How to refuse from flu vaccination

Do I have the right to refuse from the VOLUNTARY flu vaccination to my child ?!


Quo. Status CRIMEA

You can, in writing

Pavel Lipatenkov

It's not just possible, but even NECESSARY.
Believe me, as a doctor - vaccination will only reduce the resistance of the body.
And in the compulsory order of the make-up are done ONLY during the epidemic (after its office. ads) and then - not all, but entering the work or study) and during the quarantine for this disease.
Refer to the Health Protection Act and the Immunoprophylaxis Act
DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT to get you vaccinated. NEVER!
Otherwise, in court, defend your rights immediately and irrevocably, even without sitting and hearing. The law is FEDERAL.


Can completely.

Nastya Nikolaeva

Of course you can, the child to poison it, I myself made Grippol and fell ill later


in that year, his son's class refused to vaccinate against the flu almost in full force)) as a result, they studied, and all the vaccinated sat at home and ached :)))

instagram viewer

Konstantin Petrov

I can not give a link
firstly - their millions, in the second - they are forbidden by moderation
so advice = type in the search string a word like VACCINE VOLUME 50 reasons, press enter and enlighten

but practically = the flu is constantly mutating, the vaccine EVEN IF AND REALLY WORKS, against mutation of the virus does not work
that is, a provaccinated child will definitely fall ill more quickly than refused
and indeed = any vaccine = mercury, heavy metal salts, snot, turd, and other genetic rubbish.. .

THE BEST VARIANT = rejection of recommended poisons, a healthy lifestyle, maintenance of immunity, natural food (onion, garlic, pepper,... )


the right to refuse you have. Is it just worth it? Free vaccinations are all that is left of free medicine, ignoring vaccination, you raise the issue of child health very sharply.

Can I REFUSE to get a flu shot, is it compulsory? the management of the institution forces it to do (


Irina Ilyina

The refusal of vaccinations on the basis of the Federal Law on Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases, of July 17, 1998.

Ololoyeva TASKA

tired of everything

Tatyana Golyaka

This case is voluntary, it is not allowed to force them.


do not have the right to force.


better to do. but you can and refuse. what for obyazalovka such? your own health.

Nadezhda Zhuravleva

I have been refusing this vaccination for several years, at first I tried to put pressure on them. But since they can not punish in any way, they are also behind. Just do not succumb to pressure, if you require a written refusal write, that's all)


Not necessarily after this vaccination, most of them fall ill... There is no sense ...


Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 15, 1999. N 825 "On approval of the list of works, the implementation of which is associated with a high risk of infectious diseases and requires compulsory vaccination"
Look at the list of works here http: // base. garant. com / 12116330 / (remove spaces)

♍Galina Zhigunova♍

At our workplace, too, we were vaccinated against influenza, I categorically refused it, no one raped. In childhood, from vaccinations, I had a medical guide, from them there are complications, because of what I am afraid to do them.

Victoria Kuznetsova

The vaccine is best done, since you will then spend more money not on medicine and on recovery time. And how many viruses now, and how many complications.. . From vaccination complications are sooo rare.
It's just that infectious diseases have seen so much last season that they're all vaccinated.
You decide. =)

How to correctly write a refusal to vaccinate against a child's flu



In accordance with the recommended pattern of voluntary informed consent for the provision of preventive vaccinations to children or abandonment of them (Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of January 26, 2009 No. 19n)
1. I, the undersigned,
(last name, first name, patronymic of the parent (other legal representative) of a minor under 15 years of age, a minor patient with drug addiction before the age of 16) / minor
aged over 15 years, a minor drug addict over 16 years of age)
year of birth, I hereby confirm that,
(the year of birth of the minor
aged over 15 years, a minor drug addict over 16 years of age)
that is informed by the doctor:
a) that the prophylactic vaccination is the introduction of a medical immunobiological preparation into the human body to create a specific immunity to infectious diseases;
b) the need for a preventive vaccination, possible post-vaccination complications, the consequences of abandoning it;
c) medical care for preventive vaccinations, including mandatory medical examination of a minor under the age of 18 before the vaccination (and if necessary - medical examination), which is included in the program of state guarantees to provide citizens The Russian Federation for free medical care and is provided free of charge in state and municipal health institutions;
d) on the fulfillment of the prescriptions of medical workers.
2. I am informed (a) that in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 5 of the Federal Law of September 17, 1998 № 157-ФЗ "About immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases" the absence of preventive vaccinations entails:
prohibition for citizens to travel to countries where they stay in accordance with international health rules or international treaties of the Russian Federation requires specific preventive vaccinations;
a temporary refusal to admit citizens to educational and health facilities in the event of massive infectious diseases or the threat of epidemics;
refusal to admit citizens to work or to remove citizens from work that is associated with a high risk diseases of infectious diseases (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 15, 1999 № 825 "On approval of the list of works, the implementation of which is associated with a high risk of infectious diseases and requires mandatory vaccination").
I had the opportunity to ask any questions and received exhaustive answers to all questions.
Having received full information about the need for a preventive vaccination
(name of vaccination)
possible vaccination reactions and postvaccinal complications, the consequences of rejecting it, I confirm that I understand the meaning of all terms, and:
voluntarily agree to vaccination
(name of vaccination)
(voluntarily refuse to vaccinate)
(name of vaccination)
to a minor.
(the surname, name, patronymic and year of birth of the minor
under 15 years of age / underage drug addiction
under the age of 16)
I, the undersigned (aja)
(last name, first name, patronymic of the parent (other legal representative) of a minor under 15 years of age, a minor drug addict under the age of 16) / minor
at the age of over 15, an underage drug addict
aged over 16)
I testify that I clarified all the questions connected with carrying out preventive vaccinations to a minor and gave answers to all questions.
(surname, name, patronymic) (signature)


Doctors should have an application form.


In an arbitrary. Just write that you refuse on your own responsibility.

Olga Lobureva

Say you just do not want to


there are lines for an answer where to write for example I'm F, I, O refuse vaccination against the flu for my child. and then the signature in the right place.


Dear Aesculapius, guided by the inner conviction that my child should be flushed with the flu this year, in connection with the fact that I will be put on extra leave in the form of a hospital, I beg you, do not introduce him to his disgusting vaccine
Mother Echidna, Svetlana Osipovskaya

In the children. the vaccination of children against influenza began. Have you agreed or refused to receive the flu vaccine?


1 ♥ · Mariska · ♥ 1

This vaccination does not give a 100% guarantee that the child will not get sick with the flu,
because its forms are different. Kindergarten child and so prone to frequent infection,
to get sick, although in a weak form, you do not want to weaken the body.

We refuse this vaccination.

As with the vaccination of chicken pox for a year... .
decided to survive at a younger age and recovered.


In vaccinations it is from the flu I do not see the point. The doctors themselves say that there are a lot of varieties of the virus, but they are vaccinated from one specific one.


I never get vaccinated against flu and I will not allow children to put these vaccines. They are completely useless, as the doctors themselves say, because strains of influenza are constantly mutating, you are vaccinated from one strain, and it starts if the other one. What is an inoculation? this is a deliberate infection, it is put in order for a person to have a mild illness and get a type of immunity to the disease. But I believe that the body will only weaken after vaccination (because it will hurt). Why should I be treated for what I'm not sick with?? Neeee. We do not need this!

Ekaterina Shishkina

made the child all the vaccinations except the flu and tick-borne

Nadezhda Lapteva

I am against flu vaccination, because I consider it useless (before I explained it well) and stupid (a person can bear the disease on his feet, and notice that he was ill after the complications appeared. I, too, the doctors said that they do not put this vaccine themselves, because of it more harm than good. Usually for a tick note that the vaccine is delivered.

Galina Chadrintseva

I'm against-every year different viruses come

Jana Belka

Children do not go to the kindergarten, but we were offered to do the whole family in the polyclinic (we have a general polyclinic for both children and adults). Refused. Vaccinated from last year's virus, and the virus mutates every year. I'm for the vaccination in general, but in the vaccine against flu I do not see the point.



I have never done anything in school or at work. and did not hurt.

I'm flying in the mood


Anyuta Matveeva


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