Why does the baby hiccup in the womb during pregnancy, do I have to worry about frequent hiccups

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For any pregnant woman, you always want to feel the first movements of your baby as soon as possible. Feel a light touch or a soft push of the baby in the womb is a joyful opportunity for the mother to communicate with the future son or daughter! But sometimes the fetal movements cause discomfort and cause questions - is everything ok with the baby and why does the baby hiccup in the stomach?

In late pregnancy women experience unusual uniform movements, unlike the ordinary movements of a small man. Then they say that the baby hiccups in the stomach.

Hiccups from ordinary fetal movements are distinguished by rhythm and duration. A baby can hiccup 10 minutes or more. Even if it does not cause unpleasant sensations in the future mother, she can take care of the health of her child. These movements are unaccustomed, and can a baby really hiccup in the stomach? It turns out, in fact, maybe, the truth of the exact answer about the reasons why a child hiccups, no one can give.


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Why a child hiccups in pregnancy, possible causes

According to pediatricians and gynecologists outsideDepending on the cause of the appearance of hiccups is not harmful to the future baby, and the factors that cause it, there may be several.

Under the hiccup is meant a spontaneous contraction of the diaphragm, as a response to irritation. The woman begins to feel that the fetus is hiccuping in the abdomen, in the second half of pregnancy, but hiccups appear much earlier, from about 10 weeks. Basically, it is believed that the baby hiccups in the womb due to ingestion of amniotic fluid that occurs when:

  • Intensive thumb sucking .Sucking is a congenital reflex, vital after birth, because it affects the baby's nutrition.
  • Zevaniya , because the child even before birth yawns, like all people, opening their mouth wide. Therefore, the amniotic fluid is easily swallowed, and the child has a normal hiccup, only in the abdomen.
  • Active ingestion of "sweet" amniotic fluid. Approximately about 20 weeks the fruit begins to taste. The taste of the meal of the future mother is reflected in the "taste" of the amniotic fluid, so we can assume that the child has already tried a wide range of products for birth. If the pregnant woman spoiled herself with sweets, then sensing the sugary taste of amniotic fluid the child can actively swallow them, and a large flow will cause irritation of the diaphragm, which will cause hiccough.

Maturation of the central nervous system

Hiccups are inherently a rhythmic contraction of the diaphragm, which is caused, among other things, by the pinching of the vagus nerve, which binds the internal organs of the human body. In this case, a signal appears in the brain that rhythmic contractions can release this nerve.

Thus, if a child hiccups during pregnancy, this indicates the final formation of its central nervous system - it can already take control of the control processes of one or another organ or group of muscles.

Preparing for independent breathing and swallowing

Some doctors believe that the fetus hiccups in the abdomen in preparation for independent breathing and the ability to swallow. During hiccups, not only the diaphragm but also the lungs are trained. The baby swallows the amniotic fluid, while the diaphragm is irritated and hiccups begin.

By the way, if the future mother likes sweets, then the baby in the stomach can hiccup often - he may like the taste of treats, he will swallow amniotic fluid more than usual, and with the help of hiccups will have to push out too much.

Fetal hypoxia

Lack of oxygen in a baby's future( hypoxia) is a very dangerous condition for his life and development, and hiccups can be a sign of such a condition. Creating frequent reinforced movements, including ikaya, the kid tries to provide himself with an additional amount of oxygen.

In itself, hiccups are not yet a sign of hypoxia, but if you add to this the sudden rapid movements of the unborn child( and the fetal activity as a whole increases), then it is worthwhile immediately contacting specialists and undergoing the necessary examinations.

When can a baby's hiccup appear in the abdomen?

All the above hiccups occur, as a rule, at later stages of pregnancy. Thus, the baby begins to learn how to swallow about 28 weeks, and the maturation of the central nervous system occurs by the 32nd week of pregnancy.

Thus, you may notice that the baby hiccups, at 33 weeks of pregnancy or earlier.

Do all babies hiccup in the stomach?

Not all children hiccup, and not all future mothers are able to feel these movements. The threshold of sensitivity, the layer of subcutaneous fat and the location of the placenta in each pregnant woman are different, so if the baby's hiccup is not felt, this does not mean that it does not.

In any case, hiccup babies during pregnancy or not - it does not matter. The main thing that he was comfortable in the tummy of my mother.

What if the baby started hiccupping?

If the baby's hiccup is felt infrequently and not very long, then there is no reason to worry. It is better to talk with your child, calm him, and if his hiccups give you discomfort, arrange that the little boy is less worried about his mother - maybe he will not listen to you yet, but communication will help to distract from unpleasant sensations.

When should I see a doctor?

With increased fetal motor activity, sharp and strong movements, along with hiccups, it is necessary to consult a doctor for examination. This must be done to exclude hypoxia.

Usually, ultrasound is prescribed with a study of the blood flow of the placenta and fetus, as well as cardiotocography( CTG) to measure the baby's heart contractions and to study the activity of the uterus. Usually, hiccup babies are born without signs of oxygen shortage, but if during the examination the hypoxia is confirmed, a treatment is prescribed, in which case the result will also be positive.

Take any medications for hypoxia only on the basis of a baby's hiccups, and if your doctor has prescribed treatment without an additional examination, you should think about his competence.

Cicatricial fetal on background of hypoxia: causes, signs and examination

Pathological hiccup of the child in the abdomen, develops due to hypoxia, i.e.because of insufficient oxygen supply. The baby begins to swallow uncontrolled amniotic fluid, hoping to get an additional portion of oxygen.

It is very important not to miss and recognize this condition, because hypoxia is very dangerous. The reasons for the appearance of fetal hypoxia and its treatment can be found in the article "Fetal hypoxia in pregnancy".

In case of a "hypoxic" hiccup, the following can be observed:

  1. Increase in hiccough and increase in its duration. Sometimes pregnant women with this pathology of pregnancy note continuous, slightly palpable tremors, this often causes the expectant mother to visit the doctor unscheduled.
  2. In addition to hiccups, the motor activity of the fetus is markedly increased. He often turns around, kicks too much. Such kicking a woman can easily distinguish from her habitual.
  3. At the CTG, the fetus has a bradycardia, which is a direct sign of hypoxia.

Sometimes a woman may notice that a baby hiccups in the womb, due to a certain position of the body or circumstances, often not recommended during gestation. This may include:

  • Pose lying on the back, in which the growing uterus carries the main blood vessels, the deceased oxygen supply to the baby. How to choose a pose for sleep with benefit for pregnancy can be found in the article "Pose for sleep during pregnancy - a pledge of the health of the child and a good mood of the mother!".
  • Excessive physical exertion, which in a pregnant woman is able to cause oxygen starvation, and accordingly in a child, too.
  • Finding a pregnant woman in a stuffy, poorly ventilated room can provoke the appearance of hiccups.
  • Bad habit - smoking, or being in a smoking room, has a very negative effect on pregnancy, causing temporary hypoxia.

Hiccups in these cases will be a response to a short-term disruption of oxygen supply, it passes itself after a change in the situation, changes in the position of the body or rest of the pregnant woman.

Examination for suspected hypoxia:

  • Examination of the doctor taking into account the complaints of the pregnant woman. Listening to the fetal heartbeat.
  • Control of motor activity of the fetus.
  • KTG - a record of heartbeat with fixation of perturbations.
  • Ultrasound with doppler will assess the condition of the child and the main ones for the pregnancy of the vessels.

Treatment and recommendations

Natural hiccups do not require correction;is a manifestation of good development and proper activity of the nervous system.

If, the child hiccups in the abdomen because of hypoxia, then first you need to exclude the factors contributing to the development of this condition and urgently visit a doctor. Who will examine the pregnant woman, prescribe a treatment.

Recommendations, such as prevention of hiccups against the background of hypoxia:

  • Choose the right and comfortable for pregnancy pose for sleep and rest.
  • Avoid stuffy, smoky rooms. Often visit the open air.
  • Avoid smoking.
  • Do not load more than allowed.
  • Avoid stressful situations.
  • Receiving a balanced, vitaminized diet.

Video: "Ikanie baby in the womb, is not it harmful?"

Every pregnant woman is anxious about every push of her unborn child - this is a form of communication. If the child hiccups in the abdomen, the mother is at the same time calm, does not feel any inconvenience, there are no other disturbing symptoms of the baby's development, it is not worth worrying.


  1. https: //www.gnomik.ru/articles/ art-pochemu-rebenok-ikaet-v-zhivote /
  2. http://beremennost-po-nedelyam.com/rebenok_ikaet_v_jivote_norma_ili_patologiya/