Neuralgia of the thoracic region: symptoms, treatment


  • 1Neurology of the thoracic department. Treatment of thoracic neuralgia. Neuralgia: causes, symptoms
    • 1.1Definition
    • 1.2Causes of pathology
    • 1.3Neuralgia of the thoracic spine: symptoms
    • 1.4Differences from diseases with similar characteristics
    • 1.5Treatment of thoracic neuralgia
    • 1.6Medication Therapy
    • 1.7Other therapies
    • 1.8ethnoscience
    • 1.9Self-massage
    • 1.10Prevention of intercostal neuralgia
  • 2Neuralgia of the thoracic spine: symptoms and treatment
    • 2.1Etiology
    • 2.2Symptomatology
    • 2.3Diagnostics
    • 2.4Healing measures
    • 2.5ethnoscience
  • 3How to treat a disease such as thoracic neuralgia?
    • 3.1Etiology of the problem
    • 3.2Symptomatology of the disease
    • 3.3Correct diagnosis
    • 3.4Diagnostics
    • 3.5How to get rid of the disease?
    • 3.6Medicines and vitamins
    • 3.7Ointments and physiotherapy
    • 3.8People's Councils
  • 4Neuralgia of the thoracic region - the main causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods
    • 4.1Characteristic signs and symptoms
    • 4.2Diagnostics
    • 4.3Treatment of thoracic neuralgia
    • 4.4Non-drug therapy
    • 4.5Medication Therapy
    • 4.6Possible complications
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Neurology of the thoracic department. Treatment of thoracic neuralgia. Neuralgia: causes, symptoms

When suddenly the chest is pierced by a sharp pain, most sufferers involuntarily think that they were struck by a heart attack. However, immediately prepare for the worst is not worth it.

Most likely, this is the intercostal neuralgia of the thoracic department. It is not as dangerous as a heart attack, but it is very, very torturous.

If you do not postpone the visit to a specialist for a long time, getting rid of the disease is not so difficult.


The very term "neuralgia" is of Greek origin. Neuron means "nerve and algos means "pain."

Neuralgia of the thoracic spine is a pain reflex syndrome of traumatic, inflammatory or compression character, arising from the squeezing or irritation of the roots of the spinal nerves.

Causes of pathology

Surely everyone knows that a person has twelve pairs of ribs, and in each intercostal space there is a nerve. So the impact on him and provokes incredibly strong pain, spreading along the branches and trunk.

The cause of compression or irritation of the nerves is the deformation of the intercostal spaces, which can be caused by recent or transferred to past trauma, spine diseases (curvature, osteochondrosis, herniated intervertebral discs), exposure to bacterial toxins, heavy metals, certain medications, diseases of the nervous system (polyradiculoneuritis, multiple sclerosis), infections (tuberculosis, influenza), allergies, decreased immunity.

Neuralgia of the thoracic region can also appear as a result of cardiovascular pathologies (atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, anemia) due to insufficient inflow of oxygen to the nerves.

Provoke the disease can inflammation in the ligaments and joints of the spine, changes associated with hormonal failures in women during menopause, deposition in the spine of salts.

Quite often, neuralgia becomes a consequence of alcohol abuse, diabetes mellitus, hypothermia, lack of B-group vitamins in the body, which often observed with gastritis, colitis, peptic ulcer, hepatitis (it is with these diseases that the metabolism in the tissues of nerves suffers in the first queue). Development of the disease is possible after the transfer of herpetic infection, with diseases of internal organs, aneurysm of the thoracic part of the aorta.

However, the most common cause of intercostal neuralgia, in which all the experts agree, is a sharp muscle spasm, provoked, for example, by an unsuccessful turn or an awkward sharp movement of the trunk, a prolonged stay in the same position or draft, sleep in an uncomfortable position, unusual physical stress on spine. It should also be noted that in the elderly, thoracic neuralgia occurs an order of magnitude more often than in the young.

So, as you already probably understood, there are a lot of causes of pathology, but we have not listed the complete list yet.


Under the influence of only one factor, intercostal neuralgia develops extremely rarely, usually several ailments are involved at once.


Therefore, to determine where one disease ends and another begins, sometimes even an experienced doctor can not.

Neuralgia of the thoracic spine: symptoms

The main sign of pathology is pain in the ribs. It can be different: acute, burning, aching, dull, and also episodic or permanent.

Soreness, as a rule, increases with any activity, for example, as a result of sneezing, coughing, with a sharp movement of the body and even a slight change in the position of the body.

Also, pain occurs when palpation of certain areas: areas along the chest and spine, between the ribs.

Very often, unpleasant sensations increase with exhalation / inspiration, the breathing becomes so difficult that even a small expansion in the process of inhaling the chest responds with a sharp pain.

Symptoms of thoracic neuralgia should be distinguished from manifestations of other diseases primarily in the area of ​​pain localization.

First, soreness is felt in the rib zone (in the intercostal spaces), but it can also be observed, for example, in the back, under the shoulder blade, near the waist. Such irradiating sensations do not indicate a real source of nerve damage.

Often the pain in the chest is of a circumvallent nature: it can only occur in the right or only in the left half of this part of the trunk along the ribs.

Neuralgia of the thoracic symptoms may have other symptoms.

So, soreness is often accompanied by a distinct twitching (contraction) of individual muscles, a change in skin color (unhealthy pallor or, conversely, redness), intense sweating. In the area of ​​direct damage to nerve segments, skin can be dull, that is, lose sensitivity.

Differences from diseases with similar characteristics

Pain in the chest can occur not only with such pathologies as thoracic neuralgia. Symptoms of a similar nature appear in certain vascular and cardiac diseases.

To put the correct diagnosis, you need to identify the characteristics of discomfort, because the pain is different.


So, with intercostal neuralgia, it is usually present constantly for a long time, increases with any movements of the body and is not removed by any medications.


And with cardiac pathologies, pain sensations are characterized by periodicity, short duration and can be suppressed by various kinds of medications (for example, nitroglycerin). Also, this pain does not increase when the body turns.

Treatment of thoracic neuralgia

Correctly to find out the root cause of intense pain in the chest, you certainly can not, so self-diagnosis, and even more self-medication, is strictly prohibited.

Without delay, consult a neurologist - only he, on the basis of a survey, will be able to establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment, depending on the cause of the painful manifestations.

For example, if the neuralgia of the thoracic region has arisen because of the infringement of the roots of the nerves, one should treat the underlying ailment - a herniated disc or osteochondrosis.

If the cause of the pathology is herpes zoster or cold, you need to eliminate these diseases.

Treatment of thoracic neuralgia should be comprehensive. At the initial stage of therapy, special attention is paid to cupping and reducing the pain syndrome, for this purpose prescribe painkillers. With neuralgia, different drugs are used. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Medication Therapy

  1. Analgesics (preparations "Spazgan "Analgin "Sedalgin" and others). Used to reduce the main symptom - pain. Depending on the intensity of the sensations, they are taken for five to ten days three to four times a day.

    If you use medicines more often, the desired result does not come, but side effects may develop.

  2. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (medicines Voltaren, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Piroxicam and others).

    They are designed to combat inflammation, but are also able to alleviate pain syndrome, albeit to a lesser extent, than analgesics.

    Such medications should be used once-twice a day, because frequent use can trigger the development (or exacerbation) of gastrointestinal pathologies. It is permissible to use NVP for no more than five to seven days, unless the doctor has recommended otherwise.

    When choosing a dosage form, preference should be given to injection (injections) or rectal (candle) option. NVPs can have such forms of release as gel, cream, ointment. With neuralgia, the "Nimid" gel is very helpful.

    With external use, it has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

  3. Miorelaxants (medicines "Sirdalud "Baclofen "Clonazepam" and others). These drugs most effectively combat the pathology caused by muscle spasm.

    The doctor should choose the duration of the use of such medications individually.

  4. B-group vitamins (B1, B6, B12). Their deficiency is one of the reasons why the neuralgia of the thoracic department appears.

    The lack of these vitamins is most often observed in people suffering from gastric diseases, diabetes, intestinal diseases, and also those who abuse alcohol. Take vitamins should be from ten days to one month.

  5. Local anesthetics (Novokain, Lidocaine). In severe pain syndrome, it is recommended to make blockades with solutions of these drugs. In this way, pain can be significantly reduced. The number of blockades varies from two to five or seven.

    But keep in mind: such manipulations should only be performed by a specialist, he also sets the required number of blockades.

  6. Sedatives (medicines "Relanium "Elenium"). Used to calm the patient, so to speak, reduce the brain's response to pain.
  7. External medicines. Ointment in neuralgia should be selected one that would have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. With the help of such a means you can relax the muscles and improve blood circulation, which will reduce pain and pain. An example of an effective medicine is turpentine ointment. After its application, the thorax should be wrapped. Also, make sure that there are no drafts in the room. A good result in treatment is given by preparations based on bee venom, for example, ointment "Apizartron". The active substance produces relaxing and warming effects.

Other therapies

Medicamental treatment of neuralgia is far from being the only method of combating the disease. We have already said that therapy should be comprehensive.

The patient is also assigned physiotherapy with the use of magnetic and electromagnetic fields, infrared and ultraviolet radiation, electrophoresis of drugs, pulsed low-frequency currents of low voltage, ultrasound.

Acupuncture, acupressure, manual therapy, acupuncture, moxotherapy, laser therapy can be used.

If the intercostal neuralgia has arisen as a result of some disease of the spine (a herniated intervertebral disk or scoliosis), then prescribe courses of therapeutic gymnastics, and if necessary do stretching the spine.


If you do not have the opportunity to contact the doctor at the first symptoms of thoracic neuralgia, you can use folk remedies to ease the condition at first.

But remember that with the help of them you can only for a while take off the pain, but do not eliminate the main reason for its appearance.

Therefore, the main task is to pass the survey course as quickly as possible and get qualified help.


So, what folk remedies can help you? Perhaps the most popular and effective remedy is pepper plaster.


Before applying it to the painful area, it must be degreased with alcohol and dry with a dry cloth.

Wear a patch, until you feel how the warmth spreads through your body.

Another good way to eliminate chest pain involves the use of turpentine. Pour a hundred milliliters of boiling water into the container and add one hundred grams of turpentine there.

Stir thoroughly the mixture, and then moisten it with gauze or a soft napkin, squeeze it lightly and attach it to a sore spot. Place a film or a compress paper on top and cover with a towel.

Such a compress is allowed to hold no more than three to five minutes, after removing it, tie a warm scarf or scarf to the affected area and lie down for a while in bed.


Reduce the pain can be by rubbing and stroking the tips of the fingers of the intercostal spaces. Do it in a sitting position.

You can also knead the back muscles or fold the hands in the lock with both hands and perform grinding from the waist to the shoulder blades.

In addition, massage of the reflexogenic zone located on both sides of the thoracic region between the first lumbar and seventh cervical vertebrae can help you.

The most effective is the massage for two minutes between the fourth and fifth thoracic vertebrae using the "Golden Star" balm. If there is no balm at hand, just massage with clean fingers, and then glue the pepper patch to these points.

Prevention of intercostal neuralgia

Many patients ask about whether it is possible to prevent an attack. Of course you can. After all, if you know what causes the pathology, then you can prevent its appearance. The most important measure for the prevention of thoracic neuralgia is regular exercise.

Systematically, do exercises that strengthen the spine, increase its mobility, develop muscle. In addition, avoid overcooling and drafts, excessive physical exertion, long staying in uncomfortable poses.

Especially this applies to untrained people and the elderly.

Watch your posture when sitting at a table, do not lift weights, rationally and in a balanced way eat, do not exhaust yourself with starvation and mono-diet.


And, of course, treat those diseases that somehow lead to intercostal neuralgia: atherosclerosis, peripheral vascular pathology, diabetes mellitus, etc.


A source: http://.ru/article/136580/nevralgiya-grudnogo-otdela-lechenie-nevralgii-grudnogo-otdela-nevralgiya-prichinyi-simptomyi

Neuralgia of the thoracic spine: symptoms and treatment

Category: Neurology and psychiatry 29135

  • Impaired heart rate
  • High blood pressure
  • The spread of pain to other areas
  • Pain in the place of pinching the nerve
  • Reducing the sensitivity of the skin at the site of pinching of the nerve
  • Stiffness in the chest
  • Pain with chest movement

Neuralgia of the thoracic region is a pathological condition that arises from irritation or infringement of intercostal nerves, accompanied by a marked pain syndrome. This ailment is usually secondary in nature.

This suggests that his symptoms are manifested against the background of already existing diseases in the human body.

Clinicians often call neuralgia of the chest "an insidious deceiver since its symptoms are similar to manifestations of ailments of organs localized in the sternum.

Neuralgia of the thoracic region is a disease of middle and older people. In isolated cases, it occurs in children.

It should be noted that the disease itself does not pose a particular danger to the health and life of the patient, but this does not mean that it does not need to be treated.

When the first symptoms appear, you should immediately go to a medical facility for diagnosis and diagnosis. It is unacceptable to treat the disease independently.


Since the thoracic spine is less mobile than the cervical, some specialists tend to assume that pinching in this area is rare. But this is not so.

The spinal column of a healthy person along its entire length is enveloped in nerve endings, which react even to the slightest disturbances in the body.

The causes of neuralgia of the chest can be both unfavorable factors and various ailments.

Causes of progression of pathology:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • herniated intervertebral discs;
  • decrease in the reactivity of the organism;
  • inflammation in the tissues that are located next to the nerves;
  • trauma of the thoracic spine;
  • presence of tumors of benign and malignant nature;
  • violation of circulation of blood;
  • hypertonicity of muscular structures;
  • increased activity of the herpes virus;
  • increased load on the vertebral column;
  • muscle spasms that arise in humans due to a sharp turn of the trunk;
  • incorrect position of the body during rest;
  • ailments of the cardiovascular system;
  • salt deposits;
  • Deformation of intercostal space;
  • violation of the hormonal background;
  • stress;
  • overwork;
  • incorrect posture can also provoke the progression of the disease, because because of it there is a disproportionate burden on the spine.

Risk factors:

  • Vitamin B hypovitaminosis;
  • supercooling;
  • the use of alcohol in large doses;
  • Vascular diseases that lead to their destruction;
  • ailments associated with impaired circulation of blood in the nerve endings;
  • a metabolic disorder;
  • intoxication;
  • malnutrition.


Intercostal neuralgia

The main symptom of neuralgia of the thoracic spine is a pronounced pain syndrome.

In the place of localization of pinching, a aching or burning pain occurs in a person. Character - paroxysmal.

Pain syndrome tends to increase when performing active movements, during sneezing or coughing, with a deep breath.

Since the intercostal nerves have a mass of branches that go to vital organs, sometimes the pain can irradiate into the heart, stomach, waist, shoulder blades and so on.

Gradually the clinic is supplemented by one more symptom - stiffness in the chest area.

In the place of localization of the affected nerve endings, there is a decrease or a complete loss of the sensitivity of the skin.

Pain syndrome is usually accompanied by such symptoms: increased blood pressure, violation of the heart rate.

It is worth noting that the thoracic neuralgia is often confused with the ailments of the heart because of the similarity of the clinic.

Therefore, during the formulation of an accurate diagnosis, it is important to exclude the pathology of the heart muscle. For this it is necessary to know the distinctive signs of neuralgia:

  • Attacks of pain have no connection with fiz. loads. They can arise at any time, even during the complete rest of the patient;
  • the severity of pain is directly related to the movements of the chest;
  • pain syndrome with neuralgia can continue for a long period of time, and nitroglycerin it does not stop;
  • painful points can be felt along the spine, in certain areas of the chest and in the intervals between the ribs.


In order to accurately establish the diagnosis should take into account the symptoms of the disease, the duration of it the results of palpatory examination, as well as the results of analyzes (instrumental and laboratory).

Laboratory techniques:

  • a general blood test (necessary to exclude the presence of a systemic inflammatory process in the body);
  • biochemistry of blood;
  • taking swabs from the nasopharynx;
  • a blood test for the presence of infectious agents.

Instrumental techniques:

  • X-ray;
  • CT of the spine;
  • MRI of the thoracic spine;
  • ECG.

Healing measures

Treatment of ailment is usually carried out in several stages. The first thing you need to do to the doctor is to eliminate the severe pain syndrome. Only after this it is possible to start treatment of the disease, which provoked a pinch.

During 3-4 days the patient is shown a strict bed rest. The surface of the bed should be stiff - this is a prerequisite for effective treatment. If necessary, a solid shield can be placed under the mattress.

Medication treatment of pathology includes such drugs:

  • painkillers from the NSAID group. These drugs are included in the treatment plan to eliminate pain syndrome, relieve inflammation. If the patient has very severe pain, then in this case doctors can resort to lidocaine blockade;
  • muscle relaxants. These drugs help to quickly eliminate muscle spasm, thereby easing the patient's condition;
  • vitamins of groups B. In the treatment plan, they are included necessarily, since they have a positive effect on nerve structures;
  • soothing.

It is also important to identify the true cause that triggered the onset of neuralgia. If a person has a history of a general disease, then you should definitely start treating him.

In order to restore the anatomical position of the thoracic and cervical spine, the course of treatment must include:

  • massage;
  • physiotherapy;
  • a course of manual therapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • acupuncture;
  • complex of exercises;
  • laser therapy.

If conservative treatment is not effective, then in this case resort to surgical methods of treatment - eliminate the root causes of pathology (treat osteochondrosis, herniated discs and other).


Sometimes, in conjunction with the methods of traditional medicine, a variety of folk remedies can be appointed. It should be noted immediately that self-medication by such means is unacceptable. Use them only with the permission of your doctor.

With neuralgia use such means:

  • baths with sea salt and sage;
  • infusion of the immortelle;
  • horseradish and black radish juice;
  • compresses from steamed flax seeds.

Diseases with similar symptoms:

Inflammation of the ovaries (coinciding symptoms: 3 of 7)

Inflammation of the ovaries is an acute or chronic pathological process that affects the female reproductive glands and causes disruption of their normal functioning. Quite often the pathology is accompanied by the defeat of the fallopian tubes - in such situations the disease is called salpingoophoritis or adnexitis.

... Hypertrophy of the left ventricle (coinciding symptoms: 2 of 7)

Hypertrophy of the left ventricle (cardiomyopathy) is a typical heart disease for patients with a diagnosis of hypertension.

Hypertrophy of the left ventricle, the symptoms of which allow us to treat this pathology as a process involving structural adaptation of the heart to metabolic needs that are relevant to the myocardium, as well as changes that occur in hemodynamic parameters, is quite dangerous in that often the disease ends death.

... Angina pectoris (coinciding symptoms: 2 of 7)

Angina is one of the most common forms of coronary artery disease - ischemic heart disease, the basis of which is a disorder that has arisen against the background of atherosclerosis, its course, in turn, coronates arteries. Angina pectoris, the symptoms of which are, first of all, the appearance of dyspnea and heart pain, it is due to specific symptoms is often defined as a "pectoral toad."

... Kidney stones (coinciding symptoms: 2 of 7)


Stones in the kidneys - this is one of the most common forms of the manifestation of urolithiasis, in which kidney stones form salt concretions, actually stones.


Kidney stones, the symptoms of which are manifested in the form of attacks of renal colic, pyuria (pus in the urine), hematuria (blood in the urine) and back pain, can be eliminated as account conservative therapy, the impact of which allows them to dissolve, and through surgical intervention, in which the stones are removed operational method.

... Ischemic heart disease (concurrent symptoms: 2 of 7)

Ischemic heart disease (IHD) is a pathological process during which myocardial damage is caused by the movement of blood in the coronary arteries. That is why medical terminology assumes another name for the disease - coronary heart disease.

At the first stage of the formation the disease develops asymptomatically and only after the patient can have an attack of angina. Treatment of pathology can be carried out with the help of medications or surgical intervention. Here everything determines the degree of defeat of pathology.


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How to treat a disease such as thoracic neuralgia?

The appearance of pain in the chest signals the possible development of pathological processes. And the cause of this can be neuralgia of the thoracic department.

In medicine, this disease is also called intercostal neuralgia or thoracic radiculitis.

The insidiousness of this disease is that its symptoms are similar to manifestations of various diseases of internal organs that are in this part of the body.

Etiology of the problem

Neuralgia of the thoracic spine is manifested in infringement or irritation of the intercostal nerves, which is accompanied by a strong pain syndrome. As the squeezing occurs, the subsequent inflammation of the roots of the spinal nerves in the thoracic region occurs.

The disease is a secondary form of pathology, since it arises as a complication of other ailments, in which the roots of nerve endings are jammed.

Factors contributing to the onset of neuralgia in the thoracic region include:

  • intervertebral hernia;
  • scoliosis;
  • displacement of vertebrae;
  • complications resulting from the development of osteochondrosis;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • hypothermia of the spine;
  • the phenomena of an organism intoxication;
  • injuries;
  • tumor formation.

Often the pain occurs when the nerves are clamped with muscles, with their spasms and the presence of inflammation. Sharp loads on the spine without preparation can cause such a phenomenon as intercostal neuralgia.

Pain in the rib area can be a consequence of diseases of the internal organs (heart failure, arteriosclerosis of the vessels, pleurisy, endocrine system disorders). The cause of pathology can also become a viral disease, stressful situations.

Radiculitis in the chest develops mainly in the elderly. The main cause of this is the deterioration of the vertebrae, spine infections, frequent injuries. Also in the risk zone may be people leading a sedentary lifestyle and having problems with the musculoskeletal system.

Symptomatology of the disease

Radiculitis of the thorax is known as the most common form of radiculopathy. Intercostal neuralgia or thoracic radiculitis in its formation are two stages:

  1. Neurological or diskalgicheskaya.
  2. Neurotic.

The main symptoms of the first stage are manifested in severe muscle tension, severe pain. At the second stage, the radiculitis of the thoracic region is characterized by a decrease in the intensity of pain sensations, the onset of atrophy and hypertrophy of the tissues.

In most cases, intercostal neuralgia is accompanied by sharp burning or aching pains in the intercostal spaces, which often manifest paroxysmally. Pain syndrome is observed mainly with deep breathing, exercise, sneezing, coughing. Pain causes a feeling of stiffness in the chest.

Symptoms of the disease are also manifested in a decrease in sensitivity in the area of ​​the affected nerve.

In most cases, pain in neuralgia focuses on a particular area of ​​the chest.

But often pain gives in the back, between the shoulder blades, the lower back and even the mammary gland.

In addition, the pain syndrome is constantly present and characterized by high intensity.

Symptoms of the pathological phenomenon are manifested in frequent spasms of the muscle in the direction of the nerve, reddening or pallor of the skin. Muscles tighten, and this leads to increased soreness.

Correct diagnosis

Often, chest neuralgia is confused with such phenomena as neuralgia of the heart, or other heart diseases. To understand what the heart hurts, and not another organ, it is necessary to distinguish the symptoms of heart disease.

Known is one proven method that makes it possible to distinguish the pathology associated with the heart from neuralgia. If there is a feeling of squeezing the chest, take a deep breath and start moving.


If the pain syndrome changes its intensity, subsides or intensifies, then the patient suffers from intercostal neuralgia. In the event that soreness is accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure or a violation of the rhythm of the heartbeat, then we have a heartache.


Pain sensations that have arisen in the heart are not associated with movement, and are of short-term, periodic nature. Intercostal neuralgia is also characterized by the fact that pain can persist for a long period.

The peculiarity of thoracic radiculitis is that its symptoms may be similar to those of coronary heart disease. Often, thoracic radiculitis is masked, and this creates problems for the rapid and effective treatment of both the disease itself and other diseases of the internal organs.

Women often associate chest pain with breast problems. In this case, thoracic radiculitis can be identified by additional studies.

Symptoms of the acute form of pathology occur over a period of seven to fourteen days. Repeated exacerbations lead to the appearance of more clear signs of the disease.

Often sciatica in the chest causes disruption of the nervous system, so the symptoms of the disease can be accompanied by disorders of the vegetative system. There is sweating, lower body temperature.


It is impossible to make a correct diagnosis, based only on the patient's complaints and simple examination. First of all, you should identify all the symptoms, determine the cause of the pain, the focus of the lesion.

With an attack of thoracic neuralgia, the pain syndrome is distributed by a semicircle or covers separate sections of the chest and back.

At palpation unpleasant sensations gain strength and in the chest area there are painful zones. Sometimes, even with a weak touch, pain or lack of sensitivity of the skin appears.

Often, painful sensations spread to the upper limbs.


The next stage of diagnosis involves the behavior of instrumental research. First of all, doctors conduct a heart examination and exclude the presence of other diseases of internal organs. For this, the patient needs to undergo an ECG of the heart and radiography.


After the doctor has excluded possible disturbances of the heart, to clarify the diagnosis, the patient can pass magnetic resonance therapy, which will allow a thorough examination of the thoracic region cells.

How to get rid of the disease?

Radiculitis of the thorax or intercostal neuralgia does not constitute a special threat to the patient, but the discomfort associated with the disease is an inconvenience in everyday life. Treat intercostal neuralgia followed by a combined method. The use of drugs must be combined with physiotherapy methods and folk remedies.

Treatment of thoracic radiculitis is carried out in stages. If it hurts in the chest, then it is necessary to begin with the elimination of pain. To do this, doctors determine the cause of injury to the nerve and send treatment to restore its functionality.

If the pains are a consequence of the pathology of the spine, then therapeutic measures will be aimed at restoring the entire back area.

Medicines and vitamins

The drug treatment of neuralgia in the chest is based on the use of anti-inflammatory, analgesic and vitamin drugs.

The use of anti-inflammatory non-steroid drugs can reduce the level of the inflammatory process. Treatment with such drugs should be done under the supervision of a doctor, as long-term use of non-steroid drugs can cause side effects for other organs.

To stop the pain doctors appoint Voltaren, Piroxicam. With the help of anesthetics, soreness can be reduced. These drugs help to cope with the pain, but do not have therapeutic effects.

Treatment with muscle relaxants allows to relieve spasm in muscles, to ease tension. These drugs include Sirdalud, Midokalm. But it is important to remember that such funds are used only under the supervision of specialists.

Treatment with medicines can be supplemented with vitamin preparations. Vitamins B1, B6, B12 contribute to the restoration and nutrition of the structure of nerve endings.

Ointments and physiotherapy

If it hurts in the chest and in the back, you can use ointments based on snake or bee venom. When rubbing the affected area of ​​the chest and back, blood circulation improves, regenerative processes are accelerated.

To achieve a better effect, experts recommend that therapy with drugs should be accompanied by physiotherapy. Treatment by ultrasound can be compared with massage.

The procedure has a resolving and anti-inflammatory effect. Microvibration improves blood circulation and nutrition of tissues.

Through electrophoresis, drugs are carried out, which contribute to the acceleration of the recovery process.

With acute pain in the chest, doctors recommend bed rest, and at the stage of remission specialists connect the curative gymnastics. Healthy physical exercise has a beneficial effect not only on the affected area, but also on all parts of the back.

If the condition worsens, doctors recommend surgical treatment of the affected area. It can be the removal of a hernia that provoked the phenomena of neuralgia.

People's Councils

Treatment with folk remedies is also useful for its therapeutic effect on pathology.

Oil tinctures from Ledum reduce the pain with radiculitis of the chest. Perfectly relieve the discomfort of compresses from geranium. You can remove the pain syndrome by rubbing the juice of black radish or horseradish.

Compresses from grated potatoes eliminate not only pain, but also relieve inflammation. Rye dough, used in the form of compresses, helps patients with chronic radiculitis.


Treatment with folk remedies affects mainly the pain, and reduces the degree of the inflammatory process. Ointments, tinctures and compresses improve the effect of other conservative methods.


Treatment with folk remedies can be applied additionally to the basic treatment and must be agreed with the doctor.

Any disease is better prevented than treated. Therefore, it is very important to carry out preventive measures that can prevent the development of a chronic form of the disease.

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Neuralgia of the thoracic region - the main causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods

Neuralgia of the thoracic spine is characterized by the appearance of a severe pain attack, the pathological process in this disease involves the nerves located between the ribs. The symptomatology of the disease often resembles the signs of myocardial infarction and acute pneumonia, so it is important to correctly differentiate these diseases.

With neuralgia, a pathological infringement of the nerve occurs at the site of its passage, with the disease of the thoracic region this occurs in the intercostal spaces. Nerve can be compressed by a tumor, inflammatory swelling of surrounding tissues, a violation in the blood supply and nutrition of this area, a hernia of the spine.

The main causes of neuralgia of the thoracic department are:

  1. Congenital and acquired diseases of the thoracic spine, including osteochondrosis, pathological bends.
  2. Injury of the thoracic spine. In this intercostal neuralgia can manifest as soon after the injury, and after a few years.
  3. Prolonged cooling of the body and the chest.
  4. Forced, prolonged position of the body when performing a certain type of professional activity.
  5. Excessive and severe physical activity.

Neuralgia of the thoracic region may also occur after respiratory illnesses accompanied by a cough.

Strengthen the symptoms of the disease can chronic alcoholism, a deficiency of vitamins, especially group B, diseases of the digestive tract, diabetes mellitus, diseases occurring with deterioration blood supply.

Characteristic signs and symptoms

The main symptom of neuralgia is pain, it has its own characteristics, which allows an experienced doctor distinguish neuralgia of the thoracic region from the acute phase of pancreatitis, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, and pneumonia.

  1. A sharp pain attack. The appearance of pain is noted in the intercostal spaces.
  2. A painful attack can appear sharply, against a background of complete health and at rest.But most often the pain appears with a sharp change in the position of the body - slopes, bends. Pain appears and when sneezing, paroxysmal coughing, it can be triggered by rapid breathing after physical exertion, running, training. Soreness can be manifested only by probing the intercostal spaces entering the pathological process.
  3. The duration of a painful attack is determined by several minutes, by hours and even by days.
  4. There is numbness in the area of ​​the body located above the inflamed nerves.
  5. At the time of the attack, the patient tries to reduce painful sensations by holding his breath and taking a sparing position of the body, that is, in which pain is less intense.

If there is a sharp attack of pain in the chest, the person who is ill can connect the appearance of symptoms with the pathology of the heart.

To distinguish these diseases can be on such grounds - with neuralgia soreness increases with breathing, coughing, changing the position of the body, for angina it is not a characteristic sign.

At the time of the onset of cardiac pain, there may be a disturbance in the rhythm of the heart, a drop in blood pressure, and there are no such symptoms in the thoracic neuralgia.

Self-conducted diagnostics will help distinguish one disease from another, but the appointment of a therapy scheme must be entrusted to the doctor.

Do not forget that some diseases are characterized by atypical variants of flow with a variety of symptoms.

Symptoms of the thoracic neuralgia are often recorded with such a malaise as shingles, the disease is characterized by the appearance of bubbles along the nerve. Shingles, despite the name, is not a contagious disease, but requires the appointment of other drugs compared with the treatment of intercostal neuralgia.

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Diagnosis of thoracic neuralgia is exposed on the basis of characteristic complaints, the use of methods of palpation. To clarify the diagnosis, the following examinations are assigned:

  • Radiography of the thoracic spine. With the help of pictures you can identify osteochondrosis, the presence of a hernia, traumatization of the spinal column, ribs, curvature. Radiographic pictures show the state of the lungs, that is, the presence or absence of signs of inflammation, pneumothorax.
  • With left-sided spread of pain, it is necessary to remove the ECG to exclude heart disease.
  • A blood test by which you can see signs of inflammation and changes that affect the symptoms.
  • CT and MRI allow you to find out the causes of the pathology of the spine.

Treatment of thoracic neuralgia

After determining the diagnosis, treatment should be directed to the removal of soreness and the removal of inflammation.

In case of neuralgia of the thoracic region, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease - osteochondrosis, trauma, curvature of the spine.

A positive effect is achieved by including in the treatment regimen non-drug methods of physical effects, medicines, folk recipes.

Non-drug therapy

To non-medicamentous effects on the thoracic department with symptoms of neuralgia include:

  • Physiotherapy- electrophoresis with the use of anti-inflammatory and anesthetic pharmaceuticals.
  • Acupuncture. Acupuncture influence on biologically active points allows to normalize blood circulation, reduce or completely remove pain syndrome.
  • Acupressure. Professionally made massage enhances the blood supply and nutrition of the inflamed area, which helps to restore nerves faster.
  • Therapeutic gymnastics. The use of special gymnastics is indicated with concomitant diseases of the spine. The complex of exercises should be selected by the doctor, based on the severity of the disease and the presence of lesions of the thoracic spine.

Medication Therapy

The main groups of drugs used in the treatment of neurology of the thoracic department are:

  • Medications relieving the attack of pain - spazgan, Sedalgin. They are prescribed in tablets or injections.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs - ibuprofen, diclofenac, indomethacin, voltaren, piroxicam. Assign them in the form of tablets, injections, ointments. Their use should take place under the supervision of a doctor, as long-term use can exacerbate the aggravation of digestive tract diseases.
  • Muscle relaxants effectively relieve muscle spasm, which is one of the causes of a painful attack. This group includes baclofen, clonazepam.
  • Vitaminotherapy. The course appointment of group B vitamins is shown, their deficiency can affect the deterioration of the nervous system.
  • Sedative medications help the body relax, which is necessary to calm the patient and improve the quality of night sleep.

If the anesthetics are ineffective, the attending physician can prescribe a blockade of the intercostal spaces using novocaine or lidocaine. This procedure should be performed only by a doctor.

Possible complications

Neuralgia of the thoracic region at the first stages is quite successfully treated and passes without consequences.

With a long course of the disease with frequently recurring attacks, the nerve root may die, the pains disappear, but the disease goes to another stage, which is characterized by the appearance of gravity in the chest, periodic or permanent Shortness of breath.

Constant forced position provokes the appearance of pathological phenomena in the spinal cord, which can threaten the appearance of osteochondrosis.


Prevent these consequences will help timely treatment and preventive measures.


In order to prevent the development of intercostal neuralgia or to prevent the occurrence of another attack, the following recommendations should be supported:

  • In time to treat diseases of the spine;
  • Do periodic interruptions when doing a monotonous job;
  • Avoid hypothermia;
  • To increase the state of immunity;
  • Alternate physical effort with rest.

Neuralgia of the thoracic spine is a disease with unpleasant symptoms, worsening the comfort of everyday life and reducing professional activity. The effectiveness of treatment depends on a well-designed treatment regimen using medication and non-medicament methods.

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