Cough until vomiting in the baby at night

Cough until vomiting in the baby

  • Reasons for concern
  • Folk remedies

Children cough and are healthy, and sick, this physiological process is natural, but still worries parents, so most often they turn to pediatricians precisely because of the appearance of a cough The child has.

But when a cough accompanied by vomiting, parents are frightened and often begin to panic because they can not help their child.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, coughing is not a disease, but a symptom of the disease, therefore, in the first place, you need to determine the cause of the cough.

But it is not necessary to calm down, because coughing with vomiting can be a symptom of the disease, the sooner the cause of this cough is established, the faster it will be to help the child. With a dry cough, vomiting in a child arises from overexertion and spasm at the time of inspiration, such cough exhausts the baby and it weakens. Cough may accompany pertussis, and a dry cough with vomiting is a characteristic sign of whooping cough, so, first of all, you need to make sure that the child does not have this disease.

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Coughing up before the baby's vomiting, it's not uncommon, the main reason is that the cough and vomiting centers are very close, and the children do not know how to control them.

In whooping cough, the baby coughs to such an extent that his face turns red from tension, his tongue protrudes from his mouth, and tears flow from his eyes. Such attacks will not help any antitussive drugs, nor do they help conventional antibiotics. At night, the symptoms of the disease are intensified and accompanied by a cough before vomiting in the child, and so can last up to 6 weeks, whooping cough requires systemic treatment.

Pertussis usually manifests after SARS after two weeks, coughing gradually increases and becomes suffocating.To say definitely that the child fell ill with whooping cough, only a doctor can after the blood tests and sowing mucus. If you have any suspicions, ask your pediatrician to give directions for the survey.


To treat whooping cough is necessary immediately, as it gives a complication to the heart and nervous system, because at the moment of attacks the child experiences oxygen starvation.

If the diagnosis of pertussis is not confirmed, you need to continue to look for the cause. The cause of the disease causing coughing, can be infectious (viral or bacterial) or allergic diseases due to poor air condition in rooms where it is hot or dusty.

Dry cough before vomiting in the child may occur:

  1. With bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, asthma. Each of these diseases is treated depending on the condition of the child and different medications. Someone needs an expectorant, and someone needs to suppress a cough, so you can not tell your child "anything from a cough". This approach can lead to complications, for example, pneumonia. Both bronchitis and pneumonia are not simple and serious diseases, only an experienced doctor can recognize them.
  2. When there is a foreign body in the respiratory tract (food crumbs, small items, for example, toys), medical attention is required immediately.

The cause of a wet cough before vomiting in a child may be that children do not get rid of excess mucus during a cough or a cold, and swallow it. To understand this, parents should listen to the child's actions and try not to allow this behavior, because as a result, mucus accumulates and during the coughing causes vomiting reflex. Vomiting with a damp cough occurs between attacks due to mucus that has accumulated in the airways and in the stomach.

The child coughs to vomiting: when to be afraid

If the child coughs before vomiting is not due to illness, you can not delay. A small child (up to a year) needs to turn upside down and knock on the back, it is possible that the foreign body will pop up at the moment of coughing. You can take advantage of Heimlich's method (a sharp push under the diaphragm).

But this method is suitable only in the case when the child can not even breathe, and therefore there is a threat to life, but we must remember that the reception is dangerous in inexperienced hands.

In the process of coughing, the human body uses muscles that are much weaker in children than in adults, so it is more difficult to cough up phlegm. If, in such a situation, a child is treated incorrectly with a cough prior to vomiting or without it, the disease will only progress and pneumonia may develop.

Cough often occurs as a result of excessive amounts of mucus in the lungs, and the body is so gets rid of it, accordingly it is necessary to find the reason, because of which it is produced in the lungs excess mucus.


It is dangerous to treat cough in children without the pediatrician, but parents can alleviate the condition of the child.

Inhalations and other means in the fight against cough

The first and very important means in the fight against coughing is moist air. In our apartments poor air circulation and very low humidity due to modern heating systems. Increase the humidity in the room can be using containers with water, which are installed under the radiators or hung on them, to air the rooms need 1-2 times a day. At night, you can put a container with water next to the baby's bed, and before going to bed it is desirable to do a wet cleaning of the room.

However, it is impossible to significantly increase the humidity in such ways, therefore it is necessary to use special electric air humidifiers in winter.

In order for the child to be able to sleep, it should be laid half-sitting and during the night to periodically change the position of the body, before going to bed it is necessary to give a warm drink.

If the child does not have fever, you need to walk outdoors more often and conduct water procedures with eucalyptus oil, fir, but only in the absence of allergies. This significantly improves the condition during illness, and the child coughs up vomiting less often. To significantly improve the condition of the child help inhalation with the help of a nebulizer. This is one of the most effective methods for fighting cough with inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

The advantage of inhalation with a nebulizer is that local effects occur and almost instantaneously, unlike potions and tablets.When using a nebulizer, medications, saline, infusions of herbs (mother-and-stepmother, mint, sage, chamomile, St. John's wort) or mineral water turns into steam, in this condition they reach easier and faster goals. Most often in pharmacies are sold nebulizers ultrasonic and compressor.

Compressor is preferable, because in ultrasonic some drugs are destroyed and become ineffective. You can use inhalations with a nebulizer in children from birth. As has been repeatedly stated, medications for cough, especially in children, can not to select independently, because the cough is different, and, accordingly, the universal medicine from it is not exist. With a dry cough, depending on its nature, the drug is selected.

Dry cough can be:

  • deaf;
  • barking;
  • disruptive.

To cure a dry cough, you need to eliminate its cause, and you can alleviate the condition with drugs for the formation of additional mucus and thereby make it productive, that is, state. In this case, such drugs as Sinekod, Pertusin, Herbion with plantain, Libexin, Stopptussin and others can be prescribed.

However, preparations containing the infusions of herbs can cause allergic reactions, so you need to be more careful with them. In the treatment of wet cough, it is important to achieve an improvement in sputum discharge. To this end, mucolytics are prescribed for liquefaction of mucus: Lazolvan, Ambrobene, Herbion with primrose, Herbion with ivy, Bromhexin and others.


Most drugs for cough are sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. Such accessibility should not be an occasion to engage in self-treatment, especially children.

To urgently help the child during coughing and to remove an acute attack in a child when coughing up before vomiting, parents should:

  1. Arrange the therma in the bathroom. To do this, you must put hot water into the tub and sit with the child in the room for 15 minutes.
  2. If the attack does not happen for the first time, then at the ready should be a decoction of herbs, which should be given a warm drink to the child. But even if there was not a decoction of herbs, it is enough to give a warm compote, tea or milk.
  3. Laspolvan (children from 6 years old), Ambroxol (children over 5 years old) or simple mineral water will help to remove an attack. If the child does not have allergies, you can drop a drop of fir or eucalyptus oil into the solution. But with oils you need to be careful!

Cough with vomiting: how to help a child with folk remedies

During illness and coughing with vomiting, sweating and diarrhea often occur. All this dehydrates the body, so it is important to constantly give the child a warm tea, broths of herbs, fruit drinks, compotes and plain water in small portions.

Good help with coughing with vomiting is ginger tea, a decoction of licorice, dog rose, plantain, tea with fennel seeds.

Drinking should be the same temperature as the baby's blood, only in this case the liquid is quickly absorbed by the intestine. If the child does not drink, thickening of blood and mucus occurs in the nose and in the lungs, thus sputum is formed, which interferes with breathing, leads to inflammation and the appearance of coughing with vomiting.

It is important in the period of illness accompanied by a cough, to ensure in the room where the child is, coolness and normal air humidity (not less than 55%). Determine the humidity can be using a hygrometer, which is built into the household weather station. Despite the achievements of modern pharmaceuticals, do not forget the generations-proven folk remedies for cough.

Here are just a few tools:

  1. Dry cough is well treatable with pine buds. They are brewed in hot milk (1 tbsp. a spoonful of raw materials per half liter of milk), insist 1 hour and give a drink of 50 grams every 2 hours in a warm form. Cough quickly softens within a day. If the child is allergic to cow's milk protein, then you can replace it with goat or plain water, you can replace the kidneys with spruce shoots.
  2. Another folk remedy for coughing is badger fat for rubbing the chest, stop and back. After grinding the child you need to wrap it up. Older children can be given badger fat by 1/2 tsp. 3 times a day before meals. This is an excellent tool for chronic bronchitis. By the way, badger fat strengthens the immune system. Drinking badger fat is better by dissolving in milk or with honey.
  3. Radish, perhaps, is the most popular cough remedy, especially in combination with honey (:) it turns out an excellent sweet syrup. To drink this medicine children need every 2 hours for 1 tsp.

Coughing with vomiting during illness helps to alleviate the condition of the child and soften the attack, so you should not panic or panic. The main thing is to find out the cause of the cough in time to cope with the disease.


The child coughs before vomiting

The majority of people, becoming parents of the kid, regularly face such phenomena as cough and snot. This can be explained, first of all, by the physiology of the child and his still insufficiently developed immune system. Cough and mucous discharge from the nose are natural phenomena designed to clean the respiratory tract. With the help of such protection mechanisms, particles of dust, small foreign bodies and mucus formed there from the upper parts of the respiratory system are removed. It should be borne in mind that small children catch colds much easier and more often than adults. Therefore, snot and cough are often perceived as ordinary companions of childhood.

Some parents do not attach much importance to such manifestations of the disease. However, when a child has a cough to vomit, even they are usually frightened and realize that the problem is much more serious. In such cases, moms often begin to panic, call doctors or, more significantly, give the child various medications not recommended by the doctor.

It must be remembered that coughing up vomiting in children is quite common and common. This can be confirmed by any pediatrician. This development is due to the fact that in children the emetic and cough centers in the brain are located close to each other and have a large number of connections among themselves. Therefore, when one is excited, the excitation of the second often occurs, and as a result, the child coughs up to vomiting.

But not all so unambiguously. Coughing up to vomiting can also be a symptom of severe pathology. In such cases, a favorable outcome and the absence of any consequences often depend on the timely recognition of the disease and the initiation of treatment. Therefore, if a child has a cough to vomit, it is worth paying attention to, and if it repeats, other symptoms of the disease or if there are suspicions of its presence, it is better to turn to specialists.

Possible cause of coughing before vomiting - whooping cough

If coughing in a child goes into vomiting, then initially it is necessary to exclude the possibility of developing pertussis. One of the most characteristic signs of this pathology is just a convulsive dry cough before vomiting, which has a paroxysmal character. In this case, coughing quickly becomes violent, there may be signs of lack of air. The face of the child can strongly blush and stiffen, the eyes are watery, and the tongue usually protrudes from the mouth - this is a typical posture for patients with whooping cough. The use of various antitussive drugs and drugs does not bring any result - the cough persists, and the child's condition does not improve.

Pertussis is characterized by worsening of the condition and a more frequent onset of coughing attacks before vomiting at night. One of the important signs that make it possible to recognize this disease is the characteristic sound that the child emits after the coughing episode. An experienced doctor will easily catch him and be able to make a preliminary diagnosis.

At the first stages of the disease, it is rather difficult to detect whooping cough. Since in the beginning the child usually develops a common cold or respiratory viral disease. But over time, cough does not decrease and does not go away, but begins to intensify after about, - 2 weeks. Gradually, he acquires a convulsive, paroxysmal character, becomes suffocating and very strong. At night, the cough can go to vomiting.

If parents are suspected of developing a baby whooping cough, then you need to visit a pediatrician and ask him for directions to the tests. In the first week of the disease, mucus sowing will become indicative, at a later time it is possible to diagnose pathology only by blood analysis.

Other Causes of Coughing Before Vomiting in a Child

After a number of possible causes that caused the child coughing up vomiting, whooping cough was excluded, other possible causes of this condition can be started to be considered.

One of them - banal ORVI or cold. This is usually the reason why pediatricians are called. Do not be too easy to treat these diseases, because they also require timely diagnosis and full treatment. Otherwise, the disease can go further, as a result of the baby develops bronchitis. There is also a certain difficulty in diagnosing inflammation of the bronchi, since not every pediatrician can correctly listen to the lungs of a baby. Often, doctors confuse the withdrawal of phlegm with the appearance of wheezing, prescribing antibiotics in cases where it is quite possible to do without them. It happens and vice versa, and the existing bronchitis is not detected on time. However, it is worth remembering that bronchitis is a serious enough pathology requiring compulsory treatment, therefore pediatrician recommendations must be followed.

At the child cough up to vomiting can be provoked by a simple rhinitis. This is especially common in children who do not know how to blow their nose. They swallow the mucus secreted from the nose, and it can drain down the back wall of the pharynx and accumulate. To get rid of it to help the body comes a natural defense mechanism - a cough. It can be quite intense, reaching vomiting. In this case, the child may not have severe external symptoms of rhinitis or cold. The amount of excreted mucus is small, but it can almost all fall into the lower parts of the respiratory tract, causing their irritation, and, as a consequence, coughing.

The appearance of mucous discharge from the nose can be associated not only with an infectious lesion, but also with an allergic reaction. It is in this case, most often there is a strong puffiness of the mucosa, because of which mucus does not go outside, and almost all get into the bronchi, draining on the back of the pharynx. The causes of an allergic reaction may be covered in the use of certain medications, the ingestion of certain substances: food allergens, dust, pollen of plants, household chemicals and other things. The allergy has a pronounced hereditary predisposition, but it can also appear in children of perfectly healthy parents.

How to help your child with a cough before vomiting

If the child coughs before vomiting, the most correct decision will be to find and visit a good specialist. In this case, you can use the recommendations of friends or relatives, but it is desirable to choose a competent, responsible pediatrician, who has sufficient experience behind him. Such a doctor will help cope with many unpleasant and questionable situations and choose the most optimal treatment in each case.

The technique for treating coughing before vomiting exists in large numbers, often they do not fit together at all. For example, it is impossible to simultaneously give the child drugs that suppress the cough reflex and coughing attacks, and medicines, the action of which is aimed at stimulating expectoration and withdrawal phlegm. The choice of treatment depends on the cause of the disease, the individual characteristics of the child and many other factors, so the doctor will do the best.

Often when coughing up before vomiting, specialists prescribe a child inhalation with various medications, such as beryl, hydrocortisone and others. From home remedies with a strong coughing attack, you can apply steam inhalation over boiled crushed potatoes. Instead of potatoes can be used and other means, for example, mineral water, broth chamomile, sage or other medicinal plants. To quickly remove the edema and a strong attack of cough in the absence of other means, you can simply take the child to the bathroom and turn on the hot water. Increased humidity and hot steam will help cope with the attack.

With a strong coughing attack, when it is likely that vomiting is about to begin, you can try to raise both hands of the child and wait for relief. To improve the condition of the baby is also used warm, plentiful drink, but not at the moment of a fit of coughing before vomiting. As a drink for a cough, the so-called "oatmeal milk" is good. It will require a glass of unpeeled oats. It is thoroughly washed several times, then it is poured into a liter of milk and boiled on a quiet fire for at least an hour. After that, the milk is left for cooling, and then given to the child. One serving can range from a few sips to half a glass.

If the coughing up before vomiting in the child is caused by a slime flowing inward, then one should not allow it to accumulate. Children who do not know how to blow their nose correctly should regularly wash their nose with special solutions. Suspicion of allergies should be an occasion to bring "order" in the apartment. To do this, remove all the things in which dust can accumulate, such as wall carpets, soft toys, decorative pillows and so on. In addition, careful wet cleaning of the entire room should become regular. It is important to maintain a good microclimate, pay attention to humidity, abandon household chemistry, which includes phosphate-containing substances, and artificial food.

All of the above recommendations can be considered only tips for alleviating the condition and organization of life of a baby who has severe coughing attacks. The correct diagnosis, methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the recurrence of such a situation can be determined only by a doctor. Before his arrival, it is not necessary to give any medicines to the child, this can make it difficult to diagnose and lead to the wrong choice of treatment.

Cough to vomit in a child - what to do?

If a small child coughs before the occurrence of emetic attacks, his parents are almost always very much worried. In this situation, as a rule, the baby is frightened, after which it can not calm down for a long time. To understand what to do when a child coughs up vomiting, it is necessary, first of all, to understand the causes of this condition. What diseases can cause vomiting during a cough?

Usually, attacks of vomiting on coughing occur due to irritation of the receptors of the walls of the throat. Most often this situation is observed in the presence of the following diseases:

  • whooping cough;
  • bronchitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • ARVI;
  • laryngitis.

In addition, often such an unpleasant symptom can be associated with a strong runny nose, both infectious and allergic. Finally, in some cases, the cause of this condition is the ingress of a small foreign object into the organs of the upper respiratory tract.

What should I do if a child coughing causes vomiting?

The choice of tactics of action is always determined by the cause, which provoked vomiting. Therefore, immediately it is necessary to call a doctor, so that he carefully examined the child and diagnosed which disease caused this unpleasant symptom.

It is especially important to contact the medical staff as soon as possible if the cause of vomiting lies in the foreign matter entering the respiratory tract. Boys and girls aged 4 months to 2 years experience painful and uncomfortable sensations associated with teething, so they constantly pull everything they can into their mouths. In addition, babies can choke large pieces of solid food, as they are not yet very good at chewing. Of course, this situation can occur in older children, but most often this happens in this age range.

If your little son or daughter for the time being completely calmly played, but then suddenly flushed, began to choke and cough, which triggered a fit of vomiting, immediately call an ambulance help. Before the arrival of medical workers, it is necessary to turn the crumbs upside down and tap it lightly on the back, thereby freeing the airways. Even if you managed to push out an object that is stuck in the airways, be sure to show the baby to the doctor.

In some cases, moms and dads turn to the doctor asking what to do if the child coughs until vomiting at night. In most cases, this situation indicates the development of a serious infectious disease in children - pertussis. Most often with this ailment of a crumb awakens in the middle of the night from the fact that it suffocates. He begins a violent attack of cough, which is accompanied by a strain of the whole body and redness of the face and limbs. Sometimes a child becomes so stressed that, as a result, he has vomiting.

Since this disease is very contagious and dangerous, self-medication with pertussis can not be dealt with in any case. Show the child to the pediatrician and strictly follow all his recommendations.

Nevertheless, most often coughing attacks before vomiting occur in young children with colds. In this situation, the gag reflex arises from the excessive amount of mucus in the airways,

which is due to the fact that the kids do not know how to get rid of it. What to do if the child has a cough before vomiting, the cause of which lies in the congestion of mucus, you also will explain the doctor.

As a rule, in this case, expectorating and mucolytic drugs or drugs that suppress coughing attacks. To ease the condition of the crumbs it is useful to regularly ventilate his room, use a moisturizer air, as often as possible to do wet cleaning, as well as to give the baby a warm water, mors, or any other liquid.

What is the cause of coughing with vomiting?

Very often with a strong cough in a person, a vomitive reflex starts to develop, while specialists point to several causes of its origin. So, according to them, when a strong cough comes up to vomiting, one can assume the development of several respiratory diseases. This phenomenon causes parents anxiety and anxiety, especially if there is a coughing up before vomiting in a child who has not yet turned a year old. Having discovered such a process, it is important to understand why it can occur.

Why do children have a vomiting cough?

Coughing with baby vomiting - one of the symptoms of whooping cough, pediatrician consultation required

Simultaneous occurrence of cough and vomiting in a child is much more common than in adults.Pediatricians to such a process find a fairly simple explanation: the fact that the children have cough and vomiting centers are very close, moreover, they are closely related.If parents repeatedly notice the occurrence in a child of a cough with vomiting, first of all, it is necessary to exclude the development of such a dangerous disease as whooping cough. One of the brightest and most important signs of this disease is a dry convulsive cough, which always causes vomiting. In addition, with such a process, any antitussive drugs that were previously considered effective in treating colds are powerless. During coughing, the baby tries to clear his throat, but he does not succeed, his face turns red, his tongue protrudes. In some cases, as a complication of the disease, swelling of the vocal cords may occur, presenting a great danger to the life of the patient. That is why it is so important at the moment when the child has a strong cough before vomiting, immediately seek medical help from experienced specialists. To diagnose "whooping cough" pediatrician can only by results of the analyzes.

In the case where pertussis is excluded as the cause of vomiting, it is worthwhile to consider other possible variants of this state of the organism. Such an unpleasant and dangerous process can be caused by the following diseases:

  • ARVI;
  • ARI;
  • flu;
  • bronchitis;
  • runny nose.
Very often, when coughing is neglected, accompanied by a catarrhal disease, bronchitis begins to develop.The accumulation of thick mucus in the bronchi causes a cough, which can reach vomiting because the sputum is not separated and not removed to the surface of the respiratory tract. In addition, it is possible that the phenomenon of coughing and vomiting can be the result of the accumulation of mucus in the nose.It can be intensively produced and accumulated in the nasal cavity not only because of a cold, but also as a result of an allergic reaction of the body to a certain allergen. In this case, the mucus begins to flow down the back wall of the pharynx, causing a dry cough and vomiting in the child.

Why does this process occur in adults?

In adults, vomiting is rare when coughing

In adults, coughing attacks that lead the body to the development of a vomiting reflex are extremely rare. This is explained, first of all, by the fact that their immunity is much stronger, and therefore catarrhal diseases carry them much easier. But, nevertheless, adults can also sometimes frighten a phenomenon when a strong cough causes vomiting. The cause of coughing before vomiting usually becomes a neglected disease, which occurs in a very complicated form, when there is a strong inflammation of the airways. According to specialists, the gag reflex is produced by irritation of the receptors of the throat wall. Usually, this complication is typical for pneumonia and bronchitis at an advanced stage of their development. Most often, vomiting due to severe coughing attacks occurs in the evenings, as well as during a night's sleep. It is not excluded and cough at night in a child who is especially dangerous, because during sleep the child can suffocate from getting into the respiratory tract of vomit.Therefore, for the entire period of treatment in order to exclude such irreversible consequences, the mother must sleep with the child, watching the whole night for his condition.This condition in children and adults is always accompanied by severe pain in the throat and chest, as damage to the mucous membranes occurs. A muffled cough that occurs mainly in the morning or on the street, causing a gag reflex, may indicate a chronic bronchitis in the human body. In adults, coughing, causing vomiting, can be associated with the development of such diseases as:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • allergy;
  • tuberculosis;
  • lungs' cancer.

In addition, such complaints can be from heavy smokers, as well as people who work in dusty premises.

How to help the patient?

Having discovered such a debilitating cough, it is important to help the patient until the doctor has examined him. Experts recommend that the following steps be taken to alleviate the patient's condition:

  1. Provide a warm drink and properly selected food. During this period it is useful to drink warm milk with butter and honey or raspberry tea, which soften the inflamed respiratory tract well. The diet of the patient should consist mainly of fresh vegetables and fruits, the food should be low-calorie, so that the body does not spend energy to digest it.
  2. To create a quiet environment for the rapid recovery of the patient, it is important to rest more without overworking the body.
  3. Do inhalations with medicinal herbs - use lime flowers, calendula, chamomile, eucalyptus, thyme, which will make the cough more productive.

Parents who see that the cough is about to cause vomiting in the child can raise his hands up, after which temporary relief should come. If the baby does not know how to blow his nose, it is necessary to constantly wash and clean his nose of mucus, or teach him spit it through his mouth. In any case, when coughing, which causes vomiting, medications without a doctor's appointment can not be taken.

What if I get vomiting?

Coughing up vomiting is a rare phenomenon, which causes anxiety in patients and their loved ones. Some of the diseases of the upper respiratory tract lead to this condition of the patient.According to experts, many diseases can cause it, but more often it occurs with colds and bronchitis.

A severe cough before vomiting in children is considered quite normal, even if it is associated with diseases of the upper respiratory tract. But, if this situation arises in adults, this should signal a possible development of very serious health problems.As a rule, such coughing attacks can be a complication in pneumonia.

It is important to know that all heavy smokers suffer greatly from a cough that often causes vomiting. Most of them have such diseases as asthma or pneumonia.

Causes of vomiting

Vomiting with severe coughing attacks occurs from irritation of the receptors of the walls of the throat. Such a phenomenon can be observed in the following diseases and conditions to which children are exposed:

  • whooping cough;
  • presence of a foreign object in the respiratory tract;
  • bronchitis;
  • ARVI;
  • tracheitis, laryngitis;
  • runny nose.

If the parents found the child vomiting when coughing, it is necessary to immediately determine the cause of this condition. The main task of parents is to provide first aid before the arrival of a doctor.

Whooping cough

Among infectious diseases it is necessary to allocate whooping cough. Despite the fact that almost all children are vaccinated against this disease, it can still occur, however, after a vaccination in a weaker form. The main sign is a cough, in which sputum often goes away, less often - a cough with vomiting occurs.

Usually, such attacks occur at night, when the child wakes up from the fact that it starts to choke. As a rule, such a state is not accompanied by a temperature, but with dry coughing attacks, there may also be a runny nose. During the bouts of coughing, the child becomes red, his body becomes very tense, which has a harmful effect on the cardiovascular system.

Foreign object

If a foreign object enters the respiratory tract of a child, it requires immediate action on the part of parents and medical personnel. In early childhood, foreign objects fall into the swallowing of small parts during the game. Sometimes children choke on food while eating. This can happen at any age, but most often suffer from the age of 4 months to 2 years, at a time when they all take in their mouths.

To understand what happened is very easy, because until the foreign object entered the respiratory tract, the child was absolutely healthy. Characteristic signs are reddening of the face, shortness of breath, coughing, often accompanied by vomiting.

At this point, it is very important to provide first aid: if the child is small, it can easily be turned upside down and knock on the back, freeing the airways.

Unfortunately, the foreign object can completely shut off the air supply by its arrangement, which inevitably leads to suffocation. In such cases, one should resort to the use of Heimlich's method - a sharp push under the diaphragm increases the pressure in the airways and pushes the object out.

ARVI, bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis

Cough with an emetic reflex and even with vomiting can occur with viral and colds. After all, for them, the accumulation of mucus and sputum in the respiratory tract is characteristic, which causes an attack. Vomiting for colds occurs as a result of the movement of excitation from the cough center to the vomiting center. Usually, vomiting caused by a cough, the child is not plentiful, and after it there is no relief from the condition.

If cough is caused by congestion of mucus in the airways, treatment should only be carried out by a pediatrician, since some cases will help mucolytic or expectorant, in others - do not do without drugs that suppress cough seizures. Eliminate coughing attacks even before taking medications will help such actions as humidification of the air in the room, airing the room, a plentiful drink.


Coughing and vomiting often occur in the cold in children, especially in newborns, because at this age the child does not yet know how to release the nose from accumulated mucus. She, draining on the back wall of the pharynx, accumulates there, irritating the mucous membrane, causes severe attacks of coughing. Get rid of coughing with vomiting for a cold is much easier, it is important to constantly release the nose from the snot. Also, a competent treatment for the common cold should be done.

Features of treatment

Even before the arrival of doctors, it is important for the child to provide first aid. In all situations, except for the presence of a foreign body in the respiratory tract, soft emollients should be used. It is useful to drink warm milk with honey, tea with raspberries. To get rid of such an unpleasant symptom is possible only if the cause of its occurrence is eliminated, so the doctor should diagnose and conduct the proper treatment.

To cough up before vomiting did not reach, it is important to monitor the child and, if necessary, contact a specialist.

A strong cough in a child at night - what to do?

Cough is one of the most common symptoms of a number of diseases. It occurs in people of different ages, including often in children. Usually mothers are relatively calm about this symptom and in many cases know how to act. But there are situations when parents can become confused and even be frightened. Usually this happens when a strong attack of coughing occurs in a child at night. Anxiety is not in vain, because such a state can be fraught with consequences. So the false groats can begin. In any case, the attack can cause breathing problems. Therefore, parents need to know what to do if the child coughs hard at night.

Causes of seizures

Call such an unpleasant symptom dry air in the room, as well as some extraneous smells. An uncomfortable posture during sleep also can cause a cough. Still it can be display of allergic reaction to bedding, for example, on down pillows.

If a child has a strong, wet cough at night without a temperature, then this may be a sign of residual phenomena such as bronchitis. But it is possible, if the kid in recent time has been ill with this disease. In another case, you need to look for a different reason. It is necessary to exclude asthma, since it can begin with such symptoms.

A severe dry cough at night in a child can indicate problems with the throat, trachea. It can be a tracheitis. After suffering pertussis for six months, the baby can cough at night. Attacks can frighten a baby, which leads to hysterics and fears. They are often accompanied by a strong sweating, difficulty breathing.

The child coughs hard at night - how to help?

It is important that the doctor find out the true cause of the problem. The doctor will ask about the symptoms of coughing. For example, it can be accompanied by mucosal edema, hoarse voice, irregular temperature. From all these nuances the diagnosis can depend. Only after that the specialist will be able to write out the necessary preparations.

However, it is useful for parents to know how to stop a strong cough in a child at night. First of all, you should take care of the humidity and cleanliness of the room. Be sure to do regular cleaning. It is also useful to install a humidifier in the room.

If there is a nebulizer in the house, then inhalation with saline solution will help ease the condition. With mucosal edema, you can give an antiallergic syrup.

When a child has a strong cough at night before vomiting, spasm will remove No-shpa. Children under the age of 6 years are half a tablet. After the baby calms down, you can put him to sleep again.

Sometimes seizures occur against the background of the common cold. In this case, before going to bed, you must wash your nose with saline. After this procedure, you need to drip the nose with vasoconstrictive drops. You can also use "Protargol".

Parents who think what to do, if a child has a strong attack of a cough at night, you can also advise you to monitor the position in which the baby is sleeping. It is better if he is on his side.

Some folk remedies are also able to come to the rescue:

  • in the evening you need to drop on the pillow eucalyptus oil;
  • children older than 5 years can do inhalation steam broth chamomile, boiled potatoes;
  • helps drink from the viburnum with honey;
  • you can give the baby a decoction of oregano;
  • warming compresses (except alcohol) are useful.

Calm a strong cough in a child at night will help such a tool as burnt sugar. He well relieves spasm. To cook it, you need to warm up a spoonful of sugar, and then add water. Do this immediately before use.

Very strong cough in a child before vomiting, than to treat?? The best remedy?



1. A popular remedy for cough from onions: 500 g of peeled onion, chopped, add 400 g of sugar and cook on low heat in 1 liter of water for 3 hours. Then cool, add 50 g of honey, pour into a bottle and cork. Take 4-6 tablespoons a day after a meal as a folk remedy for cough.

Another way to prepare this folk remedy for cough: In the evening, finely chop a large onion, fill it with 2 tablespoons of sugar. By morning the medicine will be ready. During the day, eat a sweet onion or drink a formed juice. Cure cough with this folk remedy for several days in a row, and the cough will pass.

2. Brazilian folk remedy for cough: Brazilians skip ripe bananas through a sieve, then put the grated mass in a pan with hot water in the proportion: 2 bananas per 1 cup of water with sugar. Once again heated and drink this mixture as a folk remedy for cough.

3. A popular remedy for coughing from black radish: Choose a pot-bellied black radish with a tail, cut off the tip and take out the inside by a third. Put a little honey in the cavity so that there is room for the juice that stands out. Cut the radish into a glass with water down the tail. When in 3-4 hours juice is typed, drink it and put honey again. This is a very good effective cough remedy!
Another recipe for curing a cough from a radish: Cut into very thin slices 6 or 8 pieces of radish. Sprinkle copiously with each slice of sugar. After about half a day, juice, mixed with sugar, will separate. Take 1 tablespoon every hour as a popular cough remedy. The healers say the described remedy cures the most severe cough in a relatively short period of time.

4. Recipe for cough treatment folk remedies for children with allergies to honey: cut the black radish into small cubes, put in a saucepan and sprinkle with sugar. Bake in oven for 2 hours. Strain, discard pieces of baked vegetable, and drain the liquid into a bottle. Give 2 teaspoons 3-4 times daily before meals and at night before going to bed (see also Vanga recipes for children coughing

Alexander Belyaev

Invite a doctor Do not torment the child This is my daughter-in-law all the household means until the grandfather of the doctor invites Well with her, then it's useless to talk But you're a man

Yana Kirillova

Sinecode - from a dry and wet cough, a child just give it, nothing else does not help, immunity to other medications! Try it!

GIGAMEN ™сильный+кашель+у+ребенка+до+рвоты, + than + treat +


You can treat it, but maybe it's an allergy. It is necessary to trace at what time coughs

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