Good drops from the common cold for children

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All with the Upcoming)) Prompt pliz good children's drops from the common cold?


Laura Petrarkina :)

Kollargol, Protargol - drops on the basis of colloidal silver, they are prepared in a pharmacy (in state pharmacies there are, in kiosks do not buy).
A solution of sea salt - concentration, choose one that has a slightly salty taste. This is the same as Aquamaris. Salt is sold in pharmacies and supermarkets, but just do not buy flavored.
Vibrocil - vasoconstrictor drops (dripping at night to facilitate breathing).
Salin, nizivin (we did not try).
Pinosol is an oil-based drop, it is well pierced, it can be applied several times a day.
For the night I hang a napkin in a crib, drop a few drops of aromatic oil on it (fir, eucalyptus, tea tree). It turns out "aromalampa cleans the air around the baby, it's easier to breathe.
You can hang a gauze pouch in a crib with chopped onion or garlic.
Be sure to do a wet cleaning and ventilate the baby's room.
Sleepy child can be laid in a spout (gently, rasteriev on the inside of the nostrils) Mixture Oxolin-ointment + Pinosol-cream. This helps out in cases where the child is capricious and does not allow to drip a spout, and so - the psyche of the baby does not suffer.

instagram viewer

Bioparox is an antibiotic spray (if it's really bad).
Get well!



Yuliya ***


Andrey I

1. Raise the head of the bed on which the child is lying. To do this, under the shoulders of the child, you can put a pillow, so that the head and upper body of the child are located at an angle of 40-45 with respect to the body? (make sure that the child is comfortable lying in this position). Because of this sputum, formed in the nose, it will be easier to stand out and, perhaps, you will not need to use any medication.
2. If a newborn or a baby has a heavily sputumed nose, you can try to suck off the mucus from the nasal passages with a rubber pear or a regular syringe. In general, sputum suction is used to help children who can not blow their nose off. For the extraction of sputum, you can use a regular rubber pear with a thin enough tip or a regular syringe without a needle. Introduce the tip of a pear or syringe into the nasal passage of a child with a runny nose should be careful, so as not to injure the mucous membrane. Mucus is sucked off first from one, and then from another nasal passage. This procedure can be repeated as often as required.
Below we consider the description of some drugs recommended for the treatment of a cold in children, but first notice, that refusal of treatment by modern decongestants can cause the appearance of such complications as sinusitis. The fact is that all the sinuses (two maxillary, two frontal, latticed and wedge-shaped) are opened with small holes in the nasal cavity. Through these holes from the sinuses are derived microbes. With a cold in children, a strong swelling of the nasal mucosa develops, which leads to a complete closure of the holes that communicate the nasal cavity with the cavities of the paranasal sinuses. As a result, microbes accumulate in the sinuses, which, at the end

Marina P


Sergey Bekish

To my daughter, too,. We are helped by adrianol.


influenzoferon ...)

Natalia Yanitskaya

after the course of drops, you need to take a break. Try to shovel aquamaris for moisturizing, removing puffiness, and washing and protorgol (a preparation of silver with iodine), well removes the remains of mucus and has an anti-inflammatory effect. At that age, we were saved like this.

Olga Zamora

I agree with Natalia. Aquamaris and protorgol, and still try to suck off snot small pear. Gripferon and derinat are good at the first stage of the common cold. If the snot does not go off well, try Sinupret drops, they are drunk for the liquefaction of snot. Along with the drops, give an antihistamine, for example Fenistil, it removes the swelling of the nose. Get well!

Natalia Panina

I'm using AIPi


Yes, no matter what. The main thing is to wash the spout first, with the aquamaris, with the marimer, and so on. And then vasoconstrictors of any age.

Which drops to choose for the treatment of a cold in a child?

Very often in the treatment of a cold in a child it is impossible to do without the use of children's drops. And to avoid it is almost impossible, because this is one of the most common symptoms of ARVI and ARI.In the case when parents create favorable conditions for their baby in the treatment of the disease, a runny nose passes for a week without any complications.Currently, children's drops from the common cold in all pharmacies are presented in a fairly wide range, which makes it possible to select the most suitable drug for each child.

Variety of drugs

To make the right choice of drops in the nose for the child, it is important to consider the type of the common cold, the causes of its occurrence, the duration of the course of the disease and the age of the child. It is customary to single out such a spectrum of droplet action:
  1. Moisturizing. The use of such drugs is aimed at moistening the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, they are used usually as a prophylaxis of the disease.
  2. Vasoconstrictor. They have a vasoconstrictive effect on the mucosa, they are used in case of a severe condition of the child caused by nasal congestion, shortness of breath. After all, in this state, the child is disturbed by sleep and appetite worsens, children often give up breast, which causes rapid weight loss.
  3. Antibacterial. Appointed by a doctor with a bacterial bacterial nuisance. Anti-inflammatory. The use of such drugs removes the inflammatory process in the nasal cavity of the child.
  4. Antiviral. Preparations of this spectrum of action will be effective only at the initial stage of the development of the disease.
  5. Anti-allergic. With the help of such a drug, you can get rid of allergic rhinitis.
There are also combined drops that combine several therapeutic effects. For example, such drops as Rhinomaris exert a moisturizing and vasoconstrictive effect on the mucous membrane. Thanks to the use of these drops, it is possible to eliminate nasal congestion and normalize the nasal mucosa.Combination drugs can be used only for children from 2 years.Among these drugs is Derinat from the common cold for children who do not belong to the dangerous for child antibiotics, but at the same time have antibacterial, antiviral and immuno-strengthening antibodies to the mucosa act.

Also, the drops can be divided into three groups, depending on the mode of production:

  • homemade - prepared independently at home on the basis of traditional medicine;
  • pharmacy - purchased at the pharmacy;
  • combined - prepared houses using components purchased at a pharmacy.

A significant difference between the first and second group of drugs is that the pharmacological companies use mainly synthetic components in the production of drops. While traditional medicine uses exclusively natural raw materials, which is not only safe for the baby, but also very effective in treating the common cold.

Danger of children's drops

As you know, almost all children's drops, even if at first glance they seem absolutely safe, have some side effects. Most often, these include the following manifestations of the body immediately after the application of the medicine:

  • sneezing;
  • burning in the nose;
  • obstruction;
  • dryness of the mucosa.

Treatment with vasoconstrictive drops should appoint a doctor

It is important to understand that some children may not have such effects, while in the treatment of others, it is often necessary to completely abandon nasal drops. Of course, there are drugs that almost never cause discomfort and side effects, so they are appointed by most experts. Among such medicines it is necessary to allocate drops in a nose for children Derinat.

Parents should know that vasoconstricting drops are considered dangerous for children, therefore, it is not recommended to use them for more than 3 days.A dangerous side effect is addiction to the drug: despite the fact that the child has long been cured runny nose, it is worth stopping to drip your nose with vasoconstrictor, as the symptoms return again. In this situation, you have to drip your nose again with drops of the same action, as other drugs are powerless.

However, the most serious consequence of the use of vasoconstrictive drops is the occurrence of spasm. By itself, a vasospasm in the nose is not a serious danger to the baby, but it can spread to other organs, which is a serious threat to the health and life of the child.

When you can not do without children's drops in your nose?

Despite the fact that parents do their best to cure a cold without the use of drops in the nose, nevertheless, sometimes there are situations when one can not do without them. First of all, drops should be used in such situations:
  1. When the rhinitis began to ache in the nose, after all, most likely, there was a blockage of the thickened mucus of the passage between the ear and nose. If it is timely to drip the nose with vasoconstrictive drops, otitis can develop.
  2. The child can not exercise nasal breathing, and the process of breathing through the mouth is hampered.
  3. Body temperature is above 38 degrees.
  4. Completely there is no breath through a nose, in fact during night at breath through a mouth the full desiccation of mucous membranes of respiratory ways that is fraught with development of a bronchitis and a pneumonia can occur.

It is also worth noting that the use of drops in the nose becomes necessary not always, even though the breathing of the child is a bit difficult. This is especially true for newborn babies, for whom the nasal congestion immediately after birth and for a short time after childbirth is quite a natural process. After all, it's not a runny nose, but simply after a 9-month stay of the baby in the womb of the mother the spout has not completely cleared and he needs a special hygienic care.

Also sometimes, some drugs can be used as a drop, and to carry out inhalations, using them to prepare a solution. So, experts often prescribe inhalation for children with Derinatom. They are effective not only in the treatment of the common cold, but also such inhalations make it easier to bronchial asthma, adenoiditis, tonsillitis and many other diseases of the respiratory tract, which are so children are susceptible.

Drops from the common cold for children

The onset of a runny nose in a child is not necessarily associated with a disease. In newborn babies, nasal congestion is caused by incomplete release of nasal passages. They just need hygienic care and cleansing. Children's drops from the common cold are manufactured by pharmaceutical companies using the minimum effective concentrations of chemical and vegetable ingredients.

When buying at a pharmacy, you should read the instructions and make sure that the "drops for children" label is marked. Apply any drops only in accordance with the instructions on the age of the child.

Classification of drops by the mechanism of action

Drops from the common cold for children are most often recommended by pediatricians at an early age when there is a risk of spreading the infection to the middle ear. Babies quickly get used to burying the nose, if the procedure does not deliver unpleasant sensations. The mechanism of action of the drop can be divided into:

  • moisturizing and cleansing - well wash the nasal passages, promote the excretion of mucus and microorganisms (Aquamaris or Aqualor);
  • narrowing vessels of the nose - with narrowing of the vessels there is a local outflow of blood, removal of edema and recovery of free breathing (Nazol, Ximelin, Tizin, Sanorin, Adrianol);
  • stimulating local and general immunity (they are part of Interferon);
  • antiallergic - are used if the runny nose depends on contact with the allergen (Zirtek and Nazonex apply from the age of two, Allergodil is recommended to children from the age of four);
  • anti-inflammatory, based on herbal remedies, oils and minerals (Protargol, Collargol, Pinosol).

What drops need to be applied?

To apply children's drops from a cold should be as prescribed by a doctor. Grudnikov should be treated mainly folk methods. Pharmacy drops are used at the age of more than a year.

Any runny nose begins to be treated with cleansing drops. If they are applied at the very beginning of the disease, then probably other means will not be needed. And for babies up to three months, the best drops are mother's milk.

Vasoconstrictors can not be used for more than five days. They cause dryness of the nasal mucosa, therefore they are prescribed together with moistening drops. It is noted that the body becomes more used for longer periods of time. Given the side effect, this type of medication is avoided. If the baby has absolutely no nasal breathing, then it is necessary to use vasoconstrictive agents only for the night.

Of the anti-inflammatory agents, it is best to use ready-made plant drops with silver ions (Protargol, Collargol) or from phytoncides of needles and eucalyptus (Pinosol).

Drops that restore protection from infection (Derinat, Grippferon), can be used for both treatment and prevention colds and runny nose, when a child came with a walk with wet feet or in a kindergarten group, respiratory disease.

There are droplets of anti-inflammatory action with antibiotics. They are prescribed strictly according to the indications: with a complicated rhinitis in the child, when there is no doubt in joining the purulent infection, inflammation of the maxillary sinuses or other sinusitis.

From folk remedies preference is given to decoction of beets, aloe or Kalanchoe juice, bred in half with water or milk. Older children can instill diluted onion juice.

How to conduct a procedure for instillation of the nose?

First it is necessary to wash the nose with moisturizers, the baby sucking the mucus from the nasal passages with a thin rubber pear. Ask your older child to blow your nose well. To put the kid in bed, raise the head end slightly, do not need to tilt back. When digging in, the head should be turned in the opposite direction. After a few minutes, put the baby in and squeeze the wings of his nose lightly.

If the baby experiences unpleasant sensations, cries, check the concentration of drops. Consult with your doctor and try to choose a softer treatment.

How to choose a drop from the cold for children?

Drops in the nose for children are a necessary preparation in the first-aid kit of any parents.This is the most popular medicine for young patients. The choice of drops should be approached responsibly, since only special and effective medicines are required for babies.

Types of children's drops

Medications for young and middle-aged children are most often produced in drops or in some other liquid form, as preparations of other types are difficult for them to take. It is extremely important to choose the right nasal drops for children. Droplets in the nose for children are produced by different manufacturers, and they use various active substances in their products. The reasons for nasal congestion in a child can be both allergic and cold, and sometimes even viral, so the best drops are those that were developed to treat a particular problem.

In addition, not all substances contained in plants that have the glory of fighters with diseases are allowed for treatment. Drugs developed by doctors are much safer and more effective. For example, an excellent antiseptic effect is provided by preparations based on silver.

Children's drops from the common cold should be chosen together with the attending physician - with a pediatrician or with a lor.

The main types of drops from the common cold for children:

  • moisturizing;
  • vasoconstrictive;
  • anti-inflammatory / antibacterial;
  • immunomodulating;
  • drops with antibiotics / antiseptic;
  • antiallergic.

Often, parents tend to treat the child with folk remedies and prepare funds from the cold themselves - for example, make onion drops, use the juice of aloe, calanchoe and other plants. This practice can give a bad result, since it is not known how the fragile children's organism will react to such means.

Drops from the cold for the smallest

Newborns often suffer from nasal congestion, and young moms are very worried about this. Usually this should not be done - infants often suffer from physiological rhinitis. The mucous membrane of their noses has not yet adapted to life outside of the mother and needs only a moist air and the usual care for the nose of the newborn - cleansing with cotton tarundas, soaked in vaseline oil. It should not be forgotten that the younger the child, the more important it is to monitor the absence of crusts in his nose. If the mucous membranes are very dry, you can dig in the saline solution. A small nasal congestion to the infant does not interfere and sniffing should not alarm the parents. Maximum in six months, this phenomenon passes.

However, if the baby has caught a cold, you need to take a very careful decision about treatment and buy only baby nasal drops created for newborns. Usually doctors in such cases recommend vasoconstrictive drugs of easy action. An allergic rhinitis in newborns is extremely rare.

How to instill drops in the nose of a child

First of all, you should carefully study the instructions to the drug, because even if its name seems familiar, do not neglect the recommendations of manufacturers. Dosage and frequency of use of the drug can not be violated. Also, do not forget about what time of the day to apply the drug - some drugs are used primarily at bedtime. If the doctor has prescribed several types of drops (for example, moisturizing and antiseptic), it is worthwhile to clarify - how long it takes to wait while digging in different medications.

It is strictly forbidden to use self-made devices to introduce fluids into the nose. Some parents take syringes without needles, small enemas, pears or parts of aspirators for this purpose, but it is much better to use a pipette from a bottle of medicine or, if it is damaged, a separately purchased pipette. In no case is it allowed to insert a pipette deep into the nasal cavity - this does not affect in any way the effectiveness of treatment of rhinitis, but can seriously damage the mucous membranes, and sometimes even cartilaginous nasal tissues.

Burst drops are desirable when the baby is lying - so the medicine penetrates deeper than if the child just throws back his head. Children older than 3 years can be asked to breathe in during the burial.

Do not use drops that have expired. The disintegration of substances that are contained in medicines and the formation of new chemical compounds can lead to poisoning of the child to whom such overdue medication was given. In addition, it is not necessary to independently renew the course of the use of medicines. If the drug was ineffective, it is better to find a new tool together with the doctor.

Baby nasal drops from the common cold are an effective way to provide the baby with normal breathing.


However, they should not be used thoughtlessly, because no matter how harmless and useful the medicines are, they can be used only on the recommendation of a specialist.

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