Gymnastics for the eyes: the most effective exercises for preschool children

"The eyes are the mirror of the soul," says the people's wisdom. The main thing is, it should not be crooked. The load on the eyes of modern children is very high.

In addition to home lessons with parents or tutors, they go to various sections, preparatory classes for the school, gadgets play no small role, which, like nothing else, worsen vision.

Observing the statistics, you can see that among modern children, surprisingly many of those whose eyes are frightened by parents, and the percentage of all preschoolers with poor eyesight is frightening for us.

Eye recharges are one way to relieve fatigue from the eyes, but is it effective or safe?

Why do you need gymnastics?

Doctors recommend charging for the eyes. They consider their necessary accomplishment both in school and at home.

According to experienced doctors of ophthalmologists it can be understood that at the slightest violation of the child's vision it is necessary to accustom to gymnastics for the eyes. The developed habit will prove useful.

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Regular exercises will help stop the fall of vision. Naturally, home exercises are useful not only for preschoolers, but for people who are much older, who every day are forced to "communicate" with the computer.

And also gymnastics for the eyes makes it possible to relieve the muscles of the eyes, relax and, of course, strengthen them.

Is there any harm and contraindication?

As with all exercises, gymnastics for the eyes has contraindications.

For example, is allowed to do gymnastics only after 6 months in the operation before the eyes of , and with , detachment of the retina of the eye is first an operation, followed by a half-year rehabilitation.

Strong myopia - only very small load allowed

Eye pressure -follows to wait until the malaise passes, although in this case, you yourself do not want to do anything.

There was no harm from gymnastics for the eyes, but if you want to do a gymnastics for your eyes on a regular basis, then talk with your doctor and he will pick you the right gymnastics.

After all, in practice, there have been cases when people have harmed themselves, doing these or those exercises incorrectly.

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The best exercises of

Exercises for the eyes - mass! But we decided to find the most effective for you.

  • Game "shooting with eyes" .You with the child sharply move your eyes to the sides and loudly say "bang-bang".The game is very simple, but you and the baby will not let you get bored.
  • Exercise with the point. On a flat surface, draw a red dot. The point should be at the eye level of the child. We suggest that the baby take a 5-10 second look at the point, then he needs to move his eyes away from the window to the object that is far away
  • Blinking relaxes the eyesight well, removes the fatigue accumulated over the day
  • One of the most popular ways of is to close the eyes with two palms .Our eyes rest in pitch darkness, but, unfortunately, it's pretty hard to get rid of the light on the eyes, even at night. But if you try to close your eyes tightly with your hands, then the light can not get on them and the eye muscles relax.
  • We follow the subject .Invite the child to follow any bright subject. It is better, if it will be a simple form: a cube, a ball, a candle.

A lot of exercises for the eyes can be found on the Internet. In poetic form, in the form of presentations or video. But we showed you the 5 most simple, known and effective.

Friends, importantly remember that charging for each child or adult has its own. After consulting with your doctor, you will choose for yourself or your child an individual training. Your baby's eyes will be healthy. Do not consider it unnecessary to read contraindications, because it's not just gymnastics, it's a whole science! Be healthy.