Heel bruise: how much does it hurt and how to treat it?


  • 1How to treat a bruised heel and how many passes?
    • 1.1Signs and symptoms of injury
    • 1.2First aid with heel bruise
    • 1.3Folk methods of treatment of injury
    • 1.4Possible complications
  • 2Heel bruise how to treat at home photo and video
    • 2.1Causes of trauma
    • 2.2First signs
    • 2.3Symptoms with a bruise
    • 2.4How is diagnostics performed?
    • 2.5First Aid
    • 2.6How is the treatment performed?
    • 2.7Medicines
    • 2.8Physiotherapy
    • 2.9Folk methods
    • 2.10What can be after a bruise?
    • 2.11Prevention
  • 3Heel bruise - the main symptoms and proper treatment
    • 3.1The main causes of a heel injury
    • 3.2Signs and Symptoms
    • 3.3Diagnostics
    • 3.4First aid in getting a heel injury
    • 3.5Treating the Traumatized Heel
    • 3.6Compression with a bruised heel
    • 3.7Foot baths with a bruised heel
    • 3.8Physiotherapeutic procedures
    • 3.9Traditional medicine in helping to treat heel trauma
    • 3.10Heel recovery after injury and prevention
  • 4How to treat a heel bruise after a jump
    • 4.1Causes of bruises
    • 4.2Symptoms of trauma
    • 4.3First aid with heel bruise
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.4Treatment
    • 4.5Physiotherapeutic procedures and their meaning
    • 4.6ethnoscience
  • 5Heel Injury Treatment
    • 5.1Symptoms of a heel injury
    • 5.2First aid with heel bruise
    • 5.3Heel Injury Treatment
    • 5.4Folk remedies for heel bruise treatment

How to treat a bruised heel and how many passes?

A heel bruise is one of the most common injuries that often occurs after a simple unsuccessful jump or after a sharp landing on your feet.

In the process of injury, the integrity of the skin is usually not disturbed, internal tissues and bone are damaged, which causes serious discomfort and pain.

It is for this reason that when there is such trouble as a bruise of the heel, treatment at home should be carried out necessarily.

Signs and symptoms of injury

Modern medicine distinguishes several varieties of different calcaneus diseases. Treatment of them is carried out according to an individual scheme, therefore it is important to distinguish the pathology data from a bruise.

Among the main symptoms can be noted:

  1. Bruise and severe internal hemorrhage, which arise because of severe trauma to soft internal tissues with numerous blood vessels. It is the formation of the hematoma that indicates that the heel hurts because of a bruise.
  2. Slight swelling and swelling. This symptom occurs due to a serious violation of blood flow in the place of injury. If you do not take any measures, there is a risk of colliding with the formation of a cone, which will be a sign of neglect of the injury.
  3. Strong pain, caused by the stratification of tissues and blood, which gets into them. This symptom is caused by the nerve endings.

As a consequence of all the above symptoms, a person is disturbed by the gait, it is difficult for him to step on his aching leg.

The main danger of a heel bruise is that similar symptoms are accompanied by a fracture of the calcaneus. It is for this reason, after first aid, you must immediately visit a specialist who will establish a more accurate diagnosis.

Many are interested in how to determine a bruise or heel fracture. It is impossible to do it yourself.

For this, it will be necessary to conduct an X-ray study, only so you can understand whether the heel bone or not.

Some differences can differ only in pain.

If there is a bruise of the heel, the pain is initially very strong and sharp, and after a while it becomes aching, more dull and throbbing.

With a heel fracture or a crack, the development of pain progresses more and more, it does not decrease less, no matter how much time has passed, it only intensifies even more.

For the reason that each person has a pain threshold that is individual, diagnosing the disease costs, many simply not absolutely sensitive to a pain can go with a broken heel, until some serious pathology.

It is also impossible to distinguish between the hematoma. Bruising can be different, since every person has a different vascular density. here also the age of a person matters.

First aid with heel bruise

Immediately after the injury you need to start to decide how to treat the bruise of the heel after the jump. Before taking a doctor, a traumatologist needs to take certain first-aid measures.

Typically, the leg is pierced by severe pain, and to stop it, you need to apply special methods of emergency care:

  1. The injured leg should be placed strictly in a horizontal position. In this case, the heel should be slightly higher than the entire leg as a whole. This will help to avoid possible edema.
  2. It is necessary to immediately make an ice compress, with the help of which it is possible to reduce the amount of blood penetrating into the tissue. It can be ice from a freezer or a product, as well as snow on the street. It is desirable to combine cold with a tight bandage. This procedure not only effectively stops the process of hemorrhage in the tissue, but also causes a slight spasm of the vessels, which will cause pain relief.
  3. With severe pain, you cantake conventional pain medication.

These are relatively simple measures that will not only facilitate the general condition, but will also simplify the subsequent treatment. It depends on the therapy directly determines how much the bruise of the heel passes.

Once a specialist has established an accurate diagnosis, he will understand what to do next, under what scheme to conduct therapy. If there was a bruise of the heel after the jump, after how much the disease passes, will depend on the treatment.

If a fracture was not found after the examination, the professional assigns certain procedures and advises methods of folk treatment that can be carried out independently at home conditions.

The basic rules of therapy aimed at treating the injury of the heel are the use of compresses with modern anti-inflammatory drugs or formulations.

Foot baths are carried out, in more complex cases it is required to undergo a small course of physiotherapeutic procedures that help if it hurts to step on the heel after a bruise.

Particular attention is paid to compresses with drugs. These procedures quickly remove swelling, as blood quickly dissolves in the damaged area.

You need to use those funds that are prescribed by a doctor. He will rely on the features and severity of the injury, on the results of the analyzes received and on the individual characteristics of the organism.

As a rule, such tools are used as:

  • Traumeel;
  • Dimexide;
  • Heparin;
  • Romazulin;
  • mixture of potassium permanganate and salt.

As a supplement throughout the day, special gels and ointments are used to reduce swelling.For this purpose, medical products such as Lyoton, Indovazin, Dolobene, Levomikol.

Funds are applied strictly on a dry and clean foot. The composition is left on the leg until the drug is completely absorbed, that is, the dressing is not recommended.

No less effective with a bruised heel foot warm baths with sea salt or potassium permanganate. To fix the result after the bath to the bruised place, apply any anti-inflammatory agent.

Such activities are best used before bedtime, so as not to burden your leg any more.

If a severe bruise has been identified by the results of the examination, if it is started or the therapy was not scheduled in time, the doctor prescribes a course of specialized physiotherapeutic procedures.

Among the most popular it is possible to note:

  1. Magnet therapy. This is a fairly effective procedure that accelerates the healing process of soft and bony tissues. The essence of this technique is that the affected area is affected by magnetic fields. The method has an antispasmodic effect, activates the process of tissue regeneration, and also has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. Blood in the vessels circulates much more effectively after applying this procedure.
  2. Ultrasound therapy. This is a procedure that causes microvibration, stimulating a quick and full resorption of the hematoma with a simultaneous decrease in edema and swelling of the foot. Nutrition of tissues due to stimulation of blood and lymph circulation is much better.
  3. Phonophoresis. This is a method that is a bit like the general ultrasound therapy. The only difference is that a drug, which has the appearance of an ointment or solution, is applied to the surface of the contusion first. This greatly enhances the positive effect of ultrasound.

Following the instructions of a specialist will help to avoid various complications, getting rid of them will be much more difficult than simply bruising.

Folk methods of treatment of injury

The principle of treating heel bruise with folk remedies is quite simple.The main therapy is aimed at reducing the volume of blood between tissues.

Once a specialist completely excludes a fracture of the calcaneus, the patient is sent home, where he must comply with bed rest and treat the leg with various folk remedies.

As soon as the main symptoms of bruising leave in the form of pain and severe edema, the treatment will be based on heating. The most simple methods here are compresses with gauze soaked in warm water or applying a warm water bottle.

No less effective compresses on alcohol, they greatly accelerate the resorption of the hematoma.

There are many other effective folk methods of treatment that can help quickly get rid of unpleasant and painful symptoms of a bruised heel:

  1. Compresses from fresh cabbage leafwell help with a bruised heel. The main thing beforehand is to stretch out a little before the appearance of juice. On the leg, the leaves are fixed using a conventional patch.
  2. Vegetable oil mixed with a small amount of vinegar and boiled with water, previously taken in equal proportions. In the resulting solution, the natural material is wetted and applied to the heel. On top of such a compress it is desirable to wrap it with cellophane, and then with a warm cloth.
  3. The bruise of the heel can be treated with fresh wormwood and oak bark. The components are taken in equal volumes, thoroughly crushed and filled with boiling water. After the mixture is infused for several hours, it can be applied to the site of the injury in the form of a normal compress. Also these components can be added to the water for taking a foot bath.
  4. At the stage of recovery it is very useful to rub the place of injury. For this purpose,a small amount of camphor alcohol, which has an excellent warming effect, and also removes the process of inflammation.
  5. Ideally prevents and quickly removes swelling, bruising and bruisingherb. Raw materials must be ground to powder before use, mixed with hot water to produce gruel and taken in the very first hours after injury.
  6. Can be usedboiled softened beans.

In addition to conventional therapies, heel bruising can be effectively treated with folk remedies.

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Many of them are classified as harmless, that is, the methods presented to attention do not cause side effects. Despite this, before using it is worth consulting with your doctor.

Possible complications

If the heel bruise is not treated for a long time, there is a risk that the gait will change greatly, as it will simply hurt to attack it. Such protection against pain through time automatically leads to lameness, which can become chronic.

An unhealed bruise leads to the patient beginning to feel pain not only in the heel, but in the entire foot. For this reason, he stops free and fully moving, wearing shoes that like, since it gives a lot of discomfort.

One of the real causes of soreness of the heel is the inflammation of the Achilles tendon. If nothing can be treated this phenomenon can be faced with such serious pathologies as arthritis and gout.

To treat a trauma it is required as much as possible in due time and exclusively under supervision of the qualified experts.

If, after a bruise, extensive hematoma and edema appear, the treatment must necessarily be complex and strictly under the supervision of a professional doctor, which will help to prevent the emergence of different complications.Heal the bruised heel right!

A source: http://lechenie-narodom.ru/ushib-pyatki-lechenie-v-domashnih-usloviyah/

Heel bruise how to treat at home photo and video

A heel bruise is a fairly common phenomenon after an unsuccessful jump, a fall on the leg of a heavy object, or a sharp landing on a hard surface.

Integrity of integuments can be and is not broken, but the damage to soft tissues inside just leads to severe pain and discomfort, which can no longer be ignored.

A bruised part of the heel is generally perceived as a rupture of ligaments or a dislocation of the joint, and the condition can be quite dangerous. Only on the basis of the radiographic picture the doctor will prescribe an effective treatment, and the consequences will be minimal.

Causes of trauma

To provoke a bruise can be a lot of different factors. It:

  • jumping on a hard surface, reinforced running;
  • strengthened sports;
  • constant walking in shoes with heels;
  • unsuccessful landing on the ground or hard surface.

To get a bruise more often children, elderly people and sportsmen, leading an active lifestyle, in case of sudden movements, unnecessary strikes of the sole of the heel against a hard object, are at risk. Very often there is a bruise of the heel after a jump on a hard surface.

First signs

The main sign of a bone or soft tissue injury of the limb is a sharp pain that does not pass even after massaging.

Most likely, it is soft tissue damage, when the injured place begins to ache and swell. The pain is aggravated even with a slight onset or a push on the heel.

But the power of pain will directly depend on the degree of impact that has come on the heel, while:

  • there is a swelling, bruising in the part of the heel or slightly higher;
  • it becomes difficult to move on their own.

If there are such signs, you can suspect a fracture of the bone, so it's better right away immobilize and treat antiseptics affected area, urgently apply to the nearest traumatology.

It is worth paying attention to the nature of the symptoms, to understand that this is really a bruise in the calcaneus, and not a fracture. Signs due to a bruise are quite specific:

  • the appearance of a bruise (hematoma) in case of damage to the vascular system, filling the muscle layer and fiber under the skin with blood;
  • pronounced pain on the background of the bundle of muscle fibers and affecting the nerve endings;
  • hemorrhage in the heel part immediately after the stroke;
  • swelling due to circulatory disorders.

The person begins to limp, prefers to avoid the attack on the sore spot, which eventually leads to a change in the gait.

A distinctive feature of the fracture from a bruise is the nature of the pain. With a bruise the pain is severe, but after a few hours it goes to a decline, it becomes monotonous, aching, dull. With a fracture, however, the pain manifests itself on the increase and does not pass by itself.

Symptoms with a bruise

The main symptom with a bruise is pain, sharp and searing in nature. The degree and duration of the lesion over time the doctor can quickly determine already at the first examination, since the signs with a bruise are quite characteristic.

Unlike the fracture, severe pain with a bruise is observed only during the first 2-3 hours, then it falls off and passes at all. With a fracture, the pain syndrome does not go away with time, and the symptomatology only intensifies.

Already visually during the examination, the doctor will reveal the color of the hematoma that appears, which may indicate the duration of the injury. As a rule, immediately after the bruise appears a bruise of a purple hue against the background of translucence of blood vessels through the skin, which indicates a recent damage.

After two days, the development of bilirubin begins in the subcutaneous layers, and the site is recoloured in a yellow-green color.

However, it is impossible to draw conclusions about the age of trauma based on the color of the hematoma alone.

The doctor, most likely, after the examination will send the victim to the X-ray to get a more accurate picture of the condition of the calcaneus.

How is diagnostics performed?

A severe bruise is fraught with complications.

Often he is accompanied by fractures of the calcaneus bone, when it is already possible to do without the participation of specialists, since he will not be able to cure his own illness.

Only on the basis of a radiographic picture the doctor will be able to establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

An x-ray photograph shows the degree of heel integrity: there may be cracks, bone damage with displacement. Do not ignore the appeal to doctors.

Regardless of how much time has elapsed since the impact, damage in the form of a closed injury can not be To leave without attention, after all on color, the form and a degree of the size of a hematoma to define or determine the exact diagnosis the forces are difficult. The density of the walls of blood vessels in people is different.

Less elastic vessels become in people with age, when a bruise on the heel appears immediately even with a slight impact.

First Aid

Pain when struck in the heel is so strong that it is difficult for a person to walk, and first aid is needed. It is important to help relieve pain and inflammation. First of all, you need:

  • Apply ice, cold to the place of injury to reduce swelling and soreness;
  • limit the movement of the load on the foot and even minor movements, placing the foot on a slightly raised surface;
  • Give the patient an analgesic pill - Nyz, Nurofen, Analgin, Aspirin, if the pain is severe.

At this first aid is completed. It is necessary to deliver the victim to the nearest trauma center for the provision of professional medical assistance, so that the trauma is not overgrew in a fracture, as often happens in athletes and people, negligently related to a seemingly minor injury.

It is worth noting that a fracture is more difficult to treat. If the injury can be complications and the likelihood of a subsequent fracture, the displacement of bone debris is high. Self-medication is excluded.

Diagnosis will help to avoid unpleasant consequences, the treatment will pass quickly, and soon there will be no trace of a bruise.

How is the treatment performed?

Treatment - a complex: medicines, physiotherapy, electrophoresis, folk remedies.

First, the doctor looks at the site of the bruise, puts a cold compress on the basis of a picture of the X-ray, will appoint the appropriate treatment measures.

If the bruise is not strong, then the treatment - home: with broths, lotions, foot baths.

Usually, the treatment tactics for a bruise are as follows:

  • in the first day - the application of cold to reduce tides of blood to the heel and the imposition of a pressure bandage to improve the outflow of blood;
  • 2 -3 days - applying, on the contrary, warm compresses in order to ensure blood resorption and reduce pain. Applicable drugs in solutions: Ibuprofen, Heparin, Traumeel. It is better to use in combination with Dimexide to increase the permeability of capillaries, rapid resorption of the hematoma.


Medication therapy is aimed at the removal of pain, inflammation. Applicable:

  • external - salt, manganese solution for lotions;
  • Dolobene, LaVenum with application from the first day to relieve inflammation;
  • decongestants and ointments by lubricating dry areas, but without imposing tight bandages: Indomethacin, Heparin ointment;
  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents for the removal of inflammation in tablets and ointments: Finalgon, Troxevasin, Dolobene, Indovazin, Levomekol, Traumeel, Dimexid;
  • potassium permanganate, sea salt for addition to the bath with hot water and keeping the feet for 15 minutes 2 times a day.


Physiotherapy procedures are assigned in a complex through courses:

  • magnetotherapy to accelerate the healing and regeneration of soft tissues by feeding statistical magnetic waves to the site of injury;
  • electrophoresis for removing puffiness, inflammation, normalization of blood circulation in blood vessels, stimulation of hematoma resorption;
  • UHF to accelerate the healing and regeneration of damaged tissues, vessels

Additionally, for treatment at home, compresses, lotions for the removal of inflammation and soreness can be applied. In addition to medicines and physiotherapeutic procedures, this gives good results and promotes rapid healing of damaged structures in the calcaneus.

Folk methods

If there is no fracture, then it is possible to eliminate the bruise by applying warm compresses to absorb swelling and improve the outflow of blood. To minimize unpleasant symptoms, it is useful to hold the foot baths before bedtime with the addition of a solution of sea salt or manganese.

At home with a minor injury should be advised:

  • with a strong puffiness, bruising, bruising, applying gauze dressings moistened with vodka, camphor alcohol;
  • applying fresh and juicy cabbage leaf to relieve pain;
  • rubbing the place of injury with fresh juice of oak bark or nettle. You can prepare broths from these herbs, insist, fill with boiling water and apply as compresses to the heel, fixing with a bandage.

The consequences after a bruise are different.

To avoid complications, clogging of the vessels, the tactics of treatment are complex, and applying only anti-inflammatory ointments, gels, infusions is unlikely to be effective.

It is necessary to understand that the problem needs to be eliminated taking into account the degree, prescription, the vastness of the damaged area, the presence of other unpleasant symptoms.

What can be after a bruise?

Many people do not rush to address a trauma in the injury, inadequately assessing the situation and the fact that this damage can hide a certain danger: partial fracture, severe swelling of the tissues until the development of necrosis, necrosis, loss of sensitivity and limitations mobility.

The nature of the injury can become chronic, i.e., The heel will from time to time make itself known by the manifestation of dull, aching pain.

When there is a strong puffiness, you need to show your foot to the doctor, and only on the basis of a picture of the X-ray, a specialist will be able to correctly assess the current situation and develop effective therapeutic measures.

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In order to prevent injury to avoid injury to the heel, it is advisable to only use protective equipment when carrying out reinforced play sports, also watch out for children to play in safer places and do not jump from height to asphalt, concrete paths, sidewalks.

You can not neglect even a minor trauma to the heel and let the situation drift. With the naked eye it is difficult to determine what it really is.

Perhaps, there has been a fragmentation, displacement of small bones in the part of the heel or a crack that is unlikely to grow together by itself without taking therapeutic measures.

If you start to treat a bruise after a jump right away and do not neglect a trauma to a traumatologist, a couple of weeks later there will be no trace of the affected area. The problem will be solved.

A source: https://TravmaOff.ru/ushib/ushib-pyatki.html

Heel bruise - the main symptoms and proper treatment

Heel bruise- The injury is very unpleasant and common, often a bruise appears due to an unsuccessful landing on the foot after the jump.

This pathology is characterized by unpleasant pain and discomfort when walking in the area of ​​the heel, resulting from damage to the internal soft tissues.

The main causes of a heel injury

Injury to the heel is affected not only by professional athletes experiencing high physical exertion, but ordinary people of all ages often suffer from pain in the heel after a bruise. For example, in children, this pathology arises from their carelessness and excessive activity during games. We note the most common situations leading to a bruise of the heel:

  • hard landing on the heel after the jump;
  • strike against a solid object;
  • falling heavy on the heel;
  • high heel or in front of a thin outsole near shoes.

Signs and Symptoms

With the appearance of pain in the heel, it is very important to recognize whether this is a bruise or a more serious pathology. Define a number of symptoms that are characteristic of a heel bruise:

  1. The appearance of bruises and bruises. Due to damage to the microvessels of the soft tissues of the heel, blood from the vessels accumulates under the skin, forming a bruise.
  2. The appearance of a small tumor and mild swelling. Disturbance of blood supply in soft tissues leads to the appearance of a small tumor and a slight swelling in the place of pain;
  3. Obvious painful sensations. Violated the structure of soft tissues, and the appearance of swelling and bruising press on the nerve endings in the heel, causing pain;
  4. Distortion of gait. When walking, a person begins to avoid pain in the heel, trying not to step on the sore spot of the foot, thereby showing obvious lameness.


Determine at home the presence of a fracture with a bruised heel is impossible. To accurately identify the complexity of the pathology, it is necessary to make an x-ray of the calcaneus, and the specialist in the picture will determine the presence or absence of a fracture.

In the absence of specialized diagnostic tools for fracture, it is worth paying attention to the symptoms of pain in the heel.

  • The bruise of the heel is characterized by a sharp severe pain immediately after the injury for several hours. Then the pain gradually ceases and changes its character, becomes dull, aching or pulsating.
  • Pain in the fracture of the calcaneus or the formation of a crack, in contrast, regardless of the time of injury, with each hour only increases.

The size of the hematoma and the degree of swelling depend on the severity of the impact and age of the patient. With age, in humans, the density of blood vessels decreases and as a result, with the same degree of injury, bruising and bruising in the elderly will be larger and more extensive than in the younger generation.

First aid in getting a heel injury

It is very important in the first minutes after the injury to take a number of necessary measures that will help reduce the sharp pain and reduce swelling:

  1. First of all, ensure that the heel is completely at rest and does not step on the aching leg. To reduce edema, it is necessary to move the leg to a horizontal position and slightly raise it - this will promote the outflow of blood.
  2. Apply cold to the site of the injury to reduce pain. Cold will also cause a spasm of blood vessels and slow the formation of the hematoma.As a cold in the home can serve as a jet of cold water from the tap or ice from the refrigerator.
  3. With unbearable pain, you should take painkillers from the medicine cabinet, for example, Nurafen, Ibuprofen or Nyz.

If the pain is so severe that the patient can not stand on his own leg and move,you need to call an ambulance.The specialist will help to accurately determine the degree and type of severity of the injury.

Treating the Traumatized Heel

If after diagnosis of the injured heel there is no fracture or fracture in the calcaneus, then an independent treatment of the heel contusion is allowed. Specialist to accelerate the recovery of the heel after a bruise can be prescribed physiotherapy.

To heal the heel at home, foot baths and compresses are used with preparations that prevent the development of further inflammation in the soft tissues of the heel.

Compression with a bruised heel

For an early removal of edema and complete healing of the heel, compresses are used that can dissolve blood from the damaged area. To create a compress at home, you can use the following drugs:

  • A solution of salt and manganese;
  • Dimexide;
  • Traumeel;
  • Heparin.

Do not delay the treatment of a patient's heel, and you can start right after getting a bruise. The compress is done at room temperature and superimposed on the sore spot.

Additionally, the use of ointments and gels that help to quickly remove puffiness is recommended. Such drugs are usually applied to the clean and dry surface of the heel during the day. From the recommended by experts, it is possible to allocate following marks:

  • Levomekol;
  • Indovazin;

Combined ointments with dexpanthenol:

  • Allantoin;
  • Dimethylsulfoxide;

Foot baths with a bruised heel

To eliminate discomfort and ease the pain in the heel, experts recommend doing foot baths. One of the most common heel injuries is a warm foot bath with sea salt and a solution of potassium permanganate.

It is sufficient to apply the bath once a day at night. After taking a foot bath, dry your feet and apply the ointments recommended above.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

With very strong bruises, the physician can prescribe the following physiotherapy procedures:

  1. Ultrasound therapy. The peculiarity of this procedure is that under the action of ultrasonic waves, microvibration is created inside the soft tissues of the heel. Due to these microvibrations, the hematoma decreases and the tumor decreases.
  2. Magnetotherapy. The effect of this procedure extends to the soft tissues of the heel, which, under the action of the magnetic field, heal more quickly. The magnetic field has anti-inflammatory, spasmolytic effects and activates the process of tissue regeneration in the body.
  3. Phonophoresis. The procedure is similar in its effect to ultrasound therapy with the only difference being that to better conduct ultrasonic waves to the soft tissues of the heel, its surface is covered with a special ointment.

Traditional medicine in helping to treat heel trauma

Treatment of a heel bruise is not limited to traditional methods alone, there are also folk recipes.

At the heart of folk recipes are natural herbal ingredients that do not contribute to the occurrence of side effects.

But it is better to consult with your doctor before applying these prescriptions.

Folk recipes for the treatment of bruises:

  • Compress of fresh cabbage leaf juice. To create a compress, a fresh cabbage leaf is grinded to isolate the juice and, using a bandage, is applied to a sore spot in the form of a compress.
  • Infusion of wormwood or oak bark. Finely sliced ​​pieces of wormwood or oak bark are poured with boiling water and allowed to stand for 1-2 days. In the finished solution, a bandage or cotton loosened cloth is moistened and applied as a compress to the site of the injury.

Heel recovery after injury and prevention

Full restoration of the heel depends on the complexity and severity of the injury, but, as practice shows, bruises of moderate severity pass through 2 weeks of active treatment. Do not start or stop the heel treatment process, without completely getting rid of the pain while walking.

In order to prevent heel bruises, it is recommended to choose comfortable shoes for exercising, exclude long walks on the heels of women and try not to jump from a high height to the heels.

An important factor in preventing injuries to the heels in children is the right footwear. In addition, parents should choose safe places for children's games and ensure that they are supervised.

A source: http://expertnog.ru/travmi/ushib/pyatki.html

How to treat a heel bruise after a jump

A heel bruise is a phenomenon that happens quite often. The main cause of this injury are unsuccessful jumps.

Despite the fact that the skin does not change at the outward appearance, the injured tissues can create a lot of trouble for the victim.

How to recognize and warn, as well as how to heal a bruised heel, we will tell in this article.

Causes of bruises

Most often with this damage, due to their hyperactivity and carelessness, children face. Representatives of the world of sports are also subject to this trauma. In their case, the systematic physical exertion is detrimental. In general, the bruises of the heel lead to:

  • Unsuccessful landings after the jump.
  • Various injuries in training.
  • Incorrectly selected shoes, in particular, with high heels.
  • Running on an uneven plane.
  • Hitting the heel of the foot against a hard object.

Symptoms of trauma

The causes of pain in the heel can be different, beginning with a bruise and ending with more serious diseases. Therefore it is very important to correctly diagnose your illness.

Among the symptoms of injury:

  • The presence of a bruise with bruising, which is a consequence of the trauma of small blood vessels, resulting in the blood is in the subcutaneous layer. Thus, with a heel injury, a hematoma appears.
  • Swelling and swelling. These symptoms are manifested when blood circulation in the injured zone is disturbed. If you do not take up the treatment, a bump may appear on the site of the injury.
  • Painful sensations appear when the tissues are stratified, they get blood or when they squeeze the nerve endings.
  • Discomfort when walking: a bruise does not allow to completely rest on an injured leg, so the person limps.

The size of the hematoma will not help to determine how serious the injury was, because in each person the elasticity of the vessels is different and gradually with age it can decrease.

Therefore visually the hematoma will differ significantly between the young patient and the more mature person. But the shade of the skin in the damaged area can tell about when the injury was received.

In the forensic field, such details are important. From the moment of impact, the heel will turn purple. This is due to the fact that the blood is visible through the skin. Over time, the blood is recycled.

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During this period the body produces bilirubin, and the damaged zone acquires a yellow-green color.

First aid with heel bruise

When injured, the victim experiences severe pain. In order to partially relieve painful symptoms it is necessary:

  • Transfer the injured leg to the horizontal. In this case, the calcaneal part of the limb should be above the base of the foot. This will reduce the puffiness effect.
  • Apply ice with a tight bandage. It will reduce the amount of blood penetrating into the tissue. This way you can remove the pain.
  • If the pain does not recede, you can use painkillers. Excellent fit Analgin, Ibuprofen and Nurofen. If the victim is unable to rely on the injured limb, you need to call an ambulance, after which it will be possible to accurately diagnose and prescribe the treatment.


Basically, in the absence of a fracture, treatment is carried out at home. Local methods of treatment are used in the form of compresses with medicines that relieve inflammation. Also, a physician can prescribe physiotherapy procedures.

Treatment with compresses with medicines will reduce the state of puffiness due to the effect of blood resorption in the affected area.

The next day after injury, compresses of room temperature can be made using such medicines:

  • Heparin.
  • Dimexide.
  • Romazulan.
  • Traumeel.
  • A solution of salt and manganese.

During the day, you need to apply ointments and gels that remove puffiness. They must be applied to clean, dry skin. The bandage is not needed at the top. The attending physician may be prescribed such medications:

  • Lyoton.
  • Indovazin.
  • Dolobien.
  • Levomekol.

Also, in order to remove discomfort, you can make foot baths, which add sea salt or manganese.

The water should be warm at a pleasant temperature. At the end of the procedure, the dry skin is lubricated with an anti-inflammatory agent.

Ideal option will be the use of such baths before bedtime.

Physiotherapeutic procedures and their meaning

A doctor can prescribe magnetotherapy, which will speed up the recovery process of the affected tissues. The magnetic field will help to remove spasm and activates the regenerative functions of the body. Also, this procedure removes inflammation, regulating blood circulation.

Ultrasound therapy, creating microvibration, will help to remove the hematoma and partially remove the tumor of the limb. Influencing the lymphatic and circulatory system improves the nutrition of tissues.

Phonophoresis according to the principle of action is similar to ultrasound therapy. The difference is that with phonophoresis, ointments are used to enhance the effect.


In addition to traditional methods, the bruises of the heel after the jump can be treated with folk remedies. Their advantage is safety and no side effects.

Some of the most popular methods:

  • After stretching a leaf of cabbage before the appearance of juice on it, it is applied to the affected area and wrapped with cotton cloth. This procedure is best used before bedtime.
  • Mixing the vegetable oil with vinegar and boiled water in the same ratio and moistening the tissue in the resulting solution, a compress is done. Cellophane matter is applied over.
  • Used also in the treatment of bruises fresh wormwood or oak bark. Chopping, they need to pour boiling water. After five to six hours, the obtained tincture is used for a compress or for foot baths.
  • For grinding, camphor alcohol is good, which has a warming effect and can remove inflammation.
  • Bodyguard can prevent puffiness, bruising and bruising. Grinded into a powder, a little hot water is added to it and the resulting pulp is used for compresses immediately after injury.

In addition to the recipes described, individual ingredients can be used:

  • Honey.
  • Plantain.
  • Potatoes are raw.
  • Golden mustache.
  • Bulb onions.

It should be remembered that it is necessary to apply any medications gently and carefully, since excessive pressure can cause blockage of blood vessels.

If you have traumatized the heel, it is advisable to consult a doctor, even if you are self-medicated. Injuries can be different and different can be consequences from them.

A source: https://PerelomaNet.ru/ushiby/ushib-pyatki.html

Heel Injury Treatment

A fairly common injury of the lower extremities is the bruise of the calcaneus.

Damaged soft tissues bring to the injured person a large number of problems, discomfort, limit mobility, inhibit movement.

To reduce the risk of complications and reduce the recovery period, you need to know how to treat a heel bruise.

First, let's look at the main causes of this injury. Often a heel bruise after a jump.

After an unsuccessful landing on the foot, even from a small height, the risk of getting a calcaneus bruise is very high.

That's why most of the injured are children who are injured through carelessness during games and active lifestyles.

Another reason for the injury of the heel is sports. Athletes engaged in sports, where the main load is concentrated on the legs, are subject to various injuries due to constant physical exertion no less than children.

People who do not lead an active lifestyle fall into the risk group. Less common are the bruise of the heel when struck with a hard object, walking up a ladder, running along an uneven surface. Women are worried about the question "what to do with a bruised heel?" Because of wearing high-heeled shoes.

Symptoms of a heel injury

The bruise of the calcaneus bone has a clear clinical picture - the integrity of the skin is not disturbed, only soft tissues are affected.

The first sign of a heel bruise is the pain syndrome, which is formed when the nerve endings are squeezed.

It can be of a different nature: aching, sharp, amplifying when moving.

Other symptoms of a calcaneus injury include:

  • Redness of the skin;
  • The formation of bruises (bruises) due to damage to blood vessels and hemorrhage into soft tissues
  • Seal on palpation of the damaged area;
  • Swelling and swelling due to circulatory disorders;
  • The formation of the cone, which occurs when there is no treatment for the injury of the heel, and speaks of the development of complications;
  • Difficulties during walking, discomfort during movement, it is difficult for a person to step on his leg, therefore, chromates appear.

Diagnosis of a calcaneus injury

This trauma is often accompanied by various complications. Most often, it is a fracture of the calcaneus, whose treatment is impossible at home. Here you need specialist advice and an X-ray photograph.

By the color of the hematoma, you can determine how long ago an injury occurred.

The bruise after the bruise of the heel first has a purple hue, since recently damaged blood vessels are visible through the skin.

Gradually within 2-3 days in the body begins to produce bilirubin - a substance that helps to stain the injured area in yellow or green.

However, rely solely on this definition is not worth it. To know exactly whether the calcaneus is intact, you need to take an X-ray and see a doctor.

First aid with heel bruise

Treatment of the injury of the calcaneus is best left to the trauma doctor. But to provide first aid to the victim is necessary, it will help relieve pain, reduce inflammation and facilitate further treatment. The first help in the bruise of the calcaneus is as follows:

  • The injured person should take a horizontal position;
  • The injured leg is best raised slightly, this will help reduce swelling;
  • Completely limit the load on the foot;
  • To relieve the pain and stop the hemorrhage, apply a cold compress to the bruise. Use ice, snow, a bottle of cold water, any cold thing;
  • With unbearable pain, take any painkiller (Nurafen, Nyz, Analgin, Aspirin);
  • Call an ambulance or go to the nearest emergency room yourself.

We draw your attention to the fact that it is absolutely impossible to bandage your foot! There is always a threat of a possible fracture, and the imposition of a pressure bandage can cause displacement of bone fragments.

Heel Injury Treatment

After first aid and consultation with a doctor, you can start treating the injury of the calcaneus with a fall or stroke. In the first 2-3 days, continue to work on the damaged area with cold compresses.

The next stage of treating the heel bruise at home is to use warm compresses with anti-inflammatory drugs, foot baths. They are necessary for blood resorption, removal of edema and tumors. Foot baths with the addition of salt or a solution of potassium permanganate facilitate the pain syndrome.

After application, apply on a dry skin anti-inflammatory agent.

To anesthetize a heel bruise, take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It can be both tablets and ointments. Popular and effective are Nyz, Ibuprofen, Finalgon.

A physician can prescribe a set of physiotherapeutic procedures for eliminating edema and pain sensations.

Often, magnetotherapy is prescribed, which promotes healing of soft tissues, tissue regeneration, blood circulation in blood vessels. A positive effect is provided by ultrasound therapy.

With its help, the hematomas dissolve appreciably, the edema decreases with the injury of the foot.

Treatment at home with a heel bruise can be carried out with the help of compresses with medications. To make lotions use Heparin, Traumeel, Dimexide. Compresses are recommended to make room temperature.

Remember that the treatment of a severe injury to the calcaneus, accompanied by hematoma and swelling, should be carried out exclusively under the supervision of a doctor. Otherwise, complications may occur.

Folk remedies for heel bruise treatment

Do not neglect folk medicine when treating a strong heel bruise. It will not cause harm to health. We present effective folk recipes for the treatment of a heel bruise:

  • Moisten gauze with vodka or alcohol, attach to the heel, top with a plastic bag (food film) and wrap it with a warm scarf, leaving for 30-40 minutes. Repeat in the morning and in the evening;
  • Take the cabbage leaf, remember it before isolating the juice, fix it on the affected area with a bandage, leave it overnight;
  • Cook the beans, mash, lay on parchment, fix the bandage on the bruised place. Also leave overnight;
  • Mix the vinegar, vegetable oil, boiled water in equal proportions. Wet gauze with the resulting solution, fix it with a plastic bag, wrap it with a tissue, leave it for a few hours. Repeat 2 times a day;
  • To prepare the compress, use oak bark or fresh wormwood. Grind the ingredient, pour boiling water, leave for 3 hours, and then compress.

A source: http://www.sportobzor.ru/sportivnaya-medicina/lechenie-ushibov-pyatki.html