Ointments for joints: analgesic and anti-inflammatory


  • 1Anesthetic and anti-inflammatory ointments: a list of drugs, indications, instructions
    • 1.1Features of the action of such drugs
    • 1.2Groups of pain relief ointments
    • 1.3Ointments with cooling effect
    • 1.4Warming Ointments
    • 1.5Ointments with chondroprotective action
    • 1.6Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
    • 1.7Combined ointments
    • 1.8"Fastum Gel instructions for use
    • 1.9Ointment "Voltaren"
    • 1.10Rules for using such ointments
  • 2Ointments for joints from pain: the best painkillers and anti-inflammatory
    • 2.1External means for hands and feet
    • 2.2Ointments for inflammation of the hands and feet
    • 2.3Heating and cooling liniments
  • 3Ointments for the treatment of joints: painkillers, anti-inflammatory, warming
    • 3.1Painkilling ointments
    • 3.2The best ointments for joint pain
    • 3.3Means with anti-inflammatory action
    • 3.4The main types of creams
    • 3.5Heating treatment
    • 3.6Best ointments for joints with a warming effect
    • 3.7Hondoprotectors - ointments for pain in joints and for inflammation
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.8Basic views
    • 3.9Homeopathic and herbal remedies
    • 3.10Ointments from folk remedies
    • 3.11How to use ointments and gels for joints
  • 4List of Pain Ointments
    • 4.1Types of ointments with analgesic effect
    • 4.2Warming
    • 4.3Cooling
    • 4.4The best pain relievers for joints and muscles
    • 4.5List of ointments for osteochondrosis
    • 4.6With bruises and sprains
    • 4.7With back pain
    • 4.8Pain relief ointments for hemorrhoids
    • 4.9With burns
    • 4.10For epilation of legs
    • 4.11For tattoos
    • 4.12For massage

Anesthetic and anti-inflammatory ointments: a list of drugs, indications, instructions

Various injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system cause severe pain in the joints, ligaments and muscles. Often they are accompanied by inflammation and swelling of the tissues.

In order to cope with this condition, painkillers and anti-inflammatory ointments are used. They quickly help relieve pain and swelling. But there are a lot of similar drugs, and they all have different composition and mode of action.

Therefore, before use, consult a physician.

Features of the action of such drugs

Analgesics and anti-inflammatory ointments are used for various injuries, pain in the muscles and joints due to hypothermia or overexertion, with osteochondrosis, radiculitis and arthrosis. They are very effective in the complex therapy of many diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Their popularity can be explained by the fact that when applied to the skin they have such an effect:

  • relieve pain;
  • improve the nutrition of tissues;
  • accelerate blood circulation;
  • reduce edema and inflammation;
  • eliminate muscle spasms.

Groups of pain relief ointments

Such drugs are prescribed depending on the characteristics and causes of pain. It is necessary to consult a doctor so that he helps to choose the right medicine. All painkillers and anti-inflammatory ointments, depending on the characteristics of the action are divided into several groups:

  • drugs with a cooling effect relieve pain, swelling and redness;
  • drugs containing analgesics or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances are prescribed for pain in muscles or joints, with radiculitis and osteochondrosis;
  • To dissolve stagnant phenomena in tissues, ointments with a warming and skin irritating effect are used;
  • for diseases of the joints, drugs containing chondroprotectors help.

Ointments with cooling effect

Such drugs are used immediately after the injury to quickly remove pain and prevent the appearance of swelling and bruising. They usually contain menthol, plant essential oils, camphor and other substances.

Most often, these drugs are released in the form of a gel, so the active components quickly penetrate deep into the tissues. Do not rub them into the skin, as this can cause swelling. They are prescribed for pain in the spine and sutavas associated with overexertion, after stretching ligaments and muscles.

Most often used such ointments with a cooling effect: "Bystrum gel "Ben gay "Reparil" and others.

Warming Ointments

Such products contain components that exert an irritant effect on the skin, which accelerate blood circulation and metabolic processes in tissues.

Therefore, they have analgesic effect, relieve muscle spasms and warm. Because of the pronounced stimulating effect on the nervous system, such drugs are not used at night.

You can use them to warm up your muscles before training or with osteochondrosis, myalgia, radiculitis.

Anesthetizing and warming ointments are undesirable to use immediately after an injury, as they can provoke an increase in inflammation or bleeding. The basis of such drugs can be different components:

  • medicinal plants and essential oils, for example "Myoton" ointment;
  • bee venom contains the drug "Apizarthron
  • The snake venom contained in the "Viprosal" ointment also has a warming effect;
  • Also effective on the basis of capsaicin - an extract of hot pepper, for example "Nikofleks".

Ointments with chondroprotective action

These drugs also have an analgesic effect. But this is due to the restoration of cartilaginous tissue and the removal of inflammation. They contain chondroitin and glucosamine, which are the basis of cartilage.

Most often it is prescribed by doctors "Chondroitin" (ointment) for dystrophic processes in intervertebral discs. Such drugs restore the volume of intra-articular fluid and slow the degenerative processes in arthrosis and osteochondrosis.

It is necessary to know that such drugs do not have a fast analgesic effect, they need to be applied by long courses.

The most famous drugs of this group are "Artrocin "Honda "Chondroxide" and "Chondroart" ointment.

When choosing a medicine, it is necessary to look for a dimexide in its composition that helps the active ingredients to penetrate into the deep layers of tissues.

It is because of it that "Chondroitin" is an effective ointment with chondroprotective action.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Such drugs can not be used for a long time without the appointment of a doctor.

They contain components that can accumulate in tissues and have systemic side effects.

These pain relievers and anti-inflammatory ointments are among the most popular drugs for the treatment of many diseases of the musculoskeletal system and internal organs:

  • inflammation of the muscles due to hypothermia or increased physical exertion;
  • renal colic;
  • pain after trauma or surgery;
  • radiculitis, lumbago or sciatica;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • arthritis.

They include various analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances.

Such ointments relieve pain by suppressing the activity of mediators of the inflammatory process. They relieve swelling and pain symptoms.

All non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be divided into groups depending on the main active ingredient.

  • Ointments based on ketoprofen relieve pain and help remove tissue swelling. This substance prevents the release of enzymes that provoke the inflammatory process. Ketoprofen quickly penetrates into the subcutaneous tissue, especially if the preparation is made in the form of a gel. The most popular drugs on its basis are "Ketonal "Fastum gel".
  • Ointments containing ibuprofen are the substance considered to be the safest and most effective for relieving pain and inflammation. They are used for arthritis, gout, pinched nerves, radiculitis, rheumatism and pain in the muscles. Most often used such ointments based on ibuprofen: Nurofen, Dolgit, Ibuprofen, Deep Relief and others.
  • Effectively relieves pain and inflammation of diclofenac. This substance not only inhibits the synthesis of mediators of the inflammatory process, but also improves blood circulation, and also participates in the regeneration of tissues. The most popular tool of this group is Voltaren Emulgel. Its price is quite high and can reach 500-600 rubles, depending on the packaging and the manufacturer. But this does not stop patients, because the drug is very effective. In addition to this, Orthofen, Diklak and Diklovit (ointment) are often used.
  • Another anti-inflammatory substance can be part of the ointment - nimesulide. It quickly relieves pain in muscles and joints, caused by various causes. It contains the drug "Naise which can be used for a long time without the risk of side effects.
  • The most inexpensive means are indomethacin-based ointments. This substance has long been used to treat arthritis, gout and osteochondrosis. Ointment "Indomethacin" can be bought for 40-50 rubles.

Combined ointments

Such preparations contain several components and have a complex effect. They not only relieve pain and inflammation, but also accelerate the regeneration of cells, have a resolving and thrombolytic effect.

They penetrate deep into the tissues and quickly relieve swelling after trauma. By improving the blood circulation is a hematoma.


In addition, combined ointments restore the damaged cartilaginous tissue, therefore improves mobility in the joints. The most famous tool of this group is Dolobene.


The drug contains sodium heparin, which improves blood circulation and resolves thrombi, anti-inflammatory agent dimethylsulfoxide and essential plant oils.

"Fastum Gel instructions for use

The price of this popular drug is not very high - from 215 rubles. But it is very effective, therefore many at an osteochondrosis, a radiculitis or pains in muscles choose it or him.

The basis of the drug is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substance ketoprofen. In addition to relieving pain and swelling, it improves blood circulation and prevents the appearance of blood clots. Apply ointment with radiculitis, osteochondrosis, arthritis, after injuries.

It effectively eliminates the morning stiffness in the joints.

Ointment "Voltaren"

This is another popular drug that is used to relieve pain and reduce inflammation.

Not only after bruises and strains, but also with osteochondrosis, radiculitis and arthritis, Voltaren emulgel is prescribed.

The average price is 350 rubles, but they buy the drug often because of its effectiveness. He quickly relieves pain and restores mobility.

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Rules for using such ointments

To temporarily relieve pain, you can use any drug. But with prolonged treatment it is necessary to consult a doctor.

After all, even external drugs can have contraindications and sometimes cause allergic reactions.

Therefore, you need to know how to properly use these ointments.

  • These drugs are applied a thin layer on the affected area. In some cases, it is recommended to rub the ointment with massage movements and apply a warming bandage. This is done 2-3 times a day.
  • Such ointments can not be used for various injuries of the skin, dermatitis and eczema.
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can not be used for longer than 2-3 weeks.
  • Warming ointments are not used immediately after the injury.
  • Drugs based on snake and bee venom can provoke strong irritation and allergic reaction.

A source: http://.ru/article/253167/obezbolivayuschie-i-protivovospalitelnyie-mazi-perechen-preparatov-pokazaniya-instruktsiya

Ointments for joints from pain: the best painkillers and anti-inflammatory

The joint pain is so intense that it is almost impossible to tolerate it, so the pharmaceutical companies of all countries constantly working on the creation of new and effective anti-inflammatory drugs for external use for joints of hands and feet. Ointment, cream or gel is applied to the affected area with soft circular motions.

Anti-inflammatory ointments for joints and muscles are considered the most affordable and safe drugs that can relieve pain, reduce inflammation and alleviate the suffering of the patient.

But before you buy this or that ointment with inflammation and start using it, you need to establish the true cause of the ailment, and for this you need to visit a doctor.

The type of drug is selected depending on the nature of the disease. Use painkillers for joints and muscles alone can only be used if the pain is very severe and the patient can not tolerate it.

In the past people also suffered from joint diseases, but they treated these diseases with the help of natural components:

  1. Medicinal herbs.
  2. Animal fat.
  3. Snake and bee venom.

Modern non-steroidal anti-inflammatory preparations of topical application also contain vegetative and animal components of natural origin.

Cream, gel and ointment for hands and feet can be effective only if they are matched correctly. Therefore, people should have information about which ointment, when to use.

Any liniment can have a side effect if the patient has an individual intolerance to its components. That is why in each case the doctor individually selects the patient a cream or gel.

External means for hands and feet

All drugs used externally for inflammation of muscles and joints are classified as follows:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments and NSAIDs.
  • Medicines of the group of hondoprotectors.
  • Irritating and warming liniments.
  • Homeopathic.
  • Medicines based on glucocorticoids.
  • Painkillers with salicylic acid.

Nonsteroid drugs have anti-inflammatory properties. Influencing directly to the focus of inflammation, these drugs in a short time relieve and pain.

An anesthetic ointment or gel can be purchased at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.

Another of their virtues is a relatively low cost, so external means for joints and muscles are available to everyone.

Preparations, consisting in the group of hondoprotectors, contain, as an active substance, glucosamine or chondroitin sulfate.

Both these components are naturally able to produce an organism of a healthy person. Glucosamine and chondroitin are contained in cartilaginous tissue.

Chondoprotectors are prescribed with a deficiency of these enzymes, which leads to destruction of the cartilage and degenerative-dystrophic pathologies.

The most effective ointment for the treatment of joints and muscles is Shark Fat. The drug stimulates the production of hyaluronic acid, which is so necessary for the motor activity of the hands and feet. Hyaluronic acid is found in the synovial fluid, providing its viscosity and glide.


A warming ointment for joints based on capsaicin is also a very effective remedy. To make it, the manufacturer uses an extract of red hot pepper.


A huge number of external means consist of components that irritate the skin (essential oils, bee and snake venom). But such medicines should be used with caution, as they are capable of causing an allergic reaction.

Before using any liniment, the patient should carefully read the composition and instructions for use. If a substance that causes an allergy is found in the composition, it is prohibited to use this drug.

But these drugs are practically useless in other diseases, so before using them, you must be firmly confident in the diagnosis.

Local medicines based on glucocorticoids for arthritis, arthrosis and other articular pathologies are prescribed as adjunctive therapy. The most effective drugs in this category are:

  1. cream Sophia for joints.
  2. Traumeel S.
  3. Badyaga.

Since these drugs are dispensed without a prescription and have virtually no contraindications, you can pick them up right in the pharmacy with the help of a pharmacist.

However, every patient should realize that topical preparations are only an auxiliary tool in the fight against diseases of the joints and muscles of the hands and feet. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system require an integrated approach.

  • Administration of NSAIDs in tablets and capsules.
  • Intra-articular injection.
  • External means (gel, ointment, rubbing).
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures.
  • Correction of the diet.
  • Passing the course of exercise therapy.

Ointments for inflammation of the hands and feet

Pain sensations in the joints, caused by various injuries, can be eliminated with topical preparations. All non-steroidal medications are based on anti-inflammatory ingredients (Diclofenac, Ibuprofen).

The method of their application is almost the same: the gel is applied to the area of ​​the lesion with a thin layer and rubbed into the skin in a smooth circular motion. In this case, a sore spot should be wrapped around with a bandage or a special bandage.

Doctors often recommend the following ointments to their patients:

  1. Bystrumgel.
  2. Voltaren Emulgel.
  3. Fastum gel.
  4. Nyz.

Therapeutic course with non-steroidal drugs should not last more than two weeks. When treating a patient should strictly follow the instructions for use, as improper use of these drugs can lead to complications in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

The most effective in the treatment of joints of hands and feet are considered chondoprotectors, but they have a fairly high cost.

However, such a price for the drugs of this group is fully justified, since the chondoprotectors not only eliminate pain, but also directly affect the cause of their occurrence.

Long-term treatment with hondoprotectors reduces the frequency of exacerbations and restores cartilaginous tissue. The average course lasts about six months. But with arthrosis in the last stages, even hondoprotectors are powerless. In this case, only a surgical intervention can help a patient.

Heating and cooling liniments

Medicinal products for external use, which have a warming effect, usually consist of natural components of animal and plant origin.

For example, Gavkamen cream contains camphor and eucalyptus oil, and Apizarthron is a bee venom.

Liniments of an irritant type can be used without prescribing a doctor, as they are absolutely harmless to health.

However, they must be tested for allergy before use.


One more condition - warming external preparations can not be applied at an active inflammatory process in the area of ​​the affected joint.


This is due to the fact that irritating ointments contribute to the expansion of blood vessels and can stimulate an increase in the focus of inflammation. As a result, instead of treatment, the situation will worsen.

Physicians negatively treat irritating creams when it comes to treating joint pathologies in children.

These ointments cause a strong burning sensation, in addition the drug can get on the mucous membranes.

To prevent this, the treated area of ​​skin should be wrapped with a warm scarf or towel. Such a measure helps to enhance the warming effect of the drug.

Analgesic drugs for external use begin to act very quickly. The patient can feel relief in five minutes.

Today one of the most effective drugs is the ointment for muscles and joints "Horsepower".

The merits of this tool include universality and cooling effect.

Balm "Horsepower" can be used to treat any pathology of the musculoskeletal system, including in trauma.

Moreover, in order to prevent balm use and healthy people who daily face high physical exertion, for example, professional athletes.


In terms of prevention of arthrosis, arthritis and sprains, this drug is considered ideal.


A source: http://sustav.info/lechim/medikamenty/mazi-dlya-sustavov.html

Ointments for the treatment of joints: painkillers, anti-inflammatory, warming

One effective method is ointment for joints. It can be used as a first aid, in combination with medications. They are used both at home treatment and in a hospital.

The cause of soreness in the joints can be various factors, you need to know what exactly should be affected. There are several types that differ in the active component:

  • relieving pain,
  • inflammatory,
  • vegetable
  • warming.

The impact of external means has several positive aspects. All of them are on sale, so they are bought without a prescription.

Creams for joints, like gels, relieve muscle contractions, reduce inflammation of tissues, are easy to apply.

Unlike tablets and injections do not have a negative effect on the liver and other organs.

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Many pain relievers and anti-inflammatory creams penetrate the inflammation focus, acting locally. Additionally, individual species have antibacterial action, they restore the process of feeding cartilage tissues.

Painkilling ointments

Soreness can occur in any person. Anesthetic ointments help to quickly eliminate the symptom. Most of the drugs have another effect - they increase the flow of useful elements into bone and cartilage tissue.

Means of external application cause a temporary decrease in tissue sensitivity. They can be divided into 4 main types:

  • Based on the hot pepper.
  • On the basis of salicylic acid.
  • With chondroprotectors.
  • Homeopathic species.

Ointments for joint pain should contain glucosamine. Thanks to him, there is an increase in the volume of a special fluid, which is in the body itself. This ingredient also has healing properties. Such preparations:

  • Block the transmission of pain from the receptors to the brain.
  • Relieve discomfort in the focus of inflammation by stopping the formation of prostaglandins.

The best ointments for joint pain

Cream for Viprosal joints contains specific components, for example, snake venom. When used, the pain subsides in about 15 minutes. To get a good result, the ointment is rubbed with intense movements.

There are other types:

  • Finalgon. Has a strong effect. When used due to warming, pain is relieved.
  • Alizartron. Affects locally. It is also used as an ointment for pain in muscles. After use, the tissue structure is improved, the cells are quickly saturated with oxygen.
  • Myoton. Contains herbal ingredients. It is used with a pronounced allergic reaction to synthetic components. Pain almost instantly disappears.
  • Fastum Gel. Contains ketoprofen. Quickly relieves discomfort in the joints, has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties.

Virtually all of these drugs are banned in the presence of skin diseases. Do not use them in diabetes, babies. Asthmatics should receive a doctor's recommendation before use.

Means with anti-inflammatory action

This group includes funds based on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory components. Their reception leads to the elimination of stiffness, the removal of puffiness. All anti-inflammatory ointments quickly penetrate into the tissues, accumulate in the synovial membrane.

This species is used for rheumatic, infectious diseases. Often they have a regenerative effect. Effective in both acute and chronic ailments.

With prolonged use, exposure to internal organs is possible. Nausea and diarrhea may occur.

The risk of undesirable reactions increases with increasing dosage.

The main types of creams

Ointments for the treatment of joints are represented by different drugs. Effective is diclofenac. It is applied a thin layer on the affected area. The product is easily absorbed, penetrating into the most distant tissues. With regular use removes puffiness.

Bystrumgel removes inflammation for a long time. The gel can not be used by children in the last months of pregnancy.

At first, if used, redness of the skin is possible. The similar mechanism of work is possessed by Indovazin. This joint cream is often used for compresses.

There are practically no side effects.


Nyz and Ketonal are painkillers and anti-inflammatory ointments. You can not use them for peptic ulcer diseases. They must be applied smoothly without pressure.


Virtually all of these means are not available to treat children. They are recommended ointments for joint pains on the basis of plant components. These include "Traumel C "Alor".

There are anti-inflammatory ointments with bee venom. The latter component has a broad spectrum of action. Such ointments improve blood circulation, promote rapid removal of toxins from the affected area.

Heating treatment

Many doctors prescribe a warming medicinal ointment. Regardless of the type, it acts in a complex way:

  • relieves pain,
  • improves blood supply,
  • accelerates the exchange processes,
  • accelerates the recovery process.

Basically this kind is used for joint injuries. You can not use them for exacerbation of the disease, as well as inflammation of the joint tissues. In the opposite case, it is possible to provoke an increase in the inflammatory process.

A joint cream with a warming effect often has an extract made from chilli pepper, snake venom or bees. Some varieties contain formic acid, menthol.

Warming ointments for the joints act reflexively. They lead to stimulation of the nerve endings of the dermis. There is an expansion of blood vessels, an increase in the flow of blood to the tissues. Against the background of their use, pain decreases.

After applying the ointment for the joints and ligaments, one can observe muscle relaxation. To relieve pain and inflammation, buy funds, which in addition to the above funds have turpentine or camphor.

Best ointments for joints with a warming effect

Cream for joints Apizarthron is produced by a well-known German company. It is combined. Contains in its composition the poison of live bees and those that have been lyophilized. It is actual in case of severe degenerative changes.

Anesthetic ointments for joints with a warming mechanism of action are also represented by such external means as Artro-Active. It speeds up blood circulation, stimulates blood flow to the site of inflammation. Very quickly penetrates into the deep layers through the skin pores.

Dikul's ointment contains extracts from known medicinal plants, sea buckthorn oil, bee venom, bear bile. Such an anti-inflammatory ointment has the least amount of contraindications and an acceptable price.

Excellent effect has a cream for joints based on Demoxid. It is an antimicrobial, a remedy that relieves pain. Penetrates into the deepest layers of muscles, joints, bones. It is used for rubbing the affected area.

Any warming ointment or gel has contraindications. Therefore, before using such treatment, carefully read the application note.

People with increased skin sensitivity are best able to mix stinging ointments with a neutral base, for example, with oil.

This will reduce the risk of irritation on the skin.

Hondoprotectors - ointments for pain in joints and for inflammation

Under the influence of such means, the joint cartilage is restored, and its protection from damage is restored.

Such a joint cream partially removes inflammation, but it is not absorbed into the blood.

Continuous work of cartilage occurs and due to the fact that the active elements affect the metabolism in it.

There are three generations of means for external treatment:

  • First. These are gels and ointments of biological origin. They contain extracts from cartilage of animals and fish.
  • The second. Contain chondroitin, hyaluronic acid.
  • Third. Combined ointments for pain in joints. Contain the elements of the second generation in different combinations. In some species there are also anti-inflammatory ingredients, polyunsaturated fatty acids.

According to scientists, the greatest effect is achieved with the use of gel and ointment of the third generation. Such an anti-inflammatory cream is better absorbed, faster included in the metabolism of cartilaginous tissue. Effective means containing hyaluronic acid.

In this case, external means have a lower therapeutic effect. Often appointed in conjunction with other methods of treatment and when performing phonophoresis.

Basic views

Chondroitin sulfate is an active substance in effective joint ointments, like Arthrin, Chondroxide. It leads to a slowing down of the aging of the cartilaginous tissue. Normalizes the formation of fluid in the joint, relieves pain and inflammation.

Chondroitin sulfate in combination with Dimexide contains chondroitin. The second component enhances the effect of the first, forcing it to reach the necessary cells faster.

A complex action is possessed by Chondroart. It is one of the best ointments for joints, containing chondroitin sulfate, diclofenac and Dimexide. It is used to relieve pain and relieve inflammation.

Homeopathic and herbal remedies

In recent years, there has been an increase in the popularity of such gels and ointments. Many of them have a complex effect.

For example, the cream for pain in muscles has a positive effect on the human bone apparatus. Such therapy does not immediately eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but allows to normalize the work of the affected part of the body.

The low frequency of cases of occurrence of negative reactions also belongs to advantages.

Among natural remedies, cream gels for joints are deservedly respected.


They leave no traces on the tissues, can be applied at any time of the day to eliminate pain. At the heart of many products are natural essential oils.


They also act as a natural conductor, a nutrient component.

Among the representatives is a cream with an anesthetic effect for the joints of Object-T. It contains a large number of active components affecting cartilage, bone and soft tissue.

Ointments from folk remedies

You can do it yourself. An anesthetic ointment for muscles and joints is made from vinegar and eggs. The latter is broken into a small container.

The shell is ground to powder. The vinegar is added to the container so that the mixture is covered by a centimeter. The bank needs to be closed and put in the dark for 5 days.

Then you need to pour the oil and wait another 4 days.

A warming ointment is made from an egg and ammonia. The last component should be taken 2 tablespoons. The same amount is taken turpentine and two eggs. All components are thoroughly mixed. The obtained composition is spread over the affected area.

How to use ointments and gels for joints

Applying any external remedy, it is worth remembering that you can do this only a limited amount of time. To rub the gel and ointment should not be with ulcerative lesions of the stomach and intestines, serious ailments of the kidneys and liver. Many drugs are not allowed for use during pregnancy.

An anesthetic gel for joints is prescribed in conjunction with other techniques, since it only eliminates symptoms. The only exception is when there are other useful ingredients in it.

Before rubbing the drug, examine the composition. If one of the components in the history had an allergic reaction, it is better to find an alternative method of treatment. Warming gel and ointment with bee venom for joints are applied before bedtime.

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Do not use them before going out. Some types of agents for external exposure have the same components. Apply them together is not recommended.

To achieve the desired effect this will not help, but the allergic reaction will manifest with a high degree of probability.

Local treatment can not be used if a person has a general severe condition, there is a congestion of a large amount of fluid in the joint cavity. Are not appointed, especially warming ointments, at possibility of formation of purulent or infectious process.

In conclusion, we note that with the use of creams and gels can not cure the joint. Therapists, in conjunction with external methods of treatment, prescribe other medications.

This is not very effective in the inflammatory process due to the fact that the active substances in the joint creams are contained in a small amount.

In any case, ointments and gels should not be used without consulting a doctor, as you can miss a complication or a serious ailment.

A source: https://sustav-life.ru/mazi-i-geli-dlya-sustavov/

List of Pain Ointments

Anesthetic ointments contain analgesics with pronounced analgesic effect.

During the application of these drugs, a person feels the influx of heat to the affected area and the slow loss of pain.

An increase in the intensity of blood flow in the aching area minimizes the development of pathological conditions.

Anesthetics and anti-inflammatory drugs have an effective effect in neuralgia, back pain, knee pain joints, with rheumatism, etc. These agents should be applied in small dosages in order to avoid the occurrence of side effects. phenomena.

Types of ointments with analgesic effect

Anesthetics are effective for preventive purposes and in the treatment of various injuries and diseases, they are usually divided into warming and cooling.

Fresh trauma, bruising or stretching of the tissues should be cooled.

To apply a warming ointment to a sore spot at this moment is impossible, as it can negatively affect the recovery process: to hyperemia and increased heat exchange due to the constituents of capsaicin and methyl salicylate contained in bees, snake venom and burning pepper. Very often ointments can be found in ointments, but all because it increases the permeability of the capillaries.


The warming ointment is used during the rehabilitation period, it helps to remove swelling, cope with pain and bruises, and also creates optimal conditions for rapid healing of the diseased area. Warmers are successfully used in the treatment of diseases such as rheumatism, bursitis, neuritis, bronchitis, etc. In addition, they are effective for chronic ailments.

No less effective are warming ointments used to prevent injuries, prevent pain in joints and lower back, when warming up the muscles before serious and intense loads on the locomotor system apparatus. It is useful to rub warming aids and conduct a good workout before outdoor activities in cool weather, this avoids possible injuries.

Since the composition of such drugs includes irritant substances like capsaicin, before use the instructions for use to avoid allergic reactions. Before applying the product, a novelty, it must be tested on a small area of ​​the skin, for example, at the elbow bend or in the popliteal zone.


At the newly received acute injury it is recommended to use a gel with a cooling effect, it will help to remove inflammation, will numb the damaged area, reduce the bruise and bruise, improve blood flow and promote regeneration tissues.

Many of these drugs have anti-inflammatory effect. When applying gel to the affected area, a feeling of cold is created, while the temperature of the skin does not change.

These agents contain active ingredients such as alcohol, menthol, essential oils, heparin and other substances by which analgesia is achieved.


A small amount of cooling gel is applied to the damaged area. You can not rub it, so as not to provoke flushing.


It is better to allow the means to absorb itself.

For this reason, cooling agents are often produced in the form of a gel, because due to its structure, it penetrates better into the skin and releases active substances faster.

The best pain relievers for joints and muscles

To muffle the severe pain caused due to physical exertion, Finangel's ointment will help. Among the most popular means are the following:

  • Voltaren;
  • Viprosal;
  • Ketonal;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Indometacin ointment.

List of ointments for osteochondrosis

When osteochondrosis for external use, the following types of ointments are used:

  • Nice gel, Fastum gel, Ketonal, Nurofen, Capsicum. All these preparations contain the active substance ketoprofen, which quickly stops the pain syndrome and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Dolobien gel, Ratiofarma, Heparin ointment - they contain heparin and dexpanthenol - substances that have a regenerating effect.
  • Chondroxide is an effective remedy that slows down the destructive process in the cartilaginous tissues.
  • Objective T, Traumeel C - homeopathic medicinal products, which have pronounced chondroprotective, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

With bruises and sprains

Bruising and sprain of the ligaments are traumas of soft tissues of a closed type without visible disturbances of the integrity of the skin.

Inflammation occurring at the site of damage is of a short-term nature, but it is accompanied by nociceptive pain, which can be removed by the following analgesic drugs:

  • Hepain ointment, Lyoton - these ointments contain the active substance heparin, which promotes resorption of blood clots and the restoration of small capillaries.
  • Vipratoks, Viprosal - have a pronounced anti-inflammatory property.
  • Finalgon is a potent remedy, therefore, when applying it, the recommended dosage should be observed.
  • Ointment Extreme with bee venom - dulls pain and resolves bruises.
  • Dolgit, contains the active substance ibuprofen, quickly absorbed, relieves inflammation and pain with bruises.

Children are recommended such popular painkillers, like Solcoseryl and Fastum-gel.

Eliminate pain during pregnancy is possible only with the help of the doctor's advice. Self-medication is fraught with consequences.

It is the doctor who will be able to choose the drug most safe for both the mother and her child.

With back pain

Back pain can occur for various reasons:

  1. rheumatism;
  2. osteochondrosis;
  3. arthrosis of the spine;
  4. stretching of the muscles and other diseases.

Every reason has its own method of treatment. So, in the treatment of rheumatic disease, the effectiveness of drugs with bee, snake venom or on the basis of extracts of chilli pepper, which have a strong local-extinguishing effect.

When stretching, it is necessary to remove the inflammation. The warming up preparations for the muscles will not only accelerate the blood flow and lymphatic exchange, but also have an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. This category of funds can include:

  • Voltaren emulsifier;
  • Nurofen;
  • Finalgon;
  • Efkamon, etc.

These drugs are a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory group. In severe situations, such as hernia or pinching, ointments containing corticosteroids should be used.

When the loin hurts, a person tries to muffle this symptom faster, because in addition to the appearance of unpleasant sensations the quality of his life also changes - strong pains literally immobilize him, this often affects the performance. To remove the pain symptom, you can use the following drugs:

  • Fastum-gel;
  • Ketonal;
  • Dolobien;
  • Ointment Chondroxide.

Pain relief ointments for hemorrhoids

The use of special ointments with such a complex ailment can relieve pain, swelling, prevents further damage, reduces itching.

  • Proctosan;
  • Aurobin;
  • Bezornil;
  • Troxevasin;
  • Heparin ointment;
  • Levomekol etc.

With burns

Wounds obtained from burns are best treated with the following analgesics:

  • Mephenate;
  • Levosin;
  • Dioxysol-Darnitsa;
  • Olazole.

These ointments also have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

For epilation of legs

The best drug that makes hair removal less painful is Lidocaine. Use it as follows:

  1. Before you start epilation, you need to take a warm bath.
  2. Apply a thin layer of Lidocaine on a dry, clean skin and wrap it in a film in order to block air access.
  3. In two hours you can go directly to the epilation.
    Another good analgesic is Emla's anesthetic ointment. It is applied to the skin, the treated areas are wrapped with a food film and left for 2 hours, then proceed to epilation.

For tattoos

To reduce pain during the performance of tattoos in salons often use ointments and creams with analgesic effect. Among them, the EMLA cream is very popular.

This tool should be spread over the area of ​​the body where the tattoo will be performed. After applying the ointment, you need to wait 30 minutes, after which you can easily start to perform tattoos.

The main thing is to remember that the ointment also works for about 30 minutes.

For massage

There are also anesthetic ointments for performing therapeutic massage. Especially they are effective for performing massage with osteochondrosis in the cervical and lumbar regions. They have not only an anesthetic, but also an anti-inflammatory and regenerative effect. These ointments include:

  • Dikul's ointments
  • Arthrocin Gel
  • Comfrey
  • Sophia

A source: http://myadvices.ru/obezbolivayushhie-mazi/

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