Badger fat application for children coughing

Coughing with badger fat

Among the anti-cold medications used in folk medicine, it is worth highlighting badger fat. This natural remedy is used in the preparation of certain medicines, both folk and official medicine. Badger fat is used when coughing due to its composition, which gives this natural product a lot of healing properties.

How does badger fat work on the body?

The use of badger oil for cough is recommended for light and severe forms of colds not only for adults but also for children. It contains micro- and macronutrients, a large number of vitamins, which strengthen immunity. In diseases accompanied by a severe cough - bronchial asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, the patient is prescribed a remedy for internal and external use.

Getting into the patient's body, this product removes the inflammatory process, improving a person's condition. On the mucous membranes of the bronchi, the substance has a softening effect, there are cases when using this tool it was possible to get rid of coughing to inveterate smokers.

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To get rid of cough with bronchitis and pneumonia, treatment lasts at least a month, then you should endure a break in two weeks, and again repeat the monthly course of treatment.

Treatment of cough

Badger fat has long been considered a unique healing product from cough, which has a powerful therapeutic and preventive effect on the body. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that the product is a panacea for almost all diseases, while not having a harmful effect on the body.

To start treatment better with a 3-time reception on a spoon before eating, children should not exceed ½ tsp. Carry out the treatment for two weeks, after which, as a rule, the illness passes.

It is important to know that you need to consume fat only on an empty stomach, because otherwise it will dissolve in food, and not getting into the blood.

With bronchitis, the benefits of therapy with the use of folk remedies can be obtained by rubbing fat in the chest. Such actions are an additional method of therapy with the consumption of fat inside. Take exactly the same way as when treating a cough during a cold.

If timely treatment with badger fat, it will be effective and with such a serious disease as tuberculosis. A well-known simple recipe for the preparation of effective tinctures from tuberculosis. To obtain the medicinal product, you need to take the following products:

  • 1 tbsp. crushed aloe leaves;
  • , st.l. badger's fat;
  • 1 liter. cognac;
  • , l. cocoa.

Mix everything, the prepared preparation is taken on a spoon on an empty stomach. Such treatment is aimed at the renewal of lung cells, which contributes to the complete cure of tuberculosis. This folk method is rather used as an additional therapy to the basic treatment.

Features of cough treatment in children

Badger fat when coughing in children under 3 years of age can only be used for grinding.Using it inside can cause serious allergic reactions, because the baby's liver is not yet capable of splitting the product into compound enzymes.

The medicine rubs the back, chest and feet for children under 3 years old, after which it is necessary to put on warm pajamas, cover and put them to bed. Older children mix it with honey for ingestion. Such actions will not only improve the taste qualities of the remedy, but also enhance its curative effect on the weakened organism. When treating children, it is important not to exceed the dosage: 1 tsp. three times a day for 5 days. For the treatment of children, you can use this tool: warm the glass of milk, put a spoonful of honey and ½ tsp. badger's fat, drink at a time. Such a drink is pleasant enough to taste, and cough in this way can be cured in a short time.

Also in folk medicine is widely used in the common cold badger fat. If this symptom of a cold occurs, the fat should be applied to the bridge of the nose, and a napkin should be placed on top. It is better to spend the therapy for the night, and in the morning to thoroughly wash the skin. The use of badger fat is characterized by its contraindications, it is categorically forbidden take people with an individual intolerance to the product, with liver, stomach, bile excretory diseases ways.

Badger fat from coughing. Badger fat treatment - recipes

Since ancient times, when there were no antibiotics and other strong medicines, for getting rid of various diseases people have learned to use the fat of wild animals, including badger. It has a mass of medicinal properties. The remedy is effective both for disease prevention and for treating various ailments. Badger fat from cough helps best. Its price is low (120 - 180 rubles.), So everyone can afford to purchase this unique tool.

Composition and properties

The composition of badger fat is unique. It contains mono- and polyunsaturated acids, such as oleic, linoleic and linolenic acids. In the organization of correct metabolism, these compounds participate, and cholesterol, useful for the body, is formed from linoleic and linolenic acids. They also reduce inflammation and help improve tissue nutrition.

In addition to unsaturated fatty acids, the composition of the substance under consideration contains vitamin A and B vitamins. Also fat is rich in mineral compounds. Vitamin A helps slow down the aging process, improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails. He also hinders the development of cancer. Thanks to vitamins of group B the organism is filled with energy, metabolic processes are improving. Having such a composition, badger fat will strengthen immunity, prevent the development of atherosclerosis, relieve inflammation and generally improve the body.

Indications for use

The agent in question can be used for medicinal purposes in a number of diseases. Excellent badger fat helps cough, so it is used primarily for the treatment of respiratory system. This product helps to treat such ailments:

1. Pharyngitis.

2. Laryngitis.

3. Bronchitis.

4. Pneumonia.

5. Bronchial asthma.

6. Tuberculosis, etc.

Badger fat also has a positive effect in the treatment of viral diseases, such as ARVI, ARI and influenza. As an addition to the main treatment, the agent is also used in cardiovascular diseases, including atherosclerosis, thrombosis, ischemic heart disease, etc.

The medicinal product will energize the body, exhausted by a serious illness, and also help to restore strength sooner after a surgical operation. In addition, badger fat is used to treat stomach and duodenal ulcers. A good result is the application of this tool in cosmetology. The badger fat is treated with diseases of the genitourinary tract, the musculoskeletal system, and also it is used for intoxication of the body.

How to choose?

Harvesting badger fat should be done according to certain rules in order to preserve all its useful properties. You can buy it in pharmacies or directly from hunters. Before buying, you need to evaluate its appearance. The present badger fat will be white or yellowish, with a characteristic aroma. Being subjected to heat treatment, it acquires a bright poisonous-yellow shade and a sharp smell. This fat is not worth buying, because at best it will not bring any effect due to the lack of useful qualities, and at worst can even cause poisoning. Choosing the drug in the pharmacy, you should carefully study its composition. It should have a minimum number of components. If the composition abounds in different obscure terms, then, most likely, this drug does not contain anything useful. In order not to get a fake (for example, dog or pork fat), it is worth to read a copy of the veterinary certificate, which should be available in every pharmacy.

Contraindications and side effects

Like any medicine, badger fat has its contraindications. A direct ban on its oral use is the children's age of up to 1 year, as well as exacerbation of chronic liver, gallbladder and pancreatic diseases.

Outer (with caution), this remedy can be used in the treatment of pregnant and lactating women, children under 12 years.

Side effects of badger fat include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. It is also possible to develop allergies, which will require the withdrawal of funds and treatment with antihistamines.

Before using badger fat, especially for children, a doctor's consultation is mandatory.

Storage conditions

Keep badger fat in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator at a temperature of 0 to +5 degrees. In such conditions, its shelf life is extended to two years. However, it is necessary to check its appearance and aroma before each reception. When there is a putrefactive odor or a bitter taste, you should not use the drug to not get food poisoning.

Healing product for the youngest

Badger fat is used as an additional agent in treating children from acute respiratory infections. Frequent complications of ARVI are bronchitis, pneumonia and other diseases of the respiratory system. Badger fat from cough is very effective. Children with immunocompromised, often infected with viral infections, the drug is recommended as an immunostimulant. In this case, to achieve a positive effect, it should be used up to one month.

This product is available in liquid form and in capsules. Most often, it is more convenient for children to give capsules, since not every child will agree to drink a specific taste of the medicine.

Depending on the age, the dosage of badger fat is determined. Children under 12 years of age should be given a small amount. In this case, you can track how the child's body reacts to it. In the future, you can give half a teaspoon to three times a day.

Use externally

Since badger oil from cough is an effective remedy, it can also be used for grinding. Especially this method is good for children, who by virtue of their age can not use this product inside. Badger fat massages the back, chest and feet of the child. The treatment area is better supplied with blood, which gives a warming effect. Before the first rubbing it is necessary to put a little badger oil on the skin. This is done to see if there is an allergic reaction. Do not rub at high temperature, and also at the very beginning of the disease. This will lead to an intensification of the inflammatory process. The agent is applied only to a small area of ​​the skin.

It is worth considering that badger fat is not a medicine. It is a biologically active additive that can be used as a preventive agent.

Methods for treating cough

Badger fat possesses powerful anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. The use of this drug for coughing gives good results. There are many recipes for badger fat. Depending on the disease, the agent in question is combined with various components.

Treatment of badger fat from cough can be done using a universal Tibetan prescription. The mixture can be ingested or applied to the skin. For its preparation, the following components are required:

- To 100 g. Badger fat, honey and cocoa.

- To 50 g. aloe and butter.

- Bee Propolis and Mummy Extract (1 and 2 g. respectively).

- 1 hour. l. 94% alcohol.


Inside: 1 tbsp. mix in a glass of hot milk. Eat 1 hour before meals, 2 to 4 times a day.

Outer: a certain amount of the composition mixed with vodka in the proportion:. Razirat at night 1 time per day.

Also badger oil from dry cough, causing pain in the throat and lungs, is effective. Cure it will help "a cocktail which includes 1 glass of hot milk and 1 tbsp of the drug under consideration. Drink it in small sips before eating. After receiving this remedy, sputum begins to depart. Symptoms of the disease go through 3-4 days.

Badger fat from cough caused by infectious or viral diseases, including pulmonary tuberculosis, helps to cope faster with the disease. To do this, you must use the mixture of the drug in question with medical alcohol, honey, aloe juice and lemon. To prepare the composition, you need 100 grams of each component, which must be mixed well and stored in a refrigerator in a glass tightly closed container. You need to use such a remedy half an hour before meals in the amount of one tablespoon, slowly dissolving.

A severe cold is often accompanied by high fever and inflammatory processes in the lower respiratory tract. In this case, the badger fat from coughing will be effective. The recipe for preparing a remedy is not that difficult. He has known many from childhood. You need a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of fat to dissolve in a glass of hot milk. The resulting solution is better to drink at night to sweat well.


Badger fat is a very valuable product, it helps in the treatment of many diseases. However, we must not forget that this is a popular tool. Use it is only as a supplement to the basic treatment, in no case replacing them with traditional medicines that the doctor appointed.

Badger fat - an application for coughing

Badger fat has long been considered a valuable therapeutic product and is still used in both traditional and folk medicine. It contains a huge number of different vitamins, minerals, other nutrients, including a large amount of vitamin A, B vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids. Badger fat is widely used for coughing, bronchitis, asthma, stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcer guts, arthritis, atherosclerosis, rheumatism, joint diseases, burns, frostbite and other diseases.

Useful properties and contraindications

Badger fat has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties, promotes the acceleration of protein exchange in the body, enhance immunity, increase hemoglobin, normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

The therapeutic effect of badger fat directly depends on the concentration of various nutrients in it, therefore, use the fat of the animal extracted at the end of autumn, just before the beginning of hibernation, when the concentration of biological active substances is maximal. Fat badger, mined in an earlier period of time (spring-summer), has much less healing properties. Badger fat is used to treat a variety of diseases, but most commonly its use as a cough remedy, regardless of the causes of the latter. Badger fat helps both from a cough caused by a cold, and with bronchitis, tracheitis and even a smoker's cough.

Contraindications to the use of this drug are individual intolerance, diseases of the liver, gall bladder, pancreas, early childhood. Limitations (except for allergies) apply only to taking badger fat inside. But for grinding it can be used by everyone, except those who have an allergy.

Coughing with badger fat

Rinse with badger fat when coughing

Since in its pure form the drug is not too pleasant to taste, and its intake is not recommended children under 6 years, it is often used externally as rubbing, which gives and warming Effect. Stretch the chest or back of the patient in a restricted area, at the stage of recovery. When the disease is in the initial stage, such rubbing can increase inflammation, in addition, the warming effect can further increase the temperature.

Badger fat with dry cough

Adults are recommended to take one tablespoon of the drug three times a day, half an hour before meals for two weeks. When there are signs of improvement, fat intake is reduced to two times a day.

Badger fat in bronchitis

In this case, the fat is taken orally and is used topically for grinding. Adults take 2 teaspoons, and children - 1 teaspoon three times a day before meals. In acute bronchitis course is limited to two weeks, and in chronic after the first weeks the frequency of taking the drug is reduced to two times a day and drink it for another month and a half. Since the taste of the product is quite unpleasant, it is possible to prepare chocolate oil for children based on it, consisting of badger oil (8 teaspoons), butter (100 grams), cocoa powder (5 teaspoons) and

chocolate (100 grams).

Instructions for the use of badger fat from a cough is relatively simple. The drug can be taken in its pure form, with a decoction of rosehip or St. John's wort or warm milk with honey. The main rule - badger fat should be taken only on an empty stomach, at least half an hour before a meal, otherwise it will not be absorbed into the blood in the right way and will not have the desired therapeutic effect.

And, as with any product of animal origin, when buying badger fat, you should not take risks. If you are not sure about the quality of the product, it is best to buy it in a pharmacy in capsules or in vials.

How to treat a cough with badger fat

Badger fat contains saturated fatty acids, vitamin A, the whole group of vitamins B, which allows it to be used for the treatment of respiratory diseases. With the help of internal and external application of fat, you can cure not only cough caused by colds diseases, bronchitis, but also successfully use it to treat focal lung lesions caused by tuberculosis.

You will need

  1. - Badger fat;
  2. - honey;
  3. - the pulp of aloe;
  4. - a lemon;
  5. - medical alcohol;
  6. - milk;
  7. - hot water.


  1. Take badger fat, only purchased in the pharmacy chain. It has undergone the necessary processing and verification, therefore it is completely safe to use. Do not buy badger fat in the markets, since it is never known how it is cooked, and no one has tested it in the laboratory.
  2. For internal use of fat, add 2 teaspoons to hot milk. Fat helps to soften the drycoughand withdraw the phlegm. If you dislike the taste of fat, add 2 teaspoons of honey to the milk. This way of use will greatly enhance the action. Do not use honey if you have allergic reactions to bee products.
  3. Give the children badger fat from 3 years. Children from one year old and adults with a cough can be rubbed fat in the back, chest and feet. For the procedure, melt the fat in a water bath and in a warm form rub the resulting emulsion into the chest and back to the child or adult.
  4. To enhance the effect, you can add honey to the fat. This method of use helps to quickly cope with even the most severe cough and cold. The best effect is achieved with external and internal use of badger fat.
  5. If you do not carry milk, then you can use badger fat with hot tea or water. To do this, eat 2 teaspoons of fat and drink with hot tea, you can make tea with sugar, honey or with jam.
  6. Based on badger fat, you can prepare a curative composition that will help to quickly curecough, will ease the symptoms of tuberculosis and emphysema. For its preparation, you need 100 g of badger fat, 100 g of honey, 100 g of medical alcohol, 100 g of aloe juice with pulp and 100 g of twisted lemon with skin. Mix all the ingredients, put on the day in the refrigerator, take 1 dessert spoon 4 times a day for 30 minutes before eating. With a common cold, the course of treatment should be 15 days, with persistent cough caused by bronchitis continue to take within 1 month. With tuberculosis and emphysema, take the system regularly with interruptions in one week.
  7. For ease of use, badger fat is available in the form of capsules. Carefully read the annotation and apply the drug according to the instructions. There are no general recommendations, since the fat content in the capsules can be different.
  8. If you have liver problems before using badger fat, get a doctor's recommendation.

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