Cramping of the cervical nerve - a common cause of severe pain in the neck

Adults watch with alarm the young generation, which now runs a little and jumps, moves little. They all the time sitting bent over, watching something and doing in their phones, tablets, consoles.

But the concern of adults is not groundless.

Constantly bent neck can lead to the development of certain diseases, which are not only accompanied by pain, but can also have consequences in the form of diseases.

The organism necessarily signals that a particular problem is brewing. Most often, as signals he uses pain, which should not be left without attention.


  • 1Common causes of pain in the neck
  • 2Possible reasons
  • 3How to treat cramping of the cervical vertebra?
  • 4What can lead to improper treatment of cramping of the cervical nerve?

Common causes of pain in the neck

For example, a symptom - the neck is very sore. Pain in this area can occur for various reasons.

The most common ones are:

  • fatigue of the muscles of the neck due to a prolonged stay of the neck in a bent state, in a monotonous pose:
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  • presence of such diseases as osteoarthritis and osteochondrosis;
  • presence of an intervertebral hernia;
  • cramping of the cervical nerve vertebrae;
  • consequences of injuries.
All listed problems can be diagnosed and independently, because the pain in each of the cases is different.

They can be stupid, sharp, tolerant and unbearable, long and short-lived, arising on their own or after any kind of stress.

Let's talk about how the pinching of the cervical nerve manifests itself and how to help yourself or a loved one in this case.

Cramping of the cervical nerve and its symptoms

Diagnosis of pinching can be determined by the presence of the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of severe pain in the neck, or rather, when it hurts on the left side, after an uncomfortable posture while lying or prolonged work with a bent neck;
  • There is a numbness in the hands down to the middle fingers;
  • when pinched, any, even the slightest movement, can cause severe pain.
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The cervical spine consists of 8 vertebrae. In any of the vertebrae, the nerve can become entangled. The organism will signal this problem with pain in the shoulder. In addition to pain and numbness, tingling in the neck, back, and hands may appear.

When the nerve is pinched in the C6 vertebra, the pain extends to the entire arm, grasping the thumb. It is possible to feel numbness in the wrist joint.

When the nerve in the cervical vertebrae C5 is jammed, then, in addition to all the above symptoms, muscle weakness may also occur.

When the nerve in the cervical vertebrae of C7 is jammed, then not only does the neck and shoulder ache. Pain covers the entire arm, capturing the large, index and middle fingers. There is a numbness in the arm and hand, which is accompanied by tingling. There may come a complete numbness of the hand, a lack of muscle tension.

Cramping of the cervical nerve can lead to numbness of the hand

Cervical vertebra C8 is responsible for the fine motor skills of the hand. Therefore, when the nerve is jammed in it, a violation of this function occurs. Fingers may lose sensitivity. The slightest movement of the fingers and attempts to perform elementary operations are accompanied by severe pain in the hand and brush. There are also pain in the neck, turning into the occipital region and back area.

When there are pains in the cervical region, they are often written off for lack of movement, fatigue of muscles and do not give the problem attention. This is a mistake - with severe pain you need to go to the doctor.

Possible reasons

Most often this phenomenon occurs due to:

  • trauma to the vertebrae or the presence of an intervertebral hernia;
  • development of diseases such as osteochondrosis or osteoarthrosis;
  • spasm of muscles due to fatigue and uncomfortable position during work and at rest.

How to treat cramping of the cervical vertebra?

Only qualified specialists can prescribe the treatment. Incorrect diagnosis and, accordingly, incorrect treatment, can lead to worsening of the condition and loss of full sensitivity of the hand.

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After analyzing the cause of the origin of neck pain, the doctor will prescribe an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory medication to alleviate the condition of the patient. The most harmless is considered ibuprofen.

To avoid allergic manifestations, addiction and side effects used to treat the drug should be prescribed by a specialist. Treatment should be accompanied by medical supervision.

Some drugs aimed at relaxing muscle spasms, muscle relaxants with metokarbamol, can cause increased drowsiness. Do not use them in the morning, especially if you have to get behind the wheel or be a participant in any serious activities.

On the sick area you can put a warm water heater for 15 minutes. If there is edema in the area of ​​pinching, then a warm water bottle is contraindicated. On the contrary, it is recommended to put cold to reduce the flow of tissues.

If anesthetic and anti-inflammatory therapy does not give the expected effect, or if an individual needs to be urgently put on his feet, corticosteroids can be prescribed. This is an extreme method, when nothing else helps, because these drugs have many side effects.

Strengthen the effect of treatment will help exercise physiotherapy exercises and visits to the physiotherapy room. Exercises to work with the muscles can and should be done regularly even when nothing hurts. They will protect the spine and its departments from possible problems.

Improve blood circulation and work of muscle tissue occurs after a course of therapeutic massage of the neck and back. The influx of blood to the tissues of the muscles provides them with oxygen and useful substances, and the physical effect in the form massage movements will relieve muscle spasms and reduce their pressure on the vertebrae, and accordingly on the restrained nerves.

Treatment can be accompanied by ultrasound therapy (UHF).

Additional accompanying methods of treatment:

  • magnetotherapy;
  • paraffin applications;
  • electrophoresis;
  • manual therapy.

These methods can be used as a preventive measure, combining rest and treatment in a dispensary.

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Surgical treatment of pinching the nerve of the cervical vertebra is a cardinal measure when all of the above methods are not effective.

The operation has a share of injuries and requires a long recovery period (-2 months). But in a critical situation, this is the fastest and most effective, and sometimes the only way to help a person.

What can lead to improper treatment of cramping of the cervical nerve?

The cervical spine is a kind of boundary between the human body and the head. Violation of his work can lead to complete immobilization. It is enough to stop the transmission of impulses, which sends the brain to different departments and organs of the human body, and the person turns into a plant.

Therefore, it is worth paying attention to everything that happens with the neck, and in time to consult a doctor in case of discomfort.