The baby is hiccup after feeding: why, what should parents do to stop hiccups at home

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Newborn baby recently had a good meal, "dropped off" from the chest or from a bottle with a pacifier for feeding. Nothing annoying seems to be foretold, the baby is attacked by a slumber, it tends to sleep, and suddenly a hiccup begins!

Why does an infant cry after feeding? What should parents do to stop hiccups at home, how to help the baby? Are there any dangerous cases of hiccups?


Why hiccups occur after feeding: reasons for

Pediatricians explain the hiccups in a child with several of the most common causes:

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  1. by ingestion of air into the stomach at the same time as eating( the mother may have plenty of milk or a large hole in the nipple for feeding, and the baby is forced to tryto absorb the entire amount of the food that is being drained);
  2. too fast absorption of food and as a consequence of overeating( logically follows from the point of the first, but can be provoked by the hunger state of the newborn);
  3. by meteorism - excessive gassing in the abdomen of a child;
  4. is too cool air in the children's room or quart.

Air in the stomach

Finding out the origin of a sudden onset of a hiccup attack, look at how the baby eats. When breastfeeding, observe whether the newborn captures the nipple correctly, how tightly it fits to the mouth. If not, air bubbles can enter the stomach with milk.

A similar situation is observed in children on artificial feeding when a too wide aperture is made in the nipple. The ingestion of air is the main reason that an infant gets hiccup after every meal.


Stomach in small babies is small, and when "greedy" willy-nilly drinks more than necessary, it leads to stretching of the walls of the stomach and excessive pressure on the diaphragm, resulting in frequent regurgitation, hiccups begin.

Intestinal colic

This phenomenon, like excessive accumulation of gases, is typical for any infant up to 3 months. And since the digestive system is not yet able to work at 100%, the baby not only hiccups with colic, but also cries. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to help him.

Cold in the room

At low ambient temperatures, the child begins to freeze, lose heat. Reflexively, this can cause hiccups. The recipe for help is simple - you need to warm up the room.

What should I do to stop the hiccough?

If the cause lies in ingestion of air, after eating, hold the child "post" for a while. The air will gradually go away in the form of eructation, and he will stop hiccupping. It makes sense to choose a more comfortable position for feeding, so that the baby grabs the nipple correctly, together with the areola around it. As for the artificial ones, whose feeding takes place through the bottle, change the pacifier to the one where the hole is smaller. Some manufacturers, for example, the company AVENT, produce bottles that have an anti-coil valve. It allows air to remain in the tank itself, and not in the stomach.

With overeating , try to reduce the feeding time of those who eat mother's milk by taking away the breast. Artificers can prepare a little less mixture by volume( how much less, tells the pediatrician).Feed not by watch, but on demand.

If the newborn is hiccup because of intestinal colic , try to reduce their intensity, as well as the frequency. When breastmilk is used as food, the mother should follow a certain diet, namely, do not eat smoked, fried, fatty;to limit or temporarily exclude from the diet cabbage, grapes, apricots, onions - all that can cause fermentation.

Mothers who breastfeed, it is important to monitor their diet to avoid colic in the baby. Mummy, who feeds artificial animals, should seriously approach the choice of infant formula. If it does not cause problems, do not experiment with others. Conversely, when the mixture is not suitable, try a different option, perhaps with bifidobacteria.

In case the colic has started, massage the tummy clockwise, apply a warm diaper to it, make gymnastics - legs bend in the knees and put it to the stomach - and straighten it. Give the baby a medicine based on simethicone( Espumizan, Infakol) or dill water( you can Plantex).

To stop the hiccough, you can simply give a little water or briefly attach to the chest( if the cause of it is not associated with overeating).

It is clear that in cases of of hypothermia, the child needs to be warmed - to dress warmer, to cover with a blanket, to add heating.

Video: recommendations and tips

What to do if a newborn hiccups after a meal

On her video channel, Olga Lepik will tell you what to do for the parents of the hiccup baby.

Why newborn babies are hiccuped

A qualified consultation on cessation of hiccups in a child can be obtained from this video from neonatologist Guzely Usmanova.

Hiccough and itching - Emergency care - Dr. Komarovsky

What causes and intensifies the itching, forcing a person to itch? In what cases it is possible to remove the itch yourself, and when to run to the doctor? What provokes and what stops hiccups? Dr. Komarovsky will answer these questions and tell you how to get rid of hiccoughs and itching.

The best mode of feeding a newborn is Dr. Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky will consider the pros and cons of various systems and feeding regimes.

When is the hiccup dangerous?

As a rule, the phenomenon of hiccups is safe and has no complications, if it occurs from time to time and lasts no more than 15 minutes. However, long hiccups can talk about a health disorder.

For example, incessant hiccough is due to fetal hypoxia( in utero - before birth), pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract or cardiovascular system, respiratory organs diseases, nervous disorders. In such situations, you must always go to a medical institution to see a pediatrician to examine the baby, establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a comprehensive treatment.

As you can see, newborns can eat and help them after meals. Of course, we did not consider all possible reasons why hatching occurs in infants. Nevertheless, the most important thing you already know.

Source: redaction of the site http: // pochemu-grudnoy-rebenok-ikaet-posle-kormleniya-chto-delat