Licorice root with a dry cough

Tell me please, licorice at what cough is more effective when wet or dry?


Natalia Kiryukhina

For any. In addition to the expectorant, it has an anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effect. 1 measuring spoon 3 times a day.


when dry, it dilutes sputum, makes the cough moist and sputum departs with a cough. Here a dosage I do not remember. look on the internet. licorice root tincture

Vl @ demir

When dry. It promotes a good sputum discharge. By 1 st. l. 3 times a day for adults, for children 1 hour. l. 3 times a day


Good stuff. Good for spitting and coughing. On a teaspoon 3 r. per day (not a canteen, after all, three years only)


A teaspoon is taken three times a day, an hour after eating. The syrup of the licorice root acts as an expectorant in the presence of sputum and has a softening action when dry. And also the root of licorice is used, as an immunostimulant and in the preparation of oxygen cocktails.

Sergey Zotov

Dial in the internet Solodka, they generally write this for animals medicine initially, I somehow also became interested, but looked out the patome, that this syrup heals, I have not heard such illnesses, it has become zhudkovato, shorter - type a cough in the child, and you will learn a lot of new things !

instagram viewer

Tatiana Sh

cured chronic cough, left after a year ago pneumonia pills with licorice root (glycyrs). still did a special massage. cough was dry and up to licorice NOTHING could not be cured

Ulyana Andreevna Buncha

at different, does not matter, obsalyutno. and that and that cough will cure.

Elena Bushanova

At any, only not an alcohol solution, but a licorice root in tablets or capsules. Boys are advised not to give more than 7 days. [email protected] Now it will not hurt to add antifungal herbal preparations to licorice.

Does the root of licorice prevent coughing?

Does the root of licorice prevent coughing?

The root of licorice naked (liquorice) is widely used in folk and traditional medicine in many diseases. Most often this remedy is successfully used to treat a cough.

Medicinal properties of licorice root

Licorice root helps treatment of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract: tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma. This drug has an emollient, expectorant, anti-inflammatory effect. The licorice root shows a curative effect due to the content of glycyrrhizin in it. This substance enhances the activity of the ciliary epithelium, stimulates the secretory function of the mucous membranes, facilitates expectoration. The licorice root will be effective both with dry, and with a damp cough. The agent significantly reduces the period of dry cough, causes the appearance of sputum. With a moist cough, the drug helps to dilute and increase sputum in the volume, improving expectoration.

How to cure a cough licorice root

The licorice root is used to make several types of cough medicine. On sale there is a syrup, an extract, tablets, spirit tincture. Syrup is a thick liquid, which has a brown color, it includes an extract of licorice root, ethyl alcohol and sugar. This means take after eating 1 teaspoon three to four times a day, washing down with a lot of water.

Dry extract is a powder from a dried licorice root, it is used to prepare a decoction. To brew it, you need 1 tablespoon of the means to pour 1 glass of hot water, put for half an hour on a water bath. Then the broth should be cooled at room temperature for 10 minutes, strain through gauze, folded in several layers, add boiled water to a volume of 200 ml. Decoction when coughing drink 1-2 tablespoons 30 minutes before meals three to four times a day.

A thick extract of licorice root is prepared with the addition of a 5% solution of ammonia. It is used in the production of tablets. The root of licorice can be found in tablets. Before use, one tablet is dissolved in a single glass of warm water, taken twice a day. The tincture of licorice root on alcohol can be prepared at home. To do this, the crushed root is combined with vodka in a ratio of 1 to 5, placed in a dark place for two weeks. After this, the drug is filtered and taken twice a day for 30 drops, washed down with water.

The root of licorice in any form is taken for a cough no longer than 10 days. The drug is contraindicated in hypertension, diabetes, heart failure, obesity, pregnancy. Long-term use of drugs containing licorice root, can lead to violations of water and electrolyte balance and cause swelling.

Treatment of cough with licorice root

Licorice root from coughingLicorice is an effective cough remedy widely used in folk medicine. Herbalists call this plant liquorice or licorice and are highly valued for their pronounced medicinal properties. The use of its root for coughing began a long time ago. Recipes with licorice are found in medical reference books used for treatment in ancient Greece. This medicinal plant is widely spread in Chinese medicine and in Tibet.

Licorice root - cough grass

The popularity and wide application of licorice in folk recipes used for the symptomatic treatment of reflex respiratory tract spasms is explained very simply. After all, this medicinal plant effectively helps with both wet cough and dry.

Exhausting unproductive reflex spasmodic exhalations, so harmful to the body, the root of licorice degenerates into moist. Slime, which is separated by wet cough, licorice makes it more liquid. Such treatment helps the patient to easily expectorate and release the airways from the environment containing the pathogenic microflora.

The root of licorice is recommended for use when coughing caused by the following diseases:

  • Licorice root from coughingColds.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Inflammation of the lungs.
  • Tracheitis.
  • Asthma.
  • Diseases of the nasopharynx.
  • Respiratory viral infections.
  • Helminths.

The treatment of the symptom caused by such diseases is effectively promoted by the substances contained in the licorice root. It:

  • Glycyrrhizin.
  • Bioflavonoids.
  • Steroids.
  • Acids.
  • Glucose.
  • Essential oils.
  • Vitamin C.

These elements have a variety of positive effects on the body of a person suffering from cough:

  • Spasmolytic.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Polyurethane.
  • Expectorant.
  • Enveloping.
  • Anti-edema.

With such efficiency, folk remedies made on the basis of licorice root, help to fight not only with an unpleasant symptom, but also with the underlying diseases that cause this phenomenon.

Cough licorice treatment: recipes from the root of the plant

Formulations of liquorice, cooked in any form, should take no more than 10 days, as a longer period of their use can cause increased swelling. The most popular recipes are:

  • Cough treatment with infusion from licorice rootThe licorice root in the shredded state is poured with vodka in the following proportions:. The drug is infused for 14 days in a dark place. After the required time, the mixture is filtered. Infusion for the treatment of reflex spasms of the respiratory tract is taken twice a day for 30 drops. The mixture is washed down with cold water.
  • Dry licorice root in the form of a fine powder (1 tablespoon) is poured into a glass of boiling water. The composition is put for 30 minutes to languish in a water bath. Within 10 minutes, allow the product to stand at room temperature. The mixture is filtered. To the received volume of a medicine the usual boiled water is added so that it has turned out 200 ml of broth. Composition of cough taken 4 times a day for 2 tablespoons.

The best results with the symptomatic treatment of reflex respiratory tract spasms are observed when using folk remedies prepared on the basis of liquorice, by courses.

Contraindications to the use of licorice root from cough and possible side effects in treatment

It should be taken into account that prolonged use of various folk remedies prepared on the basis of liquorice can lead to water-electrolyte imbalance in the human body. Therefore, in order to avoid the occurrence of edema, do not take the formulations from the root of licorice for a long period.

It is forbidden to carry out with the help of licorice root symptomatic treatment of a cough for pregnant women and breastfeeding women, as well as for patients who have the following ailments:

  • Insufficiency of the cardiovascular system.
  • Hyperfunction of the adrenal glands.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Diabetes mellitus of any type.
  • Gastritis in acute stage.
  • Hypertonic disease.
  • Serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Obesity.

The root of licorice when coughing is not recommended to be taken in parallel with diuretics, since this medicinal plant promotes the excretion of potassium from the body.

Before starting a symptomatic treatment with liquorice, it is worthwhile to familiarize yourself with possible side effects. Folk remedies for coughing can cause:

  • Articular pain.
  • Allergies.
  • Increase in pressure.
  • Gynecological bleeding.
  • Liver dysfunction.
Treatment of cough with licorice rootGiven the above contraindications and side effects, the treatment of cough with the help of licorice root should be treated very carefully. Before taking folk remedies prepared on the basis of this plant, you should always consult a doctor and strictly adhere to the dosages indicated in the prescriptions. If you comply with these conditions, then get rid of cough with the help of licorice root can be quickly and efficiently.

Syrup of licorice root

Syrup of licorice root is a medicinal product that is made from the rhizome of the plant of the same name. This drug has long been used in medical practice for the treatment of cough and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract in adults and children.

Composition of syrup

solodki-kornya-siropThe licorice root contains twenty-seven flavonoid compounds (chalcones, flavonoids and their isoforms), and essential oils, polysaccharides, glycyrrhizin and glycyrrhizic acid, which have a pronounced therapeutic effect. In the pharmacy bottle of this drug contains (per 100 grams):
  • 96% ethyl alcohol (10 gr.);
  • extract of licorice root (4 g.);
  • sugar syrup (86 gr.).

Due to this composition, this drug is actively used for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Properties of the medicinal product

The preparation on the basis of vegetable raw materials is issued in the form of a dense liquid of brown color, which has a sweet taste and a pungent smell. Use this syrup is recommended only if the treatment requires the patient's useful properties. This product has anti-inflammatory, expectorant, immunostimulating, antispasmodic and regenerating effect. Also, the licorice root has antitumor and antiviral activity. Due to this, it is able to suppress the development of mycobacteria, pathogenic microorganisms and staphylococci.


Instructions for use of this drug recommends the use of syrup for chronic and acute bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, bronchial asthma medical indications), atelectasis (if the patient has a mucous plug), as well as with peptic ulcer and gastritis (only outside the stage exacerbation). Also, the agent is actively used for the treatment of wet and dry cough.


Syrup medicinal plants can not be used to treat cough and other diseases in the following cases:

  • in the presence of gastritis (in the stage of exacerbation);
  • with peptic ulcer of the stomach (in the stage of exacerbation);
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the agent;
  • during pregnancy;
  • nursing mothers;
  • people with diabetes.

In the presence of bronchial asthma, the drug can be used only for medical reasons, and after consulting with the doctor in charge.

Possible side effects

After taking the syrup, the patient may experience minor allergic manifestations (on the skin or mucous membranes), as well as an increase in blood pressure.

Instructions for use

To achieve a better therapeutic effect, licorice root should be taken three times a day after meals. Dosage for children and adults:

  • Children 2 years and younger drug syrup should be given 2 drops, diluting them with warm water (in the first dessert spoon).
  • Children from 2 to 12 years old should take this remedy for ½ teaspoon (must be diluted in a quarter of a glass of warm water).
  • Children over 12 years of drug syrup based on licorice root naked should be given on a full small spoon. The preparation should be previously dissolved in boiled water (in ¼ cup).
  • Adults are recommended to take this remedy on a teaspoon, diluting it in half a glass of warm water.

Duration of treatment with herbal preparation

Treatment of wet or dry cough, as well as other diseases of the upper respiratory tract, should last from the 1st week to 10 days. Adopt the root of licorice to adults and children is recommended only after a medical examination, as prescribed by the doctor. With caution, this drug should be given to a child, since it contains 96% ethyl alcohol. During prolonged treatment with syrup, it must be remembered that it can easily contribute to the onset of swelling.

Form of issue

This product is available as a syrup in a vial that is placed in a cardboard box. Also, the drug is enclosed with instructions for use. In it you can find information on how much and how many times a day you should take syrup with dry cough and other diseases. All the above figures on dosage, contraindications and indications in it are also reflected.

Method of drug storage

Medicinal preparation based on the rhizome of licorice naked should be stored in a cool and dark place for no more than 2 years. Before using such a tool, it is recommended to visit a doctor, and also carefully study the attached instructions.

Who gave babies a tincture of licorice root from a cough? with a wet cough?


Big girls do not cry

I did not give tincture, but brewed the roots of licorice with a dry cough. with a wet cough, sputum and so departs.


neeeeeeeee. .
who to you it porekamendoval?? doctor? you have it right.


So licorice in my opinion with a dry cough.. .
I think it's too early for a baby.
Pertusin is weaker, it is given more small.
And the pediatrician, what did you advise?

The captive of hearts

I gave a wake up, in it just the licorice enters

Lyudmila Fatyanova

Is it too early for a baby? This tincture is for alcohol! Folk wisdom says: "Each drop of alcohol adds a drop of dullness to the offspring." There are special medicines for babies - "Doctor MOM", etc. Brew herbs you can - there are special fees, phyto-tea. Very good help infusion (not tincture! ) mother-and-stepmother, oregano, the same licorice. Expectorant effect.

Rose of May

once again do not give, especially to the little one. there are complications in the form of abundant sputum.

Anna Chernovskaya

I gave my own burnt sugar - no chemistry is needed!

Catherine Bad

It's not worth it. Try some baby syrup suitable for age. Licorice in combination with bromhexine very well helps. But not at that age. And I really like inhalation.

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