the disease, preference is given to the oral administration of antibiotics, while in severe form, the medications are recommended intravenously.

It should be noted that the treatment should be comprehensive and include also drugs designed to correct the immune reaction of the body. Immonomodulators serve this purpose, namely lycopid, rhoncoleukin, timogen and thymalin.

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