Cough dry paroxysmal treatment

How to treat dry paroxysmal cough

Dry cough itself is worse than wet. It proceeds without excretion of phlegm, which in the meantime accumulates in the upper respiratory tract. And if this is not just a cough, but a prolonged seizure, then it's worth taking immediate action. This phenomenon can signal that the body has pathological processes that are fraught with serious complications. Paroxysmal cough may be accompanied by pain in the abdomen, vomiting, allergic suffocation and a decrease in appetite. Therefore, the earlier the cause of the event is revealed, the faster it will be possible to cure this ailment and avoid serious complications.

As evidenced by such signs

Cough eliminates excess sputum from the body, accumulates dust and releases it from harmful viruses. If it occurs periodically, rather than on an ongoing basis, then there is nothing to worry about. It is much more difficult to understand the nature of the paroxysmal booch. At once it is impossible to determine what is behind it.

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Night Attacks

It often happens that a person feels great during the day, and then, going to bed, feels a sensation in the throat and it develops into a fit of coughing.

This overnight phenomenon requires prompt medical intervention. In adults, night cough is often associated with the following diseases:

  • it can occur as a result of gastric reflux. At the same time, the contents of the stomach are poured into the larynx and a reflex attack occurs, which occurs at any time;
  • The asthmatic variant is characterized by wheezing, accompanied by shortness of breath and pains in the chest. Asthma affects not only adults, but also children;
  • during a heart failure cough goes in parallel with the shortness of breath and rapid heart rate. It arises from the disturbed work of the heart and is eliminated after the treatment of this organ, no antitussive drugs in this case will not help;
  • sinusitis.It is quite common disease, as a result of which the intake of air through the nose is blocked, and in a dream a person can not constantly breathe through the mouth, as a result - a fit of coughing;
  • the cause of a night attack may be a cold disease;
  • deficiency in the body of the diseased gland. This element maintains a normal level of hemoglobin, and when it decreases, the body becomes weakened and susceptible to various diseases.

Here you can read how to stop a fit of coughing at night with an adult.

The video tells about a dry paroxysmal cough:

At children attacks of a night tussis can occur as a result:

  • bronchial asthma. It is accompanied by swelling of the respiratory tract and bronchial spasms. Often accompanied by hypoxia;
  • croup disease. He is dangerous by his suddenness. If this happens at night, the child may be frightened. During the attack, it will be hard for him to breathe, and he will not be able to inhale the necessary amount of air. The kid can panic and the attack of suffocation becomes stronger, besides he will be accompanied by a rough cough. The face of the child will acquire a reddish hue, and the lips and nails will turn blue. This disease can be a manifestation of a viral infection in the body or become the result of an allergic reaction;
  • some pathological disease;
  • allergic reaction to surrounding objects. For example, on natural fluff in pillows. If this is revealed, then the thing - the pathogen should be removed away from the child;
  • uncomfortable position of the child during sleep. Especially if the mattress is not tight enough;
  • dry or cold air in the child's room.

The video describes the treatment of dry paroxysmal cough:


It occurs much less frequently than the night. As a rule, its main cause is the initial stage of the cold.Provoke it can heartburn, resulting from gastric reflux, which occurs both at night and during the day.The patient can have a heavily stuffy nose and he has to breathe through the mouth, and this action causes dryness in the throat and leads to a cough. Also, bronchial asthma can provoke booze at any time of the day or night. It can be a protective reaction to tobacco smoke, aerosol or household dust.

In any case, for whatever reasons this cough has occurred, it should be immediately consulted with a doctor. Undergo appropriate tests so that the doctor can correctly diagnose and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

How do I wash my nose with saline until a year?

Here you can get acquainted with the instruction to the tablets from the cough Bromhexin.

Reviews about the use of badger's fat from coughing for children:

How to treat

Its paroxysmal appearance can lead a person even to a fainting condition, but this is not the most dangerous consequence. If you do not get treatment in time, then you can wait for the development of emphysema, leading to pulmonary hemorrhage. Therefore, with the elimination of such a cough can not be delayed.

Treatment in adults

With prolonged attacks, they tend to suppress the cough reflex first. Therefore, prescribe drugs, the principle of which is based on its elimination. Such medicines are divided into two groups:

  • central medicine. They should be taken only according to the appointment of a specialist, as they can reduce breathing, and with an overdose in general, block it. They suppress cough at the brain level. These include: Oxeladine, Glaucine and Ethylmorphine;
  • medicines, which suppress the attack of cough at the level of the receptors of the respiratory system. They are Falimint, Codeine, Terpincod and Bronhicum.

On the video - treatment of dry paroxysmal cough in an adult:

At the very beginning of the disease, dry cough can be soothed with soda - oil inhalations, compresses from solutions, mustard plasters or warming foot baths.

Complex treatment should be aimed at mitigating cough, eliminating its causes, stimulating it to transition from a dry species into a productive one. Usually this happens two to three days after the administration of the prescribed drugs.

Also very effective in the treatment of dry cough are physiotherapy procedures.They help to reduce pain, reduce inflammation, accelerate recovery and strengthen the immune system of the sick.Effective are:

  • electrophoresis;
  • acupuncture;
  • chest massage;
  • UHF;
  • inhalation with a nebulizer;
  • warming up.

Do not neglect the proven folk remedies for treating dry cough in adults. If you are expecting a baby, then read how to treat dry cough during pregnancy.


Depending on the reasons for the occurrence of cough, appropriate medications and actions to eliminate them are prescribed. The most important of them is the ventilation of the child's room, especially before bed.The influx of fresh air can remove spasms and nourish the exhausted body with the necessary oxygen.From the first days you should often give your child a warm drink to warm up the neck.

Various inhalations for cleaning the respiratory tract will be relevant. But do not get involved in essential oils, it is better to perform steam procedures with ordinary baking soda. Can remove the spasm of foot and hand baths. On the link you can read how to relieve night cough in a child.

Cough can stop healing syrups, such as:

  • Herbion (for dry cough)
  • Alteika,
  • Lazolvan.

Perhaps the pediatrician will allow them to be replaced by vegetable decoctions from mother - and - stepmother, licorice and thermopsis, if the child does not have allergies on them. In parallel, people's means can be used. For example, give ch. a spoonful of buckwheat honey, so that the baby sucks it or make him a tea with raspberry jam. As for very young children, read how to treat a dry cough in an infant.

To judge the effectiveness of prescribed medications can be as of the state of cough. The starting point to a speedy recovery will be the transition of its dry variety into wet one. But it's better not to get sick at all than to be treated successfully. Therefore, do not neglect preventive measures. For adults and children regular walks in the fresh air, daily airing of habitation, correct and healthy food and absence of allergens are recommended. Here it is described what to do if a dry cough is accompanied by a sore throat.

Paroxysmal cough: causes and methods of treatment

Cough is a reflex reaction of the body, in which there is a sharp contraction of the muscles of the respiratory system. During this process, the respiratory system organs are cleaned of sputum, dust or foreign objects that come out on their surface. But paroxysmal cough guards, because it can be a signal about the course of pathological processes in the body.

The reasons for this process

As the experts themselves say, cough is a protective mechanism against the obstruction of the airways. However, not always such a process indicates only a protective reaction, sometimes it can indicate the development of certain diseases. So, in adults or a child, a seizure cough occurs with such diseases:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • whooping cough;
  • ARVI;
  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis.

In addition, with such manifestations, foreign matter enters the respiratory tract.

Bronchial asthma

Cough of a spasmodic paroxysmal nature often indicates the development of bronchial asthma.Usually it appears in the evening and at night, is allergic in nature, so this state of a person is caused by exposure to some kind of allergen. Coughing caused by bronchial asthma may cause suffocation, pain in the chest or abdomen.As a rule, seizures last about an hour, in children and adults, paroxysmal cough with bronchial asthma ends with the withdrawal of thick or liquid sputum, which can be of dark color.

Whooping cough

A dry paroxysmal cough may be a sign of a disease such as whooping cough. The disease begins as an ordinary cold, but soon such signs as a runny nose and a slight increase in temperature pass, and coughing attacks still torment the patient. In this case, all funds effective for colds do not help. Over time, coughing attacks only increase, in children often comes to vomiting paroxysmal cough with whooping cough. The duration of this disease on average is 1.5 months, it needs to be treated in a hospital.


Paroxysmal cough occurs with acute inflammatory lesions of the ENT organs - the nasopharynx, larynx, pharynx. At first, this symptom is characterized by dryness, but after a few days sputum begins to cough. This process is caused by the flow of mucus down the back wall of the pharynx, which irritates the mucosa. If the inflammatory processes are not treated, the patient's condition worsens, and acute diseases develop such as:
  • tracheitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia.
If a person has acute bronchitis in the body, he is disturbed during the day and night by a paroxysmal cough, from which it is practically impossible to clear his throat. In addition, the disease is accompanied by symptoms such as hoarseness, fever, a runny nose, a sore throat, a headache, a feeling of weakness and a general malaise. Cough attacks are observed in the early days of the disease, with proper treatment within a few days sputum begins to depart, the mucous membranes soften and already such a process does not cause painful sensations. Acute respiratory diseases last, as a rule, up to two weeks.

With incomplete treatment or its absence, acute bronchitis can acquire a chronic form or even pass into pneumonia.

Foreign object entry

Assistance in case of foreign body entry into the respiratory tract

The cause of dry paroxysmal cough in adults and children can be the ingress of foreign particles into the respiratory tract. In this case, the person does not have any symptoms, except for a painful cough that does not go away after using medicines. The state of the child or adult will improve only after the complete removal of foreign objects from the respiratory system.

In addition to these common diseases, accompanied by dry paroxysmal cough in the child and adult, specialists also call such diseases, for which this symptom:

  • bronchiectatic disease;
  • abscess of the lung;
  • bronchi and lung tumors;
  • mediastinal syndrome.

Medical assistance to the patient

Regardless of the reason for the appearance of a nighttime paroxysmal cough in a child or adult, you should immediately raise the head of the bed. Then, after visiting the specialist's office, the doctor will treat depending on the type of disease accompanied by such a painful manifestation.

If the cause of paroxysmal coughing in a child at night is an allergic reaction of the body, it can not do without the use of antihistamines. To prevent whooping cough, it is important to get an inoculation against this infectious disease. But suddenly it happened that the vaccination was not carried out, it is possible to ease the patient's condition by taking antibacterial drugs and using air humidifiers.

Sometimes bronchial asthma can develop, in which there are no signs peculiar to this disease - suffocation, dyspnea and wheezing, a person is worried only by a strong cough. In this case, the reception of expectorants does not bring relief, it will require treatment typical of typical bronchial asthma.

With a long course of the disease should consult a specialist, because only he can determine the cause of this condition and say what to cure a dry paroxysmal cough in children and adults.

If you are concerned about a child's coughing

Often there is such a symptom as a paroxysmal cough, in a child. The disease is a protective reflex reflex process, in which there is a sudden increase in pressure within the human breast at the moment when the vocal cracks are closed. Symptom promotes the opening of the glottis, with a jerky, forced exhalation. The irritant acts on the body and then manifests itself in a cough that starts suddenly. There are cases when after a paroxysmal cough violates the heart rate and breathing. Sometimes there is a fainting condition and vomiting. These symptoms are caused by a certain disorder.

Causes of the disease

Particular attention should be paid when the child starts coughing attacks. About their symptoms and what state they have, children can not always tell their parents.

The main causes that cause an attack of cough in a child are inflammatory and mechanical factors. If coughing is characterized by such symptoms as weakness, lacrimation, fever, sleep disturbance, then this is a cold disease. An attack of a sudden cough during sleep usually occurs because of excessive salivation during teething. If a child accidentally inhales a foreign body, thereby causing a cough, eventually choking may occur.

To address to the expert it is necessary in the event that the symptom is accompanied by the raised temperature of a body, a morbid kind, suffocation, and also the pains arising during a cough.The development of a paroxysmal cough that begins during sleep at night is due to the fact that the child is in a horizontal position. In this situation, tissues and organs of the human body do not receive adequate blood supply, in addition, the lungs and upper respiratory tracts are filled with phlegm. This condition provokes the formation of a cough. To properly assign treatment, it is necessary to find out what triggered the appearance of this symptom.

Varieties of paroxysmal cough

Experts divide the cough into several species that characterize a particular disease.

The sudden formation of an obsessive dry cough during sleep in the absence of sputum means that acute viral inflammation develops in the upper respiratory tract.

A known bronchitis disease is characterized by a cough that gradually changes from dry to wet. To avoid the appearance of pneumonia, it is necessary to take a snapshot of the respiratory organs and on it to determine the treatment.

The formation of spasmodic cough in children is observed in the case of bronchial asthma. If such a condition has appeared in the first days of a child's life, obstructive bronchitis may develop. After the transfer of a complex disease in children during a night's sleep, hypersecretion of sputum may develop, which will provoke a protracted cough. The symptom sometimes arises from the fact that mucus drips into the throat from the nasopharynx or from the palatine tonsil during the inflammatory process.

During the appearance of tracheitis or tracheobronchitis of viral origin, there appears a paroxysmal cough, in which clots of solid mucus are secreted. The symptom may last more than six weeks. The illness appears after a disease like pertussis, and proceeds in an uncharacteristic way.

How to treat a symptom in a child

It is well known that it is necessary to treat acute illnesses and symptoms after the specialist has conducted an examination. Self-medication can lead to poor results. Medicinal products should not be given if the disease is not defined. The child's condition will improve when coughing, if he drinks warm tea with jam from raspberries. Milk will help with the addition of baking soda, for this you need to dilute ¼ teaspoon of powder in 200 ml of milk. Dry cough is eliminated by special means - mucolytics, which dilute sputum. Thanks to this action, the mucus formed is easier to move away.

It is recommended to use decoctions of such herbs as mother-and-stepmother, elecampane, thermopsis, black radish juice with the addition of honey, marshmallow and psyllium juice. Many agents cause an allergic reaction to this or that component, therefore before use it is necessary to consult with the expert. To avoid nausea and vomiting, medicines should be consumed in small amounts. The properties of some substances cause mucus, and not every child can cope with it. The use of steam inhalations gives good results for the dry form of cough. Many use such a tool as alkaline mineral water or a solution of baking soda. When using steam inhalations for children, boiling water is considered an exception for a child. The child will be much easier if you massage your chest lightly. To ease cough, you need to use some rules:

  • humidify the air in the room where the baby is;
  • remove components that emit irritating odors;
  • organize the correct mode of water intake;
  • Observe the temperature of the air in the room where the children are: it should not exceed 20-22 degrees.

From cough, children are well helped by medicines mucolytic and expectorant action. To reduce the symptom, it is necessary to turn the child from one side to the other during sleep. Thus, the sputum will not stagnate and torment the small body. Excellent massage helps in the form of effleurage and kneading. It is recommended to use an effective method in which a child lays on his knees and his head goes down, After that, a back massage is done in the place where the thoracic area is located: this place needs to be ground with palms. It is advisable to use this method 15 to 20 minutes after taking medication.

Cough will go away quickly if treated as recommended by a specialist. Already at 2 - 3 weeks you can feel relief or complete disappearance of the symptom. If the treatment is correct, then in the first week the symptoms begin to disappear, and soon the cough goes away. After three weeks, complete recovery of the body and the disappearance of symptoms are expected. If the child has felt relief, this still does not say anything: the inflammatory process is still taking place in the body, so it is necessary to undergo a full course of treatment. Any catarrhal disease is accompanied by the use of liquid in large quantities. Due to the presence of liquid with increasing temperature, the body does not face dehydration. After consuming water, the sputum becomes liquefied and leaves faster.

Be sure to follow all the recommendations of specialists, as self-treatment can lead to a bad condition and harm the body.

At the child the organism weak and reacts to each trifles, therefore it is necessary to concern to it with the big care and attentiveness. The paroxysmal cough is treatable, the measures taken in time will help alleviate the condition of the child.


When a child coughs, children feel uncomfortable. The faster to take measures to eliminate the symptoms, the faster you can get rid of a cough. He is treated by a pediatrician, he will carefully examine a small patient and prescribe the necessary treatment.

How to treat dry cough: medication and folk treatment

What is a coughCoughing is a very common attack among humans and animals. It manifests itself as a protective reaction of our body to various external stimuli. The natural purpose of the cough is to extract the pathological contents of the respiratory tract. In fact, the process itself is akin to an exhalation, only abrupt and rapid, in which the abdominal and diaphragm muscles contract. During this process, the lungs are squeezed, and the air in them, along with harmful substances, is directed upward along the bronchial tree.Causes of a coughThere are a great many causes of its occurrence, such as inflammatory processes in the lungs, larynx and trachea. This also includes various mechanical, chemical and thermal stimuli. In order to cure this symptom, it is very important to know what it is caused by. There is a cough splitting into two types: productive and unproductive.The first typeIn the first case, we meanmoist cough. Its main feature is the presence of sputum in the lungs. Such a cough can be manifested by attacks, especially if the sputum is dense and viscous, which significantly complicates the cough. The causes include mechanical irritations of receptors on the respiratory mucosa. A strong moist cough occurs with inflammation and swelling of the lungs, acute and chronic bronchitis. In addition, he appears at the so-called "smoker's bronchitis".The second typeUnproductive cough is called otherwisedry. It usually occurs in the early stages of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the trachea, bronchi and larynx, with irritation of the lung membrane. There are two types of dry cough. He is also a "barking" cough that is characterized by debilitating and inability to clear his throat. Diseases in which such a symptom is observed, these are the early stages of acute bronchitis, inflammation or pulmonary infarction. Also, paroxysmal cough is observed at the onset of bronchial asthma, pulmonary embolism and dry pleurisy. The inhalation of chemicals and the entrapment of foreign bodies in the respiratory tract can also cause attacks of dry cough. -Non-shaped. This is the least disturbing symptom that appears with pulmonary fibrosis, some types heart failure, compression of the trachea or bronchi, the appearance of a tumor, and polyps in themselves bronchi.How to treat dry cough in adultsBoth species are very dangerous and, in the absence of proper therapy, are capable of causing complications, for example pneumothorax or pneumomediastinum. It is very important to know how to treat dry cough. It requires a completely different approach and, accordingly, preparations, rather than its wet variety. After all, there is no sputum in this case, which means that there is nothing to dilute in the lungs. It requires drugs that can suppress the cough reflex. Such drugs differ in the type of effect on two types: central and peripheral. In the first case, the result is based on the effect of the medication on the medulla oblongata, namely, on suppression of the human respiratory center. This is Codeine Glaucine Ethylmorphin Dextromethorphan and other combination preparations based on them. In the second case, we mean the suppression of the cough reflex by direct action on the receptors of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. This includes drugs made on the basis of acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene. Often, doctors prescribe to their patients drugs with the following commercial namesBronhicum "syrup, tablets from a dry cough "Falimint" Broncholitin "Codelac" Panathus forte "Neo-Codion syrup" Fervex "from a dry cough Stoptussin tablets from a cough "Terpinkod."How to treat dry cough folk remediesIn addition to drug treatment, there are also folk recipes. Often they are no less effective, especially since most of them can be combined with the adoption of prescribed medicines. This will help get rid of the disease as soon as possible. Many simply do not like to go to doctors and drink extra pills. How to treat dry cough, if you do not want to load the body with "chemistry"? There are several folk waysInhalation.Here is a solution of honey in warm water (40 degrees) in a ratio of 1 to 5, infusion of sage or baking soda (1-2 tablespoons per glass of water). The latter is suitable even for asthmatics, because it does not cause an allergic reaction.Rinsing.A good effect has an infusion of sage, eucalyptus and marigold, which need to be mixed in equal parts. The mixture is poured with boiling water for ten minutes, after which it remains usable for another three hours. You can also use a soda solution in the same ratio as for inhalation. Gargle is recommended as often as possible during the day, it does not allow pathogens to accumulate on the mucous membrane.Reception of herbal infusions.An effective means is a meadow clover brewed with boiling water (2 tablespoons per teapot). To improve the taste of the drink, it can be mixed with honey. There is a more complex folk prescription: plantain leaves, rose hips and chamomile flowers, mixed in equal parts, it is necessary to hold for twenty minutes in boiling water. Then the mixture is filtered and dripped several times a day. It is enough to use half a cup of this infusion at one time to feel the healing effect.

There are many other recipes, but for all their diversity, it should be remembered that folk remedies have a slower effect compared to traditional treatment. It is impossible to get rid of a cough in one day. Usually it takes about two weeks with enhanced therapy, but without the necessary cure treatment can be delayed for a long time and entail dangerous consequences.

Night cough in children. Night paroxysmal cough in a child

Many parents face such a problem as a night cough in children. And you really need to have steel nerves in order to withstand such a relatively calm. Yes, and children coughing attacks at night does not give pleasure. If you began to notice a night cough in a child, treatment should begin immediately.

Coughing is not a disease

Every parent must firmly remember that one should not try to cure a child independently of a cough. You can not, relying only on your own experience, try to determine the causes of a night cough in a child. But almost everyone seems to have enough knowledge and stop the attack of cough - this is not such a big problem.

To suppress the attack in the middle of the night is really not so difficult. But to eliminate the root cause of coughing is sometimes even problematic. First of all, because without a qualified medical examination it is impossible to say for sure what the true reason for nocturnal seizures is.

Causes of a child's night cough

The most common reasons that there is a night cough in children, we can consider the following:

  • presence of a viral infection in the child;
  • an allergic reaction to anything;
  • various respiratory diseases;
  • wrong position of the body during sleep;
  • too dry or cold air in the children's room.
  • gastric reflux (or simply heartburn).

Dry cough

Night dry cough in the child appears, as a rule, due to nasal congestion. In this case, the child is forced to breathe through the mouth. And this, in turn, causes dryness of the larynx. At local receptors, there is an excessive effect that irritates them. To eliminate this discomfort, the body tries with a dry cough. It can also be a consequence of an allergic reaction.

A night attack of a child's cough may be caused by heartburn or other stomach problems. This is because in the horizontal position, some amount of gastric juice can enter the larynx, thus causing irritation. The organism reacts to it by the only way known to him - a cough.

Moist cough

The reason that there is a nocturnal wet cough in a child is the slowdown of all processes in the human body at night. Blood circulation in the lungs is not very active, as is the absorption of mucus in the nasopharynx. Due to the horizontal position of the body, its normal isolation is impossible.

Caution! False groats

The main distinguishing sign of false croup is its suddenness. During the day, nothing bodes ill, the child seems to be merry and healthy. But in the middle of the night there is an attack of acute dry cough.

The danger of this disease is precisely the suddenness, such a condition can lead to a fit of suffocation. The child may be frightened because he is not able to breathe deeper. His breathing quickens and can reach 60 times a minute. The cough gradually intensifies and becomes more rough, the child's face turns red, and the lips and nails become bluish.

In order not to aggravate the situation, try to reassure the child. Because panic can make breathing more difficult and cause new spasms. Try to explain to the kid that while you are around, nothing bad can happen to him.

To remove an attack of false croup, it is necessary to ensure the influx of fresh air into the room and contribute to the removal of spasm. In addition, you can take the following measures to eliminate cough:

  1. Give the child a warm drink. It can be a warm tea with honey and milk with soda. This is necessary in order to warm the larynx and relieve spasm.
  2. You can also do inhalation to clean the upper respiratory tract. Excellent procedure with soda. To do this, you need to dilute in a saucepan solution in the proportion: (one teaspoon of soda for one glass of boiling water).
  3. For the outflow of blood from the larynx to the extremities it is recommended to make hot baths for hands and feet. This will help to relieve the spasm a little.
  4. We welcome the use of funds that remove puffiness. However in this case also it is not necessary to be engaged in a selftreatment. Take only those drugs that your doctor prescribed. Otherwise, instead of helping the child, you can only do him harm.
  5. Do your best to humidify the air indoors.

At the first alarming symptoms, parents need to show the child to the doctor, since a false cereal is not a pathology by itself. This is, rather, a symptom of various viral or allergic diseases.

Caution! Bronchial asthma

In the event that the treatment that was prescribed by the doctor does not help to the proper degree and the nighttime paroxysmal cough in the child does not go away, it can be considered a symptom of bronchial asthma.

Bronchial asthma is a chronic inflammation of the allergic nature, in which compression of the bronchi and the appearance of edema of the upper respiratory tract is observed. This pathology leads to difficulty breathing and other concomitant complications. Asthmatic children are more likely than others to have infectious diseases.

In addition, as a result of increased edema in these children, hypoxia is observed - a lack of oxygen in the body. This, in turn, adversely affects the operation of all systems and organs.

The danger of bronchial asthma is that you need to treat it before the first symptoms appear. When the patency of the bronchi decreases by less than 20%, it is impossible to detect any measurements. Only if the patency falls - there is a deterioration in well-being. Including begins and night cough in a child, whose treatment is better to begin immediately.

Treatment of cough

Trying to cure a cough without proper medical examination, you risk harming your own child, because incorrectly selected methods and drugs will not be effective enough. It is also very important to correctly diagnose a disease from which it actually needs to be treated. Do not forget that the causes of a child's night cough are upper respiratory tract diseases.

It should be noted that the best cure for cough is its prevention. Regular outdoor outdoor games, exercise, proper nutrition and lack of allergens in the reach of the child are the main precautions.

Among the most common allergens are: dust, chemicals, some food, as well as animal fur or bird fluff from pillows.

Helpful Tips

Before you stuff the child with various cough syrups or apply folk methods, remember if there is anything new in the child's environment. Perhaps a night cough in children can be a reaction to a new washing powder, clothes or objects that have recently appeared in the nursery.

Make sure that the air in the room is warm enough and damp. If for some reason you do not have the opportunity to constantly ventilate the room, now there is a huge amount of air humidifiers on sale. They are good for children who suffer from chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Because such guys need special conditions. And humidifiers can set a regime that will be optimal for your child.

Help the baby to develop the chest. It is not necessary to wrap it in quilted blankets and not to let on the street just because it has asthma. On the contrary, provide him with access to fresh air and active sports. The only way you can help him cope with this ailment. Many of the Olympic champions were asthmatics, but this did not stop them from achieving such great success in sports.

Remember, a night cough in children is not an independent disease, but only a symptom. It is necessary to treat the root cause of disease, only then you can achieve a positive result and save from exhausting night attacks, which not only disturb sleep, but also negatively affect the overall state of health.

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