Camphor alcohol in otitis

Camphor alcohol, use in otitis: alcoholic turundas and ear trays

  • Instructions
  • With average otitis
  • Children

Camphor alcohol is very special in otitis media. It should be noted that camphor alcohol itself is quite unusual. They make a unique locally irritating medical product from camphor and alcohol.

In medicine, camphor treats many diseases (erysipelas, sinusitis, colds, intestinal disorders).

Using camphor alcohol in the treatment of an inflamed ear, it is important to take into account the fact that this folk remedy is just an auxiliary procedure.

Cure one camphor alcohol ear is impossible. However, it is quite possible to significantly improve the condition of the inflamed organ.

Moreover, camphor for alcohol perfectly copes with ear pain, swelling, redness, etc.

Everyone knows that otitis is an inflammation of one of the ear sections: middle, outer or inner. Depending on what kind of otitis, and the treatment of the ear, including camphor oil, is prescribed. Occurrence in the ear of inflammation is a consequence of getting into the ear of various infections and viruses. To contribute to the appearance of otitis can also some diseases, for example, sinusitis, caries, tonsillitis. Therefore, the approach to otitis treatment should be serious and timely.

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It is worth noting

The most popular way to treat otitis in the home is a compress of camphor alcohol. Prepare a warming compress is very simple. However, there are a couple of characteristics of the use of an alcohol product, which everyone must know who has encountered otitis media.

So, the use of camphor alcohol for otitis begins with the correct dilution of the remedy. In no event can you use camphor alcohol in its pure form. It is necessary to dilute it with water, keeping the proportion of proportions of 5: 0, because in itself Camphor, contained in alcohol and having a high percentage of concentration, is strong an irritant. Therefore, in its pure form it can harm the skin of a person, causing redness, itching or even a burn of the parotid region.

Also sometimes the question "Is it possible to drink camphor alcohol?". The answer is odnaznachen: no, in any case you can not drink it! The use of camphor alcohol entails severe poisoning and burn mucous up to a lethal outcome.

It is also important to remember that before applying the compress it is necessary to lubricate the skin near the ear (on which the compress will lie) with vaseline or usual baby cream. This will help avoid skin irritation and inflammation.

How to make a compress in otitis:

  • Diluted with water, 2% camphor alcohol should be heated to 36 degrees.
  • Cut out a hole for the ear from a gauze (bandage or fabric).
  • In the warmed-up medical mixture, you need to wet a bandage, gauze or cotton cloth (the most important thing is that the selected material is soft enough).
  • Wet the surrounding tissue around the auricle.
  • On top of the fabric, apply a compress paper (beforehand cut an ear hole in it).
  • Place a piece of cotton wool around the auricle (put on top of the paper).
  • Secure the alcohol compress with a cotton shawl or bandage.

Remember that it is very important to keep the heat from the compress. If you feel that the heat quickly goes away, then you have poorly made a compress. Be sure to compress again, but already so that the heat does not go away. It is necessary to hold the compress on the ear for at least 1-2 hours. The duration of treatment with otitis compresses depends on the process of recovery.

A child can do such a compress twice a day: in the morning and in the evening (just before bedtime).

It is important to know

For children, camphor alcohol used in otitis has a slightly different application to adults. To drip to the child it is possible only diluted alcohol and only after consultation with the doctor. At children the skin is even more gentle, than at the adult, therefore the probability of a burn or irritation of a skin of a parotid area above.

Another successful method of treating otitis is the use of special trays based on camphor alcohol. To make such a procedure, you must first lie on your side with a sick ear to the top. Then drip your ear with a diluted solution of alcohol and water (ratio 50 to 50), warmed to body temperature. To drip in the ear you need 6 drops of warm water-alcohol solution. Immediately after instillation do not get up, it is necessary to lie in the starting position for 20 minutes. Only after that you can take a vertical position. However, before lifting into the ear, you must insert the fleece beforehand so that the solution does not pour out. The ear should be kept warm, so as not to aggravate the inflammation.

Despite its healing properties, camphor in high concentrations can be harmful. In order not to harm your body, always use the folk remedy correctly and do not forget to consult a specialist before applying.

Camphor oil: instruction for the use of the remedy for all types of otitis media

Not only camphor alcohol in otitis is a panacea for pain and inflammation in the ear. Often used in medicine and another tool, made from a unique camphor tree - camphor oil.

Camphor oil is made from wood and bark of camphor trees.

Depending on the stage of production of oil, several types of oil are distinguished: black, red, white.

The most safe for health is white camphor oil. It does not cause skin irritation and is not toxic, which allows using the product even for children and pregnant women.

To apply camphor oil for otitis is desirable depending on the type of otitis media: medium, internal, external, because the treatment for each type of otitis has its own characteristics. In order not to harm a sick ear, you must know these features.

Treatment with camphor oil of otitis externa

Otitis externa is an easy form of ear inflammation. It does not pose a serious threat to the health and hearing of a person. However, to deliver discomfort in the form of burning, itching and a little swelling may well be. To eliminate the symptoms of an illness, you will not need supernatural skills or special medical abilities. To carry out "camphorotherapy" it is possible and at home.

So, how can you eliminate the signs of external otitis using camphor oil:

  • Bury the ear with 2-3 drops of warm (heated on a water bath) drug.
  • Wipe the surface of the ear with an oil mixture. To make it, you will need camphor oil and almond seed oil.

Mix the oil in equal proportions, soak in a mixture of gauze or natural (made of cotton) fabric, and then gently wipe her ear outward. This will help to remove skin irritation and itching.

Camphor oil: instructions for use in otitis middle and inner

Treatment of otitis media should always be of high quality.After all, he is very dangerous for his complications. If the middle otitis does not heal for a long time or is treated incorrectly, then it can go to another form - internal otitis. This is the most dangerous form of otitis, as it can cause a lot of serious consequences, for example, partial or complete loss of hearing, meningitis and even death. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to treat otitis media in a timely and correct manner.

At the first signs of otitis media, you can start using camphor oil at home. It will be best to make a cotton swab (the size of an ear hole), moistened in oil. To make such a medical cotton swab can be as follows: roll a cotton swab from the cotton wool, then moisten it with warm camphor oil and gently put it into your ear for at least 4 hours.

Be sure to tie your ear with a handkerchief or scarf to keep the heat. With the correct use of cotton buds, you can reduce pain and inflammation in the ear in a few days.

With internal otitis from camphor oil, it is best to do compresses.They will be an excellent auxiliary procedure in the treatment of this type of ear disease.

How to make a compress from camphor oil in the ear with otitis? To prepare an ordinary oil compress, you need to take a piece of bandage (or gauze), fold it 4 times, then dab in warm camphor oil and attach to the sore ear. The ear must be covered with a plastic bag and tie it with a warm cloth (or scarf).

Make warming compresses from camphor oil with internal otitis until the complete recovery is complete. Themselves are better to apply compresses at night, so the heat will be better and last longer.

It is important to know

To drip an ear is necessary only when there is no rhinitis, that is, with a free nasal breathing. If you can not breathe freely with your nose, then you need to clean the nasal cavity or drip your nose with a vasoconstrictor.

Camphor oil: instructions for use in otitis in children

Especially with camphor oil, it is necessary to treat otitis in children. Since the use of such a folk remedy in childhood has its own specifics and contraindications. That's why you need to know exactly when children can dig in the camphor oil in the ear, and when absolutely impossible.

Camphor oil: instructions for otitis in children

  • Children camphor oil is best not to drip. The most gentle option for using the product in childhood will be the use of warming oil compresses or cotton swabs.
  • In no event should camphor oil be given to children under one year. Because camphor pairs are easily absorbed into the baby's skin, in the aftermath it can lead to poisoning.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use camphor oil for the ears with epilepsy (both in childhood and in adulthood). Because camphor oil can provoke the appearance of seizures or cause a new attack of the disease.

It is important to know

After applying the compress, always inspect the baby's skin. Perhaps he will have an allergic reaction or redness on the skin. In this case, spread the place of irritation with petroleum jelly or an ordinary baby cream. If the inflammation does not pass - contact a specialist.

In all other cases camphor oil can be used in childhood. The main thing is to follow the rules of using the folk remedy and the recommendations of the otolaryngologist.

Always remember that otitis treatment should be comprehensive.

Camphoric oil and camphor alcohol in otitis are nothing more than an additional way to treat the ear ailment.

Without a course of antibiotic therapy, curing the middle or inner otitis is very difficult. Therefore, when the first symptoms of the disease - immediately contact the ENT doctor. Let him, with the help of examination and analysis, differentiate the type of otitis, and prescribe the necessary course of treatment for you. Only with the help of a whole complex of procedures, recovery will come as soon as possible and without serious complications in the ear.


How to dig in camphor alcohol and oil in the ear?

Camphor alcohol in the ear is digested when a person develops otitis.However, both alcohol and oil is only an additional tool that helps to relieve inflammation and speed up the healing process.

Camphor alcohol in the ear

Camphor alcohol is also used for the treatment of other diseases, namely:

  • catarrhal infections;
  • disorders of the intestine;
  • sinusitis;
  • erysipelas.

Camphor oil, contained in alcohol, not only has a beneficial effect on the condition of damaged organs, but also improves the elasticity of their tissues.

In addition, camphor helps to eliminate such concomitant diseases as sinusitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, etc. Therefore, before treating the ear with camphor oil, you should understand why it got sick. To do this, you need to consult a treating therapist who will help you establish an accurate diagnosis.

Most often, alcohol and camphor oil in otitis are added to compresses. Preparation of such an alcohol compress is not particularly difficult. But you should keep in mind several important points. It is very important to note that camphor alcohol in the ear in its pure form is not used for treatment.

Therefore, to treat the ears, it must first be diluted in the right proportions. Due to the fact that camphor oil has a high concentration in alcohol and therefore can cause a strong irritation of the damaged area of ​​the body, which is accompanied by reddening of the skin, the appearance of itching and peeling.

Dilute camphor alcohol in warm boiled water. The most optimal proportional ratio is 5: 0, i.e. 50% alcohol and 50% water. Before compressing the skin, the skin should be lubricated with petroleum jelly or a regular cream. This will help to avoid the appearance of allergic irritations.

During the use of compresses, it is necessary to periodically check its temperature. In the event that there is a sharp cooling of the bandage, it is necessary to rework it, otherwise the effect of treatment simply does not come. If the dressing was done correctly, then on the ears it should be at least 2-3 hours. Such a procedure should be carried out before the patient's complete recovery. It is best if the compress is applied to your ears 2 times a day: morning and evening.

Treatment of a child with camphor alcohol

It should be remembered that the process of treating earaches in a child and an adult is slightly different. The most important difference is the dosage of the drug used, i.e. its concentration in a child should be reduced by 2-3 times. The exact amount of alcohol should be prescribed only by the attending physician after studying the individual characteristics of the organism of the small patient. The reason is that the baby's skin is more tender and the probability of its burn is much higher.

Therefore, for the treatment of a child, you can use special trays, the main component of which will be camphor alcohol. To perform this procedure, the patient should lie on his side in such a way that the surface of the patient ear is on top. In it, a pre-prepared solution of camphor alcohol is buried. It is necessary to drip 6-8 drops of a heated liquid, the temperature of which should be 36-37 ° C.

After the camphor oil in the ear has been injected, patients are advised not to get up for 20-30 minutes. At the end of this time, you can go up by plugging your ear with a cotton swab. After carrying out such procedure, the diseased part of the body should be kept warm, so as not to aggravate the inflammatory process.

Camphor oil for otitis

Treatment of otitis can be done not only with alcohol tincture, but also with pure camphor oil. Modern medicine distinguishes several of its varieties: oil black, red and white. The least dangerous is white oil, since it is practically non-toxic, so The use does not cause much discomfort in patients and it can be used even by pregnant women women. The use of this or that kind of oil should be prescribed only by a doctor.

To treat the external form of otitis, it is necessary to heat the oil in a water bath to a temperature of 36-37 ° C. After this, 2-3 drops should be dripped into the auricle, and its surface should be rubbed with a warmed composition. To increase the effectiveness of this procedure, it is possible to add oil to the prepared composition, which was stuck on the bones of almonds. These components should be mixed in equal proportions, after which they are applied to the desired area of ​​the body with a gauze swab. Almond composition helps to eliminate itching and irritation.

Much more difficult to treat otitis media, so treatment should be done more qualitatively. The reason is that the disease can lead to various complications. Moreover, if you neglect the treatment of otitis media, then it can cause a disease of the inner ear. This, in turn, is fraught with a partial or complete loss of hearing or the occurrence of meningitis.

Therefore, when diagnosing otitis media of the middle ear, its treatment should begin immediately. For this, a cotton swab is made, the diameter of which should be 2-3 mm. A similar tampon is abundantly moistened in a warmed oil solution and placed in the auricle for 4-5 hours. After that, it is wrapped with a warm woolen scarf, which will allow the received heat to be stored for a long time. If you start a timely treatment, you can get rid of such ailment in 3-5 days.


If the internal part of the earpiece is exposed to the disease, then there can not be any more without compresses. It should be remembered that they will be only an auxiliary procedure, since the main treatment should include taking medications. To make such a compress, you need to place the oil not only in the inner part, but also spread the outer surface and then cover it with polyethylene. After each imposition of the compress, we must carefully examine the skin. When redness and itching appear on it, softening cream and antihistamines are used. When treating otitis media it is important to know that the instillation procedure should be performed only when the patient does not have a cold. If a small runny nose is there, vasoconstrictors are administered or the entire nasal cavity is cleaned by washing with a mild saline solution. This will make breathing clean and free.

To treat children with camphor should be approached with extreme caution. It can not be categorically used to treat children under one year, since oil fumes are very toxic and can lead to poisoning of the baby. To avoid negative consequences for older children, you must undergo mandatory examination from a qualified pediatrician. Only on the basis of the results obtained can we conclude whether camphor oil is used to treat your child.


It is also strictly forbidden to use oil for people suffering from epilepsy, as it can cause seizures.

My ear hurts - there is only camphor alcohol - how do I warm them?



Otitis is an inflammation of the middle ear. It is caused by obstruction of the eustachian tube and stagnation of the fluid in the middle ear. Often its cause is the penetration of microorganisms from the pharynx into the Eustachian tube and the middle ear.
Symptoms: Otitis is characterized by sudden and sharp pain in the ears, irritability, hearing loss, restless sleep. Often there are pus-like discharge from the ear.
Traditional methods of treatment: Otitis is treated with antibiotics. If the middle ear has accumulated a lot of fluid, the doctor sometimes pierces the eardrum and releases fluid and pus from the middle ear.
Unconventional and folk methods of treatment:
1) Mix the pomegranate juice with honey and lubricate the inner surface of the ear.
2) Bury in the ear for 3-5 drops of lemon. The procedure should be carried out 2-3 times a day.
3) To relieve pain in the ears, bake a garlic clove on a candle and put it warmly in the sore ear. The procedure should be carried out 3-4 times a day until complete recovery.
4) Wash the ear with hot milk, which was added hemp oil during boiling.
5) An excellent alcoholic bath possesses an excellent anti-inflammatory effect. The patient should be laid on his side on the side of a healthy ear and in a sore ear pour a dropper or a teaspoon of 5-6 drops warmed to a temperature of 36-37 degrees of alcohol. After instillation, the patient should lie down for 15-20 minutes. After 5 minutes, the pain in the ear will subside.
6) Dilute 1 teaspoon of mint juice and 1 teaspoon of honey in a glass of water and bury it in a sore ear.
7) Bury in the ear for 5-7 drops of fresh juice from the basil leaves several times a day to reduce pain.
8) With pain in the ear, apply to the ears bags with steamed boiling water chamomile or elderberry flowers.
9) Pour 2 tablespoons of rhizomes of a blood-groove medicinal (sold in a pharmacy) with 2 cups of boiling water, heat on a water bath for 30 minutes, insist 15 minutes, drain. Drink 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day with purulent otitis.
10) When otitis in the patient's ear, moisten and slightly wrung out cotton wool in the tincture of juniper. It quickly relieves pain and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
11) Take in equal amounts the rhizome of calamus, the bark of oak, the rhizomes of the herb of cotton nuts, the herb of thyme. 2 tablespoons of the collection wrapped in cloth, put in a glass with boiling water for 3-4 minutes, squeeze out. Do poultices on the affected ear 3-4 times a day.
12) Mix 10% alcohol extract of propolis with any vegetable oil in the proportion shake well. Then fold the gauze flagellum, soak it with this infusion, enter into the ear canal and leave for 24 hours.

Julia Neboga

Heat the camphor alcohol and then pour into the vuho.


Turundu moistened 1% boric k-you in the ear, and camphor alcohol as a compress (:) with warm water around the ear and tie with a warm kerchief.

Lubov Antonovna

Wet the cotton swab and lubricate the inside. You can use propolis tincture.
Warm up with a hot cup, from which poured boiling water, then on a napkin-and tightly to your ear.

Gargantuelle and Pantagruus

A geranium fragrant in a pot you do not have? Almost every grandmother has a neighbor. Leaf remember in your ear. You can buy geranium oil-in a pharmacy-on cotton wool and in the ear. Horo helps. Confidently, even on children


make a turundochku not very long, moisten in to alcohol put in the ear, in the ear of the cotton wool and a scarf to bandage or a hat to put on, wet the turunda 3 times a day.

Un Dina

Convert the cotton wool in the "turundochku" - soak in the camphor (not much, so that did not flow) and insert gently into the ear. Not very far and not too close to the hole. And you can also grow a plant. oil with propolis - and the same. The oil will soften the cork and the pus will come out. But you need to drip an antibiotic - for the ears. And inside - a pill to drink. After - 1-3 hours will pass.
God help you!


Make a compressor: take the cotton (more), pour the camphor on it, apply the cotton wool to your ear, put a plastic bag on top (so as not to get dirty) and tie the whole thing around with a warm scarf. Warms very well !!!

Camphor alcohol in the ear never drip!

It so happened that the colds always tried to treat themselves with folk remedies. Some names of such a home medicine chest are familiar to us from childhood. When it starts shooting in the ears, there is pain, and even against the background of common cold symptoms, then the first thing that comes to mind is to use camphor alcohol in the ear. Who can recall from an early childhood what grandmother took and how to cook. We remember only how later it was warm and cozy. But our grandmothers never used camphor alcohol in the ear, we were made warm compresses from it! Therefore, if you want to achieve the same effect, especially with your children, you need to do everything right, and most importantly, do no harm. First, if you can drip in your ear preparations from miraculous camphor, then this camphor oil, and not alcohol.

And it does not drip, but it is put in the ear on the cotton wool, and a clean cotton pad and a handkerchief are put on top. Secondly, camphor alcohol, from which the compress is diluted at least twice, is placed with gauze around the ear so that the auricle always remains on top. Thirdly, it is desirable to use this agent in combination with drugs of direct action on the inflammatory focus. Depending on the degree and localization of otitis antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic medicines are used. This issue must be addressed exclusively with a specialist - an ENT doctor.

Miraculous camphor alcohol in otitis in children

Never forget about the tender structure of the ear in young children. In addition, if the child is susceptible to colds, otitis can begin even with a permanent wrap and a cap covered with ears. To all this the kid can not always point to the source of pain, even if he already knows how to speak. Moreover, often the otitis is actually accompanied by noise and sharp pain in the ears, but there are exceptions. Therefore, never disregard the advice of pediatricians, and better - ENT doctors. This specialist should first examine the child with frequent colds so as not to start the disease and its consequences in chronic forms. Perhaps the doctor will not give you camphor alcohol. In the ear, drops of the modern generation are more applicable. But this does not prevent you from clarifying the possibility of a parallel use of this folk remedy. Perhaps with prescribed medications you should not use camphor alcohol. The use of otitis in a particular case may also be different. Therefore, it will be better if you specify all the nuances of the doctor right away.

Recommendations for the use of camphor alcohol

Often, compresses from camphor alcohol to children are done twice a day at bedtime. This pain also satisfies, and warms, and calms. If the child does not wake up, after two hours the bandage should be removed.

Camphor has not only healing, but also analgesic properties, for children it is better than medicines. It is better not to know, but the pain in the ears is as unbearable as the toothache. Applying a bandage and camphor alcohol, it is also desirable to put the swab in the ear. If you were prescribed ear drops, you can bury them in parallel. On top of the inner tampon, a soft large piece of cotton wool is placed according to the size of the auricle. It's okay if he drops himself. But it is desirable that the child is more in bed. Choose by his age quiet games and activities. But the TV, computer and other increased loads on the ears and eyes are desirable to postpone. And the last important point, camphor, like alcohol, is a strong irritant to the skin, so its it is necessary not only to dilute, but also to lubricate the skin of the child at the site of the compress with a fat cream before and after application. To forget about the otitis for a long time, strengthen in parallel also immunity. Do not be ill!

Camphor alcohol spilled with water for a compress on the ear. The result is a white curdled mass. So it should be?


Sonia Talalai

this is a common reaction. but you do not need to breed. in an alcohol solution, dip a bandage and insert into the ear, change every 4 hours


1) In the ear, drip boric alcohol, in order to clean, wipe the discharge.
Bury in the ear of "Otipaks"
2) Either bury camphor alcohol a few drops, it is better to drop on a cotton turundock and insert it into the ear. Around the ear, apply a warming compress of camphor oil.
3) Wear the ear with a warm kerchief.

Irene Nietzsche

Generally did not have to be bred.
1. In the ear - otinum or otypax - 4 -5 days, or cotton wool with camphor alcohol, or a sheet of geranium, or a tincture of propolis. OPTION to take a teaspoon of vodka, a little heat to add there a drop of honey, so that it dissolves in vodka and is dripped several times in the ear or put on a fleece.
2. If it does not cure for 1 day, you can not do without compress.
A solution for it can serve as a teaspoon of vinegar, diluted in, a liter of water, vodka or diluted with half-water alcohol.
Compress consists of three layers. The first is a piece of clean dense but soft cloth (better cotton, linen, you can cotton wool), soaked in one of these solutions and well wrung out. In order to put the compress on the otitis, this piece of tissue should be incised approximately two-thirds of the length and, as it were, put on the auricle. Soaked cloth should surround the ear and especially cover the head area behind the ear.
The second layer of the compress - an oilcloth or polyethylene, from which bags are made. Cut them in the same way as a damp cloth.
The third layer is cotton wool (for heat), which is fixed on the head with a kerchief or bandage. I will specify that each layer should be wider than the previous one by 2 centimeters.
Alcohol compress can be kept for about two hours in a row. Bet it, of course, better before going to bed. After all, if you, having removed the compress, do not go to bed, and do household chores, the effect of warming will decrease. In order not to overcool, tie your head with a handkerchief.
If a chill is felt after the procedure, it means that the compress was not applied properly, the oilcloth and cotton wool did not fully cover the wet cloth.
If, on the contrary, burning is too strong a solution. Immediately remove and do with diluted.
The need for alcohol compresses usually disappears after 4 to 5 days.
3. Treat a runny nose! While there is a cold, the ear will not pass.
You can use preparations based on sea water AQUAMARIS, SALIN, PHYSIOMER, DOLPHIN.
A solution can be made by yourself. To do this, 1 / 4-1 / 3 teaspoon of table salt, preferably sea or iodized, must be dissolved in a glass of pleasantly warm water. A more concentrated salt solution (1 / 2-3 / 4-1 teaspoon per glass of water) is used if there is no discharge from the nose, but its inner shell is swollen and difficult to breathe through the nose.
Drawing water from the palm, that is, with a stream of air, is unsafe: it can get into the maxillary and other paranasal sinuses and cause their inflammation.
You can flush with a special device DOLPHIN, or a rubber canister-pear, or a syringe WITHOUT NEEDLE, which you buy at the pharmacy. Babies need to drip a few drops in each nostril from the pipette. To wash your nose to a child under 3 years old with a clyster is not worth it. In children, the fluid easily passes from the nose to the Eustachian tube, connecting the nose and ear. This can cause inflammation in the middle ear (otitis).
With severe pain and insufficient effect of nasal lavage, it will take several days to drip naphthysine or something like it 2-4 times a day. These are strong drugs and their use should be limited, but otitis is the case - when they are indispensable.

If it does not help for two days or if pus appears - to the ENT

Can camphor alcohol drip into my ear?

Camphor alcohol is nothing more than a medical preparation of a locally irritating effect. It is prepared on the basis of alcohol and camphor. The latter, in turn, are obtained from the camphor laurel, as well as basil and some species of wormwood. This substance is a part of various essential oils, which tone the breathing and strengthen the work of sympathetic nerves. Camphor alcohol in the ear is used in a dilute state with various inflammations in the ears. Most often during the cold season people suffer from such a disease as otitis media. This inflammation in the ear, which can be different depending on the location of the localization. It can be external, middle and inner. And for the treatment of this disease, camphor alcohol is successfully used. The application for otitis is the following: a compress is made of 2% camphor alcohol. Thus, not only the pain is removed, but the swelling dissolves, and also the warming effect is made, thanks to which it is much faster to remove the inflammation.

How to make a compress containing camphor alcohol? In his ear in its pure form is not buried, but bred in half with water and slightly heated. Then the resulting liquid should be impregnated with cheesecloth, in which a special hole for the auricle has been made before. The tissue should be placed around the ear, and then covered with compress paper. And, in it also make a hole in the middle, and then cover it with cotton. The next stage is a bandage, it is fixed with a bandage or a scarf. It is very important that the ear remains open, and alcohol does not get into it. Camphor alcohol is very effective for the treatment of otitis. In his ear do not bury, but only make a solution of sufficient concentration so that there is no burn. The compress should be kept near the ear for about two hours. In order to avoid getting burns during this procedure, you should apply a cream or petroleum jelly around the auricle before applying the product.

Sometimes make special baths, which includes camphor alcohol. When otitis, they are very helpful. For this procedure, you should lie on your side in such a way that the ear that hurts is on top. There you need to drip six drops of slightly warmed-up and necessarily properly diluted alcohol. After this, you need to lie down in this position for about 20 minutes, and then sit down, before putting the cotton wool in the sink so that the medicine does not leak. Then be sure to keep your ear warm, to prevent inflammation.

Despite the fact that in our time there are many different ways to treat inflammation, yet the most common remedy is camphor alcohol in the ear. When mixing water, alcohol and camphor, an effective medicine is obtained, which quickly removes inflammation and warms the ear. Even if the disease is at an early stage of development, it is used for therapy, because it can be used to anesthetize and relieve inflammation. Thanks to compresses from this medicine, it is possible to remove the edema and restore the functions of this organ.

It is very important to remember that camphor alcohol in its pure form, getting on the skin, can cause allergy, irritation and even a burn. After all, camphor is a fairly concentrated substance that should not be used in its pure form. Sometimes even lowers the pressure and causes the excitation of camphor alcohol. In the ear, it should only be digested. Without the appointment of a specialist, starting an independent treatment with such a tool is not recommended.

As soon as you notice the first signs of otitis - shoots in the ear or hurts, then immediately put in it cotton wool soaked in diluted camphor alcohol. Especially cautiously conduct treatment of ears in children. Be sure to consult a doctor about the use of the drug, because because of the physiological features of the structure of the organism, complication of otitis is possible.

Camphoric alcohol - application

Various tinctures with the content of essential vegetable oils have long been used in medicine to eliminate inflammatory diseases of the internal organs and skin. No exception is camphor alcohol - the application of this solution is externally caused by its irritating and heating properties. In addition, the drug has a number of other features, including anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect.

The use of camphor alcohol in otitis

It should be noted that inflammatory processes in the auricle are subject to therapy with the drug in question only in the absence of high body temperature.

The most popular and easiest way to use camphor alcohol is to drip it in your ear 1 drop into each pass. After the procedure, a sensation of heat immediately appears, after 10-15 minutes the pain syndrome will noticeably decrease, since the solution is known for its analgesic properties.

Such treatment can be safely combined with the use of other anti-inflammatory drugs. The only thing to worry about is the condition of the skin at the site of application of the substance: the medicine can dry the surface of the epidermis, cause flaking.

Another effective method is a compress with camphor alcohol:

  1. In equal proportions dilute the drug with water and warm to ambient temperature.
  2. Carefully wash your ear, lubricate the sink with a fat baby cream or medical petroleum jelly.
  3. To make of a gauze a bandage corresponding to the diameter of the ear, with a hole in the middle.
  4. Soak the compress, place it on the auricle so that the holes coincide.
  5. Cover with special paper for compresses and fix the bandage with a sterile bandage.
  6. Leave for 2 hours.

Also, otolaryngologists often recommend so-called baths:

  1. Lie on your side so that the affected ear is on top.
  2. Inject 6-7 drops of camphor alcohol into the ear canal.
  3. Stay in the indicated position for 20 minutes.
  4. Place a small cotton swab in the ear aperture and take a vertical pose.

Application of camphor alcohol in cosmetology

Properties of the described solution allow it to be used, mainly for problem and oily skin. Camphor alcohol for the face is not recommended in its pure form, because it intensively dries the epidermis, can lead to irritation and the appearance of peeling. The exception are large rashes of furunculosis or papular nature, which need to be treated with alcohol pointwise, using a cotton swab.

Most cosmeticians are advised to prepare home remedies using this medication, for example, a mask or talker.

A good recipe for using camphor alcohol from acne:

  1. Mix 80 ml of the proposed solution and 30 ml of salicylic tincture.
  2. Add 10 tablets streptocid and 8 capsules of levomycetin, ground to a powder state.
  3. Shake the mixture for 3 minutes.
  4. Wipe the problem areas 1 time per day, before going to bed, after preliminary cleansing of the skin.


  1. Mix in equal parts camphor alcohol, water and tincture of calendula.
  2. Apply a thin layer, with a cotton pad, this tool on the entire surface of the face.
  3. Repeat procedure three times a day.

If you find that camphor alcohol dries heavily, despite a significant reduction in the number of pimples, do not rush to give it up. Simply every time, after using the drug, lubricate the treated area with sintomycin ointment. It will not only strengthen the effect of alcohol, help bleach the stains from acne, but also prevent dehydration.

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