Otitis media Symptoms and treatment in adults

Treatment of otitis in adults. Effective treatment of otitis

Otitis is an inflammatory ear disease. In order to understand why the disease occurs and what processes are taking place, consider the anatomical structure of the hearing organ and the process by which it perceives information.

Ear structure

The human ear has a very complex structure, which can be divided into three sections: the outer, middle and inner ear. The outer ear is the auricle, which perceives sound waves, directing them into the external auditory canal. The outer and middle ear are separated by a tympanic membrane, which conditionally represents a hymen or a film.

The middle ear is a cavity, a space in the temporal bone with three hearing bones located in it - a hammer, an anvil and a staple. It should be noted that the middle ear is closely related to the nasopharynx. Functionally, bones strengthen the received sound vibrations and transmit them to the inner ear. The inner ear is a labyrinth of membranes in the stony section of the temporal bone with many bends filled with liquid. The vibrations coming from the middle ear are transferred to a liquid that already affects the receptors. So information is transmitted to the brain in the form of nerve impulses.

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The concept, types of otitis. Causes

Otitis is a disease that can develop in any of the three parts of the ear, depending on the place in which the inflammatory process occurs, distinguish:

  1. Otitis of the external ear.
  2. Otitis of the middle ear.
  3. Inflammation of the inner ear (or labyrinthitis).

Causes that contribute to the onset of the disease or aggravate its course, many, but the main ones include:

  • diseases of the nasopharynx, leading to swelling and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the middle ear;
  • diseases that suppress and weaken the immune system (influenza, measles);
  • supercooling;
  • getting into the ear of cold water;
  • trauma and various injuries of the tympanic membrane, which may cause infection in the middle ear cavity;
  • genetic predisposition.

By nature, the causative agent causing the disease, otitis is divided into:

  1. Viral.
  2. Bacterial.
  3. Fungal.

Let us consider in more detail the inflammatory processes that occur in each of the three parts of the human ear, the symptoms and possible complications of otitis.

External otitis media. Classification. Symptoms

External otitis is an inflammation of the skin of the auricle along with the external auditory canal, which is caused by a bacterial or fungal infection. There are two types of external otitis media: limited and diffuse.

In most cases, limited inflammation is represented by furunculosis - the formation of boils. Furuncle - acute purulent process of the sebaceous gland or hair follicle, caused by pyogenic bacteria. If there are favorable factors in the human body, including chronic infection, diabetes mellitus, local trauma and skin contamination, insect bites, staphylococcal microflora begins to actively provoke the inflammatory process.

Sometimes the disease is a complication of a previous flu or may be caused by an allergic reaction to medications. Signs of external otitis are itching; pain that occurs when touching an inflamed ear; redness and swelling of the skin of the external auditory canal, or auricle; sometimes the temperature may rise body. Hearing, as a rule, while not suffering.

Spilled otitis externa is an inflammation of the external ear, which very often can spread to the eardrum.

According to the duration of the disease, the external otitis is classified into acute and chronic. The latter is a consequence of the lack of treatment or incorrect treatment of the acute form of the disease.

Otitis of the external ear is considered to be the mildest type of disease in comparison with otitis media of the middle ear and internal otitis media and often does not lead to serious complications, although sometimes it can cause an increase in the lymph nodes system. Inflammation of the mucosa grows into a malignant form (tissue necrosis) in the presence of a person associated with severe functional diseases (diabetes) or the virus of immunodeficiency. But such cases, fortunately, are rare.

Otitis media. Classification and symptoms

Of all forms of otitis, both in children and adults, inflammation of the middle ear is most common. As noted earlier, the nature of the disease can be bacterial and viral. Among the bacteria, the main pathogens are streptococci or a hemophilic rod. To viruses that cause inflammation, you can include rhinovirus, influenza virus or respiratory syncytial virus.

The first signs of inflammation of the middle ear are pulsating, shooting or aching pains in the organ, which are intensified by swallowing, sneezing or coughing. Characteristic for this disease is also noise in the ear, weakness, sleep disorder, lack of appetite, severe deterioration of hearing.

In general, the inflammation of the middle ear is the result of a previous cold or flu, in which the immunity decreases and the number of bacteria in the nasal cavity increases. The nasal cavity is connected with the middle ear by the auditory tube, in which liquid and various microorganisms accumulate, which trigger the onset of the inflammatory process. The tympanic membrane undergoes pressure and expands in volumes to the outside, which causes pain.

The course of the disease can be different in speed of development, as well as in duration, according to what distinguish:

  1. Acute otitis media (the ear accumulates fluid). This is the reason for the audibility of your own voice in your head.
  2. Chronic otitis (the ear is filled with pus).

Acute otitis media. Forms

If the inflammatory process is classified according to the nature of the course (clinical picture), then the otitis can be catarrhal or purulent, thus, the development of the disease undergoes three stages - acute catarrhal otitis, acute purulent otitis and stage recovery.

Acute catarrhal otitis is an inflammatory process associated with the localization of fluid in the middle ear cavity. For this form of the disease, in addition to pain and increased body temperature (38-39 ° C), reddening and swelling of the tympanic membrane, ear congestion are characteristic. The patients note that they hear their own voice in the head during the conversation.

The appearance of foci of pus and its accumulation in the cavity of the middle ear is acute purulent otitis. Treatment for the first 2-3 days is not carried out, because as usual during this period, the eardrum ruptures and the pus outward. In this case, the patient becomes better, the body temperature returns to normal, the pain stops. In addition to pus, blood and serous discharge can be observed. If the course of the disease passes without complications, then the third stage comes in - a recovery stage.

With the onset of the reconstructive stage, the inflammatory process decreases, the suppression stops and a progressive tightening of the damaged membrane occurs. If the treatment of otitis in adults passes in accordance with the appointments and under the supervision of a specialist, then recovery occurs in 2-3 weeks. By this time, the rumor, as a rule, is fully restored.

Chronic otitis media. Stages of

If untimely or insufficient treatment, acute otitis becomes chronic. Otitis chronic is an inflammatory process, which is characterized by a permanent or recurrent suppuration from the ear. This type of otitis, in addition to already known symptoms, such as: high fever, itching, deterioration of the general condition, there are inherent complications in the form of hearing loss and persistent perforation of the drum webbeds. Usually the chronic course of the disease is a consequence of previous sinusitis or acute purulent otitis media. In some cases, this form of otitis occurs as a result of rupture (or perforation) of the tympanic membrane or curvature of the nasal septum after the injury. Depending on the localization of the perforation, and also on its size, three stages of chronic otitis are distinguished:

  1. Tubotympanal otitis (mesotympanitis).
  2. Epimezotimpanit.
  3. Epitimpanitis.

With tubotimponal form of otitis, the violation of the tympanic membrane occurs, as a rule, in the central part, and the pathology is manifested by inflammation of the mucous membranes of the tympanic cavity. Inflammation does not affect bone tissue.

Epimezotimpanit - a stage of chronic otitis, in which there is extensive perforation of the tympanic membrane, the damage affects its upper and middle divisions.

Epitimpanoanthral form of otitis is characterized by rupture of the upper, most pliable and fragile areas of the membrane. This stage of the disease, as well as epimezotimpanit, is dangerous by the occurrence of pathological processes associated with the formation of granulomas, polyps and cholesteatoma - a capsule filled and surrounded purulent particles of the epidermis, which, constantly expanding, presses on the tympanic membrane, destroys the bone component of the middle ear and opens the "road" to the purulent process in the inner ear.

In addition, there is another form of inflammatory process - bilateral otitis - a disease that simultaneously affects the hearing organ from both sides.

If we consider the existing complications of the disease, the perforation of the tympanic membrane is the most common. With prolonged accumulation of pus there is an increase in pressure in the middle ear, resulting in the membrane becoming thinner. There is a risk of its rupture (perforation). To prevent the transition of the inflammatory process to the stage of internal otitis and to avoid subsequent development of serious pathologies, it is necessary to resort to the puncture of the tympanic membrane surgically, and not to wait for the moment when this happens spontaneously.

Inflammation of the inner ear. Symptoms

Internal otitis has another name - labyrinthitis is a disease that occurs less frequently in comparison with otitis of the external and middle ear, but is the most dangerous in terms of the threat to health and life rights. Purulent processes that affect bone tissue can cause severe complications, for example, meningitis (inflammatory process in the brain envelopes) or sepsis (blood infection due to falling into the her pus). As a rule, the internal otitis media is the result of complications of previous otitis media, or the consequences of a serious infectious disease. High body temperature, severe headache and vomiting, loss of balance - these are all symptoms of internal otitis, in which it is necessary to seek help from a specialist as soon as possible. In addition, with such forms of the disease, there is a sharp deterioration of the hearing until its complete loss.

In order to make an accurate diagnosis and, consequently, to prescribe the correct treatment regimen for the patient, doctors resort to otorhinolaryngological examination and laboratory tests.

Diagnosis of otitis. Surveys and studies

Laboratory diagnostics is carried out mainly in order to establish the nature of the origin of otitis - bacteriological or virologic. With the serological reaction of blood serum and polymerase chain reaction, antibodies to pathogens are detected. Also, the results of a general blood test will show the presence or absence of an inflammatory process in the body.

The basic instrumental methods of otitis diagnosis:

  • Tympanocenosis is the study of fluid obtained by surgical puncture of the membrane. The procedure allows you to determine the antibiotic needed to fight a particular type of infection, but in practice it is not often used.
  • Tympanometry - checking the mobility of the tympanic membrane.
  • Otoscopy - examination of the tympanic membrane and auditory passage by means of an otoscope.
  • Audiometry is the definition of hearing acuity when suspected of reducing it.
  • Computer tomography of the brain and skull structure (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) - are used in case of suspicion of suppurative inflammatory processes and intracranial complications, help to diagnose the formation of various pathologies - polyps, cholesteanomas and so on.

Conservative treatment of otitis in adults

To avoid the development of complications and to achieve recovery with minimal waste of time and effort, otitis should be treated in a timely manner, in fact, like any other disease. For each form of the inflammatory process, a special treatment is provided, with its own procedures and medical preparations.

Otitis of the external ear is treated out-patient, with the use of drops, which contain an antibiotic. Sometimes antibiotics can be prescribed together with corticosteroids or antihistamines, if the disease is caused by an allergic reaction. There are also procedures for washing the ear canal with an antiseptic solution. If this therapy does not lead to recovery or is not possible due to severe edema of the ear canal and face cellulite, oral medications are prescribed. At elevated body temperature, antipyretic agents are used, as well as analgesics if pain syndrome is present. In rare cases, with the formation of purulent inflammation of the external ear tissues, surgical intervention can be indicated.

Elimination of inflammation in the middle ear in the normal course of the disease is outpatient. Treatment of otitis in adults is performed with the appointment of antibiotics, antiseptics and bed rest. To reduce the painful syndrome, a warm 96% alcohol is used as a drop (this procedure is contraindicated in suppuration). For topical administration, physiotherapy is prescribed, it is also possible to use a blue lamp. It will be superfluous and warming the compress in otitis (alcohol, vodka or based on camphor oil), which should be kept no more than 3-4 hours. It must also be remembered that you can not put a compress at an elevated body temperature.

If the disease does not go without complications, then the patient will show signs of acute otitis - the purulent otitis will develop. Treatment can be continued with the help of antibiotics or by surgical intervention.

Surgical intervention

Sometimes it happens that conservative treatment of otitis in adults does not lead to an improvement in the patient's condition. In such situations, a surgical dissection of the tympanostomy is performed. This manipulation makes it possible to avoid complications, since the puncture is done at a favorable and correct point, pus goes out through a specially installed tube, and the pain syndrome decreases, and recovery comes faster. In addition, the biomaterial (festering isolates) is subject to a laboratory bacteriological study for sensitivity to antibiotics. If, after the performed procedures, the acuity of hearing is not restored, purges and pneumatic massage can be prescribed.

There are cases when there is a natural rupture of the tympanic membrane. This is observed mainly with inflammation of the middle ear and requires immediate surgical intervention.

With tubotimponal form of otitis, the task of surgical treatment is restoring the integrity of the tympanoplasty using tympanoplasty using its own cartilage.

Epitimpanoanthral form of otitis is associated with destruction of bone tissue. In such a course of the disease, the goal of surgical intervention is to remove bone pathology and restore the tympanic membrane using prostheses made of inert materials (titanium).

Internal otitis is the result of ineffective treatment of otitis media and is dangerous due to purulent complications with damage to the membranes of the brain. Therefore, in such forms of the disease, hospitalization of the patient with further surgical care is necessary.

It should be remembered that prevention is always better than treatment. Prevention of otitis can be the timely elimination of foci of infection within the body (caries, sinusitis), as well as the elimination of hypothermia. When the first signs of the disease appear, it is important to immediately seek medical help from specialists.


What are the signs of otitis in an adult

Otitis is a disease that affects hearing and other life processes. Having discovered signs of otitis in an adult, you should immediately start treatment in order to avoid serious consequences (Fig. 1). Some types of otitis have irreversible effects on the hearing, from the timely detection of it and effective treatment depends on the quality of life of the patient.

Picture 1. Diagnosis of otitis in adults.

Classification of otitis

Otitis is called inflammatory processes that develop in the inner ear (labyrinth), the middle ear or in the auricle and external auditory canals. Depending on the course of the course of the disease, the following are distinguished:

Figure 2. Scheme of otitis.

  • acute otitis, which occurs suddenly with pronounced symptoms;
  • chronic otitis, with prolonged inflammation and periodic exacerbations.
  • For reasons of development of otitis, the following forms are distinguished:
  • allergic;
  • bacterial;
  • traumatic;
  • virus.

In the course of the course of the disease, the ways of its manifestation distinguish:

  • purulent otitis, in which pus accumulates behind the tympanic membrane (Fig. 2);
  • catarrhal otitis with edema and reddening of tissues, but without liquid or purulent discharge;
  • exudative otitis, suggesting the accumulation in the middle ear of liquids (blood, lymph), which create a favorable environment for the development of pathogens.

Otitis manifests itself in all different ways. Symptoms of the disease may differ significantly.

Causes of otitis media

To develop inflammation in the external auditory canals, a small amount of damage to the skin is enough.From an impact, a scratch or an inadvertent cleaning of the auricle, the infection gets under your skin. The cause of otitis can become a bite of an insect in the earlobe or other ear region.

During swimming or swimming, the water that gets into the ear is a favorable environment for the development of microbes. Foreign objects (crumbs, earth, sawdust) provoke otitis in adults.

Figure 3. Hydrogen peroxide for otitis treatment.

In addition to the listed reasons that cause the disease by accident or negligence, there are otitis media, provoked by the infection. They arise due to such factors:

  1. Diseases of the nose and nasal sinuses (sinusitis, sinusitis, frontalitis). With swelling of the respiratory tract, stagnation of liquids in the middle ear occurs, in which pathogenic microorganisms develop.
  2. With an incorrect blowing nose during a cold, the infection does not leave the body, but spreads to neighboring organs.
  3. Against the background of diabetes, kidney disease, eczema, psoriasis and other diseases, immunity is weakened, which causes any respiratory disease to spread to the middle ear.

Often the profession contributes to the development of ailment. Scuba divers or pilots constantly have to experience pressure changes that adversely affect the health of the hearing.

Symptoms of otitis in adults

Depending on the localization of the inflammation focus, the sensations experienced by the patient with otitis also differ. With external otitis pain symptoms occur when pressing on the skin. If there is a furuncle, the pain is localized near it, as it ripens, a purulent discharge is formed. In the last phase, throbbing pain disturbs a person constantly, without physical impact on the skin. If the focus of inflammation is located in the auditory canal, there is a feeling of pressure on the tympanic membrane, a feeling of stuffiness in the ear.

As a result of the spread of infection, otitis media develops. It affects the area between the external auditory canals and the inner ear. The patient complains about the following symptoms:

Figure 4. Ear drops in otitis.

  • temperature increase;
  • severe headaches;
  • shooting pain in the ear;
  • noise, ringing in the ears;
  • bloody or purulent discharge from the ear with perforation of the tympanic membrane;
  • worsening of hearing.

When inflammation in the labyrinth of auditory canals (internal otitis), the most severe disorders are observed. This form of the disease can manifest itself after a while after recovering from a cold. Accompany it with such symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • lack of coordination;
  • nausea; rapid motion sickness in transport;
  • complete or partial hearing loss;
  • frequent movements of eyeballs.

Adhesive inflammation of the ear is characterized by a thickening of the mucosa of the auditory tubes and the tympanic membrane. As a consequence, there is a gradual decrease in hearing. Thickening prevents the outflow of exudate, in which pathogenic bacteria develop. Inflammation of the ear is accompanied by fever, headaches and weakness.

When allergic otitis in purulent discharge mucus is observed. The temperature does not increase, but the hearing loss is present. The patient is disturbed by a strong itching in the ear and a feeling of pouring liquid in the head.

Otitis begins to show symptoms of a general malaise, but the specific signs of the disease are gradually emerging.

The faster they start treatment, the less the body suffers. For example, with prolonged suppuration, there is a danger of infection of blood and brain membranes, which provokes meningitis.

Therefore, even with a small obstruction of the ear, which does not take 2-3 days, you should consult an otolaryngologist.

Ways to treat otitis media

The most common method of treatment is the reception of pharmaceuticals. They are aimed at removing the main symptoms of the disease. After examination and diagnosis, the ENT appoints the patient preparations from the following groups:

  1. Antihistamines. They will help alleviate the condition with allergic otitis, and will reduce the manifestation of edema (Suprastin, Erius, Cetrin).
  2. Analgesics. They will reduce the pain and will have an anti-inflammatory effect. When otitis, they are prescribed as ear drops. Adults should bury in the ear 5-8 drops 3-4 times a day. For prevention buried in both ears, even if the second does not bother (Otipax, Otix).
  3. The Vagotonics. These funds remove puffiness and contribute to the outflow of pus and exudative without perforation of the tympanic membrane (Nazivin, Naphthyzin).
To purify the external auditory canal from pus use hydrogen peroxide and alcohol (Fig. 3). A cotton swab carefully removes all dirt, without immersing it deep in the ear, so as not to damage the eardrum.

If the cause of otitis is a bacterial infection, the doctor will prescribe an antibiotic. The course of taking medications is 6-9 days. During this period, the doctor conducts visual observation and prescribes tests to determine the effectiveness of the prescribed drugs.

To speed up the recovery process help physiotherapy (laser therapy, magnetotherapy, UHF, phototherapy, electrophoresis).

If drug treatment for several days does not bring significant relief, and the patient experiencing severe pain due to accumulated pus behind the tympanic membrane, then perform a surgical intervention. Under local anesthesia, in stretched tissues, a puncture is made to allow the pus to flow out freely. After the patient heals, the puncture becomes overgrown and the hearing is restored.

Folk methods for controlling otitis media

Methods of traditional medicine can be combined with home treatment. Here are a few recipes for treating otitis media at home.

  1. To the tablespoon of pharmacy tincture of propolis add 3 tablespoons of olive oil. Heat the mixture to body temperature. Dampen with a cotton swab and place in the ear, change every 10-12 hours.
  2. Crush the head of garlic and add to the gruel 50 ml of refined sunflower oil. To insist on light not less than 4-5 days, then strain and store in the refrigerator. Bury in each ear 2-3 drops several times a day (Fig. 4).
  3. A few leaves of aloe are cleaned and squeezed out the juice, which is buried in the ear canal.

Prophylaxis of ear diseases

Instead of long treatment, it is recommended to prevent illnesses. Here are some tips for preventing ear inflammation:

  • avoid contact with people suffering from colds, strengthen immunity;
  • do not allow hypothermia of the head, wear a hat in the cold season;
  • During swimming, swimming or diving use special plugs to protect against water ingress;
  • Avoid too careful cleaning of the ears, so as not to damage the skin and hearing organs.

Otitis often becomes a complication of other diseases, so do not long test your body for strength. The earlier the treatment of diseases begins, the fewer additional ailments will have to be treated.


Treatment of otitis media in adults

Diseases of the ear cause a lot of trouble for a person. The term "otitis" is used to refer to any infections that penetrate the hearing organs. This disease can be internal, middle or external. The type of ailment depends on the part of the ear that is affected, and on the time of its destructive effect. How to treat otitis media in adults, it is necessary to know in order to relieve yourself of pain in time.

How to treat otitis media at home

To begin treatment of an otitis at adults, it is necessary with recognition of illness. With this disease there is pain, the ear starts to itch and shoot, inflammation occurs. Self-medication should not be dealt with, but manifestations of the symptoms of the disease should be immediately clearly noticed, in order to provide first aid. Symptoms of the disease are manifested by its type:

  1. External otitis media. Characteristic pain in the organs of hearing, itching in the region of the auricle, purulent discharge and unpleasant odor. On the skin of the ear there is peeling, swelling and redness. In this case, a person normally hears.
  2. Otitis media is divided into two groups. Acute suppurative otitis media is characterized by painful sensations inside the ear. The nature of the pain can be different: aching, stitching, throbbing. It is able to localize in the areas of the jaw, temple, nape. In addition, there is an increase in body temperature. If too much pus accumulates inside the ear, then the perforation of the tympanic membrane and the release of purulent formation can occur. Chronic form of the disease brings worsening of hearing, leads to complications. It is recognized due to the constant flow of pus.
  3. Adhesive and allergic otitis. With such inflammation, there is a noise in the ears, a constant decrease in the level of hearing, a headache, weakness, the appearance of adhesions.
  4. Internal otitis media is a complication of the middle. This type of ailment is not accompanied by pain, there is a loss of hearing and dizziness.

Treatment of otitis should begin with the appearance of the first symptoms, before complications can occur, and the disease does not change from acute to chronic. Cope with the disease you can and sitting at home, as prescribed by a doctor of suitable means. A large range of medicines is used for the fight:

  • drops;
  • compresses;
  • antibiotics inside;
  • homeopathic remedies;
  • as a supporting therapy - folk remedies.

Ear drops

Cure the outer or middle otitis easily with the help of ear drops. By composition, such drugs can be single-component (contain only antibiotic) or bicomponent (antibiotic and anti-inflammatory substance). Examples of such drugs are Otoposarin, Polidex. Drops in the ears with otitis are considered to be an effective medication. There are many drugs designed to get rid of the disease. There are drops from otitis in adults, which are used more often than others:

  1. "Normaks." In the composition - norfloxacin, auxiliary substances. Indications for use - external, medium (acute and chronic), internal otitis. To drip it is necessary on 1-2 drops 4 times / day in a sick ear. The price: 100-140 р.
  2. "Otofa". Contains rifamycin sodium and other substances. Indications - external, medium acute, average chronic otitis media. Dosage of application - to drip in an ear on 5 drops 3 times / day. You can pour the medicine in your ear for about 2 hours. Price: 170-220 rubles.
  3. Sofredex. The composition is rich: Framicetin sulfate, gramicidin, dexamethasone. It is used for otitis externa. Drip 2-3 drops 3-4 times / day. You can use compresses, laying the ear passage with a gauze swab with the medicine. The price: 290 р.
  4. "Anotite." In the composition - levomitsetin, boric acid, lidocaine hydrochloride, auxiliary substances. Indications - external, purulent middle, purulent otitis media. It is applied on 4-5 drops 3-4 times / day. The price: 40-50 р.


Such medications are required for an average, diffuse, secretory form of the disease, when some drops do not help. Antibiotics can be used to treat bilateral, viral and fungal otitis media. These drugs fight inflammatory processes that have arisen in the field of auditory organs, some are capable of anesthetizing. It is recommended not to take antibiotics for more than 5 days. Increase the effect of drugs through additional drugs or folk remedies. Among the antibiotics used to treat otitis media are:

  • "Spiramycin" (take 2-3 times / day for 1 capsule, price: 205 rubles);
  • "Ampicillin" (drink 4 times / day for 1 capsule, price: 22 rubles);
  • "Ciprofloxacin" (inside 2 times a day for 1 capsule, price: 14 rubles);
  • other popular antibiotics may be used.

Other medicines

In addition to the above listed tools, treatment of otitis media of the middle ear in adults and the external type of the disease is carried out using other affordable, inexpensive but effective methods. You can use boric acid or boric alcohol. The medium is heated to body temperature by lowering the vial into warm water. Then the medicine is digested into the ear passages by pipetting 3 drops. To prevent the drug from flowing, put cotton swabs in your ears. Boric acid in otitis relieves inflammation and pain syndrome, is suitable as a first aid in the manifestation of signs of the disease.

People's means

When some medicamental methods are not enough, proven methods of treating otitis in adults come to the rescue. People's means are great, each has a special effect. Such methods should be used correctly for the first symptoms or as part of a comprehensive therapy. Sometimes you can do only with folk remedies, but it is better to use medicines from the pharmacy. Here are some natural "preparations" for solving the problem:

  1. Tincture of birch buds. To prepare, you need to insist 10 g of birch buds for 200 ml of vodka or alcohol. Use the medicine after a week. Obtain the product with a wet tampon and place it in your ear. To remove pain, several procedures are required.
  2. Propolis tincture. The medicine will come to the rescue with severe pain. Preheat the preparation, drip 2 drops in both ear canals, then place in the ears cotton swabs. The remedy should be kept for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Sugar smoke. Original remedy. Take a tin lid without gum, pour 1 tbsp. l. sugar and place on a burning stove. When the smoke appears, fold the newspaper into a tube, place it above the smoke, hold the ear to the hole. The procedure should be at least 5 minutes. After its termination, warm your ear.


Herbal treatment is gradually gaining popularity in modern society. Not uncommon and homeopathic pharmacies. Each method of treating otitis in adults - homeopathy and herbal medicine - is considered quite safe. Nature is a storehouse of useful substances. Treat the disease with the help of herbs should be after a consultation with the doctor to prevent complications. What natural means to use:

  • aconite - if there is a tingling and pain in the hearing;
  • belladonna - with an average otitis, strong pulsating and tearing pains, buzzing, swelling near the ear;
  • Pulsatilla - for recovery with a decrease in hearing, a sense of congestion in the ear canal, purulent and bloody discharge;
  • at very strong pains - ferrum fostorika.

How to treat otitis in pregnant women

There are two important features that distinguish otitis treatment in pregnancy. The first is that the benefits to the body of the medicine must exceed the harm. Everything is done so that the fetus does not suffer. If the otitis media is severe and severe, antibiotics are prescribed. They should be chosen by the doctor in accordance with the timing and course of pregnancy. In time, untreated otitis results in perforation of the tympanic membrane. Catarrhal (exudative) otitis is treated easier - by blowing or pneumomassage, without perforating intervention.

For treatment of otitis in adults, local treatment is also prescribed. To do this, use turundochki, which are placed in the ear. Together with this device, a tampon moistened with the medicine is used. Please note that the drug was approved during pregnancy. Treatment prescribed by a doctor is allowed to be supplemented with folk remedies. Natural medicines will not only alleviate the symptoms, but will also benefit the body overall. Treatment of otitis during pregnancy should be approached with all responsibility.

Video: what to do when the ear hurts

Inflammation of the organs of the auditory system occurs frequently. Treatment is often effective and passes easily, but complications also arise. Everything depends on the place of origin and severity of the disease. Treat the infection in the hearing aid immediately so that severe complications do not appear. There are a lot of funds that can lead you to recovery. These are tablets, drops, ointments, decoctions, compresses. With a light otitis can help drop, if the case is more serious, you will have to take antibiotics. From the video below you will determine which means are best used in the complex.


Otitis of the ear: types of otitis and causes of development

  • Otitis in children
  • Otitis in adults
  • Treatment

Ear Otitis is an ENT disease of the hearing organ, characterized by an inflammation of one of the ear sections connected together.

The reasons for the development of otitis media can be very different, ranging from mechanical damage and improper personal hygiene, to serious complications arising from acute respiratory infections, influenza and colds.

Few people know, but even a common runny nose in neglected form can become the beginning not only of maxillary sinusitis, but also of otitis media.

Let us consider in more detail what otitis media are and what types of this disease are encountered.

The structure of the human ear is divided into three interconnected parts, which bear the following names:

  • external ear;
  • middle ear;
  • inner ear.

Depending on the specific part of the body the inflammatory process is taking place, in medicine it is customary to distinguish three types of otitis:

  • outer;
  • average;
  • interior.

Ear canitis: symptoms of the disease in children

Otitis in children (see the photo on the left) occurs much more often than otitis in adults whose symptoms are identical. First of all, this is due to the not fully developed structure of individual tissues and parts of the hearing organ.

Also, the symptoms of otitis media (also called inflammation of the middle ear) are observed in children with reduced immunity or due to complications of viral, colds, flu.

As already noted above, the disease is divided into three types. For each type of otitis, adults and children have their own symptoms and signs.

Whenexternal otitis media, the causes of which are often violations of the rules of personal hygiene of the child, microtrauma of the shell of the ear, internal boils, observed:

  • elevated body temperature (up to 39 ° C);
  • chills;
  • the child's refusal to eat;
  • capriciousness and irritability;
  • poor sleep;
  • unreasonable crying;
  • puffiness and redness of the auricle;
  • the appearance of small bubbles on the skin around the ear;
  • pain in ear is constant or when touching;
  • an increase in parotid lymph nodes.


Amoxicillin Otipax Ceftriaxone Azithromycin Dioxydin Protargol Polidexa Dimexide Levomecol Flemoxin Solutab Sumamed Otofa Miramistin Otipax

Whenaverage otitis, which most often occurs against the background of acute respiratory viral infections, as well as in children with low immunity, the following symptomatic pattern is observed:

  • earache;
  • continuous crying;
  • lack of sleep;
  • the child's desire to rub or scratch his ear (rub on the pillow);
  • refusal of food;
  • painful reaction when pressing on the tragus (outer cartilage of the auricle);
  • elevated temperature;
  • lethargy;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • purulent discharge from the ear, possibly with an admixture of blood (with a purulent form of acute otitis media).

Wheninternal otitis, manifested much less frequently than the two previous forms, but it is much more dangerous than them as a result complications of otitis media or against the background of a general serious infectious disease are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • elevated temperature;
  • noise in ears;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • loss of balance;
  • hearing loss.

Diagnosis of the symptoms of the disease will be helped by the characteristic symptoms of otitis of the ear, but this does not give the right to self-medicate. At the first manifestations of inflammation of the middle ear, it is necessary to seek help from an otolaryngologist, who, based on a real clinical picture, will prescribe the right treatment.

Symptoms of a cold in the ear in adults

Unlike children, otic otitis, the symptoms of which are known to many of us since childhood, in adulthood happen much less often and is mainly the result of hypothermia, violations of personal hygiene and complications after a viral cold diseases.

Species of otitis

Middle ear External Sharp Bilateral Allergic Outward diffuse Perforating Inside Child Eustachyte

It is much easier to diagnose an individual's disease in an adult than a child in the first place, because he can describe in detail the whole picture, including the power of pain in the ears. This will help determine the severity of the disease.

However, only the doctor can make a final verdict and prescribe the appropriate treatment for otitis media of the middle ear, after having undergone proper examination with the help of special ENT instruments.

Characterize the adult otitis as a cold of the ear, its symptoms are similar to children's:

  • congestion of the ears and hearing loss;
  • acute or aching pain in the ears;
  • elevated temperature (not mandatory);
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • pains that give to the neck, teeth, whiskey, forehead;
  • weakness and general malaise;
  • nausea and vomiting.

In order to avoid the occurrence of such diseases of the ear, proper preventive maintenance should be carried out, and then the pain in the ears will not bother you or your children.

How and how to treat otitis media - doctor's prescriptions and recipes of folk medicine

How to treat an otitis of an ear the doctor the otolaryngologist defines, having established a kind and a degree of disease.

Treatment of otitis media

Treatment of otitis externa Treatment of otitis media of the middle ear Treatment of purulent otitis Ear drops Ear pills Antibiotics Ear wax Ear candles In adults In children In pregnant women

In any case, first of all, drug therapy is aimed at the destruction of bacteria that contribute to the development of otitis media. It is done with the help of antibiotics, and selected such drugs that can not only to eliminate the bacterial damage of the body, but also easily penetrate into the ear drum cavity to the hearth disease.

The most commonly used antibiotics for the treatment of otitis media- Tsifran, Flemoklav, Solyutab.

As a local treatment, special ear drops-antiseptics are used, most often in the ENT practice, the old-fashioned method uses a solution of boric acid.

However, there are a number of other similar drugs of a new generation that can easily cope with infections.

In addition, such drops often include anesthesia, which helps to significantly reduce and eliminate pain.

Some of the best ear drops from otitis are Sophradex, Otipax, Otinum, Garazon.

In combination with ear drops in otitis, otolaryngologists often prescribe vasoconstrictive drops in the nose (Naphthyzine, Nazol, Galazolin, Otrivin and etc.), thanks to which it is possible to remove swelling of the mucous membrane of the Eustachian tube and thereby reduce the load on the eardrum.

In addition to drops in the nose in the complex can be appointed and antihistamines (antiallergic) funds, pursuing the same goal - removing the edema of the mucosa. These can be tablets of Suprastin, Diazolinum, Loratadina, etc.

If there is an increased body temperature, which often causes otitis media, mandatory prescribed antipyretic drugs, which are also able to partially relieve or reduce pain in the ears. The most safe and effective remedy for temperature is Paracetamol.


All of the above drugs used to treat otitis media can not be regarded as a guide to action. The question, than to treat an ear otitis independently, should not stand at all. Treatment of this disease, like most other things, can only take place under the guidance of a qualified doctor.

With a timely visit to the otolaryngologist and the exact observance of all prescriptions, the ear otitis passes quickly enough without leaving any consequences.

How to treat otitis with folk remedies

In addition to drug therapy, there are many ways of alternative treatment of otitis media. I must say that such methods are acceptable for use and are mostly of an auxiliary nature. However, it should not be forgotten that people's prescriptions can be used only after consulting a doctor and in no case should they self-medicate to avoid complications and irreversible consequences.

Folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies Home treatment Camphor alcohol Geranium Hydrogen peroxide Tincture of propolis Tincture Calendula Furacil Alcohol Washing the Ear Aloe Boric Acid Warming Up the Compress on the Ear Blowing the Hearing Pipes

Depending on the form and degree of the disease, otitis symptoms are accompanied by different symptoms, on the basis of which various recipes of folk medicine are applied.

Recipe number 1.For example, to reduce tinnitus and prevent the development of otitis, it is recommended to chew buds of fragrant cloves or cook on based on the broth, observing the proportions of 15 grams of cloves 100 grams of hot water and take it on a teaspoon 2-3 times throughout day.

Recipe number 2.With hearing loss after otitis, it is recommended to brew and drink tea from rose petals (red) for two weeks, which will help restore hearing in a short time.

Recipe number 3.To cure otitis externa, one should take the root of elecampane, incinerate it on fire, and then grind it in a coffee grinder and mix it with a small amount of lamb fat. Lubricate the prepared earwax with otitis shell to complete recovery.

Recipe number 4.To reduce the symptoms of acute otitis will help tincture of nightshade sweet and bitter. To make it, you need to take 2 tablespoons of chopped grass and pour 100 grams of vodka. Insist for a week, then inject into your ear soaked in a means of cotton turuns 2-3 times a day.

You can also cook the infusion. To do this, pour a tablespoon of herbs with a glass of boiling water. Insist for an hour and apply as in the case of tincture, in the form of embedded turundas.

Recipe number 5.To reduce severe pain in the ears with otitis will help glycerin with alcohol. It is necessary to combine the two ingredients in equal proportions (:), moisten the turunda in this mixture and lay it in the diseased ear.

The recipe number 6.When asked how and how to treat ear inflammation, many will give an unambiguous answer - dry heat.

This is really an effective method for acute otitis, which is widely used in medicine (blue lamp, UHF).

It can also be used in the home if the ear is inflamed. To do this, take ordinary table salt, heat it in a clean dry frying pan and fill it in a linen bag.

Through an additional folded in several times the tissue, the patient's ear should be heated for 30 minutes.

It is important to know

You can not heat your ears with the help of dry heat at an elevated body temperature and purulent secretions from the auricles.



External otitis in children and adults: symptoms and treatment

According to official statistics, otitis externa, the symptoms and treatment of which will be discussed in this article, are carried by 5 people per 1000 people worldwide every year. In 3-5% of people, this disease is observed in chronic form.

It was noted that, despite the prevalence among residents of all countries, this disease is more likely to be found in places with a warm and humid climate. In addition, the otitis of the external auditory canal is predisposed to the nationalities, in which this passage is narrow.

At its core, the described pathology is nothing more than an inflammatory disease that develops in the region external parts of the ear, which are known to include the auricle, external ear canal and drum membrane.

This ailment is caused mainly by representatives of the bacterial genus, but there are other causes of the disease that will be described below.

External otitis, a photo of which can be seen below, is equally common in both men and women:

From the viewpoint of occupational morbidity, the development of the disease is characteristic primarily of people engaged in diving and / or swimming, as well as for other people who often get water in their ear.

The maximum incidence rate falls on the age from 7 to 12 years. Physicians associate this with the immaturity of the defense mechanisms and, of course, with the peculiarities of the anatomy of the child's ear. Outer otitis in a child is an actual pediatric problem.

Limited, diffuse, allergic and fungal otitis externa

In medicine, it is common to distinguish two main types of the described disease - it is limited external otitis and diffuse:

  • A limited variant of the disease manifests itself as an inflammatory process of the hair follicle in the ear canal, or in the form of a furuncle. At the same time, this boil will not be visible from the outside. The patient can only guess about his presence. The basis of this conjecture is always pain, which is aggravated by chewing or touching the ear. After a couple of days, the abscess reaches its peak of maturity and bursts because of what the pain goes away.
  • For the diagnosis of diffuse external otitis furuncle is not typical. The inflammatory process is more common and affects the entire auditory canal.

This form of the disease is further subdivided into three varieties, the names of which reflect the main culprit of their development.This includes: bacterial form of the disease, caused mainly by group A streptococci, allergic variant a disease based on an allergy, and fungal otitis externa, the causative factor of which is fungi.

Acute and chronic otitis media of the external ear

According to the clinical course, the described disease can be acute or chronic:

  • Chronic external otitis develops, as a rule, as a result of the absence or insufficiency of therapy of the acute form of the disease. Also, quite often the reason is the regular cleaning of the ears with cotton buds. This leads to the removal of the protective layer of sulfur and as a consequence to traumas of the ear canal. The result of such processes is the coarsening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis, the appearance of itching in the ears and the reduction of resistance to inflammation. The skin of the auditory canal thickens and overlaps its lumen.
  • It is believed that if the acute otitis of the external ear recurred more than 4 times during a year or its duration is more than 4 weeks, then this is already a chronic form of the disease.

Otitis media of the middle ear and other causes of otitis media of the external auditory canal

In most cases, the causes of external otitis causes an infectious nature. First of all, they are bacteria and, in particular, staphylococcus, as well as fungi.

Predisposing to the development of this disease factors can be attributed to the constant moisture of the skin of the auditory canal.This condition becomes the reason that the skin protective barrier is broken:normal for the skin of the ear canal is characterized by an acid reaction, with the help of which a reliable protection from infection, and under the influence of water, this acidity rapidly decreases and opens the way microbes.

Of great importance is also the presence of small wounds, for example, scratches or cuts of the skin of the ear canal:they can easily be obtained by trying to clear the ear of sulfur, especially if it uses matches, hairpins or toothpicks and other unintended objects.

External otitis media also has its own risk factors:

  • For example, the development of this ailment in children is facilitated by a skin pathology such as eczema, which is the cause of peeling and the appearance of erosions in the ear. A significant role in the formation of otitis belongs to the so-called sulfur plugs. This increases the risk of traumatizing the auditory meatus when trying to clean it, because many patients believe that they themselves can get rid of the plug.
  • Another risk factor that can eventually cause external otitis media is the otitis media of the chronic middle ear. In this case, the introduction of infection is facilitated by the constant presence of a purulent discharge in the auditory canal.
  • The risk of skin lesions in the area of ​​the auditory canal exists also in diseases, accompanied by a decrease in immunity (say, diabetes), as well as with the narrowness of the auditory tube.

Signs of external ear otitis

The symptoms that arise when the disease is called otitis externa are, as a rule, observed only on one side. the disease is characterized by the defeat of one ear. Patients are concerned about persistent pain in the hearing organ itself or in its area. In this case, the pain is intensified by the movement of the tragus or the auricle as a whole.

There is a feeling of stuffiness of the ear and a clear decrease in its function:patients note that they are hearing impaired. The external auditory canal swells, the lymph nodes located in the ear area increase.

In the case of eczema or fungal damage, the above mentioned signs of external otitis may well be caused by an earache.

Furuncle with limited external otitis

With a limited version of external otitis, the first sign appearing in the patient is a throbbing pain, the intensity of which increases during conversation and / or chewing. If you push on the tragus or pull the ear, the soreness also increases.

Patients diagnosed with limited otitis externa ear symptoms usually do not include hearing impairment. It decreases only when the lumen of the auditory canal completely overlaps.

As mentioned above, the main sign of this form of the disease is furuncle. When examining the auditory canal on one of its walls you can notice flushing and swelling of the skin. After some time in the center of this area is formed softening, the boil is opened, which is accompanied by the release of pus.

Symptoms of acute diffuse otitis media

If there is diffuse acute external otitis, the symptoms developing in the patient differ somewhat from the manifestations with limited otitis. Pain in the ear is insignificant, it may be replaced by an itch, which sometimes is quite significant. Body temperature remains at normal level or slightly increases. Hearing is usually preserved and reduced only with significant swelling of the skin with the closure of the entire lumen of the auditory canal.

During examination of the ear canal, swelling, redness and thickening of the skin are revealed. When the process spreads to the tympanic membrane, a small amount of transparent secretions appears from the ear, the hearing decreases, the eardrum becomes hyperemic.

Diffuse external purulent otitis is characterized by the release of pus from the ear. The temperature is increased and the general condition of the patient suffers.

Complications of external ear otitis

Acute external otitis usually does not often lead to the development of any complications, but there is a small risk in this regard.

The result of this disease can become abscesses, and in simple words filled with pus and quite painful abscesses. They appear in those places where the ear infection with inflammation began. As a rule, such abscesses disappear on their own. Although in some cases, to speed up recovery, the doctor has to drain abscesses.

Complications of external otitis in the form of a narrowing of the external auditory canal are usually formed in patients with a chronic form of ear damage. As a result, such patients may worsen hearing or even complete deafness, but this is rare. The described constriction is easily treated with special drops. If they are appointed on time, then the hearing will later be all right.

External otitis in adults and children can lead to inflammatory processes, and sometimes to perforation of the tympanic membrane. This is due to the fact that in some cases, as a result of inflammation of the external ear, the fluid in the inner ear begins to accumulate. This fluid presses on the membrane and eventually breaks it, which is accompanied by loss of hearing, pain, ringing and viscous secretions from the ears.

In most cases, the membranes heal in a couple of months without any treatment. If this does not happen, then surgical intervention is prescribed.

How to treat external otitis media

When treating patients with a diagnosis of external otitis treatment, as a rule, includes the use of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents. The most popular among such medicines were acquired by Garazon and Sofrex, combining both of these effects. However, it is not recommended to use them without prescribing a doctor, which should be remembered especially if the described disease affects the child. After all, improper selection of medicines or failure to adhere to adequate measures for their use usually leads to undesirable consequences in the form of certain complications and / or side effects of the action medicines.

With the diagnosis of otitis externa, treatment with antibacterial drugs is aimed at eliminating the infectious focus. In this case, due to the fact that in the composition of virtually all drugs used in addition to the main active substance There are also anti-inflammatory, as well as analgesic components, the patient gradually eliminated and painful Feel. Such therapy of the described disease is most effective.

Complex treatment of acute external otitis media

In addition to the course of antibiotics, prescribed strictly by the recommendation of the attending physician, in patients with acute diagnosis External otitis treatment includes the use of warming compresses, and the elimination of nasal congestion, and an increase immunity.

There was a time when with this disease the treatment with boric alcohol was widely used. This substance was moistened with turundas, which were then placed in the ear. However, these days this procedure is recognized as a gross error, because alcohol causes severe irritation and as a result intensifies the inflammatory reaction.

It must be remembered that the treatment of the described disease should be comprehensive.

Drops with external otitis, no matter how qualitative they were, can not eliminate inflammation. And if you only use them, then this will not be enough for a complete cure.

We must not forget about the hygienic procedures that must be performed according to a certain scheme, because incorrect use of them can lead to plug-in. In addition, a too moist environment can contribute to the development of microorganisms in the ear, so it is worth preserving this body from washing.

Treatment of a limited otitis externa ear with drops or ointment

When deciding how to treat external otitis of limited form, the first thing the doctor prescribes is usually antibacterial ointment or drops.

The first kind of medicinal forms is Triderm or Celestoderm:These drugs lubricate turunda and inject into the ear.

Of the most popular drops:Neomycin and Ofloxacin.

A careful treatment of the affected area should be performed before using these medications. This is usually done with silver nitrate.

Analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed to eliminate pain.

Sometimes it is carried out as a treatment for external otitis in adults, an incision is made of the furuncle, followed by treatment with antiseptics and antibiotics.

To restore the immune system that is broken in the disease, vitamin therapy, autohemotherapy and immunocorrective therapy are prescribed.

Treatment of diffuse otitis in a child

Otitis of the outer ear of the diffuse type is also treated mainly by antibacterial drugs with the addition of multivitamins and immunocorrection.

In the ear injecting turuns with Burov ointment or hormonal ointments, instill antibacterial drops. In the presence of purulent discharge, the affected area is washed with a solution of antibiotics.

When the diagnosis of otitis externa in a child, the treatment must necessarily be controlled by the treating doctor. Independent attempts to cure a baby can lead to serious consequences.

Therapy,as a rule, is limited to conservative methods and is based on the same principles as treatment of the described ailment in adults: the use of drops and ointments based on antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and analgesic medicines.

In the case of occlusion of the auditory canal, the doctor performs manipulations aimed at clearing it of serous contents. After that, he carefully examines the eardrum. And after that, he makes the appointment of the necessary medicines.


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