Treatment of arthrosis of small joints of hands


  • 1Arthrosis of the hands: treatment, symptoms and photos of joints
    • 1.1Symptoms
    • 1.2Treatment
  • 2Methods of treatment and prevention of arthrosis of small joints of hands
    • 2.1Features of the disease
    • 2.2Causes of arthrosis
    • 2.3Stages of development of the disease
    • 2.4Treatment
    • 2.5Basic principles
    • 2.6Treatment with exacerbation
    • 2.7Treatment without exacerbation
    • 2.8Treatment with folk remedies
    • 2.9Prevention
  • 3How to treat arthrosis of small joints in hands
    • 3.1Symptoms
    • 3.2Treatment
    • 3.3Treatment with folk remedies
  • 4Deforming arthrosis of the joints of the hands: symptoms, treatment
    • 4.1Osteoarthritis of fingers and wrist
    • 4.2Causes of Arthrosis of the Hand
    • 4.3How to distinguish arthrosis and arthritis
    • 4.4Types of arthrosis of hands
    • 4.5Stages of the disease and symptoms
    • 4.6Treatment of arthrosis of hands
    • 4.7Diagnosis of the pathology of the brushes
    • 4.8Complex Treatment Scheme
    • 4.9LFK for the hands
  • 5Arthrosis of the hands: treatment, symptoms and causes
    • 5.1General information about the disease
    • instagram viewer
    • 5.2What happens if you do not treat the disease?
    • 5.3Osteoarthritis of the hands: symptoms of the disease
    • 5.4The main causes of pathology
    • 5.5Deforming arthrosis of hands: treatment with medicines
    • 5.6Treatment with folk remedies
    • 5.7Other folk recipes
    • 5.8Treatment of the disease with the help of exercises
  • 6Features of arthrosis of the joints of the fingers and its treatment
    • 6.1Causes of the disease
    • 6.2Clinical picture
    • 6.3The first stage
    • 6.4Second degree
    • 6.5Third degree
    • 6.6Treatment of the disease
    • 6.7Medicinal products
    • 6.8Massage
    • 6.9Physiotherapy
    • 6.10Exercise therapy
    • 6.11Diet
    • 6.12Folk recipes

Arthrosis of the hands: treatment, symptoms and photos of joints


Osteoarthritis of small joints of the hands is a pathology of the primary type. Therefore, there is no need for external factors to manifest the disease. Pathology begins to develop due to a malfunction occurring in the metabolic processes of the body.

In comparison with more frequent ligonarthrosis and coxarthrosis, rizartroz is a rare disease.

As a rule, this disease affects women who have a hormonal failure in menopause.

In addition, some patients have a genetic predisposition to the appearance of arthrosis of the fingers.

Treatment of such a disease should be conservative. At the initial stage, thanks to properly selected therapy, you can achieve excellent results and slow down the progression of the disease.

To treat arthrosis of the fingers was effective, doctors pay attention to the reasons for which the pathology developed. Of no small importance is the type and form of pathology. Treatment determines the symptoms and manifestations of the disease.

In the international classification of diseases of the ICD-10, 2 types of deforming arthrosis of the fingers are distinguished. The first nodular species is characterized by the formation of seals in the interphalangeal joints of the fingers.

And if the changes occur in the proximal joints, then the patient is diagnosed with Bushara nodules, distal Geberden. In this case, arthrosis of the hands has bright visual signs, such as the appearance of compaction and deformation in the phalanges of the fingers, as in the photo.

Risartrose is an arthrosis in the area of ​​the hands, at which the base of the thumb is affected. Rizartroz is accompanied by degenerative changes in the wrist-metacarpal and metacarpophalangeal joint.


Inflammation of the wrist joint of the hand is a very rare disease. It develops because of a hand injury (fracture, dislocation).


Despite the fact that posttraumatic complications are rare, after a dislocation or fracture the patient must necessarily pay attention to the characteristic symptoms of pathology.


Medical treatment of arthrosis in the area of ​​small joints of the hands can be effective only if a clear clinical picture is established.

So, in order to diagnose rizartroz, an x-ray study is appointed, thanks to which it is possible to detect changes even at the initial stage of pathology.

There are 3 main stages of development of arthrosis, in which there are certain symptoms. The first is arthrosis in the hands of the first degree. It is characterized by insignificant pains, which appear periodically. In this case, the movements of the joints are free, and there is almost no edema.

At the initial stage, arthrosis of the hands can be treated at home using folk remedies.

As a rule, at this stage there is no need to prescribe PNPV (ointment, tablets), so it is enough to conduct a course of physiotherapy.

And, if necessary, a restorative treatment is carried out, including chondroprotectors.

Arthrosis brush of the second degree is manifested by more intense painful sensations, which disturb the person at night when he is at rest.

Deforming arthrosis in the hands, which is in the second stage, is treated difficultly and for a long time.

The task of therapy is to eliminate signs of the disease and delay the process of degenerative changes.


In comparison with the first stage of the disease, at this stage it is impossible to fully renew the cartilage.


Arthrosis, which is in the 3rd stage of development, manifests itself with obvious joint deformation.

He is characterized by such symptoms as the appearance of nodules, with the growths being particularly visible from the side or back of the hand.

In comparison with arthrosis 1 and 2 degrees, stage 3 is chronic, which is characterized by constant pain in the fingers and burning.

At a neglected stage, medicines have little effect. Progression pathology is gradual, so you can clearly follow its development.


To diagnose rizartroz independently is not easy, because its symptoms at an early stage are similar to the manifestations of other pathologies. The doctor appoints the patient an X-ray examination of the hand and conducting an MRI.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, the patient is prescribed a comprehensive treatment that includes:

  • NSAIDs;
  • Exercise therapy;
  • vasodilators;
  • compresses;
  • antibiotics;
  • chondroprotectors;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures.

Anti-inflammatory non-steroid drugs are classic drugs used in the treatment of arthrosis of small joints of the hands with the help of conservative medicine. NSAIDs remove inflammation and reduce the intensity of painful sensations.

Non-steroidal agents can be used in such forms:

  1. ointment;
  2. pills;
  3. injections.

However, before treating rizartroz and other types of arthrosis, using an anti-inflammatory ointment or tablets, you should know that they have a negative effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Therapeutic exercise is often used in standard methods of fighting with arthrosis. So, a special effect has a special restorative gymnastics. For this purpose, patients need to go to classes in the centers where they will practice yoga, pilates and other types of physical education.

Vasodilators are necessary to normalize the blood supply to the fingers of the hand. Due to degenerative processes, the muscles atrophy, there is a malfunction in the metabolic processes resulting in stagnant phenomena.


To eliminate puffiness and improve blood circulation, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment in which vasodilator drugs are used.


However, excellent results bring combined therapy, which uses folk drugs and medications (muscle relaxants) that promote relaxation of muscle tissue, for example, ointment Orthophene.

To remove puffiness, without applying medication, you can use folk recipes, one of which are compresses. Compresses with paraffin, salts of the dead sea and products of beekeeping have good efficiency.

In the case of infectious arthrosis of the interphalangeal joints of the hand, antibiotics are prescribed. In comparison with arthritis, degenerative changes are provoked not by inflammation, but by deficiency of nutrient components. However, the prerequisite for the formation of the disease is often infection:

  • FLU (severe form);
  • syphilis;
  • gonorrhea.

In order to prevent the rapid progression of the disease, provoked by the infection, it is necessary to destroy the cause of infection. Therefore, in order to identify an infection, in addition to standard diagnostics, ancillary assays are sometimes required.

Chondroprotectors are very effective if rizartroz is at an early stage of development. These funds are also prescribed for prevention purposes.

Long-term use of chondroprotectors can completely restore minor pathological changes in the cartilage and minimize inflammation of the joints of the fingers. In addition, they are prescribed after stretching or a fracture of the hand to prevent the appearance of arthrosis.

To treat arthrosis in the area of ​​interphalangeal joints of the hands also follows with the help of physiotherapy procedures. The doctor, taking into account the signs of the disease, appoints:

  • magnetotherapy;
  • hirudotherapy;
  • mud treatment;
  • sessions of acupuncture.

At home, to relieve pain and swelling, you can warm the limbs with paraffin.

One of the important therapeutic goals is to reduce the load on the inflamed joints of the fingers. To achieve this goal, the patient is temporarily put on a retainer that limits the mobility of the hand.

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Methods of treatment and prevention of arthrosis of small joints of hands

Arthrosis refers to the disease of the joints of the fingers and feet, which is characterized by the damage to the cartilage. This disease is a common cause of loss of efficiency.

A person who has been diagnosed with "arthrosis" is suffering from severe pain in the joints. And the limited limb movements and broken fine motor skills create many problems.

This disease can not always be cured completely, but, given the capabilities of modern medicine, you can not only to remove some of the symptoms, but also to slow the development of the disease, while not allowing the deformation of the fingers and feet feet.

Features of the disease

Any form of arthrosis (polyosteoarthrosis, osteoarthrosis) begins with the fact that in the subcircular layers of the periosteum of the foot or fingers blood flow is disturbed. This leads to poor nutrition of the cartilaginous tissue.

As a result, the cartilage becomes thin and less elastic, and its surface is covered with cracks. The volume of synovial fluid decreases, and strong friction of the bones leads to inflammation of the affected joints of the feet and fingers.

If the time does not begin to heal, the disease begins to progress.

Progressing arthrosis (osteoarthritis or polyosteoarthrosis) is quite a dangerous disease. If at the first sign it is not treated, the feet and phalanges of the fingers become ugly and lose mobility.

Often, the disease manifests itself during the menopause. The hormonal background of women is changing, which is why the amount of hormone that is being produced is reduced - estrogen. There is a loss of moisture, which makes the cartilage of the feet and fingers fragile.

Depending on where the arthrosis is localized (polyosteoarthrosis and osteoarthritis), the disease is divided into two groups:

  • arthrosis (polyosteoarthrosis, osteoarthritis) of the fingers and joints of the hands;
  • arthrosis (polyosteoarthrosis, osteoarthrosis) of small joints of the foot, thumb.

Causes of arthrosis

Polyostoarthritis, arthrosis and osteoarthritis of the hands - diseases that often occur in secretaries, computer dialers, pianists, bayanists, etc.

The ailment first of all affects the small joints between the phalanges of the fingers. Fabrics, affected by the disease, lose moisture and are covered with many small cracks.

Women at the age of 40 are at risk.

To develop an optimal treatment for the disease, Dr. A Myasnikov recommends first of all to identify the source of arthrosis anomalies of the fingers and toes.

Arthrosis, osteoarthritis and polyostoarthrosis, as a rule, arise, for the following reasons:

  • ailments of rheumatoid etiology;
  • damage to hands and feet;
  • viral infections;
  • weakened immune system;
  • allergy;
  • frequent influence of negative environmental factors (low temperatures, cold water and so on);
  • increased stress on the hand and foot.
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One of the reasons for the appearance of arthrosis is Dr. A Myasnikov thinks wearing uncomfortable shoes.

In addition, hypothermia of feet, regular and long-term walking for long distances and an increased load on stops due to excess weight can also provoke the development of diseases such as arthrosis, osteoarthritis and polyostoarthrosis.

Stages of development of the disease

In one of his works A. Myasnikov emphasized that arthrosis has three following stages of development:

  • The first stage of the ailment is accompanied by short-term attacks of pain in the joints of the legs and hands during movement or work. After rest, the pain syndrome passes. In addition, a joint crunch may occur, and around them a tumor appears.
  • During the second stage, the disease begins to progress, the symptoms become more pronounced, the pain attacks intensify and become permanent. Movement with your fingers is accompanied by acute pain. On the affected joints appear knots Bushar and Geberden, accompanied by pain and burning sensation. After some time, the swelling and redness of the skin passes, and the nodules harden.
  • The third stage of the disease, which affects the fingers and feet, is the most dangerous. The toes and feet are deformed, resulting in completely lost their mobility. The affected joint turns red and swells. Sharp attacks of pain accompany the person constantly. The feet hurt so much that the patient can not walk, and the descent-climbing of the stairs turns into a real torture.


Treatment of arthrosis of small joints of hands should be carried out in accordance with the generally accepted principles of the treatment of this disease. The treatment should be aimed at removing the inflammation, restoring the cartilaginous tissue and resuming the mobility of the affected joints.

Basic principles

  • beginning to treat the disease medically, And Myasnikov recommends that patients take drugs that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, as well as hondoprotectors;
  • physiotherapy alleviates symptoms, reduces pain, restores cartilage metabolism;
  • exercise exercise is necessary in order to activate metabolism and increase the mobility of joints;
  • massage restores blood flow and eliminates spasms;
  • Surgical intervention can only be used to treat the thumbs and is to immobilize the joints to alleviate the symptoms and relieve the pain;
  • treatment with folk remedies will reduce the amount of medications taken by the patient and improve metabolism in the joints.

Treatment with exacerbation

Therapy of the disease directly depends on the stage of the disease. If the disease worsens and the symptoms become pronounced, the therapy should be aimed at relieving the pain syndrome and reducing inflammation.

In this case, experts recommend not to lift heavy objects, and also reduce the burden on the joints.

At the heart of drug therapy are drugs that relieve swelling and pain (eg, Diclofenac). To stop the symptoms, phonophoresis with Hydrocortisone is applied.

Also injections of hormones that are made into the joint can be used.

Treatment without exacerbation

Therapy outside the exacerbation should be aimed at restoring the cartilage and the mobility of the joints. For this, chondroprotective agents (for example, chondroxide) can be used.

It should be noted that the treatment with these drugs lasts a long time, and the maximum effect is achieved only at an early stage, when the symptoms are still not clear and deformation processes have not started.

Physiotherapy is necessary in order to restore blood flow and improve metabolic processes in the cartilage. Most often, laser and magnetic therapy is used for this.

It is also recommended that you do a gentle massage of the joints. Basically, this is a tapping on the hands or light rubbing of the fingers.


Exercises LFK include a game with small soft toys, rhythmic light strokes on the surface of the table and fingering beads (rosaries).


Before you start the exercises, you need to make warming trays.

After consultation with specialists, you can also be treated with folk remedies.

Treatment with folk remedies

Together with the treatment prescribed by specialists, you can also use folk remedies. For example, to make warming trays with a streamer, a string, mother-and-stepmother, and also compresses from honey and salt.

Most often they should be done before starting exercise exercise therapy. This allows you to relieve the pain and swelling of the affected joints.

In addition, you can use recipes for internal use that improve metabolism and circulation.


To prevent disease, it is recommended to perform special exercises and massages. In addition, after consultation with a dietitian, you can begin to follow a specialized diet.

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How to treat arthrosis of small joints in hands

  • 1 Symptoms
  • 2 Treatment
  • 3 Treatment with folk remedies

Deforming arthrosis of the hands is a disease of small bones of the hand, because of which the cartilaginous interlayer gradually breaks down between the joints.

Osteoarthritis progresses slowly enough, and leads to irreversible changes in the joints, poorly amenable to therapy and at the last stage makes the life of the patient very difficult.


One of the causes of arthrosis is a disturbed metabolic process, which mainly appears in the elderly. In addition to age, as a provoking factor of the emergence of the disease are:

  1. Injuries of the hands.
  2. Long-term permanent loads on the hands, thanks to physical work.
  3. Congenital anomaly in the development of the structure of the bones of the hands.
  4. Rheumatoid arthritis, endocrine disease, gout.

If the following symptoms appear, then this indicates that the small joints began to be deformed:

  1. Painful symptoms in the hand that appear in the case of physical work.
  2. Crunch in the joints when moving.
  3. Swelling of phalanges of fingers.
  4. Sensation of tension in the muscles of the hand.

Deforming arthrosis of the hands has three stages of the development of the disease:

  1. At the initial stage, there are symptoms, expressed in a slight pain after monotonous work has been performed for a long time. If you leave your arm alone, the symptoms go away.
  2. At the second stage pain symptoms increase, there is a feeling of discomfort that does not go away for a long time. It starts to unpleasantly crackle in the case of hand movement, there are signs of puffiness. The patient can not do some movements. Periodically inflamed joints, because of what swell interphalangeal and radiocarpal joints. In case of inflammation, the temperature may rise, symptoms of intoxication are observed.
  3. In the third stage, deforming changes in the joints are enhanced. Soreness acquires a vivid expression, appears in the case of stress and rest, some movements are not performed. The cartilaginous layer is almost completely destroyed, bone growths begin to appear along the edge of large and small joints. Perhaps the onset of osteoporosis. Due to the fact that there is no necessary motor activity, the muscle tone of all muscles decreases.

Arthrosis develops with the involvement of interphalangeal joints of 2-4 fingers. Most often, these signs of the disease appear in people of certain professions, for example, typists, seamstresses.

The diagnosis will be made on the basis of examination, symptoms, analysis results and an X-ray. At the first stage, the radiography will show slight narrowing of the gap between the joints.

In the second stage, the picture shows the clinic of formation of the bone built around the joint.

In the third - the joint gap is completely closed, the whole joint is deformed, and there are symptoms of complete restriction of the mobility of the hand, especially at the junction of interphalangeal articulations.


The patient should know that in case of degenerative changes in the joint, they can not be changed, but the destruction processes can be fully controlled.

In the event that the first symptoms of the disease of the first stage were found, one must immediately turn to to the doctor, due to which it is possible to stop the disease, retaining the motor and able-bodied completeness. Complex treatment of arthrosis implies:

  1. Painkillers. Patients prefer to consult a doctor in case of pain, so the main task of a specialist is to remove the pain syndrome with the help of analgesics.
  2. Anti-inflammatory treatment.
  3. Suspension of processes of destruction of cartilage tissues. To do this, chondroprotectors are appointed. This group of drugs is taken for a long time, sometimes several months. Chondroprotectors are prescribed to the patient in order that they do not allow the further development of deformation processes, stopping the destruction of cartilage tissue.

Arthrosis of the hands at the last stage will develop in the presence of a pronounced inflammation, severe pain and deformities, so treatment is performed with corticosteroids.

In the beginning arthrosis of small joints can be treated with physiotherapy procedures, laser treatment and therapeutic gymnastics.

To treat painful sensations, therapeutic ointments with active analgesic anti-inflammatory components are used.

This is due to the fact that, thanks to collagen and gelatin, it is possible to strengthen the strength of cartilage tissue, improve the circulation process. In the case of arthrosis, the intake of sour-milk products is recommended.

Exacerbation of the disease of small joints of the hands can cause the use of alcoholic beverages, so many patients with the first stage of the disease should completely eliminate alcohol. In the diet of patients also includes a large number of fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs.

If there are no diseases of the internal organs, then it is possible to carry out medical starvation, however, this measure is possible only after consulting with the treating specialist. A patient with arthrosis of small joints requires a sufficient amount of vitamins and antioxidants.

The greatest value for the absence of destruction of cartilaginous tissue is vitamins A, C, E.
Treatment of arthrosis of small joints involves not only compliance with the above measures and taking medications, but also holding sessions of massage and specialized gymnastics.


To conduct such events it is necessary to contact a specialist, but some exercises are allowed independently. The self-massage includes:

  1. Easy rubbing of all fingers, hands and forearms.
  2. Mashing of the palm and fingers. To do this, you can use a rubber ball that fits in size.

Rubbing should be carried out by the pads of the fingers of the other hand, stroking circular motions.

To ensure ease of movement, massage oil is used, which is in free pharmaceutical sales.

You can also prepare it yourself: mixes olive and sesame oil, vitamin A is added.

Damaged joints of the hands should be left for a while at rest, so the patient should alternate physical activity and relaxation.

In the case of performing different work the brushes should be given a rest after every hour, while doing a relaxing gymnastics.

The doctors noted that the inflammation of the initial stage rarely goes to the third if the patient complies with all the prescribed treatment and flawlessly performs the recommended exercises.

Treatment with folk remedies

Simultaneously with the official methods of therapy, which were appointed by the treating specialist, treatment with folk remedies is possible - different independently manufactured ointments, compresses and grits.

For small joints, it is also allowed to take the tubs with hay. To do this, 50 grams of hay residue should be poured with boiling water and in handsome hot water to support your hands for 20 minutes. The procedure must be performed daily.

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In addition, to treat arthrosis, you can use the mother-and-stepmother's grass, the aquatic root and the string.

To remove pain and inflammation, you can use folk remedies from honey and salt as a compress.

Honey is mixed with salt, a tampon is moistened in the mixture, it is applied to the place of the damaged joints, hands are bandaged, and left for the night.

On the inflamed joint it is allowed to impose a warm clay, which has medicinal components. Such a drug can be easily found in pharmaceutical sales.

It is allowed to use folk remedies and inside: the leaves of a young birch are brewed. This broth helps to cleanse blood and has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body.


Treatment of arthrosis of small joints is a very long process, which requires that a certain conditions of physical activity, vitamin complexes were carried out, and prophylactic preparations were taken throughout life.


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Deforming arthrosis of the joints of the hands: symptoms, treatment

You must have seen, especially in older women, calloused hands with deformed knobby fingers and protruding tubercles on them. About these people say - the worn out hands.These signs can be at those at whom the arthrosis of joints of fingers of hands is diagnosed.

Osteoarthritis of fingers and wrist

Osteoarthritis of the fingers is much less common than a similar pathology in the knee, shoulder or hip joints.

Causes of Arthrosis of the Hand

  • To meet such a disease is possible for those who have worked hard all their life, often overcooled hands, exposed their hands to constant dynamic loads:
    • workers who have a constant deal with vibroinstrumentami: a perforator, a jackhammer, a drill
    • women who washed handmade in cold water
    • agricultural workers engaged in rough, non-mechanized work
    • athletes: tennis players, baseball players, volleyball players
  • Another reason is genetic predisposition:

    Deformations in the joint in this case are unmotivated. Inside, a pathological process simply turns on, impoverishing the structure of the cartilaginous tissue of the joint and leading to its gradual destruction.

  • Injury can also lead to arthrosis, especially damage to the wrist joint.

  • Estrogen deficiency in women in the menopausal period leads to bone resorption, which contributes including arthrosis

Many people mistakenly call arthritis arthritis, although arthritis is a much more serious disease.

How to distinguish arthrosis and arthritis

  • Arthritis is a systemic inflammatory joint disease that changes the blood formula that affects some internal organs
  • Arthrosis is a deformity of the joint, although it is due to internal dystrophic changes, but it does not affect the body as a whole, except for violations of motor functions
  • Pain in arthritis does not have such a connection to the movement, and mostly comes at night and even somewhat abates as soon as the movement begins
  • Arthrosis pain symptom always increases with the onset of motion and calms down at rest
  • Arthrosis is more common in the elderly, and arthritis occurs in the young

Very often a mixed form is observed-arthrosis-arthritis, when the deformation of the joint is accompanied by its inflammation.

In any case, if the joints of the hands began suddenly to change for no reason - this can serve as an indicator that serious pathological processes have begun in the bone system.

Types of arthrosis of hands

Often diagnosed arthrosis of the wrist joint, mostly traumatic origin.

From the figure below you can understand how difficult the device of the brush, and what a large number of joints are in it.

Arthrosis of the hand can be nodular:

  • Nodes of Geberden - on the joints of the distal (extreme) phalanges of the fingers
  • Bushara nodules - on the joints of the proximal (middle) phalanges

Separately isolated rizartroz - defeat metacarpophalangeal and metacarpal joints of the big toe.

Stages of the disease and symptoms

The first stage

  • In the first stage there are no bright external manifestations of the pathology, but there are already symptoms of periodic pain arising from the movement of the hands or during physical work
  • There may also be a slight swelling in the distal phalanges

The second stage

  • The pain begins to acquire a permanent character, but it is rather aching, acute symptoms are usually not typical for the pathology of the hands
  • Skin surfaces near the joints turn red and swell
  • On the palms, small nodules of Geberden, often symmetrical on both hands, and Bushard's larger ones are noticeable and palpable.
  • The formation of nodes is irreversible: they remain even after the disappearance of redness and swelling
  • Movement in the hands is limited and accompanied by a crunch
  • There are symptoms of muscular atrophy

The third stage

  • Puffiness and redness can also become a permanent sign
  • Deformation in the joints and bony growths lead to the inability to bend fingers or the brush itself, that is, to virtually complete immobility
  • Nodity of the joints is complemented by the curvature of all the elements of the brush
  • The diseased limb becomes depleted and externally more subtle

Treatment of arthrosis of hands

Before treatment, it is especially important to differentiate the disease, that is, to weed out the worst option - arthritis.

To lead to this suspicion can arthrosis of the wrist joint, which appeared, it would seem, for no reason: the patient can not recall either the fall on the wrist or any load on it.

Diagnosis of the pathology of the brushes

The doctor is likely to send a rheumatic test - an immunological blood test that can reveal a C-reactive protein, a rheumatoid factor and a marker called antistreptolysin. The presence of these elements in the blood confirm rheumatoid arthritis.

X-ray diagnosis of the brush can reveal arthrosis by:

  • deformation of joints
  • narrowing or closing the interarticular gap
  • growth of ostephytes

The disease rarely requires analgesic treatment.

The main condition of treatment is the elimination of the cause that provoked the disease itself:

  • Constant physical activity
  • Threats to microtrauma
  • Metabolic disorders in cartilage
  • Inadequate nutrition, etc.

Complex Treatment Scheme

  • Arthrosis of the radial joint requires mandatory protection of the wrist with a special orthopedic wristband during the period of possible loads
  • In the first stages, metabolism in the joint can be improved with the help of chondroprotectors - artificial substitutes needed for connective tissues of chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine. But reassessment of the capabilities of these drugs - prescribing them in the last stages or an incorrect short-term reception, lead to unreasonable disappointment of the patient with these really good, albeit expensive medicines
  • At the last stage, already with a deficiency of synovial fluid, intraarticular injections with hyaluronic acid
  • Physiotherapeutic treatment improves blood circulation and nutrition of the joint:
    • Laser therapy
    • Mud treatment
    • Thermal procedures (ozocerite and paraffin applications)
    • Penetrating compresses (dimexid or bischofite, medical bile)
    • Manual therapy
    • Massage

You can apply self-massage:

  • Rubbing your hands
  • Rubbing each finger of a sick hand healthy in the direction from the base to the tip
  • Pressing on the fingers when folded into a fist or diluted palm
  • "Twisting" or stretching fingers with the other hand, etc.

LFK for the hands

Gymnastics are necessary, even if the joints of the hands are almost not bent.

Do such simple exercises.

Isometric(with pain and limited movements):


  • The position of the hands is palms on the table, the fingers are arranged
  • With your fingertips we force against the surface of the table and try to collect the palm into a fist, but the fingers themselves remain immobile
  • We relax the brush and after a few seconds repeat the exercise

The second:

  • Standing while sitting or standing, arms hang freely
  • Shake with relaxed brushes

Dynamic exercises:

  • Drumming with your fingertips
  • "Walk" with your fingers on the table
  • We connect the thumb of the hand with the rest on both hands
  • Bend the fingers and unbend, as far as the mobility of the joint allows

For the prevention of arthrosis of the hands and in its early stages, exercises with an expander are useful.

: Exercise for hands

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Arthrosis of the hands: treatment, symptoms and causes

Arthrosis of the hands (the treatment of this disease will be considered below) is more common in women than in the stronger sex. It should also be noted that such a disease is particularly troubling for people in old age.

General information about the disease

Osteoarthritis of the hands, the symptoms of which will be presented later, is characterized by the simultaneous damage of several joints, namely the phalange of the thumbs and the interphalangeal elements of the brushes.

As a rule, such a disease is accompanied by pain syndrome, especially with mechanical rhythm.

In other words, the patient may have quite strong discomfort during the force load on the joints.

As for the state of passivity and rest, in this case the patient notes a significant reduction in pain.

What happens if you do not treat the disease?

Quite often, patients are treated by doctors with such a neglected disease as arthrosis of the hands.

Treatment of this disease should be carried out immediately after detection.

After untimely therapy can easily become a cause of aggravation of the condition of inflamed joints, as well as the progression of pain syndrome.

Osteoarthritis of the hands: symptoms of the disease

It is quite possible to detect the presence of such a disease on the following grounds:

  • severe pain in the joints of the hands during lifting of weights and with active physical work;
  • crunches in the joints of the hands during their movement;
  • pain syndrome when weather changes;
  • marked swelling or swelling of the joints of the arms;
  • a constant tension in those places where the damaged joints are located, as well as in the muscle tissues located nearby.

If the patient has arthrosis of small joints of the hands, his fingers can change, deform, become short, etc. This is a clear sign of the disease, and therefore the patient should immediately turn to the doctor.

The main causes of pathology

There are several reasons why a person can develop a disease such as arthrosis of the joints of the hands. It should be noted that the disease occurs not only in the elderly, but also in quite young people. This can contribute to the following reasons:

  • damage or injury to the hands;
  • congenital pathologies in the development of the joints of the hands;
  • long and regular power loads on the joints of hands, fingers and hands (often associated with professional activities);
  • the consequences of diseases such as gout, psoriasis, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.

Deforming arthrosis of hands: treatment with medicines

The treatment of this disease is rather complicated and takes a lot of time. After going to the doctor, the latter is obliged to prescribe a complex therapy, otherwise it will not give a positive result.

As a rule, after diagnosing, the doctor prescribes to his patient the following medicines:

  • drugs that stimulate metabolic processes in cartilage tissues;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • biogenic stimulants;
  • analgesics;
  • vitamins, including calcium and other minerals.

When starting such medication, one should not expect a quick recovery. Especially it concerns those who have started arthrosis of the joints of the hands.

Treatment with folk remedies

Along with drug therapy for the treatment of such a disease, popular methods are actively used. The most effective and popular of them is the use of compresses made on the basis of normal salt and honey.

To prepare such a medicinal product, it is necessary to mix the presented ingredients in one dish in the proportions:.

Further, the resulting homogeneous mixture must be applied to a linen cloth, and then immediately applied to the damaged joints, while carefully wrapping the bandage.

As a rule, such compresses are left overnight, and in the morning they are removed after sleeping.

Other folk recipes

Apart from honey and salt, clay is actively used for non-traditional therapy of the presented disease. For this, applications from the warm product are made on the damaged areas, which last for about 25 minutes.

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Arthrosis of the hands, whose treatment involves the use of folk remedies, safely passes and thanks to warm baths with the addition of haymelten into them.

To perform such procedures it is necessary to pour steep boiling water 3 or 4 small handfuls of the mentioned grass, close the dishes tightly and allow them to stand for a while. Thus, the broth should cool to a temperature of 31-33 ° C.

After the performed actions, the liquid must be poured into a bath with warm water. By the way, the patient can leave the haystack or pass it through a fine strainer.

The duration of such treatment sessions should be no more than half an hour. It is recommended to perform these procedures in a day or two.

Treatment of the disease with the help of exercises

Arthrosis of the hands, the treatment of which is based on medical therapy in conjunction with folk methods, is much quicker if the patient performs special exercises every day.

It should be noted that such exercises are almost always prescribed by doctors together with medicines and medicinal baths, compresses. These exercises do not require a heavy load on the fingers and do not take too much time from the patient.

In this regard, they can perform even an elderly person.

The first thing that doctors always advise their patients, who are diagnosed as arthrosis of the hands, is to constantly drum on the hard surface (for example, the table) with damaged fingers.


To understand how to correctly implement this exercise, we describe its essence in more detail. For this, a patient with arthrosis of the hands should conveniently sit on a chair near the table, and then place his arms outstretched.


In this case, the brush should be relaxed as much as possible. In this position, the patient does not need to drum very hard on the flat and hard surface.

This exercise is recommended to be repeated several times a day throughout the treatment of the disease.

If the patient has the opportunity to take advantage of the people around him, doctors prescribe a regular percussive massage.

During such treatment activities the assistant should place the patient's hand on his knees, and then squeeze it well with his own hand.

In this situation, the masseur should begin to apply a light brush to the joints with a free brush (through his own palm). It should be noted that the first sessions must be done carefully and with the utmost care.

It is recommended that you constantly monitor the condition and pain in the patient's hands. As the patient recovers, it is desirable to do these procedures for a longer period, and to strike harder and harder (it's important not to overdo it).

Thus, following all the doctor's prescriptions for taking medications and using folk remedies, performing a massage and every day doing exercises, the patient is able very soon to recover and forever forget what is arthrosis of the brushes hands.

A source: http://.ru/article/139380/artroz-kistey-ruk-lechenie-simptomyi-i-prichinyi

Features of arthrosis of the joints of the fingers and its treatment

  • Causes of the disease
  • Clinical picture
  • Treatment of the disease

Arthrosis of the fingers (osteoarthritis) is a degenerative-dystrophic disease of interphalangeal joints.

Pathological process is less common arthrosis of large joints. In most cases, it affects women in the post-menopausal period.

Progression of the disease causes pain in the hands and impaired motor function of the fingers, which can lead to disability - loss of ability to work and self-service.

Causes of the disease

As a result, the cartilage becomes thinner, loses its elasticity, and defects appear on its surface. Violation of synovial fluid synthesis, movements in the joints become painful, inflammation of the affected tissue occurs.

The provoking factors of the disease development:

  • genetic predisposition (mutation of the gene responsible for the synthesis of collagen);
  • the menopause period in women (decreased estrogen production);
  • endocrine disorders (diabetes mellitus, thyroid pathology);
  • trauma and hypothermia of the hands;
  • professional activity (secretaries, programmers, pianists);
  • pathology of the musculoskeletal system (rheumatoid, psoriatic, gouty arthritis);
  • infectious diseases (chlamydia).

The disease progresses slowly and should be detected in the early stages of development, which increases the effectiveness of therapy and improves the prognosis for recovery.

Clinical picture

Depending on the clinical manifestations and anatomical changes in the joints, osteoarthritis of the fingers is divided into several stages.

Appearance of brushes at the first stage of osteoarthritis - swelling of affected joints

The first stage

Characterized by the initial manifestations of degenerative changes - a violation of cartilage nutrition and loss of its elasticity. With timely treatment, you can achieve a good therapeutic effect and stop the progression of the disease.

Symptoms of the 1st stage of osteoarthritis of the fingers:

  • pain in the hands arise after considerable physical exertion and pass in a state of rest;
  • crunching in articulations when moving with phalanges of fingers;
  • swelling of the joints of the hands, tension of the periarticular muscles.

The motor activity of the brushes is not broken, the working capacity is preserved.

Second degree

Progression of the disease leads to a thinning of cartilage, a decrease in the synthesis of synovial fluid and a change in its composition, a violation of the cushioning function of the joints. Inflammation of the joint tissues develops, an effusion can accumulate in the joint cavity.

The location of nodules in the 2 nd stage of osteoarthritis

Symptoms of the 2nd stage of osteoarthritis of the fingers:

  • pain in the hands becomes permanent;
  • discomfort in the fingers increases after physical exertion;
  • pain syndrome worries at night;
  • puffiness and burning sensation of affected joints;
  • atrophy of muscle fibers in the lesion site;
  • limitation of the functional ability of the fingers.

In the area of ​​interphalangeal joints, seals appear, which eventually become firm and usually do not lend themselves to reverse development.

These are the so-called nodules of Bushard and Geberden.

The first are localized on the distal parts of the fingers (near the nail), while the latter are located in the proximal areas (in the region of the middle part of the finger).

Third degree

At the last stage of the disease, the cartilage is completely destroyed, the bone tissue thickens, bone spines appear, and the periarticular soft tissue is atrophied. Fingers are deformed and unable to perform elementary movements.

Symptoms of the third stage of osteoarthritis of the fingers:

  • permanent pain of an intense nature in the affected joints;
  • bending of fingers;
  • ankylosis of the joints (immobilization).

Treatment of the disease

Timely diagnosis of arthrosis of the fingers can stop the progression of the disease, prevent severe anatomical and functional disorders.

Therapy begins with conservative methods, to which you can add folk recipes to get rid of the disease. Treatment is carried out with the help of medicines, massage, physiotherapy, therapeutic gymnastics.

Importance is attached to proper nutrition.

Medicinal products

To eliminate the pain syndrome and inflammatory reaction in the tissues of the affected joints, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are used.

Preparations of this pharmacological group refer to symptomatic therapy - they affect the clinical manifestations of the disease. Diclofenac, indomethacin, ibuprofen, movalis, nimesulide are prescribed for 10-14 days.

More prolonged use of drugs can cause ulcerative lesions of the digestive tract.

Appearance of brushes at the third stage of osteoarthritis - deformation of fingers


Treatment of arthrosis of the fingers, affecting the cause of the pathology, is carried out by chondroprotectors.


These drugs contain glycosamine and chondroitin sulfate, which restore the structure of the cartilage and prevent its destruction.

The group of chondroprotectors includes such drugs as chondroxide, donna, teraflex, aflutop, which are prescribed by long-term therapeutic courses for 4-6 months.

In the case of intense pain, drugs with a pronounced analgesic effect are used.

Assign non-narcotic analgesics (ketoral, baralgin), glucocorticoids (hydrocortisone, kenalog), novocaine blockades.

To improve metabolism and strengthen blood vessels in the inflammation focus recommend the intake of vitamin-mineral complexes, ascorbic acid, proteolytic enzymes (wobenzym, Iruksol).

And still we advise reading:Treatment of osteoarthrosis by folk methods


Massage is used at the stage of abating the pain syndrome in a sparing mode, so as not to aggravate the destruction of damaged joint tissues.

Conducting effleurage (percussion), stroking, rubbing, kneading the brush and fingers.

As a result, blood circulation improves, metabolism normalizes, nutrients enter the cartilaginous tissue, pathological spasm of muscle fibers decreases.


To treat osteoarthritis with the help of physical factors begin after remission of acute inflammatory process and reduction of pain sensations. Physiotherapy procedures fix the positive effect achieved by the use of medications.

Treatment has a favorable effect on muscle tone, local blood flow, metabolic processes, which restores the motor activity of the fingers.

The most effective procedures are electrophoresis with novocaine, ultrasound with hydrocartisone, magnetotherapy, ozocerite and paraffin.

Exercise therapy

Therapeutic gymnastics, or exercise therapy, is a technique for the rehabilitation of affected joints.

It consists of metered exercises that are aimed at restoring the function of the joints of the hands - strengthening the muscles and bones, increasing the elasticity of the ligament apparatus, achieving physiological amplitude of movements, warning ankylosis.

Fingerbaths for arthrosis relieve pain and improve local blood flow

A simple set of exercises for doing at home:

  • hit with your fingertips on the hard surface of the table, imitating the piano playing;
  • connect the pads of the fingers of both hands, make springy movements with brushes, without separating the fingers;
  • connect the palms and fingers of your hands, put the pressure of one hand on the other, and then do the same exercise with the pads of your fingers;
  • bend and unbend fingers, without clenching it, 8-10 times;
  • rub your palms and hands, shake with brushes.

Exercise should be done regularly three times a day, supplemented with self-massage techniques.


You can treat osteoarthritis with proper nutrition.

The main principles of the diet is to reduce the content of fat in the diet of animals, digestible carbohydrates, salt (up to 5 grams / day), spices, seasonings, smoked foods, semi-finished products.

Food should be saturated with vegetable fiber, contained in vegetables, greens, fruits. Necessarily daily consumption of dairy products, dietary meat, fish, nuts. The meal should be at least 5-6 times a day.

Folk recipes

Treatment with folk remedies is prescribed to prevent exacerbation of arthrosis and is part of complex conservative therapy.

Effectively used baths with hay, mother-and-stepmother, the root of the livid, the turns, which spend 15-20 minutes.

Painful sensations and inflammation in the small joints of the fingers eliminate compresses based on salt and honey.

To do this, the raw materials are mixed in equal proportions, placed on the affected joints, pribintovyvayut and left overnight. Inside, it is recommended to take a decoction of birch leaves, which normalizes metabolism and exerts a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

Arthrosis of the joints of the fingers refers to a chronic progressive disease that causes the development of disability. To prevent irreversible changes in the hands, you should consult a doctor at the first symptoms of the pathological process.

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