Icelandic moss from cough

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Icelandic moss is an effective cough remedy

Icelandic moss is an effective plant, thanks to which it is possible to eliminate such an unpleasant manifestation of a cold as a cough. It is he who provides a lot of inconvenience, especially at night. Most people start panicking in pharmacies and look for an effective and inexpensive cough suppressant, not suspecting a plant such as Irish moss. It allows you to eliminate a cough that has arisen for various reasons: a cold or an allergy, as well as a mixed type.


Icelandic moss can boast of its amazing healing characteristics. His homeland is America and Europe. But in Iceland it grows much more often. Its composition is very rich in such components:

  • carbohydrates;
  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • acids;
  • microelements (iodine, iron, manganese, etc.).

The presence of polysaccharides allows preparations based on Icelandic moss to have an enveloping effect. But the antibacterial effect on the body is lichenic acid. In addition to fighting cough, Icelandic moss also has its positive effect in the treatment of ulcers, gastritis, anemia and diaper rash.

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The video describes the use of Icelandic moss from a cough:

As for contraindications, this natural medicine is practically absent. During its entire use in humans, no toxic or side effects were found. In addition, pregnant women actively use this component to treat cough. Although Icelandic moss has such positive properties, it is not recommended to use it without a doctor's appointment.

But small children to give such a medicine is very difficult, because it tastes not very pleasant.To somehow mask this, it is better to prepare a decoction based on milk, then the medicine will get a sweetish taste. To treat a child, it is better to use ready-made syrup for coughing on the basis of Icelandic moss.It tastes sweet, so the small patient will not be capricious, but will gladly take the medicine.

Children generally prefer syrup to other forms of medication. For the treatment of cough in children also use: sirooa kahornya altakeki (here you can find instructions), onion syrup for children, cough syrup Erespal and other medications.

How to brew and take

Irish moss is actively used to treat cough. It can be used as a ready-made version, and prepare the healing broth yourself. The method of preparation and the necessary dosage is determined taking into account the cough to be eliminated.

With tuberculosis

To prepare the medicine, take 4 tablespoons of the main component and pour 400 ml of water. Cook over medium heat for 5 minutes, and then strain and take everything throughout the day.

On the video - an instruction how to brew icelandic moss from a cough:

With pertussis

To eliminate this symptom, use the following: dessert spoon of thyme and Icelandic moss pour boiling water. Infuse the broth for 5 minutes, clean the broth from the grass, take a glass 3 times a day.

With bronchitis

In enameled dishes place a glass of milk, a tablespoon of moss. Cover with a lid and put on a fire. Cook the broth for half an hour. The received means to take in a warm form, before going on a night rest. On the link you can read more how to treat bronchitis. Also read how to properly treat the bronchi in a child. Also, read what medications bronchitis is treated.


To overcome a strong paroxysmal cough, it is necessary to apply the following tincture. Take 40 g of the main ingredient and pour alcohol. After a week the drink is ready for use. It is enough only 10 drops 2 times a day.

With bronchial asthma

Take 2 dessert spoons of moss and 200 ml of boiling water. Combine the two components in a bowl, insist half an hour to take 2 large spoons 6 times throughout the day. It is advisable to take a decoction before eating. The duration of therapy is 10 days. Then make a rest for 3 days and continue again.

For colds and allergies

This symptom should be eliminated with the help of infusion, for which take 2 tablespoons of crushed moss. Pour it with a liter of water, set on a plate. When the water boils, cover the pan with a lid and cook over low heat for another half hour.

To understand, the broth is ready on such factor, as a consistence of the kisselike form. After this, the product can be filtered and left in the refrigerator. Take this medicine is necessary for cold cough in the amount of 2 liters per day, for allergies - 1 liter. Presented infusion does not have an exquisite taste, for this reason, before using it, dilute the medicine with water.

What does cough with green expectoration in adults mean?

Read how to prepare the root of ginger from a cough.

Approximate prices for children's drops in the nose:

In the form of tablets and syrup

Preparations based on this unique product can be bought at a pharmacy. There they are presented in the form of tablets and suspensions.


Such a medicine can be taken with ENT diseases. The tablet is absorbed or swallowed. Adults may use the pill by inhalation. To do this, it is necessary to crush it into powder and inhale alternately in one, and then in another nostril. Such therapy is very effective in rhinitis and sinusitis.

Icelandic moss has components in its composition, due to which it is possible to obtain antibacterial effect. Due to this, tablets can be used in the treatment of cough caused by bronchitis, whooping cough. In addition, such a medicine serves as an effective restorative in the period of recovery from illnesses. Irish moss is used as an auxiliary therapy in the treatment of cough in pulmonary tuberculosis. Also, the tablets perfectly protect against side effects from the use of medications used in chemotherapy.

In addition to Icelandic moss, the tablets also contain such components:

  1. Black elderberry- has a positive effect on the body in the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, which is characterized by cough and high fever.
  2. Sagehas astringent effect, effectively fights with cough during catarrhal diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  3. Calendulaallows to remove inflammation, has antiseptic and healing effect.


Irish moss in the form of a suspension actively eliminates cough caused by colds. Due to the presence of active components, it is possible to create a protective film and to remove the inflammatory process from the mucous membrane of the pharynx, nose and mouth.

Syrup, as well as tablets, has an antibacterial and fortifying effect. The syrup contains no alcohol and cane sugar.

Use the syrup is allowed to children at the age of one year. For adults it is allowed to apply 10 ml 3 times per knock; children 8-16 years old - 5 ml 3 times a day; 1-8 years - 5 ml 2 times a day. There are no gluten in this product, which make it suitable for a gluten-free diet. Can be used in patients with lactose intolerance.


  • Marina, 35 years old: "I am the mother of two children, so I know about bronchitis not by hearsay. At children this disease proceeded with wheezing and whistling. For a long time, the drugs prescribed by the doctor were used, but it was not possible to achieve the desired effect. Then I was advised to give the children infusion based on Irish moss. I brewed it in a thermos, and the kids took 2 tablespoons 3 times a day. We managed to eliminate the cough after 2 weeks. When the next time the child had a cough, I immediately brewed Irish moss and all the symptoms of colds disappeared in a short time. "
  • Tatiana, 23 years old: "A painful cough visited me for a long time. As the doctor told me, this is a sign of an allergy. To tolerate it was already unbearable, and pharmacy drugs did not have the desired effect. Then my mother told me the prescription for a truly amazing medicine. I brewed Irish moss on milk and took medicine for the night. After a week, the intensity of the cough was significantly reduced, and after 3 weeks I was completely healed. "
  • Margarita, 27 years old: "I used this medicine in the form of a suspension. I fell ill with a cold, there was no temperature, but my cough was painful. I immediately went to the pharmacy, where I was advised to use syrup based on Irish moss. I took the drug 3 times a day, according to the dosage indicated in the instructions. I managed to overcome this unpleasant symptom in 2 weeks ".

Icelandic moss is a unique plant that is used to eliminate many diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Drugs prepared on its basis allow very quickly and effectively to overcome such a symptom as a cough. Despite the fact that the plant has no side effects, it is not advisable to consult a specialist before using it.

Cough Recipes Based on Icelandic Moss

One of the most amazing and very effective folk remedies that help fight cough is Icelandic moss. Lichen is used not only in non-traditional medicine. Producers of pharmaceuticals have successfully used raw materials from this plant to prepare various drugs that can be found in pharmacies in large quantities. Icelandic moss from cough has been used for several centuries. What is the secret of its effectiveness?

Why use Icelandic moss when coughing?

Lichen is an amazing natural doctor. More than half of its volume is curative mucus. It is she who envelops the throat and nasopharynx shells when they get compounds made from the plant and softens the irritation caused by the cough. In addition, lichen is rich in the following elements:

  • Vitamins of group A, B, C.
  • Iodine.
  • Starch.
  • Sulfate with sodium.
  • Waxing.
  • Enzymes.
  • Acids that have the property of toning, protruding antibiotics and antiseptics.

Such a rich composition gives Icelandic moss the ability to fight viruses and bacteria, soften and soothe inflamed tissues, enhance human immunity.

Thanks to these properties, Icelandic moss helps the body to successfully cough up various etiologies. Doctors recommend taking folk remedies on the basis of lichen if the symptom is caused by such diseases as:

  • Cold.
  • Flu.
  • Inflammation of the nasopharynx.
  • Pleurisy.
  • Viral respiratory infection.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Allergy.
  • Angina.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Obstruction of the lung.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Whooping cough.

Of course, before taking folk cough remedies based on Icelandic moss, it is necessary to know the diagnosis of the underlying disease causing the symptom. To do this, you need to visit a doctor, get his advice and strictly follow all the recommendations of a specialist.

Icelandic moss from cough: folk recipes

If the doctor has decided that treatment with a medicinal lichen will be effective and expedient, one can use one of these medicinal compounds:

  • A glass of cold water should be poured into 2 tablespoons of a dry plant. Let the liquid boil, boil it for 1 hour. The broth should turn out on a consistence, as kissel. Give the medicine to cough for 10 minutes, drain it. Take a remedy based on moss, warm 2-3 gulps several times a day. Such medicine perfectly helps to cope even with a cough caused by tuberculosis and pneumonia. You can store it in the refrigerator, but not more than 2 days. That's why there is too much to do immediately.
  • Icelandic moss in the amount of 2 teaspoons pour ¼ liter of milk. Half an hour to boil the mixture. The medicine should be taken at night. It will perfectly reduce the intensity of cough caused by whooping cough.
  • For colds and viral infections that cause reflex spasms of the respiratory tract, it is recommended to drink tea from Icelandic moss. To make it, you should put a teaspoon of dry plant into a glass of boiling water and let the beverage to infuse for 5 minutes. Such tea from a cough can be consumed up to 3 times a day.
  • With strong debilitating spastic exhalations, it is recommended to take tincture from Icelandic moss. For its preparation, 40 grams of dry plants are filled with alcohol in an amount of 1 cup. The mixture should be infused for a week. After this, it is taken at 10 bouts of severe cough.

Where can I get Icelandic moss and how to store it?

A medicinal plant is easy to find on the shelves of any pharmacy. However, you can prepare it yourself. Icelandic moss grows on stumps and directly on the ground. It can be found in pine forests, marsupials and in wetlands. To prepare medicinal formulations from cough, the roots of the plant are used. They are carefully cut with scissors.

Having brought Icelandic moss home, it is necessary to clean it thoroughly, to clean it from various debris: leaves, sticks, needles and other foreign particles, but you do not need to wash. After that, the curative plant should be spread out in the sun in a well-ventilated place. Depending on the temperature of the air, the billet process can take a different time. However, until the Icelandic moss completely dries, it must be turned over and stirred several times a day.

After the raw material is completely ready, it must be collected in bags of cloth and put in a specially designated place, but not in the refrigerator.

Can I apply Icelandic moss on coughing?

Surprising medicinal lichen is not only its ability to fight with the strongest coughing attacks, caused by dangerous diseases. For all its effectiveness, the intake of Icelandic moss with cough has absolutely no contraindications. Folk remedies on its basis help to escape from reflex spasms of the respiratory tract to all without exception. Doctors also confirm its safety for expectant mothers and small children.

The only minus of the miracle cough remedy is the bitter taste of the compositions made on its basis. However, this is easily corrected by adding sugar or honey to the medicine, which does not reduce the effectiveness of the drug formulations at all.

From those who took Icelandic moss from a cough testimonial you can hear only the most positive. To very many people this folk remedy helped to get rid of obsessive reflex exhalations in a short time.

Syrup Icelandic moss from cough: instructions for use, dosage

Today, there are many pharmacy and folk methods for treating cough, the latter being no less effective than medications.

One of the effective means offered by non-traditional medicine is Icelandic moss from cough and other manifestations of colds.

Icelandic moss is a lichen, possessing medicinal properties. It is quite common in nature.

As a rule, the plant grows in deciduous forests on the slopes of mountains in ecologically clean areas. In addition, this type of lichen can be found on wet plains near large trees or next to stones.

What is Icelandic moss?

It is worth noting that most of the Icelandic moss grows in Ireland and Iceland, where it is seen almost everywhere. Hence the name of the plant.

Local residents have long known the healing properties of moss, so it is even added to various dishes. It is worth noting that, despite the cold climate, Icelanders rarely get infectious diseases, as they regularly drink syrup on the basis of a medicinal lichen.

Cetrarium Irish can be recognized by branched tights, whose height can be about 15 cm. In medicine, only the thallus of moss is used. To prepare Irish it is necessary in the summer, since it is during the hot season that the most useful and nutritious components accumulate in it.

It is worth noting that the plant has a not very pleasant bitter taste, which is heard if you cook syrup or broth from it. To eliminate this taste, you can add it to the milk.

In addition, reviews of people who independently make medicines based on the Icelandic lichen, indicate that the consistency of the drink is similar to jelly.

This can be explained by the fact that it contains starch, which has an enveloping effect.

Useful properties and composition

The thallus of the Icelandic lichen abounds with substances such as glucose, carbohydrates and lichenin. These components activate the production of nutritious mucus contained in the branches. Among other things, moss is rich in such useful elements:

  1. protohesterinic acids;
  2. gum;
  3. fumarprototsentaric acids;
  4. wax;
  5. iodine;
  6. protein;
  7. vegetable fats;
  8. manganese;
  9. vitamins of group B, A, C;
  10. enzymes;
  11. zinc.
In addition, more recently, scientists have found in cetrarium strong acid, abundant with sodium salts.

Such useful ingredients stimulate immune processes, helping the weakened organism to overcome various diseases more quickly.

Thanks to a unique set of valuable substances, the syrup on the basis of the Icelandic lichen effectively fights against diseases of the respiratory system, curing even complex pulmonary pathologies. But do not forget that to achieve this effect, moss should be treated correctly, observing the necessary dosage.

Often Irish moss from cough is used as a syrup. It is in this form that its application is most effective.

However, many testimonials indicate that there are other equally effective recipes based on a useful lichen.

Why drink medicines with Icelandic moss when coughing?

This lichen is a natural doctor. Basically it consists of therapeutic mucus, which has an enveloping effect, enveloping the nasopharynx and throat.

In addition, syrup from moss eliminates irritation and perspiration in the throat, which occurs after coughing. Moreover, the acids contained in this valuable plant have a number of therapeutic actions:

  • antiseptic;
  • tonic;
  • antibacterial.

Thanks to its medicinal composition, the Irish lichen actively destroys pathogens and viruses. In addition, it removes inflammation, soothes irritated tissues and increases the protective functions of the body.

All these properties make it possible to mush cough of any etiology. Doctors advise their patients to take lichen-based medicines if unpleasant symptoms, in particular a strong cough reflex, are caused by diseases such as:

  1. whooping cough;
  2. cold;
  3. tuberculosis;
  4. flu;
  5. bronchial asthma;
  6. inflammation of the nasopharynx;
  7. obstruction of the lungs;
  8. pleurisy;
  9. ARVI;
  10. pneumonia;
  11. bronchitis;
  12. angina;
  13. allergy.

Naturally, before taking folk remedies, the main component of which is the Icelandic moss, you need to clearly know the diagnosis of the disease causing the cough.

To this end, you should go to the doctor, so that he after a series of studies diagnosed a disease and gave valuable recommendations.

Home recipes

Icelandic moss from cough can be used, making a variety of medicines (syrup, broth, infusion). The simplest recipe is as follows: 2 tbsp. l. crushed lichen pour a liter of clean water.

Then everything languishes on low heat for 1.5 hours. Next, the broth must be cooled and filtered. The use of the drug is a small amount at a time. So, an adult a day will be enough to drink no more than one glass of broth, but if necessary, the dose can be reduced by half.

It is worth noting that based on this recipe you can prepare a syrup. To do this, in a glass of warm decoction before use, you need to add 2 tbsp. l. sugar or honey of May.

In addition, it is useful to drink moss with milk, which will make the taste of the drug more pleasant and mild. To prepare the product in enamel ware, one must cover 1 tbsp. l. crushed lichen, and then pour it 250 ml of cold milk.

Next, the pan is covered with a saucer and everything is cooked on a small fire for 25 minutes. Then the broth should be filtered.

The use of the product - in the form of heat in the evening. Quantity - 1 glass a day. By the way, from this medicine, too, you can make a syrup if you mix a dairy-vegetable mixture with several spoons of honey.

It is worth noting that the taste of such a medicinal plant, like Irish moss is not very pleasant, but it helps to quickly get rid of a cough. Therefore, do not give up the medicine, if after its reception there is an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth.

After all, the effectiveness of such treatment was proved by positive reviews of patients who were themselves convinced of the rapid disappearance of unpleasant symptoms of colds.

Syrup Icelandic moss

In addition to home use, an Irish lichen syrup can be purchased at a pharmacy. The instruction to the preparation says that it contains the following substances:

  • dense extract of Irish moss;
  • purified water;
  • solution of sorbitol;
  • sodium benzonate;
  • xanthan gum;
  • lemon flavor, monohydrate;
  • lemon acid.

The syrup is a cinnamon or yellow-brown liquid with a specific taste and odor.

The syrup is used in such cases:

  1. increased stress on the vocal cords;
  2. hoarseness, irritating, unproductive cough;
  3. limited breathing of the nose;
  4. drying of the mucous throat and nose in a dry room.

Details of what else heals and how Icelandic moss works, you can learn from the video in this article.

Icelandic moss from cough

Lichen, which is called Icelandic moss, has long been known to northern peoples, who used it from time to time as a fortifying agent. It can be found in the middle belt and in the north, in the tundra, in the pine forests, in the forest-tundra, in the marshes and in the swamps. It grows directly on the soil and on the stump of stumps, preferring an unshadowed and sandy terrain, as well as clean air.

Composition of moss

In moss contains about 75% of mucus, which envelops the mucous membranes. In addition, it contains lichenic acids (licesteric, fumarprototsentrarovaya, protolyihesterinovaya, usynovaya and many others), which give it a specific bitter taste, and also cause its antibiotic and tonic properties.

In addition, Icelandic moss has a valuable substance in its composition, like sodium sulphate, which helps to cope with the tubercle bacillus. And also it contains iodine, enzymes, pigments, starch, wax, sugars and vitamins B1, B12 and A.

Properties of moss

Icelandic moss is appreciated, above all, for its antiseptic properties. Usninovaya acid, which it contains, has a pronounced antiseptic effect. And licesterinovaja and protohlichesterinovaja acids have high antimicrobial activity concerning such dangerous causative agents of diseases, as streptococcuses and staphylococci. Usinat sodium promotes the healing of various burns and wounds, including those infected.

Slime, which is very rich in moss, helps reduce inflammation in the pharynx, nose, mouth, and intestines and stomach. In addition, these mucus have also calming properties. Therefore, for the treatment of cough, medicines made from this plant are often used. In addition, sometimes moss is recommended to brew to rinse the infused sore with a sore throat.

Of course, Icelandic moss, like any other medicine, can be prescribed exclusively by a doctor. Indications for its use can be not only colds accompanied by cough, but also such serious pathologies like pertussis, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, bronchitis and chronic obstructive disease lungs. And since moss has a general toning effect, it is also used in the treatment of depleted and severely weakened patients.

Mash Preparation

Icelandic moss is successfully used to treat many pathologies accompanied by coughing. Some people buy this lichen in the pharmacy, but in summer it can be procured on their own. Finding this moss in the forest, you need to carefully cut off its roots with scissors, which usually have a slightly rusty hue.

At home, the collected raw materials must be carefully sorted out, removing from it all the sticks, needles and other unnecessary impurities. After this, it must be dried in the sun, outdoors or using a special dryer.

Folk recipes

Many diseases that are accompanied by a cough are recommended to be treated with Icelandic moss. For example, with tuberculosis, you can make a decoction from this plant. To do this, 4 tablespoons of lichen tablets should be poured with 2 cups of boiled cold water and boil for 5 minutes. The resulting broth should be well filtered, cooled and taken 3 times a day for a couple of small sips.

When pertussis will help tea, for the preparation of which you need a teaspoon of lichen and thyme pour a glass of boiling water. The resulting mixture should be allowed to infuse for about 5 minutes, and then strain it. Take tea should be on the cup no more than 3 times in one day.

With bronchitis in an enamel bowl, pour 250 ml of milk and put a tablespoon of crushed moss. Then the bowl should be covered with a lid and left on fire for about half an hour. The resulting broth is drunk hot before going to bed.

With a strong cough, it is recommended to take a tincture, for which about 40 grams of dried lichen is poured a glass of sixty-degree alcohol. After the mixture is infused for 7 days, it can take 10 drops.

Medicines that contain Icelandic moss

Pharmacies sell drugs that include Icelandic moss. For example, the German drug Isla is great for treating a sore throat. These gel lozenges, intended for resorption, are of two types: Isla Mint and Isla Moos. Both contain an extract of acacia flowers, and the composition of Isla Mint also includes mint oil.

These lozenges perfectly protect and moisturize irritated mucous membranes, at the same time, increasing local immunity. Preparations of Isla, due to the fact that they have antibacterial effect, will help with infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the throat.
In some pharmacies, you can find a syrup, prepared on the basis of a liquid extract of Icelandic moss. It is used to treat cough in ARI, whooping cough, flu, chronic or acute bronchitis. Syrup can not be taken by those who have diabetes or do not tolerate any of the components of the drug.

How to use Irish moss from cough?

Irish moss from cough can cure even a long cold due to the unique combination of useful components that make up its composition. It should be noted that Irish moss has long been widely used in folk medicine, since it helps coping with many infectious diseases, supports the human immunity, promoting its activation resources.

The Irish cetrarium, which is also popularly known as Irish moss, actually refers to lichens. Irish moss, whose healing properties have been known to man since ancient times, is distinguished by a high content of medicinal substances. The healing properties of Irish moss are explained by the specific growth of this lichen.

Features of the growth of a unique cough agent

Irish moss in nature is quite common, but it grows exclusively in ecologically clean areas, and, as a rule, at the foot of mountains covered with deciduous forests. In addition, this type of lichen is often found on wet plains near rocks or large trees, while in mixed and pine forests its quantity is small. It should be noted that this lichen is most widespread in Ireland, where it grows almost everywhere, which is why this plant has received such a name.

People who inhabit Ireland appreciate the healing properties of this lichen so that they add it to the bread even at the stage of kneading the dough. Despite the severe weather conditions in Ireland, people living there rarely suffer from infectious diseases, which is associated with the systematic administration of a medicinal lichen.

Cetrarium Irish in natural conditions can learn absolutely any person, since this plant resembles a branchy sod about 15 cm in height. The thallus, that is, the terrestrial part of the lichen, is a set of twigs, very similar in shape to moose horns. Despite the fact that the crown of the lichen is spherical and more like a normal plant, there are some differences. Firstly, during the onset of autumn cold the lichen remains green. Secondly, its distinctive feature is the presence of a multitude of small bubble points, which are literally strewn with its blades.

On the outside, the thallus is more saturated with olive color, while the lower part of the blades has a less saturated shade, and sometimes has a velvety white color. Icelandic moss refers to perennial lichens, so its colonies can grow in vast areas.

For medical purposes and cooking, only the thallus of Irish moss is used. Prepare healing moss can be throughout the summer period, because at this time in its thallus contains the maximum amount of nutrients and nutrients. It should be noted that Irish moss has an unpleasant bitterish taste, noticeable when used to prepare broths, but if you add milk, the bitterness can be completely eliminated. When making decoctions, we can note the unusual consistency of the resulting substance, since after cooling the drink begins to resemble jelly, which is explained by the high content of various substances, including enveloping starch.

The thallus of Irish moss is extremely rich in lichen, carbohydrates and glucose. The maintenance in a lichen of these substances promotes development of that nutritious mucus which contains inside of branches. Among other things, lichen is characterized by a high content:

  • gums;
  • wax;
  • squirrel;
  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • vitamins of group B;
  • vegetable fats;
  • iodine;
  • fumarprototsentaric acid;
  • proto-steric acid.

In addition, relatively recently in the Irish moss, usnic acid was found, which contains a significant amount of sodium salts.

Irish moss - a powerful remedy for colds

The therapeutic value of Irish moss is difficult to underestimate, given the content of various substances in it. Especially often Irish moss is used to treat infectious diseases, including colds, intestinal flu, whooping cough, tuberculosis and influenza. Also, the broth of Irish moss is used in the treatment of burns, wounds, boils and ulcers of the stomach and various inflammations in the gastrointestinal tract. The use of the broth of Irish moss is also justified in toxicosis, bronchial asthma, poisoning and a number of endocrine diseases.

In fact Irish moss has a powerful immunomodulating and antibacterial property.In addition, it has an anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect. The active substances contained in this medicinal plant have excellent antioxidant and antiviral properties. With the constant use of Irish moss can act as a regulator of the gastrointestinal tract and serve as a preventive measure for tumors.


Despite a wide range of diseases in which Irish moss can be used as the main or ancillary medicinal product, nevertheless the main area of ​​its application remains treatment of the common cold and cough. Many doctors prescribe Irish moss as an additional remedy. In the event that the drug is administered to a child, a special syrup can be prescribed for coughing with Icelandic moss that does not have an unpleasant aftertaste, unlike broths.

It is noteworthy that many syrups and decoctions from coughs based on Irish moss can be made at home. It should be noted that in this case they not only have anti-inflammatory antibacterial and antiviral properties, but also do not contain colorants and preservatives, so they can be effectively and safely applied even with treatment of children.

Methods for preparing broths and syrups based on Irish moss

To prepare a syrup based on Irish moss, take 3 tbsp. spoon finely chopped plants and pour them about 1 tbsp. cold water. The mixture should be brought to a boil and cook for at least 20 minutes. The finished mixture will resemble a thick jelly. It should be allowed to cool down, that it was slightly warm, and then add 2 tbsp. spoons of honey. Honey is not only a deposit of useful substances and can be used as an independent remedy for colds, but it also helps to eliminate the unpleasant aftertaste that Irish moss syrup has.

Ready syrup should be applied to 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day, preferably before meals.


The use of Irish moss syrup makes it possible to dilute the sputum accumulated in the bronchi and ensure its prompt withdrawal. Given that in a syrup cooked at home, there are no different preservatives that increase the shelf life of it storage, the finished product should be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 7 days, after which it completely loses its properties. As a rule, a noticeable effect when using a cough syrup comes in 3 to 5 days, after which the remedy should be used for 2 to 3 more days to fix the result.

Given that in most cases Irish moss is used as an excellent remedy against catarrhal diseases, it is necessary to consider in more detail the method of preparation of a curative drink from these diseases. It is better in this case to prepare such a drink on milk.

It will require about 250 ml of milk and 2 - 3 tablespoons of chopped Irish moss. Boil the broth should be at least 30 minutes, then drink hot. For every reception should be brewed a fresh broth. When carrying out treatment for colds, you must take the drug at night. In the morning, you need to drink a drink if there are symptoms of the disease from the side of the throat, since such a decoction allows you to quickly eliminate the sensation of a coma.


Despite the fact that the Irish moss contains a significant amount of active substances, such the drug has no contraindications, so it can be effectively used to treat adults and children. In order to prevent drinking a healing drink from the Irish lichen can be throughout the autumn-winter period.

Icelandic moss - application

Lichen cetrarium, which is called in the common people by Icelandic moss, has found wide application, especially in the field of the treatment of infectious diseases. Consider what preparations are prepared from this raw material and when their application is appropriate.

Procurement of raw materials

Lichen grows on old stumps, tree branches or directly on the soil. In folk medicine use the so-called thallus - that is, twigs: in cetrarium they look like deer horns.

Before brewing Icelandic moss, it should be dried. It is better, if it happens in natural conditions (without the oven-dryer) in the shade, t. under the direct rays of the sun, some of the medicinal properties of the lichen are lost.

Before preparing the broths and tinctures, the Icelandic moss is recycled, the remaining particles of needles and other impurities are removed.

Medicinal application of Icelandic moss

From cetrarium prepare tincture on the basis of 60% alcohol. At one glass of his need 40 g of dried raw materials. The drug is ready after a week of infusion in a dark place with a periodic shaking of the container. Prepared in this way, Icelandic moss helps from cough, especially paroxysm. Also tincture is useful to drink with gastrointestinal disorders, diarrhea, loss of appetite (cetrarium is a natural bitter, which contributes to the production of bile). Take alcohol tincture of 10 - 15 drops per day.

Licorice broth is prepared in different concentrations depending on the disease, but the scheme of actions in each case is the same:

  1. Raw material is poured with boiling water.
  2. They give him a boil, filter.
  3. Drink warm in the indicated doses.

How to drink Icelandic moss?

With tuberculosis, a decoction of 4 spoons of cetrarium and 500 ml of water helps: the preparation is boiled for 5 minutes, taken several times by mouth 4 times a day. Especially appropriate is the treatment in the cold season.

Application of Icelandic moss with bronchitis provides for a slightly different dosage: 1 cup of raw material is needed per glass of milk. Half an hour broth boiled, drink right before bedtime in a warm form.

It is useful to combine cetrarium with thyme: half a spoonful of each herb is combined and poured 250 ml of boiling water, insist. Drink tea like this one glass a day, but not more than three times a day.

Cetraria in diseases of the digestive tract

With a stomach ulcer, the use of Icelandic moss allows to stop pain and soothe the mucous membrane. Useful collection of:

  • cetrarium;
  • the root of the althea;
  • flax seeds.
  1. Each ingredient will need half a spoonful.
  2. Raw materials are mixed, poured with boiling water (450 g) and cook for about 7 - 10 minutes.
  3. After removing from heat and straining the drug is drunk five times a day before meals, about 70 ml each.

Icelandic moss found medicinal application and in the treatment of atony of the stomach (reducing the tone of its walls):

  1. At 3 tbsp. Spoons of dried cetrarium take 750 ml of boiling water.
  2. Cook the drug for half an hour. As a result, it turns out a jelly-like gruel, because lichen contains starch.
  3. Ready-made broth should be consumed completely during the day.

be careful

You can buy already prepared dried moss in a pharmacy - 50 g of lichen costs about 2 cu. If you prefer to collect raw materials yourself, then consider the ecological situation - lichens have the ability to absorb toxins, like sponges.

The ready-made form sells syrup with Icelandic moss and vitamin C, which is prescribed for children and used as a dietary supplement for polysaccharides. The concentration of the drug in this medicine is less than in the broth, and it costs about 5 cu.

It should be noted that there are no contraindications to the use of Icelandic moss: a lichen helps people of all ages. However, the doctor must supervise the treatment.

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