Treatment of small pelvis varicose: we fight with all our strength!

Varicose veins of the small pelvis - a disease that is mainly affected by the fair sex. It manifests itself in a change in the size and shape of the veins with subsequent disruption of their functions.

Modern medicine has great opportunities for diagnosing varicose veins. Widely used ultrasound method, Doplerography, phlebography. In difficult situations, physicians may resort to laparoscopy to make the correct diagnosis.


  • 1 Therapy features
  • 2 Conservative technique
  • 3 Operations
  • 4 The effect of folk remedies
  • 5 The
  • 6 life regimen

prophylaxis Therapy features

Varicose veins of the pelvis are a disease that is difficult to treat. Often predisposition to it persists throughout the life of and therapy aims to prevent complications and relapses. Strict adherence to the advice of a doctor will help to avoid the development of the disease.

The appearance of the disease is influenced by many factors, complex therapy should include some general recommendations:

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  • Getting rid of excess weight, which creates an additional burden on the weakened veins.
  • Regular workouts for those whose work involves a long stay in a sitting or standing position. A ten-minute walk will help the veins to get rid of blood stagnation.
  • Active way of life.
  • Getting rid of addictions( smoking, drinking alcohol), violating the elasticity of blood vessels.
  • Prohibition of lifting weights and doing bodybuilding.
  • Restriction of salted and fried foods, causing edema and exacerbating the disease.
  • High fiber content in a diet that relieves constipation.
  • Wearing compression clothes that hold the veins in a normal state.
  • Waiver of high-heeled shoes.
  • Stabilization of the hormonal background.

The complex of exercises for small pelvis varicose is best performed daily. It should be a duration of at least 15 minutes and include simple movements. It can be well-known to all "scissors", "bicycle", flops leg up and towards .Strength exercises are strictly prohibited. A good help will be swimming or cycling.

To prevent complications of these recommendations should be adhered to constantly, especially if your family members are predisposed to the disease.

Conservative technique

Treatment of varicose veins of small pelvis with medicinal preparations can help only in the first and second stages of the disease .In more severe cases, it is necessary to remove the affected area of ​​the vein. Usually, drugs are prescribed during the period of exacerbation. Do not take medication regularly, as they cause a number of side effects.

Because of the localization of the disease, it is not possible to apply cooling gels. If the veins are damaged in the small pelvis, is prescribed only tablets.

Drugs prescribed for the treatment of the disease, have venoprotective properties and improve the blood circulation of .Anti-inflammatory effect and reduction of unpleasant sensations are also provided. Justified the appointment of antithrombotic drugs.

Usually, medicines are prescribed by the courses to achieve positive results, with varicose veins, such venous drugs are prescribed:

  • "Flebodia 600" is an excellent product, normalizing blood supply and reducing the stretching of the venous walls. Apply one tablet a day for four months.
  • Detralex , taken with meals twice a day for 1 to 3 months.
  • "Kurantil" , four times a day for one month.
  • "Escuzan" , one tablet three times a day for up to 3 months.
  • "Venarus" , two tablets per day with a course of three months.

For the hormonal cause of the disease, the normalizing balance of candles and ointments is often prescribed. You can learn more about these preparations from another article.

During pregnancy, which often provokes the development of the disease, medication can be prescribed only by a doctor and not earlier than the second trimester. Wearing special underwear at the first signs of veins is strictly necessary.


At the severe stage of the disease, only the surgical intervention of will help to correct the situation. Currently, the level of development of medicine is quite high, and the methods of operative treatment for varicose veins are constantly being improved:

  • phlebectomy , at which the removal of the affected site of the vein is performed;
  • stripping , allowing to pull the patient part through two small holes;
  • mini-flexibectomy - removal of the vein in parts through small punctures;
  • transluminal phlebectomy - destruction of the vein by the introduction of a special fluid and probe;
  • laser coagulation - "gluing" varicose veins;
  • radio frequency coagulation .

Each method has its advantages and indications. The choice depends on the stage of the disease and the health of the patient .

Effect from the use of folk remedies

There are many popular recipes for the treatment of the disease - from baths and tinctures, recipes with chestnuts, and ending with products of beekeeping. Efficiency has not yet been confirmed by .Treatment with leeches may help with varicose veins. The effect is achieved by improving blood supply and dilution of blood. With diseases in the pelvic region, leeches are placed on the coccyx or sacrum.

Do not fully rely on self-medication, entrust such a serious disease is only specialists.

If you believe in traditional medicine, try to test it after consulting a doctor .The course of medication should not be postponed, traditional treatment should be a priority. Here you can find suitable folk recipes for oral administration and not only.


To achieve positive results of during the period of treatment is not recommended :

  • Take any medications without consulting a doctor.
  • To exercise heavy physical activity.
  • Stay in the sun and in high temperature areas for a long time.
  • To be fond of salty and spicy food, which causes fluid retention in the body.


So we found out how to treat varicose veins of the small pelvis, but how to prevent it? To prevent recurrences and complications, it is necessary to adhere to a few simple rules:

  • the correct mode of work and rest, exclusion of heavy loads;
  • balanced nutrition;
  • minimizing stress;
  • reception of hormonal contraceptives only on the recommendation of a doctor;
  • preventive course of drugs that improve the condition of the venous wall.

Remember: Varicose treatment largely depends on the lifestyle of .A healthy diet and reasonable physical activity will help maintain the veins in good condition. Do not start the disease, it is better to consult a doctor with the first symptoms and, if possible, delay surgical intervention.