When to cough

Cough syrup Prospan - an inexpensive and effective drug

In the arsenal of the first aid kit there are many drugs for all occasions. One of the most indispensable in the treatment of various types of cough is a special syrup "Prospan". The maximum natural ingredients and good efficacy long ago gained popularity among similar drugs. "Propane" is often recommended by pediatricians for the treatment of children of the first year of life, because he has no contraindications for age. More information about its medicinal properties, application and cost can be found from the information of our article.


Natural components of "Prospan" have a good mukaltic effect, help to thin the sputum and remove it naturally. Syrup can be taken with a dry and wet cough, children with birth and pregnant women, as well as during lactation. Here you can see what other cough syrups are for infants. By reference, you can see which syrups are taken from cough during pregnancy.

On the photo - cough syrup Prospan:

Composition of syrup:

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  • Extract of ivy leaves, dry equivalent of 7 mg per 1 ml of syrup.
  • Purified water.
  • Potassium sorbate.
  • Lemon acid.
  • Sorbitol solution 70% (sugar substitute).
  • The resin is xanthan.

In addition, the drug has an antimicrobial and antispasmodic effect. Although the syrup is sold without a prescription, it must be agreed with the attending physician. Usually taken in accordance with the instructions, focusing on the patient's age.

How much does the temperature of tonsillitis in children?

Reviews about bioparox with angina: http://prolor.ru/g/lechenie/bioparoks-pri-angine.html.

It describes the treatment of acute laryngitis in children.

Mode of application

  • From birth to a year ml twice a day.
  • From 1 to 5 years ml three times a day.
  • From 5 to 10 years - three times a day for 5 ml.
  • Children from 10 years and adults: 5, ml three times a day.

The indication for the use of the syrup "Prospan" is a complex therapy in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract and lungs. There are practically no contraindications to the drug, with the exception of individual intolerance to the components of the drug and allergic reactions to fructose.

Among the side effects, a temporary laxative effect and the aforementioned individual allergic reactions were noted. Due to the fact that the drug does not contain sugar, it is possible to use in diabetes. In the case of a triple excess of the recommended dose, symptomatic manifestations are observed: vomiting, diarrhea, which occur after the cause is eliminated.

Application features

  • Reception before meals. Maximum absorption of active ingredients occurs on an empty stomach.
  • To children, the syrup is diluted with a small amount of warm boiled water until the year.
  • Before use, the vial is shaken a little.The preparation contains natural substances, which can give a slight turbidity and sediment.
  • The drug is stopped after two to three days after the disappearance of cough symptoms. If you cancel the medicine earlier, the disease can again progress.
  • The course of taking the drug - no more than a week. If at the end of this period there are no improvements, a second examination is needed to find out the possible causes of the symptoms.
  • Keep in a cool place for no more than a month when open.
  • Shelf life of the drug is 3 years.


For the price category, the product is in the middle category. How much is the drug? Relatively high cost in comparison with chemical mukaltichnymi drugs is largely due to the content of natural substances. In pharmacies, the syrup "Prospan" can be purchased approximately in the range from $, up to $. For one course of admission for an adult, two bottles may be needed.

Form of issue

"Prospan" is produced not only in the form of syrup, although it is this consistency that is most convenient in the treatment of children. There is:

  • "Spent" effervescent tablets (the patient's age is from 4 years), and also
  • ready-made solution in sticks recommended for children over 12 years and adults.

Relatively recently, the preparation "Prospan" appeared drops that can be used for inhalations and inwards for better effect in cough treatment in complex therapy.

A good expectorant for treating cough - syrup "Prospan" has already won a consistently positive reputation in the complex therapy of bronchitis and pneumonia.The medicine enjoys the confidence of pediatricians and parents, and most importantly - it really effectively cures cough, both dry and wet.A good analogue of chemicals, and thanks to its natural composition can be used from birth and not prohibited during pregnancy and lactation. Here you can read from which cough syrup helps Dr. Mom. Here it is described, at what cough to take StoDal syrup. Read also how to stop a strong cough in a child at night. Here you will find recipes for the treatment of laryngitis in children by a nebulizer.


  • Natalia, 53 years old:"Prospan bought a granddaughter with bronchitis. Folk remedies no longer helped and we were sent to the hospital. It's good that the doctor took responsibility, left us at home under his control. We took propanum together with antibiotics, it helped better than the previous remedies. The cough was gone almost a week later, we treated the residual effects ourselves. "
  • Nikolay, 43 years old: "We bought a daughter for the treatment of a severe cough, and even diagnosed bronchitis. The treatment was complicated by pregnancy, which she was already quite difficult to tolerate. Most drugs are contraindicated, but home methods have not worked. Thanks to "Prospan" bronchitis still did not prove to be true, but the cough was gone. "
  • Anna, 24 years old:"The first teeth of the child were cut according to all the rules of the" horror film high fever, runny nose, restless nights and just a nightmarish cough. Our district pediatrician advised the hospital, but we refused for a number of reasons and decided on home treatment. High temperature was brought down only by paracetamol suppositories, then the gum was smeared with a special anesthetic gel (I do not remember the name, we bought three of them until we found the optimal one), well, we helped with the cough "Prospan". We removed the symptoms relatively quickly, but the tooth waited another three days. I myself made a reminder, which means can be used further. Better, of course, that it does not come in handy, but just in case the emergency reserve has already been collected. "
  • Vladislav, 35 years old: "As an experienced mother of three children, I often go to a drugstore and almost became a pharmacist myself. With the eldest daughter we had to get up to the hospitals and try many medications, so I brought up the twins more consciously. Early hardening and walks in any weather helped to strengthen immunity, but, unfortunately, nobody is insured against troubles, that's why with sons we were also sick, although not so often. It was pleasantly surprised the appearance of a new, in comparison with the childhood of the eldest daughter, the preparation "Prospan". He perfectly helped us to cure bronchitis at the age of five months without antibiotics, and in two years to transfer pneumonia (yes, in the hospital, but with minimal losses). The absence of "strawberry, orange or raspberry" taste and aroma pleased, like the natural composition. Our pediatrician also said that "Prospan" is not addictive, so we only buy it. A good substitute for synthetic substances, and the cost is adequate. "
  • Katya, 28 years old:"During pregnancy, only" Prospan "was taken, a painful cough took place literally in a week, despite the fact that the term was already pretty, and even wanted to be put on hold. A wonderful remedy, pleases a small list of contraindications and the possibility of taking children to a year old. "


What kind of cough does "Prospan" help

"Propane" is a mucolytic agent that is used to treat certain diseases of inflammatory origin. The composition of the drug is based on plant components that have antitussive effects and determine the effectiveness of the drug.


The drug is prescribed for the therapy of acute and chronic bronchitis caused by inflammatory processes of various etiologies. Diseases are usually accompanied by a chest cough with profuse sputum. The medicine allows to improve the removal of mucus, reducing its viscosity and increasing its excretion from the respiratory tract.

Syndrome of bronchial obstruction

Bronchial obstruction causes worsening of the mucus forming in the bronchi. The disease can be caused by an attack of bronchial asthma or when a foreign object enters the lungs. A wet cough is accompanied by the release of phlegm with pus. Depending on the origin of the disease, "Prospan" can be used as part of complex therapy with other prescribed medications. The drug helps reduce spasms in the bronchi, which helps to restore full respiratory function.

Bronchial asthma

The disease is characterized by a dry cough with a small amount of sputum secreted. Bronchial asthma can occur as a result of infection. "Prospan" helps to improve sputum discharge, which will positively affect the treatment of the disease. The agent is effective in the treatment of this disease, due to the spasmolytic The effect that contributes to the subsequent decrease in the amount of cough and getting rid of the symptoms disease.


The drug can be prescribed for other infectious diseases of the lung accompanied by the above symptoms. The dosage of the medicine is determined by the attending physician. The average course of therapy is 7-12 days. Treatment should continue even after the symptoms have disappeared.

The drug should be applied on a single tablet, dissolving it in 1 glass of water. For use, both cold and hot water are suitable. A hot drink enhances the antispasmodic effect of the drug. Reception of the drug is carried out one tablet 3 times a day for children from 4 to 12 years. Children and adults from 12 years are prescribed 1 tablet 2 times a day.

In the form of syrup, the medication is used on 5 ml 3 times a day. For children from 6 to 14 years, it is enough to take 5 ml of the drug 3 times a day. Children under 6 years of age should usually be prescribed, ml syrup 3 times a day. Before using the medication, you should consult your doctor so that he can prescribe the most optimal dosage and additional drugs aimed at stopping the symptoms of a possible infectious defeat.


"Prospan" for the child: reviews, prices, instruction

With the advent of cold weather, many moms begin to worry, because it is in autumn and winter that children are sick most often. And then the parents take the head and immediately run to the pharmacy for another expectorant. And when they go there, they are lost and do not know what to buy for their baby, who coughs hard. However, you should not take the most expensive drug in a hurry, which, unfortunately, may not help. It is important to remember the excellent tool called "Prospan". For a child, this is just a wonderful medicine that will help you overcome a cold in a short time. Today we will find out why this drug is so popular among the population, as people far from medicine, and pediatricians refer to it, and also we learn in what doses should be given to its small inhabitants of ours planet.

Form of issue

Proscan is being prepared for a child, as well as for adult family members. In pharmacies, you can find this expectorant in these forms:

- in the form of syrup (in bottles of 100 and 200 ml);

- in the form of drops (in bottles of 20, 50 and 100 ml).


The drug "Prospan" for children, which can be found in this article, contains the following ingredients:

- For drops: dry extract of ivy leaves, anise oil, fennel oil, peppermint, sodium saccharin.

- For syrup: the same extract of ivy leaves, potassium sorbate, anhydrous citric acid, sorbitol solution, xanthen-gum, cherry flavor.

Properties of the medicine

This preparation has such features:

- It perfectly dilutes mucus.

- Helps to promptly withdraw phlegm from the bronchi.

- Improves blood supply to the lungs.

- Restores bronchial function.

- Affects the nervous system, soothing it.

- Helps the child to strengthen immunity.

At what diagnoses to drink?

In what cases is the medicine "Prospan" prescribed? Instruction for use (for children and adults) states that with the following problems with the health of the doctor, this syrup is prescribed:

- Bronchial asthma.

- Bronchitis (in both acute and obstructive forms).

- Laryngitis, tracheitis.

- Other inflammatory ailments of the upper respiratory tract with poorly retreating sputum.


Despite the natural and safe composition, there are still limitations in the treatment of babies with the preparation "Prospan". Syrup for children is contraindicated to those children who have the following health problems:

- Diabetes.

- Craniocerebral injury.

- Severe diseases of the liver and central nervous system.

Unfortunately, the "Prospan" syrup is not suitable for all children. For a child who has intolerance to individual components of the drug, it is not good. Also, the medicine should not be taken in parallel with other medications that suppress cough. Do not inhale this drug to infants until 2 years old, because it can cause them laryngospasm and even an attack of bronchial asthma.

The medicine "Prospan syrup. Instruction for children and parents

Most doctors prescribe this medication in the form of a sweet solution, especially when it comes to babies.

Now we will find out in what quantity the syrup "Prospan" should be given to the children. The instruction for children and their parents says that even crumbs, who are breastfed, can give this medicine. And the dosage of the drug is as follows:

- Babies up to 1 year are prescribed on, ml 2 times a day.

- Children from 1 to 6 years - on, ml 3 times a day.

- Children over 7 years and adults - 5, ml three times a day.

Measurement of the correct amount of medicine is done with a special cup included in the package.

Before using the bottle with the contents must be shaken.

It is best to give a syrup "Prospan" before eating. For a child, the course of treatment is usually 7-10 days. And to fix the therapeutic effect of the doctor is usually recommended after the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease continue to take the syrup for another 3 days.

Dosage of drops

The medicine "Prospan" is used in this form in relation to children over 1 year old. And the dosage of the drug in this case is as follows:

  1. Babies at the age of 1 to 3 years are given 10 drops 3-5 times a day.
  2. Children from 4 to 7 years - 15 drops to 5 times a day.
  3. Children over 7 years of age and adults - 20 drops 3-5 times a day.

Carrying out inhalations

And to inhale the preparation "Prospan" you need to equip yourself with a device for spraying without heating - a nebulizer. For such treatment therapy, the agent described in this article should be diluted with saline in the correct ratio (usually: but for babies the doctor can prescribe another dosage that is, equally). Inhalation should be carried out on average 3 times a day, but you can bring up to 5 times a day.


How much is the medicine "Prospan" (for children) worth? The price of the drug depends on the form in which the medication is prescribed. If in the form of a syrup, then for 1 bottle of 100 ml volume will have to give from 250 to 350 rubles. And the average price of this medicine in drops (the volume of a bottle of 50 ml) is about 180-250 rubles. Despite the fact that the syrup is somewhat more expensive, but it is he who is bought most. And all because he has a smaller age limit than drops.

Parents' opinions

For the most part, approving responses from moms and dads sound about the preparation "Prospan" for children. Reviews of the positive nature of this product is due to the excellent composition, in which there is no place for preservatives, fragrances, dyes. Parents are not accustomed to the naturalness of the medicine. And, of course, mothers will have enough of this medication because of its effectiveness. Children very quickly dry cough turns into a damp, and soon passes.

Also parents thank the manufacturers that they took care of and released the medication in two forms: in the form of drops and syrup. There are children who are reluctant to drink even a sweet medicinal solution. But droplets that need to be diluted with water, can be consumed without problems. And by the way, if you do inhalations with the use of the drug "Prospan then the syrup for this case will not work. Here it will be necessary to drop. Therefore, if manufacturers produced the medicine in the form of a syrup, inhalations would no longer be possible. And so, at the choice of parents and at the discretion of the treating doctor, the drug is bought in the right form.

A syrup is mainly prescribed for small children, babies.

Despite the fact that the medicine has a lot of positive feedback, there are also negative opinions about the preparation "Prospan" for children. Reviews of a negative nature are associated with the occurrence in children of allergic reactions, in some cases - the appearance of diarrhea. However, this is an individual intolerance to the medicine, from this no one is immune. And if the mother did not know before that the child has an allergic reaction to fructose, it is the problems of the parent and her child, but in no case the medication itself. And if the parent knows about the fact that his child has intolerance of the individual components of the drug, it is better not to give syrup or drops to his crumb.

Drug "Prospan" for children: reviews of pediatricians

According to doctors, this medication is universal, because it is suitable for all family members. Doctors praise this remedy for its wide spectrum of action (can be taken orally, and also perform inhalation with it), and Still experts are assured, that in many cases it is possible to manage only this preparation, not combining among themselves some various compositions. In addition, doctors note that both syrup and "Prospan" drops are safe: there are almost no side effects, and if they are, they are very rare in patients.

Terms and conditions of storage

Keep the medicine at room temperature, away from children so that they can not inadvertently or out of curiosity get the jar. Shelf life of the drug is 4 years from the time of manufacture, and after its expiration, you should get rid of the medication.

Parents should pay attention to this feature of the medicine: in the process of its storage on the bottom of the bottle can appear light muddy sediment - this is a normal phenomenon, which is caused by the characteristics of raw materials, and therefore the effect of the drug is not influences.

Now you will know exactly what means should be run to the pharmacy, if suddenly the child started a dry or wet cough. Syrup or drops "Prospan" will be a salvation for your family, because the natural composition of the drug is indeed works miracles: for a short time mom, and the baby himself, forget about the disease and enjoying life. But first of all, consult about treatment with a pediatrician!


Syrup for children

To date, the pharmacy counters are full of a variety of drugs that are used to treat respiratory diseases in children. Here there are all kinds of medicinal forms: syrups, tablets, drops, potions, pastilles. Each of them has its own peculiarities. But best of all has proved itself in this area, a prospen - a cough syrup for children. And there are several reasons for this scientifically confirmed.

As part of the syrup is a child's toilet, contains a dry extract of ivy, thanks to which, not only is it removed bronchospasm, but also improves the separation of sputum, which ceases to be viscous and can be easily separated and withdrawn from organism. The syrup does not contain alcohol, unlike drops.

In addition, during the ongoing studies, it was found that the drug has a prophane antifungal, and anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial effect, as well as an unfavorable effect on intestinal parasites.

The presence of side effects and the safety of the drug, has been constantly studied since 1955 abroad, and in 2007, Russian studies of this syrup were conducted. They involved about five thousand children from one month to fourteen years of age. Side effects, and what or undesirable effects were not revealed, except perhaps that the lung laxative effect of syrup, which includes sorbitol, and he, as you know, weakens intestines. From the reception of drops this effect is not observed.

That is, we can say with confidence about the safety of using syrup prospen for children up to a year, and for older age. This drug is officially recognized and approved for use by international and domestic doctors.

Who is prescribed a syrup awning?

The scope of this tool is wide enough. These are acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory system, such as bronchial asthma, obstructive bronchitis, acute laryngotracheitis, stenosis. All those diseases, when sputum is difficult to separate, and cough is not productive.

If the treatment with the syrup is started on time, then complications after the disease, which is treated with sspan, are not observed. In addition, due to the antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect of ivy, growth is actively suppressed microbes, and there is often no need to use antibiotics that are very harmful to children organism.

The drug is available in the form of drops, syrup and effervescent tablets. When taking drops, the effect of treatment comes faster than from the syrup, but the effect of the syrup, more long, and due to this, even often ill children after regular use of syrup cease to be ill. Especially the use of children with various allergic reactions is indicated.

How to take a canopy?

The dosage of syrup is dependent on the age of the baby. So infants are prescribed a triple intake of, ml, and from six years and until adolescence, 5 ml three times a day.

The duration of treatment directly depends on the severity of the disease, and is controlled by the district doctor. Treatment is carried out at least one week, and to fix the result of treatment, the drug should be taken for at least two to three more days.

The drug prospen does not interact with other drugs that the child takes, and therefore can be assigned with them, including antibiotics.

In case of an overdose, diarrhea and nausea may occur, and then gastric lavage is prescribed. To prevent this from happening, the medicine should be stored in a place inaccessible to the child, and the baby can use it only with the help of an adult.


Gedelix drops

With a problem like coughing from time to time, everyone has to face. This misfortune spares neither children nor adults. There are a lot of drugs for treating cough today. One of the most popular means are Gedelix drops. This is a drop of vegetable origin, and therefore can be applied to almost everyone. Their main advantage is in naturalness. That is, they treat effectively, without harming the body.

What kind of cough can Gedelix be used for?

Drops Gedelix have a powerful anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect. The composition of the drug is an extract of ivy and anise oil. These components contribute to the early dissolution of sputum. Gedelix drops reduce inflammation and relieve spasm. Thanks to the unique properties of the drug, the patient's well-being is markedly improved, and sputum is more likely to clear his throat.

Gedelix drops are prescribed in the following cases:

  1. The remedy helps to cough with different catarrhal and viral diseases: bronchitis, pharyngitis, SARS, laryngitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, asthma and others.
  2. Gedelix best cope with a dry cough. Dense sputum liquefies, and in this form leaves the bronchi much faster.
  3. Gedelix drops are prescribed and from a wet cough. The drug prevents the proliferation of harmful microorganisms, than quickly slows down the disease.

How to take Gedelix drops?

Although the drug is considered harmless, it is still recommended to consult a doctor before starting treatment (especially if it is a child's treatment). In general, drops are recommended to be taken three times a day. The average dose is calculated depending on the age of the patient. For example, children under 10 years are recommended to drink Gedelix for 21 drops at a time. For adults, however, the dosage increases and is 31 drops.

To get rid of a cough with the help of drops Gedelix can, only adhering to the prescribed course of treatment. Continue to take the medicine you need even after the disappearance of a cough for a couple of days. The optimal duration of the treatment course is at least a week.

If for any reason you can not take Gedelix, you can choose a replacement for the drug. Like most drugs today, Gedelix has many analogues. The most popular and effective are the following:

  • Prospan;
  • tablets and syrup of Alteika;
  • syrup Gederin;
  • Broncho Theiss and others.


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