Treatment of hematoma on the foot after injury


  • 1Hematoma on foot after injury treatment at home
    • 1.1Damage to the lower limbs
    • 1.2Severity of injury
    • 1.3Treatment for minor injuries
    • 1.4How to supplement the treatment
    • 1.5Surgical treatment of bruises
    • 1.6Damage diagnostics
    • 1.7Treatment with folk methods
  • 2Treatment of hematomas on the legs
    • 2.1Causes of hematoma
    • 2.2Types of hematomas
    • 2.3Diagnostics
    • 2.4Treatment
    • 2.5Traditional medicine
    • 2.6Alternative medicine
    • 2.7Prevention
  • 3Hematoma on the leg after a bruise: what can result in an inoffensive at first glance injury
    • 3.1Symptomatics and classification
    • 3.2First aid for trauma
    • 3.3Treatment of hematoma on the foot after injury
    • 3.4Conservative treatment
    • 3.5Surgical methods of treatment
    • 3.6Hematoma without external cause
    • 3.7Possible complications
  • 4Types and features of treatment of posttraumatic hematomas on the leg
    • 4.1Varieties of bruises
    • 4.2The need for medical advice
    • 4.3Degrees of tissue damage
    • 4.4How to mitigate the consequences of trauma
    • 4.5Basic principles of treatment
    • 4.6Treatment with drugs
    • 4.7Surgical care
  • instagram viewer
  • 5Hematoma on the leg
    • 5.1When to treat hematoma on the foot after a bruise you need to see a doctor?
    • 5.2How to remove large hematomas on the leg?
    • 5.3How can one himself treat hematomas after a strong foot injury?
  • 6Treatment of hematoma on the foot after injury by folk remedies
    • 6.1Hematoma on leg after stroke
    • 6.2Hematoma on toe
    • 6.3Traditional methods of treatment

Hematoma on foot after injury treatment at home

Damage to the limb is a common and familiar phenomenon for each of us. Practically at each trauma the hematoma is formed, te. bruise.

In medicine, this phenomenon is called closed damage, the cause of which is a strong impact and squeezing of soft tissues, which causes the breakage of capillaries and small veins. The blood from these vessels is poured into the soft tissues surrounding the vein.

The time required for the manifestation of the hematoma depends on how deep the injury of the vessels has occurred: the closer to the surface of the skin a rupture occurs, the faster the bruise will appear from the outside.

Damage to the lower limbs

With the onset of hematoma on the foot after injury, treatment is possible in several ways. It depends on the severity of the damage, and on the general condition of the patient (the presence of chronic ailments, other injuries, etc.).

Hematoma on the foot after a bruise of deep layers of soft tissues usually occurs after severe injuries, but manifests itself she during the day: during this time the accumulated blood from the distant veins or arteries "soak" the near to the skin layers muscles.

The hematoma of the lower extremities may differ in color, which helps to determine when a leg injury occurred. If the bruise has a red tint, it means that the hemorrhage occurred recently.

After two or three days, the blood coagulates and the bruise gets blue, and if it is severely damaged and a significant hemorrhage, it is black. After a week, green shades appear on the damaged area, and after 10 days the surface of the skin turns yellow.

In people this phenomenon is called "flowering" of bruise due to the presence of several shades at once.

Although bruises heal well enough without outside help, hematomas can and should be treated. Therapy depends on the severity of the injury and the place of its receipt.

Severity of injury

The depth of the injury and the location of the lesion affect not only the time of treatment, but also its features. Most often, care of the victim for sick leave and treatment at home is required.

In especially severe cases, the patient will need to be placed in a hospital for permanent medical supervision. Light bruises require only initial examination and consultation of a traumatologist.

So, hematomas on the extremities are divided in degrees:

  1. The first degree is caused by damage to the skin. Such bruises heal on their own within 2-3 days.
  2. The second degree of damage is the rupture of muscle tissue. It is manifested by swelling in the place of impact, acute pain and numbness of the limb. Often a bruise is accompanied by an increase in body temperature and skin, which leads to a general deterioration in the patient's condition.
  3. The third degree of contusion of the limb is a violation of the integrity of the joint (foot, knee, thigh). In addition to tissue rupture, there is a rupture of the tendons, which is reflected in the loss of skin sensitivity at the site of injury.
  4. At the fourth degree, there is a loss of the possibility of motion of the injured limb. Such patients are treated only in a hospital.

Virtually any injury is accompanied by a general deterioration in the state and a rise in temperature.

Usually such a phenomenon arises one day after getting a bruise: by this time the blood that has poured into the tissue of the limb, begins to disintegrate.

Its residues in the form of toxins are again absorbed into the bloodstream to be excreted from the body. In the fight against toxins come leukocytes, whose synthesis is enhanced, which leads to an increase in temperature to 3, -3, degrees.

Treatment for minor injuries

Home therapy with minimal use of medicines or with their complete absence is called passive. With her, the task of treatment is entrusted to the regenerative properties of the organism, and the patient's task is to help the body in this matter.

So, the very first action with a bruise is to immobilize the patient and apply an ice compress to the site of the injury. Compress is applied for no more than half an hour, while it is tightly fixed on the limbs. Cold will help to narrow the damaged vessels and reduce internal hemorrhage.

If there is severe pain, analgesics taken orally, or special anti-inflammatory ointments applied to the site of the injury, will help suppress it.

Ointment should be used only after consultation with a doctor, if this is not possible, choose a non-hormonal drug.

Such agents combine a toning and resorptive action, which contributes to the rapid healing of bruises.

Further treatment is carried out in accordance with these rules:

  • rest of injured limb;
  • cold treatment 3-4 times a day for 20 minutes;
  • Tight bandage at the site of injury;
  • application of the resorptive ointments and anesthetics prescribed by the doctor.

Usually, such measures require the opening of a sick leave sheet if the victim refers to the able-bodied working population.

How to supplement the treatment

It is very important to exclude situations in which the body temperature rises: taking a bath and a hot shower, drinking alcoholic beverages, staying in the heat.

All this will lead to vasodilation, increased hemorrhage and the appearance of severe edema.

Heat is only shown 2-3 days after the stroke, and from this time, a slight hematoma massage can be carried out to speed up the resorption of the bruise.


As soon as the doctor permits, the damaged limb should be subjected to physical stress.


First it should be easy movements: flexion and extension of the joint, circular rotation, the first steps. Such exercises are very important, since.

with prolonged immobilization, the limb loses its elasticity, and processes are triggered in which the muscles atrophy.

Before prescribing any medications, the specialist should clarify the patient whether he has chronic diseases that require the use of anticoagulants of disaggregants. In such cases, the patient must first pass blood tests for coagulability and liver tests to avoid complications and conflict of constituents of the drug.

Surgical treatment of bruises

For complex injuries, burdened by a significant hemorrhage, acute pain, restriction of movement and loss of sensitivity, it is advisable to seek surgical care.

Required assistance of this specialist with signs of internal suppuration. If the abscess is not timely eliminated, necrosis of the connective tissue and infection of the blood can develop, which threatens the loss of the limb.

Surgical treatment is carried out only in stationary conditions and takes several days.

There are injuries in which suppuration is invisible externally, but it can disturb the condition of the hematoma: it increases with each passing day, there are symptoms that were absent in the first days after the injury.

This is a manifestation of damage to adjacent veins, the natural restoration of which is impossible for certain reasons.

The surgeon will determine these causes and eliminate them, after which the hematoma will heal faster.

Consultation of a surgeon is necessary in a number of cases:

  1. Articular hematomas: a trauma that touches the joint bag is very dangerous and threatens with serious complications. Such damage is manifested by the constantly increasing edema, acute pain even in a calm position, numbness and limitation of mobility.
  2. Presence of a distinct pulsation in the place of injury. This is the first sign of damage to a large arterial vessel, which can lead to extensive hemorrhage.
  3. Symptom of rupture of a venous vessel is an increase in edema a few hours after the injury.
  4. Deterioration of general health and appearance of additional signs of malaise: weakness, nausea and vomiting, loss of consciousness, high body temperature.

All these situations occur 2-3 hours after injury and are dangerous for the health and life of the patient. Complications arising from a bruise require compulsory medical consultation, diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Damage diagnostics

Whatever the injury, it is better not to refuse medical advice.

Even a small bruise can lead to serious complications if other pathological processes are not noticed in time, which he was the cause.

The degree of damage will be established by a traumatologist or surgeon, they will also assign additional diagnostic methods to establish the nature of the injury.

With extensive hematomas and acute pain syndrome, it is important to exclude damage to bone tissue. To do this, use a radiograph of the damaged limb. In the photographs, it is easy to see those leaving the musculoskeletal system, but it is almost impossible to consider soft tissues.

To determine the area and extent of damage to muscles and connective tissues, the doctor will advise the patient to undergo magnetic resonance imaging.


This painless and safe examination will help to determine all the features of the injury of interest to the specialist, and will serve as the basis for the final diagnosis and choice of therapeutic therapy.


Also, visual inspection of the damage is mandatory, and in some cases - the submission of clinical tests.

Treatment with folk methods

In addition to drug treatment, there are many popular recipes aimed at rapid healing of bruises. They can be resorted only after consultation with the treating specialist.

Rapid resorption of hematomas is promoted by salt: compresses and baths are made from it. On request, you can use cookery or sea.

Baths and warm compresses begin to do on the third day after the injury, if there are no contraindications. In warm water, dissolve 2-3 tbsp. l. salt and lowered there the damaged limb for 25-30 minutes.

Compresses do this: put a warm salt in a linen bag and apply to the bruise for 2-3 hours, after the compress needs to be changed.

Instead of salt for compresses use white or red clay, whose medicinal properties are also tested for years. The powder is diluted with warm water to the consistency of sour cream, applied to the hematoma, covered with a towel and a warm scarf or handkerchief. Hold for several hours.

In the pharmacy you can buy a powder of bodypack, which helps to resolve bruises. Use it in the same way as clay. As a warming compress, ethyl alcohol also approaches: the liquid rubs the damaged place until the appearance of characteristic heat, wrapped and left for the night.

All these funds should be used only with the permission of the doctor and as an adjunct to the treatment prescribed to them. Otherwise, self-medication can cause complications of trauma and serious consequences.

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Joint pain limits your movements and full life ...

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  • Perhaps you've tried a bunch of folk methods and medicines, creams and ointments ...
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Treatment of hematomas on the legs

Hematoma is the accumulation of blood in one place from damaged vessels under the skin. Outwardly it looks like a dark blue or purple spot and can be accompanied by swelling.

In most cases, such clusters are caused by blows or bruises.

In particularly severe cases, there may be a rise in temperature, severe attacks of pain, ripple and even failure of the limbs.

Causes of hematoma

Hematoma, or bruising, always has some reason for the appearance, even if it is not immediately apparent. In most cases, the rupture of veins and capillaries occurs due to injury. When the vessels are damaged, a cavity is formed in the foot, in which liquid accumulates.

There are cases when blood begins to collect in tissues without visible mechanical effects. This indicates that the person has a disruption of the body: for example, varicose veins in the leg area or hemorrhagic vasculitis.

The risk of bruising is especially great if the person has a low coagulation rate.

Low coagulability often occurs when taking certain types of medications (anticoagulants and anti-inflammatory drugs) or deficiency in the body of vitamins.

If there is a bruise on the leg, hematoma should be treated as soon as possible in order to avoid further progression of the disease.

Types of hematomas

Hematomas on the legs can be of two types - internal and subcutaneous. However, their symptoms are very similar.

Internal hematoma. The main cause of such bruising is internal muscle damage. There is a pain in the corresponding area and a change in skin color from bright red to purple.


The first treatment of internal hematoma on the leg is the imposition of a cold compress. Then it is necessary to put on a place of a bruise a heparin ointment or any other means promoting removal of puffiness and elimination of a hematoma.


Subcutaneous hematoma. It usually occurs in the regions of the lower leg, knee, foot, and thigh. When an injury is received, the capillaries are broken, which leads to the formation of a bruise. If the hematoma is mild, then you can cope with it at home.


To determine the presence of a hematoma do not need the knowledge of a professional doctor. The main thing is hematoma on the leg after a bruise for which treatment is required, to be able to distinguish from bruises, special care for which is not necessary. The hematoma is different from the bruise:

  • sharp pain in the discolored area;
  • presence of a tumor;
  • impaired muscle function;
  • the appearance of mobility constraints;
  • local increase in temperature.

If the appearance of a spot is not a bruise, you need to determine the extent of injury and tissue damage. In addition, it is worth making sure there are no fractures.

If the pain is severe, it is better to see a doctor right away.

It is not necessary and to try to determine the severity of the bruise on the foot after a bruise, checking its appearance with a photo on the Internet, or choosing the medication yourself.


Hematomas on the legs differ from others in that they are treated much more slowly.

Bruises of mild to moderate severity usually resolve by themselves or with the help of various medications.

Treating a large hematoma on the leg may require surgery or physiotherapy.

Traditional medicine

For light and medium hematomas, drugs are used that relieve pain and promote resorption of the bruise.

Such means include:

  • heparin ointment;
  • "Dolobien
  • gel "Lyoton
  • "Bodyaga
  • "Troxerutin etc.

To stimulate the process of resorption of the hematoma, physiotherapy can be recommended. In very severe cases, they are prescribed fluid and pus removal.

Separate treatment requires a chronic hematoma on the leg. The fact is that an old bruise is a more dangerous condition, since an inflammatory process is added to the bruising itself.

Treatment in such a situation should only take place in a hospital under the supervision of specialists. It is simply impossible to cure such a house. The solution to this problem will be an operation to remove accumulated blood.

And the blood to be removed will not be a liquid, but a viscous substance that can not dissolve on its own.

Therefore, if suddenly the state of the hematoma after a bruise does not improve over time, you must always go to the hospital to avoid serious consequences.

Alternative medicine

If there is a mild hematoma on the foot after a bruise, treatment can be carried out with folk remedies. First of all, they include various kinds of compresses:

  • clay compress; x can be made from any kind of clay. Compress should be applied three times a day, leaving it on a damaged place for one or two hours.
  • salt compress; ol has high characteristics of penetration under the skin and antibacterial action. The solution is made from the ratio of half a teaspoon of salt to two hundred milliliters of water at room temperature. The tissue must be impregnated in the solution, and then applied to the site of the injury by applying an additional layer of dense tissue from above.
  • honey ointments with the addition of wormwood; Eat it is necessary to mix with broth of a wormwood and castor oil so that the consistence as at an ointment has turned out. The resulting mixture is recommended to apply twice a day for fifteen minutes. This tool is well suited for the removal of pain.
  • urinotherapy; the tissue or cotton swab should be moistened in the urine and applied to the site of the bruise. Top it with polyethylene wrap and leave it all for the whole night.
  • compresses from vodka; The application is similar to the urinotheparium.
  • herbal compresses.

For the treatment of bruising, compresses from St. John's wort or bodyguards will work well.
The best resorption of hematomas is promoted by tight bandages.


From accidental injuries and bruises no one is immune, but a person is quite capable of minimizing their consequences.

To do this, it is enough only to observe the balance in the diet, eat vegetables and dairy products that strengthen bone and muscle tissue.

It will also be useful to exercise to improve the condition of the muscles and the process of blood circulation. Together, these measures will avoid serious injuries from bumps and bruises.

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Hematoma on the leg after a bruise: what can result in an inoffensive at first glance injury

Hematoma on the foot after a bruise, fall, collision or stroke is a common trauma in sports, at work and even in everyday life.

In most cases, the bruise obtained due to mechanical damage to tissues does not pose a serious health hazard and quickly passes by itself. But it does not always happen.

Sometimes these "cyanotic" seals cause a person considerable discomfort - they ache, swell and interfere with movements.

In medical terms, hematoma is a limited accumulation of blood due to vascular subcutaneous damage, which is formed under the influence of a traumatic factor. However, if hematomas on the legs appear systemically and without obvious causes, this may indicate the presence of some disease (hemophilia, atherosclerosis, etc.).

Symptomatics and classification

The risk of getting bruised increases during exercise, active rest and in everyday life in the event of a collision, fall or impact by a heavy object.

Hematomas after a bruise on legs are divided into the following types:

  1. Subcutaneous. Such damage is characterized by a rupture of the capillaries, outwardly they look like an ordinary bruise. In most cases, they are recorded in the region of the shin and thigh. Symptoms of injury: pain in the area of ​​injury, swelling of the tissues, redness and blue skin. A couple of days the bruise turns green, turns yellow, then disappears.
  2. Hematoma of soft tissues (internal). Hematoma affects the muscle fibers. When the blood vessels are damaged, blood penetrates into soft tissues, and when feeling the affected area, a seal is felt. In the place of formation of an extensive hematoma, there is a strong soreness, a pulsation. The movements of the injured limb can be difficult. The color of the hematoma is from bright red to purple.
  3. Intraarticular. With a knee injury, a hemorrhage occurs in the joint cavity (hemarthrosis occurs). It swells, becomes hot to the touch and hurts badly. The movements of the injured leg bring unbearable pain caused by the stretching of the joint capsule.

Fact! Sometimes, after getting a hematoma, the patient's body temperature rises.

Depending on the localization of the bruise, hematomas are isolated on the thigh, toes, feet, ankles, etc.

First aid for trauma

First aid, rendered in the first minutes after the injury, plays a very important role.

Correct actions immediately after receiving trauma contribute to reducing pain and stopping hemorrhage, preventing further growth of the hematoma.

In this case, we are not talking about small bruises, which dissolve by themselves. Emergency care is needed for extensive hematomas on the foot after severe bruises.

What should I do after the bruise on my leg?

  1. The first is to determine the extent of the bruise, to make sure there is no fracture.
  2. The next step is to ensure rest for the injured and damaged limb. If the bruise has fallen on the fingers, the doctors recommend to reduce the burden on the sick leg, remove the shoes. In severe pain, you should immediately contact a trauma doctor who can diagnose the severity of the lesion.
  3. If the bruise touches the knee area, then it is necessary to give the leg an elevated position (to put a pillow or a platen under it). To bend a knee in no event it is impossible.
  4. For 15-20 minutes to the bruised place apply cold (ice pack, cold bottle, etc.), the procedure is repeated every hour. Contraindicated to steam out hematoma in the first two or three days, apply heat to the place of its formation.
  1. If, after a bruise on the leg, there is an open wound, it must be treated with an antiseptic agent, a non-comfortable bandage applied, and a traumatologist and surgeon seeks help. The doctor diagnoses the severity of the damage, if necessary, appoints an X-ray study.

Treatment of hematoma on the foot after injury

Small hematomas in most cases are treated conservatively. With severe bruises, which entailed the formation of extensive internal hematomas, it may be necessary surgical intervention - surgery to remove accumulated fluid, surgical recovery of blood vessels and etc.

Conservative treatment

Hematomas of mild and moderate severity are treated with medical preparations that improve blood circulation, promote resorption bruising, relieve pain and swelling: gel Lyoton, Dolobene, Trombless, "Rescuer Troxevasin, heparin ointment, Ketonal, Fastum gel, Dikul and others.

Sometimes physiotherapy may be required, which accelerates the regeneration process: electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, etc.

The patient is prescribed the intake of analgesics and vitamins. If necessary, three days after the injury, the leg is additionally lubricated with warming ointments, compresses are done. To relieve the limb, when walking, use fixative bandages.

Surgical methods of treatment

Methods of surgical treatment:

  • stop bleeding by surgery;
  • puncture - "suction" of the contents of the hematoma with a syringe;
  • surgical restoration of the anatomical integrity of the tendon or muscle;
  • osteosynthesis and patellar stitch for hemarthrosis, drainage, etc.

The postoperative period requires a long recovery of limb functions. In case of hemarthrosis, a gypsum longe is applied to immobilize the joint.

Hematoma without external cause

Sometimes hematomas on the legs are formed due to the development of certain diseases and pathological conditions:

  1. Varicose veins.
  2. Inflammatory vascular diseases.
  3. Pathological fragility of blood vessels.
  4. Diabetes.
  5. Hemophilia and other bleeding disorders.

Also, hematomas can appear after taking some medications, in the period after phlebectomy, etc.

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Possible complications

Even a small and harmless at first glance bruise, with the wrong approach to treatment, can lead to serious consequences, for example, to suppuration of a bruise.

Internal hematomas are sometimes accompanied by infection and purulent inflammation.

When the damaged skin is peeled, traumatic lumps (cysts) can be formed at the site of the injury, which can only be removed by surgery.


If there is a violation of bed rest after surgical treatment, a repeated accumulation of blood in the joint (hemarthrosis) is possible. Severe damage and extensive bruising can lead to tissue necrosis.


Of course, in advance to prevent accidental trauma is impossible, but it is possible to minimize its consequences.

To strengthen blood vessels, muscles and bones, it is necessary to eat a balanced diet, lead a healthy lifestyle and exercise - all this in a complex will help prevent the development of serious complications after bruises.

What if you did not hit anywhere, and you have bruises on your skin?

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Types and features of treatment of posttraumatic hematomas on the leg

Treatment of a bruise on the leg after a bruise is often ignored by many, because it seems that the bruise delivers only a cosmetic inconvenience and passes by itself.

This approach is not always justified, and harmless hemorrhage in the tissue can cause serious complications.

It is worthwhile to consider when it is possible to be treated independently, and in what cases it is necessary to seek medical help.

Varieties of bruises

The bruise on the skin appears due to the fact that during the injury of the limb there is a rupture of the vessels.

Depending on the location in the tissues, hematomas are isolated:

  1. Subcutaneous. Hemorrhage occurred in the subcutaneous tissue, the deeper layers of tissues are unaffected. This type of damage can be obtained with light bruises and compression. A characteristic feature is that bruising occurs within a few minutes after a traumatic effect.
  2. Deep. Localize deep in the tissues, affecting the muscle layer, and in severe cases - tendons and ligaments. Their appearance after an injury depends on the depth of the vascular rupture (sometimes it can take several hours from the moment of injury to the detection of signs of hematoma). Deep damage accompanied by severe pain and impaired limb function.

Subcutaneous hemorrhages do not require medical care, and they can be treated independently.Deep damage, especially if there has been a violation of the function of the limb, require treatment in a medical institution.

The need for medical advice

It is necessary to appear to the traumatologist or surgeon in the following cases:

  • The leg function is disrupted. This can occur because of a large hemorrhage in the muscles or when, in addition to a bruise, a fracture or ligament injury occurred.
  • The bruise is near the joint. To exclude rupture or sprain of ligaments and to check up, whether integrity of an articulate bag is not broken, it is recommended to visit or attend the doctor.
  • A marked ripple at the site of the injury or a significant increase in the area of ​​the hemorrhage after several hours after the injury. Such signs indicate damage to large veins.
  • Significant deterioration of well-being after a few hours after injury.

Do not ignore any post-traumatic symptoms that indicate a worsening. Timely medical care will help to eliminate the consequences of the injury more quickly and avoid serious complications.

Degrees of tissue damage

Conducted therapy depends on how much the tissues are affected after the traumatic effect. In some cases, the patient may require immobilization of the limb and prolonged treatment. There are 4 degrees of damage:

  1. First - only the skin and subcutaneous tissue are affected. Patients do not experience severe pain discomfort. The resorption of hemorrhage occurs with the application of therapy for 2 - 3 days.
  2. The second is the injury of muscle tissue. The appearance of a hematoma is accompanied by the appearance of local edema and painful sensations. With such bruises, the overall well-being of a person may worsen.
  3. The third - this includes all the deep lesions, localized at the level of the knee and ankle joints. In addition to pain and swelling, with a hemorrhage, a feeling of numbness and a pronounced limitation of joint mobility are possible.
  4. Fourth - is considered the most severe and is accompanied by a complete loss of mobility of the lower limb.

How to mitigate the consequences of trauma

At the time of getting the bruise, the vessel breaks, and the blood begins to flow into the surrounding tissues. Correctly provided first aid will help reduce the consequences of injuries and accelerate the recovery of the victim. Immediately after the injury, you need to do the following:

  • To ensure the peace of the injured limb;
  • Attach the cold to the injury site (snow bag, ice bottle, you can even use frozen foods from the refrigerator).

To ease the pain, the victim can be given a tablet of Analgin or another analgesic in the recommended pharmacy dosage.

However, the analgesic effect of taking the tablets will come in 40 to 60 minutes, and in most cases, taking an anesthetic acts as a method of calming the victim.

To accelerate the action of the drug, you can advise the patient to chew the pill and to dissolve the gruel - this method reception will provide faster action of the drug due to absorption of the active components of the drug in the sublingual artery.

In light cases, this first aid is sufficient, you just need to remember that cooling the injured surface should occur through the fabric (clothing or folded in several layers of tissue), and the time of cold exposure should not be greater 20 minutes.

For severe tissue damage accompanied by impaired motor function, a person must be taken to a medical institution. You can do it yourself or call an ambulance.

Basic principles of treatment

Elimination of the hematoma begins only a day after the injury. This is due to the fact that during the first 24 hours after injury, the injured vessels are not yet fully thrombosed, and with the use of resorptives, edema may increase and hemorrhages.

The first day shows only the use of cold compresses. Cooling is carried out for 20 minutes, then a 20 - 30 minute break is made and the procedure is repeated again.

Treatment with drugs

On the second day, therapy can be used to eliminate the accumulation of fluid and blood clots in the tissues. For this, the following are applied externally:

  1. The hard-boiled. Kashitsa from the diluted water chemist's powder bojjaga, imposed on the formed bruise, gives good effect even at deep damages. In addition to powder, you can use a ready-made ointment with a sponge.
  2. Heparin or Troxerutin gels. The drugs have a hemorrhage effect. When applied to the site, hematomas help soften the blood clots formed under the skin and make them more easily resorbed.
  3. Mazi Lyoton, Dolobien or Cream Rescuer enhance regeneration and stimulate metabolic processes at the site of injury.
  4. Tincture of calendula. Compresses or rubbing the tincture in the skin cause a warming effect that improves microcirculation, in addition, the antiseptic properties of calendula help to avoid the development of inflammation. In addition to tincture, you can apply warming cream and gels containing calendula.
  5. Iodic grid. As an independent method of treatment, applying iodine to the bruise is effective only with superficial bruises. With deeper hematomas it is recommended to combine the use of iodine with other medicines.

In severe cases, to stimulate resorption of the hemorrhage on days 3 to 4 after an injury, the patient may be assigned physiotherapy (magnetotherapy, ultraphonophoresis and other techniques that stimulate local enhancement of metabolic processes and regeneration).

Surgical care

Surgical intervention is infrequent. It is shown in the following cases:

  1. There was a festering hematoma. Under local anesthesia, an abscess is performed and the wound is cleaned of pus and blood.
  2. There was a post-traumatic loss of sensitivity in the leg. This means that during a deep hemorrhage, the nerve was compressed and it is necessary to remove the accumulated blood to restore the nerve conduction.
  3. In addition to hematoma, there was a rupture of ligaments or damage to the joint bag. Suturing the torn ligament or restoring the integrity of the joint.

After surgical treatment, conservative therapy is appointed, aimed at accelerating the processes of regeneration and eliminating the consequences of injury.

Having familiarized with the peculiarities of the bruised injuries, one can conclude: small superficial bruises can be treated independently, but deep extensive bruising is necessary to show the traumatologist.

If there is any doubt whether to go or not to go to the hospital, it is better to go and make sure that there is no damage other than a hemorrhage, and the risk of complications is minimal.

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Hematoma on the leg

Probably, to find such a person who has never had a hematoma on his leg, or more precisely, a bruise, it is impossible. We have to receive minor injuries every day because of our own or someone else's inattention and awkwardness.

Hematomas are blood clusters located in the subcutaneous layers of the tissue. The main reasons for them - domestic injuries, falls, bruises.

It is generally believed that bruises are harmless, but in fact in some cases they require serious treatment.

When to treat hematoma on the foot after a bruise you need to see a doctor?

Degrees hematomas, as well as degrees of bruises, there are several. Most likely, having received a so-called bruise of the third or fourth degree, you will understand that it is not so simple and you yourself want to consult with a specialist.

As soon as possible, hematoma should be treated with a doctor if and when there are such accompanying symptoms:

  • ripple in the area of ​​damage;
  • temperature increase;
  • nausea;
  • increase in the volume of hematoma;
  • vomiting;
  • strong pain;
  • fetid discharge from the hematoma.

It is recommended to seek the help of specialists and when the damage is located near the joint (in particular if the joint after this lost mobility).

How to remove large hematomas on the leg?

Even a barely noticeable bruise, in fact, is a small bag filled with blood.

The more serious the damage, the more blood is contained inside the hematoma, and the more dangerous it becomes.

To prevent all possible negative consequences, professional intervention is mandatory.

From large hematomas on the leg, formed after the stroke, the blood is pumped out with a puncture. For this, a small needle is inserted into the damage site.

After the liquid has been removed, a pressure bandage is applied to the wound. In order to restore damaged tissues, they will have to process them for some time with special ointments that dissolve them.

Physiotherapeutic procedures will also be effective.

If even after this hematoma does not pass or the liquid under the skin appears again, you need to be ready for surgery.


Fortunately, the operation is required simple - enough to handle the damaged vessels. If necessary, if purulent processes have begun at the site of injury, the wound is washed and drained.


After the operation, the patient also has to spend some time in a pressure bandage.

How can one himself treat hematomas after a strong foot injury?

Small hematomas require conservative treatment, which can easily be done at home by oneself.

To make the bruise occupy the smallest area of ​​the skin, immediately after getting the bruise, you need to put something cold to the injured place.

After this, a pressure bandage is applied to the damage site. After several hours, it is recommended to repeat the procedure.

Immediately something to treat hematoma on the leg can not. Apply special ointments and gels is recommended from the second day. In a few days, you can begin to apply warm water to the bruise. This will help restore blood circulation and accelerate recovery.

The most popular medicines saving from hematomas are:

  • Troxevasin;
  • Bystrumgel;
  • Ketonal;
  • Dolobien-gel;
  • Myoton;
  • Venitan;
  • Lyton-gel;
  • Heparin ointment;
  • Fastum;
  • Nicodan;
  • Indovazin.
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Replace the gels and ointments with aloe vera leaves, greased with honey. Apply them to a sore spot should be two to three times a day. You can relieve severe pain with Analgin or Ibuprofen.

Furacilin from perspiration of feet High sweating of the feet is one of the most unpleasant problems accompanying women in the hot season. Deodorants for the feet at the time will help to hide the manifestation of hyperhidrosis, but you can get rid of the smell and moisture with the help of furatsilina. The drug certainly is in your home medicine chest. To have beautiful feet, especially in summer, it is necessary to soar your feet, rub the heels with pumice stone, and cut the dead skin with scissors. This method is called - edging. Now an unedged method is increasingly used when it is impossible to infect an infection. For such a pedicure use a remover.
Gangrene or necrosis of limbs is a phenomenon in which destruction and death of a part of tissues is observed. This problem can arise as a result of injuries or due to some internal factors. More details about the symptoms and principles of treatment for this ailment are in the article. How to improve blood circulation in the leg? When blood circulation in the legs is disturbed, a lot of problems arise. In a person with this pathology, his feet are always freezing (even in summer heat), frequent seizures disturb him, and on the skin appear vascular asterisks. Is it possible to improve blood circulation? Read about this in our article.

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Treatment of hematoma on the foot after injury by folk remedies

Mar-27-2017 KoshkaS

Hematoma (from other Greek. αἷμα - blood + ōma) is a type of bruising, limited blood accumulation with closed and open injuries organs and tissues with vascular rupture (wound); thus forming a cavity containing a liquid or coagulated blood.

The main symptoms of the hematoma located in the subcutaneous tissue and muscles are: pain, the presence of limited swelling, a violation of the function of the corresponding muscles, a change in skin color from lilac-red to yellow-green, temperature.

Subcutaneous hematoma ("bruise") initially externally has a blue / gray color, and closer to recovery, the hematoma begins to "bloom" - it acquires yellow, green and pink shades.


Hematoma on the foot after a bruise is quite common phenomenon, the methods of elimination of which depend on the size of the formation and the degree of damage.

The hematoma on the foot after a minor injury is accompanied by a mild pain syndrome, small in size and, as a rule, passes independently for several days.

To eliminate such a hematoma often requires only the treatment of the affected area by cold in the first few hours after its formation.

On the second day hematoma can be lubricated with absorbable ointment, it is possible to do this procedure for several days, until the symptoms are completely eliminated.

Hematoma on the leg after a moderate injury, accompanied by damage to the muscle tissue, causes more painful sensations than in the first case, and has a more extensive area defeat. At the same time, puffiness can be expressed at the site of the bruise, the size of the hematoma may increase. To treat such damage, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

In severe foot injuries, the formation of a hematoma can be accompanied not only by damage to muscle tissue and tendons, but also by more serious symptoms, up to the disability of the limb. In such cases, the intervention of the doctor should be urgent in order to take the necessary measures in time to eliminate the hematoma and restore the functions of the injured organ.

Hematoma on leg after stroke

If the hematoma on the leg is formed after the impact, first of all, attach to the damaged ice site to reduce puffiness and prevent the spread of the hematoma. Further actions will depend on the severity of the injury and the severity of the associated symptoms.

So, with minor damages for treatment, it may be enough to lubricate the damaged area with ointment daily to dissolve the hematoma until its traces are completely eliminated.

If the hematoma on the leg after an impact causes severe pain, a rise in temperature, hardens, pulsates, or increases in size, you need to urgently seek help from a doctor to prevent suppuration and disruption of the motor activity of the lower extremities.

Hematoma on toe

Hematoma on the toe is formed due to its injury and vascular damage. By severity, injuries can be mild, moderate or severe. Depending on this, the hematoma can be as small as possible, so spread over the entire surface of the finger.

Hematoma on the toe is accompanied by the appearance of pain in the damaged area, change in the color of the skin on the finger, which for several days can vary from crimson to dark blue. On the fifth or sixth day after the formation of the hematoma, the finger can acquire a green-yellow color.

In severe trauma, the appearance of a hematoma may be accompanied by a dysfunction of the finger. The patient experiences pain when trying to move a finger or step on the foot.


To provide first aid in the formation of a hematoma on the toe to the sore spot, ice or any cold object should be applied for fifteen to twenty minutes as soon as possible.


After a while, the procedure can be repeated. This will stop the further spread of hematoma and reduce pain.

It is strictly forbidden to conduct thermal procedures when forming a hematoma.

When forming a hematoma on the toe, it is also possible to accompany the nail trauma. In this case, the damaged nail should be carefully processed, so that it does not affect the hematoma.

Perform such manipulations should only a qualified specialist to prevent the development of complications. In the formation of subungual hematoma, depending on the severity of damage, the nail can be removed.

After this, the damaged area is treated with an antibacterial agent and a sterile bandage is applied.

In the first days after the formation of a hematoma on the toe, it is recommended to minimize the load on the aching leg. Subsequently, until complete healing, the finger must be treated with absorbable ointments as prescribed by the doctor, the shoes should be as free and comfortable as possible.

To treat hematoma on the toe, you can use such agents as lyoton-gel, Dolobene-gel, rescuer, etc.

In case of a finger injury on the foot and the formation of a hematoma, you should seek medical help to make sure that there is no fracture and to choose the correct methods of treatment.

Traditional methods of treatment

Most of the methods for treating hematomas on the leg are:

  • forced rest;
  • Apply ice twice or thrice a day for 20 minutes;
  • applying a pressure bandage.

The first days after injury do not take a hot shower / bath, avoid drinking alcoholic beverages so as not to increase swelling.

On the third day you can warm up the place of injury with a warm warmer, and also massage the damaged area to restore blood circulation and accelerate resorption.

Starting from the third day, the treatment of hematoma on the leg is performed with the help of physiotherapeutic methods (paraffin applications, electrophoresis, UHF, infrared / blue lamp warming, solux).


For mild and moderate severity of the injury, medications that relieve pain and resolve the bruise are used.


For this, such ointments from bruises and bruises are perfect:

heparin ointment;

The Bodyguard »;

gel Lyoton;


Troxerutin and others.

With a severe course of the rehabilitation process after a bruise, especially if it is internal, it may be necessary to physiotherapyphysiotherapy, which accelerates the process of resorption.

In more complex cases, an operation may be necessary to drain the accumulated fluid and pus.

The postoperative period requires a longer recovery of limb functions, and any loads in this case are unacceptable.

Bruising in the area of ​​the lower limb is much slower than on any other part of the body.

Hematomas of mild and moderate severity usually pass by themselves, using medications that fight bruises and swelling, and with the help of folk remedies.

  • The first two days after the bruise will help cold compresses, then - compresses with vodka. To do such a compress should be as follows: before going to sleep, wet a piece of gauze in vodka, then apply to a sore spot, wrap with polyethylene and put on a woolen sock. Happy bruise grease dissolving ointment.
  • When the hematoma on the foot will help the lotions 5% solution of potassium permanganate. Procedures continue until discomfort ceases.
  • Hematoma or a bruise can be cured by cold compresses with apple cider vinegar. To do this, in a very cold water, preferably with pieces of ice, add apple cider vinegar in the ratio lower a piece of linen cloth, wet, squeeze and attach to a sore spot. Top with a dry towel and wrap it with a wool blanket. As soon as the towel becomes warm, wrap it again. Repeat the procedure several times.
  • A small bruise on the foot will help to cure the following remedy. Take 2 tbsp. spoon of vinegar, mix with 1 tbsp. a spoon of salt obtained by the mixture soak gauze and apply it to a sore spot. The procedure should be repeated several times a day.
  • The resulting hematoma can be lubricated with camphor alcohol, and if the bruised place swells up, rub zinc or lead ointment into it.
  • Take 2 tbsp. spoons of dry tea, brew 1 cup of boiling water, strain and allow to cool. Then pour 100 ml of apple cider vinegar and medical alcohol, mix and get a mixture of lubricated hematomas on the soles of the feet.
  • Take in equal proportions the leaves of the mother-and-stepmother and the grass of the rosemary, grind, mix. 2 hours Spoon a mixture of pour a glass of boiling water, 5 minutes, hold in a water bath. Infuse for 30 minutes, drain and make lotions on the feet every 3 hours.
  • Dilute the mummy with a little water. Make compresses in place of bruises 5-6 times a day.
  • Take finely chopped herb bitter wormwood, mix in equal proportions with honey. Lubricate the area of ​​bruise with a thick layer of the mixture and bandage for one hour. If there is no fresh wormwood, use the infusion of dried herbs, prepared in the ratio: 0.
  • In the radish juice, gradually add mustard powder, mixing to the consistency of thick porridge. The mixture is applied to the hematoma, and when the burning begins, wash the mass with warm water. Repeat daily until complete recovery.
  • With bruises, a linen patch works well. To make it, take a clean linen cloth and pound it into powder or dust. Then mix with vegetable oil in the ratio: and lubricate the sore spots.
  • When hematomas are very good at helping the body. Need 2 tbsp. Spoon dry powder to powder into powder, dilute in 4 tbsp. spoons of boiled water, immediately attach to the bruise and bandage.
  • A large bruise is recommended 2 times a day to moisten with a tincture of Ledum flowers. It is possible to use a decoction of ledum, prepared according to the following recipe. Take 2 tbsp. spoons of herbs, pour 1 cup of boiling water, simmer for 15 minutes, drain.
  • Boil 1 cup of white beans until softened to the maximum, mash with a tolter, put it to the hematoma and bandage before going to bed.

Recipes from the book Ki Sheng Yu "Points of sickness and health on your feet."

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