Symptoms of a heart attack in a man: early and acute phase

From this article you will learn: the characteristic signs of a heart attack in men, how to provide first aid before the arrival of doctors.

  • The first symptoms of myocardial infarction in men
  • Symptoms of acute phase( basic)
  • First aid
  • Summary

Myocardial infarction is an acute lesion of the heart muscle, accompanied by a sharp spasm or plugging of the coronary arteries, leading to the death of some cells.

In men and women, the infarction varies, which is due to constitutional and hormonal differences.

Symptoms of a beginning myocardial infarction appear in men for 3-7 days. Because of nonspecificity, they are often missed, not associating it with cardiac pathology.

If any of these symptoms occur, consult a cardiologist immediately.

Each patient with IHD, as well as his close people, needs to study the symptoms of a heart attack and the rules of first aid, since up to 30% of patients do not live up to the arrival of doctors.

First( early) symptoms in men

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  • General fatigue, increased fatigue - observed 2.7 times more often in men;
  • attacks of dizziness, which can be accompanied by vomiting, loss of consciousness;
  • blunt or aching pain behind the sternum at rest;
  • unexplained pain in the upper half of the trunk, jaw, teeth;
  • signs of malaise, similar to the flu - aches, drowsiness, weakness;
  • symptoms of indigestion, nausea;
  • the previous depression is observed in men 4 times more often;
  • dyspnea after moderate habitual physical activity.

In women, the first signs begin in 14-30 days, have a different character.

The signs of a beginning myocardial infarction revealed at this stage with adequate first aid do not lead to necrosis of the heart muscle. And, means, the scar is not formed, the rhythm is not broken, the lethal outcome is prevented. Therefore, contact your cardiologist when changing your condition.

Symptoms of the acute phase

In the acute phase of the infarction for men, the classical version of the current is characterized with acute severe pain behind the sternum, shortness of breath, a sense of lack of air, disorientation, rapid pulse. These symptoms develop at rest, without physical exertion. Pain with a heart attack is prolonged, from 15 minutes to 24 hours, can be undulating.

The distinctive symptoms of a heart attack in a man can be:

  • "tie" pain, burning sensation behind the sternum;
  • compression of the thoracic cavity( men describe it as if the elephant is sitting on the chest and shoulders);
  • chest pain extending to the right side, occurs 5 times more often in men;
  • pain in the biceps, left shoulder, left arm, that is, shifting to the upper belt;
  • gastralegic variant of a heart attack is 3.7 times more common in men - abdominal pain, nausea, heartburn, bloating. Vomiting is more typical for women( 3.9 times more);
  • shortness of breath;
  • cold sweat;
  • cyanosis, pale skin, the complexion becomes gray, earthy;
  • numbness, tingling sensation in the limbs, which can signal a peripheral vasospasm;
  • anxiety, fear of death, panic;
  • feeling of cardiac fading;
  • increased blood pressure during the first day of the infarct in patients without a history of hypertension;
  • a rare symptom may be dry cough, fever, an unexplained rash on the skin.

Such differences are explained by the peculiarities of the body structure: in men, the heart is larger, located more centrally. Women have a smaller heart, are located lower, to the left.

In men, large arteries are most often clogged, the lesion is better visualized during angiography.

Before the development of a heart attack, men are more surveyed, have diagnosed ischemic disease 5 times more often.

Female infarction is characterized by the defeat of small vessels, which is often not noticeable on the angiogram and leads to late diagnosis, most of the symptoms are considered false positive.

Atypical forms of myocardial infarction are also more characteristic of women. This leads to a greater frequency of deaths among women.

A painless type of infarction( "mute") occurs in both sexes, signs of the "transferred to the legs" of the condition can be pulmonary edema, arrhythmias, abruptly arisen hypotension( lowering blood pressure).This option is typical for patients with diabetes mellitus.

First aid

Symptoms of myocardial infarction in men are very variable, so for any unexplained pain, discomfort, unusual symptoms, always call an ambulance. An examination by a cardiologist and an ECG will help to remove or confirm the diagnosis.

If you have a history of ischemic heart disease, carry nitroglycerin.

When someone has signs similar to the first manifestations of a heart attack, you need to take action quickly. Remember, to prevent necrosis of the heart muscle can only be in the first 20-45 minutes after the thrombosis of the vessel. With severe myocardial ischemia, there are 6-12 hours to prevent complications.

First aid for myocardial infarction:

  1. put the man on a firm surface;
  2. remove all the crushing clothes, relax the tie;
  3. open the windows, providing access to fresh air;
  4. place a nitroglycerin tablet under the tongue;
  5. call the ambulance;
  6. if the pain does not subside and the ambulance does not arrive, give nitroglycerin three times, with an interval of 5 minutes, while measuring blood pressure to prevent hypotension;
  7. give an aspirin tablet of 0.25-0.5 g and ask a man to chew it;
  8. try to calm the patient, inspire confidence that help is near;
  9. do not give any antihypertensive drugs before the arrival of doctors;
  10. put in a prominent place documents( passport, policy, data from previous surveys), so as not to lose time after the arrival of the ambulance.

First Aid Measures to Yourself - Same.


The first and main signs of a heart attack in men and women differ in 35% of cases, but conclusions about characteristic symptoms are too early. Only a third of studies take gender differences into account.

In this case, a male heart attack is studied better and occurs more often typically. The first help is correctly and fully provided to men as well, since women are not supposed to suspect a heart attack.

It's not entirely true to compare symptoms according to gender, each patient has a different state of the body and a previous history.

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