Ambrohexal at what cough to take


Ambroghexal instructions

Ambroghexal is a medicinal product with mucolytic, secretory and expectorant action, and active drug is ambroxol. The mechanism of action of this drug is associated with a decrease in the viscosity of phlegm resulting from the depolymerization of mucopolysaccharides of sputum, which consists in rupturing disulfide bonds in molecules, enhancing the release of active hydrolyzing enzymes from cells Clark. Ambrohexal also increases the activity of the cilia of the bronchial epithelium, and normalizes the ratio of all sputum components and, in connection with this, stimulates its mucociliary transport. This facilitates the expectoration of sputum from the respiratory tract, and also stimulates the secretion and blockage of the breakdown of the surfactant.

Ambrohexal is rapidly absorbed from the digestive tract, having a high absorption capacity, and its optimal concentration in plasma is achieved in for two hours after taking the drug: tablets, syrup, capsules with prolonged action and a solution for inhalations. The action of the drug occurs when taken in the form of syrup or tablets - after 30 minutes and depends on the rate of absorption of the drug in the stomach and intestines. The metabolism of this drug occurs in the liver, where it is converted to dobranthanthranic acid and glucuron conjugates, and is excreted from the body by the kidneys.

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Ambrohexal application

Indications for the use of Ambrohexal are: acute, obstructive bronchitis, pneumoconiosis, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis and cystic fibrosis of the lungs, bronchiectasis, acute pneumonia, pleurisy, emphysema, acute, chronic and chronic sinusitis, chronic rhinitis. And also he is appointed with congenital pathology of the respiratory tract and a complicated course of infectious diseases (whooping cough, scarlet fever, parotitis, chicken pox, measles and rubella).

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications to the use of Ambrohexal is hypersensitivity to the active active ingredient (ambroxol hydrochloride) or excipients included in the drug dosage form and pregnancy, especially in early terms.

Side effects of Ambrohexal are local allergic skin reactions in the form of angioedema, hives and contact dermatitis, and with prolonged uncontrolled use of the drug may cause nausea, gastralgia, vomiting or heartburn.

Mode of application

This medication has release forms: syrup for children and adults (3 mg in one milliliter and 6 milligrams in one milliliter) for 100 and 250 milliliters in a vial, tablets of 30 milligrams, and retard capsules (prolonged action), 5 grams of ambroxol hydrochloride. And also a solution for inhalation and ingestion, which has a milligram of ambroxol hydrochloride in one milliliter and is produced by Salutas Pharma.


Contraindications to the use of Ambrohexal is hypersensitivity to ambroxol or components that make up this drug and during pregnancy.

Ambrohexal in pregnancy

Admission Ambroheksala during pregnancy is contraindicated in pregnancy, because there is always the risk of adverse effects on the developing fetus. However, due to the fact that ambroxol is a stimulator of lung development in the perinatal period, by increasing the synthesis of surfactant and blocking its disintegration, it is prescribed to pregnant women with suspected fetal hypotrophy to stimulate the maturation of the lungs, as well as the threat of premature childbirth.

Ambrohexal for inhalations

The solution for inhalation contains, milligram of active substance in one milliliter.

Inhalation solution Ambrohexal, adults and children from the age of five applies:

From 5 to 12 years old

With 12 years and older,

Adolescents and adults

40 drops (2 ml) of the solution

(15 mg of ambroxol)

one to two times a day

40-60 drops (2-3 ml)

(15-2, mg of ambroxol)

one to two times a day

The duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician, but should not exceed five days.

Inhalation Ambrohexal solution can be used in any inhalation device except for steam inhalers. The drug mixes with physiological solution (in equal proportions) and is heated to 36 - 37 C. Inhalations are carried out without deep breaths, so as not to provoke a cough, in the mode of normal breathing.

Ambrohexal syrup

In the syrup is active active substance - ambroxol hydrochloride, as well as a number of components that serve to give a pleasant taste, aroma and create consistency. The syrup has a thick consistency, a pleasant berry taste and a slightly yellowish solution, which is realized in glass bottles of 100 and 250 milliliters of dark amber glass. It has two concentrations - 3 milligrams of ambroxol hydrochloride in one milliliter of syrup and 6 milligrams of active substance in one milliliter of syrup.
Ambrohexal Syrup for 3mg / ml is used in children over the age of twelve and adults - first two scoops are prescribed two to three times a day for the first two days, and then two spoons twice a day.

In pediatric practice, Ambroghexal is prescribed for children up to two years - ½ teaspoon twice a day, for children from two to five years - ½ teaspoon three times a day, five to twelve years - one measuring spoon two to three times a day day.

Ambrohexal tablets

Ambrohexal in tablet form has the form of white, round, flat tablets with a notch on one side containing 30 milligrams of ambroxol hydrochloride. They are prescribed in adulthood, adolescents and children over the age of twelve inside, after eating one tablet three times a day, but if necessary, the dose can be increased to two tablets twice a day day. In childhood, over six years of age, Ambroghexal is used for ½ tablets two to three times a day.

Ambroghexal price

Any form of Ambroghexal is freely sold in the city's pharmacy network and is a non-prescription drug. The cost of Ambrohexal in a syrup of 3 mg / ml in a 100 ml vial is from 160-165 rubles, Ambrohexal tablets - 85 - 87 rubles, retard capsules - 139 - 145 rubles.

Ambroghexal reviews

Ambrohexal is a medicinal product, which is a unique development of the pharmacological company Salutas Pharma, and is currently considered very effective drug, which is used in the medical practice of pediatricians and therapists, as a drug for cough treatment in children and adults, and also in otolaryngology as one of the components of complex therapy of sinusitis and chronic rhinitis for liquefaction of a viscous secretion in the sinuses nose.

Ambrohexal belongs to the secretolitic, secretory and expectorant antitussive drugs, it has excellent efficacy and liquefies a viscous mucous secret that accumulates in the lumen of the bronchi, trachea and alveoli, as well as thick mucus of the nasopharynx and perianosal sinuses. This therapeutic effect is due to a change in the structure of the mucous or mucopurulent secretion. The main feature of Ambrohexal is its ability to dilute sputum without increasing it quantity and complete absence of negative reactions in contrast to many other expectorant drugs preparations.

It is widely used to treat cough caused by inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract - bronchitis, pneumonia and laryngotracheitis of infectious and inflammatory genesis, accompanied by a pronounced wet cough.

"Ambrohexal instructions for use, reviews

Coughing is a natural protective effect of the body on any irritation. With it, the bronchi are cleansed of mucus, and the disease passes faster. When a cough is formed, it means that the ailment develops with complications. Today we will consider the effective mucolytic agent "Ambroghexal the instruction for its application is always in the package to the drug. Also we find out at what diseases the doctor is prescribed this medication, the forms of its release, contraindications, data on the use in relation to children and adults, reviews about it.


The main component of this agent is ambroxol hydrochloride. And the auxiliary substances in the tablets "Ambroghexal" are:

- Benzoic acid, citric acid;

- sodium hydroxide;

- sodium metabisulfite;

- glycerol;

- sodium cyclamate;

- purified water.

And additional elements in the syrup, except those described above, are: sorbitol solution, polyvidone, raspberry essence.

Form of issue

The drug is produced in three types, and this is:

- pills;

- syrup;

- solution used for inhalation.

Effects on the body

The drug "Ambrohexal the instruction for use of which says that the main substance of the drug is ambroxol, makes mucus less viscous, while it cleaves polysaccharides. Also, this medicine increases the motor dynamics of the cilia of the epithelium, which covers the airways, and at the same time the expectoration in humans is greatly facilitated. This drug lasts from 6 to 12 hours, it all depends on the dose of tablets, syrup or solution. The drug is excreted by the kidneys, and it is processed in the liver.


Syrup or Ambrohexal tablets, the instruction for which says that the medicine is prescribed for acute and prolonged respiratory illnesses, is prescribed by the doctor with such diagnoses:

1. Pneumonia.

2. Bronchitis (both acute and chronic).

3. Bronchial asthma.

4. To improve the liquefaction of mucus in inflammation of the nasopharynx.

5. To activate prenatal lung formation, to treat and prevent respiratory failure in premature and newborn babies.


The drug "Ambroghexal the instruction of which describes not only the features of taking the drug, but contraindications, can not be taken in such cases:

  1. Subjective sensitivity to the components of the drug.
  2. During the first three months of pregnancy.
  3. Ambrohexal tablets should not be taken to children under 6 years of age.
  4. Capsules are forbidden to give children up to 12 years.

With special care, as well as under the supervision of the attending physician, this medication is prescribed for:

- diseases of the digestive system;

- renal and hepatic insufficiency.

Side effects

The drug "Ambrohexal the instruction of which is always understandable and exhaustive, has a number of unplanned negative manifestations, expressed by such symptoms:

- Allergic reactions, namely: urticaria, skin rash, anaphylactic shock.

- Exhaustion, headache, diarrhea, dry mouth, constipation - these negative symptoms are rare.

- With long-term use in huge doses, nausea, vomiting, cramping pains in the stomach can be observed.

There are some extraneous effects from the Ambrohexal solution. The instruction says that the preservative, which is part of the fluid used for inhalations, can be a threat to asthma patients. In such people, the reactions can be as follows: vomiting, diarrhea, shock, loss of consciousness, bouts of illness. These phenomena can cause serious harm to the body and even lead to the fact that the patient simply dies.


If the permissible dose of the medicine is exceeded, such phenomena as:

- lowering blood pressure;

- vomiting;

- increased salivation.

In this case, the treatment is as follows: feigned vomiting, gastric cleansing immediately after uncontrolled intake of tablets or syrup, use of fat-containing foods.

Inhalation of medication

The drug "Ambroghexal the instruction on the use of inhalation with which will be described below, is given to both adults and children in the form of a solution.

Doctors recommend the inhalation of this medication no more than 2 times a day for 40-50 drops for children over 5 years old, as well as for the older population. And for children under 5 years, therapeutic inhalations 1-2 times a day for 40 drops are prescribed.

For this method of therapy, you need to use a special device called a nebulizer. Now we will find out in detail how to properly make inhalation solution "Ambroghexal

  1. The medicinal liquid must be diluted with physiological solution (it costs no more than 20 rubles, its composition: sodium hydrochloride) in the nebulizer capacity (ratio: - for adults - for children).
  2. Before inhalation, it is necessary to wipe the device and its parts with hydrogen peroxide with a detergent, then rinse under a stream of warm water so that all particles of substances leave the unit, wipe dry with a soft cloth.
  3. Inhalation should be carried out a quarter of an hour after eating. And at the end of the procedure, it is not recommended to eat for 1 hour.
  4. During the inhalation, the solution should be breathed in the usual way, exactly, there is no need to often grab the air with your mouth.
  5. Before this exercise, mucolytic agents should not be taken, since a sudden cough reflex may appear during inhalation through the nebulizer.
  6. The duration of the procedure should not be more than 20 minutes, but the exact time should indicate the doctor. Children during this time can make small pauses for 1-2 minutes, and then again continue to breathe in pairs of the drug.

Important recommendations for inhalation

Before inhaling the Ambrohexal solution for children, the instruction of which is sufficiently detailed and understandable, it is necessary to make sure that the cause of the cough is not an allergy, namely viruses or bacteria.

Inhalations with this drug during colds are quite effective, as the vapors of the substance interact with the site of inflammation and the location of pathogens.

Such an exercise helps to warm up the bronchi, and this creates a critical environment for bacteria and viruses, and in this case they are doomed to death from two sides. In the first case, heat treatment takes place, and in the second pair the substances affect the tissues and help the phlegm to withdraw, and the probability of further spread of harmful microorganisms decreases.

At the time of inhalation, it is necessary to observe the temperature of the solution - it should not burn the pharynx and bronchi, however, it can not be used cold.

It is also important to organize this procedure at a time so that there is no need to go out and breathe the cold air. And the optimal temperature of the solution is 3 degrees.

The ideal form for children

For babies doctors are prescribed a liquid "Ambrohexal" - syrup. Instructions for use in this case is as follows:

- Karapuzam to 2 years are advised to give on, mg twice a day.

- For babies from 2 to 5 years of age is also prescribed, mg, but three times a day.

- Children from 5 to 12 years should drink 15 mg 2-3 times a day.

- Persons over 12 years of age are given 30 mg in the first 3 days three times a day; further - 2 times a day for 30 mg or 3 times 15 mg.

Before using the medication, it is very important that there is an instruction for use in the medicine box. "Ambrohexal" (syrup) should be drunk after eating. And during treatment with this medication it is important to consume a lot of liquid (warm water, tea, juices), since the mucolytic effect of the drug increases so much.

The total time of therapy depends on the severity of the illness and is determined by the treating pediatrician. Without a doctor's recommendation, you should not take this remedy for more than 5 days.

A suitable form for adults

The best remedy for such dangerous diseases as pneumonia and bronchitis is the drug Ambroghexal. Tablets, instructions for use which will be described below, are assigned to adults, as well as children over 12 years of age. It is recommended to use pills in the following amounts:

- In the first 2-3 days of the disease you need to swallow 1 tablet of "Ambrohexal" three times a day.

- In the following days it is necessary to drink 1 tablet twice a day.

- Children after 12 years can be given half the pill 2-3 times a day.

Tablets should be swallowed after eating, and then washed down with plenty of liquid. Also, we must not forget that during the treatment you need to drink a lot of juice, water, tea.

The duration of therapy is determined only by the attending physician, it is forbidden to drink tablets for more than 5 days alone.

Storage Rules

The drug in the form of tablets should be stored out of reach of children at a temperature of not more than 25 degrees. Shelf life from the production date is 5 years.

Syrup "Ambroghexal" for children, the instruction of which is always in the medicine box, should be stored in Packaging is also away from babies, protect from light, and the optimum storage temperature is the same as for pills. The shelf life of the drug in this form of release is 3 years.

The drug in the form of a solution for inhalations is also important to keep away from the child under the same conditions as the syrup. And the shelf life of the drug in this form of release is 4 years.

Opinions of people

So we examined such basic questions about this medicine: indications, release forms, side effects of the drug Ambrohexal, instructions for use. Reviews about it are positive, many people note such positive moments as:

- Low cost of the drug.

- Syrup for children is very pleasant, the children drink it better than other similar products.

- The liquid is consumed economically.

- The effect is visible after the first days of reception.

- Many patients are happy with the diversified form of release for both children and adults. Producers were concerned about all categories of the population: for older people, Ambrohexal tablets are manufactured, for syrups and a solution for inhalation.

However, there are also negative reviews, which are expressed in the following:

  1. Many mothers are concerned about the fact that this drug is of an inexcusable, chemical origin.
  2. Some people note such a negative point that when treating bronchitis, pneumonia, this means you need to drink a lot of liquid in parallel. But in reality this is not a negative side of Ambroghexal. With any disease associated with poor sputum, it is very important and you need to consume a lot of fluid in order to quickly remove unnecessary excreta from the body.
  3. There are moms who complain about the appearance of an allergic reaction to syrup for children. In this case, doctors can prescribe pills, naturally, with a decrease in dosage. Therefore, before giving the baby this remedy, it is important to make sure that the package contains instructions for use. "Ambrohexal" (syrup) can cause unwanted reactions in the child's body, so this fact should not be overlooked.
  4. Some patients report deterioration of well-being. There are patients who, after therapy with the drug Ambroghexal, write about the improvement in an insignificant period, and then a few days later the ailment returned to them, bringing with them new symptoms. And this suggests that this medicine is not suitable for all people, so before you go to the pharmacy for him, you should visit a doctor, be examined, and only after the pediatrician or the therapist gives the go-ahead for treatment with this remedy, you can to acquire.

Price of medicine

The cost of one bottle of syrup for children of 100 ml is 100-150 rubles.

The price of one package of tablets, the number of which is 20 pieces, is from 80 to 120 rubles.

And for a solution with a volume of 50 ml, you need to pay from 150 to 200 rubles per bottle.

Now it is clear what the Ambrogexal medication is for, the instructions, reviews about it, and the procedure for using the drug - all this is described in the article. This medication is available in various forms: in the form of syrup, tablets, and also a solution for inhalation. This drug has both positive and negative sides, but you do not need to put a cross on it, or, conversely, take it in unlimited quantities. It is necessary to go first to an examination and a consultation with a doctor, so that he can make an accurate diagnosis, and then, according to his instructions, go to the pharmacy for the drug Ambroghexal.

The child just a very strong cough 3 day just at night begins to cough heavily I give ambrogexal



Do you have doctors in your village?


Try to give syrup awning, arbidol (suddenly a virus), some candy (strepsils, neoangin, etc.)


At me the daughter too was ill: (today for the night has given 1/2 tablets libeksina though she sleeps easy, will sleep, and to me will allow to have a sleep ...


If a coughing barking then this laryngotracheitis it at night exacerbates

Elena Avdeeva

At night, Ambrohexal is not given. Not less than 4 hours before bedtime. T. He intensifies the cough to get phlegm, and the child is in the horizontal position of the macro goes bad - coughing with the walls. at night you need to give a synecote at the age of dosage, and in the morning and hours at 15 ambrohexal.

Yuri Strelkovsky

If the cough is dry, e. sputum does not clear, then ambrohexal only aggravates the situation, further narrowing the lumen of the bronchi. And if a wet cough, then Ambrohexal sputum, but giving it at night, you can flood the lungs with mucus

Yuri Solntsev

I realized that I had recovered from coughing... The child breathes with his mouth rather at night... mucous dry here is the effect... go to the bath you type only hot water in the water and a little more with the steam.. and make you breathe with your mouth... this is the only quick way to stop the cough... and watch the nose so that the child breathes them and not the mouth ..

Maria Zinchenko

You must call the doctor, let the baby's lungs listen. As for cough medicines, it is important for the beginning to know what kind of cough is dry or wet, and already starting from this and give medicines, if the cough syrup is not properly selected, then you just aggravate the situation with cough. Therefore, I would advise you to remove the syrup and not to aggravate the cough, let the doctor prescribe the treatment. While you can do inhalation with saline, be sure to moisten the air, with dry air, cough only worsen, so moisten necessarily. I rub it for another night with Tiger balm, essential oils soothe cough. In addition, when coughing, let's drink more often, you can brew chamomile or a dog-rose, and drink they, instead of sugar, you can and should add honey, if there are no allergic reactions to foods beekeeping. In any case, you can now only lighten the cough a little, and not necessarily with the help of cough syrup. But the syrup itself and the cough treatment, you will be appointed by a doctor.

Pediatrician prescribed a cough for a child (7 months) Ambroghexal? Is it possible to apply it at this age?


Irina Kobzar

this drug is used for acute diseases and even for younger children.. but the dosage was not correctly prescribed. it is really necessary for 1 ml (or 20 drops) 2 times a day. otherwise the baby will be choking with phlegm.
you are well done. that they read the instruction and asked a question. unfortunately the doctor could be mistaken ...

alena shatter

the doctor was mistaken ((


as written in the instructions and do. we in Sydney appoint Ambroxol in the form of tablets, too, and children, but the truth in extreme cases.. .
p.s. Ambroxol is the same as Ambrohexal.

and p. from. ) I am surprised at your doctors in Russia how they are bribed well, you have medicines and their analogs with a different name but 2 times more expensive, and doctors prescribe an analogue that is 2 times more expensive... Apparently what is the benefit to them from this ...

Tatyana K.

If a very strong cough with the formation of sputum, it can, very well helps. But this is a strong drug. If a doctor has appointed you, then it's worth it.

golod oksana

so what. and the dosage of the doctor vaam prescribed not much. and if it's great, surely to save you from a cough. t. To. At grudnichkov a pneumonia can develop for a day. Do not deviate from the prescription of the doctor if you trust him.

Victor Malunov

Buy Eucumbal-Balm.
Proven and effective even in the treatment of bronchitis in a son at 9 months of age.
Now my son is 10 months old, my daughter is 6 years old.
Balm is universal - rubbing the chest and backs at the same time, when bathing in the bathroom and inhalation is possible.

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