Scoliosis: symptoms of congenital and acquired curvature


  • 1Congenital scoliosis of the spine in children
    • 1.1Causes
    • 1.2Classification
    • 1.3Symptoms
    • 1.4Diagnostics
    • 1.5Treatment
  • 2The main symptoms and signs of scoliosis
    • 2.1Causes in children
    • 2.2Symptoms of the altered spine
    • 2.3Features of scoliosis of 2 degrees
    • 2.4Diagnosis and treatment
  • 3Standard and specific symptoms of scoliosis: correct diagnosis, prevention and treatment
    • 3.1The causes of scoliosis
    • 3.2Symptoms of scoliosis
    • 3.3Diagnosis of scoliosis
    • 3.4Treatment of scoliosis
    • 3.5Prophylaxis of scoliosis
  • 4Scoliosis - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment
    • 4.15 groups of scoliosis
    • 4.2Why the spine is bent
    • 4.3How to determine the severity of scoliosis
    • 4.4Degrees of curvature and its consequences
    • 4.5How is the problem with the child's spine determined?
    • 4.6Methods of correcting posture
  • 5Types, forms and classifications of scoliosis of the spine
    • 5.1Scoliosis typification
    • 5.2Congenital scoliosis
    • 5.3Acquired form of scoliosis
    • 5.4Forms of scoliosis
    • 5.5In place of localization
    • instagram viewer
    • 5.6By the degree of progression
    • 5.7Differentiation by Cobb
    • 5.8Classification by V.D. Chaklinu
    • 5.9By varying the degree of deformation depending on the loads
    • 5.10According to the clinical course

Congenital scoliosis of the spine in children

Congenital scoliosis is a pathological disorder in which the spine warps sideways. According to statistics, it occurs in 1 out of 1, 00 newborns.

This indicator is much lower than with acquired and post-traumatic scoliosis.

Forever to heal congenital scoliosis is impossible, therefore, regular monitoring of the patient is required.


The cause of congenital scoliosis is an incorrect intrauterine formation of individual vertebrae of the fetus.

This happens at the stage of laying the basic tissues and organs of the child (in particular, in the first weeks of pregnancy). The provoking factor is the intake of drugs and toxic substances, the effect of ionizing radiation,

e. Pathology is not hereditary, so that the risk of its transmission to the next generation is excluded.


Depending on the severity of disorders of the spine, they are divided into three types:

  1. I type - segmentation anomalies, manifested by a slight disruption of the development of the spine structure;
  2. II type - anomalies with the development of two-sided blocks, which limit the mobility of segments;
  3. III type - blocking of several vertebrae (one-sided).

With type I disease, segmentation disorders are detected at any level of the spinal column, but more often in the thoracic region. In this situation, the rate of progression of scoliosis depends on the number of segments involved in the pathological process.

In type II, there is a pain syndrome with a small displacement of the spine in the lateral plane. With time, the deformation becomes more pronounced.

III type of anomaly is considered the most dangerous because of rapid progression and the risk of displacement of internal organs. The unfavorable course of the disease increases the concomitant presence of unilateral blocks in the segments.

Combination variants are also possible, when scoliosis disorders occur against the background of multiple lesions of vertebral structures.

With this form, the patient is diagnosed with other birth defects: cleft palate and upper lip, deformity of the ear, weakness some pairs of cranial nerves, absence of epiglottis, tracheoesophageal fistula (between pharynx and trachea), constriction esophagus.


A mild deformity of the back is not accompanied by a pain syndrome, so the disease may not appear until adolescence. Parents can notice scoliosis when they bathe the baby. Sometimes a child himself notices that things of his own size do not suit him.

Most often, congenital scoliosis is diagnosed by a pediatrician during a routine examination. The specialist may notice the following symptoms:

  • unevenly placed shoulders (one of them below the other);
  • appearance of tilt in one direction;
  • one thigh higher than the other;
  • the convexity of the ribs on one side;
  • uneven waistline.

In rare cases, there are problems from the nerve roots and the spinal cord, which is manifested by numbness in the limbs, muscle weakness and impaired coordination of movements.


The standard method for diagnosing pathology is a forward tilt test. In this position, the deformation of the spine is most noticeable.

The specialist examines the patient and discovers the difference in the shape of the ribs on each side. Next, check the level of the shoulders, hips and the position of the head in relation to the center between the hips.

The movement of the spine in all directions is also checked.

To identify problems with nerve roots and spinal cord, the doctor checks for tendon reflexes and muscle strength. Sufficiently informative are the radiation methods of diagnosis.

These include two-projection radiography (examines the antero-posterior and lateral sections). It shows the available deformities of the vertebrae, and also allows to estimate the degree of curvature of the spine.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, the child is referred to the orthopedist for further examination.

With congenital scoliosis, computer tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be prescribed.

These methods allow you to see both the bone tissue of the vertebrae and soft tissue - nerve roots and spinal cord.

The advantage of CT and MRI is that they give a layer-by-layer accurate picture of the spinal column.

Often in this disease, ultrasound is used. It confirms the presence of accompanying anomalies.


There are several ways to treat congenital scoliosis. When drawing up the tactics of actions, the doctor takes into account the type and degree of deformation of the vertebrae, concomitant diseases, the probability of further deterioration of the spine.

With a slight curvature, it is recommended to monitor the patient and the annual radiography of the spine. Not always congenital scoliosis progresses, not every anomaly requires intervention.

Physical activity is not excluded - such children can play sports.

Surgical treatment is indicated in the following cases: with pronounced distortions and deformations of the trunk or spine, with a significant progression of the disease, with the appearance of neurological signs. An important goal of surgical therapy is to allow the spinal cord and thorax to form finally.

There are several types of surgical treatment of congenital scoliosis. The most common is spondylodesis. This method is used to connect the anomalous vertebrae into one bone.

In this case, the intervertebral discs are removed, and the bone fragment is implanted into their place. This procedure prevents the further growth of the vertebrae, and hence the progression of curvature.

A good result is the removal of the hemivertebral (a non-finely formed part of the vertebra). In this case, partial correction of the defect, which is achieved by this method, is supported by metal implants. This procedure allows you to splice only two or three vertebrae.

In congenital scoliosis, growing rods can be used - sliding metal devices attached to the vertebrae with bolts.

Every 6-8 months during minimally invasive intervention, the rod is extended by 1 cm.

When it reaches its full length, the device is removed and spondylodesis is performed.

A similar action has a metal device VEPTR. However, unlike growing rods, VEPTR is attached to the ribs.

As a result, it not only aligns the spine, but also extends the ribs.

This serves to prevent deformation of the chest and breathing problems in children with congenital scoliosis.

Restoration of the patient after surgical treatment proceeds quickly, within 7-8 days.

Depending on the type of surgery performed, the child may need to wear a corset for 3-4 months.

After complete healing, virtually any physical activity is allowed.

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The main symptoms and signs of scoliosis

Scoliosis in literal translation from Greek means a curve. Simply put, this is the curvature of the spine in one direction or another. In some cases, the axis of the spinal column may deviate in both directions in different departments.

It is noteworthy that in healthy and physically developed people the spine is not perfectly even, otherwise walking, running, lifting and carrying weights would be impossible.

Normally, each person's spine has 4 curvatures - 2 anterior (lordosis) and 2 posterior (kyphosis). These curvatures with a small degree of their severity can be called physiological, that is, normal.

But here the lateral curvature of the spine, scoliosis, physiological can not be called, it is always pathology.


Symptoms of scoliosis are manifold, as are the causes of its occurrence. By its nature, scoliosis can be congenital and acquired.

Congenital scoliosis develops due to improper insertion and development of the spinal column.

Congenital scoliosis accounts for about 25% of all cases of this pathology.

Acquired scoliosis often occurs in children and young men from 5 to 16 years, that is, during the period of growth and the final formation of the spine.

Depending on the nature of anatomical changes, scoliosis can be non-structural and structural. In the first case, the curvature of the spine occurs without anatomical changes in the vertebrae.

In fact, such scoliosis is secondary and always acquired. The causes of scoliosis in this case are as follows:

  1. Systematic incorrect posture in school children
  2. Anatomic shortening of one of the lower limbs
  3. Injuries of the pelvis and lower limbs
  4. Inflammation of the muscles - myositis
  5. Radiculitis and herniated intervertebral discs due to osteochondrosis
  6. Diseases of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.

In most cases, such curvatures of the spine are easily corrected - this requires curing the underlying disease that acts as an etiological factor. With structural scoliosis the situation is somewhat different.

These deformations of the spine are caused by changes in the structure of the vertebrae, muscles, ligaments, nerve fibers.

In these cases, the curvature of the spine is often combined with the pathological changes of others departments of the musculoskeletal system, internal organs, as well as with a lag in the mental development.

These scoliosis can be both congenital and acquired. Below are the main causes of scoliosis with structural changes:

  • Hereditary conditioned pathology of connective tissue - mucopolysaccharidosis, neurofibromatosis, Marfan syndrome
  • Organic spinal cord lesions in poliomyelitis, syringomyelia
  • Parathyroid gland diseases, rickets and other conditions leading to osteoporosis - calcium deficiency in bone tissue
  • Congenital pathology with structural changes in the chest (absence of one or more ribs, additional ribs)
  • Dystrophic changes in the muscles of the neck, back
  • Injuries to the spine
  • Tumors of the spine
  • Spinal cord injury with tuberculosis, syphilis.
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Causes in children

Depressing is the fact that scoliosis most often affects children and adolescents.

The most common causes of scoliosis in children - a sedentary lifestyle, the wrong posture during the preparation of lessons, a long sitting at the computer.

As a result of this, scoliotic posture is observed in 80% of schoolchildren. Not the least role in the curvature of the spine in children is played by malnutrition.

Now among the young people, all advertised soft drinks are in great demand.

Contained in these drinks, orthophosphoric acid and carbon dioxide in the vesicles contribute to the elution of calcium from bone tissue and osteoporosis.

Perhaps this is one of the reasons for the so-called idiopathic scoliosis, when to find out the cause curvature of the spine in this child is difficult, despite all the diagnostic research.

Symptoms of the altered spine

Depending on the configuration of the altered spine and the number of angles or arcs, scoliosis deviations may be C S or Z-shaped.

By localization, they can be cervical, cervicothoracic, thoracic, lumbar-thoracic and lumbar.

This pathology has 4 degrees, each degree corresponds to the magnitude of the angle of deviation from the median axis of the spine, expressed in degrees.

  1. 1 degree - the deflection angle does not exceed 10 °
  2. 2nd degree - 10 ° - 25 °
  3. 3 degree - 26 ° - 50 °
  4. 4 degree - more than 50 °.

Symptoms of scoliosis of the spine include disorders of the spine configuration and disorders of the nervous system and internal organs. These symptoms include:

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  • Sometimes, even with the naked eye, the deformation of certain parts of the spinal column
  • Breaking the configuration of the chest - protrusion of the intercostal spaces from the convex side of scoliosis and occlusion with the internal
  • Children - asymmetry of skin folds on the legs and on the buttocks
  • Torsion (twisting) - rotational displacement of the vertebrae around the vertical axis.
  • In the lumbar region - muscular cushion due to pathological muscle tension
  • Dysfunction of the heart, lungs, stomach, intestines due to changes in the volume of the chest and abdominal cavity
  • Defeat of the brain due to lack of blood supply in cervical scoliosis
  • Flattening, secondary shortening of one of the lower limbs, gait disturbance
  • Secondary curvature of the pelvis, and as a result - problems with the bearing of the fetus and childbearing in women
  • Depression, hysteria, emotional depression due to a quality inferior life.

Features of scoliosis of 2 degrees

2 degree of scoliosis is the most remarkable from a clinical point of view.

If 1 degree is detected in many children and adolescents and occurs as they grow up and play sports, then the second degree of scoliosis is an occasion for serious reflection for the child's parents.

At this stage, the curvature of the spine is not combined with the pathology of internal organs and motor function disorders. In the outer clothing, the scoliosis of the 2nd degree in the patient is not noticeable at all.

The main symptoms of scoliosis of the 2nd degree are the asymmetry of the angles of the scapula, the gluteal folds, the rotation of the vertebral bodies around the longitudinal axis. the risk of scoliosis of the 2nd degree is the probability of transition to grade 3.

This probability is especially great in children 11 to 12 years of age. In this connection, a distinction is made between fixed and non-fixed scoliosis.

In the first case, during physical exertion, weight lifting, the angle of deflection does not change, and in case of non-fixed scoliosis it increases.

Diagnosis and treatment

In the absence of treatment, non-fixed scoliosis of the 2nd degree is actually the third degree of this disease.

To suspect even an initial degree of a scoliosis it is possible on the basis of data of external survey, turn on attention to the above signs of scoliosis - the asymmetry of the angles of the scapula, lumbar corners, folds.

Determine the degree of scoliosis will help the x-ray of the spine and pelvic bones. Torsion of the spine can be detected using computed tomography.

The treatment of scoliosis is physiotherapy, massage and physiotherapy. Medications are given an auxiliary role.

Physical exercises should be carefully selected according to localization and the degree of scoliosis, otherwise they will do harm instead of good.

If the conservative measures are ineffective, surgical treatment of the spinal curvature is indicated.

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Standard and specific symptoms of scoliosis: correct diagnosis, prevention and treatment

Scoliosis(curve of the vertebra) is a serious ailment of the musculoskeletal system, more precisely, stable lateral deformation, S E - or the C-shaped form of the spinal column in adults and children.

Manifestation of the disease at the initial stage: weakened back muscles, poor posture with a distinctly protruding scapula. If the primary signs of scoliosis were ignored, the disease slowly but progresses, therefore, violations occur in the vertebrae and their ligaments.

As a result, there is a curvature of the spine.

Interesting fact:

If you pay attention to the back of a healthy and physically developed person, then visually, the spine passes exactly in the middle of the back.

But, in reality, the spinal column is not perfectly even, so we can walk, run, lean in different directions and lift various weights.

The spine is considered healthy if there are no more than four curvatures in it (2lordosis and 2kiphosis).

Such a disease as scoliosis of the spine is more affected by children, the age group from 5 to 8 years and from 10 to 18 years. This age period, according to experts, there is a rapid growth of the bones of the skeleton.

Scoliosis, which began in the adolescent period (10-18 years) develops unnoticed, so the primary symptomatology manifests itself in adulthood. Disease in girls is diagnosed 2 times more often than in children.

Scoliosis, which has passed into severe form, can lead to internal organ diseases and disability.

Just recorded a few cases when the disease develops in people of mature age.

The cause of scoliosis in the adult population is a long asymmetric strain on the muscles of the back.

In this case, the curvature progresses slowly and in single cases passes into severe forms, as in adolescence.

Scoliosis of the spine is classified by such signs as: type, type and degree of the disease.

Specialists distinguish three types of scoliosis:

1. Cervical scoliosis.

The name of the disease is directly related to its localization. Cervical scoliosis is clearly manifested, as the chest, neck, neck, and sometimes the face (for example, the asymmetry of the ears) suffer.

2. Thoracic scoliosis.

Thoracic scoliosis affects the thoracic spine and is reflected on the shoulders and shoulder blades.

3. Lumbar scoliosis.

Lumbar scoliosis at an early stage of development, visually practically does not betray itself, but differs from the first two soreness in the lumbar region.

There are two types of scoliosis:

- congenital scoliosis;

- acquired scoliosis.

Congenital scoliosis.

Congenital scoliosis is intrauterine lateral deformation of the spine, in other words, the spine is curved before the birth of the child.

The cause of the disease is abnormal development of the vertebrae, ribs and thighs.

The symptomatology of congenital scoliosis, in most cases, is manifested in adolescence.

Acquired scoliosis.

Acquired scoliosis is the curvature of the spine, which have arisen under the influence of negative factors, for example, incorrect posture, sedentary lifestyle or various injuries. In 95% of the cases, the cause of the acquired disease can not be established.

Traumatologists and orthopedists allocatefour stages of scoliosis:

Stage 1 - deformation of the spine is practically not visible. Disease at this stage can, manifests itself in stoop, a slight asymmetry of the shoulders. The disease in the first stage is diagnosed only when examined by a doctor.

2 stage - this stage of the disease for many is an alarm bell, as there is an asymmetry of the scapula, discomfort and back pain.

Stage 3 - at this stage, the shape of the back changes, which can not be overlooked, and the pain in the back area becomes intolerable.

Stage 4 - the heaviest, because the hump appears rib, protrude or fall ribs.

In addition to the four stages of development, scoliosis is classified according to the degree of difficulty:

Simple scoliosis or C-shaped - the vertebral column is deformed to one side (to the right or to the left).

Complex scoliosis or S-shaped - the vertebral column deforms in different directions forming the English letter S.

Total scoliosis or E-shaped deformity covers the entire vertebral column, since the curvature affects the thoracic, lumbar and cervical spine.

The causes of scoliosis

The main causes of congenital scoliosis include:

- congenital infringement of a connecting tissue

- weak ligaments that hold the vertebral column in a horizontal position;

- until the end hip joints are undeveloped;

- flat feet;

- Maxillofacial anomaly;

- irrational nutrition of the future mother;

- pregnant woman who abusers alcohol;

- pathological form of the pelvis of a pregnant woman.

The main causes of acquired scoliosis include:

- regularly incorrect posture;

- different length of the lower extremities, the reason for anatomical shortening;

- various injuries of the legs and pelvis;

- Myositis (inflammation of the muscles);

- intervertebral hernia;

- radiculitis and osteochondrosis;

- ailments of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys;

- hereditary pathology of connective tissue (Marfan syndrome, mucopolysaccharidosis);

- diseases resulting from a lack of vitamin D (rickets, torticollis);

- muscle ailment - cerebral palsy, loosening of ligaments;

- calcium deficiency in bone tissue;

- disturbed metabolism;

- regular spasms of the muscles of the back, neck;

- swelling or trauma of the spine;

- presence of syphilis, tuberculosis;

- a sedentary lifestyle;

- the disease can lead to such asymmetrical sports as badminton, tennis.

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Symptoms of scoliosis

The symptomatology of scoliosis depends on the stage of the development of the disease, in other words from the deformation of the spine.

Symptoms of the first and second stages of scoliosis:

- stoop is observed;

- asymmetry of the shoulders (one shoulder above the other);

- discomfort and mild pain in the back area after running, walking or prolonged stay in an upright position.

Symptoms of the third and fourth stage of scoliosis:

- a striking deformation of the spine and thorax;

- costal hump;

- asymmetry of scapulas;

- protruding or falling ribs;

- regular, unbearable pain in the back.

Diagnosis of scoliosis

Scoliosis of any kind is diagnosed by two methods:

1. Inspection from a traumatologist and orthopedist (standard method);

2. Instrumental.

The standard method.

The essence of the standard method is that the specialist during the examination of the patient checks the level of the shoulders, hips, and also the difference in the ribs. In addition, a specialist observes the movement of the spine when turning in different directions, as well as checks for tendon reflexes and muscle strength.

Instrumental (beam) technique.

The instrumental (ray) technique implies the following:

- Radiography of the spinal column. This method is considered simple and accessible, by means of which the degree of deformation of the vertebrae is determined.

- CT scan. This method gives a snapshot not only of the bone tissue of the vertebrae, but also of the nerve roots and spinal cord, that is, soft tissues.

- Ultrasound. The doctor prescribes an ultrasound examination, in order to confirm or disprove the concomitant anomaly of the bladder, kidney.

- MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), is assigned in order to determine and evaluate the anomaly of the spinal cord. This method of diagnosis is not assigned to patients with implanted pacemakers, etc.

Treatment of scoliosis

We have repeatedly said that the treatment of any disease depends on the patient's age, the causes of the development of the disease and the severity and scoliosis is no exception.

Specialists distinguish two methods of treatment: surgical intervention and a conservative method.

Conservative treatment involves eliminating the cause of the disease and restoring the posture.

The method of treatment of scoliosis of the first stage is to strengthen the muscles that support the spine in an upright position. The goal is achieved with regular swimming, physiotherapy, therapeutic massage and gymnastics.

Physiotherapy (thermal treatment, muscle electrostimulation, electrophoresis, etc.) help to strengthen the muscles. Gymnastics - strengthens the muscles of the trunk. Swimming - adjusts the posture. Massage - relaxes the muscles of the back.

All the above procedures are carried out only by a certified specialist, otherwise medical procedures may worsen a patient's condition.

In addition to these procedures, the patient regularly visits a doctor who monitors the development of scoliosis.

The method of treatment of scoliosis of the second stage is the same as the first, the only difference is the use of a corrective corset.

Corset sizes are made individually.

The corset at the beginning of treatment is dressed for a couple of hours, then the time increases, and after complete addiction it is not removed.

The treatment of scoliosis of the third stage is the same as the first and second, the only difference is long-term treatment.

The method of treatment of scoliosis of the fourth stage, which is accompanied by unbearable and regular pains, and pronounced deformation, involves surgical intervention (operation).

Before the operation, the patient regularly wears a corset, for stretching the spine.

An operation is always a risk, which is why it is assigned if the conservative method has not yielded a positive result.

Prophylaxis of scoliosis

Preventive measures include the following:

- follow the posture when walking and sitting;

- keep the body in its usual form;

- do exercises;

- less time to spend in front of the TV and computer;

- regularly eat foods that contain calcium and vitamin D.

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Scoliosis - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

The term comes from the Greek word "skoliosis which means "bowing" and this disease, known since ancient times. At present, it affects 3% of the population.

Scoliosis is a deformation of the spine, which results with lateral curvature and rotation of the vertebral bodies, which are more evident in the costal area.

In the case of mild scoliosis, there is no effect on daily activity, but in severe forms, the presence of very painful conditions is possible with subsequent restriction movement.

The spine may curve to the right or left side with respect to the vertical axis of the human body. It forms a bend, disrupting the posture. Many children suffer from scoliosis.

Parents define the problem, seeing how the kid stoops. This does not always mean that this pathology is observed in the child.

Confirm the curvature of the spine can, using a picture obtained with X-rays.

5 groups of scoliosis

There are different types of scoliosis, depending on the affected area of ​​the back. Following the systematization of the Cobb (1958) - this is the most used today - there are 5 leading groups:

  1. Scoliosis of muscular origin (or so-called - myopathic). Progression of pathology is due to an underdeveloped muscle corset, as well as underdeveloped ligaments. Dystrophic processes in the skeleton and neuromuscular structure also provoke the appearance of rachitic scoliosis.
  2. Neurogenic scoliosis: as a consequence of poliomyelitis; spastic paralysis; neurofibromatosis; syringomyelia. Radiculitis, various painful symptoms in the lower back, degeneration of the intervertebral discs and subsequent infringement of the nerve roots - also apply to this group.
  3. Scoliosis is caused by abnormalities in the development of vertebrae and ribs. Congenital scoliosis is a good example.
  4. The consequence of diseases of the chest (burns, scars on the soil empyema, the consequences of plastic surgery).
  5. The group includes idiopathic scoliosis.

Why the spine is bent

A child's disease sometimes occurs if the skeleton is incorrectly formed in the womb of the mother. In addition to the congenital form of pathology, there is also acquired. Deformation can develop in children from 6 to 8 years and in adolescents. This can happen because of the happy rapid growth of bones.

It leads to a curvature:

  • Shortage in the body of vitamin D;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Muscular spasms of the neck and back;
  • Appearance of hernia of intervertebral discs;
  • Incorrect posture;
  • Pathology develops in cerebral palsy, the cause of deformation is congenital torticollis.

Unfortunately, in recent years there have been more and more frequent cases of scoliosis in the younger generation, and the causes, in many cases, have not been properly studied.

In this case, we are talking about idiopathic scoliosis, which occurs just in the period of active growth of a young - juvenile organism. Girls in this case are more often than this type of scoliosis, than the opposite sex.

Most likely, it is the weakly developed muscular skeleton of the female back that is the main cause of the curvature of the spine.

The degree of development of idiopathic scoliosis also depends on the improperly balanced nutrition of adolescents, when a deficiency of calcium salts begins to appear, in particular because of the constant entrainment of carbonated drinks. Calcium salts are simply washed out of the body under the influence of carbon dioxide (contained in bubbles of carbonated water) and orthophosphoric acid in the composition of synthetic inclusions.

How to determine the severity of scoliosis

First, the doctor must qualify the value of the curvature of the spine in a digital format. Today the most used methods are:

  • Chaklin, popular in the post-Soviet space.
  • Cobb is popular abroad.

Both methods are very similar. To determine the degree of double curvature (S-shaped), an X-ray photograph of the spinal column is needed. Then in the upper part two horizontal lines are held, under the vertebrae from which the curvature begins. First under the upper, and then below the lower one.

After that, the other two lines are drawn, perpendicular to the previous ones. This gives the angle measured in degrees. Then everything repeats for the lower part. The difference is that according to Chaklin, the more degrees, the easier the degree of severity of scoliosis, and according to Cobb - on the contrary.

Degrees of curvature and its consequences

At the moment, science knows the different types of scoliosis, such as: cervical, thoracic, and also mixed (eg, lumbosacral or cervico-thoracic). Belonging to one or the other variety depends on the localization of the problem area.

It is also necessary to specify the number of arcs of curvature, since it is possible the presence of not only one but several. It is a question of C-shaped scoliosis with 1 arc, S-shaped when at once 2 arcs and Z-shaped in cases where as much as 3 arcs.

C - shaped scoliosis leads to a deviation of the axis of the spine, which in turn causes a compensatory process in the body. That is, trying to compensate for this deviation, the spine bends in the opposite direction, creating the 2nd and 3rd arc.

Thus, scoliosis can be divided into two more types, compensated and uncompensated.

In some cases, lateral curvatures in scoliosis are of a combined nature. A striking example is thoracic kyphoscoliosis.

In other words, in the thoracic region, except for the lateral curvature of the axis of the spinal column, pathological kyphosis (hump) is diagnosed.

And in the presence of the last degrees of scoliosis, it is possible to twist the vertebral bone tissue along the vertical axis. The so-called torsion in scoliosis.

  • At 1 degree of disease, the curvature on the x-ray image is no more than 10 degrees. The stoop is barely noticeable, the difference in the position of the shoulders is small.
  • At 2 degrees of scoliosis, pains appear in the spine, and the asymmetry of the scapula and pelvis becomes apparent. The curvature of the spine is 11 to 25 degrees. A small torsion of the vertebrae is possible. In the lumbar region there is a formation of a muscular cushion due to pathological muscle tension in that area.
  • 3 degree is characterized by a curvature between 26 to 50 degrees. The back acquires a different appearance. Noticeable deformity of the chest - on one side are the ribs, and on the other hand, fall down. The abdominal press weakens, which contributes to the formation of an inner hump.
  • On the fourth, the angle of curvature is more than 50 degrees. Severe form of pathology leads to a violation of respiratory functions, the volume of the pleural cavity decreases. Oxygen poorly enters the blood, myocardium at the right side of the heart is atrophied, pulmonary insufficiency arises. Degrees of curvature and its consequences
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The curvature can be stable and unstable. This means that the angle of curvature can vary with a different position of the body. Unstable scoliosis is characterized by a change in the angle of deflection during a recumbent position. With stable scoliosis, the angle remains unchanged.

How is the problem with the child's spine determined?

How is the problem with the child's spine determined?

To reveal the curvature, it is necessary for the child to become in the usual posture.

About his presence testifies:

  • The difference in distance to the waist, if you press your hands to the side;
  • bulging of the blade angle;
  • difference in shoulder height.

When tilted, you can see that the spine deforms in one direction. Any of the signs serves as a reason for contacting the orthopedist.

More information about pediatric scoliosis can be found in the article "Signs of Scoliosis in Children"

Methods of correcting posture

With the initial forms of curvature resort to a conservative method of treatment. The child will have to sleep on a shield made of wood, which is put on the bed.

You need to eat foods that contain a lot of vitamins, the necessary substances. For a normal sitting at the table, put on a corset.

Sometimes it even needs to walk.

To correct the posture, to eliminate the beginning of scoliosis is impossible without a complex of therapeutic physical exercises, which includes special gymnastics, sports exercises, swimming. This helps to correct the position of the trunk, shoulders and pelvis. Strengthens the muscles that support the spine.

The curvature, which is characteristic of the initial degrees of scoliosis, is completely corrected. On the third, and even more so of its last degree, only do not allow to develop further.

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Types, forms and classifications of scoliosis of the spine

Scoliosis of the spine, like many other diseases, is conventionally classified for the convenience of study and research. This differentiation simplifies the diagnosis process, and also helps to speed up the patient's treatment.

There are many reasons that cause the onset of scoliosis, diagnosed in both adults and children. Consider the classification of curvatures, depending on the prevailing factors that cause their occurrence.

Scoliosis typification

Depending on the way in which a person leads and which heredity has, two types of displacement of the axis of the spine are distinguished:

  • congenital;
  • acquired.

These two types of scoliosiscan cause a lot of uncomfortable feelings for a person, depriving the joy of elementary movement.

Congenital scoliosis

The disease is formed by improperly laying bone tissue during intrauterine development. The main cause can serve as serious viral diseases transferred in the early stages of pregnancy, for the treatment of which harmful preparations were used.

Also, the cause of the congenital form can serve as a bad heredity. If the parents have a low content of calcium and potassium in the body, there is every chance that the fetus also will not digest microelements.

Acquired form of scoliosis

Negative effects of various diseases, as well as the characteristics of the workplace and sedentary lifestyle, can provoke spinal curvatures of varying degrees. The main ailments that provoke the appearance of scoliosis are:

  • Rickets- With a lack of vitamin D, especially in childhood, the vertebrae do not receive sufficient nutrition, deforming under the pressure of muscle mass.
  • Spinal rheumatism- frequent inflammatory processes that do not receive proper and timely treatment, can provoke modification of the muscular tissue of the back, which contributes to a change in the position of the core relative to the vertical axis.
  • Paralysis- stiffness of the dorsal muscles causes an incorrect position of the spine, which provokes scoliosis.
  • Presence of hereditary diseases: different length of lower extremities, flat feet, disorders in the development of muscle tissue.

Incorrect posture, especially formed inchildhood, can also cause the curvature of the spine.

Forms of scoliosis

C-shaped(it happens right-sided and left-sided). One arc of curvature is characteristic.
S-shaped. Two arcs
Z-shaped. Three arcs

In place of localization

In medicine, it is customary to classify scoliosis, which depends on the place of origin, on such forms as:

  • Cervico-thoracic- affects the deformation of the first 4-5 vertebrae, which are the most mobile.
  • Thoracic- curvature of the vertebrae of the sternum in the region of 8-10 vertebrae.
  • Lumbosacral- covers 10-12 vertebrae of thoracic part.
  • Lumbar- falls on the very bottom of the spine.

Also highlightcombined scoliosis, which covers not only the upper part of the spine, but also its bottom.

By the degree of progression

If you take into account the severity and level of pathological development of the spine, then the ailment can be classified in degrees.

  • 1 degreeis determined by the deviation of the spine no more than 10˚ from the normal position. At the same time, the shift of the pelvic and shoulder lines is actively expressed, which indicates an obvious pathology.
  • 2 degreeis expressed by a deviation of 10-20 ° from the core, with compensated arches and modifications in the vertebrae themselves visible with the naked eye.
  • 3 degreeleads to all kinds of ugliness, such as the appearance of a hump and the modification of the spine as a whole. At this stage, full-scale changes in the chest, as well as internal organs located in this part of the body, begin.
  • 4 degreepathological changes in the spine is characterized by a deviation of the spine by more than 30˚ from the vertical. Most often this affects the internal organs, which are squeezed by deformed ribs.

When making a diagnosisalways use x-rays pictures, which can determine the severity of the disease, as well as take measures to stop the progression of the disease.

Differentiation by Cobb

There is also a general classification of scoliosis, put forward by Professor Cobb, who divides the ailment into five groups:

  1. Myopathic- occurs as a result of pathological changes or the presence of infectious lesions of the muscular tissue of the back.
  2. Traumatic - is the result of the injury that was wrong or untimely cured.
  3. Neurotic- progresses against a background of serious neurological diseases and disorders.
  4. Congenital- its causes are related to intrauterine development, when all tissues and organs were laid.
  5. Idiopathic- the true cause of the disease can not be established, most often has several cumulative assumptions.

In the afterlife, this classification is rarely used in the diagnosis of scoliosis, replacing it with a more understandable and widely known.

Classification by V.D. Chaklinu

This classificationis based on radiographic images, on which it is possible to establish 4 stages of scoliosis:

  1. Slightly expressed scoliosis, which visually disappears with the horizontal position of the body. Smalldeviations from the norm, varying within 5-10˚.
  2. The curvature persists at any position of the body, the compensatory arc is visible, and also the rib humps formed as a result of improperly joining the bones may be present.
  3. A strong modification of the spine, which affects the work of the heart and lungs. Haveslope over 30 голfrom the norm.
  4. Sharp scoliosis, leading to pathological changes in the work of internal organs. Mandatory presence of a hump and the presence of severe pain in any sudden movements.

Such a disease as scoliosis has serious consequences, therefore its first manifestations should be fixed by specialists and appropriate treatment is prescribed, which is reduced to exercise therapy.

By varying the degree of deformation depending on the loads

In this case, scoliosis is divided into two groups:

  • fixed;
  • non-fixed.

In the first case, it is notedpartial rotation of the vertebrae, in which, in addition to curvature, infringements of spinous processes and nerve endings can be observed. Most often, such a disease is congenital, it is difficult to get it in everyday life.

In the second case, vertebrae are only capable ofpartially change its location when driving. It is characteristic of people who are constantly sitting in the wrong position. At risk are adolescents, whose bone tissue is transformed and grows during the period of hormonal adjustment.

In order to correctly determine the type of scoliosis, a person is recommended to perform a number of simple exercises, during which the doctor will fix the mobility of one or another section of the back. Confirm the diagnosis will help x-ray photography.

According to the clinical course

Based on how quickly the disease affects a person, two stages of scoliosis are distinguished:

  • progressing;
  • non-progressive.

In the first casethe ailment rapidly develops, complicating the life of a person with the presence of painful sensations in the back.

In the absence of proper diagnosis and comprehensive treatment, progressive scoliosis can lead to irreversible changes in the body and cause death.

Deforming the spine, the position of the chest also changes, in the cavity of which vital organs are located. Their squeezing and violation of blood supply can cause bleeding.

Non-progressive scoliosisa long time is in one position, most often inherent in people with sedentary work. It is easier to treat, but it is more difficult to determine the root cause, which can be the most unpredictable.

In order toto reveal the degree of progression of scoliosisuse radiographic signs, such as:

  • a modification between two vertebrae, the growth of which increases with each month;
  • the crests of the iliac bones acquire apophysial zones, which indicates their active growth;
  • The developing osteoporosis of the lower part of the spine.

Presence of these signs gives confidence that scoliosis progresses. The dynamics of its increase and distortion depends on the characteristics of the body, as well as on the timely provision of qualified care.

Determine the form, stage and extent of the disease is impossible. Therefore, if even minor back pain occursit is recommended to seek medical help from a doctor, in order to exclude the risks of development of severe spinal pathologies.

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