Acetylsalicylic acid for colds

Which is better: acetylsalicylic acid or paracetamol (with influenza?)


ex Kress

With influenza, aspirin (acetylsolicylic acid) is contraindicated because of the risk of bleeding. Paracetamol can be provided that you do not overeat it and the liver is healthy. Nurofen is better.
And where did you get that flu?

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with influenza - the second
with a cold - the first

Natalia Starchenko


valja titova

COLD. Mefenamic acid = 2 tablespoons at night, and 1m in the morning = EVERYTHING! (only 3 tabl and cheerful, and healthy). // Soar your feet in comfortably hot water (adding boiling water gradually), if there is + dry mustard. // Runny nose - dilute the onion juice with water - bury your nose (super). Oxolin ointment in the nose. Propolis spirit apt to drip into the water, rinse and nose, and rinse your throat. "Vietnamese asterisk". // Throat-I have a throat on the top - it's very plentiful to soap the soapy soap with a mild, simple soap, it will dry for the night. The pain will go away. / / Cough: gogol-mogol on an empty stomach (whipped yolks with sugar). "Potatoes in uniform" - boil, merge boiling water, cover the head with a blanket and breathe over the potatoes. After this potatoes pound + spoon soda food = in the tissues to attach to the chest, on the bronchus region, keep the compress until the potatoes cool. / Mukaltin, mallion /

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Ear, nose can warm hot salt. In a frying pan heat, tie in a knot, heat. //
High temperature to bring down: in the water to splash vinegar, wipe off with a wet napkin. Or soak the sheet in this water, wrap yourself and go to bed with an oilcloth for 15 minutes. If t rises again c / d day - it is dangerous to miss pneumonia (deadly) - to call an ambulance - to be treated in a hospital, there will be an X-ray. // Influenza prevention: grate garlic and onions, place on saucers and arrange throughout the apartment -helps very much!!! // An ancient folk way for a cold is to sprinkle salt on the coccyx. // Cut from the bulb, a circle thick, cm and hold it by the cheek. An hour. Then break and a new circle, on the cheek. I slept with him.
Cough-Composition; butter-1 tablespoon, sugar-1 tbsp. l. + honey-1 tbsp. l + egg raw raw curd, aloe juice (leaf chesnut garlic) -1 tablespoon; 150-200 gr. milk-boil. All grind in such a sequence and slowly pour, stirring - hot milk. It's hot to drink and go to bed. After the first glass, he makes it easier. Is called -Children's Cocktail))) Source: Medic. (This prescription is 40 years old) //
Heavy cough. I write a prescription, than my mother pulled out of pneumonia, and my one-year-old daughter from the other world, when the bronchial tubes were sticking together! It will not be worse. INSIDE FAT. Earlier it could be bought ready in the market, now you can remel it yourself! and GARLIC. Finely three garlic + fat, in proportion: if it burns, add fat or cotton wool we put where it's hot! The resulting mixture is spread on a tracing paper, carved into the size of the chest and back. We put a sort of "mustard tied, put on a T-shirt and sleep the night! If there was a temperature / at me under 40 /, then by morning I fell down, my mother washed the compress with cologne and put on me a warm one. 3 days can not be washed! REPEAT IT THROUGH DAY-ANOTHER! I warn you - the treatment is smelly! But the patients stop coughing! They sleep peacefully, not sitting, but lying down! // ERITHROMYCIN-a pertussis antibiotic for children-simple, does not affect either the liver or anything. You can even as a prophylaxis (doctor)
Cough (recipe of the family of physicians): Cocoa 2ch spoons + milk 200g boiled gradually add, stirring + yolk eggs home + honey with a spoon. At the end + 2 liters of cognac (or vodka). To drink hot, on a sip before a dream. With increased pressure, when taking tablets, or children - you can without alcohol.
DRY cough: honey, spoonful, soda, half a spoonful of tea-in a mug, heat on a steam bath, stirring, until the foam forms. After cooling, apply on white paper and paste on the chest and bronchi for the whole night. Warm up, put on a T-shirt. Until morning everything will be absorbed (3-4 times).
Night cough-1 st spoon draining the oil, then 1 tl honey to eat and not to drink. Be healthy!


Honey raspberry and lemon

How to use Aspirin for influenza

Aspirin for influenza is a popular remedy. The discovery of an effective drug called aspirin made it possible for science to make a significant step forward: mortality from high temperature decreased tens of times. About 20 years ago in each house there was a pack of aspirin in case of a cold or flu infection from someone from the household. At further researches, it would seem, unconditional use of aspirin in the flu was debunked.

Aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid, the Russian analogue is an anopyrine, the first non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug in tablets or capsules. Sold anopyrine freely available without a doctor's prescription. The drug has an active antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.Thanks to the latter properties, the intake of an anopyrine in influenza is not limited to this: taking it from headaches, arthritic, menstrual, etc.Anopyrin reduces coagulability of the blood, diluting it.

For the first time, acetylsalicylic acid was obtained more than a century ago in a very unusual way. Prior to the discovery of the drug, the willow bark was widely used, which has an analgesic, wound-healing effect, which helps with diarrhea, gastritis and internal bleeding. In the first half of the 19th century, Johann Büchner experimented on the willow bark, trying to extract active components from it. In 1897, he managed to extract from the cortex an active substance called salicin, the main component of aspirin.

For a while, aspirin was considered a universal medicine, the main area of ​​application was the treatment of rheumatism. The peak of popularity came in the middle of the last century. It was then that the medicine got into the Guinness Book of Records as the best-selling drug for pain.

Effects and benefits of aspirin

The use of aspirin is difficult to overestimate: taking this drug blocks the production of hormones responsible for inflammation and fever, which is why there is a temporary relief during transportation symptoms.

At a toothache it is accepted to put on a tooth a half of a tablet of aspirin.

Blood thinning can prevent the development of many serious diseases of the heart and blood vessels, such as:

  • Myocardial infarction;
  • stroke;
  • thrombophlebitis.
Increased permeability of blood vessels also helps to reduce the risk of developing cancer.

Aspirin is popular as a cosmetic skin care product: it relieves acne, cleanses pores from dirt and removes redness, making skin tint even.

Aspirin for influenza is very effective. His actions are conditioned by several factors. As for the reduction of headache and intracranial pressure, vasodilation is working.

Regarding the increase in temperature and the removal of inflammation, aspirin affects the areas of the brain responsible for the body's response to stimuli.

The work of the brain departments slows down, the production of hormones that raise the temperature of the body and cause inflammatory processes stops.

Blood thinning is caused by direct action of aspirin on platelets responsible for the formation of blood clots and blood plaques. Action comes quickly, which is appreciated by people suffering from heart disease.

Is there any harm with aspirin

The harm of aspirin is comparable with the use. With the use of acetylsalicylic acid, children are likely to have a serious illness - Ray's syndrome. This is an infantile disease that occurs due to the use of drugs containing aspirin. The disease is characterized by liver damage with all the resulting and inflammation of the brain. In 30% of cases, children who become ill with Ray's syndrome die.

Symptoms of Ray's syndrome appear on the 6th day of taking acetylsalicylic acid in the treatment of influenza, measles or chicken pox:

  • nausea;
  • in children under 3 years of age - lethargy, convulsions, decreased respiratory activity;
  • in infants - the tension of the fontanellar bone;
  • coma, accompanied by convulsions;
  • enlargement of the liver almost twice without the appearance of yellowness;
  • change in blood composition.

To avoid this terrible disease, giving a child under 15 years of drugs with aspirin is strictly prohibited. It is not necessary to use it and pregnant women on your own, only on the prescription of the attending physician in those cases when the benefit exceeds the possible harm.

Repeated administration of aspirin causes serious damage to the mucous membrane of the stomach: the tablet provokes the formation of ulcers. In order to make the harm minimal, aspirin is drunk only after eating, copiously with milk products or mineral water: milk envelops the stomach, protecting it from damage, the mineral water as a whole allows the mucosa to quickly recover. The harm will not be removed, but the consequences will be greatly reduced.

Regular or periodic intake of aspirin increases the risk of internal bleeding due to vascular rupture. Often after taking aspirin, people complain of black diarrhea - a consequence of bleeding GIT.

A single admission or course of treatment is prescribed with the following ailments:

  • migraines;
  • toothache;
  • painful sore throat;
  • pain in muscles and joints;
  • menstrual pain (possible increase in the duration of menstruation);
  • pain in arthritis;
  • increase in temperature above 38 ° C for influenza and other infections (over 15 years).

Take the pill after eating, without breaking and drinking plenty of milk or mineral water.

It is important that the tablet enters the stomach in a protective coating to reduce harm to the digestive tract. Simultaneous reception of alcohol and acetylsalicylic acid is inadmissible.

Contraindications of acetylsalicylic acid

  • sensitivity to the drug;
  • chronic rhinitis;
  • swine flu (risk of complications);
  • an ulcer of the stomach in acute form;
  • bleeding GIT;
  • alcohol intoxication 12 hours before and after administration;
  • asthma on the background of taking such drugs;
  • taking methotrexate (from 15 mg in 7 days);
  • hepatic and renal insufficiency;
  • violation of blood clotting and diseases associated with it;
  • pregnancy (only by appointment of a doctor);
  • lactation;
  • age below 15 years.


  • an ulcer in the anamnesis;
  • severe gastritis;
  • anemia;
  • gout;
  • increased levels of thyroid hormones in the blood;
  • deficiency of vitamin K;
  • violation of water retention.

If after the single or systemic administration of acetylsalicylic acid you have the following symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor:

  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, including black, vomiting of blood;
  • bleeding of mucous membranes;
  • noise in the ears, dizziness;
  • pain in the kidney, urination, pain with it;
  • Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock, rashes on the skin.

All these symptoms serve as a signal of serious failures of the body's functions, therefore they require immediate treatment. Acceptance of the drug should be immediately ruled out. If blood is found in vomiting or diarrhea, immediately call an ambulance.

With the regular use of "fizz" tooth enamel suffers, as a consequence, caries appear.


Other ways of using aspirin

A terrible picture of contraindications and side effects scares, but to keep aspirin in the medicine cabinet is not superfluous. First, most side effects are manifested with regular intake or taking of a large dose, and secondly, an anapyrine will be useful in a home for a good housewife.

When preserving products, many "old-timers" add aspirin to the jar, so the percentage of bloating and unwanted fermentation of pickles decreases.

For donated flowers, aspirin water will be an excellent source of nutrients, which will make flowers last longer.

At the "flowering" of the earth, it is necessary to water the indoor flower with aspirin water, after a week it will be found that the plaque from the soil has disappeared.

With an aspen or a bee bite, to remove pain and inflammation, you can lubricate the bite with a solution of aspirin.

If you do not wash out the traces of sweat under your armpits on the elements of clothing, then aspirin water will help.

With aspirin, you do not have to spend money on expensive hair masks: a mashed anopyrine tablet is put in a bottle of shampoo - and the hair becomes silky and strong, and the scalp will forever get rid of dandruff.


Apparently, the scope of aspirin is wide, and having a couple of packs of tablets in the house will not only not hurt, but it will also undoubtedly help in the management of the economy.

What helps aspirin?

Acetylsalicylic acid began to be used in medicine more than 110 years ago, when the ability of the drug to reduce pain in arthritis was found. In the course of further research, it was found that the inflammatory lesion of the joints is not the only thing that Aspirin helps with. The properties of this chemical compound allow it to treat various pathologies of the cardiovascular and nervous system using it, to use in complex therapy schemes for other diseases.

Does Aspirin help with headaches and toothaches?

The medicament presented has analgesic effect. Acetylsalicylic acid suppresses activity of painful centers and receptors, due to what quickly helps to get rid of unpleasant sensations for several hours.

Thus, Aspirin helps with headaches, but not from all its varieties. The most effective means considered under these conditions:

  • the first symptoms of tension headache;
  • the onset of a migraine attack;
  • pain syndrome from overwork or lack of sleep;
  • headache due to osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

It is worth noting that acetylsalicylic acid provides relief of health only in the early stages of the pain syndrome. The drug is ineffective from prolonged pain.

In dentistry, the described medicine is used very rarely. The fact is that Aspirin only helps with weak toothache. With an intense or intolerable pain syndrome, the concentration of analgesic substances in it is too low. Therefore, if the tooth is aching, it is better to take another, more effective medication.

Does Aspirin help with a hangover?

Unpleasant morning sensations after a stormy evening and a lot of alcohol drunk are associated with the poisoning of the body, tk. in the process of decomposition, ethyl alcohol releases toxic connection. Accordingly, from the hangover it is recommended to take funds that promote the elimination of harmful substances, for example, sorbents.

The only symptoms from which in this situation will help Aspirin - headache and swelling. They are caused by the thickening of blood and the formation of erythrocyte clots in the vessels (the accumulation of red blood cells). Acetylsalicylic acid reduces the viscosity of the biological fluid, thereby temporarily relieving pain syndrome.

Does Aspirin help with colds and flu?

For the treatment of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory infections, this drug is suitable as best as possible.

The medication is able to influence the center of thermoregulation of the body and increase sweating. Therefore, Aspirin helps with high fever and temperature, contributing to a soft, but rapid recovery of normal values ​​on the column thermometer.

Moreover, acetylsalicylic acid produces an anti-inflammatory effect, facilitating the general condition and well-being of the patient.

Interestingly, after taking Aspirin tablets, stimulation of the immune system is observed and production of interferon increases. Due to this property, the described agent is often prescribed for the complex treatment of viral infections.

Does Aspirin Help Acne?

Acetylsalicylic acid has found application even in cosmetology.

To combat inflammation on the skin, acne, closed and open comedones, it is recommended to make masks with the addition of several pounded Aspirin tablets. Such procedures, performed regularly, produce the effect of high-quality peeling, deep cleans pores, dry purulent pimples and instantly remove redness. Also, masks with acetylsalicylic acid bleach blemishes easily.

It is important to remember that the main purpose of Aspirin is to decrease the viscosity of the blood. Therefore, it is advisable to take it with a tendency to thrombosis, varicose veins, inflammation of hemorrhoids, hypertension and atherosclerosis. This drug will help prevent serious pathologies such as stroke and myocardial infarction.

What is better to take from a mild cold 37.0 // Acetylsalicylic acid or Paracetamol? At night.



at the first manifestations I drink paracetamol, in the morning it's much better, but this temperature can indicate not only that you caught a cold if the subfebrile temperature is kept constantly and for a long time, then the body is inflammatory process


It is better to treat a cold. Throat rinse with a decoction of chamomile (or other herbs), tea is warm to drink. And from 2 offered drugs, I prefer paracetamol.

Sergey Trunov

Correctly. And you can not lower this temperature!


Maybe you are all right. But only I always take acetylsalicylic acid as soon as I feel an ache from cold, even when the temperature is normal and it helps me a lot! And I do not wait for the night, but immediately, how I will feel bad. I've been doing this all my life.

Yuriy Yurkevich

Be Healthy, Dmitri. In general, light temperature indicates that the body has turned on a protective reaction and is fighting infection. To add acid to it at this moment is to drive the disease into the liver or kidneys or tonsils. It is better to turn off the redundant electrical appliances, refrigerator, wi-fi Internet replace the cable. It's good to do a wet cleaning. And even dousing.

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