How to properly take sage with menopause and hot flashes?

Climax is associated with the hormonal perestroika occurring in the body of a woman, accompanied by emotional and physical changes. Often there is malaise, severe discomfort, blood pressure changes, increased sweating.

The intensity of tidal manifestations is different, sometimes you have to take medications. The use of traditional medicine helps to alleviate the condition and reduce the manifestations of menopause.

The content of the article:
  • The healing properties of
  • What can help with menopause?
  • Are there any harm and contraindications?
  • Ways of preparation and reception
  • Reviews about the tool

The healing properties of

During the menopause, most women do not need treatment: the manifestations that they experience are insignificant. But if the symptoms cause discomfort and worsen the quality of life, you can use natural medicines.

Salvia is a particularly effective remedy for age-related ailments and hot flashes during the menopause. With the help of this plant, it is possible to normalize the functions of the sexual glands, strengthen the nervous system and even rejuvenate the body.

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Sage contains many essential oils, which causes a strong flavor. In the leaves there are many highly active alkaloids, vitamins( groups B and P), tannins. This explains the medicinal properties of sage:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • disinfectant;
  • is the opposite;
  • thermostatic;
  • is antispasmodic;
  • is an astringent.
The natural ingredients of sage do not harm the female body.

What can help with menopause?

It is recommended to take sage courses: after a month of taking a break for a month. Conducted several courses a year give high efficiency.

With mood swings, nervousness. Zinc, magnesium, potassium, calcium in sage composition have the ability to affect the nervous system. Their influence explains the property of sage to have a calming effect and to fight with hysteria, nervousness, increased irritability.

Tides, cold sweat at night. In the menopausal period, discomfort is caused by hot flushes and increased sweating. Sage helps to alleviate these manifestations due to its constituent substances that affect the female body like estrogen - a natural female hormone.

For pain and uterine bleeding. Sage reduces the intensity of bleeding due to tannins( which have astringent effect) and oils( which have an antispasmodic effect).

Getting into the uterus, they reduce the pain in the lower abdomen.

With headache, dizziness. The trace elements in sage, saponins, fatty acids, essential oils partially restore minerals that are excreted from the body with sweat. And also have spasmolytic effect( increases blood circulation), which eliminates dizziness, headache, trembling.

Features of the influence of sage on the female body:

Rapid occurrence of the result After 2 -3 hours after the first intake, a positive result is observed, which can persist throughout the day.
The ability to combine with other medicinal herbs Specialists advise to take sage with other herbs and pick a collection that has the maximum effect on well-being. The composition of the herbal collection may include motherwort, hawthorn, thyme, lemon balm.
Addiction is possible In some cases, the effect of using sage is reduced after 2 - 3 weeks after the application. It is recommended to take a break for several weeks, then repeat the course.

Are there any harm and contraindications?

Taking large doses can cause hypoglycemia( a drop in blood sugar) and in people with diabetes, the effect of insulin increases. Medicinal herbs, like other medicines, can not always be used. Sage can not be used with:

  • fibroids;
  • polycystosis;
  • increased dryness in the vagina;
  • low blood pressure;
  • allergic reaction.

Is it possible to treat depression with folk remedies?

How to relieve nausea at home? Find out by reading the article on the link.

How to quickly get rid of stuffy nose with the help of home remedies?http: // narodnye-sredstva / lor-zabolevaniya / zalozhennost-nosa.html

Methods of preparation and reception

Tea with sage improves blood circulation, stimulates vascular tone, eliminates excessive sweating. During the tides infusion of sage is recommended to take up to 8 times a day. Medicinal forms that use sage:

Form How to use
Tea Dry leaves of sage( 2 tsp) pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew. Drink a glass daily 3 times. You can add lemon juice and honey to it. It is not recommended to take before bedtime.
Juice Freshly squeezed juice from sage leaves to take daily up to 2 st.l.
Tincture Pharmacy tincture of sage should not be taken more than 3 times a week for 15-20 drops.
Essential oil Apply a few drops on the wrist's skin, inhale the fragrance.
Extract Menoforse is a popular medicinal product containing sage extract. Helps to cope with the tides, night sweating.
Infusion Three cups of boiling water pour 2 tbsp.l.herbs of sage, boil for 5 minutes. Drink during the day.

Reviews about the tool

Oksana, 52 years old

Climax started hard: tormented by hot flashes several times a day. It was exhausting, I was already afraid to wake up in the morning. But I had to go to work, too. I was advised to take fresh sage juice. Saw it for 2 months, after a month the tides decreased, and after two completely disappeared.

Elena, 54 years old

I was well helped by sage infusion. True, the action was sufficient only for 2 weeks, but did not experience any inconvenience. And then it all began again. The doctor said that it is getting used, it is necessary to take breaks between the methods.

Galina, 51 year

I was advised by a gynecologist to drink tea with sage, It helps well with a strong sweating and reduces the intensity of hot flashes. I drink warm tea for the night.

Galina, 56 years old

When the climax began, the tides were tormented. It was always unexpected and happened at the most inopportune moment, causing a lot of inconvenience. In the pharmacy advised to buy tincture of sage and take 20 drops. Saw it for 3 months, it became much easier. Now everything is over, the tides do not bother me anymore.

Watch a video on how to ease the condition with menopause: