Drops in the nose with otitis

Drops with otitis

Drops with otitis appointed to achieve the maximum result in the treatment of the disease. Otitis is the process of inflammation of one of the ear sections, which often arises as a result of infection of the nasopharynx. When there is pain in the ear, or in nearby areas - this is the first indication that it is necessary in the shortest time to contact a doctor-otolaryngologist for the purpose of examination and diagnosis. This will give the chance to start treatment in time and to avoid serious consequences when the patient is neglected.

The inflammatory process can begin in the ear after a severe cold, due to viral infections of the upper respiratory tract. External otitis can be triggered by psoriasis and eczema. To the inflammation can lead to unsuccessful hygienic cleaning of the ears.

Most doctors for otitis treatment prescribe drops in the ears. These drugs in the composition have effective anti-inflammatory components, as well as antibiotics. In a complex they help to fight with otitis.

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Read also about the use of ear drops from otitis in children.


Ear drops with phenazone and lidocaine, which have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Assign for local therapy and pain relief with an average otitis.

Contraindications to use: individual sensitivity to constituent substances, infectious or traumatic violation of the integrity of the tympanic membrane.

After a preliminary consultation with an otolaryngologist and only with acute need, it is possible to use Otipaksa during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. You can also use it in children during breastfeeding.

The way of application and dose - for children of any age, as well as for adults, to dig in the diseased ear 4 drops up to three times a day. The course of therapy lasts no more than 10 days, after which it is necessary to revise the method of therapy.

Among the side effects may occur local allergic reactions, itching and redness on the skin.

The warranty period of storage is 3 years and a month after opening the bottle. Keep the drops at a temperature of up to 25 degrees in a dark place.


Antimicrobial drug, the active element of which is rifamycin.

Pharmacodynamics: rifamycin has antimicrobial activity against most microorganisms that contribute to the development of infectious-inflammatory diseases of the middle ear. On Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pseudomonas aeruginosa), rifamycin is not affected.

The drug is used in the treatment of acute release from the ear after surgery, exacerbation of chronic otitis, an isolated purulent lesion of the tympanic membrane.

Drops are used topically, for digging into the external ear canal of the diseased ear twice a day. For adults, it is recommended to instill 5 drops, for children - 3 drops, without age restriction.

Contraindicated in allergic reactions to the components of the drug.

In the period of breastfeeding and pregnancy, you can use the drug before consulting a doctor.

Since the drug has a low absorption - an overdose is unlikely.

Among the adverse reactions can be observed allergic rashes, bronchospasm, eczema.

Store at a temperature of no more than 25 ° C. After the end of treatment, the opened vial should not be stored until later in use.


Antimicrobial agent with a wide spectrum of action. The active component of Danzyl is ofloxacin. It is recommended for the treatment of acute inflammatory processes in the ear.

Pharmacokinetics: after use, the constituent droplets are easily and quickly absorbed. Mostly it is excreted in its original form with urine, a small part with feces in its original form within 6-13 hours.

Do not apply Dancil to lactating and pregnant women, as well as children who are under 18 years of age, with individual sensitivity to ofloxacin.

The recommended dose of drops with external otitis is 10 drops per day. Treatment lasts about 10 days.

If chronic otitis media - 10 drops twice a day for about 2 weeks.

With inflammation of the middle ear, the recommended treatment with Dancil in a dose of 5 drops three times a day should not last more than 10 days.

Among the side effects are: nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, insomnia, hives, itching.

Recommended storage conditions: dark place, temperature up to 25 degrees.

Shelf life of the drug is 2 years, after the bottle was opened - one month.

Oil Drops

The basis of such drops are natural extracts or oils, which have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and itching action.

The use of such a drug is prohibited for those who have an individual sensitivity to the components, with damage to the skin.

Oil drops are used in the form of wetted turundum, which are placed in the ear passage 3-4 times a day.

During the period of breastfeeding, as well as during pregnancy, use the medication only after a preliminary consultation with the doctor.

Among the side effects possible itching, an allergic reaction to the skin, rarely - contact dermatitis.


Antimicrobial drops, the main components of which are polymyxin B sulfate, lidocaine and neomycin sulfate.

The use of this drug is indicated for chronic and acute form of external otitis media, medium acute otitis, purulent inflammatory complications after radical mastoidectomy in the postoperative period, tympanoplasty.

Do not use Anauran with individual hypersensitivity to the active components of the drug.

For treatment, 4-5 drops are prescribed to the patient ear from 2 to 4 times a day, dripping adults. Children who reached the age of 6 - 2-3 drops to 4 times a day, depending on the severity of the disease.

Among the undesirable side reactions of the body are local allergic rashes on the skin, peeling of the skin in the region of the external auditory canal.

It is forbidden to use the drug for pregnant and lactating children, also for children under 6 years of age.

Shelf life of the drug is 3 years, the open vial of the drug should not be used for more than 3 months.

Drops with purulent otitis

Purulent otitis - melting of the tympanic membrane and outward release of purulent discharge. This form of otitis occurs in 1/3 of cases with middle otitis media.

With purulent otitis, it is necessary to conduct the auditory passage with a solution of hydrogen peroxide or another antiseptic agent. For treatment, you can also use drops with purulent otitis: Otofa, Normaks and Tsipromed.

Otofa, the active ingredient of which is rifamycin, has antimicrobial activity against most microorganisms that provoke the development of purulent otitis media. It is recommended for adults to apply 5 drops three times a day, for children, without age restrictions - 3 drops in the morning and in the evening.

The active component of Normax drops is the fluoroquinolone antibiotic norfloxacin. Assign the drug for 2-3 drops of 4 to 6 times a day, when the case is more severe - it is recommended to drip into a sick ear every three hours. Normax is not used in pregnancy and children under 12 years of age.

The composition of drops Tsipromed includes ciprofloxacin, which helps actively fight the infection. The dose of medication for adults is 5 drops in the patient's ear passage three times a day. Treatment lasts from 3 to 5 days. Do not use drops for children under 15 years, as well as during pregnancy, and during lactation.

Drops with medium otitis

Otitis media is an inflammatory process in the middle ear, often occurring in childhood, as a result of colds, acute inflammatory pathologies of ENT organs of various etiologies.

For the treatment of otitis media, you can use drops of Sophradex, Otipax.

Sofraks is an active ingredient of Framicetin sulfate, which has a bactericidal effect on microorganisms that cause middle ear disease. To drip in a sick ear on 2-3 drops 3-4 times a day to adults and children from 7 years. Therapy should not last more than a week.

The active ingredient of Otipaksa phenazone, owns analgesic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. The daily dose of Otipax is 4 drops, 2-3 times. Treatment with the drug for up to 10 days.

Drops with catarrhal otitis

Catarrhal otitis - acute catarrhal inflammation of the mucosa of the middle ear (drum cavity, mastoid process, eustachian tube), accompanied by acute pain, which is worse with coughing, sneezing, swallowing. If you do not pay attention to these signs, then the probability of developing acute otitis of purulent form is possible.

For treatment, drops are used in catarrhal otitis Anauran, Otinum.

Anauran is an aminoglycoside antibiotic with a wide range of action. Has a bactericidal effect on gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. The ear must be buried 2 to 4 times a day for 4-5 drops. Drops are not recommended for children younger than 6 years of age, as well as during pregnancy, breastfeeding.

The active component of otinum is choline salicylate. This derivative of salicylic acid has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. The recommended dose of the drug for adults is 3-4 drops up to four times a day. Pregnant and lactating, as well as children use these drops is not recommended.

Drops in the nose with otitis

In order to reduce the signs of swelling in the region of the pharyngeal opening of the Eustachian tube, it is possible to use vasoconstrictive drops in otitis such as Sanorin, Galazolin, Otrivin, Tizin.

After the application of these drugs, signs of edema, hyperemia, exudation decrease, which leads to the discovery and expansion of the output ducts of the paranasal sinuses and auditory tubes, improves secretion and protects from precipitation microbes.

Drops from otitis with antibiotic

Drops with an antibiotic are prescribed for the treatment of otitis in those cases when other substances do not give the desired effect: Levomycetin, Normax.

Levomycetin droplets with otitis are recommended for children older than 1 year and adults 2-3 drops once or twice a day. With abundant discharge from the ear canal, the use of the drug is increased up to four times a day.

Normax - the active component of norfloxacin has a broad antimicrobial effect. For the treatment of otitis recommend to instill 5 drops in the patient's ear passage three times a day for adults and children from 15 years. Before instillation it is necessary to clean the ear passage, and after the procedure - to close with turunda. Among the side effects, itching and unpleasant taste in the mouth are possible.

Drops with otitis alone, without doctor's recommendations, is not recommended. It is necessary to seek consultation with the otolaryngologist, so as not to harm self-medication.


Drops for otitis in children: what to choose and how to apply

Otitis most often affects small children, which is due to the physiological features of the structure of the organ of hearing. With the timely detection of the disease and the correct appointment of treatment can quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms. Among the drugs used in conservative therapy, drops are very popular for otitis in children. Use them in the inflammatory process in the tympanic cavity can only be prescribed by the doctor, following the indicated dosage.

Varieties of drugs

Most often in the treatment of otitis ears are used.Usually they contain an antibacterial component, as in most cases the pathogen is the cause of the inflammation.When the injured ear is instilled, the inflammation is removed, the itching is removed, the pain is reduced, the child feels much better.

Practically all medicines of this pharmacological form are recommended to be used 7-10 days, during this period all unpleasant symptoms usually disappear. All drops for children from otitis can be divided into the following groups:

  • antibacterial;
  • acid;
  • antifungal;
  • corticosteroids.

Appoint the drug for instillation in the ears can only the otolaryngologist, given the cause of the development of the inflammatory process. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the right means, because only so it can cope with the pathological process taking place in the ear cavity.

If the cause of the development of pathology is a fungal infection, antifungal drops are prescribed for children in the ears at the otitis. In the case of edema, you can not do without corticosteroids, which reduce swelling and relieve pain. Acid preparations, like antibiotics, are capable of killing certain types of bacteria.Antibacterial drugs are prescribed exclusively for the purulent nature of the disease of the organ of hearing. To speed up the recovery process, combination drugs containing both antibiotics and corticosteroids can be prescribed.

List of drugs

For children with otitis ears can be prescribed from the following list of medications against this inflammatory disease:

  1. Otypaks.The active substance is phenazone and lidocaine. It is allowed to use in the treatment of children, starting with infancy. The drug is prohibited for use with perforation of the tympanic membrane.
  2. The otinum.The drug is based on choline salicitate. Indicated for use immediately after birth. However, the drug is banned for pregnant and lactating women. If the eardrum is damaged, no remedy is prescribed.
  3. Candybiotic.It is allowed to use in the treatment of children from the age of six. The drug is a combination of antibacterial and antifungal agents, such as beclomethasone propionate, chloramphenicol, clotrimazole. Possible is the manifestation of an allergic reaction to one of the components of the drug, in which case it should be replaced with other children's drops in otitis.
  4. Otofa.A medication belonging to a group of antibiotics commonly used in ear disease. The active ingredient is rifampicin. It is important to consider that the medicine may not be suitable for children in case of individual intolerance of its components.
  5. Sophradex.Can be used in the treatment of otitis in young children, infants, pregnant and lactating women, the drug is contraindicated.
  6. Neladex.It is prescribed by an ENT doctor for children from the age of 12, but it should be used with extreme caution.
  7. Miramidez.Recommended for children after the first year of life. The active ingredient is miramistin. Individual intolerance of the active substance may be observed.


In the treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory processes affecting the hearing organ in children, often comes to the rescue Anauran - a combination drug. It is contraindicated for children under one year old, but for older children it often helps to get rid of unpleasant symptoms.The drug is endowed with anti-inflammatory, antifungal, analgesic and antibacterial action, because it contains components such as lidocaine, neomycin, polymyxin.Side effects occur extremely rarely.


At the age of 8 years can be prescribed to children with otitis drops in the ears of Garazon. The agent is an optimal combination of gestamycin - a broad-spectrum antibiotic, and betamethasone - the most active glucocorticosteroid. This active glucocorticosteroid is endowed with anti-inflammatory and antiallergic activity. Garrazon effective against a number of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Adverse reactions occur extremely rarely.


Active components of these ear drops for children are dexamethasone, neomycin and polymyxin. Due to this composition of Polidex, the ear is endowed with powerful antibacterial and antiallergic action. Thus, not only the destruction of pathogenic microflora occurs, but also puffiness is eliminated.

A remedy is prescribed for external and acute otitis media, when there is no damage to the tympanic membrane. Treatment is carried out from 6 to 10 days.

How to carry out the procedure correctly?

For treatment to be effective, it is important not only to choose the right medicine, but also to be able to apply it. You should follow such recommendations, only then the medicine will enter the ear canal and will have its own therapeutic effect:
  1. Before the procedure, it is necessary to carefully clean the outer ear from sulfur, because it will prevent the penetration of the medicine in depth.
  2. Before burying the drug in the ears, the vial of the contents should be heated in the hands to room temperature. Cold fluid can only exacerbate the inflammatory process, cause severe pain and even dizziness.
  3. The patient should be put on one side so that the affected ear is directed upward through the auditory meatus. In the ear, drip the recommended amount of medicine to avoid the formation of an air-cork, lightly massage the ear canal.
  4. To prevent drops from flowing out of the ear, in this position, you need to lie for 3-5 minutes.

If the otitis is bilateral, such actions need to be performed first with one ear first, and then with the second one.

Care of the nasal cavity

Often often develops against a background of a protracted rhinitis, then you need a simultaneous treatment of the ear canal and nasopharynx. In any case, in the presence of mucus in the nose, the condition of the patient with otitis media deteriorates significantly. For this reason, the otolaryngologists recommend that you regularly perform such simple actions:
  • every day, if necessary - several times a day, suck the mucus from the nose with an aspirator, and older children to nose their nose;
  • wash the nose with a solution of sea water, it dilutes the thick mucus - Salin, Aquamaris, Humer;
  • the use of vasoconstrictive drops in the nose for otitis in children - Nazivin, Otrivin;
  • in the treatment of otitis in infants, it is often necessary to turn it over the tummy, this contributes to the outflow of mucus.

The choice of ear drops in the treatment of otitis should be entrusted only to a specialist, and the parents must follow all the instructions of the attending physician.


Correct use of drops in otitis: the main tips and advice

Otitis is an inflammatory process of the middle ear, which can occur in people of any age. Illness with rather unpleasant symptoms and complications, therefore both diagnostics and therapy should be performed by a specialist.

The considered inflammatory process can arise as an independent disease and as a complication in acute respiratory viral infections.Most often, it is secondary otitis that is diagnosed, which will reveal classic signs of a cold - cough, runny nose, headache.The danger of the disease is that, in the absence of professional treatment, the inflammatory process (by the way, it can be accompanied by a congestion of purulent substance in the ear) spreads to the nasal sinuses and further along ascending.

Important about otitis

Everyone should know the first signs of otitis:

  1. Earache.This symptom can be pronounced, but can also be slightly hidden, unintensive. Patients can differently characterize the pain syndrome - "lumbago pulling / aching, increasing, subsiding and so on.Pay attention: for colds because of a common cold, ears can be laid - this is not a sign of otitis, but Here, in combination with pain syndrome, congestion can indicate the development of inflammatory process.
  2. Hyperthermia.The increase in body temperature, even if otitis primary and not burdened by other diseases, will necessarily be observed, but there is a feature - never considered the inflammatory process does not provoke a critically high body temperature, it usually fluctuates between 37-38 degrees.
  3. Allocations.This feature is not necessary - in some patients there are no secretions at all. But more patients complain of their large number, dense structure and unpleasant odor.

Note: otitis can begin virtually asymptomatic - only a small obstruction and a low-intensity pain in the ear can indicate the onset of the inflammatory process. Optimal in this period to seek help from a doctor - the pathology will be quickly and effectively cured without complications.

Therapy for otitis can be varied, but ear drops are recognized as the most effective - they have several actions at once, quickly removing unpleasant symptoms and conducting an anti-inflammatory treatment.

Treatment with drops

Do not engage in self-medication - ear drops should be selected by a doctor!

Preparations for the treatment of otitis, in particular ear drops, should be selected by the doctor - specific recommendations will depend on which stage of development is an inflammatory process, what are the causes of the development of pathology, acute or chronic form of otitis in a patient and so Further. It is worth choosing drops not only for the cost, but also for the following features:

  • they should be suitable for both children and adults - this moment is dictated by economic benefit, because even protracted otitis will be cured by fewer drops than it is contained in the vial;
  • it is desirable to acquire a drug with the presence of antibacterial drugs (antibiotics).
What to do when tearing eyes hurts the head of a runny nose, indicated in the article.

What to do. when the headache has laid down ears a rhinitis, it is specified in article.

What causes, when the head hurts and lays the ears, is indicated here: http://prolor.ru/u/simptomy-u/zakladyvaet-uxo-prichina-lechenie.html

There is a wide range of such medicines on the market, so it is worth knowing which of them will be the best choice.

The most popular drugs

  1. Otypaks.Effective ear drops in diagnosing otitis early in development. The composition contains not only anti-inflammatory / antiviral components, but also lidocaine. It is he who has an anesthetic effect, which is important for the patient - the pain syndrome in otitis is really strong and painful.Note: some people have a powerful allergy to lidocaine(although in general an allergic reaction to a variety of irritants is absent), so before using Otipax drops it must be excluded by conducting an allergic test. To do this, it is enough to apply a small amount of drops on the nasal mucosa and wait 30 minutes - this is the reaction time of the organism and the external stimulus.
  2. Sophradex.The drug should be instilled in 2-3 drops in the diseased ear at least three times a day.Please note: the composition of the product contains components that can become the strongest allergen- people with a previous diagnosis
    allergic reaction to any stimulus, it is strictly forbidden to use Sofradix in the treatment of otitis media.
  3. Otofa.Presented drops quickly return normal hearing (relieve congestion), relieve the pain syndrome and have an antibacterial effect.
  4. Danzyl.The composition of drops includes antibiotic oxoflacin, so people with hypersensitivity or individual intolerance Dancil is contraindicated.

To check for an allergic reaction, it is enough to apply a small amount of drops on the nasal mucosa and wait 30 minutes - this is the reaction time of the organism and the external stimulus.

How to apply drops correctly

The recommended dosage of the listed products is 2-3 drops in each ear at least 3 times a day.It is important: when instilling funds in the patient's ear, it is necessary to tilt the head in the opposite direction, pull the auricle aside and slightly up, and after dropping the drops close the entrance to the ear canal cotton wool.

Important: if you have to treat otitis media for patients of childhood, the dosage should be reduced by half. The duration of otitis treatment is at least 5 days, but even with the disappearance of all the symptoms described above, it is not necessary to interrupt therapy without the permission of the attending physician and the follow-up examination.

What to do when the runny nose is a weakness without fever, specify in the article.

Which antibiotic for coughing and runny nose in adults is most often used, is indicated in the article.

How to overcome a runny nose and cough with teething is indicated here: http://prolor.ru/g/detskoe-zdorove-g/kashel-pri-prorezyvanii-zubov-u-detej.html

Note: if regular use of drops to treat otitis does not give the desired effect, it is necessary to consult with the attending physician - it may be necessary to adjust the treatment regimen or complete cancellation / replacement preparation.

Indication / contraindications

The above mentioned drops can be applied at the appearance of the first signs of the beginning inflammatory process. Some patients with diagnosed chronic otitis media, knowing the approach of exacerbation, independently select the means.

Take into account that ear drops can not be strictly applied to the following categories of patients: pregnant and lactating women (but there are means that are allowed to use - need a doctor's consultation), as well as people with hypersensitivity or individual intolerance to antibacterial drugs (for example, drops from otitis with antibiotic)

Possible complications

The most serious complication of otitis is meningitis. That's why you need to visit a doctor as soon as possible.

Otitis can cause disorders in the work of... the gastrointestinal tract! The fact is that the middle ear and abdominal cavity are "connected" by one nerve.Therefore, doctors are not surprised when diagnosed otitis reveals flatulence, bloating, diarrhea or constipation, vomiting.Especially often, a similar complication of the inflammatory process in the middle ear occurs in patients of children, but also for zrovrosnyh there can be false symptoms of appendicitis in developing Otitis.

In the absence of professional assistance in the treatment of otitis can go to meningitis - the most serious complication.


Learn how to make ear drops from otitis media at home:

Use of ear drops in the treatment of otitis is the best option for carrying out antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic therapy. It is only necessary to know which of them will have the greatest effect and will be absolutely safe for the patient.


How to treat otitis media of the middle ear depending on the form of the disease

The average otitis is expressed in the inflammatory process in the middle ear department. The disease, depending on the form, can manifest itself differently.

In different parts of the middle ear, such as the auditory tube, the tympanum, the mastoid process, the inflammatory process can be caused to a greater or lesser extent.

Not always it is possible to put the exact diagnosis on the basis of external survey.

In such cases, a more detailed diagnosis may be required. Conducting diagnostic procedures will help determine how to treat otitis media of the middle ear.

The purpose of the survey is to determine the following indicators:

  • stage of the disease;
  • type of pathogen;
  • indication for taking antibiotics;
  • accompanying complications: perforation of the tympanic membrane, purulent contents, hearing loss.

Often, the average otitis occurs against the background of infectious diseases of the nose, such as sinusitis, chronic rhinitis, sinusitis. In this case, the infection occurs due to sneezing, incorrect blowing.

Also, the infection can penetrate into the middle ear as a result of trauma, hypothermia, drafts, meningitis, and immunity.

Otitis media are distinguished by the following manifestations:

  • acute and chronic forms;
  • purulent, serous and catarrhal (otitis morphology).

How to treat otitis media of the middle ear and what medications the doctor decides, based on the form of otitis, the course of the disease, the physiology of the patient and other factors.

Treatment of otitis media of the middle ear with antibiotics and drops

Treatment of otitis media of the middle ear should be started as soon as possible. Inflammation of the middle ear as a result of improper treatment or its absence can cause serious complications.

The medication for otitis media of the middle ear is prescribed in accordance with the form of the disease and includes the following medicines:

  • antibiotics;
  • antipyretics;
  • painkillers;
  • ear drops.

Antibiotic in otitis media is not always prescribed. If the disease touched one ear and has mild symptoms, then it is possible to confine oneself to antipyretic and analgesic drugs.

Treatment with antibiotics is prescribed without fail in the following cases:

  • age up to two years;
  • both ear are sick;
  • an accurate diagnosis is made;
  • clearly show symptoms:
  • heat;
  • acute pain.

Antibiotic in otitis media is selected based on the sensitivity to the drug and the presence of allergies in the patient.

Antibiotics "1st line

  • penicillin;
  • cephalosporin:
  • amoxicillin;
  • augmentin;
  • amoksiklav;
  • cefazolin;
  • ceftriaxone.

Antibiotics "2nd line

  • clarithromycin;
  • levofloxacin;
  • azithromycin.

Depending on the complexity of the disease, treatment of otitis media of the middle ear includes the taking of painkillers, remedies against the common cold. With concomitant disease, you need to get a doctor's advice about which drops to use better. Antihistamines are prescribed concomitantly with antibiotics.

Drops from the otitis media of the middle ear are divided into three types:

  • contain anti-inflammatory components: otypax, otinum (anti-inflammatory ear drops);
  • contain antibacterial components: otofa, normax, tsipromed;
  • combination dropscontain antibiotic and glucocorticosteroids: sfradex, dexon, anauran.

Ear drops are prescribed based on the way the middle ear disease is affected. Since this part of the body is closed from the outer tympanic membrane, the use of drops is advisable only on indications.

It should be remembered that drops from the otitis media of the middle ear, in which an antibiotic is present, are prescribed by a doctor only in rare cases. Such drops can be not only useless, but also dangerous in the event that a perforation of the tympanic membrane has occurred. In this case, the antibiotic is better taken orally.



Drops in the treatment of otitis in children

Otitis is a fairly common disease in children. In the medicine cabinet, every mother should have drops of otitis, because the ailment can occur unexpectedly.

The disease is an infection of the middle ear cavity in the background of a cold or other disease. Physicians cite statistics according to which 90% of toddlers aged 1 to 5 years suffer from otitis media.

The causes of otitis in a child

Adults can also develop inflammation of the ears, but it happens much less often than in children.

This prevalence is related to the peculiarities of the structure of the child's ear. Inflammation usually occurs in the eustachian, or auditory, tube. It is she who connects the hearing organ with the nasopharynx, which constantly abounds with a large number of bacteria and microbes. Compared with adults, the child owns a wider and shorter tube, which accelerates the penetration of pathogens into the middle ear region. At the same time, the area of ​​the connection between the auditory tube and the nasopharynx is an ideal place for the multiplication of bacteria and the formation of pus.

Most often, otitis media become a complication of an already existing infectious disease, such as ARVI or influenza. If treatment is not fully implemented, the disease can move to neighboring organs.

There are a number of reasons that can cause otitis media and are not associated with infectious diseases:

  1. Adenoids. Growing polyps in the nose and throat of the child are the carriers of various infectious diseases, including otitis.
  2. Frequent whims and crying of the child. A child who often cries, sniffs, often suffers from snot.
  3. Diseases of the skin. Various skin diseases, such as dermatitis or eczema, can lead to so-called external otitis media.
  4. Bathing in cold water. The cause of inflammation can become a bath in cold water, especially if it got into the ear canal.
  5. Improper hygiene of the ears. Most parents do not know that when cleaning the ears from sulfur, you can not use cotton swabs for adults. They can damage the eardrum and poke sulfur, which contains bacteria, even deeper into the ear.
  6. Other diseases of the ears.

In each family, you need to have ear drops, otitis can occur in the child at any time.

Symptoms and consequences of otitis media

The first sign of otitis is always pain. It can be so strong that it will be hard for a child to hold his head, move his neck.

Doctors distinguish two main types of otitis media: external and internal. In the case of external otitis, various acne and furuncles occur at the site of the inflammation. Their localization can be varied: from the scalp to the ear fold, the earlobe to the visible ear canal. Drops for the treatment of otitis media are rarely used in this case. The second type, otitis media, is the most common. It has no external signs, and it is very difficult to identify diseases in young children. If the ear hurts a cold child, then in 90% of cases it is otitis. But how to determine the disease in another case?

You need to pay attention to the tragus, the protrusion, which is located near the beginning of the ear canal. If a child falls ill with otitis, then even a slight touch on the tragus can cause increased pain. Secondary signs of otitis include fever, pain in whiskey and teeth, malaise. In some cases, the hearing deteriorates in the child (down to absolute deafness).

If the treatment is wrong or absent, the disease can greatly progress. Parents should remember that any inflammation in the ear is dangerous for the baby, as microbes and bacteria settle in close proximity to the brain. Complications of otitis can be various infectious diseases, runny nose, deafness, paralysis of the facial nerve, in particularly complex and neglected cases - meningitis.

Treatment and drops from otitis

The main treatment prescribed by a doctor is ear drops, the otitis in the treatment of which very quickly passes if the disease is not in a neglected stage. The rate of use of drops should not exceed 10 days. There are 4 types of drops for the ears used for otitis. Each of them can be used according to the cause of the disease and strictly according to the doctor's prescription.Drops can be antifungal, antibacterial, corticosteroid and acid.

With such treatment it is important to observe the proper instillation procedure. To begin with, the ear canal must be cleaned so that the sulfur plug or other secretions do not become a barrier to the drug. To prevent the drops from causing a headache, they need to be warmed to body temperature. This can be done by holding the bottle for several minutes in the hands. To warm a medicine with the help of fire or hot water is inadmissible: it can provoke a burn.

Important is the position of the patient during instillation. To prevent the drop, the child must be laid on one side (the ear must be on top), then drip the recommended number of drops.

If the child is worried and twisted or the time between drops is prolonged to avoid formation in the ear of an air cork, you need to massage the nodule and leave the patient for a few minutes in this position. To avoid infection of the second ear, as a prophylaxis it is possible to instill a remedy into it.

After instillation it is recommended to put a warming compress on the ear. It can consist of a gauze dressing and a cotton pad, moistened with a solution of alcohol or vodka. Such a procedure can only be carried out in a situation where the patient does not have a temperature, and the infection passes without the secretion of pus. In the treatment of otitis in children, doctors use many kinds of drops.

They have their pros and cons, they are suitable for different ages, they can be used during pregnancy.

Anauran. These drops can be used by both adults and children. If for the first doctor recommends 5 drops per day, then for babies you need to reduce the dosage. The drug can be used not only for otitis, but also for other diseases of the middle ear, as well as for external otitis. The use of this medication by pregnant women is not prohibited, but is also not recommended. It is necessary to monitor the dosage of the drug, since even its slightest excess can lead to itching and flaking of the skin of the hearing aid.

Sophradex. These drops have a wider application. They can be used to treat not only the diseases of the ear canal, but with infection of the eyes. The drug is not prescribed to people who suffer from allergies, and is strictly prohibited to pregnant women, young children and people with kidney and heart failure.

The otinum. These are drops that are ideal for people suffering from allergies. They practically have no side effects. The disadvantage of this drug is the presence of salicylic acid. If ingested on the affected surface of the eardrum, the product may cause loss of hearing.


http://www.youtube.com/watc? = M2ThYkR3MC8

Normax. Effective and inexpensive drops in otitis in children, which will help to cope with internal and external otitis media. Drops will get rid of the infection, which is accompanied by a strong secretion of pus. Minus is an allergic side reaction, which can be accompanied by Quinck's swelling, rashes, burning and itching in the ears.

Otypaks. A drug that suits absolutely everyone. This is almost the only drug that can be used by pregnant and lactating women, young children, including babies. It is recommended to use only at the beginning of the disease, since the drug has no antibacterial effect. The drug contains lidocaine, which will help fight the pain. Therefore, with caution, it should be taken to people who are allergic to local anesthetics.

Folk treatment of otitis in children

With a mild form of otitis, you can seek help from folk medicine. As a warming agent in the ear, you can drip drops of boric acid, levomitsitinovy ​​alcohol. Levomitsitinovy ​​alcohol will help to cope with the pain.


http://www.youtube.com/watc? = VSP2fWBWPW8

As a drop, you can use camphor or almond oil or juice of onions.


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