Review of effective moisturizing eye drops

Today, modern people spend a long time at the computer and TV.Because of this, the mucous organ of vision dries up, fatigue, lacrimation, redness occurs. All these symptoms can be suppressed if you choose the right moisturizing drops, the choice of which is simply huge.


  • 1Application area
  • 2Types and Classifications of Preparations
  • 3List
    • 3.1Vizin
    • 3.2Clean tear
    • 3.3Vizin Alllerji
    • 3.4Visomithin
    • 3.5Cornflower droplets
    • 3.6Oxyal
    • 3.7Systein-Ultra
    • 3.8Natural Tear
    • 3.9Hilo-chest of drawers
  • 4Recommendations for use
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Application area

Apply eye drops, even those that are sold without a prescription, is only after the doctor's recommendations.It is recommended to use such medications in the following situations:

  • Long-term work at the computer, which leads to redness, tearing of the eyes, dry eye syndrome.
Dry eye syndrome
  • Long stay behind the wheel, resulting in discomfort, pain and red eyes.
  • The effect of air conditioners, too bright lighting, wind, smoke.
  • instagram viewer
  • Ophthalmic pathologies, which lead to impaired formation of tear fluid. Here it is necessary to carry a dry keratoconjunctivitis, insufficient teardrop.
  • Diseases that disturb the contact of the cornea and eyelids.
  • Constant use of lenses.
  • Postoperative period after laser intervention.

Each preparation has its own application features, which are due to their composition.

Types and Classifications of Preparations

The composition of many moisturizing drops apart from distilled water contains such components:

  • glycerol;
  • povidone;
  • sodium salt of hyaluronic acid.
Composition of ReNu MultiPlus

Still manufacturers add in a medicinal solution various natural and artificial additives, microcells, vitamins.Thanks to them, it is possible to improve the condition of the visual organ, to activate metabolic processes.

Some drops contain components that should not be used for dry eyes in children, pregnant and lactating women.

Find all the necessary information can be on the packaging of moisturizing drops.



Vizin is a safe drug against dry eyes, which can be used for various problems with the organs of vision.Serves as a prophylactic for daily use. Has vasoconstrictive and anti-edematous effect. In the role of the active component is tetrizoline hydrochloride, adrenomimetic amine. These components reduce the stress of the vessel walls.

Vision drops from eye tear

You can apply Vizin even if you wear contact lenses. Release the drops in a 15 ml bottle. The cost is 300 rubles.

Clean tear

Drops of "Pure Tear" (analogue of Artificial Tear) serve only to combat dry eyes and their hyperemia.The vegetable polysaccharide acts as the main component. Thanks to it, the solution becomes identical to the natural tear fluid. After applying the drug, active components envelop the conjunctiva and protect it from the negative influence of the external environment and fatigue.

Vizin Alllerji

These drops serve to remove eye irritation, which occurs due to an allergic reaction.In the role of the active component is hydrochloride levocabastine. It has a pronounced antihistamine effect. To replace him fit Kromogeksal and Lecrolin.

Vizin Alllerji


It is a keratoprotector, which, according to the principle of action, is similar to Vizin, but has a wider range of applications.The second name of the drug is Drops Skulachev. In addition to eliminating the dry eye syndrome, it also suppresses inflammatory diseases of the eyes and cataracts. It acts as an additional means of the drop can be used to protect the tissue of the eye. After applying drops, they have a positive effect in 5-7 minutes. Drip 1-2 drops 3 times a day. The cost of a 5 ml bottle is 615 rubles.

Vizomitin - moisturizing drops

Cornflower droplets

This is a natural hypoallergenic drug, based on plant components.It was made in France. The solution itself is presented in blue. After application the drops have a soothing, moisturizing and anti-inflammatory effect.

Cornflower droplets

You can apply drops even to those who constantly wear contact lenses.

Positive effect is achieved immediately after use. You can buy a 10 ml bottle at a price of 550 rubles.


This drug is based on hyaluronic acid. In addition, the solution contains boric acid, alkali salts, alkaline earth metals. Hyaluronic acid is an organic component that is produced by the human body.Has a powerful restorative effect in relation to skin and mucous membranes.With the help of the drug it is possible to stop redness, irritation. Even drops have a wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect. Cells of the cornea are restored, and minor hemorrhages are suspended. You can buy a 10 ml bottle at a price of 400 rubles. Other drops based on hyaluronic acid are presented in this article.



It is a complex polymer preparation that has anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and anti-allergic effect.


This drug is recommended to take on a trip with the development of allergic reactions and the appearance of dry eye syndrome with a change in climate.

According to the instructions of eye drops Systein-Ultra, the composition of the drug does not contain hyaluronic acid. Instead, to combat dryness, manufacturers used such components:

  • propylene- and polyethylene glycol,
  • hydroxypropyl guar,
  • boric acid,
  • salts of alkali metals,

Due to organic polymers, a stable tear film is created.The drops are sold in ampoules of 3 and 15 ml. The cost of one ampoule is 130-150 rubles.

Natural Tear

It is a complete analog of human tears.The action of the drug is aimed at moistening the tissues of the cornea of ​​the eye.The medicinal solution has no contraindications. Can be used in newborns and pregnant women. Has no anti-inflammatory effect, acts as a preventive agent. The solution in a container of 15 ml is sold. its cost is 300 rubles.

Natural Tear

Hilo-chest of drawers

The role of the main component of the Hilo-Komod is the sodium salt of hyaluronic acid. Another composition contains a small amount of tricarboxylic acid and alcohol.The drug is characterized by universal action and can be used by anyone who uses contact lenses.You can buy 15 ml drops at a price of 450 rubles.

Hilo-chest of drawers

Recommendations for use

To obtain the maximum effect from the application of moisturizing drops, the following recommendations should be observed:

  1. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water so that infection does not occur.
  2. Lie on the couch, tilt your head, pull the lower eyelid.
  3. Drink the amount of the drug and close your eyes.
  4. After the procedure, lie down for 10 minutes and you can start normal business.
Method of application of eye drops

Use moisturizing drops is only after the approval of the doctor, even if they have a completely safe composition. If, after instillation, there is an unpleasant symptomatology in the form of burning, lacrimation, rubbing in the eyes, then replace the used solution with another one.



Moisturizing drops for the eyes - this is an excellent opportunity to moisten the mucous membrane, relieve inflammation, redness and other unpleasant symptoms.Selecting an effective drug, it is necessary to take into account the degree of development of pathology, as well as the sensitivity of the organism to individual components.

Separately presented are eye drops aimed at moisturizing the mucous while wearing lenses.

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