Signs of dislocation and sprain: basic and additional


  • 1Signs of sprains and first aid
    • 1.1What is stretching?
    • 1.2What can provoke sprain
    • 1.3Factors that increase the risk of stretching
    • 1.4Types of sprain
    • 1.5Degrees of stretching
    • 1.6Signs of stretching
    • 1.7Displays of dislocation
    • 1.8Signs of muscle strain
    • 1.9How to help the victim?
    • 1.10Taboo with sprain
    • 1.11Urgently to the doctor!
    • 1.12Treatment of stretching
    • 1.13Home therapy
  • 2Dislocation sprain, correct treatment
    • 2.1First aid for sprains
    • 2.2Treatment of dislocations
  • 3Sprain
    • 3.1Anatomy
    • 3.2Classification of sprains
    • 3.3Diagnosis of sprain
    • 3.4Treatment of sprain
  • 4Stretch of ligaments - how to identify and anesthetize, first aid, therapy and recovery
    • 4.1What is sprain
    • 4.2Causes
    • 4.3Classification of sprains
    • 4.4Diagnostics
    • 4.5Treatment
    • 4.6First aid
    • 4.7How to relieve swelling
    • 4.8Anesthetic for sprain
    • 4.9Surgery
    • 4.10Auxiliary therapies
    • 4.11Rehabilitation
    • 4.12Contraindications in tension

Signs of sprains and first aid

In the human body, there are many bones that can be immobile, semi-mobile and mobile. Most of the movements of our body are due to joints. These formations are both strong and, thanks to ligaments, very mobile.

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Quite often, unsuccessful movement, falling can lead to injury. Let's see what are the signs of bruising, stretching and dislocation. We will discuss what first aid should be provided with such damage.

What is stretching?

For people who lead an active lifestyle, such an injury is not uncommon. One wrong move is enough - and now stretching limits mobility. Bunches of man, despite their strength, still under the influence of the load can stretch and damage.

Stretching refers to a trauma in which a rupture of connective tissue fibers occurs, of which ligaments consist.

Since they contain a large number of nerve endings and blood vessels, the signs of stretching will manifest themselves almost immediately in the form of pain and swelling.

Damage to ligaments can be of varying degrees, the most serious is considered to be their complete rupture.

The severity also depends on the number of affected fibers. Any abrupt movements, a large load can lead to the fact that the signs of the extension of the joint will be there. Such injuries are not uncommon in children, sportsmen and those who prefer to lead an active lifestyle.

What can provoke sprain

The ligaments are a connective tissue that responds in the joints for their strength and attaches the muscles to the bones.

By its structure, the fibers are fairly strong and capable of withstanding heavy loads, thus providing mobility.

If there is an inadequate physical effect, then the signs of stretching appear here like here. Most often, such injuries occur:

  • If there is a mechanical damage to the joint.
  • There is an excessive physical load.
  • For a long time, the joints and ligaments undergo the same load.
  • Sharp movements in the joint, which exceed the normal amplitude.

Factors that increase the risk of stretching

At risk are always athletes. Despite intensive and regular training, the ligaments do not always withstand excessive loads.

In children, the ligamentous apparatus has not yet been fully formed, so they can also be attributed to this group.

There are some other factors that increase the risk of getting stretch:

  1. If a person has a low-activity lifestyle, then any increased physical load may result in signs that ligaments will not be long in coming.
  2. Many, going to the gym or independently doing, incorrectly distribute the load when running, jumping, which is fraught with injury.
  3. The risk of stretching will be significantly reduced if you do at least a small workout before performing the basic exercise group.
  4. Do not continue the session if you feel very tired. In such situations, coordination can fail, and any embarrassing movement will lead to stretching.
  5. With age, the elasticity of the ligaments is significantly reduced, so the frequency of such injuries increases.
  6. In the second half of pregnancy the ligamentous apparatus is already preparing for the forthcoming birth and becomes excessively elastic, which increases the risk of stretching with awkward movements.

Of all the above it becomes clear that almost everyone can get such a trauma. It is important now in time to recognize the signs of sprain and provide first aid to the victim.

Types of sprain

Stretching of the ligaments can occur in virtually any joint, hence the following types of such injuries:

  • Stretching in the acromioclavicular joint. Such damage often occurs if a person falls or gets hit at the top of the joint. Immediately, pain is felt over the external end of the clavicle as the arm moves across the trunk.
  • Stretching in the sternoclavicular joint can appear if you fall on an elongated arm.
  • Stretching of the wrist takes place if you sharpen your wrist.
  • Injury of the knee joint is also diagnosed quite often. This can be with direct shock or twisting.
  • Damage to the cruciate ligament can occur with strong twisting of the thigh with a fixed shin. At the time of injury, a feeling is created that the knee "falls apart".
  • Sprain of the ankle joints. Often happens if you tuck your leg or accidentally land on a foot near a standing person.

The signs of stretching for different types of injuries are almost the same, we'll get acquainted with them further.

Degrees of stretching

The severity of the stretching may be different, hence several degrees are distinguished:

The first degree is the easiest. There is damage to the small area of ​​the ligament. The victim feels pain, but this does not affect his movements. Swelling may be absent altogether.

The second degree is moderate. Typically, this is a partial ligament rupture. In the injured zone, severe pain is felt, there is swelling and under the skin hemorrhage.

The heaviest degree is the 3rd. There is a complete rupture of ligaments, there is a strong acute pain, a large swelling, bruises. If an ankle injury occurs, the victim can not even step on his leg.

Signs of stretching

When stretching, almost all the victims note the appearance of pain. This is explained by the large number of nerve endings in the ligaments and blood vessels, so there is also a swelling.

Pain and swelling are the first signs of stretching, but there are other symptoms:

  1. Formation of a bruise, hemorrhage in the tissue.
  2. The damaged area swells.
  3. Redness of the skin.
  4. Limited motor activity.
  5. If you touch the injured place, you feel pain.
  6. Increase in temperature (not always).
  7. Hyperthermia at the site of injury.

Signs of bruising, stretching are quite similar. In both cases, it sometimes happens that the victim in the first moments does not feel pain, so he continues to move on. But this is dangerous because only the tension is increased, as the mobility of the joint injures the tissues.

In addition to stretching, a rupture of ligaments is possible, and this will require completely different care and treatment. In addition, the signs of dislocation, the signs of stretching are also quite similar, so it is necessary to distinguish them.

Displays of dislocation

The following phenomena occur during dislocation:

  • Ligament rupture.
  • Displacement of bones.
  • The surfaces of the articular bones cease to touch or do it partially.
  • The joint changes its external shape.
  • The motor function is disrupted.

Of course, dislocation and fracture are more serious injuries, but the first manifestations may resemble stretching, so it is necessary to diagnose as quickly as possible and begin effective therapy.

Signs of muscle strain

In addition to stretching the ligaments, you can observe the same trauma, but affecting the muscle fibers. If you over-tighten them or cut them, then there will already be signs of muscle strain:

  1. Painful sensations in the muscle when moving and probing.
  2. The muscle swells and becomes swollen.
  3. Perhaps the formation of bruises.
  4. A painful seal appears at the site of injury.
  5. Violated completely or partially the functioning of the muscle.

If the injury has an easy degree, then after a few days she will stop bothering. More serious injuries require the doctor's intervention.

To distinguish the stretching of the muscles from the stretching of the ligaments, it is possible by the following signs:

  • If there is a trauma to the ligaments, the pain appears almost immediately or after a short period of time.
  • When stretching muscles, the pain usually appears the next day.

How to help the victim?

So, we already know which signs indicate the sprain of the ligaments. And first aid can be provided to the victim in a timely manner, which will significantly reduce the risk of complications. The algorithm of action will be as follows:

  1. The injured limb should be immobilized as soon as possible. This will help alleviate pain and reduce the risk of developing negative reactions.
  2. To the place of injury you can apply cold - this will relieve swelling, reduce pain. In such situations, any improvised means can be used in the course, from snow from the street to a piece of frozen meat from the freezer.
  3. Give the joint a natural position and apply a tight bandage.
  4. You can give the victim an anesthetic to relieve pain.
  5. If there is bruising, then the limb should be given an elevated position, which will prevent the growth of edema.
  6. Visit the doctor to exclude the dislocation and rupture of ligaments.
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If there is a slight stretch (signs), and first aid is provided, then after about 5 days the symptoms will begin to subside, and the work capacity is fully restored.

Taboo with sprain

Everyone should also know what can not be done with stretching:

  • It is forbidden to rub the injured area or to warm it. Thermal procedures can be used only a few days after injury to improve blood circulation, early resorption of hematomas.
  • Do not take alcohol as an analgesic - this can increase bleeding, if any, and slow down the process of tissue repair.
  • Only complete rest will help the ligaments to recover faster, if you continue to train or work through pain, this can lead to the development of complications.

If you follow all the doctor's recommendations and ensure complete rest of the injured limb, then the injured area will heal much faster.

Urgently to the doctor!

If the healing process is delayed and the symptoms listed below are observed, it is necessary to consult a doctor:

  1. Severe pain, injured limb can not be moved.
  2. There is numbness in the injured joint or below.
  3. The place of injury was very red.
  4. In the past, there have been cases of joint damage.
  5. Violated mobility in the joint, there is a "crack".
  6. Within a few days, there is no improvement.
  7. The body temperature increased.

If one or more of these symptoms occur, you will need to call a doctor.

Treatment of stretching

Therapeutic measures include the following:

  • Physiotherapeutic procedures.
  • Injection of anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

If stretching without rupture of ligaments, then physiotherapy procedures have a good effect.

But it is not always possible to visit such offices, so with a slight stretch, a pressure bandage is quite suitable.

Recently, orthopedic adaptations for immobilization, made of natural or synthetic materials, are becoming more popular.

In the first couple of days, you can use cooling compresses, and then move on to warming. A good help in treating stretching is the use of ointments and gels, for example, "Voltaren "Diclofenac." They not only help reduce edema, but also relieve pain.

After the puffiness subsides and the pain disappears, you can begin to perform some exercises that will help restore the normal motor activity of the joint.

Strong stretching sometimes requires the use of steroid hormones, for example ointments with prednisolone and hydrocortisone. Such drugs have anti-inflammatory effect, relieve pain and swelling of tissues.

If there is a serious injury, surgery may be required to stitch the ruptured ligaments.

Home therapy

If the victim does not want to see a doctor, then, as a rule, they start home methods of therapy. The first step is a bandage on the leg and an anesthetic injection is made. You can use "Diclofenac "Ketanov" for these purposes.

Treatment at home reduces to the use of ointments, compresses, which help to remove swelling, get rid of the pain. You can recommend this recipe home remedies:

  1. One potato and a bulb grate.
  2. Grind the cabbage leaf.
  3. Dilute a tablespoon of clay yogurt.
  4. Combine all the ingredients and make a compress at night.

You can use another recipe:

  • 10 cloves garlic chop and pour, l apple cider vinegar or 100 ml vodka.
  • Leave to infuse for 2 weeks in a dark place.
  • After 14 days, filter and add 20 drops of eucalyptus oil.
  • Composition can be used for compress.

If the injury is insignificant, then most likely, such methods will have an effective effect, and the symptoms of stretching will soon stop worrying.

Even small injuries should not be ignored: without appropriate treatment, complications may develop, and this will require more serious therapy.

A source: http://.ru/article/276643/priznaki-rastyajeniya-svyazok-i-pervaya-pomosch

Dislocation sprain, correct treatment

Dislocations and sprains are the most common injuries that require proper diagnosis, as well as timely treatment.

It is worth noting that at home, you can always treat and bruises and strains, but for any suspicion of a fracture, dislocation, or rupture of ligaments, it is necessary to deliver the injured person to the therapeutic institution.

In most cases, stretching occurs after large movements in the joints. Often the ankle ligament is damaged. And stretching in most cases occurs after excessive movements in the joints.

The most common injuries are the ligaments of the ankle joint. Those symptoms that occur when stretching, in appearance, resemble bruises, the patient has swelling, pain, bruising, as well as severe disruption of the joint.

The first help in such injuries is dense bandaging, and in imposing something cold right into the place of damage. And if this is not done immediately, then in the future the patient may have weakness of the ligaments, which leads to a repeated stretching.

And to accelerate recovery, painkillers or anti-inflammatory medications with topical use are used, such as indovazin, diclofenac-gel, fast-gel.

These drugs are applied three times per day to the injury site for 10 days. To accelerate the healing of injuries apply compresses and warm baths.

Excellent helps to reduce inflammation crushed aloe, which must be tightly applied to the sore spot. Quite often, when stretching the ligaments of the ankle, special footwear is used.

First aid for sprains

It is very important not to allow the load on the damaged ligaments. It is necessary to keep the joint in rest for 2-3 days immediately after receiving injuries. Then you need to gradually increase mobility, perform an easy warm-up.

During damage to the leg ligaments, ensure an elevated position to the damaged joint. And for this it is necessary to use pillows, chairs or other improvised means. This situation significantly improves the venous outflow of blood and reduces pain.

Dislocation is the displacement of bones located in articular articulations and it occurs as a result of a large load on the joint or from strokes, but in some cases it may be accompanied by damage to the ligament apparatus and the joint.

Most often there are dislocations of the elbow, shoulder, hip and ankle joints.

With any dislocation, there is acute pain and swelling in the joint region, there is a shift in the bones, a change in the length of the limb and the normal shape of the joint. In terms of its symptoms, the dislocation is very similar to the fracture.

Independently it is impossible to direct a dislocation, it is necessary to fix a joint and a damaged limb. And for this you will need to put a bandage or a tire.

And to the place of dislocation, it is desirable to adjust an ice bag or a soaked towel in cold water. The most affected person should be taken to a nearby hospital for immediate dislocation.

Since inept attempts to reinforce can increase the severity of the course of damage.

Treatment of dislocations

The necessary treatment for a traumatic dislocation is to eliminate it in the shortest possible time immediately after the trauma, to keep the correct position of the directed joint bones, as well as carry out subsequent treatment, which is aimed at the full restoration of the damaged the joint.

The success of such actions is based on a full anesthesia, which will ensure complete relaxation of the muscles of damaged limbs, and also creates the necessary conditions for more painless manipulation, completely aimed at elimination of dislocation.

The very first aid in case of dislocation consists in the introduction of painkillers, and also the provision of immobilization of the damaged limbs with the help of a fixing bandage or a transport bus.

Considering the localization and the degree of mutual displacement of all joint ends of bones, and also using all medications, the doctor conducts conductive, local or general anesthesia.

Even with dislocations of the forearm, shoulder, foot and phalanges of the fingers, ankle joint, patella, an excellent analgesic is prescribed in the form of local anesthetics or conductive anesthesia is performed.

The old dislocations and dislocations of the hip are corrected only under anesthesia. All irreparable dislocations are eliminated only surgically.

In medical practice, there are many ways for manually adjusting dislocations of different locations, but with good effective anesthesia and with muscle relaxation, the selection of a method for eliminating dislocations of special significance is not It has.

The doctor moves slowly and avoids jerks and sudden movements. At the time of the adjustment of the dislocation, in most cases a characteristic click is heard.

And immediately after elimination of dislocations all normal contours are restored, as well as passive mobility in the joint, the springing resistance completely disappears.

And after correcting the dislocation, before the complete healing of the damaged joint capsule, immobilization of the entire damaged limb segment will be required.

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Sprain stretching is one of the most common traumatic injuries. Along with bruises, he takes one of the first places in the list of the main reasons for contacting the trauma centers.

Can occur in patients of any age and sex, especially often observed in athletes and people leading an active lifestyle. Most often, stretches of ligaments of the ankle joint, knee joint, shoulder joint and wrist joint are revealed.

Usually active treatment lasts for 3-5 weeks, and for complete recovery it takes 8-9 weeks.

In most cases, sprains are an isolated trauma, but combinations with injuries of other structures, more often located in the same anatomical region, are also possible.

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For example, with intraarticular fractures and dislocations, sprains and ligament ruptures are observed in the area of ​​the affected joint.

Rarely sprains of ligaments are combined with traumas of other anatomical areas: fractures of the pelvis, spine and extremities, blunt abdominal trauma, TBI, chest damage, etc. The treatment of sprains is performed by traumatologists.


Bundles are elastic dense connective tissue bands connecting one bone to the other. From the ligaments it is necessary to distinguish tendons, which also consist of connective tissue, but they connect not a few bones together, but bone and muscle. Ligaments strengthen the joint and "regulate" the movements.

They provide both the mobility of the joint and its fixation, allowing physiologic movements to be made, but keeping it from non-physiological movements. Depending on the main functional purpose, ligaments that strengthen the joints are distinguished; ligaments, directing movements; ligaments, inhibitory movements.

When stretched, the ligament experiences a load exceeding its strength and elasticity. As a result, some of the fibers break.

A damaged ligament, partially or completely, loses its ability to perform its functions, the joint becomes unstable. In the ligament tissue many small vessels and nerve endings, so when stretching there are hemorrhages and severe pain.

During the first three days there is an increasing swelling, with multiple fiber ruptures the affected area acquires an "elephant" appearance - the contours of the joint are completely smoothed out, the edema spreads to the lower parts (for example, to the foot if the ankle ligament is damaged joint). Possible local fever, cyanosis and hyperemia.

In everyday life, sprains are most often caused by stumbling, tucking, or falling.

For example, the cause of damage to the ligaments of the ankle joint may be the tucking of the leg when walking on High heels or movement on a slippery surface (ice, rolled snow or too smooth sex). A stretching of the ligaments of the wrist joint is formed when falling on the arm in the same circumstances.

Athletes damage ligaments have their own specificity associated with the sport. So, skaters and skiers often encounter ankle injury, caused by sharp internal rotation (rotation) of the foot during braking.

Basketball players, volleyball players, nuclear throwers and tennis players may experience stretching of the ligaments of the shoulder joint as a result of a sharp swing or throw.

People who are involved in powerlifting and bodybuilding, sometimes show damage to the ligaments of the upper limb, due to work with large loads, bench press or from the shoulders.

Factors contributing to damage to ligaments in everyday life or when doing sports are overweight, uncomfortable shoes, clothes or sports equipment, as well as pathological changes in joint structures as a result of arthrosis, previously suffered injuries and infectious diseases. The probability of a ligament injury increases with congenital or acquired anomalies that disrupt normal anatomical relationships and load distribution between individual limb segments (for example, flatfoot).

Classification of sprains

Traumatology distinguishes three degrees of sprain:

  • 1 degree- ruptures of individual fibers of the bundle while maintaining its mechanical integrity and continuity. The edema is expressed slightly, hemorrhages are absent. The support and movements are somewhat limited, the pains are moderate.
  • 2 degree- There are multiple fiber breaks, possibly a partial damage to the capsule. There is a moderate swelling, often bruising. Movement is limited, painful, support is difficult. Some instability of the joint can be determined.
  • 3 degree- complete break. It is accompanied by sharp pain, significant swelling and marked bruises. Movement is severely limited, support is usually impossible. When trying to passive movements, joint instability is revealed.

If the ligaments of 1-2 degrees are damaged in the vast majority of cases, conservative treatment is required. Self-healing occurs in a few weeks.

With complete ruptures, despite the high regenerative capacity of the ligaments, self-healing does not always take place, surgical intervention may be required.

The probability of independent healing depends on the localization of the ligament, concomitant traumatic injuries, timeliness and adequacy of conservative therapy.

At the time of injury there is a sharp pain. When a considerable part of the fibers are broken, characteristic cotton is sometimes heard. Then there is an increasing swelling, with severe injuries, hematomas and subcutaneous hemorrhages form.

Disturbing pain, which is sharply increased when trying to turn the limb in the direction in which it was rotated at the time of damage.

The degree of disruption of the support and movements depends on the severity of the injury - from a slight restriction with slight stretching to impossibility in severe tears and complete ruptures.

The examination reveals swelling. Minor stretching is accompanied by the formation of local swelling in the ligamentous area. In cases of moderate severity, edema spreads to the entire joint.

In severe injuries, there is a marked puffiness with the spread not only to the joint itself, but also to the distal part of the limb, because of the swelling the joint completely ceases to be contoured.

Hemorrhages and hematomas occur mainly with moderate to severe injuries.

Palpation of the injured area is sharply painful, local temperature increase of the skin is determined. Crepitation is absent.

In light and moderate injuries, passive movements are limited due to pain, with severe injuries excessive mobility, which differs from pathological mobility due to fracture.

In fractures, pathological mobility occurs in the region of the fracture, that is, where it normally should not be. If the ligaments are damaged, the movements take place where they should (in the joint), but their amplitude is greater than normal.

Diagnosis of sprain

Diagnosis is made on the basis of symptoms and, if possible, MRI data, joint ultrasound or arthroscopy.

Bundles are soft tissue formations, they are not visible on radiographs, therefore radiography can be used only for elimination of the fracture, since fractures and stretching are accompanied by very similar symptoms and sometimes are combined with each other friend. In addition, in the course of differential diagnosis with fractures, characteristic clinical signs are taken into account.

When stretching, unlike fractures, there is no pain with pressure on the bone (with the exception of pressure in the area of ​​the damaged ligament). At the time of injury, you hear a clap, not a bone crunch.

At rest, as a rule, there is no pronounced pain syndrome, which disturbs the patient's sleep and rest.

When palpation is not determined crepitation, and deformation is formed, mainly due to edema, and not due to the displacement of fragments.

Unlike fractures, in which damage to the ligamentous apparatus of the joint is observed only in certain cases, dislocation is always accompanied by rupture or sprain of the ligaments.

Dislocations are also excluded based on radiography and lack of typical clinical signs.

When stretching, unlike dislocation, there is never a sharp and rough deformation of the joint, shortening of the limb and springing resistance when trying to passive movements.

Treatment of sprain

At a stretching of ligaments 1 and 2 degrees out-patient treatment in a fracture clinic is spent. For lesions of the third degree, hospitalization in the trauma department is usually required. Patients are recommended rest, elevated limb position.

During the first day, cold is applied to the injured area (a heating pad or a plastic bag with ice wrapped in a towel). Starting from the third day, use dry heat.

With light stretches, while walking, an elastic bandage is applied or a caliper (special orthopedic bandage) is put on. At rest, the restraints are removed so as not to interfere with blood circulation in the affected area.

In severe injuries, immobilization is carried out using gypsum or plastic longes.

Patients with sprains, especially in the first three days, are contraindicated thermal procedures: warm compresses, hot tubs, sauna or bath. Do not take alcohol or massage, as this helps to increase swelling and increase bruising.

At the initial stage, it is not recommended to perform movements in the damaged joint, as this can provoke additional microfractures of the ligament fibers and slow the rate of its restoration. Massage and physical exercises are shown only in the recovery period.

In the first days after injury, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, ibuprofen, etc.) can be used if necessary to eliminate pain and reduce inflammation.

If intense pain persists for a week or more, you need to see a doctor so that he recommends other, safer methods of anesthesia, because a prolonged intake of NSAIDs can trigger the onset of gastritis or the formation of ulcers stomach.

Along with NSAIDs for oral administration, safer external drugs from the same group can be used.

At the stage of recovery, patients are referred to the exercise therapy. Exercises first include only light warm-up movements, then the complex gradually expands. At the same time, the general principle is the absence of pain when doing the exercises.

It should be remembered that too long full rest, as well as too early movements in the joint, can adversely affect the duration of the recovery period, so exercise therapy should be carried out in strict accordance with the recommendations of the doctor and LFK instructor.

Prognosis with sprains is favorable. Damage of 1 degree, as a rule, heal without residual effects.

When stretching 2 and 3 degrees in some patients in the late period, tingling and chronic pain in the joint are observed.

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This can be due to both the formation of small nodules, and the involvement of nerve endings in the process of scarring fibers.

It must be remembered that the restoration of the ligament is due to the formation of scars, and, hence, in the future this ligament will be less resistant to damage. To prevent repeated injuries during sports, you should use special calipers.

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Stretch of ligaments - how to identify and anesthetize, first aid, therapy and recovery

If the joints are damaged, any movement causes aching pain, and the patient has a serious suspicion of sprain.

The state is extremely unpleasant, it gives unpleasant sensations, significantly reduces physical activity. The patient should be promptly given first aid with sprains, otherwise the pathology is aggravated.

It's time to turn to a specialist, thus reducing the likelihood of complications and aggravation of health problems.

What is sprain

This widespread domestic trauma can occur at any age with sudden movements exceeding the allowable amplitude in the joint. The pathological process is more common to athletes, the upper and lower extremities suffer equally.

In the risk group, middle joints have fallen, and sprains of large ligaments rarely occur. A potential threat always exists for the ankle, knee, shoulder and wrist joint.

Stretching is accompanied by painful sensations, and in order to calm the attack of pain, the first thing to do is to use an elastic bandage.

Stretching and rupturing of ligaments are different concepts, however in both clinical pictures the patient temporarily loses efficiency, physical activity decreases, and there is a strong attack of pain.

In appearance, the injured limb has not changed, but at the moment of stretching the patient complains of excessive soreness, a crunch of ligaments or an incomprehensible click in the joints. There is a violation of the support, which depends on the degree of injury, the nature of the damage.

Other symptoms that complement the painful stretch are presented below:

  1. hematoma, bruise;
  2. swelling, increased puffiness of the focus of pathology;
  3. internal hemorrhage;
  4. Crick;
  5. deformation of the damaged joint.

If severe trauma is obtained, the temperature of the body may not be ruled out. The patient raises temperature, and stabilize it with the help of antipyretics can only be for a while.

This often occurs with fractures of the limbs, whereas with dislocations the general condition of the patient can be determined as satisfactory.

However, in any case, the competent help of the attending physician - traumatologist is required.


Stretching joints and ligaments is more common in active people, but everyone can face this health problem.

The process of recovery is long, so it is better to take timely care of safe methods of prevention, to reveal the factors provoking this pathological process.

The main causes of stretching may be as follows:

  • incautious movements, for example, turning the foot, dislocating the shoulder, twisting the brush;
  • professional, sports injuries, falls;
  • excess weight of the patient;
  • chronic joint disease;
  • uncomfortable shoes;
  • congenital anomalies of the musculoskeletal system;
  • employment by professional sports.

Classification of sprains

When stretching the muscle fibers, the patient loses the ability to move normally, and the doctor prescribes bed rest and physiotherapy.

Successful healing requires time, but this time interval depends on the degree of damage to the ligaments.

In modern medicine, the following classification of the pathological process takes place:

  1. The first degree. The fibers of the bundle are external, but at the same time retain their non-intermittence. The point of support is preserved, the sensation of pain is insignificant, the skin swells up. This stretching is more common in children.
  2. Secondary degree. Ligaments of the ligament fibers are numerous, there is damage to the capsule, the fulcrum is broken, there are cases of severe bruising of the affected area.
  3. Third degree. Characterizes the complete rupture of ligaments with unstable mobility of the joint, there is formation hematoma, and the patient writhes from acute pain with the slightest movement, conservative methods of treatment ineffective.


Before treating the sprain, it is required to undergo a complete examination of the alleged foci of pathology, to determine the degree of the disease and potential complications. From the correct actions of the doctor, the healing process of ligaments and tendons depends on 70%, or rather, its speed.

So the first thing is to limit mobility, timely access to a traumatologist.

The doctor begins to determine the ailment by the method of palpation, but after completing his actions can only put a hypothetical diagnosis - only the pathology can not be determined visually.

More comprehensive diagnosis includes the following activities:

  • MRI;
  • Ultrasound of the damaged joint;
  • arthroscopy (laboratory examination of a joint piece);
  • radiography;
  • blood and urine tests (to clarify the diagnosis).


To restore ligaments and return joint movement, a comprehensive approach to the health problem is shown. The main difference from the fracture is the absence of the need to apply gypsum on the injured bone.

However, an elastic bandage will still be needed. With this kind of damage the patient expects a difficult period when it is required to comply with bed rest, perform physiotherapeutic procedures.

Below are several techniques that can be found in practice when stretching tendons or ligaments.

First aid

For example, if there is an ankle sprain, the first thing is to immobilize the base, completely eliminate the load on the pathology center.

Passive behavior and rest is an opportunity to exclude the aggravation of the clinical picture. It is very important to call the ambulance, and, while the doctors are away, apply cold to the stretch.

As a result of such actions, pain passes and puffiness decreases.

How to relieve swelling

Stretching can be detected by visual edema of the knee, foot or other focus of the pathology. When palpation of the swollen zone there is obvious pain, and attempts to move end with acute pain of ligaments. To remove the swelling, it is necessary to apply cold.

This can be ordinary ice or any frozen product from the freezer. Such actions are part of an ambulance, so action is required immediately. Cold should be removed for half an hour every 2 to 3 hours to prevent frostbite of the skin.

Anesthetic for sprain

If ligaments have suffered to some extent, painful sensations can not be avoided. With their total absence, it is a post-traumatic shock, which will soon end with acute pain of the focus of pathology.

In this case, you need to take an anesthetic, which temporarily dulls the discomfort, normalizes the temperature regime.

Separate medical preparations are required: Ibuprofen, Febrofide, Naproxen, Ketorolac, Artradol (in the form of intramuscular injections).

It is advisable to use anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of gels and ointments, which are not only removed inflammation, swelling and painful sensations, but also restore the blood flow of the affected area, promotes regeneration damaged tissues. For example, when stretching, doctors often prescribe a patient ointment or cream Heparin outwardly.


At the first and second degree of stretching, effective treatment of ligaments is carried out in the trauma unit, and at the third degree the patient is urgently required to be hospitalized with a strong ligament rupture. Lying in the hospital for a week, because there is a surgical intervention and a long period of rehabilitation.

The purpose of the operation is to quickly restore the lost ligament functions, restore their integrity and accelerate the mandatory rehabilitation period.

For an experienced surgeon, surgical intervention with ligament rupture is not particularly difficult, but the clinical outcome depends on the diligence of each patient.

So do not be too frightened of the upcoming operation.

Auxiliary therapies

To restore ligament function after stretching, it is required to use physiotherapeutic methods of treatment.

Stretch joints is a matter of a few minutes, but to restore them is a task for no one week.

For a productive recovery of the focus of pathology, doctors recommend the following measures in a hospital:

  1. influence of diadynamic currents;
  2. UHF-therapy;
  3. course of massage;
  4. Ointments and compresses to warm the ligament;
  5. paraffin;
  6. electrophoresis;
  7. Exercise therapy;
  8. occupational therapy.


More often the rehabilitation period provides for a special training complex to restore the affected ligaments as soon as possible.

When stretching, it is important to minimize the load on the pathology site, and restore activity 1-2 weeks after the event.

Only in this case there will be a positive dynamics, and the risk of complications is completely reduced to a minimum. Here's what the competent experts recommend:

  • static and dynamic breathing exercises;
  • exercise for a healthy symmetrical limb;
  • training complex for muscle strengthening.

Contraindications in tension

With characteristic damage the first few days are generally not recommended to move, the focus of pathology should be at rest, it is necessary to use elastic bandage. During this period, it is strictly forbidden:

  1. to drink alcohol;
  2. Do massage;
  3. apply heat, perform warming compresses;
  4. move, lift weights;
  5. try to stretch the focus of pathology.

If, after the expiration of two days from the moment of stretching, the inflamed joints do not cease to hurt, but not disappearance of edema and hematoma, it is required to immediately contact a specialist, do not deal with superficial self-medication. When there is a sudden suspicion of a fracture, act immediately, immediately call an ambulance or go to the emergency room.

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