Chronic cough how to treat

Treatment of chronic (persistent) cough

Chronic is a symptom that does not go away for several weeks with proper treatment. Treatment of this ailment must begin with a competent diagnosis. That's why when you have a chronic symptom, you should immediately consult a doctor. This also applies to cases when seizures are rare, and the symptom in itself does not cause you any special inconvenience. Only a doctor can identify the cause of chronic cough and prescribe the right treatment.

"Constantly coughing what to do"? With this question, patients often turn to a specialist. However, every person should know that there is no such disease in medicine. This is just a symptom of one of the diseases.

Chronic cough treatment for bronchitis and tracheitis

Two of these diseases most often cause prolonged seizures. With bronchitis, a chronic cough is wet, with a hard-to-separate sputum. Treatment in this case consists in taking antibiotics, as well as in eliminating the patient's anxiety symptom. It is about taking medications that dilate the bronchi and remove sputum from them:

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  • Lazolvan
  • Ambroxol.
  • Doctor IOM.
  • Stop Tussin.

In addition to the above syrups, patients are prescribed muccal tablets, as well as inhalations with Berodual and Pulmicort.

When tracheitis sputum does not go away, therefore chronic cough is dry and painful. Attacks begin at night, so most patients complain of sleep problems. In this case, antibiotics are not prescribed, and to eliminate the main symptom, patients are prescribed anti-inflammatory and cough-fixing drugs:

  • Ascoril.
  • Sinecod.
  • Erespal.

Than to treat a constant cough with bronchial asthma

This serious illness is always accompanied by a chronic cough. Treatment in this case should appoint a specialist in the field of pulmonology. Most often, patients are prescribed hormone-containing inhalers. Only a doctor can prescribe them. Doing self-medication with asthma is life-threatening.

Postnazalny permanent cough, what to do?

Most people with sinusitis and sinusitis are familiar with the concept of "postnatal". Such a chronic cough arises from the fact that mucus from the sinuses of the nose enters the nasopharynx. Treatment in this case should be directed primarily at eliminating the cause of chronic colds.

How to cure chronic cough for allergies

Allergic reactions are also often accompanied by a similar symptom. The patient in this case should consult a doctor who will determine in a diagnostic way what caused this reaction. Treatment of the symptom for allergies is not required. It disappears with the rest of the unpleasant symptoms after taking antihistamines.

How to get rid of a regular smoker's cough?

It would seem that this question does not require the search for complex answers. Coughing because of smoking? Throw this addiction and everything is normal. However, not all people can quickly part with a pack of cigarettes. Treatment in this case should be aimed at excretion of sputum from the bronchi. For this it is necessary to take mucolytics and expectorants.

Cough chronic treatment for heart disease

A heart symptom is difficult to confuse with signs of other diseases. Cough in this case is always dry, sharp and biting. It can begin as after physical exertion, and during that time when a person is at rest. Cope with it can only be with the advice of a cardiologist who, after conducting diagnostic procedures, will prescribe the right treatment.

Chronic cough: causes, symptoms, treatment

Cough is a protective reflex of the body, through which it is possible to quickly cure infectious diseases of the respiratory tract. In some situations, coughing can be prolonged, then a chronic form is diagnosed. It leads to rapid physical fatigue, insomnia. Due to the fact that the patient can not fall asleep, his nervous system is exhausted. Chronic cough is accompanied by dizziness, hoarseness of voice, excessive sweating and spontaneous urination. Is it possible to completely cure a chronic form of cough?

Causes of chronic cough

The symptom most often caused by bronchial asthma, postnazalnym edema, casting sour into the esophagus. Less often chronic cough is provoked by infectious disease, medication and lung disease.

Postnasal Bladder Syndrome

The syndrome constantly irritates the pharynx and a strong cough appears. Most often, the syndrome is typical for people who have colds, allergies, sinusitis, rhinitis. The person in this case is constantly stuffy nose, for a long time does not pass the runny nose. Slime can accumulate on the back of the pharynx, so you always want to cough.

Bronchial asthma

Chronic cough is one of the main symptoms, except for this there is shortness of breath, wheezing. A person begins to cough badly when in contact with an allergen. Sometimes the patient's condition worsens immediately after a cold snap, a sharp drop in moisture and inhaling specific smells.


If acidic content enters the esophagus from the stomach, the patient has an unpleasant sour taste in his mouth. Then the acid irritates the pharynx and the person begins to cough heavily.

Infectious diseases of the respiratory tract

The chronic form of cough quite often is a consequence of the transferred cold. Symptom for a long time does not pass in case of a cold, an inflammatory process in the respiratory tract.

The use of different types of medicines

Quite often, the cause of chronic cough is the prolonged intake of medications from blood pressure. Most often it is Monopril, Prestarium, which is prescribed for hypertension. In this case, the cough is superficial and dry. To get rid of a cough, you must stop taking the drug or pick up another that is right for you. Note that chronic cough often occurs after taking beta-blockers, nitrofurans.

Bronchial and pulmonary diseases

If you have chronic bronchitis, a persistent cough with phlegm worries. Such a symptom is most common for a smoker. With lung cancer, cough is frequent, not always accompanied by hemoptysis. Despite this, do not think that a prolonged cough is always a symptom of cancer. A lot of factors that can cause chronic cough.

Diagnosis and treatment of chronic type of cough

When the diagnosis is made, the main causes of the appearance of a cough are identified or excluded. If the unpleasant symptom lasts more than two months, it is necessary to undergo computed tomography, pulmonary radiography. In case of suspected pulmonary disease, functional tests are performed - bodipletizmography, spirometry. In addition, tests for an allergic reaction are given.

To exclude gastroenterological diseases, it is necessary to undergo fibrogastroscopy, with which the stomach, esophagus and duodenum are carefully studied. Diagnosis is carried out under local anesthesia.

It is necessary to examine at the ENT doctor, in order to find out what condition the nasopharynx is in. Perhaps the cause of chronic cough is rhinitis.

Treatment depends on the diagnosis. With exacerbation of symptoms, it is necessary to take antibiotics. Especially important is their intake for purulent or infectious bronchitis. Most often appointed Levomycetin, Tetracycline, Ampicillin. If the treatment is ineffective, the antibiotic can be replaced by another, having first studied the sensitivity of the microflora. Sometimes prescribed drugs of the sulfonamide group:Madribon, Sulfapyridazine.

At home, to facilitate the symptomatology recommended to carry out inhalation with onions and garlic. It is necessary to prepare onions and garlic juice, add a solution of novocaine - 1 ml. Inhalation is carried out in the morning and in the evening. The course of therapy about a month.

Consider! If you are a doctor prescribing a cough for a long course of taking antibiotics, it's not safe. Quite often this group of drugs can cause fungal infection. In this case it is necessary to takeLeworin, Nystatin.

In addition, it is necessary to use aerosols, various means for rapid excretion of sputum: infusions of thermopsis, herbal decoction "breast-feeding decoction from the root of the althaea. Well proven mucolytic drugs -Rinatiol, Bisolvon, Bromhexine.

Also prescribed are inhalations with solutions of sodium bicarbonate, prostaglandins, with their help you can reduce the viscosity of phlegm. With a chronic cough, it is necessary to pay attention to such methods of treatment:

  • Vitamin A, C, B.
  • Biostimulators - sea buckthorn oil, aloe, propolis.
  • Perform special respiratory gymnastics.
  • Take a course of electro-physiotherapeutic procedures, which greatly alleviate the symptoms.

Thus, the chronic form of cough can accompany various diseases. Sometimes a symptom is a manifestation of chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, helminthiosis, gastric disease. Do not start a cough, otherwise it can lead to severe consequences - bronchial asthma, respiratory failure. It is important to undergo a comprehensive course of therapy in a timely manner, which includes taking medications, exercise therapy, physiotherapy, during this period it is important to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, to abandon harmful habits.

Treatment of chronic and chronic cough

The question of how to treat a chronic cough is not uncommonly interested in those who have this unpleasant symptom observed for one or several weeks. It is this period of time that is considered sufficient to be considered old. Start this disease in any case impossible, because it can cause tissue deformation, which gradually leads to the development of tumors. However, to raise panic in case the disease lasts 7 days is not worth it. But you should definitely go to the doctor. He will tell you how to cure a chronic cough.

Cough for a week now, then cure?

There are two methods for treating such a disease:

  • Medicated. Most often, a chronic symptom requires treatment not only by expectorants and peripheral agents that remove phlegm from the bronchi and suppress cough reflexes, but also antibiotics. Depending on the neglect of the disease, they are administered orally or in the form of injections. Together with drugs of this type should definitely take funds that restore the intestinal microflora. In addition to the above drugs, the patient is often prescribed inhalation, which can be done with help of nebulizer, saline or alkaline mineral water, as well as special preparations (nebula).
  • People's. This type of treatment with chronic cough, as a rule, is effective only in combination with medication. It is about inhalations with essential oils, as well as about the acceptance of broths of various medicinal herbs. Rubbing, applying radish to the area of ​​bronchi and cabbage leaves with honey are also folk remedies, which bring considerable benefit in treatment. To soar your feet in hot water with the addition of mustard or chamomile broth for an old cough sometimes even doctors recommend. However, this should be done only if the patient does not have a fever.

Treatment of chronic chronic cough

Chronic is considered a symptom, the duration of which is more than three weeks. It can be the result of such serious diseases as bronchitis or pneumonia. In this case, the patient is required to prescribe antibiotics, as well as medications (syrups, pills, inhalations) that dilute and remove from the bronchi and lungs phlegm. Often, such ailments require inpatient treatment. Bronchial asthma or gastroesophageal reflux is also often accompanied by a chronic cough. The first is treated with inhalers, as well as hormonal drugs that are used in the form of injections. Gastroesophageal reflux requires the use of drugs that reduce the acidity of gastric juice.

Chronic cough can also be a consequence of diseases of the cardiovascular system. In this case, the patient needs to undergo a heart examination, as a result of which the cardiologist identifies the pathology that caused it, and prescribes treatment.

Chronic cough: Causes and treatment

In itself, a chronic cough is not a separate disease, it is rather a symptom that accompanies any disturbances in the body. Such a cough can be delayed for an indefinitely long time, preventing a person from fully living and working. With this problem, a fairly large number of people are drawn to specialists.


Most often, the cause of chronic cough is allergic reactions, sinus inflammation, asthma, gastroesophageal reflux disease, bronchitis, pneumonia, taking certain medications and others. Sometimes a prolonged cough can talk about the presence of foreign objects in the lungs, such a problem is peculiar to children in general. When performing the diagnosis, an X-ray examination is usually performed. However, not all the causes of chronic cough are manifested by changes in the x-ray.

One of the most common causes of persistent cough is cigarette smoking.

Chronic coughing can be a symptom of asthma. In addition to cough, this disease usually has difficulty breathing, wheezing, attacks of suffocation, and sometimes a constant cough becomes the only sign of the presence of the disease. There are also forms of asthma, in which the functions of the respiratory system do not change.

In gastroesophageal reflux disease, the contents of the stomach having a high acidity exit into the esophagus, which provokes spasm of the respiratory system. As a result, cough and shortness of breath may occur. In rare cases, acidic contents even enter the lungs, which is why a picture of damage to the lung tissue develops. Most often this pathology is accompanied by heartburn, an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth and other symptoms, but it can be asymptomatic, or with a single sign of the disease - a cough.

Inflammatory diseases that occur in the sinuses of the nose can also cause coughing. In this case, it is not easy to establish the cause, because other symptoms may be absent altogether or be blurred. In addition to coughing, the patient usually complains of unpleasant sensations in the nose, sore throat, stuffiness in the nose and stuff.

Chronic bronchitis, tracheitis and pneumonia can also cause a persistent cough. These diseases occur with infectious diseases of the body by bacteria, viruses, in rare cases, fungi.

Some medications, such as those for ACE inhibitors, such as captopril, can cause chronic cough.

In addition, possible causes include various tumors, lesions and other pathologies of the lungs. If the cough is kept for a long time, you should definitely show it to a specialist to determine its cause.

Treatment of chronic cough

The methods of treatment of chronic cough depend on the causes of its appearance. But some funds can in most cases facilitate cough and improve the condition of the patient. These include abundant drinking, inhalation of steam, as well as special antitussive drugs. However, pills for cough should be taken only on the advice of a doctor.

In the treatment of asthma, agents that reduce the inflammatory process in the respiratory system are used, in addition, special drugs are used that block the onset of attacks of suffocation or coughing.

Treatment of reflux disease, in addition to drugs that reduce gastric acidity, includes a certain diet, giving up food a few hours before bedtime and choosing a position for sleeping with an elevated head.

In inflammatory processes in the nasal sinuses, decongestants, antihistamines, and antibiotics, steroids and special inhalations are used.

Infectious diseases of bacterial nature are usually treated with antibiotics, and viral - with the use of antiviral agents. In some cases, for example, pleurisy can also be prescribed analgesics. It is worth remembering that with inflammation of the lungs, pleurisy, tumor processes and other serious lung pathologies, the use of antitussive drugs is highly undesirable.

If a chronic cough occurs, as a side effect on the taking of any drugs, such as ACE inhibitors, which are used to treat high blood pressure, one should not make a decision on refusal of these means. In this case it is necessary to visit a specialist who will help to choose an alternative.

Prevention of chronic cough

To avoid the appearance of chronic cough, you can, following several general recommendations:

  1. It is worth to give up smoking, because this is the most common cause of chronic cough.
  2. It is necessary to undergo a medical examination to exclude diseases such as asthma, reflux disease, tuberculosis and others.
  3. It is advisable to avoid contact with people who suffer from pneumonia, bronchitis and other diseases of the respiratory system.
  4. Prevention of cough includes mandatory strengthening of immunity, which means daily intake of the necessary amount of vitamins and other nutrients.

Chronic cough

The human body has many ways to protect itself from adverse environmental manifestations. One of these protective reflexes is a cough. This is a kind of signal that in the body unfavorable phenomena occur. Many people quite rarely treat a cough with addiction. If there are no strong cuts in the throat and sputum does not separate, then the cough treatment can be carried out by checked home methods or not at all to deal with this problem. And only when rare, but daily bouts of coughing worry for more than 1-2 months, many start to wonder what is its cause and why it does not get any easier. And the reason is that the person has already developed a chronic cough cure which is much more problematic than the usual negative manifestations of coughing. After all, a chronic cough is diagnosed only after the patient can confidently say that it lasts from 8 weeks. And now additional accompanying symptoms of chronic cough have become fatigue, an active causeless urination and inability to retain fluid in oneself, excessive sweating, depletion of the nervous system, nighttime sleep not bringing relief. And the cause of all negative manifestations is a chronic cough.

Causes of chronic cough

  • Syndrome of postnal perforation associated with the course of the patient's allergy, a cold, rhinitis with a possible transition to sinusitis. In some cases, patients have a runny nose and excessive laryngeal swelling with mucous secretions. Chronic cough is quite frequent, but it is the main symptom of ongoing diseases.
  • Asthma - almost always accompanied by characteristic wheezing, and in patients quite often there is shortness of breath. In most cases, a chronic cough weakens when the season changes and the humidity changes, or the irritating odor disappears. For adults, it is the second item on "popularity but for children it plays a major role in the emergence of chronic cough.
  • Reflux - the acid content of the stomach enters the esophagus and serves the development of infection. In this case, there is a constant sour taste in the mouth and a periodic uncaused heartburn, most often manifested after eating.
  • Drugs cause a dry and nasal attack of chronic cough. Basically, the cause of cough are drugs prescribed for patients with high blood pressure. The transition from one medicine to another will change the situation in a positive way. Within a couple of weeks, the cough disappears without a trace, but only if the drug is completely suitable for the patient.
  • Diseases of the lungs, caused by even a simple cold and infection of the contents of the lungs, can last more than 8-10 weeks. Accompanying signs are heavily inflamed respiratory tract, burning in the nasal sinuses and a copious rhinitis. Even getting rid of the accompanying symptoms does not guarantee that a chronic cough will pass.
  • Lung cancer is accompanied along with a chronic cough by profuse hemoptysis. The most likely development of this disease in smokers.
  • Chronic bronchitis occurs along with a chronic cough, and the release of small particles of thick sputum. Despite everything, in this case, a chronic cough caused a person to be or is a smoker.
  • Poison cough that occurs as a result of a recent illness of the respiratory tract. This is one of many cases in which a chronic cough can disappear without a trace without additional treatment. Although effective treatment can be the use of bromide.
  • Psychogenic cough caused by a psychological disorder. In this case, the chronic cough observed in the patient can last more than 3-4 months. It helps solely to eliminate the blocking situation due to which the cough has developed. It is established after consultation with a psychiatrist. In this case, the usual antitussive drugs do not help, and only the complex treatment of the problem is needed. This type of chronic cough is observed in children and adolescents, and for adults it is almost not typical.
  • Bronchogenic carcinoma, one of the causes of causing chronic cough. Adhering to patients who have many years of cumulative experience. In this case, there may be a tumor in the bronchi or lungs

In order to properly diagnose the cause of chronic cough, ENTs work by exclusion. After examining the concomitant symptoms and excluding each and every sign, they diagnose the true cause that served as the basis for a chronic cough. Chronic cough, which lasts for more than 8 weeks, needs to be identified and examined using computed tomography, and also using lung radiography. In the absence of any pulmonary pathology, you can cure a chronic cough with simple and accessible means. In the presence of allergic pathology, appropriate functional tests are conducted to identify the cause of the pathology. Conducting spirometry or bodipletizmografiyu, you can appoint the necessary therapy, after the course of which the allergic cough that has passed into the chronic, disappears. If you suspect a gastroenterological pathology that promotes the development of chronic cough, you need fibrogastroscopy. A study is being carried out not only the esophagus, but also the duodenum with the stomach. Almost always, it is carried out under anesthesia. Regardless of which examination will be carried out, consultation with an ENT specialist is necessary to exclude various pathological causes of chronic cough development.

Chronic cough, must be treated systemically and under the supervision of a specialist. This problem should not be postponed "in the long box" otherwise its consequences will not be comforting. Human health is above all, so it must be valued and protected by any means.

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